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Applied Economics Letters, 2001, 8, 155± 158

Seasonality in Southeast Asian stock

markets: some new evidence on day-of-the-
week eVects
C H R I S B R O O K S * and G I T A P E R S A N D
ISMA Centre, The University of Reading, Whiteknights, Reading, UK

Received 2 February 1999

This paper examines the evidence for a day-of-the-week eŒect in ® ve Southeast Asian
stock markets: South Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Thailand. Find-
ings indicate signi® cant seasonality for three of the ® ve markets. Market risk, prox-
ied by the return on the FTA World Price Index, is not su cient to explain this
calendar anomaly. Although an extension of the risk-return equation to incorporate
interactive seasonal dummy variables can explain some signi® cant day-of-the-week
eŒects, market risk alone appears insu cient to characterize this phenomenon.

I. INTRODUCTION sell at the close on Friday and to buy at the close on

Thursday in order to take advantage of these eŒects.
Investigation into the existence or otherwise of `calendar However, evidence for the predictability of stock returns
eŒects’ in ® nancial markets has been the subject of a con- does not necessarily imply market e ciency for at least
siderable amount of recent academic research. Calendar two reasons. First, it is likely that the small average
eŒects may be loosely de® ned as the tendency of ® nancial excess returns documented by the above papers would
asset returns to display systematic patterns at certain times not generate net gains when employed in a trading
of the day, week, month, year, or around market closures. strategy once the costs of transacting in the markets has
One of the most important such anomalies is the day-of- been taken into account. Therefore, under many `modern’
the-week eŒect, which results in average returns being de® nitions of market e ciency (e.g. Jensen, 1978), these
signi® cantly higher on some days of the week than others. models would not be classi® ed as ine cient. Second, the
Studies by French (1980), Gibbons and Hess (1981) and apparent diŒerences in returns on diŒerent days of the
Keim and Stambaugh (1984), for example, have found that week may be attributable to time-varying stock market
the average market close-to-close return in the USA is risk premiums. Thus it is important that researchers appro-
signi® cantly negative on Monday and signi® cantly positive priately account for risk when considering the extent of
on Friday. By contrast, JaŒe and Wester® eld (1985) found calendar anomalies, which forms the motivation for this
that the lowest mean returns for the Japanese and study.
Australian stock markets occur on Tuesdays. The purpose of the present paper is to analyse day-of-
At ® rst glance, these results seem to contradict the the-week eŒects in the context of ® ve Southeast Asian
e cient markets hypothesis, since the existence of emerging markets in order to draw comparisons with the
calendar anomalies might be taken to imply that investors extant literature which employs data from developed mar-
could develop trading strategies which make abnormal kets. The paper then extends recent empirical work to con-
pro® ts on the basis of such patterns. For example, holding sider whether any observed anomalies can be explained by
all other factors constant, equity purchasers may wish to reference to market risk in a CAPM-type framework, and

* Corresponding author. E-mail:

Applied Economics Letters ISSN 1350± 4851 print/ISSN 1466± 4291 online # 2001 Taylor & Francis Ltd 155
156 C. Brooks and G. Persand
in particular, how the risk varies through the week. The X
remainder of the paper develops as follows. Section II out- Rit ˆ ¬i ‡ ­ i RME t ‡ ®y D it ‡ "it …2†
lines the data and empirical methodology employed.
Section III presents the empirical results, while Section where all terminology is as for Equation 1, and in addition,
IV concludes. RME t is the return on the market portfolio, given by the
return on the FTA World Index, which is used as a proxy
for market risk. Dity are the seasonal dummy variables. If
these dummy variables are insigni® cant where they were
previously signi® cant for Equation 1, we can say that the
seasonality is in the risk-return relationship. However, if
Stock Indices were obtained from Datastream on a daily
they are still signi® cant, then other risk factors should be
close-to-close basis for all weekdays (Monday to Friday)
falling in the period 31 December 1989 to 19 January 1996
However, Equation 2 does not consider risk variation on
(a total of 1581 observations), for the following countries,
any particular day, but rather it only gives the variation in
together with the FTA World Price Index: mean returns on each day. In particular, the equation
South Korea: South Korea Stock Exchange Composite forces the risk-return relationship to be constant over all
Price Index days of the week. Hence, in order to look at how risk varies
Malaysia: Kuala Lumpur Composite Price Index across the days of the week, interactive dummy variables
Thailand: Bangkok Stock Exchange Price Index (seasonal dummy variables multiplied by the return on
Taiwan: Taiwan Weighted Price Index FTA World Index) are used to determine whether risk
Philippine: Philippines Stock Exchange Composite increases (decreases) on the day of high (low) returns.
Price Index The risk equation can be written:
5 X
For each index, a series of daily, continuously com- Rit ˆ ¬i ‡ ­ iy Dyit ‡ ®iy ‰Dyit RME t Š ‡ "it …3†
pounded log returns are calculated in the usual manner. yˆ1 yˆ1
The return on the market index is regressed (separately In this way, when considering the eŒect of market risk on
for each country) on 5 dummy variables, representing each seasonality, we are allowing for risk to vary across the days
day of the week (Monday to Friday), to test for the diŒer- of the week.
ence in the mean rates of return across the days of the
Rt ˆ ¬1 D1t ‡ ¬2 D2t ‡ ¬3 D3t ‡ ¬4 D4t ‡ ¬5 D5t ‡ "t …1†
Table 1 gives the results for estimation of Equation 1, that
where, Rt is the log return of the market index, D 1t , is the average returns on each day of the week. The main
D2t ; . . . ; D 5t are the dummy variables representing features are as follows. Neither South Korea nor the
Monday, Tuesday; . . . ; Friday respectively (so that Philippines have signi® cant calendar eŒects;2 both
D1t ˆ 1 if day t is a Monday, zero otherwise and so on), Thailand and Malaysia have signi® cant positive Monday
"t is an iid error term. ¬ to ¬5 represent the mean returns average returns and signi® cant negative Tuesday returns;
for Monday through Friday. 1 Taiwan has a signi® cant Wednesday eŒect. The eŒects of
Although signi® cant coe cients in Equation 1 will sup- incorporating the daily seasonal dummies into the empiri-
port the hypothesis of seasonality in returns, it is important cal market model given by Equation 2, are presented in
to note that risk factors are not taken into account. The Table 2. It is evident that the incorporation of the risk-
possibility that the market can be more/less risky on certain proxy in an additive fashion is insu cient to explain the
days must be allowed for. Hence, low (high) signi® cant day-to-day variation in average returns. In fact, any signif-
returns in Equation 1 might be explained by low (high) icant day-of-the week-eŒects noted from Table 1 still
risk. We thus test for seasonality using the empirical mar- remain after the incorporation of the risk factor, apart
ket model, whereby the market risk is proxied by the return from the negative Tuesday returns in Thailand. It is inter-
on the FTA World Price Index. The market model is given esting to note that the market betas for all three countries
by the following equation, estimated separately for each are considerably less than unity, although all are signi® cant
country I: in their respective regression equations.

In order to allow for the possible presence of heteroscedasticity and serial correlation in the "t ’s, the t-statistics in all subsequent analysis are computed
using robust standard errors following Newey and West (1987) and White (1980). Parzen weights are used and the window size is speci® ed as one third of
the available data.
South Korea and the Philippines are therefore excluded from subsequent analysis, since there are no signi® cant calendar anomalies to explain.
Seasonality in Southeast Asian stock markets 157
Table 1. Values and signi® cances of days of the week

South Korea Thailand Malaysia Taiwan Philippines

Monday 0.49E-3 0.00322 0.00185 0.56E-3 0.00119

(0.6740) (3.9804)** (2.9304)** (0.4321) (1.4369)
Tuesday 70.45E-3 70.00179 70.00175 0.00104 70.97E-4
(70.3692) (71.6834) 72.1258)** (0.5955) (70.0916)
Wednesday 70.37E-3 70.001 60 0.31E-3 70.002 64 70.49E-3
(70.5005 (71.5912) (0.4786) (72.107)** (70.5637)
Thursday 0.40E-3 0.00100 0.00159 70.00159 0.92E-3
(0.5468) (1.3709) (2.2886)** (71.2724) (0.8908)
Friday 70.31E-3 0.52E-3 0.40E-4 0.43E-3 0.00151
(70.3998) (0.5036) (0.536) (0.3123) (1.7123)

Notes: Coe cients for Equation 1 are given in each cell followed by t-ratios in parentheses; * and **
signi® cance at the 5% and 1% levels respectively.

Table 3 gives the results derived from estimation of

Table 2. Day of the week eVects with the inclusion of a market risk Equation 3. As can be seen, a signi® cant Monday eŒects
in the Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur stock exchanges, and a
Thailand Malaysia Taiwan signi® cant Thursday eŒect in the latter, remain even after
the inclusion of the slope dummy variables which allow
Monday 0.00321 0.00185 0.54E-3
(3.8392)** (3.1959)** (0.8038) risk to vary across the week, although the t-ratios fall
Tuesday 70.00132 70.00134 0.0014 slightly in absolute value, indicating that the day-of-the-
(71.2246) (71.8567) (1.1890) week eŒects become slightly less pronounced. The signi® -
Wednesday 70.00164 0.222E-3 70.00263 cant negative average return for the Taiwanese stock
(71.3030) (0.5679) (73.0044)**
Thursday 0.00105 0.00157 70.00167 exchange, however, completely disappears. It is also clear
(1.1232) (2.3739)* (70.9300) that average risk levels vary across the days of the week.
Friday 0.11E-3 70.36E-3 0.80E-4 For example, the betas for the Bangkok stock exchange
(0.1748) 70.9136) (0.0675)
vary from a low of 0.36 on Monday to a high of over
RME 0.75046 0.7718 0.6730
(2.9709)** (6.1580)** (2.3851)* unity on Tuesday. This illustrates that not only is there a
signi® cant positive Monday eŒect in this market, but also
Notes: As table 1. that the responsiveness of Bangkok market movements to
changes in the value of the general world stock market is
considerably lower on this day than on other days of the
Table 3. Day of the week eVects with the inclusion of interactive
dummy variables with the risk proxy

Thailand Malaysia Taiwan IV. CONCLUSIONS

Monday 0.00322 0.00185 0.544E-3
(3.3571)** (2.8025)** (0.3945) This paper has investigated the presence of day-of-the-
Tuesday 70.00114 70.00122 0.00140 week eŒects in ® ve Southeast Asian stock markets during
(71.1545) (71.8172) (1.0163) the 1990s. Two of the stock return series, those of South
Wednesday 70.00164 0.25E-3 70.00263
(71.6929) (0.3711) (71.9188) Korea and the Philippines, did not show any signi® cant
Thursday 0.00104 0.00157 70.00166 evidence for the presence of this calendar anomaly. The
(1.0913) (2.3515)* (71.2116) other three markets had at least one day of the week
Friday 0.31E-4 70.3752 70.13E-3
when the average return was signi® cantly positive or sig-
(0.03214) (70.5680) (70.0976)
Beta-Monday 0.3573 0.5494 0.6330 ni® cantly negative. Very little of this can be accounted for
(2.1987)* (4.9284)** (2.7464) by reference to market risk, as captured by the world stock
Beta-Tuesday 1.0254 0.9822 0.6572 price index. When the assumption that the risk of each
(8.0035)** (11.2708) (3.7078)**
Beta-Wednesday 0.6040 0.5753 0.3444
market is constant throughout the week with respect to
(3.7147)** (5.1870) (1.4856) the world market is relaxed, some of the remaining day-
Beta-Thursday 0.6662 0.8163 0.6055 of-the-week eŒects can be explained. However, some sig-
(3.9313)** (6.9846)** (2.5146)* ni® cant calendar anomalies remain. It is possible that these
Beta-Friday 0.9124 0.8059 1.0906
(5.89301)** (7.4493)** (4.9294)**
may be rationalized by reference to missing risk factors,
such as unanticipated in¯ ation, or unanticipated changes
158 C. Brooks and G. Persand
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