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An Assignment

Summary of Writing Strategies of News Articles in
Newspapers about Research

Course Title: Information Gathering and News Writing

Course No: MCJ-2103

Submitted To:
Shariful Islam
Assistant Professor
Mass Communication and
Khulna University
Submitted By:
Papry khanom ID:212617
1 st year, 2 nd term
Mass Communication and Journalism
Khulna University, Khulna

Date of Submission: 22 January, 2023

Newspaper is the mirror of our society. Newspaper can create awareness among the people
and update with the current situation going on. Clear, balanced and accurate representation of
scientific research in news media is important. Media both shape and reflect public opinion.
The public receive a significant amount of their information from the media.
In our country almost every newspaper publishes new articles about significant research in
time which is related to economics, politics, health, education, sports, sciences etc. In
addition the news papers also publishes news about the research activities of different
research organizations and universities like Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Bangladesh
Standard and Testing Institute, Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, Dhaka University, Khulna
University etc. In addition they publish news about pleserism in research filed, problems and
prospect of research field, controversy in research areas etc.
For the present summarization I have reviewed some articles about research related news in
some renowned Bangladeshi newspapers such as The Dily Prothom Alo, The Daily Jugantor,
BBC Bangla, online news portal, The Daily Bonik Barta etc. In short I
founded that all the newspapers publish news of research results of most important and health
related topics that should be people aware of mostly or people have sensation and attention
on the topic. Recently Covid-19 related research results were published in most of the times
in the frontline newspapers. As Covid-19 was the greatest health threat to the mankind,
people were very sensitive about the research foundlings of Covid-19 related research.
Almost the whole world was under the grief of this pandemic from 2020 to 2022 which a
long period to fight against the pandemic situation because of the unavailability of vaccine in
the earlier stage of infection.

The news reports were different in length but all the reports presented the final outcomes of
the research. A report entitled "Corona's infallible drug Remdesivir! Experiments on
monkeys yielded results”published on June 10, 2020 in the Daily Shongbad Protidin. The
reporter cited the name of the scientific journal where it was published first. The reporter also
wrote the name of the publisher organization. But no special quotation from any related
physician was cited in this report. An overall reaction of the physicians was noticed in the
report. The report were very short in length.

A report entitled "Cats can spread corona virus: Reaserch” published on May 18, 2020 in
the Daily Jugantor. The reporter cited the name of the scientific journal where it was
published first. This report was also short. Here the name of the researchers was reported.

Here a quotation from one of the researchers was used. Here the reporter reported the
viewpoint WHO experts also.the reporter shortly describe the method of the study.

Another report entitled “Groundbreaking wheat gene discovery could provide food for a
warming world” ” published on November 10, 2020 in the Daily Prothom Alo. It was a long
report. The reporter gave a problem statement at first here. The name of the research
organization was reported here but not the research persons.The reporter discussed how the
research will benefit the mankind. Here some explanations of a scientist named “Moor” were

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