Pretest Q2 Eng 8

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English 8

Name: ____________________________________________________ Section: ____________________

A. Examine the sentences below. Identify the appropriate transition signal for each statement. Write the letter of the correct
choice in the space provided before each number.
_____1. Walking can make people become more aware of their surroundings, _____ the cleanliness of the
environment, and the friendliness of the neighborhood.
A. consequently B. despite C. unfortunately D. such as
_____2. Residents complain bitterly about the trash thrown anywhere, _____ these same people are the ones doing it.
A. although B. and C. moreover D. yet
_____3. Some city folks choose to live on a farmland; _____, they have to adjust to its slow pace, quietness, and the
absence of cable and Internet connectivity.
A. because B. consequently C. despite D. such as
_____4. Teleconferencing is widely used nowadays to establish communication among those who are in the work
from home modality; _____, this allows the participants to hear or see each other in a meeting.
A. after B. although C. during D. moreover
_____5. _____ most people are concerned about COVID-19, they hope for a vaccine.
A. Because B. Still C. As a result D. Even though
B. Choose the letter that correctly identifies how the underlined transition in each of the following sentences is used.
_____6. A water main downtown broke this morning, hence several businesses had no water for hours.
a. additive b. adversative c. sequential d. causal
_____7. Running can make people more aware of their physical surroundings, such as the scent of honeysuckle or the
changing moods of the trees.
a. additive b. adversative c. sequential d. causal
_____8. The lazy checkout clerk forced the six-pack of cola into the bottom of the bag, tearing it. Then she shrugged
and said, “I guess you’ll have to carry the bag from the bottom.”
a. additive b. adversative c. sequential d. causal
_____9. Larry will probably be a late bloomer socially, likewise his older brothers.
a. additive b. adversative c. sequential d. causal
_____10. Residents complain bitterly about holes in the streets and messy trash pick-up, yet these same people resist
paying higher taxes for the improvement of these services.
a. additive b. adversative c. sequential d. causal
C. Identify the graphical representation being defined or described. Choose from the box below.

Linear Texts Flowchart Map Pie chart

Bar Graph Table Diagram Captioned graphics
Pictogram Non Linear Texts Line graph Persuasive Texts

____________________11. They are texts that don’t need to be read from beginning to end. They are also known as
visual elements, infographics, and textual aids.
____________________12. A _______ shows the sequence of movements or actions of people or things involved in
a complex system or activity.
____________________13. A chart that shows a whole divided into parts.
____________________14. These show numbers that are independent of each other which are represented by bars.
____________________15. A ________, also called a matrix, is an orderly arrangement of quantitative data in
columns and rows.
____________________16. A _______ uses pictures to represent a particular number of items.
____________________17. A _________ shows you how numbers have changed over time. They are used when you
have data that is connected, and to show trends, i.e. average night time temperature in
each month of the year.
____________________18. A ________ shows you how a whole is divided into different parts. You might, for
example, want to show how a budget had been spent on different items in a particular
____________________19. A _______ is a collection of data showing the spatial arrangement or distribution of
something over an area.
____________________20. _______ provide a title, short explanation, or a description accompanying an illustration
or a photograph.
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D. Encircle the OPINION Markers in the statements below.

21. Personally, I think this doughnut is better than the store-bought ones.
22. It is claimed that drinking coffee is good for you.
23. In my experience, exercising daily does wonders for your health.
24. I might be wrong but didn't you just ask him about that a while ago?
25. I am convinced that eating too many processed food isn’t good for your health.
E. Identify whether each statement is a FACT or an OPINION.
____________ 26. Corazon Aquino was the first female president of the Philippines.
____________ 27. Pizza with pineapples is delicious, in my case.
____________ 28. Mars, the fourth planet from the Sun, is the second smallest planet in the solar system.
____________ 29. Water regulates the Earth’s temperature.
____________ 30. Going to the beach is the best form of vacation.

F. Identify the GENRE of viewing materials being defined below. (Movie Trailers, Internet-Based Programs,
Documentaries, News Flash, Weather Report)
____________________31. movies/television programs that provide factual record of report on various issues
____________________32. short clips of movies or any short videos used in advertising them in advance
____________________33. an item of important news that is separately broadcasted and often interrupts programs
____________________34. online learning videos, activities or programs which can be assessed through the Internet
____________________35. a subprogram that tells and foretells weather conditions

G. Read each sentence carefully. Identify whether the statements is COMPARE or CONTRAST ideas. Then underline the
compare and contrast markers used in each statement. (2 points each)

____________________36. He came to the party despite the fact that he had just arrived from a weekend’s work.
____________________37. Your work looked similar to hers.
____________________38. On the contrary, she passed her activities earlier when she was sick.
____________________39. She is studious unlike her friends who seldom do their assignments.
____________________40. Both speakers in the debate showed wisdom.

H. Analyze the data presented below and answer the following questions.

41. What is the title of the charts?

42-43. What kind of visual verbal presentations were used?
___________________________and ____________________
44. Which Grade has the highest number of students?
45. What was the percentage of Grade 8 Math Class under Grade D?

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