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This paper explains about the world’s safest bank for the persons who holds high amount of

black money and a person who needs more protection on their money. Instead of this

information,everyone should know the bank name called “Swiss Bank”.The presenter of this

slides should be explained about the reasons and features of the bank why the rich people put

down their money in the bank and what are the features by MS Powerpoint slide. The

presenter will also conclude the disadvantages of the bank. As per Swiss banking law of

1934, the account holders name should not be disclose to any one. It is similar like doctors

and lawyers make their clients information to be confidential, Instead of this reason the Swiss

bank accounts so popular with their clients all over the world.

Surprisingly, opening a Swiss bank is not that much different from opening a standard bank

account. You have to fill out forms and provide documentation that proves who you are and

what you do. Swiss bank employ a strict level of security in evaluating official

documentation of your identity the main benefits of swiss banks accounts include low levels

of financial risk and high levels of privacy. They provide low interest rate for the clients

who invest in their banks.

This paper reported how the rich and the person holding bank money or huge cash which

has to be safeguard. This will give you knowledge of how the swiss bank works and how

this peoples use the law for their benefits.

In this digitial world,every single transactions is recorded with the details like the payer

who pays money,receiver of money with their personal information.Every single rupees is

accountable to the country and monitored by them.But there only one country could maintain

the secretacy of account holder and they are no need to pay any for the depositing money.

When this topic in taken , everyone thinks about “Swiss bank”, but it is not a real bank .It

means that the banks in Swizterland are called as Swiss Bank.In this people also thinks it is a

single bank.In India,people think it is a bank for holding black money for High networth

individuals and high positioned people.But the real fact is they are not holding the black

money but also the deposited through norms for the account holders.

Instead of the Swiss banking law of 1934,the banks should not disclose the account holders

information publicly.The Swiss banks are empowered with low financial risk and high

secretacy of their clients information.After this law passed,more number of people who need

to safeguard their money open a bank account in Switzerland Banks .


1. UBS Group AG.

2. Credit Suisse Group AG.
3. Julius Baer.
4. Raiffeisen Switzerland.
5. Zurich Cantonal Bank.
6. Banque cantonale de Genève (BCGE)
7. EFG International.
8. Basler Kantonalbank.

This are the major banks in Switzerland,but there is two banks which circulating the huge

amount of money in the world.

1.UBS Group AG

UBS is a leading company in Switzerland present in all major financial centers

worldwide. UBS has offices in more than 50 countries, with 36% of its

employees working in Switzerland, and it employs about 60,000 people around

the world. UBS provides services to private institutional, corporate clients, and

retail clients in Switzerland with superior financial advice and solutions. In

Switzerland, UBS operates through 280 branches and 4,500 client-facing staff.

The bank reaches 80% of the Swiss wealth and serves one in the three
households. It is the only country where UBS country maintains its leading

position in all of the five business areas that is wealth management, corporate

and institutional banking, retail, assets management, and investment bank

services. The bank net profit to shareholders for 2018 is 4.897 billion dollars in

2018 as compared to its 2017 figure of 969 million dollars. The bank posted a

Profit of 690 Million US dollars during Q4 2018, which is short of expectations.

2.Credit Suisse Bank

Credit Suisse bank founded in 1856, and today bank has a global reach with

operations in more than 50 countries and 46,840 employees from over 170 different

nations. The bank serves through three regionally-focused divisions to its clients

that are, International wealth management, Swiss universal bank, Asia Pacific.

Again this division supported by two subdivisions that are global markets and

investment banking and capital markets. Group posted an annual income of

CHF 3.4 billion, Up 90 % against 2017 and net income to shareholders of CHF
2.1 billion for 2018. A group is one of the most important groups in the world

on which international financial stability depends.

In this case,these two banks maintains around 6.5 trillion value of assets and money in which

it is four times high than their GDP.


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