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Choose the best answers!

1. What is the writing purpose of the text above?

A. To remind someone to be an obedient person.

B. To ask someone to put the books back after reading.
C. To alert someone to follow the school regulation.
D. To make a clear regulation for the all visitors.

The text is for questions number 2-3

2. Where can we find the notice?

A. Inthe drugstore
B. In the office
C. On the road
D. In the school area.

3. “… BULLY FREE SCHOOL ZONE” The word “FREE” means that ….

A. nonice atmosphere
B. no influence to intimidate
C. no protection from danger
D. no strong regulation

The text is for number 4-5

4. What advantage will people get by paying attention to the notice?

A. Theirsmartphones will be safe.
B. Their sticks will touch the hanging objects around.
C. They will take many selfies in that area.
D. They will be obedient visitors.

5. What does the text actually forbid?

A. Using the selfie stick.
B. taking any photo.
C. Usingthe photo camera.
D. Doing any selfies.
The following text is for number 6-7

6. The purpose of writing the text above is….

A. to remind visitors the importance of wearing impolite clothing
B. to ask visitors to wear impolite clothes
C. to ban the guests from wearing impolite outfit
D. to tell visitors to wear inappropriate outfit

7. What will happen if the visitors do not obey the notice? The visitors will be ….
A. permittedto come in
B. well-appreciated
C. forbidden to go in
D. allowed to enter the place

The text is for number 8-9

8. By reading the notice, the readers will … .

A. understand that swimming in the area is allowed
B. get informed about the danger of swimming in the area
C. tell that swimming along the area is prohibited
D. know that the area is dangerous because of its wave

9. What will happen if a visitor swim in the area?He will be …

A. finedby the security
B. prosecuted by the authority
C. taken away by its waveshurt by the corals in the area
D. hurt by the corals in the area

The text is for questions number 10-11

10. By reading the text the readers will ....

A. be forbidden to put the drink inside the fridge
B. take freely the food and the drink inside the fridge
C. put their food there without feeling guilty
D. keep the refrigerator away from children

11. If the readers do not obey the notice they might ....
A. beafraid to put something inside the fridge
B. put chemicals in the refrigerator
C. not know where to get the food and drink
D. put all the food and the drink there

the text is for number 12-13

12. What is the benefit of reading the text?

A. Wecan ask the caretaker to open those places after 6.00. p.m
B. We will not plan doing activities at those places afetr 6.00. p.m
C. We can arrange activities after 6.00 as those places may be empty
D. We will not find people doing certain activities at those places

13. What will happen if you play on the grounds a few minutes before six?
A. Theplay ground will be boring
B. We will be sad
C. The guard will be angry
D. We may be not satisfied

The text is for number 14-15

14. The text is intended to make ....

A. theschool staffs prohibit the visitors to enter the school
B. the school staffs welcome the school visitors
C. the school visitors to bring drugs and weapons
D. the school visitors report their presence in the main office

15. After reading the text, the school visitors will probably... .
A. hand in their drugs and weapons
B. let them identifiable in the main office
C. report their drugs and weapons
D. save the school notice

The text is for number 16-17

16. The text is intended to make the visitors...

A. let their pets lay on the grounds
B. let their pets wander in school
C. keep their pets in the school health centre
D. keep their pets away from school

17. After reading the text, the school visitors will probably...
A. come to school without their pets
B. send their pets away from school
C. keep their pets at the school
D. bring their pets to school
18. What should the readers do after reading the text? They should ….

A. keep an eye of their own kids

B. neglect their children
C. let the kids be unattended
D. allow the children to stay in the vehicle

The text is for questions number 19-20

19. The notice found on a housing complex is addressed to ….

A. children
B. parents
C. residents
D. drivers

20. The notice is written to ….

A. remind people to drive cautiously
B. warn people to be affectionate to their kids
C. allow people to go speeding
D. ask people to take care of their kids

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