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TOPIC 2: Observing Bulletin Board Displays

Try this!

ALL A-BOARD! FLASH FROM THE PAST: Remember the display boards or bulletin boards
of your previous elementary or secondary school (NOTE: Choose only either). Include those
found at the entrance, lobby, hallways and classrooms. What were your most recalled
observations? Give your observation report by answering the questions on the Observation

Observation Guide for BOARD DISPLAYS

How many board Where are the What are the What images and
displays do you see? display boards displays about? colors do you see?
(estimated number) found? Are they in What key messages How are the pieces
places where target do they convey? of information and
viewers can see images arranged?
➢ More or less, we ➢ The 1st bulletin ➢ Announcement ➢ The design and
have 15 bulletin board can be and what are the color of the
boards in our found outside the following activities bulletin depends
elementary principal’s office that we have for on the theme of
school. where in all of the the week. the month. For the
people enter the arrangement of
school can information, the
already see it. school follow the
Also, we have 1 WHAT, WHERE,
bulletin board for WHEN and WHO,
higher grade level so that the
and 1 for lower viewers can easily
grade level it is understand what
located on the is the
lobby of the announcement
building. And we all about.
also have 2
bulletin boards for
each classroom
and it is hanged
on the wall of the

What materials were Do you notice some Are the messages Think about what got
used in making the errors? (misspelled clear and easily your attention. Why
displays? Are borders words, grammar understood? did it get your
used? inconsistencies and attention?
the like)
➢ Yes, there are ➢ There are no ➢ Yes, all of the ➢ Honestly when I
borders and errors in the announcement am looking at a
sometimes they bulletin boards are arranged and bulletin board the
use fabric in because the easily to first thing that I
decorating the teachers always understand. look at is the
bulletin board. double check it decoration, if it is
when they are attractive for the
posting some students so that it
announcement to can get the
avoid errors and attention of the
misunderstanding. students to read
what is in the
bulletin board.

Source: Field Study 1 – Observations of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment (Lucas,2020)

Think ahead!

1. What do you think was the purpose of the board display?

➢ The purpose of this is to post their important announcement and to let the student know a head
of time what are the following school activities.

2. Did the board design reflect the likes/ interests of its target audience? Why? Why not?

➢ Yes, because per year level we also have bulletin board sin our classroom and I remember
during in my grade 1 the theme of our bulletin board is more on sweets and it is colorful to get
the attention of the students.

3. Was the language used clear and simple for the target audience to understand?
Why? Why not?

➢ Yes, the language used is clear and easy to understand so that if the students will read it they
can easily understood what is the announcement all about.

4. Was the board display effective? Why? Why not?

➢ Yes, it is effective for the students because they will be aware ahead of time and they can
prepare for the said activity.

5. What suggestions can you make?

➢ I suggest to give 1 bulletin board for the students to utilize, they are free to post there what
activities do they suggest for the month. It is good to know what are they interested to do so that
we can get idea what possible activities should we do.

Read and Ponder

The bulletin board, also known as the display board, is one of the most readily available
and versatile learning resource. This can be a powerful tool in communicating information
about the learning environment as this helps build and establish the school culture. For
example, a board can become an instrument to orient everyone about the school’s vision-
mission, goals, as well as the values that it upholds.

Display boards are the basic part of the school’s visual environment. These have four
general purposes. A bulletin board designed to offer visual stimulation and appeal to
aesthetics is for decorative purpose. The ones that encourage students to perform better and
have greater confidence is made for motivational purpose. On the other hand, boards that
are used as a strategy to readily disseminate information are prepared for informational
purposes. While the boards that get students to think about and communicate learning are
set up for instructional purposes.
To ensure a successful bulletin board displays, one must be strictly guided with the
following criteria:
✓ effective communication;
✓ attractiveness;
✓ balance;
✓ unity;
✓ interactivity;
✓ legibility;
✓ correctness; and
✓ durability.

See if you can do this!

1. List down five skills that a teacher should possessed to come up with effective board
displays. Explain why each of these skills are needed.
1. Creative – Board display can be dull and boring but as a teacher we must be creative to present
the concepts and content in an interesting way.
2. Passionate – The teachers must be passionate in doing board display, especially in decorating
because we want to ensure that it will be attractive and comprehensive at the same time.
3. Resourceful – Teachers must come up with an effective board display using the available
4. Organizational skills – The teacher must be able to combine, analyze, arrange, and organize the
display's content into a cohesive, significant, and comprehensible shape.
5. Communication - Teachers are aware that words and visual content frequently convey more
effectively together than words alone.

2. Amongst the skills you have listed in item number 1, which do you already have? State
how you practice these skills based from your previous experiences in making board
➢ I think the skills that I already have is being creative and resourceful, in our previous activity at
school we are tasked to make a bulletin bard and in our group we don’t have any printed materials
for decorations and we are so devastated because we are not that prepared but we are able to make
our bulletin board with the materials that are available and I am very proud with my groupmates
because even though we don’t have a lot of materials but with the efforts and teamwork the
outcome is worth it.
3. Which skills do you still need to develop? How do you think can these skills be improved
or acquired?

➢ The organizational skills, because I don’t really know how to combine all the content the only
thing that I do is to try to post it then look if it is appropriate in that place and if not, I just move
it to other corner and try to find its best place to look good. Practice is the key to improved these
skills and try to think out of the box and explore to acquire new learning.

BOARD and not BORED your would-be learners with useful information through an
effective bulletin board. Present your suggested board display lay-out based on the
suggested criteria. Your board display purpose will depend on your choice. This may be
presented through any of these:
✓ A hand-made drawing or layout;
✓ An electronic (computer) drawing/ illustration or layout (Use Padlet); or
✓ A collage


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