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Kelas : 9G
Nama Kelompok :
1. Amirul Fattah (Absen 4)
2. Anang Didi Setiawan (Absen 5)
3. Muhammad Dava Valentino Suhandono (Absen 22)
4. Muhammad Nuril Firdaus (Absen 23)
5. Muzaqi Ramadhani (Absen 24)
6. Naila Hanania Kamil (Absen 25)
7. Rafif Dzakwan Prayata (Absen 30)
8. Rayhan Ardika Putra Ratela (Absen 32)
9. Syabil Rasya Ibrahim (Absen 37)
10. Yuli Nur Aini (Absen 39)

Kenzo (Pemimpin Genk)

Felix (Anggota)
Ryan (Anggota)
Pak Darren (Guru BK)
Pak Arkan (Kepala Sekolah)
Ghiffari (Saksi Mata)
Galen (Saksi Mata)
Engkus (Anak yang di Bully)
Ibu Flora (Wali Kelas)

Scene 1
Once Upon a Time at SMP Candrawati there is a gang of Kenzo. they are the
frontman of the school who are famous for the nickname of naughty children
and like to bully. In addition, there are also new students from Kediri who
follow their parents to move to the city of Surabaya.

Kenzo: "He lix, I heard that our class has a new student today!"

Felix: "What does that have to do with me?"

Kenzo: "No, I'm just give it information to you! Cause you always so out of

Ryan: "Yes, I heard there was one, it's called kus kus, maybe a bungkus?"

Felix: "Huh, what? Bungkus, in this advanced era, it's really dumb. Hahaha, it
would be interesting if there was a little surprise welcome."

Kenzo: That's a good idea HAHAHAHA

Kenzo and his friend made a plan to give some lesson to the new kid.
Scene 2
Kring... Kring... Kringg...
As the bell rang, all the children walked quickly to their classes. All except this
famous genk member they walked slowly to their class which was quite far
away. Inside the classroom the students sat neatly and took their textbooks
before the start of the lesson.


There was the sound of a door slamming, all students looked at the origin of the
sound. The culprit was none other than Kenzo et al. They casually entered the
classroom, and completely ignored the gaze of their classmates. Galen as the
class leader who was annoyed because the property that had to be guarded was
even damaged, he got up from his seat and approached them.

Galen: "Hey, Kenzo, Ryan, Felix! I've warned you several times, if you want to
open the door, don't slam it. If the door is broken, will you replace it?"

Kenzo: "Oh, school property... sorry, I won't repeat the door slamming incident
again." (Kenzo's words were accompanied by laughter from Felix and Ryan.)

Galen: "Whatever, the sane one loses."

Felix: "OH! YES! PERMISSION!" (followed by Kenzo and Ryan)

After that, the homeroom teacher entered, followed by the new students.

Mrs. Vlora (homeroom teacher): "Good morning, children, as you already

know we have a new student! Please pay a little attention, please introduce

Engkus: "Assalamuaikum wr.wb. My name is Engkus Natraprawira, usually

called Engkus, a transfer from Cakrabuana Junior High School."
Scene 3
After the lesson was over, recess came and all the students rushed to the

Kenzo: "Want to go to the cafeteria?"

Felix & Ryan: "No ah, I have no appetite"

After that, they saw Engkus who was standing alone and they remembered their
plan that they had just planned this morning. And then they approached Engkus.

Kenzo, Felix, Ryan: "Hi..." (friendly tone)

Engkus: "....." (while bowing his head.)

Kenzo: "Heh, we say hello nicely too instead of replying! It's really hard to
answer just like that!".

(Engkus, who was silent, walked right past the three of them).

Ryan: "Woii, just go! How arrogant to be a new student!" (while pulling
Engkus' arm roughly)

Ghiffari, who saw and heard Engkus being yelled at, went straight to the four of

Ghiffari :" Uh, what's going on?".

Kenzo: "Shut up! Don't interfere."

Ghiffari: "But you can't do that. You can't just yell at him, he's new."

Ryan: "Yeah, yeah, yeah, you don't have to continue the lecture! I'm tired of
listening to it" (while letting go of Engkus' arm).
Scene 4
After that day passed, Kenzo and his friends continued to bully and find
problems from trivial to big problems. Not many people saw the bullying
directly. But there were also many reports about the bullying. The teachers and
principal discussed the incident, and decided that the hearing would be held
tomorrow in secret.

Ryan: "Ah, I'm so tired!" (while stretching his back muscles)

Kenzo & Felix: "O ajah"

(Suddenly, the counseling teacher approached them who were sitting casually
on the chair).

Mr. Darren (counseling teacher) : "Your names are Kenzo, Felix, Ryan,
right?" "After school, come to the principal's office".

Kenzo: "What is it, sir?"

Mr. Darren (counseling teacher) : "No, just come" (and leave).

Scene 5
Kring... Kring... Kringg...
The bell signaling the end of the lesson and also the school dismissal bell has
rung, now it's time for the students to go home. With the exception of Kenzo,
Felix and Ryan, they had to go to the Principal's office on the advice of the
counseling teacher.

When they were only a few meters away from the Principal, the three of them
caught a glimpse of the Principal, the counseling teacher and their homeroom
teacher. Their feelings were immediately mixed between fear, nervousness,
trembling and wonder. Bad premonitions also seemed to add to the frightening
impression, they were busy in their own thoughts. But, the one common word
that crossed their minds was 'what will happen next?

Kenzo dkk: "Assalamualaikum".

Everyone in the principal's room: "Walaikumsalam"

Principal: "Finally you've come, please sit down". (while pointing towards the
two chairs in front of him)

Now the three of them could clearly see that the people in the room were not
only the principal, the counseling teacher and their homeroom teacher but also
Giffari, Galen and Engkus. They also sat in the chairs that had been prepared,
the chairs were right in the center and on the left were their classmates and on
the right were the teachers.

Mr. Darren (counseling teacher) : "Let's start with the first question, but first I
hope you can answer it honestly and without any lies".

Kenzo : "Yes sir, I will answer honestly" (bowing his head).

Mr. Arkan (Principal): "Is it true that you are bullying Engkus? Why?"

Kenzo dkk: " " (silent.)

Mr. Darren (BK teacher): "Why did you bully Engkus? Does he have a
problem with you or something?" (slightly raising his voice.)

Felix: "Yes! When we greeted him he didn't greet us back" Mrs. Vlora
(Homeroom teacher) : "Is that your only defense?" Kenzo et al: " " (nodding).

Mr. Arkan (Principal): "What about Engkus? Why didn't you greet them

Engkus: "I was just nervous when they greeted me, I apologize for my mistake
and making you angry with me. I'm sorry."

Ryan : "Yes, we're sorry for being rude to you, after this incident I hope my
friends and I can be good friends with everyone and not be concerned about
who he is and what his status is."

Mr. Arkan (Principal): Well that's nice, but your actions will still get
punished, so that you don't do it again. I will suspend you for 3 days!

Kenzo dkk: Yes sir (while bowing their heads)

Since the incident, Kenzo et al, Engkus, Ghiffari and Galen chose to become
friends. And forget the events that have occurred because they are already in
grade 9, it is time for them to make peace and make unforgettable memories to
make beautiful memories together.

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