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Teacher : Gabriela Tsilakidis

Date : December 18th-22nd , 2017
School : No.1 Frumusita Secondary School
Grade : 5th
Unit : Module 2/2b.
Lesson : Adjectives of physical description
Type of lesson : reinforcement of the verb ‘’have got’’
No. of students : 19
Timing : 50 min
Textbook/Coursebook : Limba moderna 1- Limba engleză- Manual pentru clasa a V-a, ed.
Skills: Integrated (Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing)

1.1. Identifying the global meaning of some clearly articulate simple messages or
1.3. Expressing interest in learning about the English culture
2.1. Describing shortly a person /character
3.2. Extracting information from a short illustrated text

SKILLS: reading, listening, speaking, writing

 textbook, power point presentation ,laptop, overhead projector, worksheets.
 The Updated Romanian Curriculum for 5th -8th graders

CLASSROOM INTERACTIONS: Whole class, Pair work, Group Work


1) Activity 1: Warm-up (5 min)

Procedure : to evaluate pupils' homework

Interaction : T-SS, Ss-T
Skills: Speaking, Reading

The teacher greets the pupils and asks if there are absents. The teacher checks the homework and
corrects it if necessary.

2) Activity 2 : Presentation (10 min)

Procedure : to revise grammar items
Interaction : T-SS, Ss-T
Skills: Writing, Speaking

Books closed. The teacher draws a word web ( hair) on the board and elicit words connected to
that word.( length, style, colour). She continues on drawing other word webs about height, face,
eyes and so on.

3) Activity 3: Writing (10 min)

Procedure : to write simple sentences using the plural forms
Interaction: T-SS, Ss-T
Skills: Writing, Speaking

After that, the teacher asks students to open their notebooks and write down the ex. 1 on page 30.
They check in pairs their answers and after that, with the whole class.

4) Activity 4: Reading (15 min)

Procedure : to identify the global meaning of some simple messages
Interaction : SS-Ss, Ss-Ss
Skills: Reading, Listening

The students are asked to look over the pictures in ex.3/30 and then, they have to match the
pictures with their descriptions. They check their answers in pairs and after that with the whole
class. The teacher plays the cd and the children listen to the text about avatars.

5) Activity 5: Further practice (5 min)

Procedure : to further practice the usage of the verb ’’have got’’
Interaction : SS-Ss, Ss-T
Skills: Reading, Speaking
The students are asked to order the words to make sentences in ex.4 on page 30. They work in
pairs and after that, they check the answers with the whole class.

6) Homework assignment ( 5 min) : They have to write a short description about their avatars
using the text as a model and to do the ex.10/31.

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