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Glossary – Social media and national security

1. Administration (n): the activities that are done in order to plan, organize and
run a business, school or other institution.

2. Anonymization (n): the process of removing from internet data any information
that identifies which particular computer the data originally came from.

3. Asset (n): A major application, general support system, high impact program,
physical plant, mission critical system, personnel, equipment, or a logically related
group of systems.

4. Authorize (v): To give someone permission to have the specified types of

access to a particular resource by evaluating applicable access control information.

5. Baselining (n): Monitoring resources to determine typical utilization patterns so

that significant deviations can be detected.

6. Bug (n): An unexpected and relatively small defect, fault, flaw, or imperfection
in an information system or device.

7. Database (n): A structured repository of data that is organized to provide

efficient retrieval.

8. Denial of Service (n phr): An attack that prevents or impairs the authorized use
of information system resources or services.

9. Digital (adj): Using a system of receiving and sending information as a series of

the numbers one and zero, showing that an electronic signal is there or is not there.

10. Encrypt (v): To put information into a special code, especially in order to
prevent people from looking at it without authority.

11. Intranet (n): A computer network that is private to a company, university, etc.
often using the same software as the World Wide Web.

12. Malware (n): Software such as a virus specifically designed to damage or gain
access to a computer system without the user knowing
13.Operational (adj): Connected with the way in which a business, machine,
system, etc. works.

14. Online Cryptosystem (n phr): Cryptographic system in which encryption and

decryption are performed in association with the transmitting and receiving

15. Phishing (n): The activity of tricking people by getting them to give their
identity, bank account numbers, etc. over the internet or by email, and then using
these to steal money from them.

16. Proxy (n): The authority that you give to somebody to do something for you,
when you cannot do it yourself.

17. Reconnaissance (n): The phase of an attack where an attacker gathers

information on, and maps networks, as well as probing them for exploitable
vulnerabilities in order to hack them.

18. Telecommunication (n): The technology of sending signals, images and

messages over long distances by radio, phone, television, satellite, etc.

19. Virtual Private Network (VPN) (n phr): A virtual network, built on top of
existing physical networks, that provides a secure communications tunnel for data
and other information transmitted between networks.

20. Zeroize (v): To remove or eliminate the key from a cryptographic equipment
or fill device.

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