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Array Matrix String Heap and Hashing


Sliding Window Subarrays Bit Manipulation Recursion

stack and queue Linked List Binary Search

Sort a Stack
Min stack
LRU cache
LFU cache
the celebrity problem

BackTracking Dynamic Programming Graph

Fibonacci series BFS
Climbing Stairs DFS
frog jump Number of Provinces
maximum sum of non-adjacent element Number of Islands
House Robber flood fill algorithms
NINJA'S Training Detect Cycle in undirected graph
2D MATRIX Surrounded Regions
Unique Paths Number of Enclaves
Unique Paths 2 Bipratite Graph
Minimum Path sum Detect Cycle in directed graph
Triangle Starting and ending point Eventual Safe States
Minimum Falling Path Sum TopoSort-DFS
DP ON SUBSEQUENCES/SUBSETS TopoSort-BFS(kahn's algorithm)
Subset Sum Equal to K Detect Cycle in directed graph
Partition Equal Subset Sum Course Schedule-1
Course Schedule-2
Shortest path in directed graph using topoSort
Shortest path in undirected graph having unit weights
Dijkstra's Alogrithm
Shortest path in weighted undirected Graph
Print Shortest Path-Dijkstra Algo
Minimum Spanning Tree
Prims Algorithms
Strongly Connected Component-Kosaraju's Algorithm
Cheapest Flight within K Stops
Reconstruct Itinary
flood fill algorithms
Network Delay Time
Largest Component Size by Common Factor
Min cost to Connect All Points
 Path with Maximum Probability

Disjoint Sets
Kruskal's Algorithm
Number of Provinces-DSU
Number of Operations to make Network Connected-DSU
Account Merge-DSU
Number of Islands-DSU
Making a Large Islands-DSU
Most Stones Removed with same Row and Column-DSU

rotten oranges
Distance of Nearest cell having 1
Alien Dictionary
word Ladder
Flood Warshall Algorithm
Articulations and bridges
Bellman Ford
Find The city qith th smallest numbe of neighbour at a thr
Binary Tree Binary Search Tree

Sorting Trie Greedy

ed graph using topoSort

ected graph having unit weights

hted undirected Graph

omponent-Kosaraju's Algorithm
ze by Common Factor


s to make Network Connected-DSU

d with same Row and Column-DSU

mallest numbe of neighbour at a thresshold distance

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