IE578 FlexSim Report Draft

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The Role of Simulation in Optimization

Paula Mora, Jolee Hedman, Francisca Cevallos

Purdue University,

West Lafayette, 47906, United States.;;

Abstract. In the present report, we developed a production

system model using the platform FlexSim. Based on the
base model, learned with professor Andre, we were able to
adapt the simulation to our objective. Our main objective
was to analyze and conclude the optimal number of workers
that were required for the process to be completed in the
most efficient way. We implemented sink, sources, queues
and processors, as well as operators in our model. By ana-
lyzing the graphs and results obtained from FlexSim Diag-
nostics tool, we were able to conclude that the optimal
quantity of workers that should be hired for the model (in a
600 second period) to work correctly, should be two. This
simulation process could help an industry if analyzed in a
bigger scale.

Keywords: Optimization, Ergonomics, FlexSim simula-


1 Introduction and Background

1.1 Importance of Simulation in Manufacturing

Manufacturing is a very important part of the modern world. We
need manufacturing to create almost anything, especially when devel-
oping and producing in mass quantities. Machines are a vital part of
manufacturing, and all the machines of a system including the operators
must work together efficiently to perform the best. Being able to simu-
late the manufacturing environment beforehand is helpful to find the
most optimal configuration of the floor layout as well as getting the
most utilization from the machines.

Manufacturers pay special attention to ergonomic aspects of manual

operations and manufacturing planning (Iriondo, 2020). This includes
health, safety and legal aspects inside the workplace. A guide to im-
prove the workplace safety, efficiency and comfort is simulation. Simu-
lation can be useful to reduce the waste of resources, time and money.
Besides, its software predicts behaviors, calculates times and plans pro-
duction in advance.
Now, in the time of Industry 4.0, industries should be able to adapt
rapidly while ensuring sustainable financial and time. A challenge
found in most of the article research found was the full collaboration
between humans and robots. Therefore, another source of study related
to ergonomics, safety and the workplace would be focusing on the
safety of the workers. Some information about lower back pain can be
found in Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics, chapter 22.
Layout design place a key role in safety and efficiency related to Hu-
man-Robot Collaboration, it is a complex problem related to er-
gonomics and productivity (Rega et al, 2021, p.2).
Each worker represents a cost and responsibility to the business.
There is a limit of working hours, flexibility and risk each worker can
be exposed to. Nowadays, less workers are needed to perform a job
thanks to collaborative workplaces. According to the authors of Collab-
orative Workplaces Design: A Knowledge-Based Approach to Promote
Human-Robot Collaboration and Multi-Objective Layout Optimization,
in order to accomplish a safety environment with an efficient produc-
tion, the “(…) layout must guarantee minimum movements, minimum
travel time from one point to another, maximum utilization of re-
sources, and the safety of human beings” (2021, p.2).
Human simulations are used by human factors and ergonomics and
production simulations are used by engineers. Suitable solutions in sim-
ulation can be found while using mannequins as humans and, therefore,
products, systems and workstations will be analyzed from a different
perspective. Applied ergonomics will allow us to validate these work-
stations to develop and validate the system.
Simulation ensures that operators and anyone else on the work floor
are safe, as well as exposing potential safety hazards. Optimization
could also be improved depending on the type of simulation being
used. Variables such as timing and line of sight can also be measured
and improved on with this technology.

1.2 Importance of Simulation and Ergonomics

It’s really important to consider ergonomics especially when design-
ing and dealing with manufacturing operations. Operators and workers
are a crucial part of the system, and making sure all regulations and
rules are followed is imperative so that no one gets hurt or accidents
happen. Being around heavy machinery can be dangerous, and being
able to simulate the environment beforehand is a very useful tool plant
managers and engineers can utilize to ensure the safety of their work-
Simulation is also useful in finding the most efficient and cost-effec-
tive number of operators. When we add operators, there isn't always a
constant increase in production. There may be a point where adding op-
erators or machines hurts the company or does not add to the system.
With too many operators, people may be standing idle a high amount of
time, and the space becomes crowded without added benefits. With too
few operators, the workers cannot keep up with demand and may be-
come stressed with performance decreasing.

Figure 1. nGram graph with keywords simulation, optimization and


As we can appreciate in the graph made by nGram, optimization has

been growing with the use of simulation. The term of optimization
started to bend down when the term simulation decay. On the other
hand, ergonomics had a peak in the 2000`s.

2 Basic Use of Simulation at a Certain Workplace

2.1 First steps

Starting with simple systems is useful when using complex simula-
tion platforms like FlexSim, as it provides you a good starting point to
completing the model.

Our model was based on what we learned in the FlexSim workshop

with Andre. Starting with this basic model was good because we were
able to adapt the model to what our objective was, which was to ana-
lyze optimization in ergonomics. By altering the model and calculating
the desired values we were able to successfully complete the lab and
obtain reliable results.

Here is an example of a small system created in Flex Sim in order to

develop it.

Figure 1. FlexSim Simulation Model Created


Figure 2. FlexSim first simple model

In this model created, we can appreciate how the boxes, already pro-
duced, come out of the source. Then, they accumulate in a queue and
move forward to a processor which sends them to a sink. The source
represents previous steps made to raw material or other material which
come from suppliers. Additionally, the sink represents the next step that
needs to be done once the procedure in this system is complete.

Other procedures related to optimization will significantly help the in-


2.2 Optimization problem

We started our projects with the template professor Andre gave us.
On this template we can find one source, linked to three queues. The
source produces three different boxes of colors: red, green and blue.
Each color of box is sent to a different queue. One operator takes the
boxes and sets them in a combiner where the boxes are combined in a
specific way.
A conveyor transports the products to another queue and it automati-
cally (no operators needed which reduces the cost). Here we can appre-
ciate the human-robot collaboration. Finally, a separator sends some of
the products to two different queues. One takes the pallets out and the
others will wait to be sent some place where the industry finds conve-

Figure 3. FlexSim Optimization model before production starts

For this report, we based our model and simulation in the require-
ments detailed below. This allowed us to have a clear understanding of
the objectives of the report, and what the professor expected us to com-

Figure 4. This figure shows the original assignment information.

Additionally, we utilize the online platform Top Hat, in order to

share our results and thoughts with the rest of the class. This allowed us
to compare and solve our doubts with the FlexSim simulation.

Figure 5. The most recent version of the requirements doc and tem-
plate are included in ‘project next steps’ in TopHat (repository) and in
BrightSpace (assignment) links.

3 Problem Statement

The problem we were trying to solve with the simulator: Is it always

worth it to add more operators?

The objective of the report was to optimize the production model us-
ing FlexSim simulation. In order to achieve our objective, this report
looks at the comparison between having a different number of workers
at a specific section of the line. This is important for any company to
analyze to determine the most cost-effective way to run their factories.
Companies are always going through a constant cycle of hiring and fir-
ing employees. People may retire, or move, and new people are being
hired. Having a target number of operators for

4 Procedure

Using the simulation software Flex Sim, changes at the workplace were
easy to make. At a specific time, the produced products of a certain in-
dustry and the utilization of one of the machines was analyzed.
Four sceneries were taken into consideration.

1. The system without operators

2. The system with 1 operator linked to all queues
3. The system with 2 operators: one linked to one queue and one
linked to two queues
4. The system with 3 operators: each one of them linked to one

For each scenery we included graphs and diagrams that demonstrated

the quantity of produced products as well as the machine utilization
values, that later were used to conclude our report.

5 Results

By altering the number of operators or workers in the model, and an-

alyzing the quantity of products produced in a certain amount, we were
able to obtain the desired data to find the most optimal solution of num-
ber of workers that should be hired in the production system.

The results obtained from adding operators in the model are:


Figure 5. FlexSim Simulation with No Operators

Figure 6. FlexSim simulation with one operator connected to the

three queues

Figure 7. FlexSim Simulation with two operators


Figure 8. FlexSim Simulation with three operators

Based on the results obtained in the FlexSim simulation, we created a

bar graph representing the relationship between the number of opera-
tors and the number of products produced in a period of 600 seconds.
This allowed us to have a visual representation of the results, and there-
fore, conclude our analysis in a more reliable way. As observed, when
there are no operators in the model, the number of objects produced are
equal to 1; if we add an operator, we are able to produce 6 boxes in the
same period. However, after adding the second operator in the model,
the number of products produced remain in 7. Therefore, we can as-
sume that the optimal number of operators and the quantity we should
implement in the production system, is two. This will reduce our pro-
duction and handling costs, since adding more than two workers in the
system will not contribute positively to the model.

Figure 9. Relationship between number of operators and number of

products produced in our model

5 Discussion and Future Work

Knowing and understanding how to use software platforms, just like

FlexSim, is very useful when studying engineering. It allows students
and professors to simulate real life examples and problems in a safe and
easy way. Additionally, it helps students put in practice their knowl-
edge and skills acquired in the different courses. Furthermore, it teaches
students how to analyze profound and more difficult graphs and con-
clude more reliable results.
As industrial engineering students, it is very hard to actually solve
big company’s real-problems as that information is not accessible for
everyone. Furthermore, by practicing and learning simulation platforms
in university classes, students are more prepared and are able to com-
plete tasks once working in engineering-related companies. This devel-

ops student’s problem-solving skills and allows them to use technologi-

cal tools for their benefit.


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