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Search How to Cheat Turnitin?

Updated 12 Jan 2022


The development of technologies and the Internet has given access to information. Unfortunately,
one of the side effects is an increase in plagiarism. Turnitin is a tool that helps to check uniqueness
All categories
of the text. But is it a benefit or a burden for busy students?
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A question on ‘how to cheat Turnitin’ has never been so popular as it is now. The originality of the
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text is the main requirement to avoid an F. That’s why submitting a non-original paper without
Dissertation Writing checking it for plagiarism is a bad idea! We use cookies to give you the best
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Plagiarism 101
What is Turnitin?
Citation Guide
Turnitin is the most popular plagiarism screening service. It was developed by iParadigms group for
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teachers and educational institutions that was previously known as This service
Study Tips&Tricks works on a commercial basis and requires prior registration. Professors and teachers submit
students’ works to the site and get results. The system compares these materials with indexed web
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content, with large databases containing texts, as well as with previously submitted works by
students from various universities.

LEARN MORE How does Turnitin work?

Before telling about all possibilities of how to bypass Turnitin, you should understand how this tool
What Is the Difference Between Plagiarism works. Basically, it’s one of the most popular plagiarism checkers used today. Many educational
and Copyright?
institutions use it as a tool for detecting plagiarism in students’ works because it’s convenient,
effective, and simple in use.
How To Prevent Plagiarism When Writing
It works in accordance with the same algorithm as other checkers. A teacher uploads a document
How to Prove You Didn’t Plagiarize? and this system analyses all its parts, finds any similarity with other available resources. Then this
program highlights matched parts and gives an overall assessment of text’s uniqueness in
Ways To Check Your Paper For Plagiarism percent. It’s important to keep in mind that this program can search for different types of matches
Online defined by settings that professor uses. What does it mean? For example, settings allow you to find
matched phrases that are longer than a certain amount of words, which means that a quote that
What Are the Different Types of Plagiarism? consists of fewer words will not contribute to the lower level of uniqueness. These and other
settings are exactly what gives students some loopholes on how to cheat Turnitin.
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Can students use Turnitin?

University and college professors ask all their students to submit completed papers to Turnitin. It
Generate citations for your helps them to check if the text is unique or it was copied or paraphrased from some other outside
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sources or other student’s papers. This tool provides a report that shows percentage of originality,
Use citation generator from what exact materials the info was copied or rephrased.

On one hand, Turnitin is very useful and serves a way to prevent copyright infringement. But on the
other hand, it creates more troubles for students, even for those who do not try to cheat. The tool
looks for similar content, sentence and word combinations but can mistakenly treat parts of your
unique text as paraphrased. For instance, it’s impossible to give 100 original definitions of the term
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‘molecule.’ Consequently, there’s a risk that some essay parts may be considered as plagiarized.
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How to cheat Turnitin?

How difficult it’s to bring the dissertation or report to the desired percentage of uniqueness in
Turnitin. Students spend hours sweating on their texts in order to somehow enhance originality and
successfully hand in their papers. How to deal with this disgrace and defeat the unfortunate
plagiarism checker? Actually, there are several ways of how to trick Turnitin but there’s no
guarantee that you won’t be caught.

The safest way to cheat, avoid plagiarism accusations and receive a high grade is to work on a
written text and improve it.

Trick #1 Change the document's format.

To the question how to plagiarize without getting caught by Turnitin, many answer that it is
possible and even quite easy if you turn your Word document into a PDF and then adjust its
structure. How does it work? The trick is that if you use, for example, Macros, you can adjust your
paper until software will not be able to identify that it’s not unique, as it’ll see it like a completely
original piece.


You can turn in any text you wish. Your teacher still can read and
evaluate your paper.
Easy and quick decision.
TurnItIn is able to recognize the use
of macros.

Trick #2 Order a written paper from a custom writing service.

It may be one of the most effective ways to have a good text with minimum time waste and avoid
plag issues! By choosing this method, you will not simply fool checker, you will forget about the
concern “how to cheat Turnitin” forever because a professional writing service always gives a no-
plagiarism warranty to its customers. Just send instructions from your professor and receive an
excellent paper. All structure and formatting guidelines will be met. The text won’t have any
grammatical, lexical or stylistic mistakes.


You will receive 100% original paper. Be ready to pay for high-quality
It saves your time and nerves.
There's a risk to order a bad essay at
untrustworthy services.

Trick #3 Paraphrasing.

The next most effective and safest method you could use is paraphrasing. was created
to identify similar constructions or passages but it does not see paraphrased content, which makes
paraphrasing a good possibility to cheat this or any other tool! Of course, this may take more time.
But if you take well-written research paper on the same subject and paraphrase the whole piece
with your own words to speech you will get unique text that was actually written by you, so your
teacher won’t suspect anything!

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Even paraphrased citations would do. Paraphrasing is a time consuming

The key idea of you work is safe, text
won't be watery. It demands a great level of language

Trick #4 Adjust the language.

This is one of the most commonly used methods  of how to cheat Turnitin. The idea is to find a
different language, alphabet of which contains letters that look identical to some of those we have
in the English language and simply replace them. This is a working way to cheat plagiarism


Easy and free of charge. TurnItIn has its ways to detect special
It doesn't require any additional soft.
It might be visible to your teacher.

Final Words
These were the tricks that may help you find a way to cheat Turnitin but you won’t always get away
with cheating! Although this program has flaws, which is exactly why students think how to beat
Turnitin, it still works pretty well. Moreover, many teachers already know about these tricks, so use
such methods only as an emergency! And if you cannot complete an assignment on your own, stick
to more reliable methods like rewriting or ordering paper from professional essay writing services.
You’ll receive a custom essay and won’t be accused of plagiarism!


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