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Animation evaluation worksheet:

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2 3:3.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of design and research tools, methods and skills to develop ideas for creative media

5 3:3.1. Analyse the effectiveness of solutions to an audio based problem in creative media production.


Animation evaluation/reflection questions

For this task, take your time and think about your experiences of this assignment.
You must answer ALL of these in order to pass this section.
Your answers should be at least 2-3 lines long for each question in order to pass.

Task 1/3: Reflect on your own research. (U2 3:3.2)

This is about the three worksheets you did as well as anything you have added to your production blog by week, such
as learning about Phonemes, facial structure or anything else you feel is relevant.

What i use in my animation is making the sun have facil expresstions so they
What did you use from your can see what he is feeling. So that when you see thethe sun appear you
research that helped you? think that him smileing means he is happy or when the cloud appears with
an angry face means that he is angry
I was going to make it 3d like the soul eater for my research but it would of
What did you discard and why? taken to long to do becasue i dont know how to make it 3d/makr it pop out
of the screen.
What else would it have been How to make the sun and cloud look and have the right clour, and also
more useful to know from your having the the sun and cloud that look like what they are suppoesed to be
research if you did it again? instead of some wried drawing.

How would you find this out I would say using primary and qualitative so i can find out what i need to do
(P/S/Q/Q)?* and what other people think as well from a wide audience.

Task 2/3: Reflect on your own design, practical skills and build. (U2 3:3.2)
This is about the practical skills you learnt each week. Feel free to go back over the Animation Teams channel if it
helps you remember. Answer each question, including any relevant screen grabs.

What did you use from your

I would say learning how to tween, like for how the cloud moves to the sun
practical skills lessons that helped
and then go passed afterwards

What did you discard and why? I discarded the different moths moving becsaue it would of taken alot longer

What would you now include and I would of included a person walking then stoping when the clouds appears
why? or so that he was getting his breath back then the clouds suddenly appeared.
What practical skills would you
I would say perspective and stop-mo im not really good at that.
like to revisit if you did it again?

For me i would say that drawing things, like the perspective becsaue if we
Are there any new ones you think had a bit more talk about the theory of it and how to draw it in a small
would be useful for this project? animation i would think that my animati0on would look so much better
thatn it is now
How does your final animation Personally i would say that for the bar sences and for the background it
compare to professional believe i did good with that, for one bad thing i would say they is alot more
examples? Give at least one to say than one, for instance i could of made the mouths on sun and cloud to
positive and one thing you would move or make the walk way or even the houses in the back look a bit better
focus on improving. or even add a small city instead of two houses.

Task 3/3: Reflect on your audio ideas and work. (U5 3:3.1)
This is about the audio skills you learnt each week. Feel free to go back over the Animation Teams channel if it helps
you remember. Answer each question, including any relevant screen grabs.

What did you use from your

For the audio skill i would say that lip-synic was really helpfull becasue i had
audio skills lessons that helped
to draw and listen to it at the same time to try and get it spot on.

I didnt add the audio clips i had to the animation because i didnt have
What did you discard and why?
enought time becsaue i had covid for a week.
I would like to include the audio clips i didnt manage to add, becsaue i would
What would you now include and
also like to trying and add some calming music then some creepy music
when the cloud appeared.
I would say if we revisit audio i would personaly want to go other the audio
What audio skills would you like effects becuase i didnt use it at all in the animation, i would of like to use of
to revisit if you did it again? effects like when the sun appears the you can hear it shining or when the
cloud appears you can hear people gasp.
I would like to know how some audio makes the audience feel, for instance if
Are there any new ones you think
we had a osort of creepy or sad music i want to know what the audience feel
would be useful for this project?
when they hear it.
How does your final audio For the possitive i had to say that lip-synic that i did, because i nearly had it
compare to professional spot on with the lip-synic, but for the bad thing i would say that me not
examples? Give at least one being able to add the audio i did was not a good thing and that i could of
positive and one thing you would goten much better audio for the music if i could of had just a bit more time
focus on improving. to add it.

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