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Republic of the Philippines


 Of Teacher Education
Tacurong City, Sultan Kudarat 



Health education is about educating people to have a healthier lifestyle so they

can avoid diseases. I believe that health education is for everyone we all need to know

how to care for our bodies and minds, regardless of their state. As a student, health

education helps us to empower our knowledge and behavior because it improves our

physical, mental, social, and emotional. Especially I am a BPED student it is very

important for me to be educated with this because it addresses a lot of different issues

or situations about health. It is aims people to change unhealthy attitudes also

unhealthy behaviors in order for them to have good habit and having a healthy lifestyle.

Health education is also concerned with helping people to help themselves and helping

people work towards creating healthier conditions for everybody. There has a lot of

example of health education activities that will help easily to share to other people like in

seminars, workshops, and webinars even in school. School has big part of this health

education because at a very young age they teaches students already especially in

kindergarten to grade 6. In that kind level the role of a teacher is very important

because the students started to learned new things and they get easily to influence.
According to the World Health Organization they defined Health Education as consisting

of "consciously constructed opportunities for learning involving some form of

communication designed to improve health literacy, including improving knowledge, and

developing life skills which are conducive to individual and community health. I strongly

agree with that because we can’t deny the fact that health education really improves our

knowledge and skills in order for us to be aware from different things.

Health education is a type of school-based health instruction that supports

attitudes, beliefs, and practical skills needed by adolescents to adopt and uphold

healthy habits throughout their lives. Schools can be crucial in lowering teenage health

risks by providing effective health education, especially at the lower levels when

students are easiest to influence. Sexual health and other related topics (such as

violence prevention, mental and emotional health, food and nutrition, etc.) are among

the specific content and skills covered in health education. These topics are frequently

organized into a course of study or program and are frequently summed up in a

curriculum framework.

The National Sex Education Standards

STANDARD 1- Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion
and disease prevention to enhance health.
STANDARD 2- Students will analyze the influence of family, peers, culture,
media, technology, and other factors on health behaviors.
STANDARD 3- Students will demonstrate the ability to access valid information,
products, and services to enhance health.
STANDARD 4- Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal
communication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks.
STANDARD 5- Students will demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills
to enhance health.
STANDARD 6- Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting skills to
enhance health.
STANDARD 7- Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing
behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks.
STANDARD 8- Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal,
family, and community health.

Sexual health education

Sexual health education should be in line with best practices and scientific

research, reflect the diversity of student experiences, and be in line with the

needs of the student's family, the student's community, and the school.

Quality sexual health education programs share many characteristics. These programs:

1. Are instructed by highly skilled and certified instructors and school employees.

2. Use methods that are current and interesting to all learners.

3. All students' health needs, particularly those of young people who are

homosexual, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning, should be addressed.

4. Connect students to sexual health and other health services at school or in the


5. Participate in school programs as parents, families, and community partners

6. Encourage healthy interactions between young people and significant adults

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Republic of the Philippines

 Of Teacher Education
Tacurong City, Sultan Kudarat 
"Health education"


After the discussion of group 2 which is the topic all about "health education" I've

learned a lot of things that I need to do and as a reminder. As a future educator it is very

essential to know what is health education because someday we will pass the learning

that we've learned about being healthy and  on how to become healthy. It is very vital

for us to educate ourselves about being healthy so that we can apply and we can share

with others. With that in school we are required to teach health education with alignment

in the curriculum. The curriculum about health education is the guide of the teachers of

what they need to teach. In teaching health education teachers should follow the

guidelines given on what year level should be discussed. The schools not only focus on

academic learning but should educate students or learners in becoming healthy. The

possibility of low academic achievement is very rare or high if the students are not
healthy enough because they cannot focus on class discussion if they feel

uncomfortably sick often and can cause absenteeism. We all know one of the reasons

why students are often taking absences because of sickness and they fail to go to

school and learn the discussion they need to learn. The main purpose of health

education is to support the health of students and enable them to participate in class

and spend time learning. Another thing why it is important to have health education is to

produce graduates with excellence in their areas of specialization because health

education is not only in the physical aspect but in the psychological aspect also.

Another thing is that to lessen the students of taking illegal substance use and early

pregnancy. Illegal substance use may result in conflict involvements, illness, injury and

death.  Early pregnancy is most of the reason to stop going to school. Health education

will change the lifestyle and wrong perception about health. And it will lead them to

correct and change the way they are living. One of the reasons behind having poor

improvement in our life or staying less fortunate is having not been healthy because

most of the allocated money will be used to cure illnesses. In overall health education is

not only focused inside school but in the outside world where we face the real battle of

life. By learning to have a healthy lifestyle it's just planting a seed that will grow and they

will harvest what they plant and they will enjoy their life. The role of teacher in school,

family and to the community has a huge impact on health education so that it should be

consistent and precise. Being consistent as the child grows it will continuously be

taught. Precise health education refers to the correct way of caring themselves to

redirect the misconception to the right. 

Health education
The CDC states that "Comprehensive school health education comprises courses of
study (curricula) for students...that address a variety of issues such as alcohol and other
drug use and abuse, healthy eating/nutrition, mental and emotional health, personal
health and wellness, and physical activity." 

Health education curriculum should include:

● A set of intended learning outcomes or objectives that directly relate to students’
acquisition of health-related knowledge, attitudes, and skills.
● A planned progression of developmentally appropriate lessons or learning
experiences that lead to achieving health objectives.
● Continuity between lessons or learning experiences that clearly reinforce the
adoption and maintenance of specific health-enhancing behaviors.
● Content or materials that correspond with the sequence of learning events and
help teachers and students meet the learning objectives.
● Assessment strategies to determine if students have achieved the desired

National Health Education Standards

The NHES are written expectations for what students should know and be able to do by
grades 2, 5, 8, and 12 to promote personal, family, and community health. 
The national health education standards are the guide of teachers in implementing
health education. It is designed for the common good of the students, teachers, family
and to the community. 

● Hygiene - The danger of medical disorders brought on by poor self-care is

decreased by maintaining cleanliness routines. Additionally, it boosts self-esteem and
has a good influence on interpersonal interactions. Read on for hygiene tips that can
improve your general health and wellbeing.
● Sex education - Sex education consists of excellent instruction and learning on
a wide range of subjects connected to sex and sexuality.
● Substance use - The primary goal of substance abuse education is to inform
people about drug and alcohol abuse as well as how to prevent, end, or receive
treatment for substance use disorders. This education can start at a young age.
Education can begin with parents instructing their kids, as well as with primary school
curricula intended to raise understanding of substance usage and the risks it entails.
● Proper Nutrition - Students who receive nutrition education can learn to notice
how eating well affects emotional wellbeing and how emotions might affect eating
behaviors. However, given the numerous demands placed on schools, administrators
may think of methods to incorporate nutrition education into the present timetable.
● Preventing HIV/AIDS - HIV education can aid students in developing and
maintaining safer behaviors as well as lowering stigma and discrimination against those
who are HIV-affected and living with the virus. These days, the revised paradigm has
been adopted by many nations.

3. REFERENCES  (video)
For more information about health education.

Republic of the Philippines

College of Teacher Education
ACCESS Campus, EJC Montilla, Tacurong City



We live our lives and have fun using our physical bodies. We must therefore be

careful how we handle this body. As a result, health education is really needed. The

distribution of health-related knowledge by medical experts is referred to as health

education. These educators work to increase public awareness of safety and health

concerns. Mental and physical health are both included in healthcare. These lecturers

are now advocating meditation practices and holding conferences, seminars, and other

health-related events. Because we are aware that a healthy body corresponds to a

healthy mind, they provide us with a variety of pointers and smart ideas on how to keep

our good health. Therefore, it is essential to take care of our mental health. In order to

enhance health education,


Group 1 was instructing the class on the health education curriculum. Everyone

understands how important health education is in today's culture. It alludes to a job for

which training in healthcare is available. People receive professional advice on how to

improve and maintain their health. As was already noted, health education promotes a

healthy lifestyle and raises knowledge of how important health is for academic success

and becoming a contributing member of society as an adult. They have also talked

about what they should do to take part in every health education program that provides

them with knowledge that can benefit us. 

Additionally, we talk about sexual education and how to protect oneself from STDs and

HIV, which are sexually transmitted diseases. It seeks to prevent problems from

occurring by educating young people like us about healthy sexual and reproductive life.

Three elements are part of sexual education: knowledge and understanding

improvement, the development of fair standards and values and the encouragement of

self-reflection among adolescents, and the development of social skills for rejecting

unwanted sex or negotiating sexual matters when necessary. When gender and power

are acknowledged, health issues including unwanted pregnancies and STDs have been

found to decline. Programs for sexual education can increase understanding and

information, encourage good behaviours, and then include a healthy dose of gender.

Additionally, several experts

Because of this, we need to emphasize more how important it is to give these people

this education. In a similar spirit, we must focus on education and cultivate good

behaviors in children from an early age. Students will be better able to share this
information with their friends and families if they do this. To help people become

healthier and keep their vigor and dynamism, we must improve the situation of health

education as it stands today in all parts of the world.


Kirby D (January 24, 1994) School-based programs to reduce sexual risk-taking

behaviors: Sexuality and HIV/AIDS education, health clinics, and condom availability



Bundy D, Shaeffer S, Jukes M, et al. School-based Health and Nutrition Programs. In:

Jamison DT, Breman JG, Measham AR, et al., editors. Disease Control Priorities in

Developing Countries. 2nd edition. Washington (DC)2006. Chapter 58. 

 O'Dea , J 1 February 2005, School‐based health education strategies for the

improvement of body image and prevention of eating problems: An overview of safe and

successful interventions

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