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Baba Vanga Predictions List by Year PDF
Baba Vanga’s predictions for 2022
1) An increase in catastrophes, including earthquakes and tsunamis

The famous psychic predicted the 2004 tsunami and revealed that a huge wave would cover the
coast and people would perish. The Bulgarian predicted that in 2022, several Asian countries,
along with Australia, will be struck by intense bouts of floods.

2) The discovery of a lethal virus in Siberia

A team of researchers will discover a lethal virus in Siberia that was, up until now, frozen. Due
to the catastrophic effects of global warming, said virus will be released and could quickly
spin out of control…

3) A lack of drinking water

Many cities can expect to be hit by a shortage of drinking water this year. Population increases
and the pollution of rivers will see many of us struggle to hydrate ourselves. In fact, many
states will be forced to find other solutions to find new sources.

4) An alien ship will attack Earth

An asteroid known as ‘Oumuamua’ will be sent by aliens to seek out life on Earth, and
the unearthly beings could even take prisoners when they touch down!

5) Attack of the locusts in India

Baba Vanga predicts apocalyptic scenes in India and pointed out that the temperatures there
will reach a whopping 50° Celsius. Locusts will then attack crops and agricultural plots,
causing an immense famine.

6) Virtual reality will take over

The clairvoyant revealed that this year will see people spend more time than ever in front of
screens. Due to our ever-increasing addictions to technology, many people will embark on a
downwards spiral and will dangerously confuse fantasy with reality...

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