What Happens If We Pour ALL Earth's Water On The Sun - English (Auto-Generated)

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is it possible to put out the Sun for

example what would happen if we poured
all of the Earth's oceans on it or even
more water well let's find out
the universe is a Place full of
mysteries since ancient times scientists
have been arguing about how space works
but none of us has ever doubted the
existence of one thing the Sun
ah the center of our solar system it's
big bright and Immortal nah not really
actually the sun is just an ordinary
star it consists of 75 hydrogen a little
helium and a pinch of other heavy
elements gravity holds it all together
but in around 5 billion years the life
cycle of the sun will come to an end the
hydrogen inside it will run out our star
will begin to grow gradually and you
can't even imagine just how big it will
become and then it will start eating all
the nearby planets that's when we'll
regret being so close to it after eating
us all the star will remain a red giant
for another billion years or so and then
sooner or later it will begin to shrink
and fade turning into a white dwarf in
the end nothing will remain of it but a
bright and colorful planetary nebula
but don't get scared right now the sun
is in the middle of its life cycle it
was born about 4.5 billion years ago and
about the same amount of time remains
fortunately we were born during the
star's best and most stable period in
other words there's no reason to worry
so let's find one
how about speeding up the sun's life
cycle with the help of water
we'll try to collect all the water on
Earth and pour it onto the sun first
we'll need a bucket no not this one
we'll need a really really big bucket
the one that can contain around 326
million cubic miles of water it will be
equal in size to the distance from
Washington to Chicago or if we can only
find ordinary buckets there should be
around 70 quintillion of them this is a
number with 18 zeros
okay imagine that we magically got that
many buckets it's time to put out the
sun we splash the star with all this
water and nothing seriously oh just look
at this the sun has probably felt sorry
for us and produced one little solar
it turns out that all water on Earth is
actually just a pathetic drop for the
sun people often underestimate how much
bigger the Sun really is than our planet
in reality it can fit more than one
million three thousand Earths
so yes the sun won't go out or even get
colder it won't even notice that we've
done something but let's not give up we
really want the sun to go out for some
reason what happens if we pour just
enough water on it and how much is this
remember our quintillions of buckets
well we actually need about 370
octillions of them this number has 27
zeros it's hard to even imagine so let's
just say that it's a lot of water now
let's Splash it all over the sun again
wow just look at the steam but the sun
hasn't gone out again on the contrary it
said Thank you and suddenly became much
bigger and brighter what's happening
you see the sun isn't actually a
campfire inside bonfire's candle Flames
there's a chemical combustion when we
pour water on the fire the water absorbs
the heat of the flame and cools it to
such an extent that it can no longer
maintain the burning reaction it also
blocks the fire's access to oxygen water
basically stops the chemical process
but the burning of the sun isn't the
same reaction even though we say it
burns it's not entirely true what
happens there is called nuclear fusion
it's one of the most violent and
craziest reactions in the universe
there are many layers of hydrogen going
deep into the sun if you take four
hydrogen atoms and RAM them together
you're left with an atom of helium
when we talk about the Sun the process
is a little more complicated when the
star tries to carry out that Fusion
positive protons repel each other it
takes a lot of force and energy to
somehow squeeze them together
fortunately there's a magical force in
space it's gravity the sun takes up 99.8
percent of all the mass of the solar
system pretty heavy right and all this
mass is what holds the sun together with
the help of an incredible gravitational
so gravity takes quadrillions of these
little hydrogen atoms and pushes them
together every second of every day and
when they Collide they release some
energy so unlike fire the sun doesn't
need oxygen to live it needs hydrogen
and we all know that water is H2O it
consists of hydrogen and oxygen so this
is literally fuel for the Sun
it's like trying to put out a fire with
gasoline more importantly the extra mass
added by water will make the sun heavier
now gravity says thank you for your help
and then it starts to collide protons
with each other even faster and thanks
to this the synthesis speeds up
great we've made the sun incredibly
strong and now it has eaten us along
with other nearby planets and if we keep
adding water the sun will sooner or
later collapse in on itself it will blow
off its outer layers and become a black
hole awesome now it will pull inside
absolutely everything around good job
let's press rewind because clearly our
water experiment was a mistake one small
solar flare sounds much better alright
we're back to our usual calm Sun but it
seems like there's something that we've
well apparently water was critically
important for life on Earth who would
have thought now there's a huge amount
of unmoving fish and other Marine
creatures lying around where the oceans
used to be poor things
as for deep sea creatures they simply
didn't withstand such a sharp change in
algae and corals have also dried up wait
a minute weren't they responsible for
producing 50 to 80 percent of the
world's oxygen oops it's time to put on
some oxygen masks
and how are things on dry land I mean
now everything is just land but you get
the point wow this whole place is lit
and I mean it literally if there are no
oceans then there are no clouds or rain
now there are forest fires everywhere
poor animals have to escape and leave
their homes oh my and it's not like
they'll be able to find a new home
because all plants of course will dry up
quickly there will be literally no place
for living left on the planet so now
earth looks like a giant desert great
but people have been living in deserts
for thousands of years right maybe
they'll know what to do they won't after
all people in the desert also need to
so now there's total chaos everywhere
and survivors fight for the last drops
of water if there are any survivors at
all in fact no matter how much they
fight for resources their fate is sealed
the ocean absorbs a huge amount of CO2
and the heat coming from the Sun they
also distribute this heat throughout the
planet making it Pleasant to live on but
once they're gone the temperatures will
quickly jump to 250 degrees Fahrenheit
and above
but even if we forget about the high
temperatures now we have no clouds and
they helped us too by not letting
through solar radiation
so we're also under the direct impact of
the sun's race Our Last Hope is icebergs
now that everything is terribly hot
they've melted and maybe they'll be the
Last Hope For Humanity but that cool
solar flare was definitely worth it
silly humans
that's it for today so hey if you
pacified your curiosity then give the
video a like and share it with your
friends or if you want more just click
on these videos and stay on the bright

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