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Unit-II Instruction Set and Programs for Intel 8085

• Following major topics have to covered in this unit

• Addressing modes of Intel 8085

• Classification of Instructions of Intel 8085

• Machine and Assembly Languages

• Basic assembly language programs of Intel 8085

Addressing Modes:
• Each instruction requires certain data on which it has to operate
• There are various techniques to specify data for instructions
• These techniques are called addressing modes
• The way of specifying data to be operated by an instruction is known as addressing modes
• Intel 8085 uses the following addressing modes:
• Direct addressing
• Register addressing
• Register Indirect addressing
• Immediate addressing
• Implicit addressing

Direct Addressing:
• In this mode of addressing the address of the operand (data) is given in the instruction itself
• Example are:
• STA 2500H: Store the content of the accumulator in the memory location 2500H
• 32, 00, 25: The instruction is in coded form
• LDA 26FFH: Load the content of the memory location 26FFH to the accumulator
• 3A, FF, 26: The instruction is in coded form
• IN 02: Read data from Port C
• DB, 02: The instruction is in coded form

Register Addressing:
• In this mode of addressing the operand is in one of the general purpose registers
• The opcode specifies the address of the register(s) in addition to the operation to be performed
• Example are:
• MOV A, B: Move the content of register B to register A
• 78: The instruction is in coded form
• ADD B: Add the content of register B to the content of register A [A] ← [A] + [B]
• 80: The instruction is in coded form
• SUB C: Subtract the content of register C from the content of register A [A] ← [A] – [C]
• 91: The instruction is in coded form
Register Indirect Addressing:
• In this mode of addressing the address of the operand is specified by a register pair
• Example are:
• MOV A, M: Move the content of the memory location, whose address is in H-L pair to the
• 7E: The instruction is in coded form
• ADD M: Add the content of the memory location, whose address is in H-L pair, to the
content of the accumulator
• 86: The instruction is in coded form
• SUB M: Subtract the content of the memory location, whose address is in H-L pair, from the
content of the accumulator
• 96: The instruction is in coded form

Immediate Addressing:
• In this mode of addressing the operand (data) is specified within the instruction itself
• Example are:
• MVI A, 05: Move 05 in register A
• 3E, 05: The instruction is in coded form
• ADI 06: Add 06 to the content of the accumulator
• C6, 06: The instruction is in coded form
• LXI H, 2500: 2500 is 16-bit data which is given in the instruction itself to be loaded into H-L
• 21, 00, 25: The instruction is in coded form
• SUI 06: Subtract 06 from the content of the accumulator
• D6, 06: The instruction is in coded form

Implicit Addressing:
• There are certain instructions which operate on the content of the accumulator
• Such instruction do not require the address of the operand
• Also, known as implied or inherent addressing mode
• Example are:
• CMA: complement the accumulator content
• he instruction is in co e form [A] ← [A]
• RAL: Rotate accumulator left through carry
• 17: opcode [An+1] ← [An], [CS] ← [A7], [A0] ← [CS]
• RAR: Rotate accumulator right through carry
• 1F: The instruction is in coded form
[An] ← [An+1], [CS] ← [A0], [A7] ← [CS]
Instruction set of Intel 8085:

• Instruction is a command given to the computer to perform a specified operation on given


• The instruction set of a microprocessor is the collection of the instructions

• That the microprocessor is designed to execute

• These instructions have been classified into the following five groups

Classification of Intel 8085 Instructions:

• Data Transfer Group

• Arithmetic Group

• Logical Group

• Branch Control Group

• I/O and Machine Control Group

Data Transfer Group:
• Instructions which are used to transfer data in the following manner come under this group
• From one register to another register,
• From memory to register, or
• From register to memory
• Examples are: MOV, MVI, LXI, LDA, S A, etc….
• Data is transferred from the source to the destination without altering the content of the

S. Instructions Meaning Flag Addressing M/C T- Description

No Modes Cycle states
1. MOV r1, r2 [r1]←[r ] none Register 1 4 Move the content of
one register to another
2. MOV r, M [r] ←[[H-L]] none Reg. Indirect 2 7 Move the content of
memory whose
address in H-L pair to
3. MOV M, r [[H-L]] ←[r] none Reg. Indirect 2 7 Move the content of
register to memory
whose address in H-L
4. MVI r, data [r]← ata none Immediate 2 7 Move immediate data
to register r
5. MVI M, data [[H-L]] ← ata none Immediate/ 3 10 Move immediate data
Reg. Indirect to memory whose
address in H-L pair
6. LXI r , data [r ]← ata-16 none Immediate 3 10 Load register pair
p p
[r ] ← 8-MSB immediate
[r ] ← 8-LSB

7. LDA addr [A]← [a r] none Direct 4 13 Load accumulator

8. STA addr [a r] ←[A] none Direct 4 13 Store accumulator
9. LHLD addr [L]← [a r] none Direct 5 16 Load H-L pair direct
[H]← [a r+1]
10. SHLD addr [a r] ← [L] none Direct 5 16 Store H-L pair direct
[a r+1] ← [H]
11. LDA X r [A]← [[r ]] none Reg. Indirect 2 7 Load accumulator in-
p p
12. STAX r [[r ]] ←[A] none Reg. Indirect 2 7 Store accumulator in-
p p
13. XCHG [H-L]↔ [D-E] none Register 1 4 Exchange the content
of H-L with D-E

XCHG, LDAX rp and STAX rp

• Suppose before XCHG instruction
[H] = 35, [L] = 00 and [D] = 56, [E] = FF
• After XCHG instruction the result will be
[H] = 56, [L] = FF and [D] = 35, [E] = 00
• LDAX B will load the content of the memory location, whose address is in B-C pair to
• Ex: LDAX B Suppose [B][C] = 2550H [B]=25 and [C] =50,
• Whatever the data stored at memory 2550H will load to accumulator
• STAX D will store the content of the accumulator in the memory location whose address is in
D-E pair
• Ex: STAX D Suppose [D][E] = 2655H [D]=26 and [E] =55 and Suppose [A] =FF
• FF will be stored at memory location 2655H

Arithmetic Group:

• Instructions of this group perform arithmetic operations such as

• Addition, subtraction
• Increment or decrement of the content of a register or memory
• Examples are: ADD, SUB, INR, DCR, DAD, etc….
• This group contains about 14 instructions

S. Instructions Meaning Flag Addressing M/C T- Description

No Modes Cycle states
1. ADD r [A]←[A] + [r] all Register 1 4 Add register to
2. ADD M [A]←[A] + [[H- all Reg. Indirect 2 7 Add memory whose
L]] address in H-L pair to
3. ADC r [A] ←[A] + [r] all Register 1 4 Add register with
+ [CS] carry to accumulator
4. ADC M [A]← [A] + [[H- all Reg. Indirect 2 7 Add memory whose
L]] + [CS] address in H-L pair
with carry to
5. ADI data [A] ← [A]+ ata all Immediate 2 7 Add immediate data
to accumulator
6. ACI data [A]← [A] + data all Immediate 2 7 Add with carry
+ [CS] immediate data to
7. DAD r [H-L]← [H-L] + CS Register 3 10 Add register pair to
[r ] H-L pair
8. SUB r [A] ←[A] – [r] all Register 1 4 Subtract register from
9. SUB M [A] ← [A] – all Reg. Indirect 2 7 Subtract memory
[[H-L] whose address in H-L
pair from accumulator
10. SBB r [A] ←[A] – [r] – all Register 1 4 Subtract register from
[CS] accumulator with
11. SBB M [A] ← [A] – all Reg. Indirect 2 7 Subtract memory
[[H-L] – [CS] whose address in H-L
pair from accumulator
with borrow
12. SUI data [A] ←[A] – data all Immediate 2 7 Subtract immediate
data from
13. SBI data [A] ←[A] – data all Immediate 2 7 Subtract immediate
– [CS] data from
accumulator with
14. INR r [r] ← [r] + 1 all Register 1 4 Increment register
except content by 1
15. INR M [[H-L]] ← all Reg. Indirect 3 10 Increment memory
[[H-L]] + 1 except content by 1 whose
CS address in H-L pair
16. DCR r [r] ← [r] – 1 all Register 1 4 Decrement register
except content by 1
17. DCR M [[H-L]] ← all Reg. Indirect 3 10 Decrement memory
[[H-L]] – 1 except content by 1 whose
CS address in H-L pair
18. INX r [r ] ←[r ] + 1 none Register 1 6 Increment register
p p p
pair by 1
19. DCX r [r ] ←[r ] – 1 none Register 1 6 Decrement register
p p p
pair by 1
20. DAA all Implicit 1 4 Decimal adjust

DAA: Decimal Adjust Accumulator:

• DAA is use in the program after a ition instructions i.e. ADD, ADI, ADC etc…
• Result is placed in accumulator in hexadecimal
• The DAA instruction operates on result and gives the final result in decimal system
• It uses [CS] and [AC] for decimal adjustment
• 6 is added to 4 LSBs, if value lies A – F or [AC] = 1
• 6 is added to 4 MSBs, if value lies A – F or [CS] = 1

Example of DAA
• ADD 96D and 69D
Case 2:
Case 1:
84D = 1000 0100
96D = 1001 0110 92D = 1001 0010
69D = 0110 1001 16H = 0001 0110 and [CS ]= 1
FFH = 1111 1111 DAA + 0110
DAA + 0110 0110 = 0111 0110 = 01, 76D
= 0110 0101 = 01, 65D

Case 3:

48D = 0100 1000

39D = 0011 1001
81H = 1000 0001 and [AC ]= 1
DAA + 0110
= 1000 01101 = 0, 87D
Logical Group:

• Instructions of this group perform logical operations such as

• Logical AND, logical OR, Exclusive-OR
• Rotate or take complement of data in register or memory
• Examples are: ANA, ORA, XRA, CMP, RAR, etc…
• This group contains about 15 instructions

S. Instructions Meaning Flag Addressing M/C T- Description

No Modes Cycle states
1. ANA r [A]←[A] ˄ [r] all, Register 1 4 AND register with
CS=0, accumulator
2. ANA M [A]←[A] ˄ [[H- all, Reg. Indirect 2 7 AND memory whose
L]] CS=0, address in H-L pair
AC=1 with accumulator
3. ANI data [A] ←[A] ˄ ata all, Immediate 2 7 AND immediate data
CS=0, with accumulator
4. ORA r [A]← [A] ˅ r all, Register 1 4 OR register with
CS=0, accumulator
5. ORA M [A] ← [A] ˅ all, Reg. Indirect 2 7 OR memory whose
[[H-L]] CS=0, address in H-L pair
AC=0 with accumulator
6. ORI data [A]← [A] ˅ ata all, Immediate 2 7 OR immediate data
CS=0, with accumulator
7. XRA r [A]← [A] ˅ [r] all, Register 1 4 Exclusive –OR
CS=0, register with
AC=0 accumulator
8. XRA M [A] ←[A] ˅ [[H- all, Reg. Indirect 2 7 Exclusive –OR
L]] CS=0, memory whose
AC=0 address in H-L pair
with accumulator
9. XRI data [A] ← [A] ˅ all, Immediate 2 7 Exclusive –OR
data CS=0, immediate data with
AC=0 accumulator
10. CMA [A] ← [A] none Implicit 1 4 Complement the
11. CMC [CS] ←[CS] CS Inherent 1 4 Complement the carry
12. STC [CS] ← 1 CS Inherent 1 4 Set Carry status

13. CMP r [A] – [r] all Register 1 4 Compare register with

accumulator, result
14. CMP M [A] – [[H-L]] all Reg. Indirect 2 7 Compare memory
whose address in H-L
pair with accumulator
15. CPI data [A] – data all Immediate 2 7 Compare immediate
data with accumulator
16. RLC [A ]←[A ], CS Implicit 1 4 Rotate accumulator
n+1 n
[A ] ← [A ], left
0 7
[CS] ← [A ]
17. RRC [A ] ← [A ], CS Implicit 1 4 Rotate accumulator
7 0
[CS] ← [A ] , right
[A ]←[A ]
n n+1
18. RAL [A ]←[A ], CS Implicit 1 4 Rotate accumulator
n+1 n
[CS] ← [A ], left through carry
[A ] ← [CS]
19. RAR [A ]←[A ], CS Implicit 1 4 Rotate accumulator
n n+1
[CS] ← [A ], right through carry
[A ] ← [CS]

RLC : Rotate Accumulator Left:

[A0] ← [A7],
[CS] ← [A7]

Diagram of RLC:
RRC : Rotate Accumulator Right:
[A7] ← [A0],
[CS] ← [A0] ,
[An]←[An + 1]

Diagram of RRC:

RAL : Rotate Accumulator Left through Carry:

[CS] ← [A7],
[A0] ← [CS]
Diagram of RAL:

RAR : Rotate Accumulator Right through Carry:

[An]←[An + 1],
[CS] ← [A0],
[A7] ← [CS]

Diagram of RAR:

Branch Control Group:

• This group includes the instructions for conditional and unconditional jump
• Subroutine call and return, and restart
• The instruction of this group change the normal sequence of the program
• Examples are: JMP, JC, CALL, CZ, RE , RS etc…
• This group contains about total 29 instructions, 9 instructions for each jump, call and return

S. Instructions Meaning Flag Addressing M/C T- Description

No Modes Cycle states
1. JMP addr [PC]←label none Immediate 3 10 Unconditional jump:
(label) jump to label
2. JZ addr [PC]←label none Immediate 2/3 7/10 Jump if the result is
(label) Jump if Z = 1 zero
3. JNZ addr [PC]←label none Immediate 2/3 7/10 Jump if the result is
(label) Jump if Z = 0 not zero
4 JC addr [PC]←label none Immediate 2/3 7/10 Jump if there is a
(label) Jump if CS = 1 carry
5. JNC addr [PC]←label none Immediate 2/3 7/10 Jump if there is no
(label) Jump if CS = 0 carry
6. JP addr [PC]←label none Immediate 2/3 7/10 Jump if the result is
(label) Jump if S = 0 plus
7. JM addr [PC]←label none Immediate 2/3 7/10 Jump if the result is
(label) Jump if S = 1 minus
8. JPE addr [PC]←label none Immediate 2/3 7/10 Jump if even parity
(label) Jump if P = 1
9. JPO addr [PC]←label none Immediate 2/3 7/10 Jump if odd parity
(label) Jump if P = 0
1. CALL addr [[SP] – 1]← [PCH], none Immediate/ 5 18 Unconditional CALL:
(label) [[SP] – ]← [PCL], reg. indirect call the subroutine by
[SP] ←([SP] – 2), label
2. CZ addr [[SP] – 1]← [PCH], none Immediate/ 2/5 9/18 Call subroutine if the
(label) [[SP] – ]← [PCL], reg. indirect result is zero, the zero
[SP] ←([SP] – 2), status Z = 1
3. CNZ addr [[SP] – 1]← [PCH], none Immediate/ 2/5 9/18 Call subroutine if the
(label) [[SP] – ]← [PCL], reg. indirect result is not zero, the
[SP] ←([SP] – 2), zero status Z = 0
4 CC addr [[SP] – 1]← [PCH], none Immediate/ 2/5 9/18 Call subroutine if
(label) [[SP] – ]← [PCL], reg. indirect there is carry, the
[SP] ←([SP] – 2), carry status CS = 1
5. CNC addr [[SP] – 1]← [PCH], none Immediate/ 2/5 9/18 Call subroutine if
(label) [[SP] – ]← [PCL], reg. indirect there is no carry, the
[SP] ←([SP] – 2), carry status CS = 0
6. CP addr [[SP] – 1]← [PCH], none Immediate/ 2/5 9/18 Call subroutine if the
(label) [[SP] – ]← [PCL], reg. indirect result is plus, the sign
[SP] ←([SP] – 2), status S= 0
7. CM addr [[SP] – 1]← [PCH], none Immediate/ 2/5 9/18 Call subroutine if the
(label) [[SP] – ]← [PCL], reg. indirect result is minus, the
[SP] ←([SP] – 2), sign status S= 1
8 CPE addr [[SP] – 1]← [PCH], none Immediate/ 2/5 9/18 Call subroutine if
(label) [[SP] – ]← [PCL], reg. indirect even parity, the parity
[SP] ←([SP] – 2), status P = 1
9. CPO addr [[SP] – 1]← [PCH], none Immediate/ 2/5 9/18 Call subroutine if odd
(label) [[SP] – ]← [PCL], reg. indirect parity, the parity
[SP] ←([SP] – 2), status P = 0
1. RET [PCL]← [[SP]], none reg. indirect 3 10 Unconditional return:
[PCH]← [[SP] + 1], return from
[SP] ←([SP] + ) subroutine
2. RZ addr [PCL]← [[SP]], none reg. indirect 1/3 6/12 Return from
(label) [PCH]← [[SP] + 1], subroutine if the
[SP] ←([SP] + ) result is zero, the zero
status Z = 1
3. RNZ addr [PCL]← [[SP]], none reg. indirect 1/3 6/12 Return from
(label) [PCH]← [[SP] + 1], subroutine if the
[SP] ←([SP] + ) result is not zero, the
zero status Z = 0
4 RC addr [PCL]← [[SP]], none reg. indirect 1/3 6/12 Return from
(label) [PCH]← [[SP] + 1], subroutine if there is
[SP] ←([SP] + ) carry, the carry status
CS = 1
5. RNC addr [PCL]← [[SP]], none reg. indirect 1/3 6/12 Return from
(label) [PCH]← [[SP] + 1], subroutine if there is
[SP] ←([SP] + ) no carry, the carry
status CS = 0
6. RP addr [PCL]← [[SP]], none reg. indirect 1/3 6/12 Return from
(label) [PCH]← [[SP] + 1], subroutine if the
[SP] ←([SP] + ) result is plus, the sign
status S= 0
7. RM addr [PCL]← [[SP]], none reg. indirect 1/3 6/12 Return from
(label) [PCH]← [[SP] + 1], subroutine if the
[SP] ←([SP] + ) result is minus, the
sign status S= 1
8 RPE addr [PCL]← [[SP]], none reg. indirect 1/3 6/12 Return from
(label) [PCH]← [[SP] + 1], subroutine if even
[SP] ←([SP] + parity, )the parity
status P=1
9. RPO addr [PCL]← [[SP]], none reg. indirect 1/3 6/12 Return from
(label) [PCH]← [[SP] + 1], subroutine if odd
[SP] ←([SP] + ) parity, the parity
status P=0
1. RST n [[SP] –1]← [PCH], none Reg. Indirect 3 12 Restart
[[SP] – ]← [PCL], It is a one-word
[SP] ← ([SP] – 2), CALL instruction
[PC] ← 8 times n
2. PCHL [PC] ← [H-L], none Register 1 6 Jump to address
[PCH] ← [H], specified by H-L pair
[PCL] ← [L]

The restart instruction as follows: RST 0, RST 1, RST 2, RST 3, RTS 4, RTS5, RST6 and RST 7
PCHL: The content of H-L pair are transferred to program counter

I/O and Machine Control Group:

• This group includes the instructions for input/ output ports

• Stacks and
• Machine control
• Examples are: IN, OU , PUSH, POP, HL , etc…
• This group contains about12 instructions, 2 for input/output, 4 for stacks and rest for machine

S. Instructions Meaning Flag Addressing M/C T- Description

No Modes Cycle states
1. IN port- [A]←[Port] none Direct 3 10 Input to accumulator
address from I/O port
2. OUT port- [Port]← [A] none Direct 3 10 Output from
address accumulator to I/O
3. PUSH r [[SP] – 1] ← [r ] none Register/ 3 12 Push the content of
p h
[[SP] – ] ← [r ] reg. Indirect register pair to stack
[SP] ← ([SP] –2)
4 PUSH PSW [[SP] – 1] ← [A] none Register/ 3 12 PUSH program status
[[SP] – ]← PSW reg. Indirect word to the stack
[SP] ← ([SP] –2)
5. POP r [r ] ← [[SP]] none Register/ 3 10 Copy two bytes from
p l
[r ] ← [[SP] + 1] reg. Indirect the top of the stack
h into the specified
[SP] ← ([SP] +2) register
6. POP PSW PSW ← [[SP]] none Register/ 3 10 Copy two bytes from
[A] ← [[SP] + 1 reg. Indirect the top of the stack
[SP] ← ([SP] + ) into PSW and
7. HLT Program execution none Implied 1 5 Halt
is stopped
8. XTHL [L] ← [[SP]] none Reg. Indirect 5 16 Exchange stack top
[H] ← [[SP] + 1] with H-L
9. SPHL [H-L] ← [SP] none Register 1 6 Move the contents of
H-L pair to stack
10. EI Interrupts are none Implied 1 4 Enable interrupts
11. DI Interrupts are none Implied 1 4 Disable interrupts
12. SIM none Implicit 1 4 Set Interrupt Masks

13. RIM none Implicit 1 4 Read Interrupt Mask

14. NOP none Implied 1 4 No operation

SIM & RIM instructions:

• When SIM instruction executed:

• Bit No. 0 – 5 of the accumulator are used in programming the restart interrupt masks
• Bits 6-7 of the accumulator are used in making serial output on SOD line
• When RIM instruction executed:
• The accumulator is loaded with pending interrupts,
• The restart interrupt masks and the contents of SID

Intel 8085 Instructions Classification Summary

S. No Group Instructions Examples Total

1. Data Transfer MOV, MVI, LXI, LDA, STA, LHLD, SHLD, 10
2. Arithmetic ADD, ADC, ADI, ACI, DAD, SUB, SBB, SUI, SBI, 14
3. Logical ANA, ANI, ORA, ORI, XRA, XRI, CMA, CMC, 15
4. Branch Control JMP, JZ, JNZ, JC, JNC, JP, JM, JPE, JPO, CALL, 29
5. I/O & Machine Control IN, OUT, PUSH, POP, HLT, XTHL, SPHL, EI, DI, 12
Machine Language:

• A computer uses binary digits for its operation and understands information composed of only
0s and 1s
• Hence, the instructions are coded and stored in the memory in the form of zeros and ones
• A program written in the form of 0s and 1s is called a machine language program
• In the machine language there is a specific binary code for each instruction
• For example, in Intel 8085 to add the contents of register A and register B, the binary code is
• To move the content of register B to register A the binary code is 01111000

Demerits of Machine Language Programs:

• A program written in machine codes ultimately becomes a set of binary numbers

• Demerits:
• It is very difficult for the programmer to write a program in machine codes, it is error prone
• It is very difficult to understand or debug a program
• Since each bit has to be entered individually the entry of the a program is very slow
• Programs are long
• Program writing is difficult and tiresome
• Chances of careless errors in writing program

Adding of two Numbers Program:

Machine Code Comments

0010 0001 Get the address of Ist number (21)
0000 0001 LSBs of 2501 (01)
0010 0101 MSBs of 2501 (25)
0111 1110 Move Ist number in accumulator (7E)
0010 0011 Increment the content of H-L pair (23)
1000 0110 Add IInd number to the Ist number (86)
0011 0010 Store sum at 2503 (32)
0000 0011 LSBs of 2503 (03)
0010 0101 MSBs of 2503 (25)
0111 0110 Stop Halt (76)

Input and Output for add Program:

Memory Address Data

0010 0101 0000 0001 0001 0101
0010 0101 0000 0010 0010 0000
0010 0101 0000 0011 0011 0101
Hexadecimal System:

• To facilitate programmer machine code can be written in hexadecimal system

• The program can easily be written in hexadecimal system compared to binary system

• The mistake can easily be detected

• The program written in hexadecimal system is converted into binary system

• All microprocessor kits have provision for such conversion

• The language in which a program writes a programs is called source language

• The language in which a computer works is called object or machine language

Adding two Numbers Program in Hex:

Hex Code Comments

21 Get the address of Ist number (21)
01 LSBs of 2501 (01)
25 MSBs of 2501 (25)
7E Move Ist number in accumulator (7E)
23 Increment the content of H-L pair (23)
Add 2 number to the Ist number (86)
32 Store sum at 2503 (32)
03 LSBs of 2503 (03)
25 MSBs of 2503 (25)
76 Stop Halt (76)

2501 15
2502 20
2503 35 (Output)

Assembly Language:

• A programmer can easily write a program in alphanumeric symbols instead of 0s and 1s

• Meaningful and easily rememberable symbols are chosen for the purpose

• Examples are: ADD for addition, SUB for subtraction, CMP for comparison etc…, such
symbols called mnemonics

• A program written in mnemonics is known as assembly language program

• The writing of a program in assembly language is much easier and faster as compared to
machine language

• Both machine language and assembly language are microprocessor specific

Low Level Language:

• A microprocessor specific language is known as a low level language

• A program which translates an assembly language program into a machine language is called
an assembler

• A self-assembler or resident assembler is an assembler which runs on the microcomputer for


• It produces object code (or machine code)

• Mnemonics, operands, data of the program and starting address of for the program are fed to

• The assembler converts the program into a machine language program before the execution of
the program

Adding two Numbers Program in Assembly:

Mnemonics Operands
LXI H, 2501H
STA 2503H


2501 49H

2502 56H

9FH (Output)

Adding two Numbers Program in kit

Memory Address Hex Code Mnemonics Operands

2000 21 LXI H, 2501H
2001 01
2002 25 DATA:
2003 7E MOV A, M 2501 49H
2004 23 INX H 2502 56H
2005 86 ADD M
2006 32 STA 2503H Result:
2007 03 2501 9FH (Output)
2008 25
2009 76 HLT
Overview of Assembly Language:

• The programmer writes a program in mnemonics is easier to understand and faster to write
• An assembly language program is faster to produce result

• Programming is difficult and time consuming
• The assembly language is computer oriented
• Assembly language program is not portable
• Assembly language program is longer as compared to high level language

High Level Language:

• Instructions written in high-level languages are called statements rather than mnemonics
• In a HLL, statements more clearly resemble English and mathematics than mnemonics
• Examples of HLLs are OR RAN, COBOL, BASIC, PASCAL, C, C++, JAVA, etc….

Advantages of High Level Language:

• Instructions are very clear

• Writing of program is easier and faster
• HLLs are portable
• Easier documentation
• Standard syntax
• Independent of the structure of a computer

Disadvantages of High Level Language:

• Has to learn special rules for writing program

• Low speed
• Low efficiency of memory utilization: occupies the large part of the memory
• Extensive hardware and software supports required
• A compiler has to be provided to convert HLL program to Machine Language


• During the execution of a program, it becomes necessary to save the contents of certain
• Contents are named to certain memory locations by PUSH operation, registers used for other
• Contents which were saved in memory are transferred back to registers by POP operation
• Memory locations for this purpose is set by the programmer in the beginning
• The set of memory locations kept for this purpose is called stack
• The last memory location of the occupied portion of the stack is called stack-top
• A special 16-bit register known as stack pointer holds the address of stack-top
• The stack pointer is initialized in the beginning of the program by LXI SP or SPHL
• Any area of RAM can be used as stack, data are stored in LIFO principle (last-in-first-out)
• Stack access is faster than memory access, the SP register holds the stack-top location

Stack before PUSH operation:

Stack after PUSH operation:

Stack before POP operation:

Stack after POP operation:


• While writing a program certain operations may occur several times and
• they are not available as individual instructions
• The program for such operation are repeated again and again in the main program
• Example of such operation is multiplication, sine, cosine, logarithm, etc. for Intel 8085
• The concept of subroutine is used to avoid the repetition of smaller programs
• The small program for a particular task is called subroutine
• Subroutines are written separately and stored in the memory
• They are called at various points of the main program by CALL instruction where they are
• The last instruction of the subroutine is RET
• After the completion of a subroutine, the main program begins from the instruction
• immediately following the CALL instruction
• There may be more than one subroutine in a program
• The technique of subroutine saves memory location

CALL-RETURN Structure of Subroutine:


• A monitor is a program which resides in a ROM of PROM, carries out the following
• Initialization of the system
• Loading of programs into RAM
• Control of input & output devices
• Displaying of the contents of the internal CPU registers or memory location
• Modifying the contents of CPU registers or memory location
• Execution of the program which is in RAM or ROM
Monitor Program:

• In a microprocessor kit a monitor program controls its entire operation

• It contains subroutines for debugging programs like single step operation and
• program for inserting break point
• It also contains command like INSERT, DELETE, DELAY, RELOCATE etc.
• It controls CRT terminals, printer etc
• It helps user in entering and executing machine code program
• BIOS: Load the OS into RAM, and to control basic input/output operations

Intel8085: Basic Programs:

Ex1: Place 05 in register B

Mnemonics Operands Memory Address Machine Code Comments

MVI B, 05 2000 H 06, 05 Get 05 in register B
HLT 2002 H 76 Stop

Ex2: Get 05 in register A; then move it to register B

Mnemonics Operands Memory Address Machine Code Comments

MVI A, 05 2000 H 3E, 05 Get 05 in register A
MOV B, A 2002 H 47 Content of register A is
moved to register B
HLT 2003 H 76 Stop

Ex3: Load the content of memory location 3550H directly to accumulator, then transfer to
register B. The content of memory location 3550H is 05

Mnemonics Operands Memory Address Machine Code

LDA 3550H 2000 H 3A, 50, 35
MOV B, A 2003 H 47
HLT 2004 H 76

Ex4: Move the content of memory location 3550H to register C. The content of the memory
location 3550H is 08

Mnemonics Operands Memory Address Machine Code

LXI H, 3550H 2000 H 21, 50, 35
MOV C, M 2003 H 4E
HLT 2004 H 76
Ex5: Place the content of the memory location FC50H in register B and that of FC51H in
register C. The content of FC50H and FC51H are 11H and 12H respectively

Mnemonics Operands Memory Address Machine Code

LXI H, FC50H 2500H 21, 50, FC
MOV B, M 2503H 46
INX H 2504H 23
MOV C, M 2505H 4E
HLT 2506H 76

The register B and C will contain 11H and 12H


FC50 – 11H

FC51 – 12H

Ex6: Place 05 in the accumulator. Increment it by one and store the result in the memory
location 3600H

Mnemonics Operands Memory Address Machine Code

MVI A, 05 2500 H 3E, 05
INR A 2502 H 3C
STA 3600 H 2503 H 32, 00, 36
HLT 2506 H 76

INR A increases the content of accumulator from 05 to 06


3600 H – 06 H

Addition of Two 8-bit Numbers: Sum 8-bit

Add 49 H and 56 H. Method#1

The 1st number 49 H is in the memory location 2501 H.

The 2nd number 56 H is in the memory location 2502 H.

The result to be stored in the memory location 2503 H.

Mnemonics Operands Memory Address Machine Code

LDA 2501 H 2000 H 3A, 01, 25
MOV B, A 2003 H 47 2501 – 49 H
LDA 2502 H 2004 H 3A, 02, 25
ADD B 2007 H 80 2502 – 56 H
STA 2503 H 2008 H 32, 03, 25
HLT 200B H 76

2503 – 9F H
By Method#2

Mnemonics Operands Memory Address Machine Code

LXI H, 2501 H 2000 H 21, 01, 25
MOV A, M 2003 H 7E 2501 – 49 H
INX H 2004 H 23
ADD M 2005 H 86 2502 – 56 H
STA 2503 H 2006 H 32, 03, 25
HLT 2009 H 76
Addition of Two 8-bit Numbers: Sum 16-bit

Add 98 H and 9A H. Method#1

2503 – 9F H
The 1 number 98 H is in the memory location 2501 H.

The 2nd number 9A H is in the memory location 2502 H.

The result to be stored in the memory location 2503 H & 2504 H.

Mnemonics Operands Memory Address Machine Code

MVI C, 00H 2000 H 0E, 00
LDA 2501 H 2002 H 3A, 01, 25
MOV B, A 2005 H 47
2501 – 98 H
LDA 2502 H 2006 H 3A, 02, 25
2502 – 9A H
ADD B 2009 H 80
JNC AHEAD 200A H D2, 0E, 20
INR C 200D H 0C
2503 – 32 H
AHEAD: STA 2503 H 200E H 32, 03, 25
2504 – 01 H
MOV A, C 2011 H 79
STA 2504 H 2012 H 32, 04, 25
HLT 2015 H 76


Mnemonics Operands Memory Address Machine Code

MVI C, 00H 2000 H 0E, 00
LXI H, 2501 H 2002 H 21, 01, 25 DATA
MOV A, M 2005 H 7E 2501 – 98 H
INX H 2006 H 23 2502 – 9A H
ADD M 2007 H 86
JNC AHEAD 2008 H D2, 0C, 20 Result
INR C 200B H 0C 2503 – 32 H
AHEAD: STA 2503 H 200C H 32, 03, 25 2504 – 01 H
MOV A, C 200F H 79
STA 2504 H 2010 H 32, 04, 25
HLT 2013 H 76
Decimal Addition of Two 8-bit Numbers:

Add 84 D and 75 D.

The 1st number 84 D is in the memory location 2501 H.

The 2nd number 75 D is in the memory location 2502 H.

The result to be stored in the memory location 2503 H & 2504 H.

Mnemonics Operands Memory Address Machine Code

MVI C, 00H 2000 H 0E, 00
LXI H, 2501 H 2002 H 21, 01, 25 DATA
MOV A, M 2005 H 7E 2501 – 84 D
INX H 2006 H 23
2502 – 75 D
ADD M 2007 H 86
DAA 2008 H 27
JNC AHEAD 2009 H D2, 0D, 20 Result
INR C 200C H 0C 2503 – 59 D
AHEAD: STA 2503 H 200D H 32, 03, 25 2504 – 01
MOV A, C 2010 H 79
STA 2504 H 2011 H 32, 04, 25
HLT 2014 H 76

Subtraction of Two 8-bit Numbers:

Subtract 32 H from 49 H. 49 H – 32 H Method#1

The 1 number 49 H is in the memory location 2501 H.
The 2nd number 32 H is in the memory location 2502 H.
The result to be stored in the memory location 2503 H & 2504 H.

Mnemonics Operands Memory Address Machine Code

MVI C, 00H 2000 H 0E, 00
LDA 2501 H 2002 H 3A, 01, 25
MOV B, A 2005 H 47
LDA 2502 H 2006 H 3A, 02, 25
SUB B 2009 H 90
JNC AHEAD 200A H D2, 0E, 20
INR C 200D H 0C
AHEAD: STA 2503 H 200E H 32, 03, 25
MOV C, A 2011 H 79
STA 2504 H 2012 H 32, 04, 25
HLT 2015 H 76

2501 – 49 H
2502 – 32 H

2503 – 17 H
2504 – 00 H

Mnemonics Operands Memory Address Machine Code

MVI C, 00H 2000 H 0E, 00
LXI H, 2501 H 2002 H 21, 01, 25
MOV A, M 2005 H 7E
INX H 2006 H 23
SUB M 2007 H 96
JNC AHEAD 2008 H D2, 0C, 20
INR C 200B H 0C
AHEAD: STA 2503 H 200C H 32, 03, 25
MOV C, A 200F H 79
STA 2504 H 2010 H 32, 04, 25
HLT 2013 H 76

2501 – 32 H
2502 – 49 H

2503 – F9 H
2504 – 01 H

Decimal Subtraction of Two 8-bit Numbers:

Subtract 38 D from 96 D. 96 – 38
The 1 number 96 D is in the memory location 2501 H.
The 2nd number 32 D is in the memory location 2502 H.
The result to be stored in the memory location 2503 H.

In ecimal subtraction, the number which is to be subtracte is converte into 10’s complement

Mnemonics Operands Memory Address Machine Code

LXI H, 2502 H 2000 H 21, 02, 25
MVI A, 99 H 2003 H 3E, 99
SUB M 2005 H 96
INR A 2006 H 3C
DCX H 2007 H 2B
ADD M 2008 H 86
DAA 2009 H 27
STA 2503 H 200A H 32, 03, 25
HLT 200D H 76

2501 – 96 D
2502 – 38 D

2503 – 58 D
Find One’s complement of an 8-bit number

96 H = 1001 0110
One’s complement = 0110 1001 = (69 H)
The number is placed in the memory location 2501 H
The result is stored in the memory location 2502 H

Mnemonics Operands Memory Address Machine Code

LDA 2501 H 2000 H 3A, 01, 25
CMA 2003 H 2F
STA 2502 H 2004 H 32, 02, 25
HLT 2007 H 76

2501 – 96 H

2502 – 69 H

Find Two’s complement of an 8-bit number:

96 H = 1001 0110
One’s complement = 0110 1001 = (69 H)
A 01 in 1’s complement, after a ition = 6A H
The number is placed in the memory location 2501 H
The result is stored in the memory location 2502 H

Mnemonics Operands Memory Address Machine Code

LDA 2501 H 2000 H 3A, 01, 25 DATA
CMA 2003 H 2F 2501 – 96 H
INR A 2004 3C
STA 2502 H 2005 H 32, 02, 25 Result
HLT 2008 H 76 2502 – 6A H

Find One’s complement of a 16-bit number:

5485 H = 0101 0100 1000 0101

One’s complement = 1010 1011 0111 1010= (AB7A H)
The number is placed in the memory location 2501 H & 2502 H
The result is stored in the memory location 2503 H & 2504 H

Mnemonics Operands Memory Address Machine Code

LXI H, 2501 H 2000 H 21, 01, 25
MOV A, M 2003 H 7E DATA
CMA 2004 H 2F 2501 – 85 H
STA 2503 H 2005 H 32, 03, 25 2502 – 54 H
INX H 2008 H 23
MOV A, M 2009 H 7E Result
CMA 200A H 2F 2503 – 7A H
STA 2504 H 200B H 32, 04, 25 2504 – AB H
HLT 200E H 76
Find Two’s complement of a 16-bit number:

A 01 in 1’s complement, after a ition = AB7B H

Mnemonics Operands Memory Address Machine Code

LXI H, 2501 H 2000 H 21, 01, 25
MVI B, 00 H 2003 H 06, 00 DATA
MOV A, M 2005 H 7E
2501 – 85 H
CMA 2006 H 2F
2502 – 54 H
ADI 01 H 2007 H C6, 01
STA 2503 H 2009 H 32, 03, 25
JNC GO 200C H D2, 10, 20 Result
INR B 200F H 04 2503 – 7B H
GO: INX H 2010 H 23 2504 – AB H
MOV A, M 2011 H 7E
CMA 2012 H 2F
ADD B 2013 H 80
STA 2504 H 2014 H 32, 04, 25
HLT 2017 H 76

Mask-off Least Significant 4-bits of an 8-bit number

Number = A6 H
= 1010 0110
Mask-off Least Significant 4-bits
Result = 1010 0000 = A0 H
The number is placed in the memory location 2501 H
The result is stored in the memory location 2502 H

Mnemonics Operands Memory Address Machine Code

LDA 2501 H 2000 H 3A, 01, 25
ANI F0 H 2003 H E6, F0 2501 – A6 H
STA 2502 H 2004 H 32, 02, 25
HLT 2007 H 76 Result
2502 – A0 H
Mask-off Most Significant 4-bits of an 8-bit number:

Number = A6 H
= 1010 0110
Mask-off Most Significant 4-bits
Result = 0000 0110 = 06 H
The number is placed in the memory location 2501 H
The result is stored in the memory location 2502 H

Mnemonics Operands Memory Address Machine Code DATA

LDA 2501 H 2000 H 3A, 01, 25
2501 – A6 H
ANI 0F H 2003 H E6, 0F
STA 2502 H 2004 H 32, 02, 25
HLT 2007 H 76 Result
2502 – 06 H
Shift of an 8-bit number left by one bit:

Number = 65 H
= 0110 0101
Shift one bit left = 1100 1010 = CA H (Result)
The number is placed in the memory location 2501 H
The result is stored in the memory location 2502

0110 0101
0110 0101
1100 1010

Mnemonics Operands Memory Address Machine Code DATA

LDA 2501 H 2000 H 3A, 01, 25 2501 – 65 H
ADD A 2003 H 87
STA 2502 H 2004 H 32, 02, 25 Result
HLT 2007 H 76 2502 – CA H

Shift of an 8-bit number left by two bits:

Number = 65 H
= 0110 0101
Shift one bit left = 1100 1010 (1-bit left shift) = CA H
Shift again by one bit = 1001 0100 = 94 H
The number is placed in the memory location 2501 H
The result is stored in the memory location 2502 H

0110 0101
0110 0101
1100 1010
1100 1010
1001 0100

Mnemonics Operands Memory Address Machine Code

LDA 2501 H 2000 H 3A, 01, 25
ADD A 2003 H 87
ADD A 2004 H 87
STA 2502 H 2005 H 32, 02, 25
HLT 2008 H 76

2501 – 65 H

2502 – 94 H

1. Discuss various types of addressing modes of Intel 8085 with suitable examples. Give atleast
five examples for each

2. Classify 8085 instructions in various groups. Give atleast five examples of instructions for
each group

3. Write the advantages and disadvantages of machine language over assembly language

4. Write the roles of stacks, subroutines and monitor program in an assembly language program

5. Write a full description of the following instructions:

(i) ADC M, (ii) SUI data, (iii) XRA r, (iv) PUSH PSW, (v) LDAX D, (vi) POP B,

(vii) CPO addr(label), (viii) JNZ addr(label), (ix) RET (x) RAR

Program Assignment-II

1. Write an assembly language program for Intel 8085 to add two 16-bit numbers available at
memory locations 3401H, 3402H and 3403H, 3404H and store the result at memory location
3405H onward.

2. Write an assembly language program for Intel 8085 to subtract a 16-bit number stored at
memory locations 3501H & 3502H from a 16-bit number stored at memory location 3503H &
3504H and store the result at 3505H onward

3. Write an assembly language program to fin the ’s complement of an 8-bit number stored at
memory location 3600H and stores the complemented result at memory location 360AH.

4. Write an assembly language program for 8085 µp to subtract an 8-bit decimal number stored
at memory location 3500H from an 8-bit decimal number stored at memory location 3501H.
The program shall store the result and carry at memory locations 3502H onward

5. Write an assembly language program to fin the ’s complement of a 16-bit number stored at
memory locations 3601H & 3602H and stores the result at memory location 3603H & 3604H

The assignment should be completed by 20.10.2020

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