LIS Protocol For Ichroma2 (Rev.0) - Eng (1610071

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LIS protocol for i-CHROMA 2(Rev.


Date : 2015.01.20

Exchange data is organized in packets.

The format is
HeadChar + Datarecord + CRLF
HeadChar = Single character; ‘$1’ for uploading
DataRecord = each field is distinguished by letter ‘|’
If there no value in each field insert the letter (‘|’)

Parameter explanation Possible Value

Device number Device Serial No. alphanumeric
Date Test date (YYYYMMDDHHMMSS) alphanumeric
User ID Operator ID alphanumeric
Patient ID Patient ID alphanumeric
Age Patient age digit
Gender Patient gender Male/Female

Test name Item name alphanumeric

Lot name Item lot name alphanumeric

Expiry date Item expire date alphanumeric

Result 1 Test result 1 alphanumeric

Result 2 Test result 2 alphanumeric

Result 3 Test result 3 alphanumeric

Result 4 Test result 4 alphanumeric

Result 5 Test result 5 alphanumeric

Unit 1 Unit of Test result 1 alphanumeric

Unit 2 Unit of Test result 2 alphanumeric

Unit 3 Unit of Test result 3 alphanumeric

Unit 4 Unit of Test result 4 alphanumeric

Unit 5 Unit of Test result 5 alphanumeric

Result flag Test result positive / negative flag ( P / N / blank )

Test type General test, QC mode, QC calibration mode G/Q/C

Tip type General tip, C-Tip G/C

Slot number Slot Number of tested Number

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Control name Control type alphanumeric

Control lot name Control lot Number alphanumeric

Control Exp. Expiry date of data alphanumeric

Control Flag Positive / Negative flag ( P / N / blank )

Reserved 1 Extra space alphanumeric

Reserved 2 Extra space alphanumeric

Reserved 3 Extra space alphanumeric

Reserved 4 Extra space alphanumeric

Reserved 5 Extra space alphanumeric

Data Form) $1 | + Datarecord + CRLF

Ex – Datastream)



CR = Carriage Return (ascii value 0x0d, \r)

LF = Line Feed (LF, ascii value 0x0a. \n)

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