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Care Daniel Klint Richter M.


4. You know you’re a Filipino if?

Filipinos are widely known for their warmth and hospitality. Islands may have separated
the people but their unity as one country always emerges in times of need.
Interestingly, there are some noticeable quirks observed in a Filipino

• You decorate your dining room wall with a giant wooden spoon and fork and a
picture of the Last Supper
• You think sandwiches are snacks, not meals
• You use a stone to scrub yourself in the shower.
• You prescribe ginger brew and salt mouthwash to treat sore throats.

Popular Filipino Traits Filipino Global Filipino global Icons

and Values Representations
• Jollibee
Filipino hospitality • Lupang Hinirang • Boracay
• Mt. mayon
Respect for the • Pearl • Chocolate hills
• Sampaguita
Industrious attitude


Faith and religion

6. Do you identify yourself as Filipino based on the answers in the
group activity? why?

Exactly, since the battle for Philippine independence led directly to a feeling of national
identity and pride. However, one's first allegiance is to one's family and birthplace. Many
Filipinos have a welcoming and friendly disposition, and key values such as fellowship,
respect, and acceptance are present throughout the culture.

Is there any Filipino traits value representation, or icon which you

don’t want to be associated with? Why?

Nothing at all. Because, as a Filipino, I am proud of the features and values that enable
us to be more loving and compassionate to others.

How does being a Filipino affect who you are?

Being a Filipino makes you friendlier, more hospitable, courteous, and loyal. In a other
word, Filipino basic values shape us how we act in each scenario.

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