InvitingArticles ContributionForClassMagazine Classes9 12

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To 05.01.

The Parents of
Students in Classes IX to XII,
Academic Year 2022 – 2023,
St. John’s Public School (SJPS),
Chennai - 600 100.
Dear Parents,
Sub: Inviting articles from students for the Section – wise Class Magazine 2022 – 2023 – Reg.,
Greetings from SJPS!!!
This communication is an extension of the circular dated 26th of December 2022 regarding
‘Introduction of Section – wise Class Magazine 2022 – 2023 & Inviting Articles from Students.
It is a well known fact that students of classes IX to XII have a lot of exposure to different
experiences, interests and ideas, be it Literature and Arts through various media, Entertainment
and culture , Science and Innovative break-throughs in the world of technology , travel and
tourism in the Indian and Global Scenario, World Economies and the impact of global events
such as climate change and Political change. With these thoughts in mind, it is important that
students have a platform to show case their talents and know-how in their areas of interest
through the different varieties of submissions that were curated for your choice towards the
section wise Class Magazines. (*List given as an attachment though mentioned in the previous
Knowing how to channelize your thoughts and making your ideas readable and print worthy is
a challenge. What better way than to start by making an attempt in any modality that you want
to try out and submit your entries for you very own Class magazine! Students who need
guidance in how to present articles that are original can get it from the corresponding teachers.
For example if it is related to arts, they can get inputs for presentation from the Art Teacher. If it
is related to technology or Sciences the computer Science/Artificial Inelligence and science
teachers respectively can guide you. Those articles related to literature (English, Hindi, Tamil,
French or Sanskrtit) can approach the respective teachers of these languages.
It is however mandatory that your contribution should be absolutely your idea and not from
any source at all. It can have references, pictures and quotes but it should all be duly
acknowledged in your manuscript in the form of a bibliography towards the end of the article.
Each student of every section is expected give atleast one contribution under any area of
Let this be an opportunity that is grabbed by open hands by all students. Expressions of
creativity and novel thinking will always be celebrated at SJPS and as mentioned in the
previous communication, the best entries in the section wise class magazine will find their place
in the Annual School magazine that will be released during the Annual Day.


Mrs. Angelin Christopher Roy,

Vice Principal – Senior School, SJPS!

Encl: Different types of submissions that can be made for the Class Magazine:
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Different types of submissions that can be made for the Class Magazine:
• Cartoons • Drawings / Sketches
• Puzzles • Poems
• Short Stories • Biographies
• Articles of Current Social Topics • Articles on Science
• Articles on Science Topics • Articles on Wonders of Math
• Literary Articles on English/Tamil/Hindi/French • Simple Projects (Investigatory Projects)
• Reflections on Innovative Inventions • Reflections on Important Discoveries
• Articles on Business Affairs • Articles on Economics
• Articles on History / Geography • Articles on Health / Medical Care
• Articles on Family • Articles on Parents – Relationships
• Articles on Home-science & Related Matters • Articles on House Hold Matters
• Any other subject that you may find interesting and inquisitive.

Guidelines to remember:
❖ Students can even attempt 2 or more articles - Each article should be minimum of 100
words to 1000words.
❖ No students can give their articles one or two together more than 3 pages. Their quota is
only maximum 3 pages per student
❖ All submissions in written/handmade format should be in A4 size.
❖ The last date to receive articles by the respective Class Teachers is Thursday the 12th of
January 2023. The articles can be handwritten or can be typed if in written formats.

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