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Week 5

11th grade
Comparatives and superlative adjectives.

Name: Maria del Mar Benavides Date : 30/10/2022

1. Reading time!

a) Go to the Raz kids

platform and choose
two books or

b) Write a book review about at least 100 words using comparatives and
superlative adjectives for describing both stories, characters,
scenarios, etc.

c) Add supported questions such as:

● Who is in the story?
● Which part did you like the most? which did you like the least?
● What kind of literature are the stories?: sci-fi - romance -
biography etc.
● Would you recommend the books, why?.

d) in the text high light the comparatives and superlatives you use.

e) Don’t forget to include a list of unknown words, and a drawing or

picture of the stories selected.
Books reviews

The first book that i read was “the history of Anime” and the history
begins long before the words existed and the way of expression was
only by paintings, in the nineteenth century most japanese artwork was
done on large scrolls, and doing this take long time and because of
this it was very expensive so only worthy people can afforded.

In 1814 a new art name manga appeared, and manga sketches were
drawing by hand and because it was more cheap the process of
making this now it was available for every body, and finally at the late
1800s manga came on is own, on the twenties manga appears in
many japanese newspapers.

The looks: Anime has a distinct appearance, panels are very colored
and the characters are very high energy with exaggerated
expressions, characters with large eyes are childlike and trustworthy
and with while smaller eyes narrowed into a squint, indicate
sneakiness, tiny eyes represents evil and with the other hand big
eyes represent a happy person
For example the above eye is more evil than the eye below

● Who is in the story?

● Katsushika Hokusai y Hayao Miyazaki

● Which part did you like the most? Which did you like
the least?
● My favorite part was when they describe the
expressions in the characters.

● What kind of literature are the stories?: sci-fi -

romance - biography etc.
● It was a biography about the anime.

● Would you recommend the books, why?.

● Yes, I’ll recommend it because I'll teach you about
the history of anime.
The second history that i read it was “How to build a greenhouse” and
this text talks about one day the roman emperor Tiberius became ill,
and the doctor recommend him to eat cucumber every day, this
presented a challenge to Tibeius gardeners, ¿how coil they keep the
green vegetable growing all year long?, and that's when they put the
seed in a pot and covered it with a mineral called mica that it was like
the glas and they figured out the way and with this the existence of the
greenhouses was born.

The green houses are made of glass and they are like a tiny house.
● Who is in the story?
● Emperor Tiberius and his gardeners.

● Which part did you like the most? Which did you like
the least?
● My favorite part is when the doctor resetases
cucumber to Tiberius because I found it curious.

● What kind of literature are the stories?: sci-fi -

romance - biography etc.
● It was a biography about the greenhouses.

● Would you recommend the books, why?.

● Yes, I’ll recommend it because I'll teach you about
the history of the greenhouses.

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