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(Click on pictures to hear pronunciation.)

Describe the clothing you are now wearing. (Use present continuous

Talk about types of clothing, colors, patterns, etc. (Use present tense.)

What types of clothing do you wear in the winter? In the summer?

(Use present tense).
How is your clothing different from traditional clothing in your home

Do you go shopping

What kinds of clothes do you buy.

Where do you usually shop for clothes? Suelo comprar ropas en las
boutiques y en las tiendas americanas. Why do you buy your clothes
there? Porque en las dos se puede encontrar ropa de calidad y
dependiendo de la ocasión, me gusta comprar trajes de baños en las

How do you decide which items of clothing you will buy?

De acuerdo a mi necesidades o de la ocasión

What types of clothes go well together? Which do not?

Casual con formal .

Describe how to take good care of your clothing.

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