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Nama : Ryan Septian gandi

NPM : 41155050210041
Kelas : INF-A2

Diskusi Soal Latihan-latihan Pengantar Keamanan Komputer

1. As part of his security implementation plan, Glenn was updating his firewall. Which
aspect of the security implementation plan was Glenn working on ?
a. Precaution
b. Maintenance
c. Reaction
d. Nonrepudiation

Answer : b.maintenance

2. You received the following email from an official claiming to be from your bank.
Dear ABC Bank User, Since we will be updating our customer database shortly, you
are kindly requested to send the following information.
• Name
• Bank login id
• Password
• Branch
• Date of birth
• Alternate email
Please click the below link to update your details.
Proceed to update your account details
Please contact the ABC Bank customer team in case of any queries. Thank you for
Which type of email security threat is this?
a. Nigerian scam
b. Malicious email attachment
c. Phishing
d. Spy-phishing

Answer : C.phishing

3. Janine’s parents gave her a smartphone for her birthday. The phone’s operating
system intrigued and delighted Janine at the same time. This was because it was the
first time she had seen a smartphone that had a tile-based setup. In addition, the tiles
could be removed and interchanged on the home screen. Which operating system did
Janine’s phone have?
a. Android
b. Windows
c. Symbian
d. iOS
Answer :

4. Certain software applications add or modify a particular feature in a browser. A few

versions allow users to block ads, watch online videos, or IM with friends. What is
this application called?
a. Cookies
b. Extensions
c. ActiveX
d. Java

Answer : b.extensions

5. Alex, the coach of Manchester United, called up Wayne, the captain of the team, to
discuss the tactics they would employ in the upcoming Champions League Final. The
following day, Alex received an email with the transcript of the conversation he had
with Wayne. The sender of the email threatened to make Alex’s tactics public, if he
did not pay him $5000. Which form of mobile device attack was Alex a victim of ?
a. Man in the middle attack
b. Eavesdropping
c. Social engineering
d. Phishing

Answer : b.eavesdropping

6. A new online service allows people living with roommates to feed in all their house
hold expenses in its ‘share calculator’ program. The program then calculates how
much each person is supposed to pay and sends a detailed report to all those who are
listed as roommates for that particular transaction. The above mentioned service is an
example of which of the following?
a. Platform as a Service
b. Infrastructure as a Service
c. Network as a Service
d. Software as a Service

Answer : b.infrastructure as a service

7. Daniel, a bank officer, communicates with his clients through emails on a daily basis.
Recently, he noticed that his Gmail inbox was filled with unsolicited emails. The
cluttered inbox annoyed him, as it was difficult to filter the important emails. Hence,
he decided to find a solution for it. Upon inquiry, a service provider told him that he
could use software which automatically filters out the unsolicited emails. This
software would not only protect his Gmail account, but also protect all the email
accounts configured on his email client. Which of the following tools did Daniel
probably enquire about?
a. Kaspersky
b. Norton
c. SPAMfighter
d. Avast Pro

Answer : a.kaspersky

8. Tom, a 14 year-old boy has been chatting online with Adam, whom Tom assumes is
14 years old as well. Over the months, they built up a great ‘online’ friendship,
playing online games, checking out EDM websites, continuing with their friendly
rivalry over football, and just talking about ‘guy’ stuff. When Adam invited Tom over
to meet him, Tom was obviously excited. However, when Tom met Adam, he was
shocked, as Adam turned out to be a 35 years old man. Despite this shock, Tom
entered Adam’s house, as he trusted him. Tom was having a great time playing PS3
with Adam, until the time Adam touched him inappropriately. Tom ran away from
Adam’s house and did not know what to do. Which form of cyber-attack was Tom a
victim of?
a. Pornography
b. Phishing
c. Grooming
d. Social Engineering

Answer: c.grooming

9. InfraTech Inc. is an international IT company with offices in Dubai, Singapore, and

Australia. To have continuity of business practice, it is imperative that all the branch
offices be able to communicate amongst themselves. Which of the following network
systems would be suitable for data communication between the employees of all
branches of InfraTech Inc.?
a. Virtual Private Network
b. Wide Area Network
c. Local Area Network
d. Ethernet

Answer : b.wide area network

10. ABC Info Ltd. has a part of its business already on a cloud computing platform.
However, its new product suite would need a cloud service which runs on a totally
different technology. The company should be able to make its legacy products and
new products communicate with each other as the new products are just an upgrade of
the old ones and much of the required data still resides on the old cloud. Which of the
following cloud computing platforms will be suitable for ABC Info’s future needs?
a. Hybrid cloud
b. Private cloud
c. Community cloud
d. Public cloud

Answer : a.hybrid cloud

11. Sally is a 16-year-old high school student who is extremely attached to her laptop.
She uses it to download and watch episodes of her favorite sitcom. While watching
one of the episodes, her laptop switched off automatically a couple of times.
Suspecting a malware infection, she opened the antivirus software on her laptop and
chose a technique, which examined all files on the memory and hard disk in order to
identify and locate the malware. Which antivirus technique did Sally employ?
a. Heuristics analysis
b. Bookmarks method
c. Scanning
d. Integrity checking

Answer : c.scanning

12. Which of the following terms refers to a collection of information that defines or
describes the user and his or her interests?
a. Facebook group
b. Account settings
c. Timeline
d. Profile

Answer : d profile

13. Which privacy issue of clouds exposes users to the risk of their data being accessed
by the cloud service provider without the user’s consent?
a. Data ownership
b. Data location
c. Data migration
d. Data permanency

Answer : permanency

14. Which of the following antivirus techniques refers to the process of comparing the
current state of stored programs to a previously recorded state, which is known to be
free of malware?
a. Heuristics analysis
b. Scanning
c. Integrity checking
d. Bookmarks method

Answer : c.integrity checking

15. XYZ Infra Solutions, a startup company is looking for a cloud service provider who
can provide virtual machines, virtual local area network, customized software
applications, on demand storage, IP addresses, and firewalls to meet its business
needs. Which of the following cloud computing services can meet the business needs
of the company?
a. Infrastructure as a Service
b. Platform as a Service
c. Application as a Service
d. Software as a Service
Answer : a.infrastructure as a service

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