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Gauge Pressure SURFACE TANSION Excess Pressure Inside a Curved Liquid Surface
P=F Anything which can
A flow like liquid & Excess pressure inside Excess pressure inside a Excess pressure inside a
Exass Pressure over Force acting per unit Gases Known as Surface energy the drop cavity or air bubble in liquid soap bubble
the Atmospheric Area. Fluids. 2S 2S 4S
Pressure (Po - Patm Pex = (Pi + P0 ) Pex = + ρ gh Pex = Pi - P0 =
Additional potential r r r
Measured with P0 2S
energy exhibited by Pinside = Patm + + ρgh
instrument. r
liquid molecules present
Pgauge = P – P0 = rgh F1 h1 dr Pout = Patm
A at the surface of the
h2 molecules. P0
L P1 h
Pressure A OF FLUIDS Pin
Force exerted by
Atmospheric Column
on Unit area at
Archimedes Principle Cohesive Force and Adhesive Force
mean sea level.
[P0 = 1.013 × 105 N/m2]
“Whenever a body is immersed Law of Floating Shape of Meniscus Cohesive Force:- Attractive Force between the molecules of same
inside a liquid then an up thrust materials.
forces states acting on it, VS V = Volume of body Angle between tangent Plane at the liquid surface and tangent plane
Hydraulic Paradax whose magnitude is Equal to the = Vs = Volume of at point of contact of solid. Adhesive Force:- A Hr active Force between the molecules of
weight of the liquid displaced”. l
V submerged part. different Materials.
water is filled to a Relation between FC FC FC
Upthrust Force - F B ∫b = density of body. FA > FA = FA <
height H behind a = (∫e × g × Vd) = weight of liquid cohesive and 2 2 2
∫e = density of liquid. adhesive force
dam of width w. The displaced. convex surface Capillarity
resultant Pressure FA FA horizontal surface FA
∫l = density of liquid. concave surface
on dam will be – It is Property due to which liquid elevates & depressed in a
Pnet = rgH g = gravity ; Vd = volume of Case – I [Vs < V ∫b < ∫l] FR
capillary Tube. The Rise in height of liquid in
liquid displaced. water water mercury

Case – 2 [Vs = V ∫b = ∫l] glass silver glass 25 Cos

capillary tube is given by – h =
Angle of contact θ < 90 ο θ = 90ο θ > 90ο r g
Case – 3 [Vs > V ∫b > ∫l]
(Acute angle) (Right angle) (Obtuse angle)
Pascal Law Hydraulic Brakes Shape of meniscus Concave Plane Convex
Wetting property Liquid wets the solid Liquid does not wet Liquid does not wet the
Whenever external A1d1 = A2d2 HYDRODYNAMICS surface the solid surface solid surface VISCOSITY
Pressure is applied Level of Liquid Liquid rises up Liquid neither rises Liquid does not wet the
on any part of Fluid nor falls solid surface
Contained in a Vessel, Example Glass-Water Silver-Water Glass-Mercury Stoke’s Law:-
it is transmitted Equation of
undiminished and B C Continuity Newton’s Law of Viscosity:- When a small sphere of radius
equally in all direction r is moving with velocity v
Speed of Efflux: VB = 2g H Viscous Force F= nA through a homogeneous Fluid,
is known as Pascal Law. A1V1 = A2V2 dx
Applications P0 A = Area then viscous force acting on
A dv sphere – FV = 6 πnrv;
velocity Gradient= dx Where n = Coefficient of
Magnus Effect: viscosity; Unit of n = Poise.
Characteristics of H V
force on ball B
Hydraulic lift Hydraulic Machine Ideal Fluids speed of air flow
increases H –h
reduces Terminal Velocity
PA = PB = PC = PO Incompressible
F1 F F1A 2 Spin
H = Height from the Top
P1 = = P2 = 2 , F2 = FA FB FC FD
A1 A2 A1 . Non – Viscous Constant Velocity achieved Before net force on a body
Venturi meter: The entering
A B C D . Irrotational becomes Zero.
Lever system . Steady (Liminas) speed of air flow decreases Velocity of fluids is given by
To other pressure increased
wheels Tube T P 2 gh
V1 = A 2
Blowing off of thin Roof in A2
A 22
Wheel P1 P2 Master storm: Reynold number
cylinder cylinder
Bernoulli Theorem p p0 p0
A2 wind v large so Vd
Brake p<p0 It tell us about the nature of fluid flow Re =
p0 h
P + ∫gh + ∫V2 = Constant
F2 S1 S2
P = Pressure; V = Volume Where ∫ = density; V = velocity; d = pipe parameter.
A1 V2
∫ = density ; h = height V1
Critical speed:- Maximum Value of speed for which fluid will
Hydraulic Brakes
g = gravity H
remain laminar. [VC = Ren/∫d]

anand_mani16 DR. Anand Mani

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