Ir 2

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IR 2 - Internal Marketing: A New Perspective for HRM

1. Key points:

1.2. Challenges and opportunities confronting human resource (HR) managers


- An increasingly strategic role in the success of many businesses.

- Improving personnel retention is being focused to obtain improved organizational
- The assumption that the quality of people performance will become a less important
issue as technology becomes more pervasive. However, in homogeneous industries,
the maintenance of reliable performance by competent employees is becoming
more crucial to gain a competitive edge over competitors.


- In the past, HR professionals did not involve in activities perceived by other

managers to be fundamentally important to the business, which made them fail to
reach full potential within the corporate framework.
- Strategic HRM requires a significant investment of organizational resources, which
directly and immediately affects profits, and can thus make it unattractive to
managers under pressure for short-term results.

Therefore, senior management has often failed to grasp why HRM was relevant to
business strategy, business performance and the cost management function.

1.3. The central task of HRM

- Gaining the support of senior management
- Securing the commitment of the CEO
- Making the most effective contribution possible to the organization’s objectives

1.4. The congruence between marketing function activities and HR management

- The relationship between buyer and seller in a labour market is such that the
employee must sell labor to earn an income.
- An HR manager can become involved in interdepartmental conflict through a need
to represent the interests of an employee against the needs of another manager.
- The marketing and HRM processes both involve the creation and exchange of
- Performance measurement is seen to be an important tool for building credibility
within the company.
- The market orientation can be applied equally to either the marketing or HR
functions when it is accepted that success is achieving organizational goals through
delivering customer satisfaction.

1.5. How the HR manager can harness the ideas and tools of the marketing
Market and Competitive Environment

Market research should be used to identify internal client needs, wants and attitudes just as
it can be used to identify the needs, wants and attitudes of external consumers or industrial


Mission statement should be specifically developed for the HRM function to explain the HR
department’s role and how it can help the different levels and units of an organization to
coordinate their efforts to achieve the overall objectives of the organization.

Market Segmentation

Deciding which market groups should be emphasized by characterizing HR marketing


Developing and Implementing the Marketing Mix

The design of the ‘product’ and communications are especially important.

The implementation and control processes

Involving the measuring of effectiveness and efficiency, taking corrective action, and
iteration through the marketing planning processes.

2. Choose one of the issues discussed in the article to analyze how it is

conducted/practiced in Vietnam
Based on my experience in Call center Department for more than 4 years in both local and
international banks, one of the key elements that keep customers loyal to the bank is the
quality of its people. From a department with around 20 people in 2018, we have more
than 200 agents working at Contact center correspondent with the increasing number of
customers through past years. Understanding the importance of representatives serving
calls, we established an Quality Assurance team to train the products, process and
construct the Knowledge center to guarantee our agent can support customer smoothly
and effectively, leading to customer’s satisfaction. The bank also organizes annual courses
to enhance agent’s skills relating to customer service industry

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