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DESO5 (Kj thi Hoc sinh gidi Quoc gia THPT nam 2014) Il. LEXICO:GRAMMAR Part 1: 26.C | 27.4 | 28.A | 29.8 | 30B | 31D | 324 | 33.C | 34.D | 35.D 26. Dap 4n C. Predilection (for sth) (n) /,prizdr'lekjn/: sur wa chudng cAi gi Inspiration (n) /,xnspa'rexyn/: siz cam himg Dominance (n)/‘da:mznans/: thé thong tri Attraction(n)/a'traekjn/: su thu huit 27, Dap an A. track om the beaten track: khdng di theo 16i mon, G day y néi cach viét sdng tao, khang theo léi viét ich coi 446 Scanned with CamScanner pind AIS ONY il db Pree tog de 3.08 Be ii con Wi dite jap) so tq util 4 sd gt gn Be, gg a Pe ig inD. choke (v) /SfOUN/ sth with sth lim th, lam ngbt neat i ot, thing in/: chat ngng lén, dé nang lén (9) Pssforert im cho thém din, tin ngp ns) 6 ay ian ch V/s nhdp nhdy, lp Kink cst (ad) Mimtrasttl khOng 6 tu, wy Ig mers (ad) /nintrastd: anh dam, thio rimersing (2) /anantrastu: Rh tha vj Dip nD. ibility (n) (Jasob ei ng iby (0) var: i By guy id io a pene (0) wicknas!: diém yéu, nhuge diém (0) set: ea i, 1 sin ‘Scanned with CamScanner 37.0 dy cin 1 dant ei nub vi te 45 tr “eons: thm Ko ¥ én ~ diy “practitioner” 38, + be + found + doing sth — di “underpinning” 39.6 day cin | tinh tid b8 ghia cho dan “environment” din “harmonious” 40. Chu tie: continue + adj + dién “unabated”; continue unabated: tgp tye Khdng suy gdm 41..O diy cin 1 danh tir ngang hing v6i “calmness” — dién “tucidity” 42.6 diy cn 1 Sng te mang ngha “cg Ii hing cv loi ~ én “counteracts” 48. diy cn 1 da sb nhidu — dn “impediments” Part 3: *H.convering marvel 46. worrying is converted (ine 4) > marvels ie 8) worrying are (line 9) “Tocearences occurences | 48. thousand sensible line 12) Ss thouands ine 13) _| sensitive ine 1) “44, Gu bj ding — sia “converting” tinh “converted” 48, Various + (adj) + plural noun —» sia "marvel" thinh marvels” 46, Ci do ng — sta worrying is” thanh “worrying are” 47, Sai chinh ti — sa “occurences” thinh “occurrences” . 48. a thousand of sth # thousands of sth: hing ngin edi gl. O day khéng thé sia thinh “a thousand” vi sb long ma ngudi vigt n6i dén & diy Khing mang tinh chinh xde + sia “thousand” thinh “thousands” 49. sensible (ad: bigt diéu c6 thé nbin ra # sensitive (adj: nhay + sa “sensible” think “sensitive” Part de S0-up [Si fovafer [52.for _[Si.under _[S4.over | 55.with 50, bring up (phe.V) dem én, mang en, dara ‘SI. hunt forffter (pbr.V): King, tim kim , 52, sete fr (phe. V): dn xép i eh 53 tobe snowed under (with sth): to have so much work that you have problems ital 54, pass over (ph. V): lam lod, gua, 48, hold with (ph. Vn thin TILREADING .. WA Lis 107 lt rd Azam dealing with ‘SID ‘Scanned with CamScanner jacation: depree of credibility: mire dé tin whigm —+ Chon 1 Ss ds, ime aadlee spr si, ham gin OND eyes i > Cyn © rake charge OF ci trgh nhigm tng nom ei gh + Chan A 4 og 08 (PM) Ha ni BK 1 1 ra gi) oy et HV) i pi en Sat (oY) iy rari» Chon D cap | BA | 64a | «8D JOCABULARY poe 1 ie i pian (a) / sentry Li yu si, kim suynhuge | awlensy(n)maskautepsi: ching ng 3 \ sis) sts chimg pons (0) ravens! inh rang bud ngd \ at popensty (0) or'pensot to do sth: thién hud, xu huéng feat (a: eh hueg, khuyni hung mod (i dn tag tes | take (i, phon thi» Chon B ‘deni () fa’derafn!: phi ign ate) au ew! di vi vet (inven: phat inh ae sey) Mmautstal: ting blo Chen D 4 5 safer (o) stor): nguai chia img, cam chia nis sbject(n) Psabdsrkt/:dan, Abi tong i inact (a) n'steakto(O/-ngwdi AY gin pein (o)Ppeafaty-bénh nn Chom A en 4 comprise () /kamprarz: gm 6, bao gdm ‘onpose (x) hampaua!: sing fe consis (has of sth gdm 8 ‘atan(y) kan'ternd:chtta dmg —> Chom Ai ont esau ib lin ye yn en its (65 cerive () faran/ sth from sth: nhén ug dy duge tr Ge ale emer sober teh a : ai (ai Groin stn gin ga ha a s BAe tx a 70, when! | 71 out ee (eee eae 7. out 74, fat pa ee 76.08 ive ‘After 66. As wellas + Vong 67, putinto practice: thyehign ei gi 69. Cau hin man: His 70.6 diy cdn 1 tid ndi 2 moh 8 cing chi ngt—+ dién “when! while! whilst 71. carryout (phe.V) tén hin 72, 6 dy cin 1 it dé ni 2 mén dé, theo nghfa cia cd chu thi én when/as/until 1 phi hop shit 73, out of sth: ra kd du 74, Sau “that la mga dif tht didn “fact” 75, UponOniAfer + V-ing 176, presentation on sth iém ma he sinh sé dén thi véi cfu tre edu bi dng rit gon > didn 786 [Tar [we [wn | a | BE VOCABULARY Harsh (adj) /ha:f/: khdc nghigt, gay gat Weighvidg (naib cn cu duong Tag (tht Dich ‘Dé chim edn cyt! Cin Khoa hoe Nam Dai Tay Duong dt ph irién mot each Khe theo di loi chim ho bay, ig dém ‘hig con chim bang cach cho ho sigu ‘thi kiéu the dign ti. Myc dich cing vig ei ho d& kidm trace yu t6 anh ing dn din sé chim cn cut va lim he no con Liga quan dn sy thay i mi train. Hign nay, c6 khosing 2,5 trigu cp chim cia chim cnh cut Macaroni trén Bird Isiand & Nam ‘nghién edu theo doi hgn cho thy ng con s6 cé thé im mt nia K& ‘nam 1978, Cae nha nghién ciru tir khio sit Nam Cyc Anh 4% nghi veiru'vé chim cénh cut trong st ho gianna, 8 ging dé Khim pI do ig sao rong ct ching dang uy am. Cin ed loti chim 4 drge mit phn quan trong cba mph ct, cho dit mas xen vc hu ga ching Sn. Tuy abn ee hom pip thea th cst eter f sit dung qua id i in ao on ee i ‘Seanned with CamScanner i méi trudng xung quanh cia n6- va nb dl dupe dtr birdsoute dn vd hp ti, eho e “ : a dia. Moi khi mt con chim duge gin thé qua edu edn, thé duge doc bing ing in quy dinh duge ghi gi. Cdu edn niy 48 dupe ching minh tro gl cho ce nh ee VOCABULARY {amenable (ad): ng thuong; ding ie, thm hat Dea (tinh rang Kho x,t én tha dng nan Djs (ad) bub thm, bud nn uw shu eplrble (ad): ng trish ha inet a): xut sc, xu ching ‘Guonologcal (ai) theo thi th gin Premature (a): sm; hp tp, vi v8 fellowship (tin ban {H. Pangragh 1: "This dilemma is pethaps sharpest for female scientists who leave ther Fries in order to ras chien and then find themselves at a disadvantage compared wit vernon reluing to work year later.” Chon C 5 Paragraph 2: “This is where a newly-launched campaign to atact female scientts back jn the fold comes "+r Chon D : 4: Puragraph 3: “The report was given the optimist tle “The Rising Tide’ inthe hope that ts ismal trend could be on the tum”. Chon B #7, Puagraph 4: "Despite good fatentions, arising tie of female scientists seems at present 10 te distant prospect."-+ Chon D 48, Purngaph 5: "A lack of research grants exacerbates this deplorable situation, with studies in Sweden pointing to stong evidence that women need to prove themselves two and a hall ties beter than men in order to receive themn.”-+ Chon D : in 1991, the Daphne Jackson Memorial Trust was established to help ~ renin highly qualified female seienfiss, who have taken at least three-year break, fom 1:"In dation te ¢ovot favour he family." Bib "asoiable™ 91. Peragraph 2: “,..she will be compared to men with the same amount of work ‘te thn 9 en of he women, to, retrain and Sith itn : - ‘Scanned with CamScanner Part 5: Read the following extract and answer questions 94-105. 94, VIL 95.1X 96. 7 98. VIII 99. MIL 100. X 101. N 102.N 103.¥ 104. NG 105. ¥ VOCABULARY : Instantaneous (a) ay ra ngay bp te, ke thd Simultaneously (adv): ding th Sequentially (adv): gm we, én i Tangle (ad: hw hinh Grave (ei) nahi trong. quan trong IV. WRITING Part I: 106. | regret having levtetting my friends talk me round to going on such a risky-off road trp. Or I regret having let/etting my friends talk me into going on such a risky-off road trip, To talk sb round to doing sth= to talk sb into doing sth: dB dinh ai lam e6i gi 107, To our utter astonishment, the Rector absented himself from the opening ceremony as agreed To absent oneself from sth: kh6ng o6 mat & noi ndo dé 108. The student's performance is improving in evidence this year. (Or. The student's performance shows his/her improvement in evidence this yea. To bein evidence: dB duce nn ra 109. Only if all the workers makelodge/submiffile their written complaints will the Board reconsider a fringe benefit cut Or: Only if all the workers have/ger their complaints written will the Board reconsider a benefit cut Clty trite dao ngit “only if”: Only if + clause + Vaux + $ + V: chi khi, néu Cau tnie ding d& nhévbio/sai a fam gl: have/get sth done 110, There is no question of him giving up his opposition to the new nuclear scheme. x: There is no question that he will not give up his oppésition to the new nuclear scheme. Céu trie “There is no question thavof doing sth”: duge ding 48 néi didn gi 46 die khost ding ‘Scanned with CamScanner

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