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Samuda Chemical Complex Limited

Samuda Oddo ERP Solution

ERP P2P Manual

Advised By:
Md.Nasim Anwar,FCA
Finance adviser of SCCL
Specially Guided By:
Sr.DGM(Finance & Accounts)
Chief Coordinator:
Md.Wahidun Nabi,ITP
Sr.Manager(Finance & Accounts)
Prepared By:
Md.Shohrab Hosen.
Assist.Manager(Finance & Accounts)

Implemented By:
1. Samuda ERP Team
2. Genweb2 ERP team

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P P Process in Samuda ERP Solution
Procure to Pay process is a vital process in Samuda ERP Solution. This process
includes all the business tasks starting from an indent raised from department
and finishing with payment to the vendor.
The Procure to Payment process is generally segmented into 8 sub-
processes: Indent Raising,PR Processing,Sourcing,Purchase Order Processing,LC
Processing(Foreign),MRR Processing,Vendor Bill Processing and Accounts
Payable Management.

ERP P2P Flowchart Approved By Management:

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ERP P2P Flowchart Implemented By ERP Team:

Indent Raising:
Various Material needs by various department regularly.So Indent is
raised by responsible person of various department and sent
automatically to Department Head:

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Menu: Inventory -> Indents -> Create

The Department Head justify the material whether need or not.Then He

confirm the Indents and sent automatically to Store Manager:

Menu: Inventory -> Indents Inprogress -> Confirm

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Purchase Requisition:

Purchase requisition is an internal document which is issued/created

whenever the goods (stock/non-stock) and/or services are required.
Several types of document will be available to be used. Oddo ERP system
checks automatically various parameters like requires an approval
workflow for the requisition mainly based on its value and internal
delegation of authorities, as well as other technical parameters (like item
category or purchasing group). The requisition created in the system can
also be revised if needed.

Now If goods are available in store,the store manager issue the goods to
the department against the indents or If goods are not available in
store,the store manager issue purchase requisition against the indents
and approved by the head of plant.

Menu: Inventory -> Indents Inprogress -> Issue Products or Issue PR

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Menu: Purchase -> Purchase Requisition -> Create

Request for Quotation (RFQ):

RFQ is required and send to vendor due to need quotations from several
vendors for a material/service. It is the complete set of process that is
triggered once a purchase requisition has been received.Requisition line
items can be grouped together in the same RFQ process. Once the
quotations are received from vendors,It maintains the records in ERP

Now,if authority decide local sourcing, it goes to local Purchase

Department and Local Purchase Department raise RFQ and send to
Vendors.They collect Quotations and raise CS report which is approved
by proper authority based on best judgement with price, quality,
availability etc.

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Menu: Purchase -> Requests for Quotation -> Create

Purchase Order:

Purchase order is an agreed upon official document from the customer to

vendor for customer’s intent to buy or receive one/multiple materials
with agreed prices, lead times/delivery dates, quantities and
specifications.Tolerances for goods and unplanned services can be

Now,Local Purchase Department raise PO based on approved CS and

sent to authority for approval:

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Menu: Purchase -> Purchase Order -> Create

Now, if PO needs amendment before approval ,it is amended and

approved by the authority and sent to approved the Vendors:

Menu: Purchase -> Purchase Order -> Edit

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Goods Receipt:

Goods Receipt is the step in the procurement cycle where the actual
goods ordered via a Purchase Order are received by the company and it
is checked for the required quality / quantity. If the goods quality meets
the required criteria, a Goods Receipt transaction is posted in the ERP
system with reference to the Purchase Order.

When goods reached in factory gate,one responsible person should raise

Gate In:

Menu: Inventory -> Gate In -> Create

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Now, Store Manager receive the goods with proper documents:

Menu: Inventory -> Receive Goods -> Receive

Now Quality Control Person Check all the products based on quality and
documentations. If Quality Control Person satisfy on the goods, He
approved the goods and it is automatically send to store department.

Menu: Inventory -> Quality Control -> Validate

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Now, Store Manager update the goods as sound stock in Oddo ERP
system and at the same time material receiving report automatically
update in ERP System.

Menu: Inventory -> Sound Stock -> Validate

MRR automatically update in ERP system after sound stock validation.

Now Store manager edit or print the MRR and make a file with
supporting documents.

Menu: Inventory -> Print MRR -> Edit/Print MRR

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Vendor Bill Process:
The process is triggered whenever a vendor invoice received for the
purchases is to be entered in the Oddo ERP System. The invoice entered
initially is considered to be in the “DRAFT” status, which means that no
financial entry or posting has been done and the invoice details exist in
the system for record keeping and further approvals.The invoice
received is checked automatically versus the reference purchase order
and the good receipt document for the accuracy of price/quantity. Any
discrepancy observed here can be adjusted for variances and disputed
amounts. The invoice can be put on a status of block for payment. Once
the invoice is approved via the defined workflow in the ERP system, the
invoice can be actually posted considered to be in the “OPEN” status. It
is usually done by the responsible person in the Accounts Payables
department. The process usually overlaps joint functionality in the
Purchase,Inventory and Financial Accounting modules.

After completing MRR,Local Purchase department raise vendor bill in

ERP System with ensuring proper documents:

Menu: Purchase -> Purchase Order ->Vendor Bill ->Create

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Menu: Accounting -> Vendor Bill ->Create

Then vendor bill automatically transfer to Account Payable person for

approval and if any correction needs, it should be done with adjustment
of VAT & Tax and vendor bill has been approved:

Menu: Accounting -> Vendor Bill ->Edit/Validate

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After validate the vendor bill ,A Journal Voucher has automatically
been raised:

Bill Payment:
If the Vendor bill is approved via workflow, the last step in the cycle of
purchasing is the payment to the vendor. This is done by entering a
transaction in the ERP system called the “Automatic Payment Run”,
which is usually triggered periodically based on the payment terms / due
dates as mentioned in the purchase order. The result of the payment run
can be a check printed via ERP for the intended vendors or the results of
the payment run can be exported to external systems for online banking
portal via which the vendor payments are transferred electronically.

Now,Treasury department register the payment of the vendor bill by

ERP system:

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Menu: Accounting -> Vendor Bill -> Register Payment -> Select Bank ->

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Or,Treasury department can arrange the vendor payment by another
way in ERP system:

Menu: Accounting -> Vendor Bill -> Required Data Input -> Save/Confirm

Foreign Procurement Process:

Purchase Requisition:
PR has been sent automatically to Head Of Procurement at Head Office
after approval of Head of Plant. If Head Of Procurement decide to
purchase the goods from Foreign ,The PR has been sent to Import

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Menu: Commercial -> Approved PR(Foreign) -> Edit/Create

Request for Quotation (RFQ):

Foreign Purchase Department raise RFQ and send to Vendors.They

collect Quotations and raise CS report which is approved by proper
authority based on best judgement with price, quality, availability etc.

Menu: Commercial -> Approved PR(Foreign) -> New Quotation

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Menu: Commercial -> Purchase Quotation -> Create

Purchase Order:
Now,Foreign Purchase Department raise PO based on approved CS and
sent to authority for approval:

Menu: Commercial -> Purchase Order -> Create/Save

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Letter of Credit:
After approved the PO,Import department create LC in ERP System and
maintain all the compliance with proper documentation.

Menu: Commercial -> Import LC(Foreign) -> Create

LC Shipment:
Now if the shipment is done,LC shipment should be created in ERP

Menu: Commercial -> LC Shipment -> Create

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C&F Quotation:
C&F Quotation has been raised for the payment of all the duty &
taxation of the shipment and all the payment of the shipment has been
paid by treasury department by the banking channel. Then the shipment
is sent to the factory premises.

Menu: Commercial -> C&F Quotation -> Create/Edit

Thanks A Million……………!!!

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