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• A nation’s health care delivery system has a tremendous impact • The World Health Organization (WHO) constitution came into
not only on the health of its people but also on their total force on April 7, 1948. Since then, April 7 has been celebrated
development, including their socioeconomic status. each year as a World Health Day (WHO, 2013).
• A discussion of the healthcare delivery system often involves • With its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, WHO has 147
issues of costs and challenges. country offices and 6 world regional offices for Africa, the
• Nations go through a struggle to overcome multiple forces in Americas, Eastern Mediterranean, Europe, Southeast Asia and
efforts to advance the nation’s health within the context of the Western Pacific.
their financial and political situations. • The Philippines is a member of the Western Pacific Region,
• Anderson and McFarlane (2011) emphasized the role of which holds office in Manila. (WHO, 2007)
following factors in shaping 21st century health that further • The WHO constitution states that its objective is the attainment
influence healthcare delivery system by all people of the highest possible level of health (WHO,
o Healthcare “reforms” 2006).
o Demographics • WHO carries out the following core functions (WHO, 2013):
o Globalization ✓ Providing leadership on matters critical to health and engaging
o Poverty and growing disparities in partnerships where joint action is needed.
o Social disintegration o WHO 193 member countries and 2 associate
• This chapter delineates healthcare delivery system in the members. WHO and its members work with the UN
Philippines. Beginning with the World Health Organization as agencies, NGOs, and the private sector (WHO, 2006).
the specialized agency of the United Nations provides global The WHO country focus is directed toward providing
leadership on health matters. technical collaboration with member states in
• In the Philippines, health services are provided by the accordance with each country’s needs and
government and the private sector for profit as well as capacitates (WHO, 2013).
nonprofit, with the latter frequently referred to as ✓ Shaping the research agenda and stimulating the generation,
nongovernmental organization or NGOs. translation, and disseminating valuable knowledge. The WHO
• On the national level, direction is set by the Department of strategy on research for health has five goals (WHO, 2013):
Health (DOH). By virtue of the mandate of the Local 1. Capacity in reference to capacity building to strengthen
Government Code or RA 7160. Local government units (LGUs) national health research systems;
should have an operating mechanism to meet the priority 2. Priorities to focus research on priority health needs
needs and services requirement of the communities. particularly in low and middle-income countries;
• Basic health services are regarded as priority services, for which 3. Standards to promote good research practice and enable
LGUs are primarily responsible. the greater sharing of research evidence, tools, and
HEALTH SYSTEM materials;
• A health system consists of all organizations, people and 4. Translation to ensure that quality evidence is turned into
actions whose primary intent is to promote, restore, or products and policy; and
maintain health. A health system has six building blocks or 5. Organization to strengthen the research culture within
components: WHO and improve the management and coordination of
1. Service delivery WHO research activities.
2. Health workforce ✓ Setting norms and standards and promoting and monitoring
3. Information their implementation.
4. Medical products, vaccines, and technologies o WHO develops norms and standards for various
5. Financing health and health-related issues, such as
6. Leadership and governance or stewardship pharmaceutical products including vaccines and
• The nurse is an essential member of the health workforce in the other biological products used in immunization,
country. For the nurse to work efficiently within the healthcare practices in maternal and child care, and
delivery system, an understanding of the dynamic relationship environmental conditions.
among its components is needed. ✓ Articulating ethical and evidence-based policy options.
• For example, a nurse who understands the referral system will Through its Department of Ethics and Social Determinants,
be able to refer patients with the appropriate facility or health WHO is involved in various issues on health ethics (WHO, 2013).
personnel. o In collaboration with other Governmental and Non-
• An appreciation of the value of the nurse’s role in the system governmental organizations, WHO has worked on
provides motivation to work despite sometimes seemingly bioethical concerns such as those related to human
overwhelming odds. organ and tissue transplantations, reproductive
• The study of this chapter accords a realization of the nurse’s technology, and public health response to treat
position in the scheme of healthcare delivery system in the infectious disease (e.g., AIDS, influenza, and TB).
Philippines • Providing technical supports, catalyzing change, and building
THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION sustainable institutional capacity.
• When diplomats formed the organization in 1945, they also o WHO offers technical support and training to its
discussed the creation of a global health organization. The member countries in the fields of maternal and child
World Health Organization (WHO) was the outcome of this health, control of diseases and environmental health
discussion. services.
o WHO is involved in monitoring the health situation
and assessing health trends. WHO has developed
guidance and tools, and measurement and 16. Peace, justice, and strong institutions
monitoring and evaluation. 17. Partnership for the goals
• The Philippines is a member of a global system of nations
interacting with each other at different levels and in different THE PHILIPPINE HEALTH CARE DELIVERY SYSTEM
ways. Events that happen in other countries can affect the • The DOH serves as the main governing body of health services
health status of Filipinos. Ease of travel from one part of the in the country. The DOH provides guidance and technical
globe to another makes transmission of communicable assistance to LGUs through the Center for Health Development
diseases likewise easy. in each of the 17 regions.
• This has been proven by events as the emergence and spread o Provincial governments are responsible for
of diseases like HIV/AIDS, SARS, AH1N1 influenza (swine flu) administration of provincial and district hospitals.
and recently the COVID-19. o Municipal and city governments are in charge of
o In contrast, cooperation and sharing of resources primary care through rural health units (RHUs) or
among nations serve as the key in the solution of health centers.
many human problems-health and otherwise. • Satellite outposts known as barangay health stations (BHSs)
o WHO provides the environment and facilitates provide health services in the periphery of the municipality or
cooperation and sharing of resources to promote and city.
protect health and resolve health problems and o As mentioned earlier, the Local Government Code
alleviate their effects mandate the devolution or basic decentralization of
• In the past decade, WHO has worked as a partner of the basic health services.
Philippine DOH in the development and provision of services o This means the LGUs have the autonomy and
towards the attainment of the health-related sustainable responsibility to plan and implement basic health
development goals. services (primary care) on behalf of their
• In September 2015, the General Assembly adopted the 2030 • It is a mandate for LGUs depending on the capability and
Agenda for Sustainable Development that includes 17 political will on the municipal or city government.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). • Higher levels of services may also be provided, thus it is possible
• Building on the principle of “leaving no one behind”, the new for a city or a municipality to administer a secondary or even
Agenda emphasizes a holistic approach to achieving sustainable tertiary hospitals.
development for all. o Example: Ospital ng Maynila Medical Center
• The SDGs also explicitly include disability and person with o The tertiary hospital is funded by the city government
disabilities 11 times. of Manila.
o Disability is referenced in multiple parts of the SDGs, o In Cebu, there is the Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical
specifically in the parts related to education, growth Center.
and employment, inequality, accessibility of human • The private sector composed of for-profit and non profit
settlements, as well as data collection and the agencies. This sector provides all levels of services and accounts
monitoring of the SDGs. for a large segment of health services and providers in the
• The year 2016 marks the first year of the implementation of the country.
SDGs. At this critical point, #Envision2030 will work to promote o About 30% of Filipinos utilize private health facilities
the mainstreaming of disability and the implementation of the o An estimated 60% of the national health expenditure
SDGs throughout its 15-year lifespan with objectives to: goes to the private sector.
o Raise awareness of the 2030 Agenda and the o This sector also employs more than 70% of the health
achievement of the SDGs for persons with disabilities; professionals in the Philippines (Romualdez, 2011).
o Promote an active dialogue among stakeholders on • Financing of health services is provided by three major groups:
the SDGs with a view to create a better world for a. the government (national and local),
persons with disabilities; b. private sources,
o Establish an ongoing live web resource on each SDG c. and social health insurance.
and disability • The leading payment scheme is out-of-pocket, accounting for
There are 17 Sustainable Development Goals 40-50% of the total health expenditure.
1. No poverty • The National Health Insurance Act of 1995 (R.A. 7875) created
2. Zero hunger the Philippines Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth).
3. Good health and well-being o It isa tax-exempt government corporation attached
4. Quality education to the DOH policy coordination and guidance, and
5. Gender equality aims for universal health coverage of all Filipino
6. Clean water and sanitation citizens (Congress of the Republic of the Philippines,
7. Affordable and clean energy 1995).
8. Decent work and economic growth
9. Industry, innovation, and infrastructure THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH
10. Reduced inequalities • The Department of Health (DOH) is the national agency
11. Sustainable cities and communities mandated to lead the health sector towards assuring quality
12. Responsible consumption and production health care for all Filipinos.
13. Climate action • The DOH vision is to be a global leader for attaining better
14. Life below water health outcomes, competitive and responsive healthcare
15. Life on land system, and equitable health financing.
• Its mission statement is to guarantee equitable, sustainable, • Excellence
and quality health for all Filipinos, especially the poor, and to • Compassion and respect for human dignity
lead the quest for excellence in health (DOH, 2012). • Commitment
• In the pursuit of its mission, the DOH has the following major • Professionalism
roles: (1) leader in health, (2) enabler and capacity builder, and • Teamwork
(3) administrator of specific services. • Stewardship of the health of the people
• The leadership role of the DOH is specifically elucidated in
Executive Order 102, series of 1999 in terms of the following • DOH carries its work through the various central bureaus and
functions: services from the central office, centers of health development
1. Planning and formulating policies of health programs and from other regions, DOH attached agencies, and DOH attaches
services hospitals as well
2. Monitoring and evaluating the implementation of health
programs, projects, research, training, and services; LEVELS OF HEALTH CARE DELIVERY
3. Advocating for health promotion and healthy lifestyles; • Advances in health sciences and services have brought about the
4. Serving as a technical authority in disease control and development of different types of health facilities. In response,
prevention; and the DOH issued Administrative Order 2012-0012 (Rules and
5. Providing administrative and technical leadership in health Regulations Governing the New Classification of the Hospitals
care financing and implementing the National Health and Other Health Facilities in the Philippines) that provides for a
Insurance Law. new classification scheme of health facilities.
• As enabler and capacity builder, the DOH performs the • Although the levels of health care delivery are basically the
following functions: same. Primary, secondary, and tertiary, the classification of
1. Proving logistical support to LGUs, the private sector, and hospitals have changed
other agencies in implementing health programs and Hospitals are broadly classified as general or specialty hospitals:
services. • General Hospital provides services for all kinds of illnesses,
2. Serving as the lead agency in health and medical research’ injuries or deformities.
and • Specialty Hospital offers services for a specific disease or
3. Protecting standards of excellence in the training and condition or type of patient, such as children, the elderly, or
education of health care providers at all levels of the health women (DOH, 2012)
care system.
• To administer of specific services, the DOH is tasked to: HOSPITAL OTHER HEALTH FACILITIES
1. Serve as administrator of selected health facilities at General
subnational levels that act as referral centers for local - Level 1 A. Primary Care Facility
health systems, that is tertiary and special hospitals, - Level 2 B. Custodial Care Facility
reference laboratories, training centers, centers for health - Level 3 C. Diagnostic/Therapeutic
promotion, centers for disease control and prevention and (Teaching/Training) facility
regulatory offices;
Specialty D. Specialized Outpatient
2. Provide specific program components for conditions that
affect large segments of population, such as tuberculosis,
malaria, schistosomiasis, HIV/AIDS, and micronutrient
DOH Administrative Order 2012-0012 classifies other health facilities
as follows:
3. Develop strategies for responding to emerging health
needs; and
Category A. Primary Care Facility – a first-contact health care facility
4. Provide leadership in health emergency preparedness and
that offers basic services including emergency services and provision
response services, including referral and networking
for normal deliveries.
systems for trauma, injuries, and catastrophic events.
1. Without in-patient beds like health centers, out-patient
clinics, and dental clinics.
2. With in-patient beds- a short-stay facility where the patient
spends on the average of one to two days before discharge.
Examples are infirmaries and birthing (lying-in) facilities.

Category B. Custodial Care Facility – a health facility that provides

long-term care, including basic services like food and shelter, to
patients with chronic conditions requiring on going health and
nursing care due to impairment and a reduced degree of
independence in activities of daily living, and patients in need of
• Examples are custodial psychiatric faculties, substance/drug
abuse treatment and rehabilitation centers,
sanitaria/leprosaria and nursing homes.
The DOH core values reflect adherence to the highest standards of
Category C. Diagnostic/Therapeutic Facility – a facility for the
work, namely:
examination of the human body, specimens from the human body
• Integrity
for the diagnosis, sometimes treatment of disease, or water for First-level x- Second-level x-ray Third-level x-ray
drinking analysis. The test covers the preanalytical, analytical, and ray with mobile unite
postanalytical phases of examination.
• Category C is further classified into: Pharmacy
1. Laboratory facilities, such as, but not limited to the
a. Clinical laboratory • The Rural Health Unit (RHU), commonly known as a health
b. HIV testing laboratory center, is a primary level health facility in the municipality
c. Blood service facility • The recommended ration of RHU to catchment population is
d. Drug testing laboratory 1RHU:20,000 population (DOH, 2009).
e. Newborn screening laboratory • The BHS is the first contact health care facility that offers basic
f. Laboratory for drinking water analysis services at the barangay level.
2. Radiologic facility providing services such as X-ray, Ct scan, It is a satellite station of the RHU.
Mammography, MRI, and ultrasonography. It is manned by volunteer Barangay Health Workers (BHWs)
3. Nuclear medicine facility – a facility regulated by the under the supervision of the Rural Health Midwife (RHM) (DOH,
Philippine Nuclear Research Institute utilizing applications 2001)
of radioactive materials in diagnosis, treatment, or medical
research, with the exception of the use of sealed radiation THE RURAL HEALTH UNIT PERSONNEL
sources in radiotherapy as an internal radiation therapy. The Municipality Health Officer (MHO) or Rural Health Physician
heads the health services at the municipal level and carries out the
Category D. Specialized Outpatient Facility – a facility that performs following roles and functions:
highly specialized procedures on an outpatient basis 1. Administrator of the RHU
• Examples: dialysis clinic, ambulatory surgical clinic, cancer a. Prepare the municipal health plan and budget
radiation facility (chemotherapy), and physical medicine and b. Monitors the implementation of basic health services
rehabilitation center/clinic. c. Management of the RHU staff
2. Community Physician
HOSPITALS LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 a. Conducts epidemiological studies
b. Formulates health education campaigns on disease
Example: Example: Mindoro Example: Cebu
Saint Medical Health Velez General
Anthony Center Hospital c. Prepares and implements control measures or
Mother and rehabilitation plans.
Child 3. Medico-legal officer of the municipality (DOH, 2001)
(Cebu) The revised implementing rules and regulation (IRRs) of R.A. 7305 or
Level 1 plus: Level 2 plus: the Magna Carta of Public health Workers stipulate that there be one
Consulting Departmentalized Teaching/training (1) rural health physician to a population of 20, 000 (DOH, 1999)
specialists clinical services with accredited
in: residency training The Public Health Nurse (PHN)
- Medicine program in four 1. Supervises and guides all RHMs in the municipality.
- Pediatrics major clinical 2. Prepares the FHSIS quarterly and annual reports in the
- Obstetrics- services municipality for submission to the Provincial health Office.
Gynecology 3. Utilizes the nursing process on responding to health care
needs, including needs for health education and
Clinical promotions of individuals, families, and catchment
services Emergency Respiratory unit Physical medicine community;
for and and rehabilitation 4. Collaborates with other members of the health team,
inpatients Outpatient unit government agencies, private businesses, NGOs, and
services people’s organizations to address the community’s health
Isolation General ICU problems
facilities R.A. 7305 IRRs provide for the same nurse-population ratio as that of
Surgical High-risk Ambulatory the Rural Health Physician, that is, 1:20,000.
maternity pregnancy unit surgical
facility With a recommended ratio of 1 for every 5, 000 population, the RHM
Dental clinic NICU Dialysis clinic (Rural Health Midwife):
1. Manages the BHS and supervises and trains the BHW;
Secondary Tertiary clinical Tertiary clinical 2. Provides midwifery services and executes health care
Ancillary Clinical laboratory laboratory with programs and activities for women of reproductive age,
services laboratory histopathology including family planning and services;
3. Conducts patient assessment and diagnosis for referral or
Blood Blood Bank
further management;
4. Performs health information, education, and
communication activities;
5. Organizes the community; and
6. Facilitates barangay health planning and other community • Allowed local leaders to have a greater hand in the future of local
health services communities. However, it has brought about fragmentation of
the healthcare delivery system in the Philippines
• The functions of the Rural Sanitary Inspector are directed o It resulted in a three-level system where local and
towards ensuring a healthy physical environment in the national governments are responsible for independent
municipality. services
o This entails advocacy, monitoring and regulatory o Municipalities / cities began operating separately from
activities, such as inspection of water supply and each other, causing further segregation of public health
unhygienic household conditions. services
• BHWs are considered as the interface between the community • Certain provisions of the Local Government Code deal with
and the RHU. They are trained in preventive health care with a relations of local and national government
strong emphasis on maternal and childcare, family planning and o These provisions present a built-in mechanism for a
reproductive health, nutrition, and sanitation. referral system among different government agencies
o Although they carry the status of volunteers, R.A. 7883 • A referral is a set of activities undertaken by a health care
or the Barangay Health Workers’ Benefit and provider or facility in response to its inability to provide the
Incentives Act entitles them to hazard pay and necessary health intervention to satisfy a patient’s need
subsistence allowances and other benefits. • A functional referral system is one that ensures continuity and
o The recommended ratio of BHW to catchment complementation of health and medical services
population is 1 BHW:20 household (DOH, 2009). o It is comprehensive and promotive, preventive, curative,
and rehabilitative care
LOCAL HEALTH BOARDS o It also engages all health facilities from the lowest to the
• R.A. 7160 or Local Government Code was enacted to bring highest level
about genuine and meaningful local autonomy. o It usually involves movement of a patient from the health
• This will enable local governments to attain their fullest center at first contact and the hospital at first referral level
development as self-relying communities and make them more • Two-way referral system – When a hospital intervention has
effective partners in the attainment of national goals been completed, the patient is referred back to the health center
• It mandated devolution of basic services from the national
government to LGUs. Referrals may be internal or external:
• Devolution refers to the act by which the national government 1. Internal referrals – occur within the health facility, from one
confers power and authority upon the various LGUs to perform health personnel to another.
specific function and responsibilities. o Examples of internal referral are RHM to PHN and PHN to
• R.A. 7160 provided for the creation of the Provincial Health MHO.
Board and the City/Municipal Health Boards, or Local Health o An internal referral may be made to request for an opinion
Boards or suggestion, co-management, or further management or
The chairman of the board is the Provincial Governor / specialty care.
the local executive Mayor 2. External referrals – is a movement of a patient from one health
facility to another.
Vice chairman The Provincial / City / Municipal o It may be vertical, where the patient referral may be from
Health Officer a lower to a higher level of health facility or the other way
Are composed of the chairman round.
of the committee on health of o The referral may be horizontal, where the patient is
Sanggunian, a representative referred between similar facilities in different catchment
Members of the board from the private sector or NGO areas.
involved in health services, and Comprehensive two-way referral system
a representative of the DOH

The functions of local health boards are as follows:

1. Proposing to the Sanggunian annual budgetary allocations
for the operation and maintenance of health facilities and
services within the province/city/municipality;
2. Serving as an advisory committee to the Sanggunian on
health matters; and
3. Creating committees that shall advise local health agencies
on various matters related to health services operations


• Implemented since 1992
• Brought decision-seeking and accountability on basic THE INTER-LOCAL HEALTH ZONE
government services closer to the people • As stated earlier, devolution has resulted in fragmentation of
healthcare delivery systems. As segregation of public health
services among different LGUs continues, the referral system

functions within the context of the inter-local health zone or ILHZ • On February 2019, President Rodrigo Duterte signed the
which provides means for consolidating healthcare efforts Universal Health Care Bill into law (Republic Act No. 11223),
• The Inter-local health zone (ILHZ) is based on the concept of the ushering in massive reforms in the Philippine health sector.
District Health System • Among the salient features of the UHC Law are the expansion of
o District Health System is a generic term used by WHO to population, service, and financial coverage through an array of
describe an integrated health management and delivery health system amendments.
system based on a defined administrative and • With UHC, all Filipinos are guaranteed equitable access to quality
geographical area and affordable health care goods and services, and protected
• An ILHZ has a defined catchment population within a defined against financial risk.
geographical area. It has a central or co-referral hospital and a Rationale for Health Sector Reforms
number of primary level facilities such as RHUs and BHSs • Health sector reforms are intended to bring about equity in
health service delivery
• The ILHZ does not only cover government health services but
• Survey data show that this has not been achieved as of yet,
also all other sectors involved in the delivery of health services.
despite health sector reforms since 1999.
It may include the community-based NGOs and private sectors
• A DOH and PhilHealth review highlighted the need to improve
both local and foreign.
health-related financial risk protection among Filipinos. More
• Not synonymous with a political congressional district, an ILHZ
importantly, PhilHealth benefit delivery was found to be lowest
may be composed of one large municipality or several
among the target population—the poorest quintile.
• Population quintiles are determined in this manner:
• It has the following components:
o During an NSO survey, a wealth index is constructed by
o People – although WHO has described the ideal
assigning a weight to each household asset.
population size of a health district between 100,000 and
o These scores are summed by household. Individuals are
500,000, the number of people may vary from zone to
ranked according to the total score of the household in
zone, especially when taking into consideration the
which they reside.
number of LGUs that will decide to cooperate and cluster
o The sample is then divided into five groups (quintiles),
o Boundaries – Clear boundaries between ILHZs establish
with each group having the same number of individuals
accountability and responsibility of health service
(NSO, 2009).
• Neglect of public hospitals and health facilities due to
o Health facilities – RHUs, BHSs, and other health facilities
inadequate health budgets has been observed.
that decide to work together as an integrated health
system and a district and a provincial health hospital, • As of October 2010, a total of 892 RHUs and 99 government
serving as the central referral hospital, make up the hospitals had yet to qualify for accreditation by PhilHealth.
health facilities of an ILHZ o Data shows that the poorest of the population are the
o Health workers – to deliver comprehensive services, the main users of government health facilities
ILHZ health workers include personnel of the DOH, district o This means that the deterioration and poor quality of
or provincial hospitals, RHUs, BHSs, private clinics, many government health facilities is particularly
volunteer health workers from NGOs, and community- disadvantageous to the poor who needs the services the
based organizations most.

A Diagrammatic Representation of an Inter-Local Health Zone ALL FOR HEALTH TOWARDS HEALTH FOR ALL: Goals and Objectives
1. Financial protection:
Filipinos, especially the
poor, marginalized, and
vulnerable are protected
from high cost of health care
2. Better health outcomes:
Filipinos attain the best
possible health outcomes
with no disparity
3. Responsiveness: Filipinos
feel respected, values, and
empowered in all of their interaction with the health system
• The local government of 3 adjacent municipalities and an NGO is A Advance quality, health
offering custodial care to an elderly person who have agreed to promotion, and primary care
consolidate their healthcare system into a health cluster. C Cover all Filipinos against
• The cluster provides primary health services and custodial care health-related financial risk
to a population of 165,000. H Harness the power of
• The cluster has established a linkage with a district hospital, strategic HRH development
which now serves as the central referral hospital of the ILHZ. I Invest in eHealth and data for

Enforce standards,
E accountability, and
Value all clients and patients,
V especially the poor,
marginalized, and vulnerable
Elicit multi-sectoral and multi-
E stakeholder support for


1. Reproductive and maternal health: pregnancy services and care
during pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum period
2. Expanded Grantisadong Pambata (child health): Advocacy for
exclusive breastfeeding in the first 6 months of life, newborn
screening program, immunization, nutrition services, and
integrated management of childhood illness
3. Control of communicable diseases such as tuberculosis,
mosquito-borne diseases, rabies, schistosomiasis, and sexually
transmitted infections
4. Control of noncommunicable or lifestyle diseases
5. Environmental health referral system, especially through the
ILHZs, consolidates the fragmented health care delivery system

✓ Knowing one’s role in the system enables one to contribute

effectively to the system goals. A thorough understanding of the
healthcare delivery system in the country will better equip the
nurse practitioner in the Philippines, regardless of the work
setting in providing integrated care to the client.

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