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Some say P.E.

should be an optional subject in school, others disagree

Physical education, also known as P.E. is a subject in schools around the world during
which students exercise or involve in some other activities that require physical movement.
To some P.E. is the favourite subject but others don’t like it or think it should be optional.
Several people say P.E. should be an optional subject, which has its advantages.
Children who aren’t physically strongest but are good in other things like math or physics
could instead of P.E. improve what they are already good at and have bonus time to learn
more about something that they might use later in life. Furthermore, some might already
practice sports and compete in tournaments, so they are already physically fit.
But also, there are consequences to not having P.E. and are the reason why people
disagree that P.E should be optional. Physical education vastly improves both physical and
mental abilities of a child as well, and is very important for one’s development, so not
practicing it would not only take away the training of individuals body, but also wouldn’t
help to improve their mental toughness which grants help with dealing with everyday things
like minor failures or mistakes.
Concluding these facts, P.E. has much more advantages than disadvantages and is very
important for children. In my opinion P.E. should not be optional because humans like all
other creatures require physical activity to survive and even if you aren’t very physically
strong, it helps you improve your health alongside mentality which is better stronger than

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