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1. WHAT IS NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION? What are the importance of nonverbal communication?

ANS- In our day to day lives communication is carried out both verbally and non-verbally and this non-
verbal mode plays a very indispensable role in making the communication more effective. This non-
verbal mode of communication helps to overcome all of these barriers which creates hindrances in the
flow of non-verbal communication refers to that form of communication where the
exchange of information takes place through non-linguistic means with the use of non-verbal mediums
such as contact, facial expressions, postures , gestures, body language and signs. Thus non-verbal
communication is very important and complements verbal communication.

The importance of non-verbal cannot be denied as non-verbal communication makes conversation short
and brief. It also saves time and acts as an important tool to communicate with people who don’t
understand our have also various other importance which are as follows-

I. Reinforces the words -Nonverbal messages helps to make the verbal messages more effective .when
we accompany our statement with movements it helps the receiver to identify the meaning because the
action reinforces the validity of the statement. removes different barriers-it helps in overcoming different barriers for example if we move to a
different country and there is a traffic warning written in some different language then it may become
difficult for us to understand so at that time if the same thing is written with the use of Non verbal cues
such as different traffic symbols then it becomes easy for us to understand and it also removes all the

iii.It helps to communicate with people with hearing and speech impairment-NON verbal
communication becomes an important tool for communication to communicate with such peoples who
have hearing and speaking this situation nonverbal methods such as different signs are
used to communicate with that person. increases workplace efficiency-proper knowledge and proper use of non-verbal communication
helps to communicate us effectively with our peers and this helps in understanding attitude, behaviors
and emotions of other subordinates and this understanding helps in building a better interpersonal
relationship and results in workplace efficiency. For example if an employee is provided with a task and
while providing him the details the employee leans forward then the supervisor can understand that the
employee is interested and it provides a positive signal and this knowledge helps in increasing the
workplace efficiency.


THE different types of non-verbal communication are as follows

1. KINESICS-IT IS a form of communication which involves the study of the way in which certain body’s
physical movements and gestures serves as a form of non-verbal communication. Kinesics mainly
includes physical movements, expressions and gestures. Proper use of postures and gestures helps to
make the communication more effective and. There are various postures and gestures which we keep
on using it consciously or unconsciously while having a conversation. Every movement have a meaning
associated with it and it conveys a message to the receiver on the other end so proper and adequate
care has to be taken in their use otherwise it may tend to be ineffective. Some of the action with their
interpretation are as follows

I. Leaning forward means showing interest and concentration

ii. Leaning backward shows looking for explanation, taking time to think etc.

2. OCULESICS-it is a form of communication which involves the study of the way in which eye
movements serves as a form of non-verbal communication. OCULESICS involves eye contact. Proper use
of eye contact keeping in mind the cultural context and various other aspects such as blinking of eyes,
shifting of eyes etc. helps to make the communication more goal oriented and builds confidence
between them.

3. PROXEMICS- The study of human use of space within the context of culture is called proxemics. The
physical distance is usually a clear indication of the relationship between them. The more the distance
the weaker is the relationship and vice versa. The physical distance plays a large role in making the
communication can be classified into four categories I. Intimate space, personal space social
space and public space.

4. APPEARANCE & ARTEFACTS- this plays a very important role in nonverbal communication.
Appearance and artefacts speaks for us beforehand and they play an upper hand in impacting people
subconscious and saying them the kind of person we are. So proper care has to be taken such as
hairstyles, jewelry, tie etc. as it helps us to make our presence more impactful.

5. PARALINGUISTICS- Paralinguistic refers to vocally produced sounds with no involves

aspects such tone, intensity of voice, modulation, inflection paying attention to all these aspects
will make the verbal communication more engaging , interesting and impactful.

6. HAPTICS-Haptics is the communication of facilitates the sending of message and also the
emotional impact of conveys both positive as well as negative order to make
communication effective proper knowledge of haptics in terms of cultural context is important which
can be explained with the help of an example if we shake hands with a female employee then the hold
should not be very tight and should not continue for a longer time as this may give a negative message

And as a result the flow of communication may suffer.

7. CHRONEMICS- Chronemics is the use of time as a signaling factor in the process of communication. It
includes punctuality, amount of time and waiting time. So the way an individual values his time reflects
his personality and it acts as a basis for positive and negative reviews. For example coming in time shows
interest, and sincerity to which being late shows uninterested and insincere.

1. Analyze your non-verbal communication. What can you do it improve it

Ans-In our day to day lives communication is carried out both verbally and non-verbally and this non-
verbal mode plays a very indispensable role in making the communication more effective. This non-
verbal mode of communication helps to overcome all of these barriers which creates hindrances in the
flow of non-verbal communication refers to that form of communication where the
exchange of information takes place through non-linguistic means with the use of non-verbal mediums
such as contact, facial expressions, postures , gestures, body language and signs. Thus non-verbal
communication is very important and complements verbal communication. We use different aspects of
non-verbal communication in our conversations and this various aspects can be broadly categorized into
two which are

1. the first category includes the internal aspects which includes our physical movements, postures
gestures, eye contact, our voice, knowledge of touch within cultural context which we use consciously or
unconsciously during our conversation and it provides an interpretation to the receiver on the other proper care has to be taken to make our communication effective and it helps to reinforce the
validity of the statement. So adequate steps have to be taken to improve this aspect of non-verbal
communication which are as follows

i. we should have the proper knowledge of different body movements, different postures and gestures
as every movements have some meaning associated with it so we understand its meaning and
interpretation it improves the flow of communication.

II.we should take care of our tone, its pitch as if the pitch is more it will disturb others and less makes it
difficult for other to understand so proper voice tone and pitch has to be maintained to improve non-
verbal communication.

iii.we should maintain proper eye contact as good eye contact is another essential non-verbal
communication skill. . Proper use of eye contact keeping in mind the cultural context and various other
aspects such as blinking of eyes, shifting of eyes etc. helps to make the communication more goal
oriented and builds confidence between them.

Iv.we should also take care of other non-verbal cues such as touch as all this non-verbal cues
strengthens the communication and make the communication impactful.

2.the second includes the external aspects which includes the the knowledge of space the effect of time
, our dressing style, our appearances and artefacts , the effect of time in communication all of these
plays a very crucial role in strengthening the flow of communication and it helps to make the
communication flow more interesting, engaging and impactful. . So adequate steps have to be taken to
improve this aspect of non-verbal communication which are as follows

I. We should take proper care of our appearances and artefacts as this plays a very important role in
nonverbal communication. Appearance and artefacts speaks for us beforehand and they play an upper
hand in impacting people subconscious and saying them the kind of person we are. So proper care has
to be taken such as hairstyles, jewelry, tie etc. as it helps us to make our presence more impactful.

ii.we should also have the proper knowledge of space and the distance to be maintained while having a
conversation as the knowledge of space plays an important role in building relationship.

iii.we should also take care of the effect of time in communication. . It includes punctuality, amount of
time and waiting time. So the way an individual values his time reflects his personality and it acts as a
basis for positive and negative reviews. For example coming in time shows interest, and sincerity to
which being late shows uninterested and insincere.

Q. What are the types of negotiation styles?

Ans A negotiation is a communication process in which multiple parties discuss problems and attempts
to solve them via dialogue in order to reach a resolution by avoiding any argument or occurs
constantly on micro and macro scales in our day to day life. Examples of negotiations that we encounter
as a part of our daily tasks includes purchase negotiation, salary negotiations, union negotiations,
settlement negotiations during litigations etc. the different types of negotiations include

1. Competing or Aggressive – in this style of negotiation, negotiation is viewed as a competition that has
winners and losers. It is aggressive and strategic and it works best when we need a quick negotiation or
when there aren’t many variables to consider such as simply negotiating over the price of the product.
As a result of both parties prioritizing their own needs, a deadlock may arise and the relationship
becomes frayed and even hostile.

2. Avoiding - The avoiding approach is passive aggressive, and it prefers to tiptoe around problems
rather than face them front on. Avoiders in this type come appear as less transparent and honest, and
their lines of communication are weak. It is used by negotiators who have a difficult time dealing with
confrontation or violence. In a highly emotional negotiation, it provides advantages because avoiders
can avoid engaging their emotions and passions and instead focus on hard figures to reach an
agreement. When the negotiation is simple or trivial, this method works fine, but due to communication
challenges and a lack of emphasis on either party's requirements, the avoiding style can lead to
deadlocks and resentment as well as strained relationships.

3. Accommodating or conceding-the accommodating style is a submissive style and is just opposite of

competing style .Accommodators are ready and willing to give information and to make concessions.
Accommodators often let the other side of the table to win on issues. In this style they put relationship
as topmost priority and it is very successful in negotiation in which mending or maintaining relationship
is critical. Unless the situation involves a relationship crisis then this styles must be used carefully as
giving away too many concessions or too much information in negotiation might lead to a less than ideal
outcome. For example if the company is in the midst of a crisis an accommodative strategy can be
successful at avoiding litigation and appeasing the other party.

4. Comprising –The compromise negotiating style is one of the negotiation approaches that focuses on
reaching a fair agreement with our opponent. In simple terms, it's a negotiation strategy in which
neither we nor the other party has the upper hand at the end of the process as no one wins or loses in
this game. Here, one sides makes some concession while the other sides also make some concessions
and a result both agrees to meet in the middle. There are no clear winners but a fair outcome is
reached. Parties tend to start out at extreme positions and then work their way to the middle. This style
is often used in positional bargaining. It works well when there are time constraints or there is an
ongoing and strong relationship with the other party. While this format helps keep relationship strong
the agreements are usually not the most optimal agreements for both parties.

5. 5.Collaborating or cooperating- This style ensures that both sides' requirements are addressed, and
both parties try their hardest to produce mutual benefit by collaborating on a solution outside of the
box. In this   Collaborators tries to increase the size of the pie by reaching an ideal agreement that
optimizes everyone's profits. It aids in the formation of strong attachments and the maintenance of
positive relationships. It is also the most time-consuming and mentally draining style because it
demands thinking outside the box to come up with a win-win solution that adds value to both of  the
parties for which most preparation is required. This style does not works well with competing style
negotiators as they may try to take advantage of the situation and collaborators needs to also take care
of the amount of information to be shared in order to avoid being taken advantage of.

Positional Bargaining- it is also known as Distributive negotiation and it involves arguing based on a
position. Each side’s takes an extreme position based on its wants, needs and limitations. These
positions are almost always on the opposite ends of the spectrum.

The parties then treat the negotiation as if it were a zero-sum game, with one party winning and the
other losing. By beginning with an extreme position, the parties are obliged to make concessions in
order to reach an agreement. The fewer compromises one makes, the more victorious it feels. However,
if the parties start with extreme points and only make minor concessions, then the discussion will
become contentious and drawn out and as a result, a deadlock is formed and no final agreement is
achieved, the negotiation is considered a failure. It's best described as a pie fight, with each party vying
for the biggest piece of the pie. The atmosphere in the room becomes tense, and conversations may
include threats and lack transparency. A lack of of trust develops and the future of the relationship may
seem precarious.

As the negotiation progresses, the parties become increasingly adamant in their position, unwilling to
budge. Parties make a firm commitment to one position and one position only, focusing solely on their
own interests. Despite its shortcomings, positional bargaining has its time and place. It works best when
haggling on price, compromising on a position with another party that has conflicting underlying
interests or acting in a situation of immediate crisis.

Principles Negotiation- it is also known as integrative negotiation, Another negotiation model in which
parties work together to develop a value-creating agreement that leaves both parties satisfied with the
outcome and the status of the relationship.

Principled negotiating fosters collaboration by establishing common interests and collaborating to

develop mutually beneficial solutions. Parties are able to communicate with one another and trust one
another while also being innovative in solving a common problem . Instead than thinking in terms of
positions, the parties consider issues and problems.

Rather than being a zero-sum game, principled negotiation leaves both sides in a better position than
when they started.Principled negotiation can also be characterized by a pie analogy where each party
collaborates with the other party for creating a bigger, mutually beneficial pie in which to share.

Soft positional Bargaining Hard positional Bargaining Principled Negotiation

1. Participants are friends 1. Are adversaries 1. Problem solvers

2. Goal is Agreement 2. victory 3. goal is a wise outcome
reached efficiently and
in a friendly cooperative
4. Make concession to 5. Demand concession as a Separate the people from the p
cultivate relationship condition of relationship
Soft on the people and problem Hard on the people and problem Soft on the people and hard on
the problem
Trust others Distrust others Proceed independent of others
Change your position easily Dig into your position Focus on interests and not
Make offers Make threats Explore interests
Disclose your bottom line Mislead about bottom line Avoid having a bottom line
Accept one sided losses to reach Demand one sided gains as the Create invent options for mutual
agreement price of agreement gains
Search for single answer the one Search for single answer the one Develop multiple opyions to
they will accept you will accept choose from decide later
Insist on agreement Insist on your position Insist on your objective criteria
Try to avoid a contest Try to win a contest of will Try to reach a result based on
standards independent of will
Yield to pressure Apply pressure Yield to principle and not to
pressure. Reason and be open to

Be flexible in switching negotiation styles depending on

The different stages of your negotiation

Negotiators employing a different style

Your role in the team

Products and services where you enjoy an advantage or suffer a disadvantage

Strategic or tactical Overriding goals.

How to have a successful negotiation?

The key behind reaching an optimal agreement is preparation which implies knowing the issues,
knowing ourselves and knowing the other party.

Preparation includes knowing your needs and limits and what the other party wants and anticipating
their limits asking the right questions and being creative in our proposed solutions.

Good preparation allows us to strategize and to think on our feet in the negotiation room.

By considering interests, options, legitimacy, alternatives, communication, relationship and

commitment, we can enter the negotiating room fully prepared and fully informed.

1. Interests

 Consider the interests of both the parties.

 Interests are not positons they are merely the reason behind a positon
 Our interests in reaching an agreement may be readily apparent to us. However the other
party’s interests may not. Try to put yourself in their shoes. Why did they agree to sit down at
the table with you? What will they get out of this agreement?
 After you devise a list of interests circle the common interests. You will highlight these shared
interest at the negotiation.
 Starting off a negotiation on the same page creates a foundation for agreement down the road.
It also creates a sense of mutual understanding at the table and opens lines of communication.
 A good agreement fulfills interests not positions.

2. Brainstorm

 Brainstorm options for the agreement. Not every agreement involves just a black and white
agreement on a monetary amount.
 How can you create value? What options create values for both parties? To begin, jot down all
possible ideas or possibilities. Review the list and cross out any ideas that are impractical or
unattainable; this will leave you with a list of probable options. Brainstorming not only
generates a lot of ideas and options, but it also demonstrates our openness and flexibility. For
example if you are negotiating an employment contract with a new employee think outside
salary. Options can include benefits such as health care, and paid time off, training, trade
association memberships, telecommuting and more. Options create value and help fulfill even
more shared is the process by which one tries to come up with a new and innovative
solution of a problem

3. Legitimacy

 Consider how you can add legitimacy to those options legitimacy means being legitimate and
providing with true and accurate facts and figures as it helps to build the confidence of the other
party in the negotiation.
 What objectives criteria or standards creates a sense of fairness in the transactions. This
dissolves a sense of arbitrariness from negotiations.
 For instance if we are negotiating on a real estate purchase you can use property appraisals or
recent sales as objective criteria.

4. Alternatives

 What alternatives do you have if you do not reach agreement? what alternatives might the
other arty have
 The BATNA is the Best Alternative to A Negotiated Agreement this is the plan B. If you have a
great BATNA you know you can walk away from negotiations if your interests aren’t met or if
things become hostile. This puts the value, the agreement creates, in perspective.
 Never forget that the other side might have other competitive offers.
 The BATNA is the best you can do without the cooperation of the oter party in a negotiation but
you cant use your BATNA until you defined and prioritized you alternatives.
 For example if you are shopping for a car, you might map out more than one choice in case you
to get to the dealership and your primary selection is gone.
 When you think about your Batna its also helpful to consider what the other sides Batna might
be. Success in negotiation is due in large part to preparation, so if you can figure out their
BATNA, it will help you in formulating a reasonable offer.
 If your BATNA is strong you ccan probably negotiate in more favorable terms , especially if the
other side is aware of your batna. The flip side is that if your batna is poor and the other side
knows it , the other side will have an advantage.

5. Communication

 Focus on keeping lines of communication open. Ask about the other sides alternatives. Ask
about their interests
 Before going to the negotiation room, write out a list of questions that you need to ask.
 Also strategize on the most effective way of framing your interest and how to communicate
shared interests to the other party. Using an assertive style will help you improve our chances of
achieving effective business outcomes. Conversely, assertive communicators are both confident
and compassionate. These communicators are more likely to keep the conversation continuing
and reach mutually beneficial conclusions. They speak in a loud, steady tone. They are not
emotive or critical, but simply factual. Rather than direct comments beginning with 'you,' they
convey their viewpoints by beginning phrases with 'I.'

6. Relationship

 Assess your relationship with the other party and where is it now, where would you like it to be ,
why is it like that ,how can you improve it
 Transparency, active listening and empathy are great ways to improve negotiations and
subsequently relationships .relationship is a perceived connection. In a negotiation, build a
relationship by asking questions and then listening closely. Even if you've decided to make the
first offer and have several options prepared, you should always start by asking and listening to
analyses your counterpart's interests. Positive negotiating connections are necessary because
they foster trust, which is essential for getting others to do what you want.

7. Commitment

 Consider the commitments at stake. An agreement, demand, offer, or guarantee made by one
or more parties is known as a commitment. When we are sitting for a negotiation and come to
an agreement we need to take care the agreement has to be implemented and we are
committed to that agreement then we need to ask ourselves
 What level of authority do you have? can you execute a final agreement at the negotiating table
or do you need to have your Board vote on a proposal
 What level of authority might the other party have
 What steps do we need to take in order to get a final agreement?

Sources of power in Negotiation

Positional power is a result of a managers position within the organization. The three main bases of
positional power include legitimate power , sanction power or reward power ,and force or coercive

Legitimate power stems from the managers position in the organization and the aauthority that lies in
that position.Subordinates acknowledge the legitimate power that comes from being in a leadership
position in an organization.

Reward power is the extent to which a manager can use rewards to influence others. Managers have
power to reward to reward subordinates for their actions when those behaviours meet or exceed
performance expectations.

Coercive power is the power that managers have to threaten employees with some type of punishment
if they don’t follow directions and achieve the desired goal. Deppending on the circumstances coercive
power can be mild or severe and is usually modulated on the basis of how resistant the employees are
to a managers request.

Information Power

This power is derived from the negotiators ablity to assemble and organize facts and data to support his
position, arguments , or desired outcomes. It also include facts unknown to the other party.


Knowledge is power. You have expertise power when you thoroughly understand your customers
problems and can foresee how the product or services u are offering will help them to achieve those
needs. Conversely if you know your customers as much as you do, or perhaps more, about the
application of a particular sales they are less reliant on you.

Elegant Solutions

You are facing business negotiations with the Goliath in your Industry. What’s your choice? Take what
little the other side offers or be squeezed out of the market entirely?

Seek an elegant solution a counter proposal that will create even more value for both sides than what
one side is trying to impose. This often means exploiting the underused resources of one negotiating
partner for the benefit of both.

There are several ways to generate an elegant solution first try altering your own business strategy by
looking for low cost ways to generate returns under current contract with a larger company. Then
exploring the others sides interests to identify ways in which in you may be able to help them solve an
existing problem or address an ongoing concern within their organization. Finally consider other ways of
creating value for the stronger party. For example you can initiate a joint branding venture or develop a
plan that would bring in new customers and more revenue for the stronger party as well as your
company while retaining your current position at the bargaining table. Regardless of how you approach
the negotiating table be sue you are working with the right players.

Charisma in Negotiation

A special power that some people have naturally that makes them able to influences other people and
attract their attention and admiration.

How to build charisma

1.Show integrity

One of the pillars that will help us build charismatic leadership is integrity. Acting consistently that is
practicing what we preach both in public and in private allow us to empathize with the public around us
and this also develops an attitude of trust in people towards us and as a result they will appreciate our
authencity inside and outside the workplace.
2.Share our concerns

We must be transparent if we want to be charismatic. We must be able to communicate clearly what

we want and what is that motivates us to implement the projects. If we try to hide the real reasons for
what we do we will only generate distrust because people will detect that we are not being honest or
transparent and so we should share our intentions from the very beginning as it builds trust.

3.Develop your talent

If we want to be a charismatic leader we must focus on developing our abilities skills and knowledge as
it helps us to gain expertise of our area.

4.Pursue Results

To built charisma and to become a charismatic leader we must also worry abot getting the results we
promise and to which we aspire.We can make mistakes same like everyone does and should attempt to
rectify it if necessary but it is important to wark hard for our team to rectify it.

Commitment & Relationship

Good negotiators concentrate intently on what they are locked into, and how tightly it binds. This is
what negotiation theorists refer to as the element of commitment.

While not an iron clad rule it is generally true that negotiators seek to bind their partners as tightly as
possible while leaving themselves as much wiggle room as the situation will allow. Permitting yourself
future discretion preserves a later flexibility that might prov valueable in changing circumstances. When
we seek to lock in our negotiating partners we will need to rely on their promises to make the deal
viable. The more confident we are that they will keep their word; the more valuable is our arrangement
with them. If we fear that they will break their pledge then we must take the cost of that risk into
consideration. It is to our advantage if we can structure the agreement in a way that forces their faithful

WATNA- what is the worst case scenario if you don’t reach an agreement with the first person. In any
negotiation it is important to make sure that you establish your best alternative, but also your worst so
that we can weigh our options with greater accuracy, and, hopefully, better results.

Batna & Watna are ,in many ways , just two sides of the same coin

-if you walk away, what is the worst that could happen

- What are the consequences likely to be ?

Informal communication is not governed by any official rule, regulation, or system. In terms of
managerial control, it is self-contained. Informal communication occurs in the family, club, place of
worship, market, and playground. Depending on the parties' personal and social relationships, it may
take the form of dialogue or gossiping.

Because there are no rules, guidelines, or formalities in informal communication, it can instantly deliver
any message in any direction. As a result, rumour, false, twisted, and exaggerated messages are
transmitted, causing organizational harmony and cohesion to suffer. The following are the main causes
for disseminating rumours, false information, and distorted messages through informal channels:

Inattention: The receiver's inattention causes information to be distorted and filtered. As a result,
whenever the receiver sends the received message to others, the message is distorted.

Admixture own opinion: When a receiver does not understand the message, he or she may send it to
others with admixture own thoughts and opinions. As a result, the message is warped and false.

Complexity of message: If a message is sent through complicated and unfamiliar pathways, it might also
propagate rumours.

Lack of established rules and regulations: Informal communication channels do not adhere to any
predetermined rules or regulations. As a result, both the sender and the receiver engage in information
exchange without any mental preparation, which leads to gossip and rumours.

Exaggerating facts: In some circumstances, true facts are embellished with fake information in order to
attract the attention of others. Exaggeration of information hides the truth and spreads rumour and
false information.

Using ineffective and unsuitable media: When compared to formal channels of communication,
informal methods of communication are ineffective and inappropriate, resulting in information

Employees have a tendency to oppose change when it comes to their current working methods. To
avoid the impending changes, they propagated rumours, untruths, and false news.

Loss due to transmission: In the course of informal communication, information is transmitted in a

range of ways. The message loses its accuracy in this case. This is likewise susceptible to information
filtering and distortion.

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