Beauty of India

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India is a country where beauty exists everywhere.

Tourists from all over the world come to India for

their beauty and culture. Although India is beautiful there are problems. The air is not clean, the rivers
are dirty and the water is not clean to drink. When you are travelling in India you would see dogs on
roads, in front of buildings, shops or on foot paths. Due to the stray dogs you would also see dog poops
in most area. some people with pets do not clean after their pets have done their business. Not only
would you see the dogs but you would also see other animals such as cows, sheep or goats. Due to this
there may be animal poop when you are walking on the road. You would also see trash on the roads due
to people littering. People throw trash out of a vehicles window which would lead the roads and foot
paths being dirty and not clean. People throw glass products on the road which lead to people getting
hurt. Animals that are on roads may eat the trash that may be plastic, glass and more which would lead
to them being unhealthy.

Due to poverty there are people who live on streets. There are some people who come from rural areas
for employment but end up getting no job. This leads to people being homeless. There are even people
who beg on the road for at least some amount of money. Among these there may also be children or
even a mother with her child the child may also be a new born baby. Although education is compulsory
in India there are children who cannot go to school for studying due to the fees. Due to this some
children may be illiterate. This is not the only problem in India people disrespect other people due to
their caste, their class, their nationality and due to their gender. There is no woman empowerment in
India. Women are not treated fairly a girl child is not welcome in the house by some families. Education
is not for all but for only the boys. Women, cannot travel safety, women are constantly in fear.

The India of my dreams are where people can travel on clean and safe roads . People would get
employment opportunities and women get jobs to work and not only men. Where children do not have
to sell things on the roads but learn languages, hangout with their friends and be able to enjoy their
childhood and not be forced to work due to their families being poor not cry for hunger but eat the food
they want. A country where children would go to school and not to work. people would treat people
regardless of their caste, class, nationality and gender. Where everyone would get medical support
when they are sick people could get vaccines for free and not pay for it. Where the washrooms would be
clean for everyone to use at their convenience.women would be free to walk at night can hang out with
their friends at night and not be in consent fear. Where education would be for everyone and not only
boys. A country where tourist would actually enjoy their trip and want to come back to the country want
to explore more get to know more about the country. Where the country is not how media portrays it to
be, how people think it would be but a country where people would recommend due to their experience
being too good and where India would be the country people would want to visit.

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