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SimEarth puts you in charge of an entire planet throughout its 10 billion year lifespan. Your ultimate task is to
guide the planet’s inhabitants into the stars, from its humble single-celled roots.

The main threats you face include pollution, disease, famine, war and global warming. The controls available to
you include the chance to move mountains and continents, creating different levels of species, and unleash tidal
waves and earthquakes so as to reshape your planet. All of these things take from your limited energy, which
must be replenished.
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Posted on February 04, 2023 No comments:

Labels: 1990, DOS, S, Simulation

SimCity Classic Enhanced (Full Game Repack Download)

The original Sim City game was a revelation to thousands of computer gamers. It was a game where you could
really affect the outcome of the game by the way you built your city, and was the forerunner of simulation games
to come.
Since then, the franchise has been expanded with Titles like Sim Ant, Sim Farm, Sim Isle and Sim Safari. Then, in
1995, MacPlay came out with Sim City Enhanced.
Like Sim City 2000 Special Edition, Sim City Enchanced includes quicktime movies showing you how your city is
progressing. Reports from your city managers are interspersed with quicktime movies of your city's residents
responding to disasters, rioting, or just going about their daily lives.

However, it's in the disasters where the movies really stand out. Shots of actual disasters are overlaid with the
voice of the Sim News Anchorwoman reporting on the disaster. Occasionally, we get to see the Sims responding
to the disaster, either by running away in terror or by rioting.
This is not to say that the enhanced version is totally without flaws. Every time you click on a button, the voice of
the city manager tells you what you have chosen and how much it costs. Startling at first, after a while, her voice
becomes incredibly annoying.
So do the voices of your managers. While you do not need to build your city with roads, the game chides you if
you do not build them. And hearing that you need to build roads... over and over again, will get on your nerves
after a while.
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Posted on February 04, 2023 No comments:

Labels: 1993, DOS, S, Simulation

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