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REFERENCES patients with aqueous deficient dry eyes, and possibly

those undergoing laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis

1. Stroop WG, Chen TM, Chodosh J, et al. PCR assessment of (LASIK). (Am J Ophthalmol 2006;141:758 –760. ©
HSV-1 corneal infection in animals treated with rose bengal
2006 by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
and lissamine green B. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2000;41:
2096 –2102.
2. Ganatra JB, Chandler D, Santos C, Kuppermann B, Margolis
TP. Viral causes of the acute retinal necrosis syndrome. Am J
Ophthalmol 2000;129:166 –172.
symptoms are exacerbated under certain environmen-
tal conditions: low humidity, windy situations, and close
3. Grigg ME, Ganatra J, Boothroyd JC, Margolis TP. Unusual work.1,2 It has been suggested previously that lower humid-
abundance of atypical strains associated with human ocular ity results in an increase in ocular surface tear film
toxoplasmosis. J Infect Dis 2001;184:633– 639. evaporation.3 Although there is agreement that evapora-
4. Wiedbrauk DL, Werner JC, Drevon AM. Inhibition of PCR tion is involved in the dry eye process,4 it is uncertain
by aqueous and vitreous fluids. J Clin Microbiol 1995;33: whether evaporation is a cause of dry eye or an exacerbating
2643–2646. factor.5 The purpose of this investigation is to scientifically
5. Wadowsky RM, Laus S, Libert T, States SJ, Ehrlich GD.
establish the relationship between relative humidity (RH)
Inhibition of PCR-based assay for Bordetella pertussis by using
calcium alginate fiber and aluminum shaft components of a
and aqueous tear evaporation. This will determine if there is
nasopharyngeal swab. J Clin Microbiol 1994;32:1054 –1057. solid evidence of an environmental factor in determining
severity of symptoms and the impact of tear loss.
We conducted a prospective experimental laboratory
study comparing changes in evaporative rates under differ-
Correlations in a Change in Aqueous ent RH conditions. Data pool for the current study was a
Tear Evaporation With a Change in random selection of our evaporometry database and con-
Relative Humidity and the Impact sisted of 47 subjects; 29 females and 18 males, age range of
47.6 ⫾ 20.4 years. Thirty-two had dry eye diagnosis, and
James P. McCulley, MD, Joel D. Aronowicz, MD, 15 were considered normals. Tear evaporation study data
Eduardo Uchiyama, MD, Ward E. Shine, PhD, were the major requirement for inclusion in this study. All
and Igor A. Butovich, PhD clinical studies had prior approval from the appropriate
institutional review board. Informed consent was obtained
PURPOSE: To establish scientific relationship between from each patient and HIPAA regulations were followed.
relative humidity (RH) and aqueous tear evaporation to Statistical analyses were carried out using SigmaStat
elucidate possible significance of this relationship in 2.03 Software (Systat Software Inc, Richmond, California,
normals and aqueous tear deficiency patients. USA) and included mean, standard deviation, and one-
DESIGN: Prospective experimental laboratory study. way analysis of variance. Data from each eye of all study
METHODS: Ocular surface evaporation was determined subjects were included in the analyses.
using evaporometry and calculated for two ranges of RH, The evaporometer utilized an air pump to direct dry air
25% to 35%, and 35% to 45% in a randomized clinical into an eye goggle that contained a humidity/temperature
patient population. sensor.3,6 When 15% RH was reached, the pump was
RESULTS: Average evaporative rate in the higher humidity turned off. The following increase in humidity was con-
range was between 0.029 ⴞ 0.009 through 0.043 ⴞ stantly monitored, and the time needed to go from 25% to
0.016 ␮l/cm2/min. At lower humidity, range was be- 35%, and then from 35% to 45% was measured. The skin
tween 0.044 ⴞ 0.013 through 0.058 ⴞ 0.018 ␮l/cm2/ evaporation component was measured and subtracted as
min. Differences in the corresponding evaporative rates described before.3,5 The continuous increase in RH in the
were statistically significant (between P < .003 through goggles is considered to be the tear component of evapo-
P < .043) for each analysis. rative rate.5 Exposed ocular surface area was measured by
CONCLUSIONS: A decrease of 10% RH resulted in an digital photography.5 Evaporation was calculated in two
average difference of between 28.33% to 59.42% in- different ranges of RH from 25% to 35%, and from 35% to
crease in evaporation. The increase in evaporation at 45%, and reported in ␮l of water evaporated/cm2 of
lower humidity has significant clinical implications for exposed ocular surface per minute.
The Table summarizes the evaporative rate findings
Accepted for publication Oct 31, 2005. based upon clinical diagnosis and gender. Although these
From the Department of Ophthalmology, The University of Texas two humidity ranges were contiguous in a single measure-
Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, Dallas, Texas.
This study was supported in part by grants NIH EY12430, EY016664, ment, the difference in the corresponding evaporative
and an unrestricted grant from the Research to Prevent Blindness, New rates was statistically significant P ⬍ .008 for normal
York, New York. females, P ⬍ .003 for dry eye females, P ⬍ .043 for normal
Inquiries to James P. McCulley, MD, The University of Texas Southwest-
ern Medical Center, 5323 Harry Hines Blvd, Dallas, TX 75390-9057; e-mail: males, and P ⬍ .004 for dry eye males. No statistically significant difference was found between evaporative rates


TABLE. Tear Film Evaporative Rates Under Two Different
Relative Humidity (RH) Conditions in Normal Subjects and
Dry Eye Patients Divided by Gender

Number of Evaporative Rate Evaporative Rate

Subgroup Subjects at 25–35% RH* at 35–45% RH* P Value†

1. Female 10 0.058 ⫾ 0.018 0.043 ⫾ 0.016 ⬍.008
2. Male 6 0.047 ⫾ 0.022 0.029 ⫾ 0.009 ⬍.043
Dry eye
3. Female 19 0.048 ⫾ 0.017 0.037 ⫾ 0.011 ⬍.003
4. Male 12 0.044 ⫾ 0.013 0.034 ⫾ 0.009 ⬍.004

*Values expressed in ␮l/cm2/min as mean ⫾ SD.

Comparison of the evaporative rates under the two RH
ranges within subgroups 1 to 4.

FIGURE 2. The effect of the initial humidity of the air on the

time required for the tear film to increase the humidity in the
immediate preocular tear film area. The time required to
increase RH from 25% to 35% was 14.47 seconds, and to
increase it from 35% to 45% was 22.5 seconds (P < .001).
Error bars represent the standard deviation from the mean.

(Figure 2), for example, 14.47 seconds is required to increase

RH from 25% to 35%, and 22.5 seconds to increase from 35%
to 45%. There is a 64.3% difference in evaporative times at
these two ranges of RH (P ⬍ .001).
From these studies, it is clear that RH considerably affects
both evaporative amount and speed of evaporation. Clinical
symptoms associated with low humidity are now supported by
studies on ocular surface evaporation. By extrapolation, these
FIGURE 1. The effect of a 10% increase in the range of
data suggest that RH may play a significant role in the
relative humidity (RH) on the ocular surface tear film evapo-
ration of both normals and dry eye patients. *P ⴝ .001,
predictability of LASIK outcomes. Furthermore, they suggest
evaporative rate at 25% to 35% RH vs 35% to 45% RH in that such procedures may be more predictable when per-
normals. †P < .001, evaporative rate at 25% to 35% RH vs formed in an atmosphere of 45% RH that is consistently
35% to 45% RH in dry eye patients. Error bars represent the maintained, since the evaporative water loss from the cornea
standard deviation from the mean. is considerably less than at lower humidity.


of normals and dry eye patients at the same RH, or 1. Ousler GW 3rd, Abelson MB, Nally LA, Welch D, Casavant
between males and females within any group. JS. Evaluation of the time to “natural compensation” in
A 10% reduction in RH from 35% to 45% versus 25% normal and dry eye subject populations during exposure to a
to 35% resulted in an average increase in evaporation of controlled adverse environment. Adv Exp Med Biol 2002;506:
35.5% in normal females, 28.3% in dry eye females, 59.4%
2. Abelson MB, Ousler GW 3rd, Nally LA, Emory TB. Dry eye
in normal males, and 31.2% in dry eye males. syndromes: diagnosis, clinical trials, and pharmaceutical treat-
Based upon these data, it is clear that aqueous tear ment—“improving clinical trials”. Adv Exp Med Biol 2002;506:
evaporation decreases as the RH increases over time (Figure 1079 –1086.
1). There is, on average, a 35.9% decrease in evaporation 3. Mathers WD, Binarao G, Petroll M. Ocular water evaporation
associated with a 10% increase in RH. As a corollary, the and the dry eye. A new measuring device. Cornea 1993;12:
speed of evaporation also decreases as the RH increases 335–340.


4. Mathers WD, Daley TE. Tear flow and evaporation in patients
with and without dry eye. Ophthalmology 1996;103:664 – 669. TABLE 1. Calculating the Ocular Trauma Score (OTS)
5. McCulley JP, Shine WE, Aronowicz J, Oral D, Vargas J. Variables and Raw Points in the OTS Study
Presumed hyposecretory/hyperevaporative KCS: tear charac-
teristics. Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc 2003;101:141–152. Variables Raw Points
6. Rolando M, Refojo MF. Tear evaporometer for measuring
Initial vision
water evaporation rate from the tear film under controlled
No light perception 60
conditions in humans. Exp Eye Res 1983;36:25–33.
Light perception/hand motion 70
1/200–19/200 80
20/200–20/50 90
Ocular Trauma Score in Deadly ⱖ20/40 100
Weapon–related Open-globe Injuries Rupture ⫺23
Endophthalmitis ⫺17
Güngör Sobacı, MD, Tŭgrul Akin, MD, Perforating injury ⫺14
Üzeyir Erdem, MD, Yusuf Uysal, MD, Retinal detachment ⫺11
and Suat Karagül, MD Afferent pupillary defect ⫺10

PURPOSE: To assess prognostic value of the ocular trauma injuries, especially those associated with land mines and
score (OTS) in deadly weapon–related open-globe injuries. hand grenades, had devastating visual consequences.3 This
DESIGN: Retrospective, interventional case series.
study aims to assess prognostic value of OTS in patients
METHODS: In 82 patients (88 eyes) with deadly weapon-
with deadly weapon–related open-globe injuries.
related open-globe injuries, certain numerical values The charts of 336 consecutive patients (367 eyes)
rendered to the OTS variables (visual acuity, rupture, presenting with open-globe injury caused by deadly weap-
endophthalmitis, perforating injury, retinal detachment, ons to the Ophthalmology Department of Gülhane Mili-
afferent pupillary defect) at presentation were summated tary Medical Academy and Medical School (GMMA-MS)
and converted into OTS categories. The likelihood of the between March l991 and April 2003 were reviewed with
final visual acuities in the OTS categories were calculated permission of the institutional review board. Eighty-two
and compared with those in the OTS study. patients (88 eyes) for whom complete data for OTS
RESULTS: The likelihood of the final visual acuities (no
variables (Table 1) were available were included in the
light perception NLP, light perception LP/hand motion statistical analysis. Sixty-eight (82.9%) patients had terror-
HM, 1/200 to 19/200, 20/200 to 20/50, and >20/40) in related injury, and 50 (73.5%) of them had been described
the OTS categories (1 through 5) in this group were using the Ocular Trauma Classification System (OTCS).4
similar to those in the OTS study group except for Certain numerical values rendered to the OTS variables
LP/HM in the category-2 (53% vs 26%, P < .001). No (visual acuity, rupture, endophthalmitis, perforating in-
study eye was in the category-5 (the best prognosis). jury, retinal detachment, and afferent pupillary defect) at
CONCLUSIONS: OTS calculated at initial examination may
presentation were summated and converted into OTS
provide prognostic information in deadly weapon–related categories; the likelihood of the final visual acuities (NLP,
open-globe injuries. (Am J Ophthalmol 2006;141: LP/HM, 1/200 to 19/200, 20/200 to 20/50, and ⱖ20/40) in
760 –761. © 2006 by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.) the OTS categories (1 through 5) in this study group were
calculated (Table 1), and compared with those in the OTS
ventable and predominantly monocular visual mor-
bidity and blindness in the world today.1 Heterogeneity of
study group.2 For this comparison, categorical distribution
of 88 eyes in this study and 2151 eyes in the OTS study
were taken into account. Categorical evaluations were
the injuries in ocular trauma has made it difficult to done for the numeric scores representing the likelihood of
interpret results of clinical studies with respect to inter- the final visual acuity in the OTS study and this study group.
vention and prevention of blindness. Using the databases ␹2 or Fischer exact test was used as appropriate. A P value of
of the United States and the Hungarian Eye Injury Registries, less than .05 was considered statistically significant.
Kuhn and associates described the ocular trauma score Patients’ age ranged from 9 to 50 years (mean, 23 years),
(OTS), a simplified categorical system for standardized assess- and follow-up from seven days to thirty-six months (mean,
ment and visual prognosis in ocular injuries.2 We have 7.1 months). The likelihood of the final visual acuities
previously shown that deadly weapon–related open-globe (NLP, LP/HM, 1/200 to 19/200, 20/200 to 20/50, and
Accepted for publication Nov 1, 2005. ⱖ20/40) in the OTS categories of this study group corre-
From GATA, Gülhane Military Medical Academy and Medical lated to that of the OTS study group2 in 14 of 15 cases
School, Ankara, Turkey. (93.3%) (Table 2).
Inquiries to Güngör Sobacı, MD, GATA, Gülhane Military Medical
Academy and Medical School, 06018, Etlik, Ankara, Turkey; e-mail: Some of the OTS variables, used in the OTCS (type of injury, grade of injury, zone of injury, and afferent pupillary


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