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Level: A2 - Pre-Intermediate
Title: Life Skills

Life Skills

Category: • General English Topic: • Life Skills Media: • Text

A2 Learning Reading
Level: • Pre-Intermediate
Grammar: • Adverbs
Focus: • Speaking,

Task 1 Write the words from the box below the correct pictures.

cook / do chores / drive a car / communicate / make decisions / negotiate /

play a musical instrument / read a map / speak in public / study / use a computer

A) B) C)

D) E) F)

G) H) I)

1/6 © All rights reserved. For use of AmeriLingua members only. Lesson ID: A2-8
Level: A2 - Pre-Intermediate
Title: Life Skills

J) K)

Which skills do you find important?

Which skills are not very important?

Complete the sentences with the correct forms of adverbs made

Task 2
from the given the adjectives.

1. aggressive / careful / fast / slow

a) A good driver drives but not too .

b) A bad driver drives and .

2. clear / unfair / patient / rude

a) A good boss listens to people and communicates

b) A bad boss speaks and treats people .

3. angry / gentle / nice / sleepy

a) A good dentist treats you and talks to patients.

b) A bad dentist talks to you or does everything .

Do you agree? Do you have other ideas?

Task 3 Read the dialogue. Number the skills from 1 to 5 (1 ‒ weakest point,
5 ‒ strongest point).

Recruiter: Why are you a good candidate?

Candidate: Well, I communicate really well with other people. I speak in public rather poorly,
but I make PowerPoint presentations quite well.

Recruiter: Are you well-organized?

Candidate: Oh yes, I manage my time well.

Recruiter: Can you speak French?

Candidate: Not very well, I’m afraid. But I can speak German perfectly.

2/6 © All rights reserved. For use of AmeriLingua members only. Lesson ID: A2-8
Level: A2 - Pre-Intermediate
Title: Life Skills

a) communication
b) public speaking
c) making PowerPoint presentations
d) time management
e) French
f) German

How good are you at these things?

Task 4 Read the sentences. Choose one incorrect option.

How do you…”
1. sing?

I sing beautifully / badly / goodly.

2. …study English?

I study patient / regularly / happily.

3. …start a day?

I start a day lazily / fastly / positively.

4. …work in the morning?

I work effectively / slowly / goodly.

5. …talk?

I talk quickly / patiently / quiet.

Answer the questions.

Task 5 Match the sentence halves. More than one option is possible.

How to Be an Employee of the Month?

1. Do extra work a) nicely and politely.
2. Talk to your boss b) quickly.
3. Stay longer in the office c) professionally.
4. Eat lunch and come back to work d) happily.
5. Dress e) enthusiastically.
6. Talk to your colleagues f) smartly.

Do you agree? Why (not)?

3/6 © All rights reserved. For use of AmeriLingua members only. Lesson ID: A2-8
Level: A2 - Pre-Intermediate
Title: Life Skills

Task 6 Finish the sentences with adverbs.

In My Country

1. on the road

1a. People drive

1b. People follow the rules

2. at work

2a. People work

2b. People start work

3. at school

3a) Children learn

3b) Children behave

4. in the street

4a) People dress

4b) People talk

5. in business

5a) People communicate

5b) People negotiate



Adverbs say in what manner we do things. They answer the question “how”.
Regular adverbs

• Add -ly to an adjective.

He is a slow driver. She drives slowly. (slow ‒ slowly)
I am a quiet speaker. I speak quietly. (quiet ‒ quietly)

• Double the final letter if an adjective ends in “l”.

My dad is a careful driver. He drives carefully. (careful ‒ carefully)
Tina’s paintings are beautiful. She paints beautifully. (beautiful ‒ beautifully)

4/6 © All rights reserved. For use of AmeriLingua members only. Lesson ID: A2-8
Level: A2 - Pre-Intermediate
Title: Life Skills

• Change the final “y” to “i” if an adjective ends in “y”.

Playing the piano is easy for you. You play the piano easily. (easy ‒ easily)
Singing makes me happy. I sing happily. (happy – happily)
Irregular adverbs

• Some adverbs have the same form as an adjective.

Tony’s a fast driver. He drives fast. (fast – fast)
I always do the hard work. They work hard. (hard – hard)

NOTE: The adjective “good” is an exception.

Freddie is a good singer. He sings well. (good – well)

• You can add modifiers, e.g., (not) very, really, quite, rather + adverb

He can play the guitar very well. (He’s a very good player)
She speaks Spanish quite fluently. (Her Spanish is not perfect but it’s fine)

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Level: A2 - Pre-Intermediate
Title: Life Skills


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