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A self help guide to transform

Indu Bhooshan Das

Your life matters.

It has become imperative in today's world to become

an icon of success, leading to frustration and
disappointments. The words ¨focus¨and s̈uccess¨have
been misused. People are forced to compare
themselves to others. Identities are lost;
misconceptions lead to unhappiness.

These quotes are meant to help you remember that

change is possible and it is up to you to begin that
journey. You have to find yourself and the power
within to persist.

You are relevant. You are unique.

Copyright © 2022 Indu Bhooshan Das
All rights reserved.
Published by Indu Bhooshan Das

No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in

a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by
any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording, or otherwise, without express written
permission of the publisher.
It is alright to be happy
Feeling out of

Snap out of it
See regret as

You are trying to

Think of what you
want to accomplish.
That is exactly what
you will, if you take
the next step
Get rid of your
distractions !

Tell yourself
¨That´s not my
business ¨
Your second
chance is right

Go get it !
Use today’s logic to
deal with today’s
Find an hour for
yourself every day are all

you've got
Attempt what you
fear the most...

and feel the

A goal to achieve
anything, needs a
A half baked plan
executed today is
better than a
perfect plan never
That burning desire
to possess or achieve
is your fuel

...only your actions

will help you get them
Mourn to heal...
that is human,

and then move on

You are all that is.

It is a good thing
Lead !

...for someone to
follow you
Let your past not
limit you...

It can be overcome
No one is watching

Just do what you

need to
Plan your day to
get more done

...and get
Don't judge
someone else's
success, because
one day you want
to get there
You can hold on to
your inhibitions
and do nothing or
think of it as your
worst enemy and
get rid of it
Be at peace,
everything will go
No harm in
wanting material
What stops you
from moving
forward are the
same that
successful people
have gotten rid of
You haven't
measured yourself
Don't be frustrated
with every outcome
you don't like you don't

control everything
It is alright to get
Your goal is
always one step
ahead of you.

The fight is what

You are the
abundance ! Don't
look elsewhere
Don't let your
mission be futile.

Define it
Passion, courage
and action should
go hand in hand
You are worthy of

Take it
All that you have
in hand is time

...make use of it
It takes a strong
person to hold the
helm when the sea
is rough
You can build your
own dream or
build someone
else's. Choose what
is best for you
You are the
abundance !

Dont look
Destiny is a result
of choices made, so
what you decide
now matters
You will make
mistakes and that
is alright
Everyone has been
through failures
and it takes a
strong person to
accept it
You have an
identity, just find
First impressions
can only get you
through for
sometime. Try being
real, and it will help
you life long
Difficulty is only
until you take the
first step
If you stop when
you hear the first
NO, you are
depriving yourself
from hearing a
YES in the future
Frustration and
happiness are the
two ends. Choose
your spot
You've got to own
your story and be
proud of it too, for
anyone to take
you seriously
You should know
when you have
just one shot.
Pause and then
sling it
Don't call yourself
passionate about
something unless
you are willing to
live up to it
You will never be
perfect. Your
make you real
If the wind doesn't
help, use the oars.

Have a plan B
Want to show the
world who you

Do it now ! Now is
the time
An attempt may
fail but never fail
to attempt
Indu Bhooshan Das is a global banker, entrepreneur,
coach and mentor. He is best known for his
accomplishments in financial services sector
through various global start-ups that enable social
inclusion to the rural and poor. He is a board
member, shareholder / investor in several
businesses and speaks in international forums on
investing in emerging markets & technologies.

His motivational speeches show the way to optimal


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