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My left eye is staring me. As unhinged as I may sound, it is true!

I am not quite aware of how long it has

been going on, I`m not sure if I even slept these days or not. If you`ve ever had a stalker you may be
familiar with the feeling of constant paranoia and how slowly but surely time and space becomes only a
peaceful memory long lost in the hurricane and chaos of terror, that`s what I have been experiencing. I
haven`t washed myself and I haven`t eaten, how could I?! My eye is constantly staring at me and
taunting me! My apartment has become my hell, I am afraid that if I leave the house my left eye will
stare at someone and then they will know how much of a monster I am! Indeed! That`s what I am! A
filthy, pale, malnourished monster! Maybe this curse that has been placed upon me is the price that I
shall pay till the end of my days…I hope you don`t pity me this torment I experience I deserve! You see I
have not been quiet as truthful with you as you may had thought. This eye that I behold and call mine
does not belong to me but to my brother. He died oh so many years ago…The knife is in my hand, I stare
at my left eye and it stares right back at me, I take the blade and puncture the sclera I then slowly rotate
it deeper with in the eye. My screams and the hungry howls of my cat are like the symphony of insanity.
As me and the bloody sphere that I once called my eye fall down I see my cat running towards it
desperately, and as my eyes closing I can still see it gazing at me now making me more terrified than

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