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CASE STUDY: Week - 4

Name: MD Ismail Hossain

Instructor: Jean Hea Cho, M.B.A, M.A.

Course: MGT 500 - Organizational Behavior and Leadership

University Name: International American University

Date: 29/01/2023

Case Study – Chapter – 7:

Question 1: What are some of Suki’s actions that indicate task behavior?

Ans: Suki is a sales supervisor at Listo Systems. She has a set of very straight rules which are to

maintain and controls sales representative. The extent to which a leader spells out the tasks and

obligations of an individual or group to accomplish a certain job and closely oversees their

progress is referred to as task behavior. It plainly suggests that the leaders provide their

subordinates corporate guidance and oversight. There are a few actions that indicates her task

behavior. One of the action is that Sufi has to negotiate and take further steps to improve the

situation. The invoices that come daily as long as the complaints from consumers should be

monitored carefully and that is another action of Suki which indicates her task behavior. All the

problems that have occurred before is sorted out by calling a meeting with the sales


Question 2: Is Suki’s level of task behavior high or low? Why?

Ans: Suki’s level of task behavior is high. She is more engaged in task-related behaviors such as

daily tasks, resolving customer complaints and poor performance, organizing daily activities and

invoice procedures, and holding a meeting to discuss the difficulties that were happening. She

also gave all of the essential information and instructions for the sales reps and sales officers to

pursue the company's decision on performance improvements.

Question 3: Which of Suki’s actions indicated relationship behavior?

Ans: The degree to which a leader participates in two-way communication with an employee

executing a given activity, including listening, facilitating, and offering assistance, is referred to

as relationship behavior. Sufi's acts that show relationship behavior include client complains that

her sales personnel are not engaged with invoicing rapid orders and are disregarding daily

chores. She took part in them and listened to their perspectives and thoughts on significant

activities. Suki demonstrated certain specific relationship habits to her staff while performing

and strengthening client relationships in the provided situation.

Question 4: Is Suki’s level of relationship behavior high or low? Why?

Ans: Suki’s relationship behavior is low. In this scenario, her conduct is lower than normal since

she is not actively participating in assisting and aiding the sales agents. She both spoke and

listened to how the firm was doing, how to develop, and how to alleviate difficulties and


Question 5: Which leadership style was Suki using (S1, S2, S3, or S4)?

Ans: Suki’s was using S1 leadership style. S1 refers to directing. The S1 leadership style is

largely concerned with providing guidance to employees. Leaders must clearly identify their

roles and ensure that their followers learn the basic abilities to be effective in the S1 stage, when

followers lack the capacity and motivation to execute their jobs.

Question 6: Did Suki’s leadership style match what was needed in the situation? Why or

why not?

Ans: After studying the case, we can say that Suki’s leadership style does not match that was

actually needed in the situation. Comparing with the other leadership style, S2 is more like her

type or leadership type. In the current example, she is using leadership style 1, but in order to

improve the condition of customer complaints, she must use leadership style 2, which involves

more duties and more relationship behavior. She must express a clear and accepted vision and

goals in order to achieve company objectives. She attempted to motivate sales representatives

and sales officers to reduce client complaints.



 Task behavior. Situational Leadership® Management and Leadership Training. (2020,

October 15). Retrieved January 29, 2023, from



 Relationship behavior. Situational Leadership® Management and Leadership Training.

(2020, October 15). Retrieved January 29, 2023, from


 Hersey-Blanchard Model. Corporate Finance Institute. (2022, December 5). Retrieved

January 29, 2023, from



 Hershey, P>H> Blanchard K.H & Johnson D.E. (2014). Management of Organizational

Behavior: Leading Human Resources (10th Edition) PHI Leading Private Limited

Case Study – Chapter – 8:


Question 1: Based on information from previous exercises, what types of power does Cami

have which she can utilize given her current situation?

Ans: Cami has position power. Cami can understand how the company works better than any

colleague of hers because of her long period of time working here in Listo Systems. She even

can motivate her other colleague if they need any or help out a colleague if needed. Based on

information from previous exercise I think Cami has Legitimate power, Expert Power and

Informational Power. There are reasons behind having these types of powers. She currently has

the position in an organization which legally let her hold the legitimate power. Because of the

experience that Cami holds, Cami has Expert power. And since Cami has the access to the

information of the company, she has the Informational Power.

Question 2: How can she use these power bases to help influence the trainers and Listo staff

rather than hinder her efforts?

Ans: Cami should utilize the legitimate power she has acquired to inspire her coworkers by

demonstrating devotion and excellence to the firm. If she does this, she will become an effective



 7 types of power in leadership. Business Class: Trends and Insights | American Express.

(n.d.). Retrieved January 29, 2023, from


 Hershey, P>H> Blanchard K.H & Johnson D.E. (2014). Management of Organizational

Behavior: Leading Human Resources (10th Edition) PHI Leading Private Limited

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