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Human Resource Training and Development é 13 [5] METHODS: OF TRAINING After discussing’ the different types of training, a question may obviously arise ‘as to how to impart training 2 To get its answer, let us now discuss different methods of training : (1) Training to be imparted to the employces. (Il) Different methods for imparting training to supervisors, training to employees : (1) On the job training method (2) Vestibule training method (3) Apprenticeship training method i (4) Internship training method Training Methods : I. Different methods to impart |IL Different methods to impart training to supervisors : (J) Conference method (2) Case method (3) Role play method (4) Business play method (5) Training within industry (5) Other training methods method (6) Other training methods [1] Different methods to impart training to employees : Following are the different methods of imparting training to employees : (1) On the Job Training : The actual training provided to the employee where he works is called on the job training. Under this method, where the machine is to be handled by the new employee, the actual training is imparted by the experienced employees. He gives training regarding working system as well as technical matters and practically shows how the machine is to be used. For this method of training, new people for training are not recruited. So, this method is not expensive, but at the same time, we cannot ignore two to three things regarding the success of the method. The employee who is entrusted with the task of imparting training should be skilled enough to train them. Second, he should have sufficient time, besides his own work, to give training. Thirdly; for this, he should be provided proper remuneration. Otherwise, if the employee imparting training does nay tet pone Hunan Reon ja 14 “ot do so sincere then the objective o Ma, F ii aye, ull and void. Heating tr ay e @ Yestibule Training Method : Vestibule: of'a building of @ room. As the person ar imeans the fo pass through that front portion, similarly, pi to enter “iy has to undergo such training before je joining i newly rer * hu section is created for such training. For the sa es dig a4 it becomes difficult to analyse and assess th e job method. duty hours. Hence, in this method of ice Proper won created, where only complete training is provid a 4 separa Mi is taken to the work place, where his difficulty or rat te, a Confusion i, i ally and at the same time, it is is also ascertained 8 Ig iy We practic’ he has been properly trained or not. ae this method the trainer has to do training, so that he is able to apply all ae = thats tj tak, The trainer and the trainee get much ts for sss iat the same time, the trainee gets undisturbed Tri ties from his routine job. This properly serves the oe {otal reg Besides the above advantages, there are certain mn aig training. As it is required to mai ain ee hod proves to be expensive, If the trainin 4 Sep remains unaware about the new scientific researches and ek v= the individual sector, then what can be the use of inating with old and outdated methods ? Moreover, the trainee does we acquainted with his cofieagues. So, when the trainee joins his wa duty in the factory, he finds himself to be a stranger + 3) Apprentice Training Method : In this method of taining t trainee is placed under the direct supervision of an experienced i expert employee. ‘The trainee gets training in this manner for 3 spo period of time. When on the job training and vestibule method # not convenient or for that matter, where the trainee is required © given training for a ive training sie through this method. At the end of the for the duration of training. in this method of department, this met Human Resource Training and Development 15 outcome is satisfactory, the trainee is inducted in the job. In India, this training method is covered by Apprentice Act of 1961. Like on the job training method, this method is also less expensive. ‘Though, there is a disadvantage of this method also in the manner that after the trainee is properly trained, if he joins another organisation, then-the time and money spent on him will go wasted. For such a tisk; there is a remedy, that if contract is signed initially with the trainee to the effect that he would not leave the organisation for a specific period after the apprenticeship, then the problem.can be solved. (4) Internship Training Method : In order to provide. theoretical and practical knowledge to a trainee, some institutions plan‘ out such type of training method for imparting technical and professional knowledge. Proper implementation of this method becomes possible only where there are cordial and congenial relations between the educationat institutions and professional organisations, After getting theoretical knowledge in the educational institutions, the candidate is deployed in a factory or such an enterprise, where he can get. practical knowledge about it. For a medical and pharmacy student. it has become compulsory in India fo get internship training respectively in'a hospital or a medical store. (8) Other Training Methods : In reality. it is difficult to plan out a special trainirg method for each industry. Industries adopt a convenient training method as per its size, type, requirement and capacity and accordingly chalk out.their training programmes. Besides the above mentioned training methods, different other training methods are applied recently. Some of the methods would be suffice to make mention of them here : (i) Big indi .rial houses establish their own training schools to impart t. sining to their employees. . “ (ii) If it is difficult to establish one’s own training school, then for pros iding theoretical and practical training help is taken from s iools, colleges and special training centres. (iii) By inv concemed subject experts to deliver series of lectures ur bringing out periodicals providing knowledge and information, training is given to employees in this manner. 16 Human Resource Management -2 Different Methods of Training to Employees (2) On the job training method (2) Vestibule training method (3) Apprentice training method (4) Internship training method = - (5) Other training methods [Il] Different methods of training to Supervisors + Different methods of training are utilised for supervisors, which are as follows : 1) Conference Method : Keeping in view the functions of the supervisors, the management plans the conference method for training. In the conference method, lectures of experts are arranged initially and at the end of the lecture. question-answer session is held. This helps remove doubts in the minds of the supervisors, with the help of frank discussions, The mianagement and supervisors come to know about their own problems, Thus, by question-answer session, the management becomes aware about supervisors expectations and it tries to fulfil them. (2) Case Method : Harvard University first made use of this method nearly 50 years back. Now, this method has been widely utilised. In the case method, the supervisors are given description of working condition and the supervisor is asked to solve the problems emerging cout of it, This helps develop their analysing capacity, independent thinking power and wisdom, which will prepare them to face any critical and practical problem, Particularly in the legal and medical professions this method has been broadly accepted. @) Role Playing Method : In this training method the emerging questions of supervisors and their solutions are found out with the help of sole playing. The trainers, in the dress of supervisors, come on the stage and play role of a supervisor by solving their potential problems. The method, providing entertainment with knowledge, is actually the wastage of time and energy. If there are certain types of settings to be raised and there is lack of insight into it, then it does not becdme successful in creating expected effect. : Human Resource Training and Development aed 17 a SS (4) Business Gaines Method ¢ Inthe training method to be imparted to supervisors, the tminces are divided into different contesting groups. Bvery group becomes:a business ‘unit, Thie problems and happenings taking place in real life situations takes the shape of imagination and assumptions. The contesting groups have to take decisions regarding it After that the decisions and suggestions of all the groups are summarised. In the modem times, with the help of computers, it can be analysed. In the business games method, different points of business like research, production, sales, advertising expenses are undergone the decision process. : : This method of training is creative and inspiratorial. It is challenging for the grasping power of supervisors also, The supervisors can get the training regarding decision-process, Though this method can be bit expensive and if the trainees start playing games, then the basic objective of the training can be marred, (5) Training within Industry Method : The method was initiated in the U.S.A. during the Second World War. Only in USA were more than 20 lakh supervisors imparted training during this period. After that, in other countries of the world also it became popular on a large scale, In this type of training method, no training is imparted to the supervisors before entrusting them any task. The employees are asked to directly carry out their functions. The supervisors are provided ample opportunities to learn from their experience. Wherever necessary, the management is always ready to'provide advise and guidelines. In this “Trial and Error method, more importance is given to leam while carrying - out tasks.” : In this training method, following four points have been laid more emphasis : (i) Job Instruction Training : Under the job instruction training supervisor is imparted training as to how to pass on systematic, detailed and specific instructions to the employees, so that determined outcomes can be obtained from the employees for proper instructions. (i) Job Method Training : For the job method training, the supervisors are provided training. Emphasis is laid on how job method can be analysed and how new methods can be introduced in the modem scientific cra, * development training easy solutions to the are found out and for “appointment, different trainin: a, 18 Human Resource Management», vi Gii) Job Relations Training : Under the job relation, training ¢| imparted to supervisors regarding the satisfactory relations between ‘S| sup and employees. For this, psychological study proves to be more Use| ba so that it becomes easy to understand the employee’s Tesponses ni mal difficulties. ee (iv) Programme Development Training : In the pro ramme| | per Fos a chalking! ‘ out plans for development programme, training is imparted, Training | oO ; is also provided for finding out iraplementation of programme ang is ar outcome, ‘In this manner, the intensive training imparted for above Points, | al achieving the objective behind training becomes possible. These training | o methods were first applied on the special request of ATIRA (Ahmedabag | it Textile Industries Research Association). impressed by its eneouraging | § outcomes, T.W.1. centre was also established, ie © Other Training Methods : Besides the above methods for | imparting training which were discussed, certain other methods are also | « applied, in which job safety training method, proj ject method, business | ( games, incident process etc. can also be included, Different training methods to be imparted to supervisors (1) Conference Method @) Case Method @) Role Play Method (4) Business Games Method (5) Training within Industry Methad (6) Other Training Methods {6} TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME _ According to the Fectuitment process of employees, after their igs are imparted to different types of the successfal employees are able to conduct their duties effectively. To impart training to employees is very essential, so that they can work on Machines properly, prevent wastage and accidents. The training only to employees will not suffice, but to employees, to see to it that Can Ryrtees Setre' hon mre toe any Deena sence, sere me oe for requirement of Labour Welfare activities ia India fo create stable-permanent labour class (2) To improve working condition G) To be freed from bad habits (4) To impart proper education (8) To create mental attitude (©) To keep pace with developed countries of world Special conditions of India - suggestions Im ¢ [5 SCOPE OF LABOUR WELFARE ACTIVITIES ‘Dr. Bouton, in his book "Labour in Indian Industries” divides labour Welfare activities mainiy into two parts : 1. Welfare activities carried out inside the factory, and 2, Welfare activities carried out outside the factory. 1, Welfare activities carried out inside the factory + ‘Under these activities following labour health and welfare steps ‘re included : (A) Working Condition - Environment : An employee should be provided such type of working condition, so that he can work easily ‘and efficiently. The factory is arranged in such & manner that the employee ‘can get sufficient clean air and light. He should be protected against Human Resource Mana: ines, he is: protected. of light music can Tike goggles, heat arid cold. By keeping fencing around machi For removing his boredom arid fatigue, arrangement be done. The employees should be provided protective gears gloves and socks; gowns etc. : @) Industrial Education and ‘Training Necessary industrial education and training are imparted to the employees, SO that they are able to carry out their work with more understanding. Due to ee and training, the quality of production improves and the extent of accidents is reduced. Consequently, the employees’ income also gets increased. 3) Health Service : If an employee is healthy, thén he may do his work more efficiently. So, primary health centre or hospital are opened in the factory for the safety of the employee. (4) Creche + If there are female employees in the factory, then the facility of creche will be a blessing for them. Female employees’ efficiency increases as taking care of their children is not required. Growth of children in creche is beneficial from the larger interest of society. (5) Arrangement of Cantcen and Meals: Generally, an employee spends 8 hours in a factory. During this period his necessity of tea and snacks or meals is obvious. So, the factory should provide neat, clean and fair priced canteen facility to them. If employer himself runs the canteen, then it is the best way. If it is not possible, then it can be handeled by a contractor or on co- operative basis. On what basis canteen is run is a subsidiary matter, the main objective is 1o see that employee gets nourishing food at his work place. . There should be proper and relaxing furniture in the canteen. Along with canteen, big factories make arrangement of lunch room or tiffin room as well as rest room. During the lunch break employees can take their lunch there. By providing TV and V.C.R. in the eating room or “rest room, their minds can be refreshed. (6) Bathing Facility : If an employee is bored by heat and dust, or for that matter, his work can be such that he gets dirly and needs to take bath, such bathing facility can be provided. Tata has provided such facility in the coal mings. : Managing Employee Benefits and Welfare Se vices © | 2. Welfare activities done outside 538 the factory ; \ a a Following are the welfare activi from bis (1) Educational Facilities : amount is paid af omes useful t employees nd their chldfen isa part of such yee al fei Besides prov management believes in removing iliteracy of ae faye SRR an per the servic they provide education to their employees in ni; 100 facility of pensic education centres. Their children should be provided na. the private sect and college education, provident fund ) Entertainment Facility: Entetsinment i tig ge oe employee's life to remoy. ESsentiat + | ld be mad 80 that hia ie ies es 2 arrangement for employee clus iS 9) Social subscription to the club on behalf of employees, By a is fad shoving flu tothe employees and ie fea member sey safety is fae hall should contain newspapers, magazines, radio, ne games. »indog) capacity. Prot G) Residential Facility : Dj | in an accide ity industrial chawls are 9 q | preganancy, Tndian industries. They lead their lives even Worse than animal i) provided. In save them from such a condition, it is the Primary duty of the engl respectful li to provide residences to his employee free of cost, | (A) Cost of Medicat Treatment : Prestigious industrial houses mal their treatment centres or dispensaries for their em e g ¢rmployei gnised hospitals and pay the. bills ) employees, : 1. Labou condu {S) Transport and Tourist Fa (1) Work @Q) Indus G) Healt (4) Cree ) Faci ©) Faci cility : Some employers make ir employees to their work ‘place upto 2,000 to 3,600 kilometers or Leave Travel Allowance, | ( Fair Price Shops : Some of the proprietors run fur pice shot | So that their employees can get essential goods at fair price. Sone | they can get such Products on credit also, ak ‘tod | (9) Provident Fund, Pension, Gratuity Schemes : ne = | is a scheme of compulsory savings for the employees. js deducted, 8.33% or whatever is decided by the government, amount is Z ae ) — a . Human Resonree Mauagement-2 sly Te empl also contributes equivalent share, This aa paid afer certain years or when employce retires. This fund so g useful to him at the time of his retirement. eo des provident fund, when the employee retires, he gets gratuity the service conditions. Some of the industrial houses extend the feclty of pension or family pension to their employees. Generally, in the private sector, instead of pension scheme, employees are provided rovident fund and gratuity. @) Other Facblities, + Besides above financial help, a provision toad be made to provide free legal advice to the employees. The employees should be provided leave encashment facility. . (9) Social Security + Due to automisation, the problem of ertiployee ‘safety is becoming more and more complex. In case of accident, an employee is given compensation to the extent of loss of his earning opacity. Protective gears are provided to them. If an employee dies in an accident, his nominee gets the compensation. Moreover, for pregenancy, sickness and other such situations, compensation is provided. In short, he is provided such welfare facilities to let him lead respectful life. Scope of Labour Welfare Activity conducted in Factories outside Facto (1) Working condition Environment q) Educational Facility (2)Industrial Education & Training (2) Eittertainment Facility (3) Health Service , (3) Residential Facility (4) Creche (4) Medical Treatment (5) Facility for Canteen-meals (5) Journey Facility (6) Feeility for taking Bath (6) Fair Price Shops (7) Provident Fund ete, Benefits (8) Other Pacilitjes (9) Social Security Managing Employee t ‘The scope of et vast, Itis the duty of, health and security : - have enacted many play helpful role. Meaning - Defini Employee safe become disabled « made aware abou of insecurity shot in order to avoi As per the responsibility o} safety of his ¢ providing safet 1, Fencin} for manufacts it to avoid a 2. On r employee we training shou be provided A regi as well as t “48 years s 3. En should no experienc entrusted * Person to 339. Person Page’) {6] CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS : ‘The modern management approach lays emphasis on making efforts for maintaining and nourishing relations employee relations. The main 126. Human Resource Management~2 function of employers is to co-ordinate and harmonise and co-operate between the employees and industrial policy of state and central * governments. In actual sense, if the employers and managers give equal importance to industrial relations in comparison to productivity, they can obtain desired outcomes in the industrial sector, Due to the policies and plans of state and central governments as well as due to the approach and tendency of employers, if the industrial relations are at peril and clash, difficulty and sense of non-co-operation can emerge in the human Tesource sector. So, it becomes essential to maintain industrial relations. Following causes and their effects are related with good or bad industrial relations. o (1) Ifhuman resources have inconvenience, difficulty in the working condition, : (2) If the human resource has some clash or complaint for management style, approach and their certain decisions. (3) There is dispair and dissatisfaction among human resources due to the employers or managers attitude and behaviour. (4) Constant non-attention'of employer, attitude to impose strict service conditions and lack of contact with unions of human resources. (5) If the number of employees bave more interest with the employees and their unions who tend to have industrial disturbance, clashes and quarrels, (6) Where the size, span and working of business enterprise is ont a lange scale, the managers were not able to convene meetings or come to agreement on time, (7) The managers do not have created any grievances redressal system or legal provision or for that matter, if it is there, may exist for the name sake, * (8) The educational level of the human resource active at the business sector may be very low or very little or if the psychological pressure may be responsible for taking work from the high educated human resource. (9) The extent of professional relations between human resources oe cio) iF t toc rel ait aay if foi 3)In re gi In this the busine industrial | social, tec also effect of health) relations favourabl develop ( The industrig and employers. (10) If the human resource manager may have adopted approssy, to open door policy and transparency for maintaining industria | relations for any specific. party (employees or employer), (11) If there is no strategy for business management sector, (12) If carelessness is shown towards wage management and n for motivations and non-monetary relations. (13) In the human resource policy only written form for’ humaa, [i relations is established, but if no sufficient encouragement jg [/ given in the working condition in the industrial sector, “ope In this manner, as a part of mutual inter-relationship of factors in’ |, pit the business units, its effects can be held responsible for good or bad rp) industrial relations, Though, besides above organisational effects other social, technological, political, economic and national movement have also effect on industrial relations. Good industrial relations are the symbol of healthy business and disturbed, bad and conflict-oriented industrial relations are the symbol of ‘business evil’, Both the symbols create / of we favourable or adverse impact on the national development and human | development. [7] ASPECTS OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS : hn between all the participants who make it possible to run the industry jij. 4 easily, successfully. It includes all the procedures related to determine ction selling price, distribution of profit, including employees in every decision- 7 making process and establish harmonious atmosphere in the industrial unit. Even then, industrial relations means only employce-cmployer |“ elt relation, Such narrow meaning is generally considered. Industry is the social world. It represents the organisations of different Sten institutions. Industrial relations are established among employet Rubi, supervisory staff, administrative officers, managers. These organisations fy ad are constantly trying to raise the standard of living of their members Pa and are active to bring in progress of the whole society at the economic social and political sectors. Thus, industrial not hold the [\ narrow meaning of employee-employer relations, but they touch the 5 dey

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