Chemical Hardnesses of Atoms and Molecules From FR

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Chemical hardnesses of atoms and molecules from frontier orbitals

Article  in  Chemical Physics Letters · September 1997

DOI: 10.1016/S0009-2614(97)00799-9


133 136

1 author:

Patrick Senet
Université de Bourgogne-Franche Comté & Cornell University


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5 September 1997

ELSEVIER Chemical Physics Letters 275 (1997) 527-532

Chemical hardnesses of atoms and molecules from frontier

P. S e n e t 1
Max-Planck-lnstitut fiir Str6mungsforschung, Bunsenstrasse 10, 37073 Gi~ttingen, Germany
Received 3 February 1997; in final form 11 July 1997


It is demonstrated that the chemical hardness of molecules is exactly the screened interaction energy of the electrons in
the frontier (HOMO, LUMO) orbitals, whereas the derivative of the Kohn-Sham potential relative to the electron number is
a screened local hardness measuring the local reactivity of molecules and solids. It is also shown that the hardness of two
interacting molecules involves the screened interaction between their respective HOMO and LUMO orbitals. The formula
are applied to the Thomas-Fermi model. © 1997 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.

1. Introduction of an atom relative to its charge have been consid-

ered, respectively, as an electronegativity and as an
Electronegativity and chemical hardness have been important charge coefficient [5], which has been
popular concepts in chemistry for several decades shown later to be equivalent to the chemical hard-
[1,2]. The former measures "the power of an atom ness [4]. Therefore, in a simple electrostatic model
or group of atoms to attract electrons to itself' [3] [6], in which an ion is represented by a conducting
whereas the latter measures "the resistance of an sphere of some characteristic radius R and charge
atom to a charge transfer" [4]. Indeed, charge trans- Qe, electronegativity and hardness are equal to the
fer between two atoms is driven by the difference of potential energy at the surface of the sphere,
their electronegativities which is equal in first-order Qe2/47r%R, and to a quantity inversely propor-
to the product of the charge transferred by the sum tional to the electrostatic capacity of the sphere,
of their hardnesses [4]. The inverse of hardness, e2/47reoR, respectively. This crude model explains
softness [4], can be interpreted as " t h e capacity of an why ions are more electronegative than the corre-
atom or group of atoms to receive electrons". sponding neutral species, why large atoms are soft,
The first and second derivative of the total energy and why softness is proportional to polarizability. It
fails however to reproduce the electronegativity dif-
ferences of neutral atoms in the periodic table.
Only in recent years has density functional theory
i Present address: Laboratoire de Physique du Solide, Facultrs
(DF'I') [7,8] provided a sound conceptual framework
Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix, 61 Rue de Bruxelles, 5000 for these qualitative, empirical concepts [9]. In DFY,
Namur, Belgium. electronegativity is the negative of the chemical po-

0009-2614/97/$17.00 © 1997 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

PII S 0 0 0 9 - 2 6 1 4 ( 9 7 ) 0 0 7 9 9 - 9
528 P. Senet / Chemical Physics Letters 275 (1997) 527-532

tential /x, i.e. the derivative of the electronic energy local softness has been formulated exactly in terms
E relative to the number of electrons N [10], of orbitals in the Kohn-Sham (KS) formulation of
DFT, making its ab initio calculation feasible [20,21].
= , (1) Surprisingly, no similar exact orbital formulation
Vext exists for the global hardness. It should be noted
and the hardness r/ is the second derivative of the however that recently in the KS formalism a hard-
energy, i.e. [4], ness matrix [22], which is only approximatively re-
lated to 77 [21], has been introduced.
In a recent paper [21], we derived an orbital
formulation of all the derivatives of the electronic
energy. In the present Letter, this formulation is
where the derivatives are carried out at constant
shown to provide simple physical interpretations of
external potential Vext(r), equal to the electron-ion
both the global and local hardnesses and new practi-
potential plus any other potential applied to the
cal schemes for their ab initio evaluation.
system. Whereas softness and hardness are global
properties of the system as a whole, a local hardness
rl(r) [11] and softness s(r) [12] may be defined 2. Derivation
which discriminate the hard and soft regions of a
molecule. The local softness is defined by [91 In the KS formulation of DFT [8], the electronic
energy is given by [9]
s(r) = S[ Oo(r) ] , (3)
[ ON I~o,, E = 2 Ef~ei + E I ( p )
where S is the global softness (S = 1/7?) and the
derivative of the electronic density p(r) is called the - fd,', [V,,s(,'l) - o(,'l), (5)
Fukui function f ( r ) [13]. The latter is closely related
to the HOMO and LUMO frontier orbitals [9] of the where E~ is the sum of the Hartree Coulomb repul-
electron frontier orbital theory [14] and to the density sion energy and of the so-called exchange-correla-
of states at the Fermi level [15] in a solid. The local tion energy. It is only a functional of the electronic
hardness R(r) is related to these quantities by the density
following integral on the entire space [9] p(r) =2Y'.f~lOi(r)12=-2Y'.fipi(r), (6)
i i
f dr, rl(r,) s(r,) = 1. (4) where as in Eq. (5), f / a r e the occupation numbers (0
or 1) of the KS orbitals ~bi which in turn are
The calculation of the hardnesses and softnesses solutions of the following Schrrdinger equations
is of interest because they enter in two well-known
principles of modern chemistry: the hard-soft-acids- Hlq~i) = eilri). (7)
bases principle [2] and the maximum-hardness prin- Here H is the ground-state one-electron KS Hamil-
ciple [16]. The former states that "hard (soft) Lewis tonian [8,9],
acids will prefer to interact with hard (soft) Lewis h2
bases" and more generally "hard (soft) regions of a /4 = - --v 2 + vKs(r), (8)
molecule will prefer to interact with hard (soft) 2m
regions of a reagent" [2,17]. The latter states that the where, as in Eq. (5), the self-consistent KS potential
minimum of the energy of a system corresponds also vKS is defined by
to a maximum hardness [16]. Most of the calcula- 6E~
tions of these chemical atomic and molecular quanti- VKS(r) = Vext(r) + 6p(r----~' (9)
ties have been at an empirical level [4,6], based on
DFT models [18,19] or based on finite difference in which the functional derivative is evaluated at the
approximations of Eq. (3) [9]. On the other hand, ground-state value of the density.
P. Senet/ Chemical PhysicsLetters 275 (1997) 527-532 529

The relation between the chemical potential and As will be shown next, the last two terms of Eq.
the HOMO and LUMO one-electron energies, the (10) exactly cancel each other, and thus the well-
so-called frontier eigenvalues EF, has been known known identification of the chemical potential with
for some time [23]. This result and the orbital expres- the frontier KS eigenvalues is recovered [23]. Indeed,
sion of the hardnesses can be obtained by direct the derivative of the KS SchriSdinger equations (7) is
derivation of Eq. (5) relative to the electron number (H- E,)I4,;) = V14,), (14)
N as shown below. It should be noted that for a
system with a HOMO-LUMO gap, such a derivative in which
is not well defined. Indeed, it may have different
values when evaluated to the left ( N - ) and to the
right (N +) of an integer value N of the number of Velt
electrons [23]. The corresponding chemical quantities and V is a perturbation given by the following
measure the response of the electrons to an elec- equation:
trophilic ( A N < 0 ) or to a nucleophilic ( A N > 0)
reagent, respectively [9]. The response to a radical V ~ ~i
- ON ,',, (16)
reagent ( A N = 0) is described by their average [9,20].
Carrying out these derivatives of the energy in Eq. Projection of Eq. (14) on the ith state yields the
(5) one obtains for the chemical potential result
= eF + 2 ~f/r/i
i ~ i = < ~bi][ - - - ~ ] Cext](J~i>. (17)

From Eq. (13) it is found that

- fdrlfdr2 F(r,) hr(r,,r2) p(r2),
ON ~e~'=
where a = + or - and "qi and h~ are defined by (18)
_ [ Oei] ~ which defines what we call a screened local hardness
r/i '~ t-~],. , (11) ~(r). Using Eqs. (17) and (18) in Eq. (10) the
desired equality # = e F is obtained. In addition, the

h (r,,r2) = [ @ ( r ,a) @e'( , ' 2 ) ] . (12)

expression of the global hardness follows immedi-
ately from this result,

The first term of Eq. (10) arises because only the n = nV = f a r , OF(r,) ~ ( r , ) , (19)
occupation of the frontier orbital may change by
where PF is the frontier orbital density (see Eq. (6)).
addition (removal) of electrons to (from) the system
On the other hand, from Eqs. (4), (18) and (19) one
and the second is readily obtained by using the
obtains the following relation for the local hardness
following rule for the differentiation of an arbitrary
functional A ( p ) (20)
n(r) = fdr, hi(r,rl) PF(rl),
aA(p) _f6A(p) 0/9 (13) which may also be expressed as a sum of a Hartree
ON J 6p ON" Coulomb contribution and an exchange-correlation
Note that the h t kernel in Eq. (10) may have a part
different value if evaluated on the right or on the left e2 pF(rl)
of an integer number of electrons [23]. In the remain- n(r) = fdr
J41re o I r - r l [
der of the Letter, the indices a are dropped in order
to simplify the notation since this does not affect our
+ fdr, hxc(r,r,) pF(r,). (21)
530 P. Senet / Chemical Physics Letters 275 (1997) 527-532

Eq. (21) may be found in Ref. [24] whereas Eqs. (18) tion, /(1 1 represents exactly the inverse dielectric
and (19) are new first-principles expressions for the function of the many-body screening theory [25,15].
hardnesses. Their physical meaning and relations The Fukui function is thus a screened frontier orbital
with earlier work are discussed next. which is equal to PF only in the approximation of
unpolarizable electrons (X1 = 0) or in the approxi-
mation of noninteracting electrons (h I = 0). Using
3. Discussion Eq. (25), we find from Eq. (19)

The simple electrostatic model described above is ~7= f d r , f d r 2 p F ( r , ) h ~ ( r , , r 2 ) p F ( r 2 ) , (27)

used to define, by analogy, the radius R of a spheri-
cal atom via the following equation: where h~¢ is a screened electron-electron interaction
kernel, i.e.,
/z = VKs( R ) . (22)
With this definition and Eq. (18), the atomic hard- h~C('l,r2) = fd,3 K l l ( ' l , ' 3 ) hi('3,'2 ). (28)
ness can be approximated as
r/= ~(R), (23) Eqs. (27) and (28) imply that the hardness is
equal to the screened electron-electron interaction
which implies from Eq. (19) that the electrons of the
energy between the frontier orbital densities. This
frontier orbital are assumed to be "localized" at the
can be understood as follows. The finite difference
radius R
approximation of the derivative Eq. (2) gives [9]
77 = 1 - A, (29)
pF(,) = 4,rrR2 (24)
where I and A are respectively the ionization poten-
By approximating E~ by the Hartree energy, Eq.
tial and the electronic affinity of the system. But
(22) becomes the well-known definition of the so-
I - A is the energy cost of the disproportionation
called covalent atomic radius R c [19]. In this Hartree
reaction of a species S [9]
approximation, Eq. (23) states that the hardness r/ is
the electrostatic potential at the covalent radius due S+S#S++S "-, (30)
to the Fukui function. This relation has been justified
qualitatively and tested numerically [19] and is re- and thus should give a good approximation of the
covered here as a special case. It is worth noting that electron-electron self-energy in the HOMO of S [9].
~/(r) diverges at Re. Approximation of the self repulsion integral by the
Eq. (19) for the hardness involves the Fukui quantity I - A was first made by Pariser [26] in a
function f ( r ) which is related to the frontier orbital semi-empirical electronic method. It can be further
by the exact relation [21,15] justified in DFT from Eqs. (27) and (29). The screen-
ing of the electron-electron interactions involved in
f ( r ) = f dr, oF(r,) KC'(r,,,), (25) rl explains also why the hardness is inversely propor-
tional to the dipolar polarizability in atoms [27].
where K~-1 is the inverse linear potential response Eq. (27) encompasses one of the keys of frontier
function [21,15] orbital theory: describe chemical reactions and hard-
ness/softness in terms of interactions between fron-
arKs(r) ] = tier orbitals [ 14]. Indeed let us consider two molecules
aVox,(r,).N ~ ( ' - ' 1 ) A and B far apart from each other such that the
frontier orbital density of the entire AB system is the
+ fdr2 h,(r,r2) xl(r2,rl), (26) sum of frontier orbital densities of molecules A and
in which X~ is the well-known linear density-density
response [25]. Therefore, in the Hartree approxima- PF(r) = + (31)
P. Senet/ ChemicalPhysicsLetters275(1997)527-532 531

From this partition of the frontier density one obtains systems are infinite reservoirs of electrons. There-
from Eq. (27) fore, the local properties ri(r) and s(r) must be
ri = riAA 21_ riBB _~_2riAB, (32) used. We believe however that this is the screened
local hardness ~ ( r ) which could be more relevant
in which riAB is defined as for chemistry as exemplified by the success of the
approximation Eq. (23). On the other hand, in a
riAB = f drl f dr2 pA(rl ) h~(rl,r2) p~(r2), periodic solid ~/ can be expanded in a Fourier series
(33) I
~/(r) = ~ E T / G e iGr, (36)
and where riAA, riBB are in obvious notation. Ac- G
cording to Eq. (33) the hardness of two interacting where G are the reciprocal lattice vectors and /2~ is
molecules at large distances - i.e. at which the the volume of the crystal unit cell. It is readily
frontier densities p# and P~ do not overlap signifi- shown in the TF approximation that ~70 = 1/D(¢)
cantly - involves the screened interaction between whereas rl0 diverges. ~/0 makes the link between
their respective H O M O and L U M O orbitals. Eq. (33) hardnesses of isolated atoms and of the same atoms
holds also in principle at short AB separations though in a solid. These hardnesses are compared for alkali
in this region the sub-systems densities (Eq. (31)) atoms and metals in Table 1.
cannot be defined in a unique way. Applications of In this Letter, new first-principles formulae have
the above formula for polyatomic systems will be been derived for hardnesses which are consistent
explored in a further publication. with all known earlier results. The physical meaning
A one-electron orbital numerical evaluation of the of hardnesses, including hardnesses of atoms in
polarizability kernel X1 is feasible [25]. Use of this solids, has been clarified. A model of ~ for insula-
quantity in Eq. (27) should give a better evaluation tors is presently under investigations. Local softness
of ri than earlier estimations based on a frozen-orbital s(r) is equal to a screened local density of states at
approximation (X~ = 0) [26]. Such a calculation is the chemical potential energy [15]. Only a very
however not simple and some insight can be gained approximate measurement of it for metal surfaces
by using the Thomas-Fermi (TF) model for which can be obtained by using scanning-tunneling-mi-
the dielectric function ~ ( I r - r 1I) in the wave-vector croscopy [28] in which the tunnel current is roughly
space Q is simply [25] proportional to the local density of states at the
Fermi level, i.e. to the frozen core approximation of
efV(Q) = 1 + Q---S, (34) the local softness. It would be of considerable inter-
est to find a technique which could directly measure
where 1/Q~ is the so-called TF screening length. It the screened local hardness ~/(r) or at least a linear
is readily found in this model from Eq. (27) and mapping of it. This would provide complementary
using K 1 = I / E that maps of the reactivity character of a surface in the
e2 1 pF(Q) 2 sense of Eq. (19).
riTF_ 41re
__ ° 2,rr2
fdQ Q2
+ Q2 - (35)
Table 1
Hardnesses and polarizabilities of alkali atoms
riTV is positive which is related to the variational
cra 7/atomic b T/bulk metal ~
principle of DFT. On the other hand, recalling that
Q~ is related to the density of states at the Fermi [,~31 [eVl [eVl
level D ( £ ) (per volume unit) by Q~ = eZD(£)/eo, Li 22.0 4.8 2.1
one finds that the hardness increases when D ( £ ) Na 24.4 4.6 2.2
K 45.2 3.8 1.4
decreases which in fact is a general property for Rb 48.7 3.7 1.1
metals [ 12]. Cs 63.3 3.4
Global hardness Eq. (2) is not a relevant quantity
a Polarizabilities of isolated atoms from Ref. [29].
for a macroscopic solid or for a very large molecule b 1-- A from Ref. [9].
for which it always has a negligible value since such c Calculated as r/0/[1~ with D( ~ )/2c from Ref. [30].
532 P. Senet / Chemical Physics Letters 275 (1997) 527-532

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