Fourth Grade First Day Marry

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Fourth Grade

First Day

Kenadee Marry
EDU 371
Elementary Methods
Welcome To Fourth Grade

The future of
Come in and

the world is
start the

in this
year with

classroom! Miss Marry!

Students Names - Students Names - Students ...

This would be the bulletin board outside of my

classroom, in the hallway next to my door, that the

students see when they come into school. I would

put all my students names on it as well as my own to

help them find the room on Open House night

because their name would show them where the

right place to be was and remind them of my name! I

like the statement the future of the world is in this

classroom because it goes a long with my theme of

the fact that everyone can make a difference.

Monday, August 29, 2022
8:30 a.m. - 11:15 p.m.


Activity What To Do Time


Game to get to know each


other's names/meet the

notebook for

each student
Detailed description of what

Art supplies
to do each morning when you

Morning meeting

Arrive At
come in

Hand out writers notebook to
8:30 -

projected on

each student 9:30
& Routines Allow students to use art


supplies to decorate their


Go over morning meeting

Meet the

teacher poster
Go over classroom routines

Detailed description of how

Scavenger hunt

to participate in the
for each

classroom scavenger hunt. student 9:30 -

Hunt Give students time to find

clipboards 10:15
each thing and do the
pencil for each

corresponding activity student

10:15 -

Recess Take students out to recess

clothing 10:30

Go over the things that

should have been found in the

Scavenger Hunt
Review of

classroom on the scavenger

Classroom Job


hunt and what they do. Chart 10:30 -

hunt &

Go over the classroom jobs

Rainbow name

and assign students for the

for each

week, explain how they switch
on mondays.
Monday, August 29, 2022
11:15 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.


Activity What To Do Time


packed lunches

11:15 -

Lunch Students go to lunch or their lunch

choice stick.

Read the book to the


students. Notebook

Go over how to be the

The Circles All
12:00 -

Activity &

difference Around Us Book 1:00

UDL Lesson
Writing in their notebook. SEE UDL FOR


1:00 -

Recess Take students out to recess

clothing 1:15

Walk around the school and

point out important areas

they will need to know, like

School Tour &

specials, the nurse, the
Map of the

1:15 -

office, etc. school
Meeting Go to the library and listen
Library Cards
to the librarian explain how

to checkout books and what

the expectations are.

Discuss our classroom rules

and decide if we should add
1:45 -

Poster Board
Rules amy 2:30
Go over classroom discipline

Go over the end of the day


Going Home
routines and ensure students
2:30 -

Routines go where they should to get

powerpoint 3:00
home Going Home List

1. I will have a meet the teacher sheet hanging

on my wall, this same sheet would have went

home with students at the open house.

2. We will play a name game, each person has to

go around the circle and say their name and

an animal that starts with their name.

Example: Miss Marry Monkey. You have to be

listening because as we go around the circle

you will have to say the people before you and

your own.
3. Students will fill out a "my favorite things list"

so I can know some of their favorite things and

get to know them better. This will be the first

paper they turn in once they find the turn in

spot on the scavenger hunt.

4. The first week we will work on an "all about

me"poster to hang from the ceiling. We will

work for 30 minutes a day on it starting

tomorrow, there is not room in the schedule to

do it for the first day.

Meet the Teacher

Miss Marry
About Me

I grew up in

Hudson and now

live on Devils

Lake! I have two

cats, a dog, 3

goats and a

horse! I love


Food: Tacos
Animal: Cat
I graduated from

Book: Harry

Hudson in 2017!

From there I went

TV Show: Friends
to Siena Heights

Snack: Ice-Cream
to study Teacher

Drink: Diet Coke


Contact Information
Getting to Know You!
Draw a picture or write the word of your

favorite thing in the blank provided!

My Favorite ______ is:

Animal Book

TV Show Food
Classroom Routines:

1. Students will learn that they come in, put their

stuff in their cubbies and sit at their desk with

breakfast and their writers notebook.

2. Students will learn that each day a morning

meeting powerpoint will be available to them

that has a writing prompt included.

3. Students will learn where to make lunch

selections each day in order to ensure they get

what they want for lunch.

4. Students will learn how to clean up their

breakfast after eating in the classroom.

5. Students will learn the typical daily schedule of

lunch times, specials times and subject times.

6. Students will learn how to line up for specials,

lunch and when it is time to leave as well as

how to leave (bus, walk, pick-up, etc.)

7. Students will learn when snack time is and

what they can and can not do during this time.

Classroom Routines Continued:

8. Students will learn when they can and can not

use their technology and how to put it away

9. Students will learn how to sign out books from

the classroom library to be taken home.

10. Students will learn how to turn in their papers

and where to put any notes from home.

11. Students will learn how to collect papers from

days they missed and where to put late

work/missing work.
12. Students will learn how to correctly transition

from lesson, to brain break, to the next thing.

13. Students will learn and understand the

classroom signal to quiet down.

14. Students will learn the different "levels" their

voices should be at and know which level

corresponds to which voice they should be using.

15. Students will learn about the different

classroom jobs their are and come to realize that

the jobs are switched every Monday.


Miss Marry's Class

See attached powerpoint

for all classroom routines


Also see attached

powerpoint for morning


Miss Marry's Fourth Grade

i p a t i o n Ex p e c t a
r t ic t i on
Pa s


Get breakfast if
Start eating and

Come in, put

you are having it,
writing! Your

your things
your morning
writing should be in

complete sentences!

away & turn in

notebook and

Talking should be

any homework! return to your

at a whisper level!
Classroom Jobs

name here
name here

name here name here

Housekeeper Electrician

I make sure the room is I make sure the lights are

swept before we leave for turned off when we leave
the day and after we the classroom, and any
snack or do arts and other time my teacher
crafts. asks me to.

Velcro Name here Velcro Name here

Garbage Door
Man Man
I make sure the trash is I make sure the door is
bagged up and out in the closed when class is in
hall before we leave for session, and propped
the day. open when we are lining
up to leave.

Velcro Name here

Velcro Name here
I walk quietly and I lead the line to our
correctly at the end of destination, setting a
the line and make sure good example by walking
everuone makes it to quietly and correctly.
our destination.

Velcro Name here Velcro Name here

Breakfast Lunch
Helper Leader
I make sure the milk bucket is
I make sure everyone
in the hall and the extra
makes a lunch choice,
breakfast foods as well
and record the number
following breakfast. I also
of choices on the correct
record who had school
breakfast and who did not.

Velcro Name here

Velcro Name here
attendance planner
agent checker
I mark who is in class i make sure everyone
and who is absent in has their planner filled
the morning and give out before we leave for
the list to my teacher the day.
before 8:15.

Velcro Name here Velcro Name here

I make sure the correct i make sure all the
day of the week and absent students chairs
date are marked on the are put down at the
calendar. I also update begginning of the day
the school day count. and put back up at the
end of the day.

Velcro Name here

Velcro Name here
Schedule pencil
Leader helper
i make sure all the
I make sure the daily
pencils in the dull
schedule is updated
container are sharpened
every morning and the
and placed in the sharp
correct special is listed
container before we
on the board.

Velcro Name here Velcro Name here

Habit paper
Helper passer

I make sure each

I lead the class every
student gets the papers
morning in the 8 Habits
they need when the
teacher asks me too.

Velcro Name here Velcro Name here

plug in board
person cleaner
I make sure the board is
i make sure our
whiped down and clean
technolgy is all plugged
everyday and that the
in to charge for
personal whiteboards
tomorrow before we
are stacked where they
go neatly.

Velcro Name here Velcro Name here

morning pledge
meeting person
i announce what day of
i lead the class in the
the week it is and what
pledge of allegiance
the schedule looks like
and classroom plegde
for the day each
each morning.

Velcro Name here Velcro Name here

Free Free
Week Week

Velcro Name here Velcro Name here

Free Free
week week

Velcro Name here Velcro Name here

Classroom Landmarks

1. Where to turn in papers

2. Where to get missing work
3. Where the art supplies are located
4. Where the pencil sharpener is
5. Where the book sign out sheet is
6. Where the lunch choices are located
7. Where the classroom schedule is
8. Where you can see if the bathroom is

9. Our room number
10. Where we meet for small group meetings
11. Where papers will be located for stations
12. Where there technology is located and should

be put away.
13. Where they can find things to do during free

14. Where to get a snack
15. Where to clean up their breakfast (dump their

School Landmarks

1. The front office

2. The nurse
3. The gym
4. The STEM room
5. The music room
6. The art room
7. The lunch room
8. The recess door
9. The pick-up area
10. The bus loop
11. The Library
12. The other Fourth Grade classrooms
13. The bathrooms outside our room
14. The drinking fountain
15. The Counselor's room
16. The Reading Specialist Room
17. The behavior room
Name: Class:
Back to School
Complete this Scavenger Hunt to Get to know our room!
Where do you turn
Where can you find
Where can you
Where can you

in papers? art supplies to be

find sharp
find the lunch

used? pencils? options and make

your choice?

Where can you find

What is our room Where can you
Where can you

the daily classroom

number? find out if the
sign out books?
Schedule? bathroom is


Where can you get

Where do we meet
Where can you
Where can you

the work you

for small group
find the pencil
find the materials

missed? meetings? sharpener? for stations?

Where can you get

Find a book that has
Where can you
How many

your technology
three words in the
get a snack? students are in

from? title. our classroom?

How many tables are

Where can you find
Where do you put
Where do you

in our classroom? breakfast? technology away

put your

everyday? breakfast when

you are done?

First Day Literacy Experience
Reading portion

We will start by reading the book The

Circles All Around Us by Brad Montague

This will lead to a discussion on how being

kind and inclusive can make a difference

in the world
The idea of making a difference coincides

with my UDL lesson plan for writing and

how to be the difference in our classroom.

This is the story of a circle. When we're first born, our circle is
very small, but as we grow and build relationships, our circle
keeps getting bigger
and bigger to include family, friends, neighbors, community,
and beyond. Brad Montague originally created Circles
as an Instagram video adorably narrated by
his kids, and now this picture book adaptation
is the perfect way to start a conversation
about how to expand our worlds with kindness
and inclusivity—even if it seems scary
or uncomfortable. This book makes an ideal
new-baby, first-day-of-school, or
graduation gift, or any milestone that
celebrates someone's world getting bigger.
First Day Literacy Experience
Writing Portion - Standards, Outcomes &

Materials Needed

Michigan Academic Standards:

W.4.2. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and

convey ideas and information clearly.

Performance Based Learning Objectives:

- Students will be able to write a few paragraphs on how they will

be the difference this school year.

- Students will use correct grammar and punctuation to the best of
their ability to set a base line for their writing this year.
- Students will be able to think about what it means to make a

difference in our classroom.


Teacher: A photograph, my own to be the difference writing, an expo

marker, white cardstock (30), black sharpies (8), polaroid camera,

polaroid film (30)

Students: Writer’s notebook, a pencil, ruler

Document Camera, Smart Board, Projector
First Day Literacy Experience
Writing Portion - Lesson Layout

General Overview: I will introduce the idea of what it means to be

the difference and how I can be the difference this year in the


Script: “To be the difference means that you will step up and do

something that makes our classroom a better place. You can have

the same as someone else, or come up with one thing just you can

do, the choice is yours. My way to be the difference this year is to be

a good listener. By listening to you and getting to know you all I will

be able to teach you in a way that helps you learn the most you can.

That is going to be how I try to be the difference for you this year.”

Instruction & Example Time: I will go over my writing, using the

document camera, and read it to them and explain how I had my big

idea (of being the difference by listening) and then explained why that

would make a difference and how I would do it to be the difference. I

would show them how each paragraph supports my big idea in some

way and how they should try to model their own writing like that in

their writer’s notebook. I will also make sure to correct a punctuation

error and a grammar error as I am reading to show them mistakes

happen and that by re-reading, we are able to find and correct those


Guided Practice: I will use the expo marker to make a student

created list of ways they can be the difference in the classroom this

year on the white board.

First Day Literacy Experience
Writing Portion - Lesson Layout

Independent Work Time:

Students will have this time to write in their writers’ notebook and put

their thoughts to paper. Students will be able to write their main idea

and then add their reasoning, points and ideas to their writing to

convey how they will be the difference and what they will do to be the

difference in our classroom everyday throughout the year.

After they have finished their writing, they will put their main idea on

the index card provided using the sharpie, students can use rulers to

write in a straight line.

Closing Activity:
Each student will come to the front of the room, say what they chose

to do to be the difference and then get their picture taken by me with

the polaroid holding their card saying what they will do to be the

difference. Students will then hang their polaroid picture on an empty

place on the bulletin board to remind them each day what they chose

to do to be the difference.

Closing Comment:
Remember to use the ideas you put into your writing to be the

difference in this classroom every day.

This Is How We Make A Difference

This is what the bulletin board would

look like. It would be located in my

classroom so all students can see but

not be put on display for the entire

school to see. Each blank polaroid

shown on this would have my future

student with their index card showing

how they will be the difference. I might

change the colors and the border but

right now I am using blue color scheme

because I like it. I like my uncle on it

because he inspired this lesson and me

to be a teacher.
The Discipline Policy &


1. A three strike each day policy. Students will

start each day with a fresh slate!

a. Strike One - Warning.
b. Strike Two - Meet with me to discuss

what is going on.

c. Strike Three - a written apology as

homework signed by the parent so they

are aware, as well as an email home.

2. If students consistently get three strikes they

will be sent to the office or behavior room.

3. After multiple referrals I will meet with the

parents and the student to set up a plan to

combat the problem behaviors.

NOTE: I do not believe in taking away recess or

free time. This just results in the child being

unable to get rid of their energy and then more

behavior issues in class.

Classroom Rules

1. The rules will be posted already and a print

off will be in the welcome back folder

handed out at the open house.

2. On the first day we will go over the rules,

discipline policy and the noise levels for our

3. After we go over the discipline policy I will

open the floor for questions by the students

as well as suggestions.
4. After we go over the classroom rules poster

I will open the floor for students to ask

questions, suggest other rules and

determine if we need more rules or not.

a. We will put all rule suggestions on the

b. Students will vote on if the rule should

be added.
c. I will edit my rules poster on my

computer and print it off and hang it up.

Classroom Rules





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