Sports Discussion Questions

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1. Do you play or have you ever actively taken part in a sport?

What's your

2. Why do so many people like sport? Why are some people not interested in sport?

3. Do you have good or bad experiences with sports at school?

4. Do you think sports stars have the best life? Who is your favourite all-time
sport star?

5. George Orwell said: "Serious sport has nothing to do with fair play. It is bound
up with hatred, jealousy, boastfulness, disregard of all rules and sadistic
pleasure in witnessing violence. In other words, it is war minus the shooting." Do
you agree?

6. Do you prefer watching sports at the stadium, at home on TV, or in a bar on a

giant screen?

7. What are blood sports and extreme sports? Do you like them?

8. Which sport has the best, fitted and most talented athletes?

9. Do you think professional sports stars are paid too much?

10. Does sport benefit society?

11. It's not the winning that counts, it's the taking part. Do you agree?

12. Sometimes sports teams ask the city to help them build a new stadium. Do you
think the city should give money for this? Why or why not?

13. Do you ever gamble on sports? Which ones?

14. What qualities make a good sports coach or manager?

15. Who do you think are the most famous sporting personalities in Poland? Why?

16. If your boss were to suggest that your group at work took up a team sport in
order to help you work better as a team at work, how would you react?

17. An "extreme sport" is a sport which is dangerous (or at least appears

dangerous) to the person practicing it. What is your opinion of these?

18. The International Olympic Committee recognizes bridge and ballroom dancing as
official sports, which means that they may one day be included in the Olympics.
What is your opinion? Are there any sports that you think should be included as an
Olympic sport?

19. Doping is widespread in many professional sports. Do you think it’s a necessary

20. What do you think makes athletes take banned substances or indulge in blood
transfusions, when they know that there is a risk to their health - and to their
career, if caught?

21. High-level athletes are strictly monitored by specialist teams of doctors and
other medical staff. If an athlete gives a positive in a doping control, do you
think that only the athlete should be sanctioned, or should their medical staff be
punished as well?

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