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Polangui Community College

Polangui Albay

Field Study 2: Learning Episode 2

To have a meaningful and successful accomplishment in this FS

episode, be sure to read through the whole episode before
participating and assisting in your FS 2 Resource Teacher’s
class. Note all the information you will need and task you
will need to do before working on this episode.

Target Your Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this Learning Episode, I must be able to:

be familiar about action research as a reflective teacher

underscore the importance of doing action research

Participate and Assist

You must have experienced in your past subjects, doing

some activities or accomplishing tasks similar to an action
research. These are activities that required you to do
Reflection and Make Action or the other way around. Schon
(1987) distinguishes Reflection in Action or Reflection on
Action as two different things.

Perhaps your mentor teacher has already done an Action

Research. Now is the opportunity for you to participate and
assist in ways that you are capable of doing.

Here is what you will do.

Making a List of Completed Action Research Titles by Teachers

in the Field

1. Make a library or on-line search of the different

Completed Action Research Titles Conducted by Teachers.

2. Enter the list in the matrix similar to the one below.

3. Submit your list of five (5) Titles of Completed Action

Research Studies to your mentor as reference.

Inventory of Sample Action Research Conducted by Teachers

List of Completed Author/Authors

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Action Research Titles

Ex. Differentiated Instruction Mary Joy Olicia

in Teaching English for Grade

four classes.

1.STRENGTHENING STUDENTS’ Jhon Rey Ortañez and Jayrald







2. A STUDY OF A MASTER’S Sarah Ultan Sugal





4. CLASSROOM INQUIRY, Carrie Eunyoung Hong and

REFLECTION, Salika A. Lawrence




Polangui Community College

Polangui Albay




Congratulations!!! You have done a good job. By doing so,

you have assisted your mentor and together you will journey
towards becoming an action researcher.


Based on your activity on Making a List of Completed Action Research Titles, let’s
find out what you have noticed by answering the following questions.

Questions My Answer

What you have noticed about Identified problem to be solved

the action research titles? Do in title no.1

the action research (AR)

 Students’ performance in
titles imply problems to be
simplifying rational
algebraic expressions

Yes. /
identified problem to be solved

No. _______ in title no.2

 Effective strategy for

improving teacher
If YES, identify the
problems from the title

you have given. Answer Identified problem to be solved

min the space provided. in title no.3

Polangui Community College

Polangui Albay

 The effectiveness of

instruction as student

growth observed during a

series of instructional


Identified problem to be solved

on title no. 4

 Providing students with

clear processes and right


Identified problem to be solved

in title no.5

 Mathematics performance

of the students.

What interpretation about Title of the Action Research:

action research can you make STRENGTHENING STUDENTS’

out of your answer in question PERFORMANCE IN SIMPLIFYING




Write the Title and you
 From the title, I think,
interpretation of the study
the study was focused on
from the title.
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Polangui Albay

one of the least learned

competencies which is

Simplifying Rational

Algebraic Expressions.

Now, to address the

above-mentioned least

learned competency, the

researchers endorse

Intervention on how to

uplift the performance of

the students in


What do you think did the I think the authors are

author’s do with the thinking of the possible

identified problem as solution to address the

presented in their titles? problems presented on their

action research. They are

planning for betterment of

their respondents.


Action research seems easy and familiar. Since teaching

seems to be full of problematic situations and that the
teacher has a responsibility of finding solution for everyday
Polangui Community College

Polangui Albay

problem in school, hence teachers should do action research.

This is an exciting part of being a teacher, a problem solver!

Let us continue to examine and analyze what you have noticed and interpreted in
the previous activity.

Key Questions My Answer

Choose from the option given. You

may check more than one answer.

From what source do you Choices:

think, did the author

______ Copied from research books.
identify the problems of
/ From daily observation of their
their action research?
teaching practice

/ From the difficulties they

observed of their learners.

/ From their own personal


/ From the old experiences of their


What do you think is the Choices:

teacher’s intention in
/ To find a solution to the
conducting action
problematic situation.
_______ To comply with the
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Polangui Albay

requirement of the principal.

/ To improve teaching practice.

/ To try out something, if it


_______ To prove oneself as better

than the others.

What benefit do you get Choices:

as a student in FS 2 in
/ Prepare me for my future job
understanding and doing
/ Get good grades in the course
action research

/ Learn and practice being an

action researcher

/ Improve my teaching practice

/ Exposure to the realities in the

teaching profession

/ Become a better teacher everyday

In what ways can you / By co-researching with my mentor

assist your mentor in his

______ By assisting in the design
/ her Action Research
of the intervention
/ By assisting in the
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Polangui Albay

implementation of the AR

______ By just watching what is

being done.


Based on the reading you made and the previous activities that
you have done.

1.What significant ideas or concepts have you learned about

action research?

I learned that, Action Research has taught the learners to

know of what is the essence of reading reliable literature,
and the persistence in achieving a set goal.

2. Have you realized that there is a need to be an action

researcher as a future teacher?

Yes __/__ or _______NO If yes complete the sentence below.

I realized that there is a need to be an action researcher as

a future teacher, because it will allow the researcher to give
possible solution to the problem or issue that they can see in
the classroom or school and a way to deal with student
difficulties to cope up with the lesson. It even helps them to
improve the teaching and learning process.

Write Action Research Prompts


From what teaching principles of theories can this problem be


I have observed and noticed that Action Research begins with a

problem or a problematic situation, for example teachers may
misunderstand the research, mistrust university researchers,
lack the time or adequate library resources to conduct Action
Research, lack theoretical guidance or knowledge of research
methodology, and feel pressure or frustration during the
Polangui Community College

Polangui Albay

process of research. Strategies for solving these problems are



What have I realized? What do I hope to achieve?

I realized that for every teaching learning problem, there is

a solution. in this kind of problematic situation, you are
able to study of what is the important things to do in order
to conduct Action Research without hesitation and also you
need a time management to finish your research on time.


What strategies, activities, innovations can I employ to

improve the situation or solve the problem?

As a future action researcher I can plan for an appropriate

intervention like, giving them a Strategic Intervention
Material (SIM) that will catch their attention or a
motivational activity, since students love to have fun but at
the same time they can get a learning from it.


If I conduct or implement my plan, what can be its title?

If will implement my doable plan in the future, my title would


"Ang antas Ng kaalaman at kamalayanan ng mga mag-aaral sa

baitang 10,sa wastong gamit ng "Ng"at "nang".

Check for Mastery

Direction: Choose the best answer.

1. Every future teacher should do action research because

A. it is a requirement for teachers in the field
B. it will improve teaching practice
C. it will add points to teacher’s performance
D. it is a part of the teacher’s standard
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Polangui Albay

2. Spotting a problematic situation in teaching and learning

will _____________.
A. spark an idea of doing Teacher Action Research
B. give more confusion to the teacher
C. create complexity in everyday teaching
D. add burden to teacher’s daily income

3. Which of the following statements motivates a teacher to do

action research?
A. Any problem that occurs in my class will soon pass.
B. For every teaching-learning problem, there is always a
C. Leave the problematic situation for other teachers to
D. There are more important classroom routines than
finding solutions.

4. “Every teacher, should be an action researcher.” This

statement is ___________.
A. applicable only for teachers in big schools
B. not doable and very realistic
C. the call for teachers in the current times
D. appropriate for honor graduates

5. Which of the following statement is TRUE?

A. Action research problem is created by the teacher.
B. Noticing helps a teacher spot problematic situation.
C. Much of the teaching time should be spent in action
D. Action research is an optional teacher activity.

Work on my Artifacts

Your artifact will be an Abstract of a completed action




By: Jayrald Mendoza & Jhon Rey Ortañez

Polangui Community College

Polangui Albay

This action research aimed to improve the mathematics

performance of Grade 8-Honesty class A students of Bonbon
National High School in simplifying rational algebraic
expressions. The performance level of the students in pretest
is 50% or considered as poor level of mathematical skill in
simplifying rational algebraic expression. The researcher
addressed in improving mathematics performance using the
Researchers Made Do the Math Strategic Intervention Material
(RMDMSIM). Several research questions stand out: What is the
performance of the students in simplifying rational algebraic
expressions before using the intervention? What is the
performance of the students in simplifying rational algebraic
expressions after using the intervention? Is there significant
difference between the student’s performance before and after
the intervention? How effective is the intervention in terms
of quality and content? The action research method employed in
the study was pre – experimental design specifically, it
employed the one – group pre-test post-test design.

The 3 respondents of the study were purposively chosen. There

were fourteen (14) Grade 8-Honesty class A student who took
the test before and after the intervention. The resource
material developed by the researcher is composed of seven (15)
different problems involving simplifying and identifying
rational algebraic expressions in which the researcher
introduced to the respondents during the intervention period.
The competencies being addressed in the study were:
Illustrates rational algebraic expressions (M8AL-lc-1),
Simplifies rational algebraic expressions (M8AL-lc-2), and
Solve problems involving rational algebraic expressions (M8AL-
ld-2). Based on the data gathered, the following were the
results of the study. The mean performance of the respondents
during the pre-test was 7 with a variance of 7.23 and a
performance level of 50% while the mean performance of the
respondents during the post-test was 11.21 with a variance of
2.49 and a performance level of 80.07%. The t-tabular value
was 2.16 while the t-computed value was -9.15 with 13 degrees
of freedom and alpha level of 0.05.

On the effectiveness of the resource material in terms of

content, the general weighted mean was 4.18 which mean that
the material was effective in terms of content; the general
weighted mean of the effectiveness of the Intervention in
Polangui Community College

Polangui Albay

terms of quality was 4.24 which mean that the material was
highly effective. The findings stressed that there is
significant different between pretest and posttest of the
respondents before and after using the Intervention. This
implies that the RMDMSIM is effective. Based on the results of
the study, the following conclusions were drawn: the
performance level of the respondents before the intervention
is very low while their 4 performance after the intervention
was above the prescribed performance level set by the DepEd.
There is a significant difference in the performance of the
respondents before and after the intervention since the t-
computed value is beyond the t-tabular value.

On the ratings of the jurors and respondents on the

effectiveness of the researchers made resource material, the
general weighted mean in terms of quality and content was 4.21
which have a verbal interpretation of highly effective. Based
on the conclusions, the following recommendations were
surfaced: Teachers should make use of different instructional
material other that of the available materials provided by the
Department to ensure that the difficulties of the students
were addressed. Intervention should be done to make sure that
all the students who are left behind will be able to cope with
the lesson.

It is proposed that teachers should use SIM to promote

mathematics understanding by having students’ practice, solve,
manipulate, reason, and perform. The Researchers’ Made Do the
Math Strategic Intervention Material (RMDMSIM) may help
students make connections across mathematical skills and
concepts, and other disciplines. With the use of the
Intervention offered by the researchers, students should have
time to discuss how they perform in solving mathematical
activities. With careful planning, implementation, and
evaluation mathematical activities can be achieved
successfully by most students.


Polangui Community College

Polangui Albay

By:Sarah Ultan sugal


Action research is a methodology that has been found to be

valuable as a problem-solving tool. It can provide
opportunities for reflection, improvement, and transformation
of teaching. The purpose of this study is to better understand
these claims about the benefits of action research. Several
research questions stand out: How is action research
experienced by teachers? Is it beneficial and practical for
teachers who use it? How are action research findings
typically validated? What factors influence whether teachers
are able to continue to practice action research? What kind of
change has it? initiated for teachers? And, how does action
research focused on improving student achievement affect high
need students?

For the past five years, forty-five teachers completing

master’s degrees’ in mathematics education at a northern Rocky
Mountain land-grant university have been required to conduct
an action research project, referred to as their “capstone
project.” By studying this group of graduates, gathering both
qualitative and quantitative data through surveys and
interviews, I have examined the effectiveness of action
research. This data, combined with graduates’ capstone
projects, has provided partial answers to the above questions,
restricted to faculty-mediated action research within master’s
programs for mathematics teachers. The extent to which such
action research projects impact teachers’ practices have not
been investigated before.

While acknowledging that this research relied primarily upon

self-reported data, the results strongly support what the
research literature generally asserts about action research.
(a) It is beneficial and often transformational for teachers
as a professional development tool by allowing them to engage
in a focused study of their own practice. (b) When done less
formally it becomes more practical. (c) Communicating with
others in the field builds confidence in teachers as
professionals. (d) It makes teachers more actively reflective
and more aware of their teaching and their students’ learning.
Polangui Community College

Polangui Albay

(e) It is effective in understanding and addressing the

particular needs of high need students.

Continued practice was highly dependent on time and support

for action research within the school. Teachers often
expressed the importance of having an action research
community while conducting their capstones.

Instructional Strategies for Teaching Pre-Algebra

BY: Robert Ojeda


Instructional Strategies for Teaching Pre-Algebra to a Diverse

Group of Learners Planning effective instruction for a
classroom full of learners demands that the educator know what
works and more importantly what works better for the group of
people residing in the educator's classroom today. This action
research study tested the efficacy of using the full
complement of assessments included in the curriculum adoption
at the researcher’s school and that of guided note taking.
Each strategy was implemented in its own separate unit of a
pre-algebra class.

The researcher used student growth, which was determined by

the difference observed between a student's pre-test
percentage score and their final unit test percentage score,
as the metric by which to evaluate each strategies efficacy.
Measurable growth was observed with both strategies. The All
Assessments strategy showed greater and more consistent growth
among learners than that which was observed during the Notes
strategy. These findings indicate that more research is needed
on the effectiveness of using assessments for learning and a
need for further study to evaluate the efficacy of guided note
taking. Findings in this study should be considered as
illuminating but not conclusive as the sample used is not


What have you understood about the concept of Action Research

and how will these be utilized in your practice?
Polangui Community College

Polangui Albay

 As a future teacher, is conducting an Action Research

worth doing? Valuable, Why? Because it's give me the
ability to become a detective to think what is the best
solution in your problems and also to bust my ability to
solve the problem that no one knows.

How can AR be useful for every classroom teacher?

 Action research is very useful in every classroom teacher

because through this action research teacher know what
they need to improve and to do for every student straggle
to the lesson and to the environment, also through the
help of action research we can identify what the needs of
our students.

Write action Research Prompts


Remembering my classroom observations in FS 1, I noticed

that there are many questions that I raised in my mind. These

a. Why parents are the one who return all the modules of their

b. Why all the students are get a high grade?

c. Why at the last pages of the modules have an answer key?


Thinking deeply about those problems, perhaps something

must have been done to solve the problem or answer the
question, like:

a. Let's students do their obligation on their modules.

b. May be they just doing their best or they just get the
answer on the internet and they see the answer key at the last
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Polangui Albay

c. Let replace it a sample activity instead an answer key.


Now, that I am in FS 2, I plan to make a plan for my

solution to problem b. because I observed that now we are back
in a normal way of studying,we are back to the face to face
class, we can see now the ability of all the students got a
high grade and have a perfect score in answering their
modules. I was planning to evaluate in person all this
student, to measure their ability and the IQ.


My action will come later, given enough time in FS 2 or

during my Teaching Internship.

Check for Mastery

Direction: Check from the choices, what answer/s respond to

the question correctly and put an X if otherwise.

1. Action research requires a teacher to be:

_____ observant of what is happening in the classroom.

_____ asking oneself of how to improve teaching.

_____following the daily routine all the time.

__/__ finding ways on how children should learn better.

_____ blaming learners for their inability to learn.

2. There are many ways of doing action research which follows

a cycle process. The process includes:

__/___ Observe, Reflect, Plan, Act

_____ Observe, Plan, Act, Reflect
_____ Reflect, Act, Plan, Observe
_____ Plan, Observe, Act, Reflect
_____ Modify, Observe, Plan, Reflect
Polangui Community College

Polangui Albay

3. As an action researcher, I will be developing my skill as a

person who is

_____ Systematic
___/__ Reflective
_____ Rigorous
_____ Futuristic
_____ Situational

4. On which of the following would you choose to conduct an

Action Research. Why?

___/__ Changes in the classroom practices. Why? Because if

every teacher changes the classroom practice maybe some of the
students will struggle on their learning.

_____ Effects of curriculum structuring. Why?


____ Understanding of self as a teacher. Why?


_____ Teaching a new process to the students. Why?


5. Which of the following relates closely to what action

research is?
__/___ Used to address practical problems in the
_____ Refers only to everyday life of the
_____ Allows teachers to study their own
_____ Brings theories and practices together

Work on my Artifacts
Polangui Community College

Polangui Albay

(Attach your reflections here.)

I learned that using professional competency in teaching

provides a more encouraging environment for students and
creates a broad horizon of knowledge for them, making them
feel secure in the knowledge they gain from the teacher.
Another thing I learned is that as a professional teacher, you
must seek out all of your students' needs in order to provide
or give them the appropriate treatment for their difficulties.
Also I learned that as future educators, we must prioritize
what is best for our students because it is one of the most
important aspects of being a teacher. Furthermore, it gives me
an idea of how these two qualities help you work toward your
goals while also working efficiently with your students.

I realized that if you want to be a great teacher, you must

demonstrate certain competencies in order to meet the
standards of a great teacher also realized that having the two
qualities would help me become a better teacher in the future.
Developing these skills, or qualities, through the course I'm
currently enrolled it will be extremely beneficiate to me. I
know it won't be easy, but I'm willing to work hard to improve
these skills through the course I'm currently enrolled in.

And so I will do my best to develop all of the competencies

because, for me each competency requires improvement, and I
want to excel in each competency in order to be a better
teacher for my future students.

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