Episode 10: Prof Ed 11 - Field Study 1

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Republic of the Philippines


Region V (Bicol)
Polangui, Albay

Prof Ed 11 - Field Study 1

Observations of Teaching-Learning Actual School Environment

The Instructional Cycle

Submitted by:

Submitted to:

The Instructional Cycle

Spark your Interest

This episode canters on the guiding principles in the selection and use of
teaching methods. It will also tackle lesson development in the OBTL way. The K
to 12 curriculum and teacher education curriculum are focused on outcomes,
standards and competencies. This means that lessons must be delivered with focus
on outcomes. Likewise, this episode dwells on types of questions, questioning and
reacting techniques that teacher make use of. The type of questions that teacher
asks and their manner of questioning and reacting to students have a bearing on
class interaction. This episode strengthens the theories learned in the course,
Teaching Methods and Strategies and in other Professional Subjects in Education.

TARGET YOUR Intended Learning Outcome

At the end of the episode, I must be able to:

 Identify the application of some guiding principles in the selection and

use of teaching strategies

 Determine whether or not the lesson development was in accordance with

outcome-based teaching and learning.

 Identify the Resource Teacher’s questioning and reacting techniques.

 Outline a lesson in accordance with outcome-based teaching-learning.

REVESIT the Learning Essentials

These are the guiding principles in the selection and use of the teaching
 Learning is an active process.

 The more sense that are involved, the more and the better the learning.

 A non-threatening atmosphere enhances learning.

 Emotion has the power to increase retention and learning.

 Good teaching goes beyond recall of information.

 Learning is meaningful when it is connected to student’s everyday life.

 An integrated teaching approach is far more effective than teaching

isolated bits of information.
Realizing the importance of these guiding principles in teaching and
learning, the
Department of Education promotes Standards-and Competency-Based teaching
with its K to 12 Curriculum Guide. The Technical Education Skills Development
Authority (TESDA) has been ahead of DepEd and the Commission on Higher Education
(CHED) in the Practice of Competency Standards-Based teaching and Assessment.
CHED requires all higher Education institutions in the country to go outcome-
based education (OBE) in its CHED Memo 46, s. 2012. Outcome-Based teaching and
learning (OBTL) is OBE applied in the teaching-learning in the K to 12
When you apply OBTL you see to it that the teaching-learning activities
(TLAs) and in turn the Assessment Tasks (ATs) are aligned with the intended
learning outcomes. In other words, in OBTL you first establish your intended
learning outcomes (lesson objectives). Then you determine which teaching-learning
activities (TLAs) and also the assessment tasks (ATs) you will have to use to
find if you attained your ILO’s.
In lesson planning, the ILOs are our lesson objectives, the TLA’s are the
activities we use to teach and the ATs are the evaluation part.
OBE and OBTL are not entirely new. They ae importantly new. With mastery
learning of Benjamin Bloom (1971), we were already doing OBE and OBTL.
Likewise, it is also important that teachers must be able to have a
mastery of art of questioning and reacting techniques to ensure the effective
delivery of instruction.
These are the types of questions that teachers ask.
Types of Questions that Teachers Ask
Who, what, where, when questions
Factual/Convergent/Closed/Low- With one acceptable answer.
Open-ended; has more than one acceptable
Divergent/Open-ended/High-level/ answer

e.g. When the phone rang and Liz picked it
Inference up, she was all smiles. What can you infer
about Liz?



e.g. How do you feel?

These are also some of the reacting techniques that teachers use:
 Providing acceptance feedback

 Providing corrective feedback

 Giving appropriate and sincere praise

 Repeating the answer

 Explaining the answer / expanding the answer

 Rephrasing the questions

 Asking follow up questions

 Redirecting questions to other pupils

 Soliciting student’s questions

 Encouraging through non-verbal behavior

 Criticizing respondent for his/her answer

 Scolding for misbehavior or for not listening

 Overusing expressions such as “okay”, “right”


Activity 10.1 Applying the Guiding Principles in the Selection and Use of

Resource Teacher: Agnes S. Reconday Teacher’s Signature: School: Magpanambo

High School Grade/Year Level: 9 Subject Area: Reading and
Writting Date:

Observe one class with the use of the observation sheet for greater focus
then analyze my observations with the help of the guide questions.
e.g. Teacher used video on how digestion takes
 The more senses that areplace and a model of the human digestive
involved, the more andsystem.
the better the learning.

Instead of being an information provider the

 Learning is an activeteacher become the facilitator while her
process. students are solving the problem in the board
then explain how they derive from that answer.

The teacher shows necessary attitude toward

 A non-threateningher student to ensure better understanding and
atmosphere enhanceslearning. The classroom is free man noise,
learning. bullying and other thing that well make
student feel uneasy.

The teacher wear a smile that never fade and

 Emotion has the power toshe always give a compliment and acknowledging
increase retention andher students works like "very good" and other
learning. verbal reward that touches their heart
motivate students to keep on listening.

The teacher should reach the level of

 Good teaching goesapplications, analysis, synthesis, and
beyond recall of evaluation go hone our student's thinking
information. skills.

The teachers connect their lesson in real life

 Learning is meaningfulin the best way that she can, so that the
when it is connected tolearners will be motivated to listen and study
student’s everyday life. in class like letting them solve a problem
solving that involve their daily expenses.

The teacher doesn't focus only to demonstrate

 An integrated teachingin the class but also give a supplementary
approach is far moreactives for her students.
effective than teaching
isolated bits of

What is the best method of teaching? Is there such a thing?

 There is no best method of teaching. I do believe that the way teachers

used variety of teaching method and strategies are all best because they
used that specific method and strategies in order to meet the needs of
every learner.

1. How do we select the appropriate strategy for our lessons?

 Your chosen strategy for your lesson are based on the learners and in the
learning objectives.

Activity 10.2 Determining Outcomes-Based Teaching and Learning

Resource Teacher: Agnes S. Reconday Teacher’s Signature: School: Magpanambo

High School Grade/Year Level: 11 Subject Area: Reading and
Writting Date:


Interview your Cooperating Teacher. Answer the following questions.

Did the Teacher state the learning objectives/intended learning outcomes (ILOs)
at the beginning of the class? Did he/she share them with the class? How?

 teacher share the learning objectives/intended learning outcomes (ILOs) at

the beginning of the class by simple explaining it to the learners then
start the lesson by asking a question that are connected to the

What teaching-learning activities (TLAs) did he/she use? Did these TLAs help
him/her attain his/her lesson objectives/ ILOs? Explain your answer.

What assessment task/s did teacher employ? Is/are these aligned to the lesson

 TYes, the lesson objectives/ILOs and the assessment are aligned wherein
the ILOs is attaining by the student shown the result in their assessment.


What are your thoughts about Outcome-Based Teaching and Learning (OBTL)?

 Outcome-based Teaching and Learning (OBTL) is a student-centered approach

where the intended learning outcomes are explicitly defined for students
to achieve. The teaching and learning activities are carefully designed
for student to achieve the set learning outcomes. To make sure that the
desire learning outcomes will attain, the assessment and the teaching
methods must be appropriately aligned.

Reflect on the use of Outcome-Based Teaching and Learning (OBTL)?

 The used of Outcome-Based Teaching and Learning (OBTL) is to enhancing student

learning experiences because assessment task are carefully designed to make
sure that the students' learning progress and desired outcomes will attain.

Activity 10.3 Applying Effective Questioning Techniques

Resource Teacher: Agnes S. Reconday Teacher’s Signature: School: Magpanambo

National High School Grade/Year Level: 11 Subject Area: READING

Interview your Cooperating Teacher and focus on the questions that the
Resource Teacher asks during his/her classroom discussion when there was a face-
to-face class before. Write the questions raised and identify the level of

Examples of Questions
Types of Questions that the Resource Teacher Asked
What is computer?
1. Factual/ Convergent
Closed / Low Level
What are the parts of a computer?
2. Divergent / Higher –
order / Open-ended /
How are you going to deal with computer
 Evaluation errors?
If you are going to disassemble the computer
 Inference what tool will use and why?
Differentiate the parts of a computer and its
 comparison uses
How will you operate the computer?
 application
If there is a beep code in the computer which
 problem-solving occurs when you are operating it what will
you do?
How will you feel when the computer shuts
3. Affective down before you save your files?

These are also some of the reacting techniques that teachers use:
 Providing acceptance feedback

 Providing corrective feedback

 Giving appropriate and sincere praise

 Repeating the answer

 Explaining the answer / expanding the answer

 Rephrasing the questions

 Asking follow up questions

 Redirecting questions to other pupils

 Soliciting student’s questions

 Encouraging through non-verbal behavior

 Criticizing respondent for his/her answer

 Scolding for misbehavior or for not listening

 Overusing expressions such as “okay”, “right”


Activity 10.1 Applying the Guiding Principles in the Selection and Use of

Resource Teacher: AGNES S. RECONDAY Teacher’s Signature: School: Magpanambo

National High School Grade/Year Level: 11 Subject Area: Reading
and Writting Date: 12-16-2021

Observe one class with the use of the observation sheet for greater focus
then analyze my observations with the help of the guide questions.
e.g. Teacher used video on how digestion takes
The more senses that areplace and a model of the human digestive
involved, the more and thesystem.
better the learning.

Instead of being an information provider the

Learning is an activeteacher become the facilitator while her
process. students are solving the problem in the board
then explain how they derive from that answer.

The teacher shows necessary attitude toward

A non-threateningher student to ensure better understanding and
atmosphere enhanceslearning. The classroom is free man noise,
learning. bullying and other thing that well make
student feel uneasy.

The teacher wear a smile that never fade and

Emotion has the power toshe always give a compliment and acknowledging
increase retention andher students works like "very good" and other
learning. verbal reward that touches their heart
motivate students to keep on listening.

The teacher should reach the level of

Good teaching goes beyondapplications, analysis, synthesis, and
recall of information. evaluation go hone our student's thinking

The teachers connect their lesson in real life

Learning is meaningful when in the best way that she can, so that the
it is connected tolearners will be motivated to listen and study
student’s everyday life. in class like letting them solve a problem
solving that involve their daily expenses.

The teacher doesn't focus only to demonstrate

An integrated teachingin the class but also give a supplementary
approach is far moreactives for her students.
effective than teaching
isolated bits of

Neil Postman once said: “Children go to school as question marks and leave school as
periods!”, Does this have something to do with the type of questions that teachers
ask and the questioning and reacting techniques that they employ?

"Children go to school as question marks and leave school as periods!” this means
that good learning start with a question not answers, child who is usually to ask
questions learned more compare to keeping your questions in yourself alone. Every
child is full of curiosity that push them to seek for an answer, provoke ideas,
clarify concepts and challenge beliefs. Students develop their listening and thinking
skills when exposed to the right set of questions.


Reflect on the importance of using various reacting techniques

Reacting techniques helps the teacher to have feedback from the students. This
technique is important and effective in catching the attention of the students during
the lesson. Simple because the teacher can see the reaction and a two-way process of
the lesson.


Show proofs of learning that you were able to gain in this episode by
interviewing at least two teachers on their thoughts on OBTL.

Outcome-based Teaching and Learning (OBTL) is a student-centered education approach

where the programmer’s intended learning outcomes are explicitly defined for students
to achieve. Teaching and learning activities are then carefully designed to
facilitate students to achieve these outcomes. This means that everything teachers do
must be clearly focused on what they want students to know, understand and be able to
do. In other words, teachers should focus on helping students to develop the
knowledge, skills and personalities that will enable them to achieve the intended
outcomes that have been clearly articulated. ‘Constructive alignment’ is the process
that we usually follow when we build up an OBE syllabus. Which refers to the process
to create a learning environment that supports the learning activities appropriate to
achieving the desired learning outcomes. The word ‘constructive’ refers to what the
learner does to construct meaning through relevant learning activities. The
‘alignment’ aspect refers to what the teacher does. The key to the alignment is that
the components in the teaching system, especially the teaching methods used and the
assessment tasks are aligned to the learning activities assumed in the intended

EVALUATE Performance Task

Evaluate your work TASK Field Study 1, Episode 10 – The Instructional Cycle
Learning Outcomes: Identify the application of some guiding principles in the
selection and use of teaching strategies; Determine whether or not the lesson
development was in accordance with outcome-based teaching and learning; Identify
the Resource Teacher’s questioning and reacting techniques, and; Outline a lesson
in accordance with outcome-based teaching-learning.

Name of FS Student; ABEGAIL POLVORIZA Date Submitted:

Year & Section: 3A Course: Bsed filipino

Very Needs Improvement

Learning Excellent Satisfactory Satisfactory 1
Episode 4 3 2
Accomplished All observation One (1) to twoThree (3) Four (4) or more
Observation questions/tasks (2) observationobservation observation
Sheet completely questions/tasks questions/tasks questions/tasks
answered/ not answered/ not answered/ not answered/
accomplished accomplished accomplished accomplished
Analysis All questions All questions Questions were Four (4) or more
were answered were answered not answered observation
completely; completely; completely; questions were
answers were are answers are answers are not not answered;
with depth and clearly clearly answers not
are thoroughly connected to connected to connected to
grounded on theories; theories; one theories; more
theories; grammar and (1) than four (4)
grammar and spelling are to three (3) grammatical
spelling are free from errors grammatical/ spelling errors
free from error spelling errors
Reflection Profound and Clear but lacks Not so clear and Unclear and
clear; supported depth; supported shallow; shallow, rarely
by what were by what were somewhat supported by
observed and observed and supported by what were
analyzed analyzed what were observed and
observed and analyzed
Learning Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is not Portfolio is not
Artifacts reflected on in reflected on in reflected on in reflected on in
the context of the context of the context of the context of
the learning the learning the learning the learning
outcomes; outcomes. outcomes. outcomes; not
Complete. Well- Complete, well- Complete; not complete; not
organized, organized, very organized, organized; not
highly relevant relevant to the relevant to the relevant
to the learning learning outcome learning outcome
Submission Submitted before Submitted on the Submitted a day Submitted two (2)
the deadline deadline after the days or more
deadline after the
Very Needs Improvement
Learning Excellent Satisfactory Satisfactory 1
Episode 4 3 2



Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7-below
Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 72-below

Transmutation of Score to Grade/Rating

Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7-below
Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-below

Signature of FS Teacher Above Printed Name Date
Republic of the Philippines
Region V (Bicol)
Polangui, Albay

Prof Ed 11 - Field Study 1

Observations of Teaching-Learning Actual School Environment

Learner Diversity: Utilizing Teaching-Learning
Resources and ICT
Submitted by:

Submitted to:


Learner Diversity: Utilizing Teaching-Learning

Resources and ICT
SPARK your Interest

With the lightning speed by which technology is evolving, and now with
4.0, technology to be an ever significant part of the learning environment. This
episode provides an opportunity for students to examine a Learning Resource
Center or Multi-Media Center and learn about is collection, service, equipment,
observe how a teacher utilizes technology for instruction, and explore resources
in the virtual learning environment. Students will analyze and reflect on how
technology, including artificial intelligence, supports the teaching-learning

TARGET Your Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this Episode, I must be able to:
 Identify and classify learning resource materials in the multi-media
 Show skills in the positive use of ICT to facilitate the teaching-learning
process (PPST 1.3.1);
 Show skills in the evaluation, selection, development, and use of a
variety learning resources, including ICT to address learning goals (PPST
 Analyze the level of technology integration in the classroom; and
 Demonstrate motivation to utilize ICT for professional development goals
based on the PPST (PSST 7.5.1).

REVISIT the Learning Essentials

UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers Version 3 (ICT CFT v3, 2018)

The information and Communications Technology Competency Framework for

Teachers (ICT CFT) version 3 is a comprehensive framework guide teachers’
development on the effective and appropriate use of ICT in education. It
highlights what should know and do clustered in six aspects, namely: 1.
Understanding ICT in Education, 2. Curriculum and Assessment, 3. Pedagogy, 4.
Application of Digital Skills, 5. Organization and administration, and 6. Teacher
Professional Learning.

Similar to the PPST, the ICT CFT also articulated competencies in levels
which guide teachers as they develop their ICT skills from Level 1. Knowledge
Acquisition, to Level 2. Knowledge Deepening, and Level 3. Knowledge Creation.
The Commission on Higher Education Teacher Education Curricula (2017) includes
the UNESCO ICT CFT so most likely you have tackled this in your Technology for
Teaching and Learning classes.

It will be good to review the UNESCO ICT CFT v3 framework as you work in
this episode. The activities here are meant for you to observe, analyze and
reflect about the competencies discussed in the framework. (Access it at
2/UNESCO%20ICT%20Competency%Framework%20V3.pdf )

The Learning Resource Center

1. A school usually set up a center that will provide valuable support to the
teaching-learning process. Over the years the name of this center has
evolved. Some of the names are Audiovisual Center, Media and Technology
Center, Teaching-Learning Technology Department, or Simply Learning
Resource Center.
2. With the swift development of ICT, the natural outcome was the ever-
expanding interface between the traditional library and ICT both in terms
of hardware and software systems and applications.
3. Schools may have different set-ups when it comes to a Learning Resource
Center (LRC). Some have replaced the term library with LRC. Some have
separate library, LRC, and Audio Visual or Media Center. Some only have
the LRC both for teachers and students. Still some have combined their
learning resource centers with maker spaces.
4. The common purpose among these centers is to provide print, audio-visual
and ICT resources to support the teaching-learning process.
5. The goals of the Center may include orienting and training teachers in the
use of audiovisual and ICT resources, working with teachers and
administrations in producing instructional materials, making useful
resources to the students, teachers, and the school community.
6. In order to support the philosophy and aims of the school, the Center must
fulfil the following functions: center of resources, laboratory of
learning, agent of teaching, service agency, coordinating agency,
recreational reading center, and a link to other community resources.

Technology Integration

The Technology Integration Matrix provides a comprehensive for you to

define and evaluate technology integration. It will provide you direction and
guide you in the process of achieving effective teaching with technology. The
teacher’s integration of technology in instruction can be described as
progressing in 5 levels: entry, adoption, adaption, infusion and finally

The teacher also works at creating a learning environment that encourages

and enables quality technology integration. The interdependent characteristics of
the learning environment are being active, collaborative, constructive, authentic
and goal-directed.

The Technology Integration Matrix connects the Levels of Technology

Integration and the Characteristics of the Learning Environment. Examine the
matrix below. To make you understand how integration is done in each of the
levels and environment, explore the TM website and learn from the many
interesting videos showing technology integration. Go to
http://fcit.usf.edu/matrix/matrix.php .

Observing technology integration in the classroom

(Reproduced with permission of the Florida Center for Instructional Technology,

College of Education, University of South Florida, fcit.usf.edu)

Evaluation of ICT Resources

The world wide web is like an endless network of information, ever-

expanding and almost limitless. Electronic resources come in different forms like
websites, web quests, blogs, social network sites, in-line sources, a wide range
of tools, and so many forms of apps.

As a future teacher, one of the skills that will be then most useful for
you is the ability not only to search for information but to make decisions, as
to which ones you will make and use and which ones you will put aside. Aim to
develop your skills in evaluating internet resources. You will be able to choose
the best resources that will help you teaching-learning objectives.
Below is a set of criteria which you can use to evaluate resources:
a) Accuracy. The resource material comes from a reliable source and is
accurate, free from error and is up-to-date.
b) Appropriateness. The resource is grade/level-appropriate. The content
matches what is needed by the teacher.
c) Clarity. The resource clearly addresses the instructional goals in mind.
d) Completeness. The content is complete. It has all the information needed
to be able to use them.
e) Motivation. The resource is engaging and rewarding to learners. It will
encourage the active participation of the learners.
f) Organization. The resource is logically sequenced. It clearly indicates
which steps should be taken. The procedures or process flow smoothly.

(Based on the work of Fitzgerald, Mary Ann, Lovin, Vicki & Branch, Robert
Maribe (2003). A Gateway to Educational Materials: An Evaluation of an Online
Resource for Teachers and an Exploration of User Behaviors, Journal of Technology
and Teacher Education. 11(1), 21-51)


Schwab described the 4th wave of the industrial revolution. The

unprecedented speed at which technology is evolving has disrupted many visual
processes that involve how we run production, businesses and consequently how we
teach and learn. The following Technology trends have huge potential to transform
the ways we teach and learn (UNESCO, 2018).

1. Open Educational Resources (OER). ORSs are materials that can be used for
teaching and learning that do not acquire payment of royalties nor license
fees. There is an abundance of OERs in the form of textbooks course
materials, curriculum maps, streaming videos, multimedia, apps, podcasts,
and many others. They can have a significant impact on education as they
are made available and easily accessible in the internet. Be sure to
explore them to help you work on this episode.
2. Social Networks. Social networks have revolutionized the way they
interact, learn about things and share information. Sites and apps such as
Facebook, twitter, Instagram provide a virtual venue for teachers and
learners to work together interact among themselves and with other
classrooms locally and globally.
3. Mobile Technologies. Filipinos are one of the most active on the internet,
and also one who sends the most number of text messages per day. This
indicates the high number of mobile device users. These devices can also
be used as a learning inside and even outside the classroom.
4. The Internet of Things. IoT is a system of computing mechanisms that
become built-in into many everyday things, that allow sending and
receiving data through the internet. A lot of things have turned “smart”.
We have smart cars that can navigate on its own. Smart homes that monitor
temperature and light. Smart TVs that interface with the internet. Watches
that send our vital signs to our doctors. All of these development can
influence the way we teach and learn.
5. Artificial Intelligence. Commonly, artificial intelligence when computers
or machine stimulate thinking and behaviors of human such as talking,
learning and solving problems. Virtual assistants such as Siri, Alexa,
Bixby and Google assistant are near samples of AI. Among others, uses of
AI in education can be in the areas of gamification and adaptive
instructions for learners with special needs.
6. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality. VR is a stimulation of an
environment by a computer program that allows a person a person to visit
and experience the environment virtually. IN AR, images from computer
programs interlay with the actual views of the real-world. Resulting in an
extended, expanded, or altered, view of a real-world, education, among
others, VR and AR programs and apps allow more exciting ways of seeing and
experiencing things that add to the motivation and engagement of learners.
7. Big Data. Through the billions of interactions and transactions are done
electronically, and through the internet, an enormous amount of data is
generated and stored. The challenge is how to make sense of this data,
through analytics and research, possibly answer pertinent questions about
how to make teaching and learning most effective.
8. Coding. Coding is a skill necessary to create computer software, apps, and
websites. Today, there are learning programs that introduce coding
activities as early as kindergarten. Robotics programs in the elementary
and secondary programs introduce and home the skills of young learners.
Coding helps develop novel ways of exploring and trying out ideas,
especially when done with problem or project-based learning approaches.
9. Ethics and privacy protection. We have repeatedly heard about how quickly
technology is changing and impacting or lives. Through all this. It is
crucial to ensure that human values and principles govern or guide our use
of technology. Ethical practices that protect the rights of every person
need to be upheld.

“Fundamental Digital Skills for 21 st Century Teachers”

1. Record and edit audio clips

 Soundcloud.com
 Audioboom.com
 Vocaroo.com
 Clyp.it

2. Create interactive video content

 YouTube Video Editor
 Wevideo.com
 Magisto.com
 Animoto.com

3. Create infographics and posters

 Piktochart.com
 Canva.com
 Drawings.google.com
 Thinglink.com

4. Create PLNs, connect, discover new content and grow professionally

 Twitter.com
 Faceboopk.com
 Plus.google.com
 Linkedin.com

5. Use blogs and wikis to create participatory spaces for students

 Blogger.com
 Wordpress.com
 Edublogs.org
 Wikispaces.com

6. Create engaging presentation

 Docs.google.com/presentation
 Haikudeck.com
 Zoho.com/docs/show.html
 Prezi.com

7. Create digital portfolios

 Web.seesow.me
 Silk.co
 Sites.google.com
 Weebly.com

8. Curate organize and share digital resources

 Diigo.com
 Scoop.it
 Educlipper.net
 Edshelf.com

9. Create digital quizzes

 Flipquiz.me
 Riddle.com
 Qualize.com
 Testmoz.com

Massive Open On-Line Courses

Massive Open On-Line Courses (MOOCs) are online course to open a big group
of people. Below is the basic information about MOOCs. Let us focus on each word.

 MOOCs are on-line courses designed for large number of
participants, usually larger than the number of students that can
fit a regular classroom. There can be hundreds or even be a
thousand students or more.

 There is mostly freedom of place, pace and time.
 Courses can be accessed by anyone anywhere as long as they have
internet connected.
 Courses are open to everyone without any qualifications.
 Some courses are for free.

 All aspects of the course are delivered online.

The MOOCs course offers a full course experience including:

 Educational content. May include video, audio, text, games,

stimulation, social media and animation.
 Facilitation interaction among peers. Builds a learning
community through opportunities to interact.
 Some interaction with the teacher or academic staff.
 Activities/tasks, test, including feedback. Participants are
provided with some feedback mechanism. Can be automatically
generated like quizzes, feedback from peers or the teacher.
 Some kind of (non-formal) recognition options. It included
some kind of recognition like badges or certificates of
completion. A formal certificate is optional and most likely
has to be paid for.
 A study guide/syllabus. This includes instructions as to how
you may learn from the materials and interactions presented.

Based on Definition Massive Open Online Courses v1.1 licensed under Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0

There are many MOOC providers like Edx, Coursera, Udacity,

Udemy, Iversity. You will have a chance to explore them as you
go through this Episode.


Activity 11.1 Visiting the Learning Resource Center

Resource Teacher: Agnes S. Reconday Teacher’s Signature: School:

Magpanambo High School Grade/Year Level: 11 Subject Area:
Reading and Writting Date:

To realize the Intended Learning Outcomes, work through these steps:

1. Visit a school’s Learning Resources Center. Look around and see what resources
and facilities are available inside.
2. Ask the Learning Resources Center in-charge about how some equipment or
facilities are used.
3. Make an inventory of its available resources and classify them according to
their characteristics and functions.


As you visit and observe the Learning Resource Center, use the observation
guide provided. Ask the assistance of the Center staff courteously.
An Observation Guide for a

Read the following statements carefully before you observe.

1. Go around the Learning Resource Center.
2. Find out learning resources are present.
3. Examine and describe how the materials are arranged and how they are
classified. Are they free from dust and moisture? Are they arranged for
easy access?
4. Read the guidelines/procedures for borrowing of materials. Are these
guidelines/procedures posted are available for the users to refer to?
5. Familiarize yourself with the guidelines and procedures. Take photos of
the center (if allowed).

After you are through with your observation, classify the resources
available that you believe are most useful. Use the activity form provided for

Name of Center Observed: Computer Room

Date of Observation:
Name of Observer: ABEGAIL A. POLVORIZA
Course / Year / School: BSED FILIPINO 3A

List of Available Learning Resources

Available Learning Characteristics and Unique Teaching Approaches where

Resources Capabilities the Resource in Most
(Enumerate in bullet form) Useful
Print Resources Print Resources serve as aInteractive approach allow
Books guide for the teachers and sharing of ideas and
Modules students that containsthoughts among
Outputs ideas that are useful inparticipants and give
the teaching and learningopportunity to interact
process and it also havewith teacher and other
the collection of thestudents.
students learning.
Audio Resources Audio Resources helpsTeacher-centered approach
Speaker teacher when they arethe teachers is the only
Microphone discussing because he/shereliable source I'd
Headset don't need to speak louder information.
through the use of the
resources the person who
are in front can be hear
at the back.
Non-electric Visual Non-electronic ResourcesIndirect approach the
Resources are the traditionalteacher guide the learner
Chart materials used by theto discover things for
White Board teachers in theirhimself/herself and
Chart of CPU Parts teaching. allowing the learner to
engaged in the learning
Available Learning Characteristics and Unique Teaching Approaches where
Resources Capabilities the Resource in Most
(Enumerate in bullet form) Useful
ICT Resources ICT Resources are the new Direct instruction it
Computer way of learning; it can includes lecture,
Television be used in many ways thatquestioning, explicit
Projector benefits not only theteaching and demonstration
Printer teachers but also theof skill.
Laptop students. It also helps
the teachers as necessary
aid to equipped students
with the skills they need
now as a 21st century

Impression about the LRC:

The Learning Resources Center (LRN) is clean and well-ventilated, although the
center was near in the road it was free from noise that well distract learners
in their studies. There are lots of computers that can be occupied by the whole

Name and Signature of Observer:


Name and Signature of the Learning Resource Center In-charge:



1. Are the learning resources/materials arranged properly according to their

functions and characteristics?
. The computer and other materials inside the computer laboratory are
properly arrange and with good condition with this kind of
arrangement it become more easily to used and find for the teachers
and students.
2. Do the guidelines and procedures facilitate easy access to the materials by
the teachers? Why? Why not?
Yes, the guidelines and procedures facilitate easy access to the
materials by the teachers, both the teachers and students can easily
access with the learning materials and the LRC provide schedules
and/or limitations on the use of computer so that everyone has equal
opportunity to used.
3. What are the strengths of this Learning Resource Center?
It also has many computers so that every student can used it by
themselves and they don't have to share in one computer so there's no
body will be left throughout the lesson.
4. What are its weakness?

computer will lead to overcrowded and lesser space were student

can't walk easily, just for instance there is an emergency the
teachers and students can’t immediately go outside. In addition, they
don't have internet connection so the students cannot use the
computer to get information online.
5. What suggestions can you make?

they should have internet connection for both the teachers and
student benefits and also they need to have an extra space so that it
won't be overcrowded for the computers only.


1. Which of the materials in the Learning Resources Center caught your interest
the most? Why?
The materials in the Learning Resource Center that caught my interest
the most is the numerous number of computer because there are many
students have the opportunity to use it.
2. Which gadgets/materials are you already confident to use/operate?
The gadgets/materials that I can confident to use/operate is the
computer because I was familiar with the function of it that helps me
with different school project or paperwork.
3. Which ones do you feel you need to learn more about?
The gadgets/materials that I need to learn more about is how to
operate projector because I am only familiar with its function and
knowing that it is important and helpful especially in presenting
report or class discussion but I don't know how to operate it.


Activity 11.2 Observing Technology Integration in the Classroom

Resource Teacher: Agnes S. Reconday Teacher’s Signature: School:

Magpanambo National High School Grade/Year Level: 11 Subject
Area: Reading and Writting Date:

To realize my Intended Learning Outcomes, I will work my way through these

steps: Observe a class for three meetings. Video-tape if allowed. Step 2.
Describe how technology was integrated in the lessons and how the students were
involved. Step 3. Use the Technology Integration Matrix to analyze the technology
integration done by the teacher. Step 4. Reflect on what you have learned.


As you observe the class, use the observation sheets provided for you to
document your observations.
Class Observation Guide

Read the following questions and instructions carefully before you observe.
1. What is the lesson?
2. What visual aids/materials/learning resources is the teacher using?
3. Observe and take notes on how the teacher presents/uses the learning
4. Closely observe the learners’ response to the teacher’s use of learning
resources. Listen to their verbal responses. What do their responses
indicate? Do their responses show attentiveness, eagerness, and
5. Focus on their non-verbal responses. Are they learning and are they
showing their interest in the lesson and in the materials? Are they
looking towards the direction of the teacher and the materials? Do their
actions show attentiveness, eagerness, and understanding?



Date of Observation: ________________________________________________

School: ___________________________________________________________
Subject: __________________ Topic: __________________________________
Grade/Year Level: __________________________



Use the Technology Integration Form to analyze the class you observed. Refer to
the Technology Integration Matrix on p. 123, in which level of technology
integration do you think the teacher you observed operated? Why?

Based on the Technology Integration Matrix, what is the characteristics of the

learning environment in the class that you observed? Point your observation that
justify your answer.

Over-all, were the learning resources used effectively? Why? Why not? Give your


Put yourself in the place of the teacher. What would you do similarly and what
would you do differently if you would teach the same lesson to the same group of
students? Why?

 I would urge my students to use their imagination and collaborate in their

work. Perhaps a different thing I will do is allow students to respond to
my question after each presentation so that their thoughts are not wasted.
Because sharing one's views will increase one's self-confidence as a


Activity 11.3 Exploring Education 4.0

Resource Teacher: Agnes S. Reconday Teacher’s Signature: School:

Magpanambo National High School Grade/Year Level: 11 Subject
Area: Electrical Installation and Maintenance Date:
Explore the Education 4.0 through these steps: 1. Observe a class and take note
of the topic being presented. 2. Surf the net to find sites that provide support
materials and/or interactive programs (web guests/games) on the topic. Try to ask
Siri, Alexa; 3. List and describe at least 5 sites/interactive programs; 4.
Evaluate the materials or programs; 5. Reflect on your FS experience.
Class Observation Guide

Read the following statements carefully before you observe.

What is the lesson about? What are the teacher’s objectives?

1. It was all about Drafting Basic/ Block Pattern for Front Skirt.
The objectives are:
• Enumerate the Materials and tools in drafting the front part of the
• Draft the skirt front pattern
• Observe accuracy in following the procedure in drafting the front
pattern for skirt.

2. Note the important concepts that the teacher is emphasizing?

 The teacher underlined the need of following the pattern when drafting to
ensure accuracy.

3. Note the skills that the teacher is developing in the learners.

 The students are honing their skirt-making talents, which they can use in
their everyday lives and possibly pursue as a career.


Analyzing the information, you got from observing the class, surf the
internet to select electronic resources, including OERs, social networking sites,
and apps with virtual or augmented reality that will be useful in teaching the
same lesson. Evaluate the resources you found, using the below to note your
analysis and evaluation.

Electronic Resources Evaluation Form

Grade/Year Level 11
Subject Matter/Topic Drafting Basic/ Block Pattern for Front Skirt
(Based on the class
you observed)
Lesson Enumerate the Materials and tools in drafting the front
Objectives/Learning part of the skirt.
Outcomes Draft the skirt front pattern
Observe accuracy in following the procedure in drafting
the front pattern for skirt.
Grade/Year Level 11
Name of Describe Put check if the resource Describe
Type of the satisfies the criterion how you
Electronic electronic can use
Resource resource if you
(include were to
author/ teach in
publisher/ the class
source) you
Google TLE HE DM Accurate Appropri Clear Complete Motivatin Organized This will
Meet/Zoom LM-Quarter ate g be my
3 Week 3 1 primary,
Lesson 2 medium-
pp. 10 sized
Carmilita online
Hilario setup.

/ / / / / /
Power For an
Point easily
Presentati / / / / / / visible
on and

1. Describe your experience in surfing the internet for appropriate
electronic resources for the class? What made it easy? Difficult?

its accessibility, the Internet has made people's lives

easier. It is simple to utilize and search for information
and learning resources.
2. How did you choose which electronic resources to include here?

I chose electronic resources since they are readily available

and simple to utilize. While amid the Covid 19 issue, an
online class provides an alternative method of imparting
learning to students that is genuinely secure for both
teachers and students.

3. Reflect on your technology skills. What skills do you already have,

and what skills would you continue to work on to be better at
utilizing education 4.0 resources?
. I believe the skills that I would like to improve are my
ability to use those apps more effectively, and to be more
familiar with their tools, which will allow me to be more
creative in creating educational materials.


Activity 11.4 Professional Development Through MOOCS

Resource Teacher: Agnes S Reconday Teacher’s Signature: School: Magpanambo

National High School Grade/Year Level:11 Subject Area:
Reading and Writting Date:

To realize my Intended Learning Outcomes, I will work my way through these

Step 1: Review the seven domains of PPST and identify competencies I like
to develop more.
Step 2: Visit sites of MOOCS providers and explore the courses offered
that are relevant to PPST domains I want to work on.
Step 3: Reflect on how I can continue developing my skills through MOOCS.


1. Get a copy of the PPST and go over the competencies.

2. On the second column, write the competencies you like to work on.
3. Search for MOOCs in the internet which are relevant to the competencies you
identified. You may try these websites:

 http://www.teachthought.com/technology/list-75-moocs-teachers-students/
 http://www.educationworld.com/a_curr/moocs-best-teachers-free-online-
 http://www.forbes.com/sites/skollworldforum/2013/06/10/moocs-for-teachers-
 http://www.mooc-list.com/categories/teacher-professional-development
 http://ww2.kqed.org/mindshift/2013/04/30/new-online-teacher-training-

4. Indicate the MOOC provider. You might need to create an account in the
different MOOC providers to explore their MOOCs.

PPST Domain Competencies I want MOOCs related to the MOOC

to work on compentency/ies (Include a Provider
short description)
1. Content Critical andCreativity, innovation andCoursera
Knowledge and creative thinking,change discovered creative
Pedagogy innovation, as welluniqueness through creative
as other higher-diversity, CIC used
order thinkingintelligent fast failure to
skills. build innovation skills,
applied center principle to
PPST Domain Competencies I want MOOCs related to the MOOC
to work on compentency/ies (Include a Provider
short description)
drive personal change, and
implement value creation
skills to initiate lasting
2. The Learning Management ofTeaches participants how toCoursera
Environment learner behaviordo a functional behavior
and creatingassessment (FBA), how to
positive classroom. promote positive behavior
and how to intervene with
challenging behaviors in the
3. Diversity of Fairness, wideThe teacher's work becomeCoursera
Learners understanding ofmeaningful when it is
learners andinformed by r. research
learning. theories of learning and
their relationship to actual
practice. This course
provides an opportunity for
you to identify and
understand the students
expectations and prior
4. Curriculum and Application of allK - 12 teaching in the 21st Coursera
Planning learning guide forcentury provides new
students to have ateaching strategies to
good learning anddevelop more the education.
attain it all.
5. Assessing and Design, selection,Teachers will learn how to Coursera
Reporting organization andengage students as active
utilization oflearners, plan instruction
assessment and teach students how to
strategies. communicate reasoning.
6. Community Parents and theTeachers will have the Coursera
Linkages and wider schoolopportunity to (1)
Professional community in thecollaborate with other
Engagement educative process. teachers through a
discussion forum and (2)
design a teaching task with
a writing prompt aligned to
the common core.
7. Personal Growth Enhancing my skills Computer skills and literacy Coursera
and Professional provides students with
Development comprehensive introduction
to computer. Students will
explore a variety of topics
in computer.

From among the MOOCs you explored, pick at least three which you believe
are the most appropriate for you. Describe the MOOCs below.

MOOC Title: Learners and Learning

Provider: Coursera

Objectives of the MOOC:

 economics a framework for guiding teaching and learning discourse
provide an opportunity for you to consider the relationship
between the teacher the learner and the curriculum

Content Outline:

Getting to know the curriculum

 Curriculum development
 Putting student’s first
 Putting curriculum to work
 Theories and theorists
 Optimizing curriculum outcomes

Why did you pick this MOOC?

 I pick this MOOC because this course is well structured articulate and
rich with resources and sensitivity of different learning styles. It
embeds those same insights it is up to deliver.

2. MOOC Title: Applying Principles of Behavior in the K to 12 Classroom

(Functional Behavior Assessment)
Provider: Coursera

Objectives of the MOOC:

 To promote positive behavior
 To intervene with challenging behaviors in the classroom

Content Outline:
 Positive behavior
 Intervene

Why did you pick this MOOC?

 I pick this MOOC because help me to deal the challenging behavior in the
class, we are welcoming and embracing the diversity of learners that they
having not just enough but more than enough of knowledge to deal with
behavior is better.

3. MOOC Title: Creative, Innovation & Change

Provider: Coursera

Objectives of the MOOC:

 To discover creative uniqueness through creative diversity.

 To use intelligent fast failure to build innovation skills.
 To Applied center principle to drive personal change
 To implement value creation skills to initiate lasting change.
Content Outline:

 Understanding creative diversity

 CENTER model
 Value creation
 Change

Why did you pick this MOOC?

 I pick this MOOC because this course helps to boost someone's creativity
and get the best out of you, help to interact better, this can also help
me to make my own lesson be attractive that will catch the attention of
the learners.


1. How can MOOCs help you in your future career as a professional teacher and a
lifelong learner?
 MOOCs help me in my future career as a professional teacher and as a
lifelong learner to realized that technology has a big part in out
learning. It also gives tips on how to teach, and help to enhance, learn
new skills and knowledge in variety of ways that I may use and apply in my
own discussion.
2. What did you learn from the way the providers use technology to teach in the
 As technology keep on improving the learning experiences is also improving
that is one of the thing that I have learned from the way the providers
use technology to teach the MOOCs, it gives teachers an opportunity to see
how other teachers work, through this they have the chance to collaborate
and interact with other professionals and a chance to grow even.
3. How will you prepare yourself for MOOCs, as a learner, and as a teacher who
may someday teach a MOOC?
 I will prepare myself for Massive Open-Online Courses (MOOCs) as a learner
and as a teacher someday by exploring the course that they offer so that I
will become familiar on how to teach and what to teach a MOOC.

SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

1. Include here pictures/illustration of the materials used by the teacher. Put

your comments/annotations about what you observed.
This pictures shows that the Learning Resource Center (LRC) is overcrowded of the
numerous number of computer.

2. Visit www.teachnology.com or other teacher resource websites. Print useful

instructions materials (worksheets, visual aids, flashcards, rubrics, etc.) and
include them here. Indicate how they might be useful considering your major or
area of specialization.

3. Visit www.edudemic.com/50-educationtechnology-tools-every-teacher-should-know-
Explore and enjoy the fantastic education tools. Try them out. Describe
what you discovered and share how these tools can be helpful to you, as a

4. Visit edtechteacher.org. This a treasure bow for you. Explore and share what
you learned.
As I visited this website whenever I have learned that
when a teacher need some idea to make his/her lesson
plan excellent, it is very nice website for them and
will provide them with the countless option of
instructional materials, this website also contains
everything that a teacher need to make his/her lesson in
his/her class interactive and engage in every day.
5. Paste an article about an example of technology gadget/material that you want
to learn more about. How can this gadget/material be useful in

5. Using projector help us to give better teaching to the students, it allows the
teacher to interact with his/her students better, it can also increase the
student’s participation. Through the use of projector, the PowerPoint presentation
are organized so that students can take better notes with the ability to discern
what information the teacher displays are most useful to them.

EVALUATE Performance Task

Evaluate Your Work Task Field Study 1, Episode 4 – Learner Diversity: The
Community and Home Environment
Learning Outcome: Describe the influencing factors in the home environment that
affect the student’s learning.

Name of FS Student; ABEGAIL POLVORIZA Date Submitted:

Year & Section: 3A Course: BSEDFILIPINO

Very Needs Improvement

Learning Excellent Satisfactory Satisfactory 1
Episode 4 3 2
Accomplished All observation One (1) to twoThree (3) Four (4) or more
Observation questions/tasks (2) observationobservation observation
Sheet completely questions/tasks questions/tasks questions/tasks
answered/ not answered/ not answered/ not answered/
Accomplished accomplished accomplished accomplished
Analysis All questions All questions Questions were Four (4) or more
were answered were answered not answered observation
completely; completely; completely; questions were
answers were are answers are answers are not not answered;
with depth and clearly clearly answers not
are thoroughly connected to connected to connected to
grounded on theories; theories; one theories; more
theories; grammar and (1) than four (4)
grammar and spelling are to three (3) grammatical
spelling are free from errors grammatical/ spelling errors
Very Needs Improvement
Learning Excellent Satisfactory Satisfactory 1
Episode 4 3 2
free from error spelling errors
Reflection Profound and Clear but lacks Not so clear and Unclear and
clear; supported depth; supported shallow; shallow, rarely
by what were by what were somewhat supported by
observed and observed and supported by what were
analyzed analyzed what were observed and
observed and analyzed
Learning Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is not Portfolio is not
Artifacts reflected on in reflected on in reflected on in reflected on in
the context of the context of the context of the context of
the learning the learning the learning the learning
outcomes; outcomes. outcomes. outcomes; not
Complete. Well- Complete, well- Complete; not complete; not
organized, organized, very organized, organized; not
highly relevant relevant to the relevant to the relevant
to the learning learning outcome learning outcome
Submission Submitted before Submitted on the Submitted a day Submitted two (2)
the deadline deadline after the days or more
deadline after the



Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7-below
Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 72-below

Signature of FS Teacher Above Printed Name Date
Republic of the Philippines

Region V (Bicol)


Polangui, Albay

Prof Ed 11 - Field Study 1

Observations of Teaching-Learning Actual School Environment

Learner Diversity: Assessment FOR Learning and
Assessment AS Learning

Submitted by:

Submitted to:

Learner Diversity: Assessment FOR Learning and

Assessment AS Learning

SPARK your Interest

Assessment is an essential part of the instructional cycle. The

instruction cycle consists of: 1) setting the intended learning outcome/s, 2)
selecting a teaching methodology, strategy and activity that are aligned to the
learning outcome and topic which are developmentally-appropriate to the learners
and 3) assessment itself. Assessment is the part of the instructional cycle that
determines whether or not intended learning outcome has been attained and so
necessarily, the assessment task must be aligned to the intended learning

In a lesson in assessment, we can speak of assessment for learning,

assessment of learning, and assessment as learning.

This episode will dwell on assessment for learning and assessment,

Assessment for learning is referred to as formative assessment while assessment
is referred to as self-assessment.

TARGET Your Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this Episode, I must be able to:

Demonstrate knowledge of the design and use of formative assessment; and
Explain the importance of formative assessment.

DISCOVER the Learning Essentials

In Outcomes-based Teaching-Learning/Competency-based Teaching/Teaching by

Objective, we ensure that the intended outcome/competency/objective is attained
at the end of the lesson and so while we are still in the process of teaching we
do check learners’ understanding and progress.
If we find out that the learners failed to understand prerequisite knowledge and
skills, we reteach until learners’ master them. This is called FORMATIVE
assessment, assessment while the learners are being formed or taught. It is
assessment in the middle of instruction.
Formative assessment is also referred to as assessment for learning. Assessment
for learning simply means we do assessment to ensure learning.
We do not wait for the end of the lesson to find out if learners understood the
lesson or not because if it is only at the end of the lesson that we discover
that the learners did not understand the lesson, we have wasted so much time and
energy teaching presuming that everything was clear, only to find out at the end
of the lesson that the learners did not understand the lesson at all. This means
that we have to reteach from the very beginning, something that we could have
saved ourselves from doing had we given time to find out if the lesson was
understood while teaching.
Assessment for learning encourages peer assessment.


Activity 12.1 Observing Assessment FOR Learning Practices (Formative


Resource Teacher: AGNES S. RECONDAY Teacher’s Signature: School:

MAGPANAMBO NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Grade/Year Level: 11 Subject Area:


Observe what Teacher does or listen to what Teacher says to find out if the
students understood the lesson while teaching-learning is in progress.

What Teacher Said Tally Total

What Teacher Did Tally Total

2. Did the teacher ask the class “Did you understood”? If she did, what was the
class’ response?
3. Did the students make the teacher feel or sense they did not understand the
lesson or a part of the lesson? How?
 The student doesn’t seem to make the teacher feel or sense that they
didn’t understand the lesson or part of the lesson. Instead they actually
ask straight forward and the teacher is well known of his student really
understand or not.

4. If they did, how did the teacher respond?

 The teacher thinks and give more specific and simple explanation about the
lesson and example that has a connection with their real life situation.
5. Were the students given the opportunity to ask question for clarification? How
was this done?
 Yes, students we`re always given the opportunity to ask questions for
clarification about the lesson because it is part of the teaching and
learning process, everyone 6. If she found out that her/his lesson was not
clearly understood, what did teacher do? Did you observe any of these
activities? Please check.
______ Peer tutoring (Tutors were assigned by teacher to teach one or two
______ Each-one-teach-one (Students paired with one another)
______ Teacher gave a Module for more exercise for lesson mastery
______ Teacher did re-teaching

Others, please specify ____________________________________________


1. Why should a teacher find out if students understand the lesson while teaching
is in progress? Is it not better to do a once-and-for-all assessment at the
completion of the entire lesson?
 The teacher needs to find out if the students understand the lesson while
teaching is in progress to make sure that there is no student left behind
the lesson, it is good to find right away so that the teaching and
learning process will ran smoothly. It is really not better to do at once
and for all assessment at the completion of the entire lesson knowing that
there is diverse learner’s different way of understand the lesson and if
the teacher does that at the end of the entire lesson it’s too late and he
just wanted his time because it only means that the teacher should reteach
the lesson from the start until the learner’s master and understand the
lesson while the teacher is still teaching
2. Why is not enough for a teacher to ask “Did you understand, class?” when
he/she intends to check on learners’ progress?
 It is not enough for the teacher to ask the class if they understand the
lesson when he intends to check on learner’s progress because the students
are often telling the teacher that they understand and get the lesson even
if they really don’t understand it.
3. Should teacher record results of formative assessment for grading purposes?
Why or why not?
 Formative assessment is considered as a part of the learning but they
don’t need for grading purposes, instead a support learning during the
learning process.
4. Based on your observations, what formative assessment practice worked?
 Based on my observation the formative assessment practice worked is
teacher did re-teaching. As she finds out that the student did not clearly
understood the lesson and give a simple explanation and example.
5. For formative assessment, why is per tutoring in class sometimes seen to be
more effective than teacher himself/herself doing the re-teaching or tutoring?
 In my opinion, yes, it could be one of the reason because application of
formative assessment is happened during the instruction and give a
feedback and information to know if there is need of adjustment that will
improved the students to achieve the intended learning goals.


1. Formative assessment is tasting the soup while cooking. Reflect on this end
and write your reflections.
 Formative assessment is tasting the soup while cooking means that chef
should taste the soup she made to get the information that will help he to
know if he need to change before it is too late or cannot be changed, just
like teacher they do formative assessment during or while the discussion
is ongoing to make sure that everyone is learning before the summative
assessment conducted.

2. Should you record results of formative assessment? Why or why not?

 Yes, Formative assessment result should be recorded because it is an
essential aspect of grading and formative assessment but it doesn’t mean
that formative assessment should be graded it just an evidence of the
current progress of the students and for a teacher top get some feedback
that she used to improve his teaching and for the student to also improve
their learning
SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

1. My Accomplished Observation Sheet

2. My Analysis
3. My Reflection
4. Snapshots of peer tutoring or other activities that show formative
assessment in practice.

Activity 12.2 Observing Assessment AS Learning Practices (Self-Assessment)

Resource Teacher: AGNES S. RECONDAY Teacher’s Signature: School:

TARGET Your Intended Leaning Outcomes

At the end of this Episode, I must be able to:

 Demonstrate knowledge of the design and use of self-assessment; and
 Explain the importance of self-assessment

REVISIT the Learning Essentials

o Assessment as learning means assessment is a way of learning.

o It is the use of an ongoing self-assessment by the learners in order to
monitor their own learning.
o This is manifested when learners reflect on their own learning and make
necessary adjustments so that they achieve deeper understanding.
o Assessment as learning encourages students to take responsibility for
their own learning
o It requires students to ask questions about their learning
o It provides ways for students to use formal and informal feedback and
self-assessment to help them understand the next steps in learning.
o It encourages self-assessment and reflection.


Observe a class and find out practices that reflect assessment as

learning. Record your observations.

Teacher My Observation
1. Did teachers provide opportunities Yes, teacher give opportunity for the
for the learners to monitor and reflect leaner to monitor and reflect on their
on their own learning? own learning in terms of assessment,
recitation and sharing their learnings.

2. What are proofs that shows that Track their learning progress.
students were engaged in self-
reflection, self-monitoring and self-
3. Did students record and report their Track their learning progress.
own learning?
4. Did teacher create criteria with the Yes, teachers evaluate their work
students for asks to be completed or against a set of criteria.
skill to learned?

1. If the student is at the heart of all assessment, then all assessment should
support student learning. Do you agree? Why or why not?
I agree that all assessment should support student learning because it is
also the reason why assessment is being employed. For further
understanding and learning of the student in that way all the prior
knowledge and skills are take into account to support their learning is to
give an appointment assessment that is not just to measure the student
learning but to further learning.
2. Does assessment as learning have the same ultimate purpose as assessment for
 Assessment for learning use references about student progress to inform
their teaching formative assessment and assessment as learning reflect on
and monitor their progress to inform their future learning goals self-
assessment their purpose is to get feedback, monitor and assessment
students while teaching is still in progress to improve the teaching and
learning also to know if the students really understand the lesson


The primary purpose of assessment is not to measure but to further

learning. Reflect on your personal experiences of assessment in school. Were you
given opportunities for self-assessment? If yes, what was its impact on your

 I was given opportunities for self-assessment. I remember assessing my

own essay when I was in first year and I notice a lot of errors. In doing
this was given an opportunity to know my own mistakes and improved it by
learning from it. I become an independent learner and continue to adapt
changes by reviewing and assessing my works before submitting it.
Moreover, it gives me opportunities to discover new strategies in learning
SHOW Your Learning Artifacts
1. My Accomplished Observation Sheet
2. My Analysis
3. My Reflection

LINK Theory to Practice

1. The primary purpose of assessment is to ensure learning. Which assessments are

referred to?
Assessment as learning
Assessment for learning
Assessment of learning

A. I, II and III C. I and II

B. I and III D. II and III

2. Research shows that when students help develop questions for an assessment,
and have a deeper understanding of what they are expected to learn before they
take the assessment, they take a greater responsibility of their own learning.
Which assessment is referred to?
A. Assessment as Learning C. Assessment for Learning
B. Assessment of Learning D. Assessment in Learning

3. DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015 states “Assessment is a process that is used to

keep track of learners’ progress in relation to learning standards…,” to promote
self-reflection and personal accountability among students about their own

Which assessment are referred to by the DepEd memo?

I. Assessment as learning
ll. Assessment for learning
Ill. Assessment of learning

A. I only C. I and II
B. II and III D. I, II and III

4. You check for understanding in the midst of your lesson. In which form is of
assessment are you engaged?

A. Assessment as learning C. Assessment of learning

B. Assessment for learning D. Assessment of and for learning

5. Assessment FOR learning is ongoing assessment that allows teachers to monitor

students on a day-to-day basis and modify their teaching based on what the
students need to be successful. Is this statement TRUE?

A. Yes C. Somewhat
B. No D. TRUE except the clause after and

6. It develops and supports students’ metacognitive skills. Which is referred to?

A. Assessment as Learning C. Assessment of Learning

B. Assessment for Learning D. Assessment in Learning

7. Which form of assessment is crucial in helping students become lifelong


A. Assessment of Learning C. Assessment as Learning

B. Assessment for Learning D. Assessment in Learning

8. Which is characterized by students reflecting on their own learning and making

adjustments so that they achieve deeper understanding?

A. Assessment of Learning C. Assessment as Learning

B. Assessment for Learning D. Assessment in Learning

9. Which practices are required for assessment as learning to be effective?

I. Discuss the learning outcomes with the students

II. Create criteria with the students for the various tasks need to be completed
and/or skills that need to be learned or mastered.
III. Provide feedback to students as they learn and ask them guiding questions to
help the monitor their own learning.
IV. Help them set goals to extend or support their learning as needed in order to
meet or fully meet the expectations
V. Provide reference points and examples for the learning outcomes

A. I, II and III C. III, IV and V

B. I, III, IV and V D. I, II, III, IV and V

10. In which type of assessment are students expected to go beyond completing the
tasks assigned to them by their teacher and so students move from the passive
learners to active owners of their own learning?

A. Assessment as Learning C. Assessment of Learning

B. Assessment for Learning D. Assessment in Learning

11. Which assessment is likened to tasting the soup while in the process of
cooking the soup?

A. Assessment of Learning C. Assessment in Learning

B. Assessment for Learning D. Assessment as Learning

EVALUATE Performance Task

Evaluate Your Work Task Field Study 1, Episode 4 – Learner Diversity: The
Community and Home Environment
Learning Outcome: Describe the influencing factors in the home environment that
affect the student’s learning.

Name of FS Student; ABEGAIL POLVORIZA Date Submitted:

Year & Section: 3A Course: BSEDFILIPINO

Very Needs Improvement

Learning Excellent Satisfactory Satisfactory 1
Episode 4 3 2
Accomplished All observation One (1) to twoThree (3) Four (4) or more
Observation questions/tasks (2) observationobservation observation
Sheet completely questions/tasks questions/tasks questions/tasks
answered/ not answered/ not answered/ not answered/
accomplished accomplished accomplished accomplished
Analysis All questions All questions Questions were Four (4) or more
were answered were answered not answered observation
completely; completely; completely; questions were
answers were are answers are answers are not not answered;
with depth and clearly clearly answers not
are thoroughly connected to connected to connected to
grounded on theories; theories; one theories; more
theories; grammar and (1) than four (4)
grammar and spelling are to three (3) grammatical
Very Needs Improvement
Learning Excellent Satisfactory Satisfactory 1
Episode 4 3 2
spelling are free from errorsgrammatical/ spelling errors
free from error spelling errors
Reflection Profound and Clear but lacks Not so clear and Unclear and
clear; supported depth; supported shallow; shallow, rarely
by what were by what were somewhat supported by
observed and observed and supported by what were
analyzed analyzed what were observed and
observed and analyzed
Learning Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is not Portfolio is not
Artifacts reflected on in reflected on in reflected on in reflected on in
the context of the context of the context of the context of
the learning the learning the learning the learning
outcomes; outcomes. outcomes. outcomes; not
Complete. Well- Complete, well- Complete; not complete; not
organized, organized, very organized, organized; not
highly relevant relevant to the relevant to the relevant
to the learning learning outcome learning outcome
Submission Submitted before Submitted on the Submitted a day Submitted two (2)
the deadline deadline after the days or more
deadline after the



Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7-below
Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 72-below

Signature of FS Teacher Above Printed Name Date
Republic of the Philippines
Region V (Bicol)
Polangui, Albay

Prof Ed 11 - Field Study 1

Observations of Teaching-Learning Actual School Environment
Learner Diversity: Summative Assessment

Submitted by:

Submitted to:


Assessment OF Learning (Summative Assessment)

SPARK Your Interest

Episode # 12 dwelt on assessment for learning (formative assessment) and

assessment as learning (self- assessment). These refer to assessment that
teachers do while still teaching and students assessing their own learning.
Episode # 13 will be focus on assessment of learning. When teachers have done
everything, they can to help learnings attain the intended learning outcomes,
teachers subject their students to assessment for grading purposes. This is
referred to as assessment of learning which also known as summative assessment

Episode # 13 will be focused on 1) assessment of learning in the

cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains with the use of traditional and non-
traditional assessment tasks and tools, 2) assessment learning outcomes in the
different levels of cognitive taxonomy; 3) construction of assessment items with
content validity; 4) Table of specification; 5) Portfolio, 6) Scoring Rubrics, 6)
The K to 12 Grading System and 7) Reporting Students Performance.

TARGET Your Intended Learning Outcome

At the end of this episode, I must be able to demonstrate understanding of

the design, selection, organization and use of summative assessment strategies
consistent with curriculum requirements by being able to:

 Determine the alignment of assessment tools and task with intended

learning outcomes;

 Critique traditional and authentic assessment tools and task for

learning in the context of established guidelines on test construction;

 Evaluate non-traditional assessment tools including scoring rubrics;

 Examine different types of rubrics used and relate them to assessment

of students learning;

 distinguish among the 3 types of learner’s portfolio;

 evaluate a sample portfolio;

 construct assessment question for HOTS following Blooms Taxonomy as

revise by Anderson and Krathwohl and Kendall`s and Marzano`s Taxonomy;

 explain the function of a table of specification;

 compute students grade based on DepEd`s grading policy;

 state the reasons why grades must be reported to parents; and

 describe what must be done to make grade reporting meaningful

Activity 13.1 Use of Traditional Assessment Tools
Resource Teacher: AGNES S. RECONDAY Teacher’s Signature:

Interview your Resource Teacher about his/her assessment tool used. With
teacher’s permission, secure a copy of the assessment tool.
Direction: Put a check (/) on the test which teacher used. From your teacher’s
test items, give an example.

Type of Put a Learning Outcome Sample Test Comments

Traditional check Assessed item of (Is the assessment
Assessment (/) Resource tool constructed
Tool/paper and here Teacher in accordance with
Pencil Test established
Explain your
Selected Response Type
/ The students are ableIdentification Make a simple and
Alternate to identify the circuit and multiplereadable direction
response analysis. choice.

/ The student are able toThe leanerMake a simple

Matching type match the answer fromchoose themeaning from the
column a to column b. correct answerword in column A
and match thematch to column B.
correct answer
from column a
to column b.
/ The learners identifyChoose theMake a simple
Multiple choice the given answer to theletter of thechoices in every
question correct answer. letter.

Type of Put a Learning Outcome Sample Test Comments
Traditional check Assessed item of (Is the assessment
Assessment (/) Resource tool constructed
Tool/paper and here Teacher in accordance with
Pencil Test established
Explain your
Constructed-Response Type
Type of Put a Learning Outcome Sample Test Comments
Traditional check Assessed item of (Is the assessment
Assessment (/) Resource tool constructed
Tool/paper and here Teacher in accordance with
Pencil Test established
Explain your
/ Recap the lesson Fill in theYes. The
Completion blank assessment tools
use the teacher
are appropriate
to the lesson

/ Communication skills Oral recitation Yes the assessment

Short answer tool are same with
type the lesson

/ Critical thinkingLogical The assessment of

Problem Solving skills questions likethe teacher are
science andexact to the
social studieslesson presented

/ Individual output make an essayThe teacher has a

Essay- from thecriteria metric
restricted previous lesson for the essay work

1. Which assessment tools/tasks were most commonly used by teacher? Why are
they rarely used?

 The most common written assessment use by the teacher are multiple
choice and identification test. Because it is the easiest way for
learner to cope up the lesson.

2. Based on your answers found in the Tables above in which type of

assessment tools and tasks were the Resource Teachers most killed in test
construction? Least killed?

 The multiple choice are the constructed assessment tools use by the
teacher because some of the learner must easy cope up the evaluation by
multiple choice.

3. Can essay or other written requirements, even if it is a written paper-

and-pencil test, be considered an authentic form of assessment? Explain your

 Yes. Because the form of written exam especially the essay writing must
retain the information to the mind of learners.


1. How good are you at constructing traditional assessment tools? Which do

you find most difficult to construct? Any lesson/s learned?

 When it talks about constructing traditional assessment tool I don’t

have any skilled yet for that but I’m pretty make sure that I construct
that sooner by practicing. Well I guess I found difficult to construct
is about problem solving since I’m not good in mathematics.

Activity 13.2 Observing the Use of Non-Traditional Assessment Tools

Resource Teacher: Agnes S. Reconday Teacher’s Signature:
School: Magpanambo National High School Grade/Year Level:


With teacher’s permission, secure a copy of assessment tool. Study the

assessment tool then accomplish Observation Sheet. Let your Resource Teacher
explain the rubric used. Which type of rubric did the Resource Teacher used -
analytic or holistic?


1. Between analytic and holistic rubrics which one was more used? Why do you
think that type of rubric was used more?

 Between analytic and holistic rubrics, the teacher prefers to utilize

the former type of rubric. I think analytic rubric was used more by the
teacher because it allows her to assess the learner’s achievement based
on the multiple criteria using a single rubric.

2. Based on your answers in # 1, what can you say about the scoring rubrics
made and used by the Resource Teachers?

 scoring rubrics made and used by resource teacher is indeed related to

the learning outcome that is being assess. These rubrics will be
helpful in grading the learners fair and square.

 Will it take a difference in assessment of student work if teacher

would rate the product or performance without scoring rubrics? Explain.

 because it can cause biases wherein it is not good and we cannot say
that it is a valid grade because there is no basis after all. With
rubrics you can have proof where the grades came from and it also make
the grading be fair and valid
3. If you were to improve on one scoring rubric used, which one and how?
 , it would be on the creating their own architecture, I would add in
the criteria stability or foundation, because it is important for a
certain house or building that is has a strong foundation and that are

4. Can an essay or other written requirements, even if is a written paper-

and-pencil test, be considered an authentic form of assessment? Explain your

 even though they are traditional form of assessment doesn’t mean they
are not considered as authentic and effective form of assessment. They
can be authentic form of assessment because by means of writing an
essay or other written requirements.

5. Can rubrics help make students to become self-directed or independent

learners? Do rubrics contribute to assessment AS learning (Self-assessment?)
What if there were no rubrics in assessment?

 Yes, even though they are traditional form of assessment doesn’t mean
they are not considered as authentic and effective form of assessment.
They can be authentic form of assessment because by means of writing an
essay or other written requirements.

6. Does the Scoring Rubrics in this FS Book I help you come up with better

Yes, rubrics can help make students to became self-directed because rubrics
used for self-assessment to develop their ability to judge quality in their
own and other works.


Are authentic assessment tools and tasks new? Reflect on your

experiences of tests for all the years as a student.

 As a student, authentic assessments typically take longer to complete

than an average quiz or test, because these type of assessment are task
based, they might be scaffold over a number of modules of some other
period of time.

Activity 13.3 Scrutinizing the Types and Parts of a Portfolio

Resource Teacher: AGNES S. RECONDAY Teacher’s Signature:


Ask your Resources Teacher for samples portfolio, if any. If there are,
select one best portfolio from what you examined.

If none, research for a sample portfolio and include them in My Learning


Based on the sample portfolio given by your Resource Teacher/ researched by

you, accomplish Observation Sheet.

Put a check in the right column.

What a Portfolio Includes

Elements of Portfolio Present? Missing?

Clear objectives – The objectives of the /

lesson/unit/course are clear which serve as bases
for selection

Explicit guidelines for selection /

What, when, where, how, are products/documented

performances selected?

Comprehensible criteria-the criteria against which /

the portfolio is graded must be understood by the

Selective significant pieces-The portfolio includes /

only the selected significant materials.

Student’s Reflection-There is evidence that /

students reflected on their learning.

Evidence of student participation in selection of /

content of Portfolio-There is proof that students
took part in the selection of the content of the

With OBE in mind, which should be the basis for the selection of pieces of
evidence to show that what the student was supposed to learn was learned?

 The basis in selecting piece of evidence to show that what the students
was supposed to learn was the outcome. The outcome will be the tool to
assess through giving activities that can test their knowledge and
skill if they have learned the topic.

Scrutinize the elements of this portfolio. Based on the parts, under which
type of portfolio does this fall?

 Showcase portfolio can be assessing through a design to display a

learner’s best accomplishments of a students achieved over a period of

Elements of a _____________ Portfolio (Which type of portfolio?)

Cover Letter- “About the Author” and “What My Portfolio Shows About My
Progress as a Learner”

Table of Contents with numbered pages

Entries-both core (required items) and optional items (chosen by


Dates on all entries to facilitate proof of growth over time.

Drafts of aural/oral and written products and revised revisions, i.e.

(first drafts and corrected/revised versions.)

Student’s Reflections
Where and when does the teacher make use of each of the 3 types of

The teacher make use of each type of portfolio to assess the student
learning through different types of portfolio.


Have portfolios made the learning assessment process more inconvenient?

Is the effort exerted on portfolio assessment commensurate to the improvement
of learning and development of learners’ metacognitive process that result
from the use of portfolio?
 , the portfolio made the learning assessment process more convenient
because teacher can easily determine the students output and learning
as well . The effort that is extend on portfolio is absolutely
commensurate because in compiling the learning of the students, the
teachers and also the students will know what the things that they need
to improve are.

LINK Theory of Practice

Directions: Read the items given below and encircle the correct answer.
1. Here is a learning outcome: Describe a person by the use of a metaphor

Here is the item: Describe a classmate or teacher by of metaphor.

Is the test item aligned to the learning outcome?

A. No

B. Somewhat

C. Yes

D. Yes, if the teacher is not included

2. Learning outcome: Conduct an investigation to prove that plants can

manufacture their own food?

Test item: Can plants manufacture their own food? Explain your answer.

Is the test item aligned to the learning outcome?

A. No

B. Somewhat

C. . Yes

D. Yes, if the teacher is not included

3. Learning outcome: Demonstrate the inductive method of teaching.

Test: Outline the steps of inductive method of teaching.

Is the test item aligned to the learning outcome?

A. No

B. Somewhat

C. Yes

D. Yes, if the teacher is not included

4. Which assessment task is aligned to this learning outcome: Compute the
mean if the score are 50, 50, 50, 48, 47, 46, 45, 44, 43, 43, 42, 41, 40.

A. What is a mean?

B. Is mean a measure of variability?

C. What is the mean of 50, 50, 50, 48, 47, 46, 45, 44, 43, 43, 42, 41, 40?

D. Is mean the same as average?

5. Learning Outcome: To observe subject-verb agreement as one speaks.

Test: Give the correct form of the verb.

A. Dogs (howl)

B A cat (meow)

C . Birds (fly)
6. Is the test aligned to the learning outcome?


A Somewhat

B. Yes

C. Yes, there are 3 items on subject-verb agreement

7. Here is a lesson objective /intended learning outcome: “illustrate the law
of supply and demand with your original concrete example”. For content
validity, which test item is aligned?

A. Define the law of supply and demand and illustrate it with an example.

B. Somewhat

C. Yes

D. Yes, there are 3 items on subject-verb agreement

8. Teacher B wrote this learning outcome: “To interpret a given quotation.”

For content validity, which should she ask?

A. Interpret Nietzsche’s statement: “He who has a why to live for can bear
with almost any how.”

B. Do you believe in Nietzsche’s statement “He wo has a why to live for can
bear with almost any how”?

C. What is true in Nietzsche’s statement “He wo has a why to live for can bear
with almost any how”?

D. Nietzsche was an atheist. Do you believe in Nietzsche’s statement “He wo

has a way to live for can bear with almost any how”?

9. After teaching them the process of experimenting, Teacher J wanted his

students to be able set up an experiment to find an answer to a scientific
problem. Which will he ask his students to do?

A. Set up and experiment to find out if aerial plants can also live on land.

B. Can aerial plants also live on lands? Research on experiments already

conducted. Present your finding in class.

C. Observe if aerial plants can survive when planted in soil. Note your
observations and present them in class.

D. Research on the answers to this scientific problem: Can aerial plants

survive when transferred in soil?
9. Here is an intended learning outcome of a Health teacher: “Identify skill-
related fitness and activities suitable for the individual”. Does her test
item measure this particular outcome and therefore has content validity?


Identify the components of Physical Fitness under the skill-related


a. Body composition c. flexibility

b. Agility d. organic vigor

A. Yes, very much.

B. Yes, because it asks something about skill-related activities.

C. No.

D. No, the options have nothing to do with skill-related activities.

10. Which assessment tasks is aligned to the learning outcome given above?

A. True-False Test – An assessment task must be aligned to the learning


B. Column 1 presents the learning outcomes. Column 2 has the assessment

tasks. Determine alignment of assessment with learning outcome.

C. Here are 5 test items. Evaluate them on the basis of established

guidelines in test construction.

D. Is an essay more reliable than a multiple-choice test?

11. What’s WRONG with this TRUE-FALSE test item?

Filipinos are sociable but lazy.


Not fit for a T-F Test

Very short


12. Is this test item in accordance with rules on test construction?

Write everything you learned from this course.




No, opinionated

13. In a matching type of test, which should be found in the first column?




14. In a multiple-choice type test, one option among 4 was not chosen by any
examinee. What is TRUE of that option?





15. The students were at loss at as to what answer to give in a completion

type of test since there were so many blanks. Which is TRUE of the test item?

Too complex


Over mutilated


16.To pinpoint which part of the lesson needs more explanation, which scoring
rubric can help?



A. I only C. II only

B. I and II D. No need for rubric

17. I want to know how skilled the students have become in research report.
Which assessment task will be valid?

Make students defend research report before a panel.

Make students write the research report.

Group the students for research report writing.

Make students conduct an action research.

18. I want to get a global view of student`s performance. Which rubric is

most fit?

Analytic c. Holistic

Itemized d. Analytic and Holistic

19. Which can prove that students are now capable of sewing after a 200-hour

A presentation of a product they have sewn

Operating of the sewing machine

Drawing a pattern for a set of pajamas

Labeling the parts of a sewing machine

20. Which is the most reliable way to determining whether or not the students
can now dance tango?

Performance test c. Written test on steps of tango

Oral Test d. Written test illustrating the steps

21. A portfolio is synonymous to a folder of files. Is this CORRECT?

No c. Yes

Somewhat d. Sometimes

22. Which is an essential part of a portfolio?

Student’s reflection c. Artistic design

Display portfolio d. Student’s self-rating

23. I need to prove that I fully developed the skill at writing a research
report. Which type of portfolio is MOST APPROPRIATE?
Showcase portfolio c. Development portfolio

Assessment portfolio d. Process portfolio

24. Which portfolio can prove that an improvement has taken place in the way
students pronounce words?

Showcase portfolio c. Development portfolio

Assessment portfolio d. Process portfolio

25. I want to know if my students can now focus the microscope properly.
With which portfolio am I concerns?

Showcase portfolio c. Development portfolio

Assessment portfolio d. Process portfolio

EVALUATE Performance Task

Evaluate your work TASK Field Study 1, Episode 13-A – Assessment OF Learning

Learning Outcomes: Determine the alignment of assessment tools and task with
intended learning outcomes; Critique traditional and authentic assessment tools
and task for learning in the context of established guidelines on test
construction; Evaluate non-traditional assessment tools including scoring
rubrics; Examine different types of rubrics used and relate them to assessment of
students learning; Distinguish among the 3 types of learner’s portfolio; and
Evaluate a sample portfolio.

Name of FS Student; ABEGAIL A. POLVORIZA Date Submitted:

Year & Section: 3A Course: BSED FILIPINO

Learning Excellent Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Needs Improvement

Episode 4 3 2 1

Accomplish All observationOne (1) to twoThree (3)Four (4)

ed questions/tasks (2) observationobservation observation
Observatio completely questions/tasks questions/tasks questions/tasks
n Sheet answered/accompli not not not
shed. answered/accompli answered/accompli answered/accompli
Learning Excellent Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Needs Improvement
Episode 4 3 2 1

shed. shed. shed.

Analysis All questionsAll questionsQuestions wereFour or more
were answeredwere answerednot answeredobservations were
completely; completely; completely; not answered;
answers are withanswers areanswers are notanswers not
depth and areclearly connectedclearly connectedconnected to
thoroughly to theories;to the theories;theories; more
grounded ongrammar andone (1) to threethan (4)
theories; grammarspelling are free(3) grammatical/grammatical
and spelling arefrom errors. spelling errors. /spelling errors
free from errors.
Profound andClear but lacksNot so clear andUnclear and
clear; supporteddepth; supportedshallow; somewhatshallow; rarely
by what wereby what weresupported by whatsupported by what
observed andobserved were observed andwere observed and
analyzed. analyzed analyzed

Learning Portfolio isPortfolio isPortfolio is notPortfolio is not

Artifacts reflected on inreflected on inreflected on inreflected on in
the text of thethe text of thethe text of thethe context of
learning learning learning the learning
outcomes; outcomes; outcomes; outcomes; not
Complete, wellComplete, wellComplete, wellcomplete; not
organized, highlyorganized, highlyorganized, highlyorganized, not
relevant to therelevant to therelevant to therelevant
learning outcome learning outcome learning outcome
Submission Submitted beforeSubmitted on theSubmitted afterSubmitted two (2)
the deadline deadline the deadline days or more
after the
COMMENT/S Overall Score Rating:
(Based Transmutation)

Transmutation of Score to Grade/Rating

Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7-below
Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-below
Signature of FS Teacher Above Printed Name Date

Republic of the Philippines


Region V (Bicol)


Polangui, Albay
Prof Ed 11 - Field Study 1
Observations of Teaching-Learning Actual School Environment

The Teacher as a PERSON and as a PROFESSIONAL

Submitted by:

Submitted to:



SPARK Your Interest

What is really like to be a TEACHER? Why is being a TEACHER considered as one of the inost respected
professionals in the Philippines? What makes a teacher differently better than any other profession? What
characterize a teacher as a person and as a professional?
This Episode will provide you a chance to observe teachers in their workplace at school in order to answer
the questions asked.

TARGET Your Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this Episode, I must be able to:
describe the personal qualities and competences of effective classroom teachers; and
enumerate the professional characteristics of practicing teachers observed as based on the professional standards
and code of ethics for the profession.
REVISIT the Learning Essentials
"My Teacher, My Hero" was a banner during the World Teachers' Day celebration in the Philippines
in the years past. Are Filipino teachers, real heroes? What do you think? Why?
My answer is YES! Here are my reasons.
Personal Qualities of Filipino Teachers
To be a teacher in the Philippines is a challenging profession. Teachers serve the country just like any
other hero. To be a teacher requires a lot of personal and professional qualities. These qualities make an
excellent Filipino teacher an exceptional professional
First, the teacher must have innate qualities or attributes that are exemplary and are fitted to be
teachers. These are natural tendencies of a person. Here are some of the qualities and attributes that
distinctly characterize a teacher.


Resource Teacher: Teachers’ Signature:
Grade/Year LeveL: School:

1. Secure a permit to observe a teacher,
2: Review the list of the Personal Qualities given above.
3. Follow the code given whether you will observe by seeing only or you will observe and interview the
teacher to gather information
4. Write down in the column of data results the description of the personal qualities that you have found
out. If the personal quality is not observed by you or is not revealed in your interview, write not observed or
not manifested
Personal Qualities Observe (0) Data Results
Interview (1) I have found out that

a. Dignified Observe
b. Healthy Observe
c. Spiritual Observe
d. Knowledgeable Observe
e. Humble Observe
f. Determined Observe
g. Cooperative Observe
Activity 2 will focus on the Professional Competencies of the Teacher. You may change your sample
Teacher in Activity 1 with another teacher or you can still observe the same teacher. In case you will not
change your teacher to be observed the same teacher will be your sample for both Activity I and Activity 2.
Aside from direct observation, you will also do a Survey in Activity 2.

Did you learn from your observation of the teacher? Now let us analyze the information that you have
Answer the following questions.
1. In Activity 1, what do you consider as the 3 most outstanding significant personal qualities of the teacher
you chose as your case? Why do you consider these as outstanding?
a. Outstanding teachers use a repertoire of teaching strategies to engage students
b. Outstanding teachers develop positive relationships with their students.
c. Outstanding teachers adapt their lessons for individual differences
2. Which of these qualities do you have? Do you think you can fit as a good teacher someday? Why? Describe
 Children's personalities and even their futures may be shaped by their caregivers. Because of this, they
are able to educate you about trust and how to build trust with others. It is important for teachers to be
able to identify each pupil as an individual.

Activity 14.2 Is the Teacher a Professional Teacher?

1. Good teachers are role models, whether in school, at home or in the community. From the teachers that
you had from elementary to college, did the personal qualities that they possess, be you learn better as a
2. Identify one personal characteristic of your model teacher that has made a great impact in your life as a
learner. Reflect and describe how this quality influenced you.
 As a teacher, she is ready to adapt to the existing educational system, and she refuses to compromise for
her kids. Being a student during a pandemic is really difficult, but our instructors are just as affected.
Students respect professors who are courteous and allow for necessary modifications.

Resource Teacher: AGNES S. RECONDAY Teacher's Signature: School:

Grade/Year Level: 11 Subject Area: READING AND WRITTING Date:

1. Secure a permit to observe and conduct a survey.
2. Request the following information from the teacher.
a. Name
b. LET License No
c. Evidence of Professional Growth (Masters or Doctorate, Seminars attendede
3. Request a co-teacher or the head (only one of the 2) to answer the checklist rating scale about your sample
4. Answer the same survey instrument yourself.
5. Compare the answer of the co-teacher or that of the head with your answer on the survey. In what items
do you have the same answer?
6. Show the results in a summary table.
Did you learn from your observation and interview for teacher’s professional competencies? Now let us
analyze the data.
Answer the following questions
A. In Activity 2, do you consider the Teacher as a Professional Teacher? In what competencies is the teacher
strong? Weak? Doubtful? Why?
B. Did the answer to the survey coincide with the answer of the answer of the co-teacher or head of the teacher
you observed? Why?

Now, it is time to reflect on Activity 2
Comlete the following sentences as your reflections from the results of Activity 2.
1. As a future teacher, the results imply that I should
 As a potential teacher, the findings suggest that I should put into practice the professional abilities that
Filipino teachers possess in order to succeed. I should conduct myself in a professional manner, according
to the ideals that a teacher should possess. I should be well-versed in my chosen subject or profession in
order to be able to share information and help students grow their talents. I cannot share what I do not
have, and I cannot earn what I do not put in the effort.
2. If all the teacher teaching today possess the professional characteristics and competencies as the teachers
observed then learners will be
 If all of the instructors who are now instructing have the same professional traits and competences as the
teacher or teachers who were observed, then learners would develop into better individuals as a result of
their teacher's impact. In this course, students will be able to broaden their knowledge while also
developing and mastering skills that they can put to use outside of the classroom or apply what they have
learned in a real-world setting. Teachers must serve as role models for their students in order for them to
be driven to work harder in life and to become better individuals.
Show here the artifacts of this Episode
Short narrative about the teacher with a description of the personal qualities and professional characteristics
that you have observed. You m[Type a quote from the document or the summary of an interesting point. You
can position the text box anywhere in the document. Use the Drawing Tools tab to change the formatting of
the pull quote text box.]
1. You may request of a picture from the teacher.

The instructor I watch has a number of personal characteristics, including dignity, humility,
cooperation, spirituality, knowledge, and determination. She is trustworthy and well-liked by
her pupils, and when she teaches, she demonstrates thorough knowledge of the subject
remains dedicated and eager to stretch her hands to assist the students, demonstrating
thoughtfulness in light of the circumstances. The instructor has the professional
characteristics that are expected of a classroom teacher. She portrays genuine teachers, as
professionals with the etiquettes that a teacher is expected to follow in the classroom.
Teaching her lesson with confidence and being up to speed with current educational
legislation, curriculum, and educational trends are essential to your success as a teacher. In
order for teachers to be role models for their students, they must assist their pupils in
developing into better students and individuals. These personal and professional
characteristics had an effect on and influenced the learners; they may not have realized it or
seen it in a literal sense, but they do.


Based on Episode 1, choose the correct answer for each item
Any teacher currently teaching is called professional because he or she
Is a licensed teacher
Has a personal qualities appropriate to be a teacher
Possess the characteristics given in A B C.
I only b. II only
c. III only d. I, II and III
2. Which of the following is a quality that is unbecoming of teacher?
a. Patience and understanding
b. Humble and open-minded
c. Aggressive and dominating
d. Dignified and accommodating
3. Which statement is TRUE about the spirituality of a teacher?
I. goes to the church everyday
II. Gives contribution to the church activities
I only b. II only c. III only d. I,II and III
4. What could be the best practice of a professional teacher?
a. Burns midnight candle every night writing lesson plan
b. Utilize knowledge of learners’ characteristics while teaching
c. Expects equal performance of learners in lesson taught
d. Master one teaching method and uses it all the time
5. The saying goes, “Many are called, but few are chosen”. How is this directly related to teachers?
a. There are many teachers but few are qualified
b. There are many professional who shift to teaching
c. Teaching is a very lubricated job.
d. The teacher assigned in the senior high school are the chosen teachers.

Republic of the Philippines

Region V (Bicol)
Polangui, Albay

Prof Ed 11 - Field Study 1

Observations of Teaching-Learning Actual School Environment

The Teacher as a PERSON and as a PROFESSIONAL

Submitted by:

Submitted to:
LEARNING EPISODE 15 Towards Teacher Quality: Developing a Global Teacher of the 21st Century

SPARK Your Interest

Moving towards teacher quality? Wanted! A Global Teacher of the 21" Century!
In 2013, a Global Status Index was determined by Varkey GEMS Foundation and revealed significant
findings. There were 21 countries surveyed which represented the major continents of the world. In most
countries that participated, it was found out that like the Philippines, teaching is the most sought profession.
It was comparable to being a social worker, librarians, nursing and even doctors. Majority of the parents
asked, answered that they encourage their children to become teachers. To them, is one of the most
respected and trusted professions.
However, with the change in global landscape, the 21" century teachers must have the competence
to address the new learning environment, the new learning contents, the processes of learning and how
these are facilitated and the new types of learners.
Hence, we need the new type of teachers, a glocal 21" century Filipino teacher.
(Global Teacher Status Index p. 123 Teaching Profession)

TARGET Your Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this Episode, I must be able to:
 describe the personal qualities and competencies of a glocal classroom teachers of the 21* century;
 design a learner-centered classroom for the 21" century learners with learning spaces that are safe,
that allows creativity and use of ICT.


Activity 15.1 A Day in the School Life of a Quality Teacher
Resource Teacher: AGNES S. RECONDAY Teacher's Signature
Grade/Year Level: 11 Date:

Observation 1: This activity will require you to stay in school for one school day. Special arrangementby your
faculty should be made for this purpose.

1. Secure permit to observe a quality teacher in the school for one whole class day.
2. Shadow the teacher in three major responsibilities.
 Actual Teaching
 Management of Learning
 Administrative Work
3. Use the key guide found in the matrix below.
4. Record data observed in your notebook. This will be your artifact.
5. If you missed seeing the evidence to the key guide, you may interview the teacher.
6. Make a narrative or essay of your answer entitled:" A Day in the School Life of a Quality Teacher”
7. If permitted, you may include the teachers picture in actual to your essay.

Note: Observe and record observations on the following aspects as key guide to observations
Teacher's Major Responsibility Key guide for Observation (Carefully look for the
indicators/behaviors of the teacher along the key
points. Write your observations and description in This
will be one of your artifacts.)
A. Actual Teaching This teacher
is learner-centered.
2. acts as a facilitator of learning.
3. has mastery of subject matter.
4. sees to it that learning outcomes are achieved.
5. is pleasant and fair in dealing with the learners
B. Management of Learning B. Management of LearningThis teacher
1. allows all learners to participate in the lesson.
2. considers the needs of the learners in the seating
arrangement. uses instructional support materials to
help learners understand thelesson.
4. sees to it that learning is achieved within the period
of time.
5. dismisses the class on time.
C. Administrative Work This teacher
1. keeps records of learners attendance everyday.
2. keeps record of formative and summative tests. 3.
submits reports and other documents on time.
4. does other tasks as requested by superiors.
5.cooperates with peers and staff in the cleanliness and
safety of the school.


Refer to the results of your observation to answer the questions that follow.
1. Which of the three responsibilities shows majority of the indicators being practice
A. Actual Teaching?
B. Management of Learning?
C. Administrative Work?
2. Which demonstrated behavior, do you find in the teacher that is worthy of emulation when you become a
teacher? Describe.
For our educational system to develop, our instructors must demonstrate leadership traits themselves. These
qualities include being personable and communicative, as well as being enthusiastic, devoted, and inventive
in their work.
3. Which of the major responsibilities does this teacher find difficult to comply with? What are the reasons?
To put it another way, the role of a teacher is to assist students in learning by conveying information to them
and creating an environment in which students can and will learn efficiently. Teachers, on the other hand, do
a wide range of tasks that differ from one culture to the next and from one educational level to the next.
4. From your perspective, would you consider this teacher as quality teacher? Why?
Communication, listening, cooperation, flexibility, empathy, and patience are just a few of the traits that
make a successful teacher stand out above the others. Among the other qualities of good teaching include an
engaging classroom presence, a focus on real-world learning, the sharing of best practices, and a lifetime
enthusiasm for learning and discovery.

Now, that you have spent one school day to observe this teacher, it would be good for you to reflect on all
your observations by answering reflective questions below.
1. Are you inspired to become a teacher after your observation? If yes, why? If No, why not?
 , that would be a good piece of work.
2. When you become a teacher in the future, how else would you do better as a professional teacher?
 I would still have faith in my pupils' abilities.
3. What are some of the concerns that you foresee in the future as a quality teacher? Do you think you will
be ready to address these? Give at least 2 concerns.
 All ideas are accepted
4. In what aspects of the teacher's day, would you like to congratulate the teacher you observed? Can you
show your appreciation to this teacher by sending a Thank you card? (Include this in your artifact)

Activity 15.2
The Creation and Management of the New Learning Environment as a Skill of the 21st Century Quality
Resource Teacher: AGNES S. RECONDAY Teacher's Signature
Grade/Year Level: 11

This activity will allow you to develop your sense of creativity and imagination in designing a classroom for
the 21" century and determining how to manage learning in this classroom.
1. Draw or sketch the current classroom where you are observing.
2. Indicate and label all significant parts and furniture that you find inside including these but not limited to:
a. Doors, windows
b. Teacher Table, Demonstration table
c. Cabinets, chalkboard, bulletin boards/display boards, etc.
d. Gadgets, equipment
e. Plant boxes, etc.
f. Others not included in the list
3. Draw your vision of a classroom for the 21" century.

Current Classroom I am Observing

Grade level
Based on the task that you made, what challenges await you as a future teacher? How will you manage
learning in the future classroom? How will you prepare yourself to respond to 21 teaching-learning and
become a global teacher?

Make a short paragraph on how will you will manage teaching-learning in the 21st century classroom.
 We all know that today's pupils are immersed in technology, and as such, it's important for
instructors and students to have a healthy working relationship via effective communication.

SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

These are the artifacts that you need to file in this Episode.
1. Activity 15.1 Report on the Observations including evidence that go with it. Activity 15.1 Narrative on the
Day in the School Life of the Quality Teacher
2. Activity 15.2 Drawing of the present classroom and a Drawing of your Vision of the Classroom for the 21st
3. Activity 15.2 Narrative on how you will manage teaching-learning in the 21st Century classroom.

LINK Theory to Practice

Based on the Episodes you went through on Glocal Teacher of the 21" Century, answer the questions that
1. Anywhere in the world, when you embrace teaching as a profession, you should beprepared to do
I. actual teaching
II. manage learners and learning
III. do administrative work.
A. I only B. II only
C. III only D. I, II, and III
2. Quality teacher is equipped with personal qualities and attributes that go beyond ordinary, that is why in
the Philippines he/she is described as
A. Teacher of the World B. Global Teacher
C. My Teacher, My Hero D. CNN Heroes
3 Which is one of these descriptors exemplifies a glocal teacher?.
A. Teacher who has taught successfully abroad or overseas.
B. Teacher who remains to teach in the community until retirement.
C. Teacher who teaches in the community but quality of teaching meets global standards.
D. On-line teacher teaching learners all over the world.
4. One of the fundamental requirements of a 21" century classroom that will address globalization is the
provision of conditions that allow
A. collaboration, seamless use of technology, flexible student groupings
B. use of technology, teacher-led activities, isolated subjects
C. teacher-centeredness and use of textbooks to the maximum
D. use of technology, purely lecture, need to memorize and recall
5. The new type of teachers in the 21" century are those who are_____
I. well travelled, global citizens, unmindful of their roots
II. multi-literate, innovative and creative, multi-cultural
III. masters of the discipline, excellent in English, multi-talented
A. I only B. II only
C. III only D. I, II and III
Republic of the Philippines
Region V (Bicol)
Polangui, Albay

Prof Ed 11 - Field Study 1

Observations of Teaching-Learning Actual School Environment


Submitted by:

Submitted to:
One thing asked of teacher applicant s in the Department of Education is to write their philosophy of
education. This means that they have to write the concept of the nature of learner, how that learner learns
and how that learner ought to live in order to live life meaningfully. Based on this philosophical concepts, the
teacher applicants describe how ought to relate to the learner, what to teach and how to teach so that the
learner learns and live life happily and meaningfully.


At the end of this Episode, I must able to:

 Determine the prevailing philosophies of education based on DepEd Vision and Mission statements, core
values and mandate, the K to 12 Curriculum Framework and Guide and RA 10533;
 Cite teacher teaching behaviors and the philosophies of education on which these behaviours are
founded; and
 Articulate my philosophy of teaching.


We are beneficiaries of a rich philosophical heritage passed on us by great thinkers of the past and of the
present. The way teacher relate to learners and the way they teach are anchored on philosophies of

Basic document such as the vision and mission statements, core values and mandate of the Department of
Education and the features of K to 12 Curriculum as contained in Section 3 of RA 10533 and the K to 12
Curriculum Guide are manifestation or expression of philosophies of education of the country. They state the
standards and the outcomes of education toward which all curricular activities and teaching-learning should
be directed.


Resource Teacher:AGNES S. RECONDAY Teacher’s Signature: School:
Grade/Year Level: 11 Subject Area: READING AND WRITTING Date:

 Determine prevailing philosophies of education based on DepEd Vision and Mission statements, core
values and mandate and on K to 12 Curriculum Framework and Guide.
 Study the DepED Vision and Mission statements, core values and mandate.
 Read the features of K to 12 Curriculum based on the K to 12 Curriculum Framework and Guide and Sec.5
of RA 10533

Accomplish the table below by answering this question: Which philosophies are expressed?
Cite relevant statements that back up an identified philosophy of education. You are given an example.
PHILOSOPHIES OF EDUCATION Which philosophies are expressed Which philosophies are expressed
in the Deped Vision, Mission in K to 12 Curriculum Framework
Statements, Core Values, Mandate? and Guide and Sec.5 of RA10533?
Give proof Give proof
ESSENTIALISM- teach mastery of basic; Essentialism- the core values of Essentialism- list of standards and
curriculum is prescribed; subject matter- maka- Diyos, maka-tao, maka- competencies that learners are
centered there are universal, objective kalikasan and maka- bansa show expected to attain is the subject
values; inculcate values in subject matter that DepEd is essentialist. DepEd matter that the student are
believes in unchanging values that expected to learn.
need to be inculcated.

PERENIALISM- teach those that last, the Any proof of Perennialism

classic; there are universal values;
inculcate this universal, object values
PROGRESSIVISIM- very child- centered;
teach those that interest the child; one
learns by experience; learners learn by
doing so the teacher teacher’s teaching is
experiential; values are subjective;
instead teachers help students clarify
their values.
RECONSTRUCTIONISM- school is agent of
change; schooling is preparing students
for social changes; teaching is involving
the students in discussions and moral
EXISTENTIALISM- teachers teach the
learners to make a choice, to make
decisions and not merely to follow the
crowd; one does not make a choice and
so simply follow others do not leave
meaningful life
PRAGMATISM- that which is useful, that
which is practical and that which works is
what is good; that which is efficient and
effective is that which is good. E.g.
showing video clip on mitosis is more
efficient and more effective and therefore
more practical than teacher coming up
with a visual aid by drawing mitosis on a
cartolina or illustration board.
RATIONALISM- emphasize the
development of the learners, reasoning
powers; knowledge comes though
reason; teacher must develop the
reasoning power of the learner
UTILITARIANISM- what is good is what
which is most useful (that which brings
happiness) to the greatest number of
EMPIRICISM- source of knowledge is
PHILOSOPHIES OF EDUCATION Which philosophies are expressed Which philosophies are expressed
in the Deped Vision, Mission in K to 12 Curriculum Framework
Statements, Core Values, Mandate? and Guide and Sec.5 of RA10533?
Give proof Give proof
through the senses; teacher must involve
senses in teaching- learning
BEHAVIORISM- behaviour is shaped
deliberately by forces in the environment
and that the type of person and actions
desired can be the product of design;
behaviour is determined by others, rather
than by person’s own free will; teacher
must carefully shape desirable behaviour,
drills are commonly used to enhance
learning reward reinforce learning
CONSTRUCTIVISM- learners are capable
of constructing knowledge and meaning;
teacher does not just “tell” or dictate but
asks learners for knowledge they
construct and meaning of lesson.

What is your philosophy of teaching? This describes what you should teach, how you should teach and how
you should relate to others in school – with the learners, your colleagues, your superiors and all other
stakeholders. Write them down. This is your title, “My Philosophy of Teaching”.
My Philosophy of Teaching
I believe that I should teach passionately.
I believe that I should teach the learners what they have to learn
by providing them the best it can be as their teacher
I believe that teaching is a life long learning. As I teach I need to learn too because I do not know everything


Observe how a teacher relates to every learner and how he/she proceeds with her teaching
Accomplish this Observation Sheet
taught or did).
ESSENTIALISM- teach mastery of basic; curriculum is In what way was teacher essentialist?
prescribed; subject matter- centered there are universal, e.g. He/she saw to it that the student mastered basic
objective values; inculcate values in subject matter concepts and skills
2. PERENIALISM- teach those that last, the classic; They use tried and true teaching methods and
there are universal values; inculcate this universal, techniques that are believed to be most beneficial to
object values disciplining students' minds.
3. PROGRESSIVISIM - very child- centered; teach Collaborative and cooperative learning
those that interest the child; one learns by experience;
learners learn by doing so the teacher teacher’s
teaching is experiential; values are subjective; instead
teachers help students clarify their values.
4. RECONSTRUCTIONISM- school is agent of Allow pairs of students to teach each other
taught or did).
change; schooling is preparing students for social
changes; teaching is involving the students in discussion
of moral dilemmas
5. EXISTENTIALISM- teachers teach the learners to the teachers and school laying out what they feel is
make a choice, to make decisions and not merely to important and allowing the students to choose what
follow the crowd; one does not make a choice and so they study.
simply follow others do not leave meaningful
6. PRAGMATISM- that which is useful, that which It makes activity the basis of all teaching and learning. It
is practical and that which works is what is good; that makes learning purposeful and infuses a sense of reality
which is efficient and effective is that which is good. in education
E.g. showing video clip on mitosis is more efficient and
more effective and therefore more practical than
teacher coming up with a visual aid by drawing mitosis
on a cartolina or illustration board
7. RATIONALISM- emphasize the development of The students use deductive reasoning to validate their
the learners, reasoning powers; knowledge comes answers
though reason; teacher must develop the reasoning
power of the learner
8. UTILITARIANISM- what is good is what which is That the teacher will do whatever it takes to make sure
most useful (that which brings happiness) to the that the majority of the class is succeeding
greatest number of peoples academically.
9. EMPIRICISM- source of knowledge is through Experience helps individuals to enhance their ability to
the senses; teacher must involve senses in teaching- learn and also to teach
10. BEHAVIORISM- behaviour is shaped When teachers reward their class or certain students
deliberately by forces in the environment and that the with a party or special treat at the end of the week for
type of person and actions desired can be the product good behaviour throughout the week.
of design; behaviour is determined by others, rather
than by person’s own free will; teacher must carefully
shape desirable behaviour, drills are commonly used to
enhance learning reward reinforce learning
11. CONSTRUCTIVISM- learners are capable of Students use inquiry methods to ask questions,
constructing knowledge and meaning; teacher does not investigate a topic, and use a variety of resources to
just “tell” or dictate but asks learners for knowledge find solutions and answers.
they construct and meaning of lesson.

1. Based on your findings and observation in Activity 16.1 and Activity 16.2, which philosophies of education are
dominant in Philippine basic school? Why do you say so?
 . They also shown a modest commitment to the perennialist and existentialist philosophical schools of
2. If there is one philosophy that schools and teachers should give more attention to, what should that be and
 Humanism is a way of encouraging each kid to reach his or her greatest potential. Without theism or
other supernatural beliefs, humanism is a progressive philosophy of life that acknowledges our capacity
and obligation to live ethical lives of personal fulfillment while striving for the larger good.
In its vision and mission statements, DepEd wants to develop learners…”whose values and competencies enable
them to realize their potential…” on which philosophy of education in this mission statement anchored
Existentialism b. Empiricism
Essentialism d. Pragmatism
Based on DepEd’s mission statement, “ quality basic education means that students learn in a child-friendly,
gender sensitive, safe, and motivating environment”. This implies that DepEd believes that environment affects
learning. Which philosophy of education is this?
Utilitarianism b. Empiricism
c. Essentialism d. Behaviorism
3. Field study 1 which is primarily observation of classes and teacher, is bsed on which philosophy of
a.Utilitarianism b. Empiricism
c. Essentialism d. Behaviorism
4. The inclusion of logic and critical thinking as subjects in the curriculum is an offshoot of which philosophy?
a. Rationalism b. Utilitarian
c. Existentialism d. Progressivism
5. It’s Valentines’ Day. The lesson is a part of human digestive system- the stomach. Students bargain with
the teacher and so ask if they can discuss the heart in place of stomach. Teacher responds “ Let’s talk about
the stomach which is the lesson for today then we go to the heart when we are done with the stomach.
Based on the philosophies of education, which is true of teacher?
a. Is essentialist in te sense that she stick to the subject matter for the day and progressivist since she also
considered students’ interest.
b. Is pragmatic because it was practical to give way to students; request even if she prepared for the day’s
c. Is utilitarianist because she considered both lessons useful
d. Is empiricist, she used visual aid for her lesson.
6. What do the DepEd vision and mission statement and core values imply about Philippine educational
It is highly essentialist and perennialist
Its believes in universal, objective, unchanging values
It is reconstructionist
a. I only b. I and III
c. II and III d. I, II and III
7. For the lesson developing clarifying skills, instead of making students bring object to classify, teacher
consider it most practical to simply use the students’ body part like kinds of ear lobe, kinds of hair line or a
lesson of classifying. On which philosopy is teachers’ practice anchored?
a. Pragmatism b. Progressivism
c. Utilitarianism d. Empirism
8. The history of curriculum development in the Philippines shows reduction of units in the humanities but
but increase in nature and physical sciences. On which thought is this action based?
a. Perennialism b. progressivism
c. utilitarianism d. emprisicism
9. There are a number of lawsin the Philippines requiring the teaching of subject matter such as taxation and
agrarian reform, etc. This proves that the schools bring about reform in society. On which philosophy of
education is this based?
a. Perennialism b. progressivism
c. Progressivism d. Reconstructionism
10. Teacher makes use of moral dilemmas to enables students to make a stand in moral issues. Which word
CORRECTLY applies to teachers’ teaching practice?
a. Behaviorist b. Existetialist
c. Rationalist d. Pragmatist

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