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Jabroniville Mutants & Masterminds - Marvel- The Letter "G"

-Containing numerous pronunciations (goose, ginger, rouge, foreign, lasagna & laugh all feature the
letter, but with completely different sounds), "G" is an odd one- it was introduced in the Old Latin
days as a variant of "C", and seems to be a "Filler" letter that can be merged with other letters to
make strange noises, or oddly-complicated spellings (lasagna would easily have been lazanya, for

-You'll find a lot of Marvel characters in the "G" section, even many huge ones. The big names are
Galactus, Gambit, Gamora, Groot, Ghost Rider, Gladiator, The Green Goblin, The Grandmaster,
Graviton & Gwen Stacy.

Gabrielle Kinney

Post by Jabroniville » Wed Jan 26, 2022 7:30 pm

GABRIELLE KINNEY (aka Honey Badger, Scout, X23_4GAB)
Created By: Tom Taylor, David López & David Navarrot
First Appearance: All-New Wolverine #2 (Nov. 2015- Gabby), #28 (Dec. 2017- Honey
Badger), X-23 #12 (May 2019- Scout)
Role: Kid Sidekick, Younger Spin-Off (of X-23)
Group Affiliation: None
PL 7 (115)

Acrobatics 6 (+11)
Athletics 8 (+9)
Expertise (Mercenary) 6 (+7)
Investigation 2 (+3)
Perception 7 (+8)
Stealth 3 (+8)

All-Out Attack, Equipment (Nunchucks +2), Evasion, Ranged Attack 3, Startle, Takedown

"Healing Factor" Regeneration 8 [8]
Immunity 2 (Pain Effects) [2]
Immunity 2 (Aging, Poison) (Flaws: Limited to Half-Effect) [1]
Senses 5 (Low-Light Vision, Extended Hearing & Scent, Acute Scent, Tracking) [5]
"Claws" Strength-Damage +2 (Feats: Split) [3]

Unarmed +10 (+1 Damage, DC 16)
Claws +10 (+3 Damage, DC 18)
Initiative +3

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +10 (DC 20), Toughness +3, Fortitude +6, Will +6

Relationship (Laura)- Gabby considers Laura to be the only family she has left- eight of her
sisters are dead and the other went evil. She is very protective of Laura and always wants to
be part of her life.

Total: Abilities: 56 / Skills: 32--16 / Advantages: 11 / Powers: 19 / Defenses: 13 (115)

Young Girl Spinoff to a Young Girl Character:

-*pinches bridge of nose* SIGHHHH... Yeah, they did it. They made a clone and spinoff of
X-23, who herself is a clone and spinoff. Just accept it. So the age-old thing that happens in
comics after a point is that if a hero is successful enough, they will eventually get a spinoff
version. Marvel used to be relatively immune to this, as you didn't see hundreds of spinoffs
and clones in the 1960s or '70s, but as John Byrne noted, once DC fans and writers started
getting inserted into Marvel (that's his take, anyways), you suddenly saw an influx in She-
Hulks, Ms. Marvels, etc., and now we have today, where the companies are largely
indistinguishable on that front, and I think their biggest five heroes could EACH form an
entire super-team around just their spinoff characters!

-So Gabrielle here is one of ten clones of Wolverine created by Alchemax Genetics, meant to
serve as bodyguards on humanitarian missions. Lacking Laura's Healing Factor or claws, I
dunno what the point is aside from super-senses. However, they were abused by their
handlers, particularly Capt. Mooney (the head of security)- Gabrielle was the youngest of
these "Sisters", and protected by the elders. Rendered immune to pain, Gabby was one of four
survivors- six had died on missions or because of the nanites that caused the pain-immunity-
and escaped with sisters Zelda, Bellona & X23_3PAR (yes, it's written like that), via the help
of Kimura. Kimura then had them act as assassins, leaving Gabby disillusioned and wanting
to leave. 3PAR went up against Laura "Wolverine II" Kinney, and committed suicide rather
than be captured. This led Laura to the others, and she agreed to help them- Zelda was later
killed by Mooney as the girls were cured of the nanites, and Bellona finally executed him.
Bellona then left, leaving Gabby alone- this led to her being adopted on as a partner/family
member to Laura, who kept her around. They adopted a pet wolverine named Jonathan and
formed a trio.

Gabby the Sidekick:

-Gabby is accidentally impaled on the original Wolverine's claws, but it's discovered that she
did in fact gain a Healing Factor. She later helped Laura break up a child trafficking ring,
with Bellona herself being one fo the agents. After Bellona is arrested, Gabby takes on the
name "Honey Badger" as a funny sidekick of sorts. She then gets roped into the "X-Men on
Krakoa as Isolationists" thing- like most mutants, she is killed and resurrected, but by five X-
Students working for the Shadow King. On and a couple years back she was renamed

-So yeah, I dunno. Several writer switches being common these days make characters like
this a REAL piece of trouble, as they can jump to and fro and from story to story rapidly, and
have their entire personality rewritten (which is a problem these days for ANY comic
character, much less a brand newbie). Having a younger dependent around is probably good
for Laura as a character, at least, as it could force her to mature in some ways. As a youth
who was shielded from the worst of the abuse the Sisters suffered, Gabby is more innocent
and charming than most Clawed Mutants, at least. In fact, creator Tom Taylor indicates that
each of the Sisters was meant to represent a part of Laura- Gabby represents the innocence
that she lost, and the girl she could have been.


Post by Jabroniville » Wed Nov 08, 2017 2:21 am

Holy shit- the Earth is HOT.


Created By: Steve Englehart & Gene Colan
First Appearance: Doctor Strange #6 (Feb. 1975)
Role: Mother of All Life, Child-Betrayer, The Original MILF
PL 17 (464), PL 20 (464) Saves

Deception 6 (+12)
Expertise (History) 20 (+28)
Expertise (Magic) 14 (+22)
Expertise (Gods) 12 (+20)
Insight 8 (+15)
Intimidation 6 (+12)
Perception 7 (+14)
Persuasion 9 (+15)
Stealth 4 (+7)

Artificer, Beginner's Luck, Benefit 9 (Mother of All Gods), Diehard, Eidetic Memory,
Extraordinary Effort, Inspire, Jack-of-All-Trades, Last Stand, Leadership, Power Attack,
Ranged Attack 9, Ritualist, Startle, Ultimate Magic Expertise, Withstand Damage

"Immortal God"
Regeneration 8 (Feats: Regrow Limbs) [9]
Immortality 4 [8]
Immunity 16 (Aging, Life Support, Fatigue Effects) [16]
Impervious Toughness 17 [17]
Speed 2 (8 mph) [2]
"Growth & Stuff" Shapeshift 3 [24]
Senses 8 (Detect Magic- Acute & Ranged 2, Detect Gods- Acute & Ranged, Ranged
Accurate Touch) [8]
"Speak With The Earth" Comprehend 10 (Animals 2, Languages 4, Plants 2, Objects 2) [20]
"One of All People" Features 1: Appears as the Race of the Beholder [1]
"Elder Being" Immunity 20 (Mental Effects) (Flaws: Limited to Half-Effect) [10]

"A Mother's Touch" Healing 18 (Feats: Persistent, Stabilize) (Extras: Energizing, Affects
Objects, Restorative, Resurrection) (100) -- [119]

 AE: "Around the World" Teleport 11 (Feats: Easy) (Extras: Extended, Accurate) (45)
 AE: "Volcanic Eruptions" Blast 17 (Feats: Indirect 1- From Below) (35)
 AE: "Volcanic Burst" Damage 17 (Feats: Indirect 1- From Below) (Extras: Area-
250ft. Cone +3) (69)
 AE: Burrowing 16 (4,000 mph) (16)
 AE: Swimming 14 (4,000 mph) (14)
 AE: Move Object 20 (Extras: Perception Range) (60)
 AE: "Reforge the Earth" Create 16 (Feats: Precise) (Extras: Continuous) (49)
 AE: "One With The Earth" Enhanced Strength 6 (Flaws: Limited to Resisting
Movement) (6)
 AE: "Weather Control" Environment 9 (8,000 feet) (Cold 2, Impede Movement 2,
Visibility 2) (54)
 AE: "Blinding Fog" Concealment 2 (Visuals) (Extras: Attack, Area- 240ft. Burst +4,
Selective) (17)
 AE: "Earth Spirit" Insubstantial 4 (20)
 AE: "Sees & Hears All" Remote Sensing 20 (Vision & Hearing) (Feats: Subtle 2)
(Extras: No Conduit) (82)
 AE: Transform 12 (Matter to Different-Shaped Matter) (48)
 AE: "Earthquake" Affliction 17 (Dodge; Hindered/Prone) (Extras: Ranged, Area-
120ft. Burst +3) (Flaws: Limited Degree, Instant Recovery, Limited to Grounded
Targets) Linked to Blast 14 (Extras: Area- 120ft. Burst +3) (Flaws: Limited to
Grounded Targets & Objects) (73)
 AE: "Tornado #1" Blast 16 (Extras: 250ft. Burst +4) (80)
 AE: "Tornado #2" Blast 16 (Extras: 250ft. Cylinder +4) (80)
 AE: "Wind Storm" Affliction 16 (Strength or Athletics; Hindered/Prone) (Extras:
Area- 250ft. Cone +3) (Flaws: Limited Degree, Instant Recovery) (32)
 AE: "Wind Burst" Affliction 16 (Strength or Athletics; Hindered/Prone) (Extras:
Area- 120ft. Burst +3) (Flaws: Limited Degree, Instant Recovery) (32)
 AE: "Wind" Features 2 (-2 Thrown Weapons, snuffing flames, etc.) (3)

Unarmed +4 (+13 Damage, DC 28)
Eruptions & Such +16-17 Area (+16-17 Damage, DC 31-32)
Afflictions +16-17 Area (+16-18 Affliction, DC 26-27)
Initiative +3

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +10 (DC 20), Toughness +24, Fortitude +24, Will +15

Responsibility (The Earth)

Total: Abilities: 134 / Skills: 86--43 / Advantages: 32 / Powers: 234 / Defenses: 21 (464)

Gaea in Mythology: Well, jeez. Name a mythology, and it tends to have an "Earth" figure.
Many of the most ancient figures of worship were "Mother Figures" with large breasts and
hips, indicating fertile womanhood (humans have pretty shit luck with pregnancy and
successful childbirth, and sickness used to take a LOT of kids, so fertile women were actually
really in dire need). Later religions that we're more familiar with started seeing the Earth
ITSELF as a being, most seeing it as female. The Greeks, naturally, called the Earth "Gaea",
and said she mated with the Sky (Uranus) to form the original rulers of the world, The
Titans. Gaea grew hateful when her husband imprisoned their children (The Hundred-
Handed Giants and the Cyclopses) within Tartarus, and so had their son Kronus kill him. But
when Kronus did the same thing, she allowed for his son Zeus to depose HIM. Even later, she
grew displeased with the Olympians and sent an army of GIANTS after them (Giants, of
course, birthed by herself), but this time, the plan failed, and the Giants were defeated.

-"Geb" in Egyptian mythology is among the rare MALE "Earth Gods", as typically, the Sky
fertilizes the Earth (ie. rain on the plains), which really goes deeply into "Gods as

Gaea- The Ultimate MILF:

-Gaea is the Earth Mother of various mythologies, and given much props in Marvel (she's the
mother of Thor as well), despite not showing up very often- she'll pop up here and there, but
usually isn't the instigator of a plot. She takes her name from the Greek variation of the
concept, right down to the human-like appearance and motherly, caring nature.

-Her origin is that she's an Elder God, birthed alongside Chthon, Set, and others when the
Demiurge spread his essence over the Earth. Among the few GOOD Elder Gods, Gaea
watched over the growing early humans, protecting them from her evil brothers and sisters,
who had begun eating each other, transforming into Demons. Horrified by the evil of Set in
particular, Gaea summoned the Demiurge and "mated" with it, giving birth to the Sun God
"Atum", who became the Demogorge- the God-Eater. And of course he set out to prove his
name, consuming many of the Elder Gods, and sending the rest into various dimensions, lest
they be eaten themselves. And this is the origin of why beings like Chthon, Set and others
hide away in other realms- as soon as they're seen on Earth, out comes the Demogorge- the
one being they fear.

-Millions of years later, Gaea allowed the dinosaurs to become extinct, and banished Set
when he grew enraged from this. When other Gods began to appear on Earth, Gaea allowed
many of them to mate with her (NICE), giving birth to beings such as Thor, when she lay
with Odin in the guise of "Jord". When the Celestials first appeared on Earth, and the
Skyfathers all prepared to fight them in a Manly Cosmic Battle, Gaea gathered all of the
female Goddesses and (and I swear this was written in the 1970s, not current Marvel's
political climate!) forged the plan to create the Young Gods- the best and brightest of
humanity, proving mankind's worth to the Space Gods.

Gaea In Modern Times:

-In Gaea's first in-continuity appearance, she is captured by Dormammu, and freed by Doctor
Strange and Clea. Later, she finally succeeded in impressing the Celestials with the Young
Gods, sparing Earth. She then told Thor the secret of how to revive the dead Asgardians- by
taking a bit of energy from each of the Earth's other pantheons. She is later seen giving power
to the evil Yandroth, but is convinced not to by The Defenders. Her most recent in-continuity
appearance include spending her last hours with her children during the "Chaos War" (as
Amatsu-Mikaboshi lays waste to the universe, killing all the Gods). However, she is the key
to victory- empowering Hercules to become the "God of Gods", which lets him defeat
Mikaboshi. Most-recently, she has appeared in Thor as the triumvirate "All-Mother",
alongside Frigga (as Freyja) and Idunn.

Gaea's MILFy Might:

-Gaea, the ultimate MILF (seriously- she's HUGE, a literal mother, ENORMOUS, chesty,
motherly, GIGANTIC, and even better- COLOSSAL!), basically has tons and tons of Alt-
Effects based around Elemental Control, making her essentially an Uber-version of Storm,
Magma & Thor, in addition to possessing Healing powers beyond anyone else on Earth's.

Notable Aliases: A'akuluujjusi (Inuit), Aditi (Hindi), Akka (Finnish), Ala (Yoruba), Ale
(Vodu), Ammavaru (Vedic), Armaiti (Zoroastrian), Asase Ya, Cihuacoatl (Aztec), Citlalicue
(Olmec), Coatlique (Aztec), Danu (Celtic), Dilga (Aboriginal), Eje, Eithinoha (Iroquois),
Erce (Russian), Great Mother, Hou-Tou (Chinese), Ilmatar (Finnish), Izanami (Japanese),
Jorde (Norse), Ki (Mesopotamian), Mother Earth & Mother Nature, Nana (Dahomey), Nana
Buluku, Neith (Egyptian), Nertha (German), Ninhursag (Sumerian), Nokomis (Algonquin),
Nungeena (Aboriginal), Otuken, Pachamama (Incan), Papa (Hawai'i), Papaptauanuku
(Oceanic), Prakriti (Brahmanic), Umay, Vaat (Siberrian/Mongolian), Yer, Yin (Chinese),
Rangi (Oceanic)


Post by Jabroniville » Tue Jan 31, 2017 2:51 am

Created By: Larry Hama & Andy Smith
First Appearance: Generation X #37 (April 1998)
Role: Cosmic Buddy, Side Character
Group Affiliations: Generation X
PL 8 (149)

Athletics 2 (+3)
Deception 3 (+4)
Expertise (Cosmic Stuff) 6 (+8)
Insight 3 (+5)
Perception 8 (+10)
Stealth 2 (+5)
Technology 2 (+4)

Power Attack, Ranged Attack 6

"Mutant Powers: Telepathic Telekinetic" 
"Telepathy" Communication (Mental) 2 Linked to Mind-Reading 8 (Feats: Dynamic) (25) --

 Dynamic AE: "Psychokinesis" Move Object 8 (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Perception

Range) (25)

"TK Flight" Flight 5 (60 mph) [10]

"TK Field" Force Field 5 [5]
"Reshape Reality" Transform (Anything to Anything) 6 (Feats: Increased Mass 4) (Extras:
Continuous) (Flaws: Distracting) [34]

Unarmed +6 (+1 Damage, DC 16)
TK Thrown Objects +8 (+8 Ranged Damage, DC 23)
Initiative +3

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +3 (+8 Force Field), Fortitude +5, Will +5

Motivation (Discovery)- No longer held to her role in protecting The Universal
Amalgamator, Gaia now just wants to see the world.

Total: Abilities: 40 / Skills: 26--13 / Advantages: 7 / Powers: 77 / Defenses: 12 (149)

-Gaia was a character devoted to protecting some Cosmic Macguffin, but when that storyline
ended, she had nothing holding her there, and so she hunt out with the Gen-X kids for a bit.
She decided to go wandering the Earth for a while instead, and has never reappeared. Her
powers are pretty generic, except she's ALSO a low-level Reality Warper, though I'm not
sure to what level.

The Galactic Guardians

Post by Jabroniville » Fri Sep 20, 2019 6:35 am

-The Galactic Guardians are a team from the Guardians of the Galaxy book, and are futuristic
superheroes as well. They were formed by Martinex, who thought that the Guardians should
become even larger as an organization, in order to truly protect the whole galaxy. Martinex
parted ways with the GOTG and formed this squad, and made their home base on
Mainframe's world. They had their own Limited Series, about which I know nothing- every
character's bio (even Martinex's!) ends at the moment the team was created.

Mainframe: The Vision of the future.

The Spirit of Vengeance: The Ghost Rider of the future.
Firelord: The former Herald of Galactus and current Protector of the Universe.
Replica: A Skrull shape-shifter who... ugh, another one?... shakes off the evil of her race and
becomes a good guy. Formerly a member of the Universal Church of Truth.
Hollywood: The Wonder Man of the future, guilt-ridden over seeing many of his teammates
die during the Martian invasion of Earth in the 20th century. Yes, the Avenger perhaps most
famous for repeatedly DYING lived to see the Year 3000.
Phoenix IX: The latest host of the Phoenix Force.


Post by Jabroniville » Mon Feb 22, 2021 6:15 am

"My inspirations were the fact that I had to make sales and come up with characters that
were no longer stereotypes. In other words, I couldn't depend on gangsters. I had to get
something new. For some reason, I went to the Bible and I came up with Galactus. And there
I was in front of this tremendous figure, who I knew very well because I've always felt him. I
certainly couldn't treat him in the same way I could any ordinary mortal. And I remember in
my first story, I had to back away from him to resolve that story. The Silver Surfer is, of
course, the fallen angel. When Galactus relegated him to Earth, he stayed on Earth, and that
was the beginning of his adventures. They were figures that had never been used before in
comics. They were above mythic figures. And of course they were the first gods."
-Jack Kirby

GALACTUS (Galan of Taa)

Created By: Stan Lee & Jack Kirby
First Appearance: The Fantastic Four #48 (March 1966)
Role: THE Cosmic Villain
Group Affiliations: The Cosmic Beings
PL 21 (625), PL 22 (625) Saves & Skills

Close Combat (Unarmed) 4 (+12)
Deception 2 (+10)
Expertise (Science) 12 (+32)
Expertise (Cosmic Lore) 10 (+30)
Expertise (Space Traveller) 10 (+30)
Intimidation 14 (+22)
Investigation 4 (+14)
Perception 8 (+18)
Persuasion 4 (+12)
Technology 12 (+32)
Vehicles 10 (+10)

Beginner's Luck, Daze (Intimidation), Diehard, Eidetic Memory, Equipment 40 (Taa II-
Spaceship), Fascinate (Intimidation), Fast Grab, Fearless, Great Endurance, Improved Aim,
Improved Critical 4 (Cosmic Blast), Improved Grab, Improved Initiative, Instant Up,
Inventor, Jack-of-All-Trades, Last Stand, Leadership, Luck, Power Attack, Ranged Attack
12, Skill Mastery (Technology), Startle, Tracking, Trance, Ultimate Science Skill, Ultimate
Technology Skill, Well-Informed, Withstand Damage

"Cosmic Being"
Immunity 12 (Aging, Life Support, Sleep) [12]
"Immune to the Ravages of Space" Immunity 2 (Proximity to Stars & Suns) [2]
Immortality 3 (1 week) [6]
Regeneration 6 (Feats: Regrow Limbs) [13]
Flight 14 (32,000 mph) [28]
Movement 1 (Space Travel 1) [2]
Features 1: Appears as a Member as the Race Viewing Him [1]
Protection 2 (Extras: Impervious 31) [33]
Features 1: May Spend 2 Hero Points and get to Double Area Effects (ie. 500ft. Bursts) [1]

"Cosmic Mind"
Comprehend 4 (Languages 4) [8]
Movement 1 (Environmental Adaptation- Space) [2]
Quickness 18 (Flaws: Limited to Mental Tasks) [9]
Immunity 20 (Mental Effects) (Flaws: Limited to Half-Effect) [10]
"Cosmic Sight" Senses 11 (Extended Vision 8- 1 billion miles, Microvision, Analytical
Vision) [11]

"Huge Size" Growth 8 (Str & Sta +8, +8 Mass, +4 Intimidation, -4 Dodge/Parry, +1 Speed, -8
Stealth) -- (24 feet) (Feats: Innate) (Extras: Permanent +0) [17]

"Wields The Power Cosmic"

"Variety of Powers" Variable 16 (Cosmic Powers) (Extras: Move Action) (128) -- [160]

 Dynamic AE: "Cosmic Wave" Damage 21 (Feats: Dynamic, Penetrating 10, Variable
2) (Extras: Area- 500ft. Cone +4) (118)
 Dynamic AE: "Cosmic Stream" Damage 21 (Feats: Dynamic, Penetrating 10,
Variable 2) (Extras: Area- 250ft. Line +4) (118)
 Dynamic AE: "Cosmic Burst" Damage 21 (Feats: Dynamic, Penetrating 10, Variable
2) (Extras: Area- 250ft. Burst +4) (118)
 Dynamic AE: Cosmic Blast 28 (Feats: Dynamic, Accurate, Affects Insubstantial,
Penetrating 14, Extended Range 7- x12,800 ft., Split, Variable Descriptor 2) (83)
 Dynamic AE: Force Field 2 (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Affects Others 18, Ranged 18)
 Dynamic AE: Move Object 20 (Feats: Dynamic, Subtle, Precise) (Extras: Perception
Range) (63)
 Dynamic AE: "Remove Powers" Affliction 17 (Fort; Impaired/Disabled/Transformed
to Powerless) (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Perception Range +2) (52)
 Dynamic AE: Remote Sensing 24 (Visual, Hearing) (64,000 miles) (Feats: Dynamic,
Dimensional, Subtle) (75)
 Dynamic AE: Healing 16 (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Ranged, Restorative,
Resurrection, Area- 30ft. Burst) (Flaws: Limited to Others, Distracting) (47)
 Dynamic AE: Mind-Reading 18 (Feats: Dynamic, Subtle) (Extras: Sensory Link) (56)
 Dynamic AE: Communication (Mental) 5 (Feats: Dynamic, Subtle, Dimensional)
(Extras: Area, Selective) (33)
 Dynamic AE: Concealment 10 (All Senses) (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Affects Others,
Ranged) (41)
 AE: Movement 7 (Dimensional Travel 3, Space Travel +2, Time Travel 2) (Extras:
Portal +2) (28)
 AE: Teleport 20 (Feats: Increased Mass 10- 25 tons) (Extras: Extended, Accurate)
 AE: "Sense Energy" Senses 22 (Detect Energy- Ranged 17- 1,600 trillion miles,
Acute & Analytical, Tracking) (22)
 AE: "Sense Life" Senses 22 (Detect Life- Ranged 17- 1,600 trillion miles, Tracking)
 AE: "Restructure Matter" Transform 15 (Anything to Anything) (Feats: Increased
Mass 4- 200 tons) (Extras: Continuous) (Flaws: Distracting) (79)
 AE: Movement 6 (Dimensional Travel 2, Space Travel +2, Time Travel 2) (Extras:
Attack 16, Ranged 16) (44)
 AE: Movement 6 (Dimensional Travel 2, Space Travel +2, Time Travel 2) (Extras:
Affects Others, Perception Range +2) (30)
 AE: "Devour Worlds" Damage 26 (Extras: Affects Objects Only +0, Limited to
Planets, Distracting) Linked to Weaken Toughness 26 (Flaws: Affects Objects Only
+0, Limited to Planets, Distracting) (13)

Unarmed +12 (+23 Damage, DC 38)
Cosmic Blast +14 (+28 Ranged Damage, DC 43)
Cosmic Waves +21 Area (+21 Damage, DC 36)
Remove Powers +17 Area (+17 Affliction, DC 27)
Mind-Reading -- (+18 Mind-Reading, DC 28)
Portals +16 (+16 Movement Attack, DC 26)
Devour Worlds +8 (+26 Damage & Weaken, DC 41 & 36)
Initiative +3

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +10 (DC 20), Toughness +26 (+28 Force Field, +16 Impervious),
Fortitude +24, Will +20

Weakness (The Hunger of Galactus)- Galactus' fabled hunger has only grown over the years-
he is more likely to devour planets full of sentient life than ever. In times of great hunter, his
power is terrifically-diminished: At one point, he suffered a defeat from Earth's heroes
because he was reduced to a mere PL 18 or so. After he was utilized as a weapon by the
forces of Annihilus, his hunger became even more advanced.
Involuntary Transformation (Energy)- Galactus is innately a being of pure Cosmic Force- his
armour protects him from dispersal or giving off too much energy. Should the Armour suffer
damage, he usually retreats to repair it.
Responsibility (Above It All)- Galactus is so far beyond ordinary "gnats" like humans that he
frequently pays little attention to them. It is relatively common for super-powered individuals
to just walk right up next to him while he's in his main chamber, and he won't even notice
their presence if they yell at him. Assume that Galactus fails all Perception checks against
low-powered beings (PL 14 and under) unless he is attacked, or actively looking for them.
Responsibility (Honor)- Galactus' word is his bond, even with lesser beings. He has moved
Galador to a safe star system because he made a deal with Rom, even after he failed to drain
the energy of a world Rom had led him to (because the failure wasn't Rom's fault). He has
also pledged to never attack Earth, despite desperately wanting to.
Reputation (Devourer of Worlds)- Nearly every advanced race in the known universe is
aware of Galactus, and as such, he presents a huge target to others. They are rarely capable of
damaging him, but the annoyance can often drain him of necessary energy.
Drawbacks (Losing Energy)- Galactus typically does not expend full energy, in order to
better conserve his strength. It is uncommon for him to use full force on his Energy Blasts,
and he especially almost never uses his Devour Worlds ability by himself- he generally uses
his ship for such endeavors, as expending energy to harvest energy kind of defeats the
Enemies (Aegis & Tenebrous)- Galactus was once one of SEVERAL Cosmic Proemial Gods-
however, he eventually opposed the others, and vanquished them. Aegis & Tenebrous were
imprisoned within the Kyln (a Cosmic Prison).

Total: Abilities: 154 / Skills: 90--45 / Advantages: 82 / Powers: 315 / Defenses: 31 (627)
The Coming of Galactus- Comics' Gamechanging Moment:
-GALACTUS. His first appearance in a 1966 trilogy in The Fantastic Four was a HUGE
Game-Changer in comics. While what we would later call Cosmic Beings had been seen at
Marvel before (Eternity pre-dates him by about a year, over in Steve Ditko's Dr. Strange
work, and The Stranger and The Watcher are both earlier Kirby Kreations), but this one
REALLY mattered at the time. His arrival being foretold by an interfering Watcher, Galactus
arrived as a direct threat to Earth- he intended to DEVOUR IT, feeding himself off of the
planet's dying energies. Everything about him was otherworldly and impossible to explain- he
was so mighty that the FF were mere "gnats" before him, his ship so vast that the Human
Torch was left nearly-comatose just by visiting ("We're like ants! ANTS!"), and the heroes
only won because the Watcher directly helped them chase Galactus off with one of his own
weapons. Galactus had an everlasting impact on comics because of this- the idea that the
heroes had met something that was so far beyond them hadn't been seen on this scale before.
Marvel's more human heroes were almost permanently humbled by this. And pretty much
every other "Cosmic Being" storyline in comics would be a failed attempt at replicating the
feeling this story gave off.

-Galactus was different because while he was yet another Super-Villain (really- he wears all-
purple and he's going to kill everybody), he was WAY more powerful than anyone seen
before. None of the FF's powers had a hope in harming him, which made him a totally-unique
kind of threat for the day. You couldn't even really OUTSMART him, either- he was beyond
human intelligence (dwarfing even Reed's brilliant mind). Oh, and he wasn't even "evil", per
se- to him, consuming worlds was what he needed to do to survive- "Galactus wishes no ill
on any living being!" is even a quote from the story. And with all of that combined, we were
left with someone a bit "above" what had been told prior- a mythic figure (Jack Kirby gives
this as his deliberate intention- a God and his Fallen Angel). Here was simply a Space God-
so vast in scope he barely acknowledged the presences of "lesser beings", much less actively-
engaged them- his sustenance, that of entire worlds.

-And to think- it was only a THREE-ISSUE STORYLINE. Nowadays, The Coming of

Galactus would have been a fifteen-issue Multi-Book Cross-Over featuring countless other
Marvel characters. Here, it was a preamble, a conflict, and the heroes "win" by another
Cosmic Being literally coming in and telling them exactly what to do to win, while Galactus's
own minion- the Silver Surfer- betrays his master- all in three issues.

Galactus in the 1970s:

-So yeah- that was epic. So epic, in fact, that despite horrible story after horrible story
featuring the character, and PLENTY of jobbing-out, he's still retained that aura of menace. It
helps that his appearances were sparing, at first- despite fan requests, he went a couple of
years without showing up, so that he would retain his mystique (a lesson later writers did...
um... not take to heart). We'd get his full origin story in a Thor comic in 1969: he was the
last-surviving being from the universe that had existed before ours- Galen of Taa was a
scientist who went into a cocoon that erupted upon our Big Bang. And as Galactus, he has an
"Eternal Hunger" that requires him to visit and consume entire worlds. Claiming to be
unemotional, he nonetheless makes a spaceship named after his homeworld, calling it "Taa

-Even the 1970s only saw a handful of "Galactus Stories" in the comics- here, he would gain
new Heralds in Air-Walker (who is soon killed) and Firelord. He would also fight Ego the
Living Planet- a natural enemy for Galactus if there ever was one, and later faced the High
Evolutionary (he attempted to destroy Counter-Earth) and The Impossible Man (he was
temporarily-turned to energy after devouring Poppup). Firelord was allowed to leave service,
and Galactus would aid the FF against the Sphinx (easily beating the hell out of the would-be
God), gaining a new Herald in the process- Terrax (as well as being released from his vow to
spare Earth from his hunger), and also face the dreaded Mephisto in a HUGE Cosmic Battle.

-John Byrne is arguably the most-important "voice" of Galactus after Lee & Kirby- his own
FF run was very long, and used the character a lot- he even wrote one of Galactus's most-
famous defeats, where he falls facing Earth's heroes, after hitting his lowest form of hunger.
Only Reed Richards's intervention saves his life, as Reed is unwilling to let even
GALACTUS die. They eventually make a peace offering: in return for having been saved by
"the one being Galactus may call... friend!", Galactus will no longer attempt to devour Earth.
Reed is later placed on trial by the Shi'ar and thousands of other worlds (led by those who
survived Galactus destroying their homeworlds) for allowing the great menace to survive- he
is only saved when Eternity himself arrives and temporarily allows everyone present to
become "one with the universe"- they are granted a cosmic understanding that Galactus-
while merciless and destructive- is a necessary force in the universe, allowing for cosmic
rebirth instead of entropy. Of course, this is MASS GENOCIDE (and really just a way to
write in an explanation for Reed's saving him that doesn't make Reed as much of an
accomplice to the deaths of billions). This concept didn't always work out, but later writers
would add more wrinkles to the concept to make it more "okay".

Galactus in the 1980s & 1990s- Becoming Just Another Character:

-Later, the treacherous Terrax is replaced with Nova- Johnny Storm's action-hungry
girlfriend. Nova leads him to devour the Skrull Homeworld- a deliberate act to hamper the
FF's enemies, and a dramatic showcase of how the flighty Nova was actually quite
terrifyingly casual about mass death. Galactus also features heavily in Jim Shooter's Secret
Wars mega-story- here, he is both treated with enormous respect and great indignity- while
he is more powerful than all the assembled characters, he is One-Hit KO'd by Shooter's new
character The Beyonder, then at his moment of triumph, he's prevented from feeding upon
Battleworld by the assembled super-heroes, and then his last-ditch effort to consume his Taa
II (which is the size of a SOLAR SYSTEM) is usurped by DOCTOR DOOM, who steals the
Devourer's powers in order to face the Beyonder.

-After this, the Silver Surfer gets his own ongoing, which is where we see the most of
Galactus from that point on- instead of being a "once every several years" guy, he becomes
Just Another Character- something that really hampered his mystique. His enemies include
the Elders of the Universe and the In-Betweener, both of whom scheme to kill him and steal
his stuff. He grants the Surfer clemency and the two defeat these uber-powered enemies.
During The Infinity Gauntlet, he is one of a dozen Cosmic Beings beaten and embarrassed by
the all-powerful Thanos. Then Nova suddenly becomes conscience-stricken at causing the
deaths of billions, and Galactus replaces her with Morg- a bloodthirsty, murderous monster.
And then one of many additions is added in to his backstory- oh, the Surfer WASN'T his first
Herald- it was a guy named Tyrant! Morg ultimately dies killing Tyrant with the Ultimate

-While many of these stories were quite good, an equal number were pretty dreadful, and
even worse- Galactus had effectively become a "High Level Jobber"- if a writer wants to
measure their own dick, they'd have their character beat Galactus to establish themselves,
since he was the most famous Cosmic Being in town. This did a real number of the big guy's
mystique- even more than his '70s & '80s stuff- and the trend never really stopped.

Annihilation & Beyond:

-Around this time, Marvel's Cosmic Books fell apart, and we saw the end of the Surfer &
Infinity Watch's books- Galactus became a "Rare Appearance Guy" once more. Galactus
eventually starved and died, turning into a small star thanks to the Silver Surfer, but is
restored by the Richards family to take on Abraxas, who threatens all the universes. By this
point, he's gained two new Heralds- Red Shift & Stardust. One appearance shows him being
torn apart by the vicious Krona in JLA/Avengers. At other points he is transformed back to
Galan and bails to an alternate universe full of energy so he can eat THAT, and devours the
Infinity Gems, unleashing a cosmic "Hunger". Oh, and his backstory includes another Herald
in The Fallen One. Oh, and he was one of many "Proemial Gods" at the founding of the
universe, but when Diableri rebelled, Galactus slew him and helped imprison Aegis &

-And then he gets caught up in Annihilation, where he is first beaten by old enemies
(Retconned into existence- Aegis & Tenebrous, Proemial Gods as old as Galactus himself)
and imprisoned by Thanos & Annihilus... but also gets all of his indignities forgiven when
he's rescued by Drax the Destroyer, and (after sparing Drax and his human pal, Cammi)
devastates ENTIRE STAR SECTORS worth of the Annihilation Wave, single-handedly
turning the tide in the Annihilation War.

-Later, Galactus devours both New Korbin and Sakaar, earning the enmity of Beta Ray Bill
and Skaar. And ends up mixed in with a LOT of other books doing various things- he gets
sent to the Negative Zone, the Ultimate Universe and other places, but always just ends up
floating back to the mainstream Universe. In Jon Hickman's FF book, he destroys one of the
three Mad Celestials before falling to the other two, but he and an elder Franklin Richards
ally to destroy them. Galactus posits, in his "I'm not emotional but here I am saying
something that SURE SOUNDS like I'm being emotional" way, that he no longer has to face
the death of the universe alone- he will witness it alongside Franklin.

Modern-Day Galactus- The Master of Back To Basics:

-And then we get ANOTHER twist, as the secret of Galactus is uncovered by the new
Ultimates- in the new, Post-Secret Wars cosmology, Galactus was meant to be the
"Lifebringer", who seeded worlds with life instead of destroying them! So they arrive and
just knock him into a cocoon (in a weird bit- I mean, it's GALACTUS and they just force him
back?), and he transforms into this bright yellow version of himself. He even aides the
Ultimates later, helping destroy the combined entity of Master Order & Lord Chaos, saving
the universe from his rule. Al Ewing, the writer, stated that his intentions were for Galactus to
sacrifice his "Lifebringer" status and return to the status quo, but he changed his mind at the
last minute, wanting to leave things in this new manner. So of course the immediate next
writer came along and made Galactus the Devourer again- he and the Silver Surfer have to
stop a planet ruled by Ultron, and so Galactus is forced to devour it, reverting him- Gerry
Duggan waited EIGHT MONTHS after the end of Ewing's book to do this. Galactus later
consumes Dormammu and grows wild with chaotic magic, and Eternity & The Living
Tribunal are called in by Doctor Strange to fix things. And I think he temporarily died
because Allfather Thor got him to act as a bomb for something called "Black Winter".

-I get the sense that "Back To Basics Syndrome" will ALWAYS leave Galactus right where
he is- an unknowable, ultra-powerful Cosmic Devourer, responsible for the deaths of trillions.
They've attempted to write him out of things and trap him in another universe SEVERAL
times, and it's never once stuck for more than a year or two. Though despite all the indignities
he's suffered, he still maintains that aura of menace- so much so that he's STILL one of those
guys a SUPER-high level character needs to beat to truly establish themselves. It seems like it
would have been easy to accidentally ruin him with countless losses (hell, Mark Gruenwald
was complaining about endless shitty Galactus stories in *1990*!), but much like Bullseye
(another frequent jobber), his reputation is assured due to past circumstances. In a medium
where yesterday's super-heavyweight bad-ass is today's Early-issue jobber for the next big
thing, it's pretty amazing that Galactus is just one story away from regaining all credibility
like in Annihilation.

The Might of Galactus:

-Determining a Power Level for Galactus can be difficult, when you consider that his powers
can basically be described as "Win Fight (Extras: No Save)" half the time, but I figured this is
a good place to start for a Planet-Devouring Cosmic Being. Cosmic Blast +28 means he can
basically blow up anything, his accuracy's not too shabby (though you could easily give The
Big G an attack that carries over for miles- see below), he's got more Alternate Effects than
any of his Heralds, and he's so powerful an NPC that you could basically give him powers at-
will. Heck, you could log a lot of this just under "Variable", but I wouldn't allow all the
Mental Powers to be in there as well in that case, and it's just more fun to do it this way. That
40-point hunk of Equipment (dunno how much of a Size Modifier "The Size of a ****ing
Solar System" is, but let's just call it even at 40 points, okay?) would allow him to utilize
almost any other effect imaginable at the same time.

The Blast that took out the Annihilation Wave was, uh... much more power than Galactus
normally utilizes. The full breadth of the effect was something like:
"KNOW FEAR!" Damage 18 (Extras: Area- 8,388,608,000 trillion miles +51, Penetrating
10) [496]
-It's a little hard to compare this to his other showings, it's so far beyond what his normal
output is.

For his ability to empower his Heralds? Well, that would be some kind of Permanent
Variable (Affects Others) deal, though it's not a common thing for him to do, so I left it off.
Since Heralds are known to have 190 points spent on their Powers, it'd be something like:
Variable 180 (Extras: Affects Others Only +0, Continuous) [1440]

So, uh... again, expensive stuff. Maybe he can do this stuff using his ship (the damn thing
costs enough points, ya know ).

Galaxy Master

Post by Jabroniville » Tue Feb 28, 2017 8:32 am

Every picture online looks like this.

Created By: Stan Lee & Herb Trimpe
First Appearance: The Incredible Hulk #111 (Jan. 1969)
Role: Forgotten Villain
Group Affiliations: None
PL 13 (216)

Expertise (Space Conqueror) 7 (+14)
Expertise (Science) 6 (+13)
Insight 2 (+5)
Intimidation 4 (+8, +13 Size)
Perception 2 (+5)
Technology 7 (+14)

Ranged Attack 8

"Artificial Life Form"
Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects) [30]
Protection 3 [3]

"Force Field" Protection 6 (Extras: Impervious 11) [17]

Growth 10 (Str & Sta +10, +10 Mass, +5 Intimidation, -5 Dodge/Parry, +1 Speed, -10
Stealth) -- (42 feet) [20]
Morph 4 (Any Form) [20]

"Radiating Waves" Damage 13 (Extras: Area- 60ft. Burst +2) (39) -- [42]
 AE: "Energy Drain" Weaken Strength 14 (Extras: Ranged) (28)
 AE: Energy Blast 15 (Feats: Increased Range 3) (33)
 AE: Create 12 (Extras: Movable) (36)

Unarmed +5 (+6 Damage, DC 21)
Giant Size +5 (+16 Damage, DC 31)
Energy Drain +8 (+14 Ranged Weaken, DC 24)
Blast +8 (+15 Ranged Damage, DC 30)
Radiating Waves +13 Area (+13 Damage, DC 28)
Initiative +0

Dodge +12 (+7 Giant Size, DC 22-17), Parry +12 (+7 Giant Size, DC 22-17), Toughness +13
(+19 Force Field, +6 Impervious), Fortitude --, Will +6

Motivation (Survival)- The Galaxy Master fears the creation of any being equal to himself,
and so wipes out civilizations in order to prevent this from ever occuring.
Power Loss (All Powers- Energy Loss)- Excessive energy loss can prevent the Galaxy Master
from using certain abilities- both times, he has been defeated by the Hulk entering his form
and tearing apart his internal gear.

Total: Abilities: 40 / Skills: 28--14 / Advantages: 8 / Powers: 132 / Defenses: 22 (216)

-Galaxy Master is another guy I've never heard of- he's a bio-mechanical creation engineered
by an unknown alien civilization to be a weapon, but instead he obliterated them and began
wiping out any intelligent life he found, fearing that they could build another being as
powerful as himself. He also began enslaving certain cultures, so that they could give him
energy. He encountered the Hulk when he was killed stopping one of the Master's machines-
he was resurrected by his slaves, but then attacked. Continually altering its form, the Galaxy
Master is annoyed by the Hulk's continued resilience, and starts to suffocate ol' Jade Jaws.
When his former slaves intervene, he attacks them, and the Hulk uses the distraction to tear
into his artificial form, eventually wrecking enough of the Master's innards to destabilize and
incapacitate him.

-The Galaxy Master eventually returns about twelve years later in our time, and the Hulk is
recruited by those ex-slaves to fight him... along with his new minion, The Abomination! The
Hulk, Amphibion, Dark-Crawler and Torgo attack both bad guys, and eventually Hulk
destroys his innards again, stopping the menace once and for all.

-The Galaxy Master is a high-end opponent, capable of a PL 13 Area Attack, PL 12 Blasts,

and a PL 11 Weaken- his PL 13 Defenses also make him remarkably tough, with a +19
Toughness Save (Protection, plus Growth, plus Force Field) keeping out all but the toughest
opponents- generally, you have to activate his Power Loss Complication, then do some
internal damage (which you kind of have to make a Complication for Giant-Size characters,
as the rules don't really contain a "crawl inside and punch them" mechanic).


Post by Jabroniville » Sun Aug 27, 2017 5:25 pm

Why are so many ComicVine image-captures in foreign languages, anyway?

GALE (Real Name Unknown)

Created By: Terry Kavanagh & Mike Lackey
First Appearance: Web of Spider-Man Annual #10 (1994)
Role: Jobber Villain, Powerhouse
Group Affiliations: None
PL 7 (59)

Perception 2 (+2)
Persuasion 2 (+2)

Close Attack, Fast Grab, Improved Hold
Unarmed +6 (+8 Damage, DC 23)
Initiative +1

Dodge +5 (DC 15), Parry +5 (DC 15), Toughness +9, Fortitude +9, Will +2

Responsibility (Uncontrolled Power)- Gale cannot properly control her superhuman strength,
often hurting people or breaking regular objects.

Total: Abilities: 48 / Skills: 4--2 / Advantages: 3 / Powers: 0 / Defenses: 6 (59)

-Gale is a muscular, black female bodybuilder who OH GOD MY KEYBOARD. I mean, um,
she's a minor character from Web of Spider-Man (then the FOURTH-tier Spidey book!) who
gets treatment at Ravencroft Maximum Security Institution, trying to control her super-
strength. Shriek ends up at the same facility, and escapes, freeing Gale and others (including
forgotten villain Mayhem) in the process. Feeding off of their pain, Shriek sends them against
Spider-Man & John Jameson, but she's KO'd by a tranquilizer dart, and the victims go back to
their cells.

-Gale is pretty much a jacked-up bystander, though apparently has some combat training.
Most of her bios list her ability to "resist sedatives", so her Fortitude is quite high.


Post by Jabroniville » Wed Aug 23, 2017 7:14 pm

GAMBIT (Remy Etienne LeBeau)
Created By: Chris Claremont & Jim Lee
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men #266 (Aug. 1990)
Role: The Seducer, The Mole (initially- abandoned plotline), Smarmy Guy
Group Affiliations: The X-Men, The Thieves Guild, Clan LeBeau, The Horsemen of
Apocalypse, The Marauders, Xavier's Security Enforcers, The Crimson Pirates
PL 10 (193)

Acrobatics 10 (+16)
Athletics 12 (+14)
Deception 8 (+13, +15 Attractive)
Expertise (Thief) 15 (+17)
Insight 5 (+8)
Intimidation 1 (+6)
Investigation 3 (+6)
Perception 9 (+12)
Persuasion 5 (+10, +12 Attractive)
Ranged Combat (Thrown Objects) 3 (+12)
Sleight of Hand 9 (+14)
Stealth 8 (+14)
Technology 2 (+4)

Accurate Attack, Agile Feint, Attractive, Daze (Deception), Defensive Attack, Defensive
Roll, Equipment 2 (Thief's Gear, Staff, etc.), Evasion 2, Fascinate (Deception), Improved
Aim, Improved Critical 3 (Staff, Cards 2), Improved Defense, Improved Disarm, Improved
Initiative, Improved Trip, Power Attack, Quick Draw, Ranged Attack 7, Skill Mastery
(Thief), Takedown 2, Throwing Mastery, Uncanny Dodge

"Mutant Powers: Kinetic Charging of Matter"
"Large Objects" Blast 8 (Extras: Area- 15ft. Burst +1/2) (Diminished Range, Quirk: Requires
Large Objects -1) (18) -- [19]

 AE: "Multiple Cards" Blast 6 (Feats: Accurate) (Extras: Multiattack) (Diminished

Range, Quirk: Requires Small Objects -1) (17)

"Hard to Read" Immunity 2 (Mind Reading) [2]

"Staff" Strength-Damage +2 (Feats: Split, Reach) (4)
"Playing Cards" (like five billion of them- he never runs out)
"Body Armour" Protection 1 (1)
"Thief Stuff" Lock picks, rope, etc.
Unarmed +12 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Staff +12 (+4 Damage, DC 19)
Playing Cards +14 (+6 Ranged Damage, DC 21)
Large Objects +8 Area (+8 Damage, DC 23)
Initiative +10

Dodge +15 (DC 25), Parry +14 (DC 24), Toughness +3 (+4 Armour, +5 D.Roll), Fortitude
+6, Will +7

Relationship (Rogue)- The two flirted at first (Gambit mostly), but it turns out he really liked
her, but they couldn't be together because of her powers. Then they kinda split, then stuff
happened, and now... it's complicated.
Guilt (Led the Marauders to the Morlocks)- This was a retcon, and the X-Men kind of
thought he was a dick for it, on account of hundreds of people being murdered. He did it as
payment for Mister Sinister saving him from his own powers, but STILL... Eventually he just
rejoined the team.
Enemy (Mister Sinister)- Gambit used to owe Sinister a favour, and still ends up tied in with
the evil geneticist.
Responsibility (The Thieves Guild)- Gambit is the member of this clandestine organization in
New Orleans' underworld, and is often forced into situations involving them or their rivals,
The Assassins Guild.
Relationship (Belladonna Boudreaux)- Remy & Belladonna were engaged to be married, as
part of some alliance between the two aforementioned Guilds. Instead, he killed her brother
in a duel and went on the run, and Belladonna died killing a Brood that was infecting Ghost
Involuntary Transformation (Death)- Having once been turned into a Horseman of
Apocalypse, Gambit occasionally has to worry about transforming back during moments of

Total: Abilities: 76 / Skills: 90--45 / Advantages: 33 / Powers: 21 / Defenses: 18 (193)

Gambit- An X-Man For The Nineties:

-Gambit's one of those guys that just can't live past his reputation as "man of the '90s".
Bringing the trenchcoat to the forefront of super-hero costume design is now practically
considered a mortal sin, and it's only by virtue of his characterization since that point that he's
allowed some semblance of pride; whereas someone like The X-Treme or Night Thrasher are
not. They handled his "cool bad-ass" thing pretty well I guess, as he still has fans to this day,
though I always found it a bit over the top (he smokes, has a trenchcoat, is a criminal, flirts
with everyone, rides a motorbike, etc.). I'm still not seeing how they made him LEADER of
his own team (though by that point, nearly every single member of both teams had been
Team Leader at some point- part of the problem with a SUPER long-running series), not to
mention gave him his OWN SERIES, but that was the peak of Marvel's "X-Books are the
only thing we sell now" period. Except Marvel's tried to give him an ongoing THREE

Gambit's Debut:
-Gambit was originally a mysterious thief that rescued a young, depowered Storm from The
Shadow King, Nanny & Orphan-Maker, and brought her back to the X-Men, whom he soon
joined. He was a newbie during The X-Tinction Agenda, but eventually became a trusted guy-
his bad-ass long jacket, funky pink armour and unique powers made him an instant fan-
favourite, and he'd become a fashion plate for the entire comic book industry. Funnily
enough, he was gonna be the "Terra" of the X-Men. That's right- Claremont & Lee originally
created him to eventually BETRAY the entire team to a villain, something that got used years
later when it was revealed that he led the Marauders to the Morlocks, setting off the Mutant
Massacre. You could tell he was gonna become a good guy, because he got more handsome
with each passing issue, until he was the smirking bad boy we all know and love, instead of
the kinda scrawny, ugly dude we saw in the early days.

-His look at powers were unique for comics- he eschewed traditional powers and fought
using a Bo Staff. His powers manifested as energizing regular objects, which in his case were
usually playing cards- this gave him a great visual "look"- a trenchcoated guy with a staff and
glowing weapons, but with the "bad-ass rebel" addition of playing cards (symbols of
gambling and somewhat-dark criminality).

-Gambit's backstory was initially that of the "Mysterious Loner" type- much like Wolverine,
almost nothing was known of him. The character didn't even have a REAL NAME for a
considerable length of time- one Marvel Card listed him as "Remy Boudreaux". The guy
proved popular, though- with Jim Lee shattering minds with his cutting-edge art style in the
early '90s, his favorite son appeared to be ol' Remy. When he got to put all of his favorite
characters on one team, we had the X-Men Blue Strike Force, consisting of Cyclops as the
leader, Psylocke as Fanservice, Wolverine as the bad-ass, Beast as the smart guy, and Jubilee
& Gambit taking up the Trenchcoat Brigade. The success of this book led to Gambit being a
central character on the X-Men Animated Series, which was a tremendous hit that only
furthered his popularity.

Remy & Rogue:

-In X-Men, Gambit got a bit more development. We'd discover his past as a member of the
Thieves' Guild, and his marriage to Bella Donna of the Assassins' Guild- Remy was supposed
to bring the two Guilds together (New Orleans having this weird, pseudo-mystical backstory
that was oddly fitting, given its real-world status as a bridge between cultures- where else do
you get exiled Eastern Canadians merging with African immigrants, freed slaves and Native
cultures to form its own "Creole"?). He married Bella Donna, but was exiled from New
Orleans after killing her brother Julien in a duel- this led him to work for Mr. Sinister, where
he helped form the Marauders, who were sent against the Morlocks- this made Gambit
complicit in the Mutant Massacre. We'd all discover that years later, which threw a wrench
into his relationship with Rogue.

-Gambit & Rogue were paired off in the "Jim Lee" era, owing to his love of their jackets and
the fact that most of the other members were tied down somehow (Scott/Jean had a wrench
thrown in thanks to Psylocke's open flirting). This first started off as a simple flirtation, with
Remy looking all cool and being all suave and distant, but soon he came to develop real
feelings for her. An ongoing feud with Bishop developed (Bishop suspected Remy was the
"traitor" who would murder all the X-Men- the true killer was Charles Xavier himself, as
Onslaught), Jim Lee would leave Marvel (and recreate Gambit's look with Grifter on
WildCATS), and Rogue would eventually leave him after his complicity in the Mutant
Massacre was revealed. The X-Men also banished him, leading to his solo book.
Seriously- GAMBIT Had a Solo Book:
-Gambit, for some insane reason, got his own ongoing series in 1999, lasting about two years
(25 issues). This drove me NUTS at the time, as I wasn't a big Gambit fan, and it insanely
dilutes a book like X-Men to have so many guys with ongoing titles. And really... he didn't
deserve it. His backstory isn't that fascinating, his Rogues Gallery not that impressive, and...
he's friggin' GAMBIT, okay? In a world of Storm, Kitty Pryde, Nightcrawler, Colossus and
more, HE gets his own comic? The absurdity of it drove me nuts, and reminds me today of
how much more seriously I took my comics.

-Gambit would re-join the X-Men, coming in as the leader of one of the squads during Chris
Claremont's return to the books. However, Claremont's run was considered an unmitigated
failure, and Gambit never led another team. He was part of X-Treme X-Men for a while, but
disappeared with Rogue when both were de-powered.

Gambit Falls Apart:

-Gambit's star faded when his solo book got the axe, and X-Treme X-Men was little more than
a Claremont Vanity Project- this led Gambit down a road he'd never actually been on- an
obscure one. This is a guy who debuted on the biggest book in the industry in 1990, and came
to help define a decade. Shockingly, Gambit got ANOTHER chance to fail in 2004, this book
lasting twelve issues. This led to him joining Apocalypse, intending to betray him... but the
transformation into the Horseman of Death warped him completely, so he actually became
legitimately evil. He led the Marauders for a time, but eventually turned back to good.

A THIRD solo book came out in 2012, humorously promising tons of fanservice for people
who wanna see his Louisianan buttocks, but this also failed to set the world on fire, resulting
in a cancellation at seventeen issues. The writer's plan to make Gambit bisexual was kiboshed
by editorial. His appearance in a Peter David X-Factor book also failed, as that book only
lasted twenty issues- David publicly mentioned that Marvel will probably wait some time
before making Gambit the lead in a book again, given his persistent failures.

-All of this led to a permanent break in the Rogue/Gambit duo, as neither was being used
much for a time, and they'd gone through the "Will They/Won't They" thing so many times
that fans got sick of it, pretty much killing the X-Men's OTHER Power Couple. Eventually,
Rogue was just hanging around on the Uncanny Avengers book/s, while Gambit languished
in obscurity.

Gambit As A Whole:
-To me, Gambit means one thing- "Dated". He is absolutely the relic of an earlier time, and
may be best-left there. The guy's whole "Longcoat/Bo Staff/Smartass Personality" thing is
SO "1990s" that it's hard to take him seriously in modern comics, and the repeated failures to
get any kind of a Gambit series going since 2004 have pretty much poisoned the character. It
doesn't help that was once a happy-go-lucky type of character has been shaken by tons of
angst and depression, much like the rest of the X-Men by this point- he used to be the ONE
GUY on that team who seemed to be having a good time with life (which is probably what
made him so cool to people), but now he's just one of the group. If there's one kind of
character who could justify a "Comics Needs a Reboot" plan, it'd be a guy like Gambit-
someone who once had a certain style about him, but retcon after angst-session after overly-
complicated storyline has just left him this withered shell.

Gambit's Stats:
-Gambit's another weird X-Man to stat up, but it's easier in 3e that it was in 2nd Edition. He
has a Diminished Range Multiattack Blast (quite accurate; +14 in total), and a short-range
Area Blast. He "Requires Objects" for obvious reasons, and generally his cards give him an
unlimited supply of ways to use his attack. The power level isn't so dramatic, but then Gambit
has always been a finesse guy, more accurate than damaging. Even so, he has Power Attack,
for those days when he needs a REALLY big Blast (which would need a correspondingly
large object- those aren't really in rare supply during super-fights, though.

-For one card, use Accurate Attack, for a whole bunch of them, use the regular damage, and
for a big object like a chair, throw Power Attack on. My old Gambit build used Disintigrate
on the objects he was blowing up (I'd use Drain Toughness nowadays), but really, if the
object is at the epicenter of the Damage, it doesn't need it, as it just takes the full damage as
"fluff" expository dialogue. It's an accurate way to blow up the objects he's "charging", but in
the end, you're just making him spend points on something that's really just a side-effect
descriptor of his powers.

-Physically & Skill-wise, he's very good, having a TON of Skills (Master Thief brings a
bunch of benefits), and he's quite good all-around. Wiki says he's as strong as any human
could be, but I call shenanigans on that, because I don't think I've ever seen Gambit straight
up K.O. major characters with one punch- Wikipedia is ENORMOUSLY bad for giving
everyone "Peak Human" capabilities, and throws "enhanced reflexes" on absolutely
everybody in comics as well. Gambit is set-up as a close-range Blaster who's very good at
avoiding hits, as well as being the team's resident Skillmonkey. At PL 10 (190), he's one of
the pricier guys, but it fits- Daredevil is 10 points more expensive, and he's equivalent to
Elektra or the Black Widow, which makes sense.

The Gamecock

Post by Jabroniville » Mon Oct 26, 2020 1:02 am

THE GAMECOCK (Carlos Cabrera)
Created By: Steve Englehart, Frank Robbins & Frank Giacoia
First Appearance: Captain America #183 (March 1975)
Role: Joke Villain
Group Affiliations: The Gamecock's Gang, The New Pride
PL 7 (90)

Acrobatics 5 (+9)
Athletics 3 (+6)
Deception 2 (+4)
Expertise (Criminal) 5 (+5)
Insight 2 (+3)
Intimidation 4 (+5)
Investigation 2 (+3)
Perception 3 (+4)
Persuasion 2 (+3)
Sleight of Hand 3 (+4)
Stealth 3 (+7)
Vehicles 2 (+4)

Agile Feint, All-Out Attack, Defensive Roll, Equipment, Fast Grab, Improved Critical
(Talons), Improved Defense, Minions 5 (Gamecock's Gang, 10 Thugs)

"The Gamecock's Ridiculous Costume"
"Hand and Foot Talons" Strength-Based Damage 2 (Feats: Split) (3)

Unarmed +9 (+3 Damage, DC 18)
Talons +9 (+5 Damage, DC 20)
Initiative +4

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +10 (DC 20), Toughness +3 (+4 D.Roll), Fortitude +3, Will +2

Motivation (Greed)
Reputation (The Gamecock)- He calls himself "The Gamecock". What more needs to be said
about his reputation?
Relationship (Daughter)- Her existence is threatened, resulting in the Gamecock joining the
New Pride.

Total: Abilities: 48 / Skills: 36--18 / Advantages: 12 / Powers: 6 / Defenses: 6 (90)

-Ha ha, his name is the GAMECOCK. Seriously! Apparently being named after those
fighting roosters, with the word "cock" literally in his name, is supposed to make us scared of
him. Lookit his little chicken crest! And his tiny bladed feet! He's SO STUPID!

-This build will always be near and dear to my heart, as I feel that it more than anything else
cemented my rep as "the guy who stats the obscure, weird-ass characters". I still remember
IT!". This character is more emblematic of bizarre "WTF were they thinking?" writing than
anyone else in comics, and once you've statted him, what else could you possibly do to top it
in terms of silly villains? I mean, I first posted him something like EIGHT YEARS AGO (on
the original Atomic Think Tank) and he's practically been a meme in my thread/s ever since.
I adore the Gamecock.

-He was a minor nuisance in Captain America, done away with almost handily by the
"Nomad" version of the hero, and largely left to fade away after Steve Englehart created him.
But really, even his creators knew he kinda sucked, as he never got up to much, and then
vanished for years. He was going to be on a short-lived villain team, but the editors wouldn't
let the writer put Gamecock AND the Cockroach on the same team for reasons of vulgarity.
Mark Gruenwald (of course) used him as a backgrounder twice- once, his domestic disupte
threatened the peace & quiet of a date between Cap & Diamondback, and so Diamond's
friend Asp zapped him. Another time, he is mentioned as having escaped death at the hands
of the Scourge of the Underworld. For this obvious act of incompetence, this Scourge is
killed (I mean, that's just justifiable homicide right there).

-The character actually fell by the wayside, having been killed in Mr. X's "Bloodsport"
tournament in Madripoor (in the pages of Wolverine). He died at the hands of the Puma (who
is implied to have EATEN HIM, in an uncharacteristic move for the character), but like
literally EVERYONE ELSE IN THAT STORY, he later turned up alive. What, did they have
a random super-healer waiting in the wings in that one? I swear they killed off so many guys
in that story that later just showed up again (like Forearm & Anaconda)- like someone
realized that distinctive Jobber Villains were an important resource, and not to be wasted
because the early 2000s was big on randomly killing off losers. Inexplicably, years later, he
turned up a member of Alex Wilder's "New Pride", being blackmailed into joining the team
to protect his daughter. This was in the new, semi-comedic Power Man & Iron Fist series.

-A PL 7 (90) joke villain. The Gamecock's a resonably decent fighter, but is furiously limited
nonetheless, with an accuracy-focused PL 7 build, he's not really going to take ANYONE
out. Especially since his main opponents are in the Captain America books, where he's SURE
to be outclassed a dozen times over.

The Gamesmaster

Post by Jabroniville » Sun Jun 06, 2021 8:47 pm

Created By: Whilce Portacio
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men #283 (Dec. 1991)
Role: Uber-Telepath, Would-Be Major Villain
Group Affiliations: The Upstarts
PL 12 (193)
Deception 4 (+7)
Expertise (Behavioral Sciences) 4 (+7)
Insight 6 (+9)
Perception 6 (+9)


"Mutant Powers: Omnipath"
"Constant Omnipathy" Mind Reading 2 (Feats: Subtle 2) (Extras: No Action +4, Area- 30-
mile Burst +13, Continuous Duration) (Flaws: Permanent) [40]
"Mental Detection" Senses 7 (Mental Awareness- Ranged, Radius, Acute, Detect Mutants-
Ranged & Radius) [7]
"Mental Blocks" Enhanced Will Save 6 (Flaws: Limited to Mental Attacks) [3]

"Enhanced Mind Reading" Mind Reading 12 (Feats: Subtle, Dynamic) (Extras: Effortless,
Sensory Link) Linked to Mental Communication 4 (Extras: Area, Selective) (74) -- [88]

 Dynamic AE: Mind Control 12 (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Sustained +2) (73)
 Dynamic AE: "Wide Area Control" Affliction 4 (Will;
Entranced/Compelled/Controlled Emotions) (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Sustained +2,
Area- 30-mile Burst +13) (65)
 Dynamic AE: "Mental Blast" Blast 12 (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Perception Range,
Alternate Save- Will) (49)
 Dynamic AE: "Mental Stun" Affliction 12 (Will; Dazed/Stunned/Incapacitated)
(Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Perception Range) (37)
 Dynamic AE: Illusion All Senses 12 (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Selective) (Flaws:
Resistible By Will) (61)
 Dynamic AE: "Astral Form" Remote Sensing 15 (Visuals & Hearing) (Feats:
Dynamic, Dimensional) (Flaws: Physical Body is Defenseless) (32)
 Dynamic AE: Nullify 12 (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Perception Range, Broad- Mutant
Powers, Simultaneous) (49)

Unarmed +2 (+1 Damage, DC 16)
Mind Reading/Nullify +12 (DC 22)
Mental Powers +12 Perception (+12 Perception Affliction, DC 22)
Mental Blast +12 Perception (+12 Perception Damage, DC 27)
Initiative +0

Dodge +4 (DC 14), Parry +4 (DC 14), Toughness +1, Fortitude +4, Will +10 (+16 vs. Mental

Motivation (Distractions)- An Omnipath, The Gamesmaster feels nearly all the thoughts of
the human race at once. To fight this, he must focus on different, specific activities. These
distractions are often as extreme as murder.
Power Loss (Telepathy)- The Gamesmaster's only failings in Telepathy were his inability to
affect Jean Grey, Husk (by shifting her forms) and Speedball.

Total: Abilities: 30 / Skills: 20--10 / Advantages: 0 / Powers: 138 / Defenses: 16 (193)

-The Gamesmaster was the top dog of the Upstarts, and depicted as less of a chaotic evil
adversary than an omnipath who had to focus on certain people (like the Upstarts and their
games) to "drown out" the rest of the six billion voices in his head. This was an interesting
idea, but it got goofy, as only certain people could avoid his powers (in order to actually
defeat someone who of course should've been able to see every attack coming and kill
everyone by thinking), and he did the classic villain failing of actually being talked out of
something by the hero- Paige Guthrie got him to give up his assassination league to instead
focus on "training the next generation of mutants", which he of course never did. No, really-
the STORY'S CLIMAX ended up NEVER MATTERING, as the next bunch of writers just
used Gamesmaster as yet another villain. It didn't help that Fabian Nicieza wrote him as his
trademark "Overly Chatty Faux-Philosophical Villain" (seriously, Fabe's stuff actually holds
up better than most '90s comic book writing, but his villainous dialogue has never been
anything but awful. Completely-pretentious, overly-long drek from everyone from Magneto
to Stryfe to Apocalypse. They ALL talk like this).

-He appeared in a Deadpool comic, threatening Wade's love interest Siryn, then got mixed up
in Shatterstar's life when they introduced the "he's really the comatose human Benjamin
Russel" thing that most writers just ignored. Later, the Gamesmaster tried to trap the X-Men
in a telepathic world of his own creation so that he could do stuff without their interference,
but Joseph (the clone of Magneto) undid his work. And his latest appearance runs all the way
up to X-23, where he declared an interest in watching her activities (someone call Chris
Hansen!), but, like a LOT of Gamesmaster stories, it led nowhere. Seriously, that's like three
story arcs that were rendered meaningless by the next writer just forgetting what was going

-The GamesMaster is limited outside of his Telepathy/Mind Control Array, but holy hell it's a
powerful effect. Dozens of Perception-Range attacks and effects mean that he can basically
mind-warp anyone he wants, and use varying intensities (like communicating with his allies
while he's battling someone else with Illusions or Mind Blasts). He comes up short elsewhere
(considering he can't actually physically hurt anyone, and couldn't hold up to any attacks),
and is thus the cheapest guy at his power level imaginable.

-Plus, the whole Mind-Reading thing. You can extend it ever further if you go by his whole "I
can read the minds of everyone on the planet" thing, which makes the Burst Area cover... one
heck of a lot of ground . It's more low-rank than his "focused" Mind-Reading though.

Gamma Corps

Post by Jabroniville » Thu Mar 02, 2017 11:15 pm

Created By: Frank Tieri & Carlos Ferreira
First Appearance: World War Hulk: Gamma Corps #1 (July 2007)
Role: Hulk-Fighting Team

-The Gamma Corps were formed from people whose lives were ruined by the Hulk in some
way- using the Hulk's DNA, they were given gamma powers and sent against the green
goliath by General Ryker. In their first mission, they killed forgettable Hulk villailn Flux as
"practice" for the big guy, but they failed to beat the Hulk. Once they figured out that The
Illuminati were more responsible for their problems than the Hulk was, they turned their
attentions on THOSE guys. After World War Hulk, the team had become fugitives from the
law, but were recruited by Norman Osborn into becoming his bounty hunters. Eventually,
however, they were de-powered by the "Doc Green" Hulk. Later, Ryker & Osborn created a
second version of the team out of female "volunteers" (mentally unstable ex-soldiers on death
row), and sent them against Lyra in her new She-Hulk book. Lyra killed Aberration &
Morass, and Axon was killed by Ryker's men upon their failure of the mission.


Post by Jabroniville » Sun Aug 22, 2021 1:47 am

GAMORA- Pre-Annihilation
Created By: Jim Starlin
First Appearance: Strange Tales #180 (June 1975)
Role: The Most Dangerous Woman In The Universe (but not really), Miss Fanservice, '90s
Action Girl
Group Affiliations: The Guardians of the Galaxy, The Infinity Watch
PL 11 (163)

Acrobatics 6 (+13)
Athletics 5 (+12)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 2 (+15)
Deception 4 (+7)
Expertise (Survival) 5 (+7)
Insight 3 (+5)
Intimidation 8 (+8)
Investigation 3 (+5)
Perception 8 (+10)
Technology 4 (+5)
Sleight of Hand 4 (+11)
Stealth 5 (+12)
Vehicles 3 (+8)

Accurate Attack, Agile Feint, All-Out Attack, Assessment, Attractive, Beginner's Luck,
Benefit (Ambidexterity), Defensive Attack, Diehard, Equipment 2 (Blades, Translator),
Evasion, Fearless, Improved Critical (Blades) 2, Improved Initiative, Great Endurance, Last
Stand (Ignores All Damage For 1 Round w/HP Spent), Power Attack, Precise Attack
(Close/Concealment), Ranged Attack 5, Takedown 2, Tracking, Uncanny Dodge

Regeneration 4 [4]

"Gamora's Blades" Strength-Damage +1 (Feats: Split) (2)

Unarmed +15 (+8 Damage, DC 23)
Blades +13 (+9 Damage, DC 24)
Initiative +11

Dodge +14 (DC 24), Parry +14 (DC 24), Toughness +8, Fortitude +8, Will +6

Relationship (Adam Warlock, Richard Rider)- Gamora was kinda with Warlock for a long
time, but eventually hooked up with Nova in a subplot that never really went anywhere.
Reputation (Most Dangerous Woman in the Universe)

Total: Abilities: 88 / Skills: 60--30 / Advantages: 29 / Powers: 4 / Defenses: 12 (163)

GAMORA- Post-Annihilation
Created By: Jim Starlin
First Appearance: Strange Tales #180 (June 1975)
Role: The Most Dangerous Woman In The Universe (but not really), Miss Fanservice, '90s
Action Girl
Group Affiliations: The Guardians of the Galaxy, The Infinity Watch
PL 11 (180)

Acrobatics 6 (+13)
Athletics 5 (+12)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 2 (+15)
Deception 4 (+7)
Expertise (Survival) 5 (+7)
Insight 3 (+5)
Intimidation 8 (+10)
Investigation 3 (+6)
Perception 8 (+11)
Technology 4 (+5)
Sleight of Hand 4 (+11)
Stealth 5 (+12)
Vehicles 3 (+8)

Accurate Attack, Agile Feint, All-Out Attack, Assessment, Attractive, Beginner's Luck,
Benefit (Ambidexterity), Defensive Attack, Diehard, Equipment 2 (Blades, Translator),
Evasion, Fearless, Improved Critical (Blades) 2, Improved Initiative, Great Endurance, Last
Stand (Ignores All Damage For 1 Round w/HP Spent), Power Attack, Precise Attack
(Close/Concealment), Ranged Attack 5, Takedown 2, Tracking, Uncanny Dodge

Regeneration 4 [4]

"Godslayer Sword" (Flaws: Easily Removable) [11]

Strength-Damage +3 (Feats: Improved Critical 3) (Extras: Penetrating 12) (Inaccurate -1) (17

"Gamora's Blades" Strength-Damage +1 (Feats: Split) (2)

Unarmed +15 (+8 Damage, DC 23)
Blades +13 (+9 Damage, DC 24)
Godslayer +11 (+11 Damage, DC 26)
Initiative +11

Dodge +14 (DC 24), Parry +14 (DC 24), Toughness +8, Fortitude +8, Will +6

Relationship (Adam Warlock, Richard Rider)- Gamora was kinda with Warlock for a long
time, but eventually hooked up with Nova in a subplot that never really went anywhere.
Reputation (Most Dangerous Woman in the Universe)

Total: Abilities: 94 / Skills: 60--30 / Advantages: 29 / Powers: 15 / Defenses: 12 (180)

Gamora- Mega-Fanservice Grumpy Chick to Superstar Character:

-ahhhh Gamora, the living embodiment of Comic Books in the 1990s. OK, the whole
"Daughter of Thanos, brutalized and turned into the ultimate weapon" origin is kick-ass and
original. The idea that this chick is the super-tough "Most Dangerous Woman In The
Universe" is cool, too. The problem? It was all talk. Gamora basically NEVER kicked ass in
the way she's supposed to- I can't think of a single important character she's actually beaten,
and all she ever does is goonsweep. How does she get a rep like that without actually being
that dangerous? Some "Gamora Respect Threads" out there contain some decently-
impressive feats (probably the biggest consists of beating She-Hulk & Rogue during The
Infinity Crusade, Jim Starlin's last and worst wankfest for his own characters), but most of
them involve stunning a held-back Thing, or one-shotting RAGE, which can't be super-high
on someone's list of awesomeness.

-Never mind that she was always a mere accessory to every story she was in. Add to that her
"Man With Tits" personality and the most ludicrously skimpy costume in comic book history
(morphing from a plunging neckline '70s bit to essentially a piece of dental floss covering her
naughty bits and nothing else), and you had the most dated, failed character ever- someone
created from the faps of a legion of 13-year-old boys and that's it. And because life is weird,
she's now a superstar character because of the movies. There ya go.

Gamora- Bikini-Clad Killer:

-So Gamora debuted as an assassin used by Thanos to kill his enemy The Magus. The only
survivor of Zen-Whoberi, who was wiped out by the Universal Church of Truth, she was
raised and experimented on by Thanos to be the "ultimate weapon". "The deadliest woman in
the whole galaxy" only really seemed to defeat any mooks, and failed to kill the Magus, but
then allied with Adam Warlock. Ultimately, she chose to turn on her adopted father- she was
mortally-wounded by Thanos, and taken into the Soul Gem by Warlock, who soon joined her
after the death of Thanos.

-Gamora & Pip the Troll, Adam's allies, were reborn along with him during The Infinity
Gauntlet, and becomes a hanger-on of Adam thereafter. Along the way, she falls for Adam,
but he does not reciprocate, being too aloof. Gamora is given a lot of verbal hype by Starlin,
but ultimately her reputation is complete nonsense- this supposed "Deadliest Woman In the
Galaxy" never defeats anyone important without an asterisk involved. She was one of the
greatest "All Talk" characters in comics, and despite being a '70s charater, came to exemplify
the '90s- a murderous martial artist wearing an outfit the size of a DNA strand. She eventually
quit the Infinity Watch (giving up the Time Gem that she never really used anyways), but
eventually got together with Adam, then vanished from comics with him to raise some
Cosmic Being named "Atleza".

Gamora Returns- "Annihilation":

-Gamora is one of MANY forgotten "Space Characters" who returned in the mega-event
Annihilation. Here, she was the solitary ruler of a group of warrior-women called "The
Graces"- all forgotten characters like her. Now wielding the "Godslayer" sword, she joined
the united front against the Annihilation Wave, and even enters a relationship with Richard
"Nova" Rider, the leader of the opposition force. The notion was clear- Gamora was kind of a
"Nerd's Ideal" character- a deadly nudist with a bad attitude and cynical exterior... but a lusty
love for our "Everyman" hero, and we should identify with him because the hot green lady
wants him. This, however, gets dropped as she is quickly given a spot on the new Guardians
of the Galaxy in subsequent events- Warlock eventually returns but is screwed around with,
leaving Gamora mostly alone (the two rarely interact, save when he went evil and became
The Magus). While a lot of characters came and went on that book, it oddly served the
purpose of completely renovating Gamora's role in comics. She suddenly started wearing
more clothes- certain political movements within comics notwithstanding, Gamora was now
gonna be in a movie and there was NO WAY she was wearing that in it. Both combined and
she was now wearing a full bodysuit.

-Gamora showed up a LOT during Annihilation and the new Cosmic Scene in Marvel after
the turn of the century, eventually moving on to the Guardians of the Galaxy. She did some
stuff with Nova that gets barely touched upon (as both characters were rather busy, what with
all the constant Big Events going on), and she kills alot of people, but it's mostly background
stuff- she hasn't notably killed anyone of importance to the plot in a while (or ever). She
basically turned into a background character in Guardians, offering up about zero
characterization or anything else of note. Though in accordance with the film version, she
finally started putting on some clothes, so she no longer looks like something drawn in a 12-
year old boy's Math binder at school! Unfortunately... Green Chick In a Power-Thong was
really her only character trait, and so she became the least-interesting member of the
Guardians overnight.

Movie Gamora & Beyond:

-Popular actress Zoe Saldana portrayed Gamora as a dry, cynical character annoyed by the
goofy human Star-Lord in the Guardians of the Galaxy movies, making the character
extremely popular- though Saldana always struck me as WAY too slender to play bad-asses,
she was and is a big star and so it worked regardless. Thankfully this was pretty close to her
comics incarnation so they didn't have to shift her around too much. In the comics, she
became obsessed with gaining the Soul Gem, as it may still contain a part of her soul,
fighting with her allies over it, and even killed Thanos! Now calling herself "Requiem", she
attacked her old friends and managed to become "whole" using the Soul Gem, but this leads
to Infinity Warps, which merges many superheroes together thanks to the Infinity Gems being
used from various realities. But I guess this was her under the control of the "other" Gamora,
I dunno- I didn't read it. She redeems herself by raising an infant Magus on a distant world.
She rejoins the GOTG later and most of the comics I have featuring her have her doing
nothing much, really- she's just kind of floated around in this dead-zone of stuff because the
comic versions of her & Star-Lord aren't really together and they don't seem to know where
to go. And I still don't think she's ever beaten someone of real importance.

-Gamora is the member of the Guardians who most-resembles her movie incarnation. Why?
Well, because much like in the comics, we're told that Gamora is a SUPER-TOUGH
again, Gamora is a Sexy Green Chick Who Is "All Talk" on the battlefield. She has the least
to do with the overall plot and narrative, and is essentially there as the team's Smurfette. I
read some funny online rants from fans that Movie Gamora was inaccurate because she was
dressed in actual clothing for once, but really- what mainstream actress would even have
agreed to wear that outfit? If you're just gonna hire some floozy, then sure- but Zoe Saldana
was not going to wear the little red monokini, and neither would any other actress who had a
reasonable name.

Gamora's Powers:
-Gamora's one of those classic pain-in-the-ass Cosmic Builds. Why? Because most of her
bios mention that she's SUPER-STRONG AND DURABLE, yet there's not a shred of
evidence to support that in any book I've read in a long time. It's one of those vague powers
that has likely been utterly forgotten over time- it's not even MENTIONED in her
Annihilation series Bios at the end of Book Three (and those bios actually bring up old minor
powers of Ronan's), though at least once something had referred to her mysteriously-
disappearing super-strength (she tossed someone quite a long ways in one scene, but was
back to Goonsweeping the next). And then there's the "Best Martial Artist in the Universe"
thing, which would EASILY put her into PL 14 territory if you added that to her strength
(because of the way accuracy evens out with damage potential in this system). So where to
put her, stat-wise? I ended up going with moderate Super-Human Strength (Spider-Man
level), along with a very good +15 to-hit bonus, which is easily modified by her horrifying
amount of Combat Advantages. So she can hit +20 accuracy in Hand-to-Hand if she wants, or
dish out more power instead.

-So Gamora ends up being a very strong PL 12 character with a NASTY Sword (it can "slay
cosmic beings", despite never actually doing anything of the sort- yet another example of her
awesomeness being "all talk"), basically because of a huge Improved Critical rating and it's
Penetrative power, the Attack Bonus of a fairly elite martial artist, and enough Combat
Advantages to allow her to do just about anything she needs to in a fight. Altogether, pretty
terrifying, but not QUITE up to her "Can Kill Anyone" reputation, since she's, well, NEVER
-I finally made two different versions- the Pre-Annihilation Gamora is a grump with no
Godslayer or people skills, while the latter sports the more powerful weapon and has a bit
more know-how.


Post by Jabroniville » Tue Apr 25, 2017 2:45 am

Ron Lim's art really kind of started taking a dump after a point.

Created By: Ron Marz & Ron Lim
First Appearance: Silver Surfer #80 (May 1993)
Role: Miss Fanservice
Group Affiliations: The Spinsterhood
PL 12 (165)

Expertise (Space Traveller) 6 (+8)
Intimidation 2 (+4)
Perception 3 (+5)
Technology 3 (+5)

Accurate Attack, Improved Critical (Staff), Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Ranged
Attack 4

Speed 2 (8 mph) [2]
Leaping 2 (30 feet) [2]
Immunity 10 (Life Support) [10]

"Spinster Energy Staff" (Flaws: Easily Removable) [15]

Energy Blast 12 (24) -- (25 points)

 AE: Strength-Damage +2 (Feats: Reach) (3)

"Spinster Belt" (Flaws: Removable) [15]

Flight 8 (500 mph) (16)
Movement 1 (Space Travel 1) (2)
-- (18 points)

Unarmed +11 (+11 Damage, DC 26)
Staff +11 (+13 Damage, DC 29)
Staff Blast +8 (+12 Ranged Damage, DC 27)
Initiative +9

Dodge +11 (DC 21), Parry +12 (DC 22), Toughness +11, Fortitude +11, Will +5

Enemy (The Tyrant)
Responsibility (The Spinsterhood)- Ganymede is so devoted to defeating the Tyrant, that she
initially refuses to give in to her feelings for Jack, as the Spinsterhood forbids such things.
Relationship (Jack of Hearts)- The two pair off romantically once Tyrant is defeated by
Rivalry (Persephone)- Another Spinster is Ganymede's rival.

Total: Abilities: 96 / Skills: 14--7 / Advantages: 8 / Powers: 44 / Defenses: 10 (165)

-Ganymede was a Silver Surfer character and member of the Spinsterhood- a group devoted
to wiping out the Tyrant. She attacked the Surfer, fearing him an agent of the baddie, but the
two were kidnapped by Tyrant's REAL agents. The gang lost badly against Tyrant, but
Galactus arrived to save the day- Ganymeded stayed at the side of Jack of Hearts, one of the
heroes present (he was injured), fell in love with him and refused his advances, before finally
giving in. Eventually, however, she abandoned him to continue the hunt against Tyrant (who
at this point was already dead- I think the writers were just getting rid of her), and Jack
returned to die in Avengers: Disassembled. Ganymede has never reappeared, even during

-According to ComicVine, Ganymede was typically reduced to a fanservicey role, being

disrobed frequently, despite her membership in a "Spinsterhood" that refused sexuality.

-PL 12 seems high for a nobody, but Ganymede was able to hold off the Silver Surfer for a
time, and had the advantage against Terrax- Heralds of Galactus are ungodly powerful, and
you have to be top-tier in order to scrap with them.


Post by Jabroniville » Sun Mar 13, 2022 9:19 am

Created By: Sam Humphries & Ed McGuinness
First Appearance: Guardians of the Galaxy & X-Men- Black Vortex Alpha #1 (Feb. 2015)
Role: Object-Seeker
Group Affiliations: The Elders of the Universe

-Gara appeared in the forgotten Black Vortex wannabe epic, as a member of an alien race (the
Viscardi) that had repeatedly failed to leave their world twelve billion years ago. A Celestial,
hearing her words pleading to let them embrace their ambition, created a "Black Vortex" of
energy. Every Viscardi fought for its power, ultimately leading to their near-complete
annihilation when she killed the last other member of her race, which left her claiming to be
an Elder of the Universe. The Celestial refused to answer when she demanded to know if the
Vortex was meant to kill all of them off. In modern times, she still hunts the Black Vortex,
attempting to destroy it- she was caught between the Guardians of the Galaxy & X-Men, but
managed to capture the Vortex. She allowed Kitty Pryde to use it one last time, in order to
save the planet Spartax from destruction. After that, Gara rested at the center of a star,
guarding the Vortex in her arms.

The Gardener

Post by Jabroniville » Wed Mar 09, 2022 1:52 am

Created By: Bill Mantlo & John Byrne
First Appearance: Marvel Team-Up #55 (March 1977)
Role: Cosmic Botanist
Group Affiliations: The Elders of the Universe
PL 14 (292)

Deception 2 (+4)
Expertise (Science) 4 (+11)
Expertise (Cosmic Lore) 6 (+13)
Expertise (Space Traveller) 6 (+13)
Expertise (History) 4 (+11)
Expertise (Botany) 17 (+24)
Insight 4 (+9)
Perception 6 (+11)
Technology 3 (+10)
Benefit (Elder of the Universe), Diehard, Great Endurance, Jack-of-All-Trades, Ranged
Attack 7, Ultimate Horticulture Skill, Trance

"The Power Primordial"
Immunity 11 (Aging, Life Support) [11]
Immortality 3 (1 week) [6]
Regeneration 2 (Feats: Regrow Limbs) [3]
Senses 1 (Communication Link- Other Elders) [1]
Movement 2 (Space Travel 2) [4]

"Master of Botany"
Movement 1 (Environmental Adaptation- Plant Matter) [2]
"Long Winter" Weaken Stamina 2 (Extras: Area- 500 mile Burst +18, Continuous +3)
(Flaws: Limited to Plants) [40]
Comprehend Plants 2 [4]

"Leaf Shield"
Force Field 4 (Extras: Affects Others 10) [14]
Enhanced Dodge & Parry 2 [4]

"Vine Snare" Snare 14 (Feats: Reversible) (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst, Selective) (Flaws:
Touch Range) (57) -- [71]

 AE: "Vine Snare" Snare 15 (Feats: Reversible) (45)

 AE: "Tree Attack" Blast 14 (Feats: Accurate) (25)
 AE: "Tree Storm" Damage 13 (Extras: Area- 60ft. Cone) (27)
 AE: "Tree Strike" Damage 13 (Extras: Area- 30ft. Line) (27)
 AE: "Leaf Storm" Dazzle Visuals 14 (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst) (42)
 AE: "Tree Growth" Growth 20 (Extras: Affects Others Only +0) (Flaws: Limited to
Trees) (40)
 AE: "Summon Insect Swarm With Plant Pheromones" Summon 2 (4)
 AE: "Nauseating Pollen" Affliction 12 (Fort; Impaired/Disabled/Incapacitated)
(Extras: 30ft. Cloud +2) (36)
 AE: "Poison Ivy" Affliction 14 (Fort; Dazed & Impaired/Stunned &
Disabled/Paralyzed) (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst, Selective, Ranged) (56)
 AE: "Vine Barrage" Environment 4 (250 feet) (Impede Movement 2) (8)
 AE: "Multiple Vine Stabs" Blast 13 (Extras: Multiattack) (39)
 AE: "Vines Tear the Earth" Affliction 14 (Dodge; Hindered & Vulnerable/Prone &
Defenseless) (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst, Extra Condition) (Flaws: Instant Recovery,
Limited Degree) (14)
 AE: "Plant Control" Move Object 14 (Extras: Perception) (Flaws: Limited to Plants)
 AE: "Plant Monsters" Summon Plants 6 (Extras: 4 Minions +4, Horde) (42)

Unarmed +5 (+4 Damage, DC 19)
Tree Attack +13 (+14 Ranged Damage, DC 29)
Tree Area Attacks +13 (+13 Damage, DC 28)
Vine Barrage +11 (+13 Ranged Damage, DC 28)
Vine Snare +11 (+15 Ranged Affliction, DC 25)
Vines, Poison Ivy, Tear Earth & Leaf Storm +14 Area (+14 Affliction, DC 24)
Pollen +12 Area (+12 Affliction, DC 22)
Initiative +2

Dodge +10 (+12 Leaves, DC 20-22), Parry +8 (+10 Leaves, DC 18-20), Toughness +5 (+9
Leaf Shield), Fortitude +10, Will +13

Obsession (Gardening, Peace)- Ord Zyonyz has devoted his millennia-long existence to
botany, and spends eons attending his numerous gardens and seeding barren worlds. He
prefers peace and solitude, and once fled a battle upon realizing he was using his abilities for
Power Loss (Barren Worlds)- Though he wields incredible power, The Gardener cannot
create something from nothing- without first seeding a world, or having plant material
available to him, he has little power.

Total: Abilities: 70 / Skills: 52--26 / Advantages: 13 / Powers: 160 / Defenses: 23 (292)

-The Gardener (actually the FIRST comic book alien named "Ord") is a bit of a neat idea- a
Cosmic Botanist who tends to gigantic, spectacular gardens instead of using his powers to
beat the snot out of people. Created by Bill Mantlo, he had taken up shop on the Blue Area of
Earth's Moon, taking advantage of its atmosphere to create his wonderful garden. He ended
up in a battle against his will when Spider-Man & Adam Warlock ended up tangling with The
Stranger in his neighborhood- the Stranger, wielding one of what were then called "Soul
Gems" (the Power Gem, to be specific), was after Warlock's Soul Gem, and the heroes
quickly fell before him. The Gardener was ultimately unwilling to let others die in his stead,
and so combined his own gem (Time) with Warlock's, finally fending off the Stranger.
Tragically, the battle destroyed the Gardener's own garden. Feeling the gem had been
corrupted, he abandoned it there and left for another world to start again.

-The Gardener's tragic story comes into play in a later Bill Mantlo-written Hulk issue- he
regains a Soul Gem (Warlock's, now that the hero had died), and used it to bloom a new
garden on the barren world of K'ai, in the Microverse. When the Hulk was trapped there, and
lost his beloved queen Jarella, he attempted to bury her in a forbidden "paradise". The
Gardener, now an isolationist, had barred all sentients from his garden, and this set off a
massive fight- the Hulk ultimately defeated the Elder, then plunged the Soul Gem into K'ai's
core, renewing the planet with life. The Gardener then apologized for his selfishness,
confessing that a true paradise required sentient life. Asking permission from the Hulk to stay
there despite what had happened, the Gardener was allowed, and gladly returned the Hulk to
Earth with his own powers.

-After this, stories I'm more familiar with occur- he is one of the Elders that schemes to
destroy Galactus, despite being a non-combatant himself, and is absorbed by the Devourer
until eventually the "cosmic indigestion" frees him and the others. He has by this time
regained the Time Gem- in Thanos Quest, he used this Gem to grow his flowers to their
most-beautiful stage, then would stall them permanently, leaving his garden in permanent
bloom. Of course, Thanos came calling, used his Power Gem to overwhelm The Gardener's
Time Gem, and the plants overran the Elder, killing him by growing through his head and
stuff in a pretty gory demise. Well, at least Thanos felt bad about it, upon watching the
Eternal Garden decay and die. The Gardener thus disappeared for fourteen years, despite
immortality being a noted Elder trait- it wasn't until a 2004 Spider-Man issue that he
returned, but only as a backgrounder. A later Deadpool Corps. book made fun of his name
and general concept, and he uncharacteristically got wasted with the Corps and The

-The Gardener is sorta like my Demeter Build for my "Greek Gods", except he's a recurring
character and not a hypothetical one based off of background pictures that I made for fun. At
least it took the leg-work out of making this guy's build . Gardener is REALLY powerful,
able to hold off any one of Earth's Heroes by himself using his mastery of plant matter.
Curiously however, he lacks major defensive powers- he's got some low Defense for a guy at
his level, and except for his Regeneration, he's pretty vulnerable. That and he's a poor,
inexperienced fighter- for all his power and varying abilities (plus a Soul/Infinity Gem), The
Hulk could still beat him. In various appearances, he has utilized the Time or Mind Gems to
gain other powers, such as Animal Control, greater Summoning Powers, etc.


Post by Jabroniville » Tue Aug 29, 2017 7:39 pm

A MALE Giant?? GTFO.

GARGANTUA (Edward Cobert, aka "Leviathan")

Created By: Alan Kupperberg & J.M. DeMatteis
First Appearance: The Defenders #126 (Dec. 1983)
Role: Growing Guy
Group Affiliations: The Masters of Evil, S.H.I.E.L.D.
PL 9 (61)

Expertise (Criminal) 2 (+0)
Intimidation 10 (+8, +12 Size)

All-Out Attack, Fast Grab, Improved Grab, Improved Hold, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 5

"Permanent Size" Growth 8 (Str & Sta +8, +8 Mass, +4 Intimidation, -4 Dodge/Parry, +1
Speed, -8 Stealth) -- (24 feet) (Feats: Innate) (Extras: Permanent +0) [17]
Speed 1 (8 mph) [1]
Impervious Toughness 3 [3]

Unarmed +6 (+11 Damage, DC 26)
Initiative -1

Dodge +5 (DC 15), Parry +5 (DC 15), Toughness +11 (+2 Impervious), Fortitude +11, Will

Motivation (Greed)
Responsibility (Altered Form)- Gargantua is permanently stuck around 25-30 feet in size.
This prevents him from living a normal life, and renders him mentally inferior to a normal
adult. In his original form, he was a scientist and S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent, with the following
stats: Strength 2, Stamina 2, Agility 1, Fighting 6, Dexterity 0, Intelligence 3, Awareness 0,
Presence 1.

Total: Abilities: 10 / Skills: 12--6 / Advantages: 10 / Powers: 21 / Defenses: 15 (61)

-Gargantua (formerly the much-cooler-named Leviathan- not sure why they changed that-
there aren't any recurring Marvel Characters with the prior name, just one-shotters) was a
scientist who, of course, experimented upon himself, and turned himself into a mentally-
retarded giant man who stomped around and did damage. He was silly as hell, and pretty
much ended up one of those Journeyman Villains (a LOT of that with the Masters, really)
who fought John Walker back when he was Captain America, and Wasp & Wonder Man one
time. He hooked up with Doc Ock's Masters in that one-shot story, and has been generally
never appeared since then, except in background shots.

-Gargantua is a PL 8 defensively, PL 8.5 offensive fellow, not being enough to beat most
heroes, but enough to fend off Wonder Man or U.S. Agent for a couple rounds, until they get
the better of him. He's got a lot of Powerhouse-themed stuff on him, but he's weaker than
most Team Bricks are. And yeah, his low intelligence (below human average, apparently)
REALLY brings down his cost- he's one of the cheapest authentic super-villains I've ever


Post by Jabroniville » Sat Mar 31, 2018 8:08 pm

GARGOUILLE (Lavinia LeBlanc)
Created By: John Ostrander, Joe Edkin & Ivan Reis
First Appearance: Quicksilver #9 (July 1998)
Role: Half-Decent Villain
Group Affiliations: The Acolytes
Fate: Killed by a Predator X creature
PL 9 (112)

Aerobatics 2 (+6)
Athletics 2 (+9)
Expertise (Acolyte) 4 (+4)
Insight 2 (+2)
Intimidation 7 (+7)
Perception 5 (+5)
Stealth 2 (+6)

All-Out Attack, Chokehold, Close Combat 2, Daze (Intimidation), Equipment (Acolytes
Gear), Fast Grab, Great Endurance, Improved Critical (Talons), Improved Initiative,
Improved Hold, Move-By Action, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 4, Startle

"Mutant Powers: Gargoyle-Like Physiology & Super-Dense Short Form"
"Sharp Talons" Strength-Damage +1 (Feats: Split, Penetrating 3) [5]
Speed 3 (16 mph) [3]
Flight 6 (120 mph) (Flaws: Winged) [6]
"Hyper-Keen Senses" Senses 2 (Low-Light Vision, Acute Scent) [2]

"Acolytes Gear" Communications (1)

Unarmed +10 (+7 Damage, DC 22)
Talons +10 (+8 Damage, DC 23)
Initiative +8

Dodge +9 (DC 19), Parry +10 (DC 20), Toughness +8, Fortitude +8, Will +5

Motivation ("Mutant Power!")
Prejudice (Obvious Mutation)- Gargouille is quite short (under most artists not interesting in
Fanservice), grey and has a large wingspan. She cannot pass for human.

Total: Abilities: 54 / Skills: 24--12 / Advantages: 18 / Powers: 16 / Defenses: 12 (112)

-Gargouille has an obvious gimmick based off of her name- Gargoyle chick who looks like
she's made out of stone. Some artist draw her quite short & dense (like Puck from Alpha
Flight), but others give her the standard sexy "Most Common Superpower" look. Her
interesting visual look (created back in a Quicksilver issue featuring an Exodus-led team)
helped her survive to the present day, having ignored a Massacre, M-Day, and Messiah
Complex... only to be murdered by a "Predator X" creature off-panel, with her corpse being
found by her boyfriend. Well that was fun. Yet another Acolyte bites the dust.

-Gargouille is a decent, well-rounded PL 9 fighter, lacking X-Men-level power, but she's

handy in a fight. Mildly super-strong and with some sharp Talons, she's a good example of
what I liked about 3e- now that the Strength chart has been opened up to put all the human-
level people between 0 and 5, you can have a semi-accurate super-strong chick with sharp
claws without sticking her at Captain America's level of strength. Now a "7" is 3 tons, versus
Peak Human in the old days. To avoid having to make her break PL caps, I would have had
to give Gargouille ranks of Super-Strength in addition to a human-level damage bonus.


Post by Jabroniville » Fri Mar 03, 2017 11:22 pm

THE GARGOYLE I (Yuri Topolov)

Created By: Stan Lee & Steve Ditko
First Appearance: The Incredible Hulk #1 (May 1962)
Role: Evil Genius, Freak
Group Affiliations: The Soviet Union
PL 2 (62)

Deception 7 (+7)
Expertise (Science) 10 (+17)
Expertise (Current Events) 4 (+11)
Insight 3 (+5)
Intimidation 4 (+4)
Investigation 3 (+5)
Perception 5 (+7)
Technology 10 (+17)
Vehicles 6 (+6)

Inventor, Ranged Attack 9

"Radiation-Based Intelligence Boost" Enhanced Intelligence 4 [8]

Unarmed +4 (-2 Damage, DC 13)
Initiative +0

Dodge +4 (DC 14), Parry +4 (DC 14), Toughness -1, Fortitude +2, Will +5

Responsibility (Russian Agent)
Prejudice (Dwarf)- The Gargoyle is hideously-deformed, and very small.
Enemy (The Hulk)

Total: Abilities: 12 / Skills: 44--22 / Advantages: 10 / Powers: 8 / Defenses: 10 (62)

-The Gargoyle was the first super-villain the Hulk ever faced- an evil Russian scientist who
was deformed by radiation. He initially fought the Hulk many times, but eventually Banner
was able to cure him of his deformities. Out of gratitude, the ex-villain sacrificed his life in
order to kill several Soviet generals (aka "Stan Lee's Favorite Trope- Villains Making Heroic
Sacrifices"). His son, The Gremlin, would inherit the deformity and genius, and become the
Titanium Man over in Iron Man's book.

-The Gargoyle is... basically the exact same as my Gremlin/Titanium Man build, minus the
armored suit. I mean, come on- he's the same dude.

Gargoyle (Defenders)

Post by Jabroniville » Sun Mar 28, 2021 12:43 pm

GARGOYLE II (Isaac Christians)
Created By: J.M. DeMatteis & Don Perlin
First Appearance: The Defenders #94 (April 1981)
Role: Forgotten Hero, Scholar-Turned-Superhero
Group Affiliations: The Defenders
PL 9 (140)

Deception 5 (+5)
Expertise (Science) 3 (+5)
Expertise (Magic) 7 (+9)
Expertise (Theology & Philosophy) 5 (+7)
Insight 2 (+4)
Intimidation 6 (+6)
Investigation 2 (+4)
Perception 3 (+5)
Persuasion 3 (+3)

Great Endurance, Ranged Attack 7, Ritualist

Immunity 2 (Aging, Disease) [2]
"Mystical Flight" Flight 4 (30 mph) [8]
Regeneration 2 (Feats: Regrowth, Diehard) [4]

"Bio-Mystical Energy"
"Siphon Energy #1" Affliction 7 (Fort; Fatigued/Exhausted/Incapacitated) (Extras:
Cumulative, Ranged) (21) -- [25]

 AE: "Siphon Energy #2" Weaken Strength 8 (Extras: Ranged) (16)

 AE: Blast 10 (20)
 AE: Immunity 10 (Magical Effects) (Extras: Affects Others) (Flaws: Limited to Half-
Effect) (10)
 AE: Mind Control 7 (Flaws: Limited to Fear) (21)

Unarmed +9 (+7 Damage, DC 22)
Siphon Energy #1 +8 (+7 Affliction, DC 17)
Siphon Energy #2 +8 (+8 Ranged Weaken, DC 18)
Blast +8 (+10 Ranged Damage, DC 25)
Initiative +2

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +9 (DC 19), Toughness +9, Fortitude +9, Will +6

Guilt (Formerly Vessel of Demonic Power)
Prejudice (Gargoyle)- Christians cannot pass for an ordinary human.
Quirks (Regenerating Limbs)- Christians' new limbs often appear different from the original
when regenerated.
Involuntary Transformation (Mind Control)- One particular obscure spell will allow any
Wizard to control Christians' Gargoyle form and command him.
Vulnerable (Over-Using Energy)- Gargoyle can use up his body's own Bio-Mystical Energy,
thus killing him.

Total: Abilities: 64 / Skills: 36--18 / Advantages: 9 / Powers: 39 / Defenses: 10 (140)

The Gargoyle- A Very Typical Marvel Backgrounder:

-I find The Gargoyle interesting. Mainly it's because until 2015, I'd NEVER seen or read an
appearance by him in a comic- I just picked up one of those old Official Handbooks of the
Marvel Universe thingies and saw him in it. Turns out, he's one of The Defenders (he joined
once most of its famous members left)- an old man who sold his soul to some demons so his
dying hometown could be prosperous again. Seeing the error of his ways, he turned on them,
and allied with the Defenders for a fair bit of time, going through the usual things that
inhuman characters go through (he can't switch to human form! Then he can! Then he can't
again, and his human form dies!), and finally settled as an aging trainer for the Initiative
before retiring. Wow, a RETIRED HERO. We're unlikely to see him in any kind of important
context again, unless one of those weird modern writers of comics decides to "save" the
character and make him the "grizzled veteran" character for a D-League hero team (like the
Agents of Atlas or Champions or something).

-So yeah, he joins the Defenders after his first appearance, a clear case of the writer wanting
his own "OC" into the book (nothing wrong with that occasionally, mind you). He helps the
team aid the Squadron Supreme, then is separated from the Gargoyle body- but when its
possessed by a demon and attacks his hometown, he re-inhabits it- with the help of a druid,
he kills his human body to prevent the demon from returning. Later, Moondragon forces his
life force from the Gargoyle body and lets the Dragon of the Moon inhabit it- he is killed with
the rest of the team stopping the Dragon. He is resurrected with the rest of the team, and
teammate Cloud gives him a new body, allowing him to switch between both forms at will.
Aaaaaaaand then the book was cancelled and he disappeared. He never appeared in major
context again- Mark Gruenwald used him as a random backgrounder on the Stranger's
laboratory world, and his next appearance, about 10-15 years later, was after Civil War when
he was an Initiative trainer. Again, he was a backgrounder, not having any impact on the

-Actually reading up on him in The Defenders is interesting, because he's a much-more

gregarious character than I imagined- a WWI vet, he appears happy with his new body
having a semblance of life to it, and generally gets along with everybody. He flirts with Patsy
Walker's old housekeeper, but he often appears in the background as kind of the team's "Ace
in the Hole", albeit unintentionally- the team tends to get beaten-down constantly, but then
Gargoyle (who'd been taken out previously) would pop back in and save the day with his
Energy Blasts. I guess his key is survivability. I never saw the other powers beyond the Blast
used in the entire Trade, though.

The Gargoyle's Powers:

-An interesting batch of powers- he's a standard PL 8 brawler in melee, with some solid
strength and durability. He can Fly, but fairly slowly, and Regenerate lost limbs over some
time. But his whole "Bio-Mystical" energy thing is a fascinating batch of Alt-Effects you
don't normally see- he can Fatigue people or just Weaken Strength (both effects are KINDA
similar in terms of description, so I stuck it both), Blast with a fairly powerful burst of
energy, produce a shield against Magic (I used Half-Immunity since otherwise it REALLY
screws up his PL caps), and even cast Fear onto others. So he's a fairly versatile, expensive
PL 9 (140) hero who has several options that effect multiple saves in combat, which makes
him really effective for his Power Level. He's oddly the same price in 2e & 3e, which is a


Post by Jabroniville » Sat Aug 26, 2017 2:48 am


Created By: Steve Gerber & Frank Brunner
First Appearance: The Giant-Size Man-Thing #4 (May 1975)
Role: Retcon Character
Group Affiliations: The Kid Commandos, V-Battalion, Penance Council
PL 6 (81)

Intimidation 5 (+4)
Perception 5 (+4)

Ranged Attack 1

"Frog Physiology"
Leaping 3 (60 feet) [3]
"Pretty Big" Reach [1]
Features: Increased Mass [1]
Swimming 4 [4]
Immunity 1 (Drowning) [1]
Movement 1 (Environmental Adaptation- Aquatic) [2]

Unarmed +7 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Initiative +4

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +3, Fortitude +4, Will +5

Motivation (Taking Over The World)- He only decides to do this after realizing it will allow
him to get rid of his enemies, whoever they are.
Involuntary Transformation (Regular Frog)- Garko will inevitably transform into a regular
frog mere minutes after drinking the juice that gave him super-powers.

Total: Abilities: 46 / Skills: 10--5 / Advantages: 1 / Powers: 20 / Defenses: 9 (81)

-Garko was created as a foe of Howard the Duck- he was initially just some strange man
sitting on a stoop, promising to conquer the world using a jar of juice. No explanation was
ever given as to what this WAS, or where he found it, but he was convinced he could take
over the world. Of course, he wasn't sure if that's what he really WANTED, either. He
eventually decided on it, and then came "afoul" (ComicVine uses that word; so will I) of an
angry Howard the Duck, who takes him out via a board with a nail in it. Garko's juice-
drinking eventually mutated him further into a regular frog- he was then run over by an


Post by Jabroniville » Sat Oct 14, 2017 1:07 am

Created By: Steve Englehart & John Buscema
First Appearance: Thor Annual #5 (1976)
Role: The Watcher
Group Affiliations: Asgard
PL 12 (124)

Athletics 2 (+15)
Close Combat (Natural Weapons) 2 (+9)
Expertise (Hunter/Guardian of Niflheim) 6 (+8)
Insight 2 (+4)
Intimidation 10 (+10, +16 Size)
Perception 10 (+12)

All-Out Attack, Daze (Intimidation), Diehard, Extraordinary Effort, Great Endurance,
Improved Critical (Natural Weapons), Fast Grab, Improved Trip, Power Attack, Startle,
Takedown 2

"Asgardian Physiology" 
Immunity 5 (Aging, Starvation & Thirst, Cold, Disease, Sleep) [5]
Immunity 4 (Drowning & Suffocation, Poison, Pressure) (Flaws: Limited to Half-Effect) [2]
Regeneration 2 (Feats: Regrowth) [3]

"Animal Senses" Senses 6 (Acute & Extended Scent, Low-Light Vision, Scent-Tracking,
Ultra & Extended Hearing) [6]
"Animal Physiology" Speed 4 (60 mph) [4]
"Natural Weapons- Teeth" Strength-Damage +2 [3]

"Natural Size" Growth 12 (Str & Sta +12, +12 Mass, +6 Intimidation, -6 Dodge/Parry, +1
Speed, -12 Stealth) -- (48 feet) (Feats: Innate) (Extras: Permanent +0) [25]

Unarmed +9 (+13 Damage, DC 28)
Natural Weapons +9 (+15 Damage, DC 30)
Initiative +3

Dodge +5 (DC 15), Parry +6 (DC 16), Toughness +14, Fortitude +14, Will +8

Disabled (Animal)- Garm cannot use his giant paws to easily manipulate objects.
Responsibility (Guarding Entrance into Hela's Domain)- None may pass Garm without a
fight. Thor is one of the few who can defeat him.

Total: Abilities: 28 / Skills: 32--16 / Advantages: 12 / Powers: 48 / Defenses: 20 (124)

Garmr in Mythology:  Garmr is a a Cerberus-like guardian of Hel. One story features him
and Tyr killing each other during Ragnarok... Wikipedia doesn't have much on him.

-Garm is the high-powered defender of Hela's realm, but he nonetheless ends up as a bit of a
butt-monkey, being curbstomped by Thor every time someone on his side needs to get in to,
or out of, Hela's domain.


Post by Jabroniville » Thu Mar 30, 2017 3:31 am

Created By: Alan Davis
First Appearance: Captain Britain #4 (April 1985)
Role: Team Leader
Group Affiliations: The Technet
PL 9 (136)

Deception 4 (+6)
Expertise (Science) 4 (+7)
Insight 4 (+6)
Intimidation 2 (+4, +6 Growth)
Investigation 6 (+8)
Perception 6 (+8)
Technology 4 (+7)
Vehicles 4 (+6)

Fast Grab, Improved Grab, Improved Hold, Minion 4 (Yap- Small Teleporting/Locating
Helper), Ranged Attack 7, Tracking

Growth 3 (Strength & Stamina +3, Increased Mass 3, +2 Intimidation, -2 Stealth, -2
Dodge/Parry) (Feats: Innate) (Flaws: Permanent) -- (10 feet) [7]
“Telepathy” Mind-Reading 4 Linked to Communication (Mental) 1 [12]
"Wrist-Blasters" (Flaws: Removable) [14]
Blast 8 (Feats: Split) (17 points)

Unarmed +6 (+9 Damage, DC 24)

Blasters +9 (+8 Ranged Damage, DC 23)

Mind-Reading -- (+4 Mind-Reading, DC 14)
Initiative +0

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +8, Fortitude +8, Will +4

Motivation (Greed)- The Technet are bounty hunters and mercenaries.

Total: Abilities: 52 / Skills: 34--17 / Advantages: 15 / Powers: 33 / Defenses: 16 (136)

-Gatecrasher is the obese, porcine team leader of the Technet, though she's not notably better
than most of them in combat. I gave her a general Powerhouse-bent at PL 9, with some Skills
& Leadership to help the team out. In a more serious comic, she'd be a hyper-badass with
some other powers or weapons, but since it's Excalibur she was as hokey as the rest of her


Post by Jabroniville » Mon Aug 21, 2017 7:32 am

GATEWAY (Real Name Unknown)
Created By: Chris Claremont & Marc Silvestri
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men #229 (May 1988)
Group Affiliations: None
Role: Mysterious Character, Teleporter
PL 5 (175)

Deception 4 (+4)
Expertise (Aborigine Shaman) 10 (+12)
Expertise (Survival) 4 (+8)
Insight 2 (+6)
Perception 4 (+8)
Stealth 4 (+5)

Eidetic Memory, Equipment (Bullroarer)

"Mutant Powers: Teleportation"
Teleport 16 (Feats: Changed Velocity & Direction) (Extras: Easy, Accurate, Extended, Portal
+2) (114) -- [117]

 AE: "Observation" Remote Sensing 12 (Vision & Hearing) (36)

 AE: "Time Sight" Senses 4 (Postcognition) (Extras: Affects Others) (8)
 AE: Movement 9 (Time Travel 3, Space Travel 3, Dimensional Travel 3) (Extras:
Portal +2) (36)

"Telepathy" Communication 1 (Mental) (Flaws: Limited to With Telepaths) [3]

Unarmed +0 (+0 Damage, DC 15)
Initiative +1

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +6 (DC 16), Toughness +2, Fortitude +4, Will +7

Relationship (The St. Croix Family)- Gateway took a somewhat teacherly role towards
Monet & the twins.
Relationship (Bishop & Shard)- The two futuristic X.S.E. members are Gateway's future
Responsibility (Mostly Mute)- For some reason, Gateway does not often speak to others. He
has only spoken verbally to people twice in all the comics in which he's appeared.
Quirk (Bullroarer)- Gateway uses a Bullroarer when transporting others. It's link to his
powers is generally unknown- he may or may not be able to Teleport without it.

Total: Abilities: 20 / Skills: 28--14 / Advantages: 2 / Powers: 120 / Defenses: 19 (175)

-Gateway is one of the more mysterious characters in comics, particularly since only a few
writers have ever bothered with him. He debuted around the darkest point of Claremont's first
X-Men run, when things were REALLY gritty, the team was different and living in Australia,
and The Reavers were hunting them. Initially being ordered around by the bad guys, Gateway
was released from his bonds and started voluntarily helping the X-Men out, though he never
spoke. When the X-Men came back home a few years (our time) later, Gateway didn't go
with them- his next appearance was post-Claremont, as he brought Penance to Generation-X's
door, and would occasionally pop up for some vague stuff (his only spoken word is
"Penance" when he arrives with the girl/s).
-He appeared in Claremont's X-Treme X-Men, which revealed him to be an ancestor of
Bishop & Shard. He was thought-dead after meeting The Marauders (though this was
basically described after the fact), but of course even MINOR characters can't stay dead, as
he showed up alive after a short while, teaching Manifold, who is ALSO an Aborigine with
teleportation powers. Then Gateway got his neck snapped during some big "Weapon X"
thing. Comics are weird.

-Gateway doesn't do much (or ANY) fighting, but is a high-end Teleporter who can basically
go anywhere, making him extremely expensive regardless of his lack of combat power.

The Gatherers

Post by Jabroniville » Thu Jun 11, 2020 12:52 am

These guys are Proctor's own personal Goon Squad who fought The Avengers whenever Proc
was around- most of them aren't terribly effective, and went down in droves, though a couple
are very strong, and could be seen as more powerful had they been around longer to prove
they had staying power. They also utilized Alternate versions of the Vision, Jocasta and
Swordsman (who later became a new Swordsman on Marvel Earth).

Gauntlet (Dark Riders)

Post by Jabroniville » Sun Apr 09, 2017 8:19 pm

Created By: Chris Claremont, Jim Lee & Whilce Portacio
First Appearance: X-Factor #65 (April 1991)
Role: Mercenary, Gun Guy
Group Affiliations: The Riders of the Storm, The Dark Riders
Fate: Still alive; Active Mercenary
PL 8 (107)

Acrobatics 2 (+6)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 1 (+10)
Deception 4 (+4)
Expertise (Mercenary) 6 (+7)
Insight 2 (+4)
Intimidation 6 (+6)
Investigation 4 (+4)
Perception 4 (+6)
Stealth 2 (+6)
Technology 3 (+4)
Vehicles 4 (+7)

Diehard, Equipment 6 (Arsenal, Mercenary Gear), Great Endurance, Improved Aim,
Improved Critical (Plasma Rifle), Power Attack, Ranged Attack 7, Set-Up

"Inhuman Powers: Enhanced Physicality (Cybernetically Enhanced)"
"Cybernetic Eye" Senses 3 (Extended 2 & Infravision) [3]
"Mind Shield" Enhanced Will Check 4 (Flaws: Limited to Mental Attacks) [2]

"Body Armour" Protection +2 (2)
"Shoulder-Mounted Missile Launcher" Blast 7 (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst) (21) -- (24)

 AE: "Plasma Rifle" Blast 6 (Extras: Penetrating) (18)

 AE: "Flamethrower" Damage 6 (Extras: Area- 30ft. Line) (12)
 AE: "Knife" Strength-Damage +1 (1)

Unarmed +10 (+4 Damage, DC 19)
Knife +9 (+5 Damage, DC 20)
Plasma Rifle +10 (+6 Ranged Damage, DC 21)
Flamethrower +6 Area (+6 Damage, DC 21)
Missile Launcher +7 Area (+7 Damage, DC 22)
Initiative +4

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +9 (DC 19), Toughness +5 (+7 Armour), Fortitude +7, Will +4 (+8
vs. Mental Attacks)

Motivation (Survival of the Fittest)
Prejudice (Obvious Superhuman)- Gauntlet is big, green, and looks like an Orc, and cannot
pass for an ordinary human being.

Total: Abilities: 56 / Skills: 38--19 / Advantages: 19 / Powers: 5 / Defenses: 8 (107)

-Gauntlet's an odd one because he actually survived this team of losers. He was basically a
green-skinned hooded guy who stood menacingly alongside the group, and tended to be their
field leader. He wasn't even a mutant or a guy with standard Inhuman powers... he just has
that classic "He's strong according to bios, but doesn't really do any super-strong STUFF"
thing about him, as he's more like your average 1990s-era gunslinger/military dude
archetype, shooting guys (like his teammate Psynapse and '60s character Mesmero... though
these were both illusions). Thought dead when Wolverine went feral, he turned up alive in
later stories, and even survived the X-Man/Madelyne Pryor-based massacre of the team,
showing up one more time as a mercenary. No idea why- he certainly isn't that cool-looking,
and they obviously had no plans for the guy. I guess they just felt that we needed a Jobber
Mercenary out there for X-people to beat up.

-Despite that, he actually showed up in X-Men Evolution of all things, as a merc hunting
Wolverine! I mean, who did THIS guy have for an agent?! The rest of his team is an
embarassing joke, and he gets further play?

-Another PL 8 Dark Rider despite his "Field Leader" status, and the fact that he tended to do
better in fights than his buddies. He's WAY under-pointed, but a rather skilled guy with some
good equipment on him- he's just not specialized enough- he's only PL 8 overall, being
KINDA strong and accurate, but not enough to make up for the weakness of his weapons
(compared to most comic characters Blasts, obviously- they're more advanced that normal
Mook weaponry), or his lack of focus in melee combat (where his strongest Knife-based
attack is). His Mind Shield comes from the issue where Psynapse was turned on them by
Mesmero- Gauntlet wasn't remotely affected by the Psi-Flash, and casually shot Mesmero
(who was fooling them into thinking he was dead anyways). So he's immune to a Flash, but
not Mesmero's control... well, let's just say he made one Will Save, and failed the other, shall

Gauntlet (Green)

Post by Jabroniville » Wed Aug 30, 2017 9:30 pm

GAUNTLET II (Joseph Green)
Created By: Dan Slott, Stephano Caselli & Eric Powell
First Appearance: She-Hulk #100 (Jan. 2006)
Role: Big Bad Drill Instructor
Group Affiliations: Head of Camp H.A.M.M.E.R., The Avengers Resistance
PL 10 (137)

Athletics 4 (+7)
Deception 2 (+5)
Intimidation 6 (+9)
Investigation 2 (+5)
Expertise (Military) 8 (+10)
Perception 5 (+8)
Insight 3 (+6)
Stealth 2 (+5)
Vehicles 4 (+7)

All-Out Attack, Benefit (Rank), Diehard, Equipment (Communications), Fast Grab,
Improved Critical 2 (Gauntlet Blast, Rifle), Inspire, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 6,
Takedown, Teamwork

"Non-Removable Alien Gauntlet Weapon"
Blast 11 (Extras: Penetrating 8) (30) -- [33]

 AE: Snare 9 (Feats: Reversible, Chokehold, Tether) (30)

 AE: Move Object 8 (16)
 AE: "Block Attacks" Enhanced Defenses 2 (4)

Super-Senses 1 (Detect Alien Weapons, Ranged) (Limited to The Tactigon) [1]

Unarmed +8 (+3 Damage, DC 18)
Gauntlet Blast +9 (+11 Ranged Damage, DC 26)
Gauntlet Snare +9 (+11 Ranged Affliction, DC 21)
Initiative +3

Dodge +8 (+10 Gauntlet Shield, DC 18-20), Parry +8 (+10 Gauntlet Shield, DC 18-20),
Toughness +4, Fortitude +6, Will +6

Responsibility (U.S. Military/Government)
Responsibility (Recruits/Trainees' Safety)

Total: Abilities: 58 / Skills: 36--18 / Advantages: 17 / Powers: 34 / Defenses: 10 (137)

-Gauntlet is one of the nice bits of The Initiative series. He's your stereotypical Big Bad Drill
Sergeant Nasty-Ass (I have a suspicion they created him because they didn't want an
ESTABLISHED hero coming across this cruel), and he's got the typical "deep-down a good
guy" mentality where he doesn't want bad things to happen to the good soldiers he's trained,
but I like him anyways. Part of it is his powers- he's got a high output of damage, but he's as
vulnerable as all hell- basically a big tough human being underneath all that power. The fact
that his power is mostly JUST Blasting is nice- comic book writers nowadays can get all over
the place in terms of weird specifics and complicated origins- this is just some alien weapon
that fell from space and linked to a guy. He's just a Blaster on a U.S. Soldier, and he works
with just that. 

-He started out as a Yes-Man, but has moved around to the Avengers Resistance after leaving
Camp H.A.M.M.E.R. when Dark Reign was going down. Gauntlet's okay, but it looks like
his story is about over, as there's not much else left for him, and he went back to fight with
U.S. Soldiers in Afghanistan. He hasn't been seen in years.

-Gauntlet luckily went right down as a PL 10, with a focus on high-powered offense (he can
modify his caps, but has a very good soldier-like Attack +9 at his base), and comparatively
little defense. He's not helpless, but he's PL  8.5 that way, which fits his non-optimization in
real life. He's got good all-around stats, and great Soldier-type skills (Something that'll go a
bit down in cost once 3rd Edition comes out). Gauntlet can Blast, Grab, Move Stuff, or block
incoming attacks, and also detect the Tactigon, a rival's weapon. Oh, and his "Weapon" isn't
really a Device any more- the only way to remove it is to basically laser it off his arm. And
really, any power with THAT Drawback would be every power every hero has had, ever
("Cut Out His Eyes" isn't an acceptable Power Loss/Flaw for Cyclops, for example). 


Post by Jabroniville » Mon Feb 13, 2017 4:48 pm

Created By: Roy Thomas & Neal Adams
First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #62 (Nov. 1969)
Role: Jobber Villain, Powerhouse
Group Affiliations: The Savage Land Mutates
PL 8 (100)

Athletics 3 (+10)
Deception 3 (+4)
Expertise (Survival) 4 (+7)
Insight 3 (+6)
Intimidation 4 (+5)
Perception 4 (+7)
Ranged Combat (Spear) 6 (+8)
Stealth 3 (+6)

Equipment 2, Fast Grab, Power Attack, Teamwork
"Mutate Nature: Radar Sight"
Senses 5 (Danger Sense, Accurate Ranged Radio Sense) [5]
"Skilled Ability to Use Wooden Weapons Without Breaking Them" Features 1 [1]

Spear (Strength-Damage +2, Reach +2) (4) -- (5)

 AE: Spear Throw (Strength-Damage +1, Ranged 8) (9)

Unarmed +7 (+7 Damage, DC 22)
Spear +7 (+9 Damage, DC 24)
Initiative +3

Dodge +9 (DC 19), Parry +9 (DC 19), Toughness +7, Fortitude +9, Will +5

Motivation (Leader's)- All the Mutates will readily follow the most dominant personality, and
do whatever they say.
Disabled (Blind)- Though he possesses a mental "radar", Gaza cannot see with normal vision.

Total: Abilities: 62 / Skills: 30--15 / Advantages: 5 / Powers: 6 / Defenses: 12 (100)

-Gaza is one of those "Empowered Blind People", much like Daredevil and Dr. Mid-Nite,
who are blind, but can still "see" so it's kind of a cheat. Oddly, he also mixes mild levels of
superhuman strength (he once knocked Rogue kinda loopy, and generally the super-strong
guys are paired off with him), making him kind of an all-around good fighter character. He's
still PL 8, and actually breaks the strength limits for his weapons (they're made of wood,
which has Toughness 4, but he does +7 damage, which should break the weapons when
they're used), but I've chosen to give him a Feature to ignore that rule. Figure it's fair. He's a
fairly-balanced PL 8 melee fighter guy in that sense, being really hard to catch unawares.


Post by Jabroniville » Sun Mar 22, 2020 11:38 pm

Created By: Len Wein & George Perez
First Appearance: The Fantastic Four #186 (Sept. 1977)
Role: Token Decent-Person Bad Guy, Animal-Powered Chick, Leggy Broad
Group Affiliations: Salem's Seven
PL 8 (138)

Acrobatics 5 (+12)
Athletics 6 (+10)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 2 (+11)
Deception 3 (+5)
Expertise (Magic) 6 (+7)
Insight 4 (+6)
Perception 5 (+7)
Persuasion 4 (+6)
Stealth 5 (+12)

Agile Feint, Daze (Agile Feint), Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll, Great Endurance,
Improved Critical (Unarmed), Power Attack, Ranged Attack 5, Ritualist, Set-Up, Teamwork

"Gazelle Form" Alternate Form (Action -1) [-1]

Speed 7 (250 mph) [14]

Enhanced Advantages 6: Improved Defense, Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative 3, Move-
By Action [6]
Leaping 4 (120 ft.) [4]

"Speed Feats"
"Attack Everyone in Range" Strength-Damage +1 (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst 5, Selective 5)
(11) -- [12]

 AE: "Rapid Attack" Strength-Damage +1 (Extras: Multiattack 5) (6)

Unarmed +11 (+4 Damage, DC 19)
Speed Feats +5 Area (+5 Damage, DC 20)
Rapid Attack +11 (+5 Damage, DC 20)
Initiative +15

Dodge +11 (DC 21), Parry +11 (DC 21), Toughness +4 (+5 D.Roll), Fortitude +7, Will +5

Motivation (Guarding New Salem)- Salem's Seven are occasionally evil and sometimes just
protective- they just want to guard their home. Problem is, they're highly mistrustful and

Total: Abilities: 56 / Skills: 40--20 / Advantages: 15 / Powers: 35 / Defenses: 12 (138)

-Gazelle is the "Stormer" of Salem's Seven, being the one member who actually turned on the
others- when they planned to abduct the Scarlet Witch and get her to join New Salem in The
Vision and the Scarlet Witch Limited Series, Gazelle disagreed, and was imprisoned for her
efforts. However, she greatly anticipated her own sacrifice to the God of Winter on behalf of
the God of the Harvest, saying it was an "honored" way to die, and that even Vertigo's
grasping at power was "no sin for a WITCH!". However, Gazelle was moved by Wanda's
protests, and her declaration of love for the Vision, and chose to aide the heroes in their
escape by not giving away their plans. At the end of that story, she is sacrificed off-panel,
burning at the stake same as her grandmother Agatha Harkness did- the team thus sat on the
shelf for twenty years. Naturally, the second they returned, Gazelle was back on the squad
with nobody mentioning anything (I mean, the writer probably didn't read that Limited
Series... or tried to and got bored. Seriously, it's dull as hell), with the Seven now opposing
their father and the demon Shuma-Gorath. The rest of the time, she's been a generic baddie, at
one point being recruited onto the Wizard's Frightful Four with two of her other siblings.

-She's designed as a reasonable mystic (Ritualist), and also the super-fast & agile character of
the team. Marvel is actually fairly short on Speedsters, and she's fairly low-level (Basically
being faster than any animal, but not Quicksilver or anything), but she's a handy PL 8.5 melee
fighter (and PL 9 on defense), good at bluffing people out. All of the Salem Seven know how
to go between their powered form and un-powered form (a -1 Action Flaw for their Alternate
Forms) at-will. They all also possess mystical talent, but of the Ritualist variety- they can't
whip out Energy Blasts, Teleportation or junk like that without gathering their strength and
doing chanting and stuff.


Post by Jabroniville » Mon Apr 10, 2017 1:10 am

GAZER, HORSEMAN OF WAR (Real Name Unknown)
Created By: Peter Milligan & Salvador Larocca
First Appearance: X-Men #169 (June 2005)
Role: Blaster, Animalistic Guy
Group Affiliations: The Four Horsemen of Apocalypse
Fate: Stabbed by Ozymandias (not the cool one)
PL 9 (130)

Athletics 1 (+8)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 1 (+8)
Expertise (Astronaut) 6 (+8)
Intimidation 8 (+8)
Perception 4 (+5)
Persuasion 5 (+5)
Technology 5 (+7)
Vehicles 4 (+4)

Minion 5, Ranged Attack 8

"Solar Redirection"
Solar Optic Blast 10 [20]
Immunity 5 (Solar Energy Damage) [5]

"Power Mace" (Flaws: Easily Removable -2) [13]

Electrical Blast 10 (20) -- (21 points)

 AE: "Mace Strike" Strength-Damage +1 (1)

Unarmed +8 (+7 Damage, DC 22)
Mace +7 (+8 Damage, DC 23)
Blasts +8 (+10 Ranged Damage, DC 25)
Initiative +2

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +7, Fortitude +8, Will +3

Motivation (Survival of the Fittest)
Responsibility (Former Soldier)- Abraham was crippled in the Vietnam War, and is
extremely bitter about how the United States abandoned him to his fate.
Rivalry (Famine)- Abraham frequently bickers with his disobedient teammate, considering
that he's a classic soldier-type yes-man.

Total: Abilities: 52 / Skills: 34--17 / Advantages: 13 / Powers: 38 / Defenses: 10 (130)

Role: Awesome Mounted Beast
PL 6 (64)- Minion Rank 5

Athletics 4 (+10)
Intimidation 9 (+7, +8 Size)
Perception 4 (+4)
Stealth 3 (+3)

Improved Critical (Hoof), Power Attack

"Mechanical Creature"
Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects) [30]
Protection 7 [7]

"Animal Physiology" Speed 3 (16 mph) [3]

Flight 5 (60 mph) (Flaws: Winged) [5]
"Natural Size" Growth 3 (Str & Toughness +3, +3 Mass, +1 Intimidation, -1 Dodge/Parry, -3 Stealth) -- (10
feet) (Feats: Innate) (Extras: Permanent +0) [7]

Unarmed +6 (+6 Damage, DC 21)
Initiative +3

Dodge +5 (DC 15), Parry +5 (DC 15), Toughness +7, Fortitude --, Will +0

Disabled (Animal-Bot)- Robo-Horses cannot speak to humans, nor use their paws to easily manipulate objects.

Total: Abilities: -2 / Skills: 20--10 / Advantages: 2 / Powers: 52 / Defenses: 2 (64)

-Just heard about this dude looking at Horsemen characters on Wikipedia. Very weird- a guy
with a Radiation Immunity that allowed him to be a good NASA astronaut, he was de-
powered on M-Day, but was found by Apocalypse, and turned into his new Horseman of
War. He actually looked pretty cool- a big blue ram dude, but he died super-quickly to
Apocalypse's henchman Ozymandias, so we never got to see more of him. As a NASA guy,
he had Immunity 11 (Radiation Effects, Starvation) [11] as his only powers, and was able to
consume radiation for sustenance, but as the Horseman of War, he's got a powerful pair of
Blasts (totally over-cost since he has to buy one as a Device, but it's a one-shot loser
character so who cares, right?) and he's pretty strong.

-I always wonder why nearly everyone in comics gets to be a good fighter automatically,
though- this guy can trade punches with the X-Men in his debut, even though he was hardly a
combat trained fellow at first (astronauts are mostly scientists these days). To befit his
amateur villain status, he's actually pretty low-end on the accuracy & defenses- if he'd lived
past his first appearance, he would have likely settled into a PL 8-type role, not quite the
Sentinel-blasting dude you see here.


Post by Jabroniville » Sat Mar 04, 2017 12:53 am

GEIGER (Delilah "Dee Dee" Dearborn)
Created By: Dan Slott & Ken Lashley
First Appearance: Doc Samson #1 (Jan. 1996)
Role: Power-Copier
Group Affiliations: The Initiative
PL 4 (115), PL 12 (115) When Copying Powers
Expertise (Science) 2 (+5)
Technology 2 (+5)


"Gamma-Copier" Variable 16 (Flaws: Limited to Gamma-Based Powers -2, Powers Are
Uncontrolled) [64]

Unarmed +5 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Gamma Strength +5 (+12-19 Damage, DC 27-34)
Initiative +3

Dodge +5, Parry +5, Toughness +3 (+10-18 Gamma Powers), Fortitude +3 (+8-14 Gamma
Powers), Will +3

Quirk (Gains Personalities)- Delilah will gain the personality of whichever Gamma-Powered
Being she is close to, as well as their powers. Some of these guys are major-league
douchenozzles, so this can be a problem.

Total: Abilities: 46 / Skills: 4--2 / Advantages: 0 / Powers: 64 / Defenses: 3 (115)

-A Gamma Accelerator accident turned Dee Dee Dearborn (naturally, her first name is
DELILAH) into a superhuman whose power is the ability to mimic the powers of any
Gamma-Powered Being in the vicinity. This intense limitation pretty much makes her useless
unless she's on a team with at least Doc Samson or somebody, but given what's happened to
the Hulk under Jeph Loeb, Greg Pak & Paul Jenkins, it might just barely be a -1 Flaw after
all! There's a MILLION of those buggers these days! As Geiger, she has a REALLY high
power-cap, but is still highly-untrained- KIA effortlessly defeats her in The Initiative, and she
vanished onto New Mexico's team- The Mavericks- quite shortly thereafter. She hasn't been
seen in more than a one-off "Background Character" shot since The Initiative was cancelled.


Post by Jabroniville » Fri Aug 25, 2017 9:36 am

Created By: Stan Lee & Jack Kirby
First Appearance: Journey Into Mystery #101 (Feb. 1964)
Role: Troll King
Group Affiliations: The Trolls of Asgard

-Geirrodur is a Rock Troll who wields an Uru spear named Tordenstok, and was placed on
the Troll Throne millennia ago by Loki. He designed some drilling machines that, thanks to
Uru metal on their scoops & bits, could bore holes into other dimensions. He has tried to
conquer Asgard several times, and was once usurped by Ulik. He's pretty strong (most Trolls
are at least Class 25), and has some vague magical power. He's a "genius" among Trolls, but
is only slightly smarter than the average human.


Post by Jabroniville » Fri Aug 25, 2017 7:00 pm

GEIST (Nicholas Geist)
Created By: Archie Goodwin
First Appearance: Wolverine #17 (Nov. 1989)
Role: Ex-Nazi In Hiding
Group Affiliations: The Nazi Party, The CIA
PL 8 (91)

Deception 5 (+8)
Expertise (History) 3 (+8)
Expertise (Government Agent) 7 (+12)
Expertise (Science) 4 (+9)
Insight 3 (+6)
Intimidation 2 (+5)
Perception 2 (+5)
Technology 5 (+10)
Vehicles 1 (+5)

Equipment 5 (Removable Weapons), Ranged Attack 4

"Removable Hand/Weapons"
"Pistol" Blast 5 (10)
"Razor" Strength-Damage +2 (2)
"Tranquilizer Darts" Affliction 6 (Fort; Dazed/Exhausted/Asleep) (Extras: Ranged,
Cumulative) (18)

Unarmed +6 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Razor +6 (+4 Damage, DC 19)
Pistol +8 (+5 Ranged Damage, DC 20)
Tranquilizer Darts +8 (+6 Ranged Affliction, DC 16)
Initiative +2

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +3, Fortitude +3, Will +5

Reputation (Nazi War Criminal)- Geist has managed to avoid prosecution for his crimes
thanks to the benefits he could offer the United States, but there are still those out there who
wish revenge on behalf of those who suffered thanks to him.

Total: Abilities: 56 / Skills: 32--16 / Advantages: 9 / Powers: 0 / Defenses: 10 (91)

-Geist (German for "ghost") is a little-known Wolverine villain- he was an advisor for Adolf
Hitler during World War II, and gave his boss ideas on how to properly-run the concentration
camps. To escape punishment for war crimes, he helped German rocket sciences in the
American space program (a LOT of Nazi & Japanese war criminals escaped punishment
doing stuff like that), then moved to South America (ditto). Geist began trying to create
Super-Soldiers for a dictator from Tierra Verde, which is how he came across Wolverine- he
was experimenting on people using cocaine, including Wolverine's villain Roughouse. Logan
decided to spring his old enemy, cutting off Geist's metal shell and leaving him to die. Geist
was saved by some dark CIA operatives... at which point he was discovered by Magneto.
Turns out, Magneto's still bothered by that whole "Holocaust" thing. Geist was executed by
the Master of Magnetism off-panel. Now that's what I call a happy ending!

-Geist is intelligent and resourceful, but lacks major super-powers- his Cyborg nature is more
to keep him alive than empower him. His only "gear" is a hand that can be replaced with
various "small arms" weapons. I'd imagine a man with his kind of past is great at general
knowledge and secrecy.

Gemini (Joshua Link)

Post by Jabroniville » Sun Jul 25, 2021 5:39 am

GEMINI I (Joshua Link)
Created By: Roy Thomas & Sal Buscema
First Appearance: The Avengers #72 (Jan. 1970)
Role: Jobber Villain, Evil Twin
Group Affiliations: The Zodiac Cartel
PL 8 (117)

Athletics 6 (+8)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 2 (+10)
Deception 6 (+8)
Expertise (Criminal) 7 (+7)
Insight 4 (+4)
Intimidation 3 (+5)
Investigation 4 (+4)
Perception 5 (+5)
Persuasion 3 (+5)
Technology 4 (+4)
Vehicles 4 (+6)

Benefit 2 (Wealth), Improved Critical (Unarmed), Power Attack, Ranged Attack 4, Set-Up,

"Uses Brother's Strength" Enhanced Strength & Stamina 2 (8) -- [9]

 AE: "Boosting Damian's Stats" Enhanced Strength & Stamina 2 (Extras: Perception-
Ranged +2) (Flaws: Limited to Damian Link -2) (8)

"Control Damian Link"

Mind Control 10 (Flaws: Damian Link Only -2, Side Effect- Comatose) [10]
Senses 6 (Detect Damian Link- Ranged, Extended x4) [6]

Unarmed +10 (+3 Damage, DC 18)
Boosted +10 (+5 Damage, DC 20)
Initiative +4

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +10 (DC 20), Toughness +3 (+5 Boosted), Fortitude +5 (+7
Boosted), Will +5

Motivation (Greed & Power)- Already greedy, Gemini also wishes global dominance.
Enemy (Damian Link)- Joshua's brother is an honest cop, and wants to bring Joshua in.

Total: Abilities: 43 / Skills: 48--24 / Advantages: 10 / Powers: 25 / Defenses: 15 (117)

-Gemini's got one of the most messed-up origins ever in comics... he's linked to his twin
brother Damian (a cop) thanks to some hootenany or another, and now has the ability to
either take over his brother's body, or double his own strength because of their link. A lot of
backstory for a guy who's essentially one of twelve losers, but he had much more of a solo
run than most, fighting The Punisher and Ka-Zar independent from the rest of the group. I
chalk it up to him actually having a personality beyond "evil" (he was a deadbeat brother and
thug instead of a generic crimeboss), and he had the coolest costume of the bunch. It was
pretty simple, but that half-black/half-white design is pretty visually interesting, and sticks
out amongst all the half-animal suits the others were using. That didn't stop him from being
killed by the Life Model Decoy Zodiac Cartel in any case.

-So Gemini was initially a goon like the rest of the Zodiac Cartel, but then he's written by
Roy Thomas & Mike Friedrich in a Ka-Zar story for Astonishing Tales- he teams up with the
Plunderer and, from prison, had forced his brother Damian to act as Gemini via the mind
control link he had. Damian is beaten by Ka-Zar a couple of times, but manages to escape
capture and is then left under his own faculties, confused over another "blackout". Gemini is
loyal to Taurus during a later coup attempt, and forces Damian to fight the Avengers during
another story, but is beaten up by Libra (who's turned on his allies). Joshua is later
imprisoned in that story, at which point Damian is never seen again- in Gemini's next
appearance, he is killed with the rest of the Cartel during the LMD attack. Kind of a strange
end for a guy whose story is ludicrously complicated for someone who appeared in less than
fifteen comics in five years.

-Gemini's powers are best described as a generic boost to his Physical Stats, and the ability to
control his brother's movements from pretty much any distance (hence Perception Range
effects combining with Ranged Senses). His brother also kinda gains Joshua's powers and
when Controlled because of this link, which is complicated, but best described with Affects
Others Enhanced Stats. Altogether, Gemini's a PL 7.5 melee fighter guy who's very strong,
but quite cheap since, like most Zodiac guys, he's light on fluff bits. He's about enough to
challenge Ka-Zar for a bit, but he'd need to cheat to win.

Gemini (LMD)

Post by Jabroniville » Sun Jul 25, 2021 7:51 am

GEMINI II (Life Model Decoy)
Created By: David Kraft & Keith Giffen
First Appearance: The Defenders #49 (July 1977)
Role: Animalistic Guy
Group Affiliations: The Zodiac Cartel
PL 7 (128)

Acrobatics 3 (+7)
Athletics 2 (+5)
Deception 4 (+4)
Intimidation 3 (+3)
Perception 4 (+4)

Power Attack, Ranged Attack 4, Set-Up, Teamwork

"Life Model Decoy"
Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects) [30]
Protection 4 [4]
Growth 4 (Str & Toughness +4, +4 Mass, +2 Intimidation, -2 Dodge/Parry, -4 Stealth) -- (12
feet) [8]
"Splits Off Two Forms"
Summon 6 (Extras: Heroic +2, Horde, 2 Minions +2, Variable- Different Power) [48]

Unarmed +7 (+3 Damage, DC 18)
Growth +7 (+7 Damage, DC 22)
Initiative +4

Dodge +7 (+5 Size, DC 17-15), Parry +7 (+5 Size, DC 17-15), Toughness +4 (+9 Size),
Fortitude --, Will +2

Motivation (Power)- The LMD Zodiacs are goons, plain and simple.
Vulnerable (Magnetic Attacks)- As LMDs, the Zodiac are made of metal, and are prone to
magnetic assault.
Weakness (Outside Their Dimension)- The LMDs will shut down without access to Zodiacal
Energy from our dimension- inter-dimensional travel will shut most of them down.
Responsibility (Zodiac Nature)- The LMD Zodiacs were extremely focused onto their
particular sign's habits and nature. This made Gemini very two-faced- when it splits in two,
one personality is Reason (white- Blasts), and the other is Emotion (Electricity).
Power Loss (Energy Blast)- Gemini must have its Minion Summoned to utilize it's special

Total: Abilities: 18 / Skills: 16--8 / Advantages: 7 / Powers: 90 / Defenses: 5 (128)

GEMINI SUMMONS (Life Model Decoys)
Created By: David Kraft & Keith Giffen
First Appearance: The Defenders #49 (July 1977)
Role: Blaster/Shocker, Summon Minions
Group Affiliations: The Zodiac Cartel
PL 7 (88)- Minion Rank 6

Acrobatics 3 (+7)
Athletics 2 (+5)
Deception 4 (+4)
Intimidation 3 (+3)
Perception 4 (+4)
Ranged Combat (Blast) 2 (+7)

Power Attack, Ranged Attack 5, Set-Up, Teamwork

"Life Model Decoy"
Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects) [30]
Protection 4 [4]

Energy Blast 7 [14]

Electrical Damage 7 Linked to Affliction 7 (Fort; Dazed/Stunned/Incapacitated) [14]

Unarmed +7 (+3 Damage, DC 18)
Energy Blast +6 (+8 Ranged Damage, DC 23)
Electrical Touch +7 (+7 Damage & Affliction, DC 22 & 17)
Initiative +4

Dodge +7 (DC 17), Parry +7 (DC 17), Toughness +4, Fortitude --, Will +2

Motivation (Power)- The LMD Zodiacs are goons, plain and simple.
Vulnerable (Magnetic Attacks)- As LMDs, the Zodiac are made of metal, and are prone to
magnetic assault.
Weakness (Outside Their Dimension)- The LMDs will shut down without access to Zodiacal
Energy from our dimension- inter-dimensional travel will shut most of them down.
Responsibility (Zodiac Nature)- The LMD Zodiacs were extremely focused onto their
particular sign's habits and nature. This made Gemini very two-faced- when it splits in two,
one personality is Reason (white- Blasts), and the other is Emotion (Electricity).
Power Loss (Energy Blast)- Gemini must have it's Minion Summoned to utilize it's special

Total: Abilities: 18 / Skills: 18--9 / Advantages: 8 / Powers: 48 / Defenses: 5 (88)

-The first LMD Gemini split into two beings, one of which was emotional, and the other
logical. Each chose a different side in the Zodiac/Defenders conflict, with the emotional side
choosing to aide the Defenders. Eventually, BOTH sides chose to aide the heroes, and
Gemini was let go free by Nick Fury for it. The character oddly appears four years later in a
Savage She-Hulk issue (also written by David Kraft, who created the character), moping
about being built with a taste for beer but having no money, and he gets involved with She-
Hulk & Morbius when he is hired to kill Morbius by the parents of a woman he'd killed
undergoing uncontrolled bloodlust. Wishing not to harm Morbius (he decides that the court's
exoneration of him was just), he still takes the job so he can get close to him, and gets into a
fight with She-Hulk. He seems to defeat her, but the girl's father cannot go through with
killing Morbius, realizing he has a choice to become a murderer or not, which Morbius did
not have. So it seems pretty clear that the whole concept of Gemini here was Kraft's
exploration of the nature of choice, specifically the duality of yes-or-no answers.

-So of course Steve Englehart is like "the Zodiac Cartel LMDs are evil, right?" and uses the
character as part of the group again- he joins the team when Quicksilver uses them to fight
the Avengers, and he's arrested. A female Gemini later helps kill the original Cartel-
eventualy, he goes to the Ankh Dimension and is rendered inert like the others- Englehart
says the character was remade by the Zodiac Key, I guess. So all of Kraft's work went
nowhere, lol.

-This Gemini is a tad potent, able to split off forms from himself (one white and able to blast,
while the other is black and has an electrocuting touch), and grow big.

Gemini (Female LMD)

Post by Jabroniville » Sun Jul 25, 2021 3:58 pm

GEMINI III (Life Model Decoy)
Created By: David Kraft & Keith Giffen
First Appearance: The Defenders #49 (July 1977)
Role: Female Variant
Group Affiliations: The Zodiac Cartel
PL 7 (98)

Acrobatics 3 (+7)
Athletics 2 (+5)
Deception 4 (+4)
Intimidation 3 (+3)
Perception 4 (+4)
Ranged Combat (Blasts) 2 (+7)

Power Attack, Ranged Attack 5, Set-Up, Teamwork

"Life Model Decoy"
Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects) [30]
Protection 4 [4]
Flight 5 (60 mph) [10]
Energy Blast 7 [14]

Unarmed +7 (+3 Damage, DC 18)
Energy Blast +6 (+8 Ranged Damage, DC 23)
Electrical Touch +7 (+7 Damage & Affliction, DC 22 & 17)
Initiative +4

Dodge +7 (DC 17), Parry +7 (DC 17), Toughness +4, Fortitude --, Will +2

Motivation (Power)- The LMD Zodiacs are goons, plain and simple.
Vulnerable (Magnetic Attacks)- As LMDs, the Zodiac are made of metal, and are prone to
magnetic assault.
Weakness (Outside Their Dimension)- The LMDs will shut down without access to Zodiacal
Energy from our dimension- inter-dimensional travel will shut most of them down.
Responsibility (Zodiac Nature)- The LMD Zodiacs were extremely focused onto their
particular sign's habits and nature. This made Gemini very two-faced- when it splits in two,
one personality is Reason (white- Blasts), and the other is Emotion (Electricity).
Power Loss (Energy Blast)- Gemini must have it's Minion Summoned to utilize it's special

Total: Abilities: 18 / Skills: 18--9 / Advantages: 8 / Powers: 58 / Defenses: 5 (98)

-The rebuilt and remade Gemini now has a female appearance, and could Fly and shoot
Energy Blasts- I did not see that power exhibited in the West Coast Avengers arc, though, as
Gemini just ran around on foot, and got housed by weak 1980s Mockingbird easily.

Gemini (Ecliptic Zodiac)

Post by Jabroniville » Sun Jul 25, 2021 4:02 pm

GEMINI V (Real Name Unknown)

Created By: Steve Seagle & Duncan Rouleau
First Appearance: Alpha Flight #12 (July 1998)
Role: Elementalist
Group Affiliations: The Zodiac
PL 6 (54)

Expertise (Criminal) 4 (+4)
Intimidation 4 (+4)
Perception 4 (+5)

Equipment 6 (Teleportation Device, Pistol), Ranged Combat 7

Teleport 10 (20)
"Pistol" Blast 5 (10)

Unarmed +5 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Pistol +7 (+5 Ranged Damage, DC 20)
Initiative +3

Dodge +6 (DC 16), Parry +6 (DC 16), Toughness +3, Fortitude +5, Will +2
Motivation (Greed)

Total: Abilities: 28 / Skills: 12--6 / Advantages: 13 / Powers: 0 / Defenses: 7 (54)

-Gemini IV was actually Madison "Box" Jeffries, an Alpha Flight member under hypnosis or
something. When he was freed, a new Gemini showed up, but was such a background
character that no name or powers were ever given. I basically made him a dime-a-dozen Elite
Thug, more or less.


-This group of dopes were created to be "Marvel UK's X-Men". They were a band of counter-terrorist
soldiers (REALLY ? The X-Men working for The Man? Talk about missing the mark on your concept)
who were attacked by some monster, and were only saved by having their DNA spliced with that of
animals. They were part of the "Gene Pool" event, linking three books together, as they were
contemporaries of Gun Runner and Genetix. Naturally, all of these books were released in polybags
with collector cards, because, as always, Marvel UK defined the '90s. Every design on the team is a
complete dumpster fire, looking a combination of too busy and too generic.

Gene Nation

Post by Jabroniville » Fri Feb 03, 2017 9:23 pm


-Gene Nation came about during that phase of the X-Books where I kinda stopped paying
attention. These guys are the descendents of a group of Morlocks that Mikhail Rasputin
(Colossus' space-warping brother) had taken away from Earth and brought to a dimension
called The Hill. Ten to twenty years pass, and they return to Earth only months after they'd
left. Naturally, they've got murder on their minds- angry over their disenfranchisement, these
Morlocks decide to kill one human for every Morlock life lost during the Mutant Massacre.

-The most prominent member of the team is the grouchy, murderous Marrow (who was only
a child when the team had left)- she plans on executing Leech for being "weak", but Emma
Frost (freshly turned into a hero at this point) saves the day, and Storm rips out Marrow's
heart (luckily, she had two). Later, she's able to fight her way to the top of The Hill and
defeats Mikhail, and Gene Nation moves to the real world, starting a new life near her old
hom ein Africa. Naturally, because they're MORLOCKS, life has to totally suck, and so
they're attacked by bigots in Humanity's Last Stand, and by Dark Beast, who recruits many of
them to fight Generation X. This is the last they're seen as a large group, and most are
thought-dead due to an explosion. Some members would reappear later on.

-As a whole, the group come off very much like the "Sketchpad Characters" that make up
earlier Jobber Villain groups like The Dark Riders, The Mutant Liberation Front, and more.
However, rather than being Dork Age stereotypes, they're more akin to the Joe Madureira-
type Anime-Inspired types of characters- deformed bodies, exaggerated physiques, huge
grimaces, and energetic poses. It's an interesting look at a similar concept (Jobber Villain
Team), but keyed to a slightly different era (funny, given that they're only about 5-7 years
behind the MLF or Riders).
-The group is interesting mainly because it shows how later writers struggled with Chris
Claremont taking the "Morlock" group off the table in the late '80s. As a group, the Morlocks
were a PERFECT symbol of the worst part of being a mutant- characters with obvious
freakish deformities that were the ULTIMATE victims of prejudice- unlike the mostly-
beautiful X-Men, they couldn't pass for human, and so their lives were absolute garbage.
They had a ton of great stories, all involving their disenfranchisement- most were bitter; on
several occasions they kidnap prettier people and force them to live in the Tunnels beneath
New York- Callisto kidnaps Angel, Annalee kidnaps Power Pack, and Caliban kidnaps Kitty
Pryde: In all three cases, all the Morlocks wanted was companionship (Callisto & Caliban
had romantic intentions; Annalee just wanted more children after hers had died).

-Them being bait for prejudice, and being minor Supporting Characters, also made them easy
"Victims": The Mutant Massacre exterminated all but the handful of most-famous characters,
and effectively "removed them from the sandbox", so to speak- with only a few left, future
writers couldn't write the kind of stories Claremont did. The solution? Later writers did it
ANYWAYS, creating a constant stream of "survivors of the Massacre", doing the exact same
things the Morlocks always did. In one Uncanny story, they start a massive riot after one little
Mutant boy controls them (Jean Grey is forced to execute MeMe before he permanently-
absorbs several innocent people into his body). In a Wolverine story, he & Shatterstar have a
'90s-style team-up to wipe out some evil thugs (The Vidkids) who are videotaping their
murders of Morlock stragglers. And of course THIS story, which creates ANOTHER band of


Created By: Scott Lobdell & Brian Hitch
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men #322 (July 1995)
Role: Nasty Minions
Group Affiliations: The Morlocks, Gene Nation
PL 6 (52)

Athletics 4 (+6)
Expertise (Survival) 5 (+5)
Intimidation 6 (+5)
Perception 3 (+3)
Stealth 2 (+4)

Ranged Attack 2, Startle

"Mutant Powers: Various"

Unarmed +8 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Initiative +2
Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +4, Fortitude +5, Will +2

Prejudice (Obvious Mutant)- Most members of Gene Nation have extremely-obvious
Motivation (Destruction)- Having been taught only hatred and anger, the members of Gene
Nation are aggressive and overly-hostile to everyone, and can be easily-led into acts of terror
and murder.

Total: Abilities: 30 / Skills: 20--10 / Advantages: 3 / Powers: 0 / Defenses: 9 (52)

-Most members of Gene Nation are short-tempered, aggressive and hateful individuals,
having been twisted by the stories told to them by Mikhail & Callisto, their adoptive
"Parents". They're muscular and dangerous, but barely above Minions when in large
numbers, hitting PL 5 in melee and PL 6 on defense. Some have pretty clever powers,


CHARM- PL 6 (62): Strength 6, Stamina 6, Agility 3, Fighting 6 [10]

-Apparently never seen using his powers, Charm appears in the Storm Limited Series, and
was never seen again afterwards. Apparently he has enhanced physical abilities.
REVERB- PL 7 (89): Senses 1 (Radius Sight), Remote Sensing 4 (Vision), "Mental Blast"
Blast 7 (Extras: Perception-Ranged, Will Save) [37]
-Reverb's just a Jobber- he attempts to attack Storm's mind while she's fighting Marrow, but
Storm's naturally-high Will Save wins out, and she IMPALES HIM on one of Marrow's
bone-knives, killing him! Storm is BAD-ASS.
D'GARD- PL 10 (62): "Empathy" Mind-Reading 10 (Flaws: Limited to Emotions) [10]
-D'Gard took over leadership from Storm after Gene Nation's battle in Africa, but admitted he
had great respect for her. He was executed by Marrow in order to prove her loyalty to the
Weapon X program- she apparently felt bad about this.
BOOST- PL 6 (72): "Boost Others" Variable 4 (Extras: Affects Others Only +0) (Flaws:
Limited to Mutants, Limited to Boosting Established Powers) [20]
-Just a background member. In a relationship with Tether.
TETHER- PL 6 (64) Agility 4, Electrical Damage 6 (Feats: Reach), "Claws" Strength-
Damage +1 (Feats: Split) [12]
-Boost's Reptilian girlfriend, with an electrified tail. She blamed Storm for the deaths of
many members in Africa, when "Humanity's Last Stand" attacked.
EVER- PL 6 (55) Strength -1, Stamina -1, Agility 0, Communication (Mental) 2, Move
Object 8, Astral Projection 8 [3]
-Ever is weak and thus never got involved in any battles with his team, but joined Havok's
"Brotherhood", where he was quickly killed. Apparently he's got great mental powers (he's
living Gray Matter), but his physicality prevents him from being useful.
LOSS- PL 8 (56): "Bone Spikes on Wrists" Strength-Damage +3 (Feats: Split) [4]
-Loss was part of Mikhail's Personal Guard, but was never more than a Backgrounder, and
hasn't been seen since the Nation showed up in Africa. A younger person that looked a great
deal like her was later seen being devoured by a Predator X in modern times- possibly her
daughter (though it's just as likely it was meant to be her, and the artist just drew her too
FEVER PITCH- PL 8 (111): Fire Blast 8 (Accurate 6), Flame Aura 7, Environment 2
(Extreme Heat 2), Immunity 5 (Piercing Damage) [59]
-A walking skeleton who always casts off flame. He was basically "inhaled" by X-Man, who
siphoned off his power, but resurfaced during a Mutant brawl in Berlin, where some members
of "X-Corps" (a branch of Professor X's larger company during a brief arc where they were
trying to utilize all the un-used characters). He retained his powers after M-Day, but he was
injected with a mutated strand of the Legacy Virus by The Leper Queen's Sapien League (?),
and flared out in a manner that killed dozens of Friends of Humanity supporters. And so he
died, taking several bigots with him.
OPSIDIAN THE DARK- PL 8 (103): "Pure Darkness" Concealment 2 (Visuals) (Flaws:
Limited to Within Darkness), Elongation 5, Shapeshift 2, "Supernatural Feeling of Cold &
Fear" Affliction 7 (Fort; Hindered, Vulnerable & Fatigued/Defenseless, Immobilized &
Exhausted/Incapacitated) (Extras: Area- 30ft. Shapeable, Extra Condition +2) [51]
-A pretty classic "Darkforce"-type character, showed up with Dark Beast's crew, but
disappeared following the battle with Generation X after being easily-defeated when Synch
reflected Fever Pitch's fire into him. And yes, it's Opsidian, not Obsidian.

IRON MAIDEN II- PL 8 (89): Strength 8, Stamina 8, Agility 4, Increased Mass 2, "Spikes"
Damaging Aura 2, Senses 3 (Low-Light Vision, Acute & Extended Scent) [37]
-A highly-dense Mutant with spikes all over her, she was on Dark Beast's squad. She attacked
Husk and hurt her, but M KO'd her pretty easily.

Gene & Alice Hayes

Post by Jabroniville » Fri Dec 03, 2021 4:11 pm

Created By: Brian K. Vaughan & Adrian Alphona
First Appearance: The Runaways #1 (July 2003)
Role: Mutants
Group Affiliations: The Pride
PL 8 (116)

Deception 6 (+9)
Intimidation 4 (+7)
Perception 2 (+5)
Treatment 4 (+7)

Benefit 3 (Wealth & Status), Ranged Attack 2, Startle

"Mutant Powers: Telepathy"
"Sedation" Affliction 8 (Will; Dazed/Exhausted/Asleep) (Extras: Cumulative, Perception-
Ranged +2) (32) -- [35]

 AE: "Memory Removal" Affliction 8 (Will; Impaired/Disabled Memory/Transformed

Memories) (Extras: Cumulative, Perception-Ranged +2) (Flaws: Limited to Memory
Loss) (24)
 AE: Mind-Reading 8 (16)
 AE: Communication 2 (Mental) (8)

Unarmed +6 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Mental Powers -- (+8 Perception-Ranged Affliction, DC 18)
Initiative +3

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +3, Fortitude +4, Will +6

Motivation (Greed & Power)- The Hayeses are willing to sacrifice anything for power.
Hatred (Humans)- Gene & Alice have been on the receiving end of bigotry over their Mutant
Powers for years. They despise humans, and would gladly sacrifice all of their human
teammates to ensure their own survival.

Total: Abilities: 56 / Skills: 16--8 / Advantages: 6 / Powers: 35 / Defenses: 11 (116)

Created By: Brian K. Vaughan & Adrian Alphona
First Appearance: The Runaways #1 (July 2003)
Role: Mutants
Group Affiliations: The Pride
PL 8 (116)

Deception 6 (+9)
Expertise (Speech Therapist) 4 (+7)
Intimidation 4 (+7)
Perception 2 (+5)

Benefit 3 (Wealth & Status), Ranged Attack 2, Startle

"Mutant Powers: Telepathy"
"Sedation" Affliction 8 (Will; Dazed/Exhausted/Asleep) (Extras: Cumulative, Perception-
Ranged +2) (32) -- [35]

 AE: "Memory Removal" Affliction 8 (Will; Impaired/Disabled Memory/Transformed

Memories) (Extras: Cumulative, Perception-Ranged +2) (Flaws: Limited to Memory
Loss) (24)
 AE: Mind-Reading 8 (16)
 AE: Communication 2 (Mental) (8)

Unarmed +6 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Mental Powers -- (+8 Perception-Ranged Affliction, DC 18)
Initiative +3

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +3, Fortitude +4, Will +6

Motivation (Greed & Power)- The Hayeses are willing to sacrifice anything for power.
Hatred (Humans)- Gene & Alice have been on the receiving end of bigotry over their Mutant
Powers for years. They despise humans, and would gladly sacrifice all of their human
teammates to ensure their own survival.

Total: Abilities: 56 / Skills: 16--8 / Advantages: 6 / Powers: 35 / Defenses: 11 (116)

-The Hayeses are pretty lazy, even by the low standards of The Pride- they're a pair of
Mutants with identical powers. They manage to brainwash Cloak into forgetting about the
Runaways until a blow to the head reminds him. They seem to have raised a rather innocent,
dopey daughter, and don't appear to have been as abusive as many of the other Pride
members. They take the longest of the Pride to conceive (Alice was at first unaware she
could- this made her hesitant to accept the offer of the Gibborim). They had conspired
secretly with the Deans to kill off the rest of the Pride and their children, retaining life for the
six of them only.

-After their death against the Gibborim, Gene & Alice were revealed to possibly being the
most-sadistic of the parents, having killed and tortured dozens of people for almost no reason
for years- an old enemy of theirs kidnaps and nearly kills Molly (but not before revealing the
depths of her parents' evil). Wolverine manages to defeat him, and reassures Molly that
though her parents were evil people, they clearly must have at least loved HER.

-It's unclear just how powerful Gene & Alice are, but apparently one story features the two of
them combining their powers to hold off Professor X. They didn't have a long run, so they
could be anywhere from PL 7-10.

Gentle & Gloom

Post by Jabroniville » Tue Dec 27, 2016 9:52 pm

GENTLE (Nezhno Abidemi)
Created By: Craig Kyle, Chris Yost & Mark Brooks
First Appearance: The New X-Men #23 (xxxxx)
Group Affiliations: X-Students
Status: Alive
Role: Growing Guy
PL 9 (85)

Expertise (History) 4 (+5)
Expertise (Science) 3 (+4)
Expertise (Survival) 5 (+7)
Insight 4 (+6)
Intimidation 4 (+4, +8 Size)
Perception 4 (+6)
Persuasion 4 (+4)

Equipment (X-Student Uniform- Communications), Fast Grab, Ranged Attack 2, Startle,

"Mutant Powers: Massive Muscle Growth"
Growth 10 (Str & Sta +10, +10 Mass, +5 Intimidation, -5 Dodge/Parry, +1 Speed, -10
Stealth) -- (36 feet) (Flaws: Side-Effect- Fatigue, Always Occurs at Half-Effect with
Vibranium Tattoos) [10]
Impervious Toughness 9 [9]

"Freakish Speed at Large Size" (Flaws: Limited to Large Size)

Enhanced Dodge 4 [2]
Enhanced Parry 4 [2]

Unarmed +6 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Massive Growth +6 (+12 Damage, DC 27)
Initiative +1

Dodge +6 (+5 Growth, DC 16-15), Parry +6 (+5 Growth, DC 16-15), Toughness +2 (+12
Growth, +5 Impervious), Fortitude +4 (+14 Growth), Will +5

Disabled (No Sense of Touch)
Responsibility (Fatal Powers)- Gentle's powers will likely kill him someday, so he uses them
sparingly. The elder X-Men will generally not even allow him to fight.
Prejudice (Half-Russian)- Gentle is not fully accepted by the xenophobic society of
Wakanda- despite being annoyed by his fellow students, he feels they are the only ones who
can accept him normally.

Total: Abilities: 32 / Skills: 28--14 / Advantages: 6 / Powers: 23 / Defenses: 10 (85)

-Gentle's kind of an off-and-on character. He's on the Junior X-Men teams, but runs off to
Wakanda and does stuff with Storm on his off-time, since he's not one of the CORE cast. So
yeah, he's a rare combo of a mutant & a Wakandan, and he's a Growing Guy hero. He
outright states that his powers will some day kill him, so he often doesn't get involved in
fights unless he really HAS TO (he's also a bit of a pacifist I think).

-There's not a WHOLE lot to go on here, but he's a PL 9 Growth-based guy, limited by a
Fatigue Side-Effect on his power (that's normally a -2 modifier, but goes to -1 since he's got
those special Vibranium Tattoos on him- they're pretty much fused to his skin, and they
reduce the normal Affliction's effect by half). This makes him KIND OF dangerous, but also
pretty useless in a long-running situation, as he's drop dead before you even got through a
few dozen fights.

GLOOM (Jordan Lewis)

Created By: Nunzio DeFilippis, Christina Weir & Keron Grant
First Appearance: New Mutants #3 (Sept. 2003)
Group Affiliations: The Hellions, X-Students, The Young X-Men
Status: De-Powered After M-Day, Unaccounted For
Role: One-Shot Character
PL 3 (30)

Deception 2 (+2)
Expertise (Pop Culture) 2 (+2)

Equipment (X-Student Uniform- Communications, Protection +1)

"Mutant Powers: Induce Blindness"
Concealment 2 (Visual Senses) (Extras: Attack, Area- 30ft. Cloud +2) [10]

Unarmed +9 (+3 Damage, DC 18)
Blades +9 (+7 Damage, DC 22)
Suffocation +7 (+8 Affliction, DC 18)
Initiative +4
Dodge +4 (DC 14), Parry +4 (DC 14), Toughness +1, Fortitude +1, Will +2

Prejudice (Obvious Mutant)

Total: Abilities: 12 / Skills: 4--2 / Advantages: 1 / Powers: 10 / Defenses: 5 (30)

-Gloom is a one-shot character that can disable someone's eyesight with a touch. He harassed
Bishop & Sage along with Tantra, and I don't think he ever got another appearance. He
probably died in the Bus Explosion of Character-Wiping, but we never got the info for sure.
Likely, someone at Marvel just forgot about the little Jawa-looking dude.

-All I have to go on is a picture and a mini-description- he looks like he might be short in the
pic, but I can't tell. Now THAT's a hard character to really define. Best just make him slightly
weak, and use the Template in it's basest form for this guy. He's as minor-league as it gets,
being able to blind people (best to use Dazzle Visuals) with a touch (a Flaw). Just a weakling,

General Fortean

Post by Jabroniville » Thu May 14, 2020 5:35 pm

GENERAL FORTEAN (Reginald Fortean, aka Abomination III)
Created By: Jeff Parker & Gabriel Hardman
First Appearance: The Hulk #30.1 (May 2011)
Role: Ironic Villain (Human Soldier hunting down Thunderbolt Ross)
Group Affiliations: None

-General Fortean was one of the soldiers assigned to help Thunderbolt Ross fight the Hulk,
and became one of the most trusted men there. He swore revenge when Ross was thought
killed by the Red Hulk, and quit the army to join a bunch of Ross' other men in hunting the
monster, who of course turned out to BE Ross. This made him a bit of an ironic villain- Ross
getting his own "Thunderbolt Ross" hunting him down and wanting him dead. Wearing
Redeemer armor, he actually beat Rulk a few times, but his damaged armor meant he couldn't
hear Ross reveal his identity. He chased down Ross repeatedly over Jeff Parker's run on the
book, generally mistrusting him and poisoning him with nano-mines that'd kill him if he took
human form again. Eventually he kinda just stopped being used as the creators moved on.

-Fortean reappeared in 2019 or so hunting down the regular Hulk, using enhanced Redeemer
armor to wipe out a bunch of people on the "Gamma Flight" space station, wiping out
Absorbing Man, Titania, Dr. Samson and Sasquatch. Stealing the empty shell of the
Abomination used by Rick Jones to become "A-Bomb", he teleports away and merges with it,
becoming the 2nd/3rd Abomination. Hulk & Samson soon attacked Fortean, and Samson was
KILLED apparently, and Fortean grew so psychotic and uncontrollable he began killing his
own men (and melted away part of the Hulk's face and torso) with acid spew. His own men
mutinied against him, and he and the Hulk killed each other, sending their souls to the
"Below-Place", where Hulk, controlled by his "Joe Fixit" persona, snuck up behind Fortean
and broke his neck, killing him (again?).

-As Abomination III, Fortean was Hulk-level strong and tough, had claws on his fingers, and
sprayed an Acid powerful enough to melt down even the Hulk, negating his healing ability.
Likely a PL 13-14 Powerhouse, all in all. The Redeemer armor is a Powersuit of varying
levels, and was apparently upgraded during his run.

John Ryker

Post by Jabroniville » Thu Mar 02, 2017 8:54 pm


Created By: Paul Jenkins, Ron Garney & Mike McKone
First Appearance: The Incredible Hulk #12 (March 2000)
Role: More-Evil Version of "Thunderbolt" Ross
Group Affiliations: The U.S. Armed Forces
PL 4 (83)

Deception 8 (+12)
Expertise (Military) 3 (+8)
Expertise (Government) 7 (+12)
Insight 4 (+8)
Investigation 4 (+8)
Perception 1 (+5)
Persuasion 8 (+12)
Technology 3 (+8)

Benefit 3 (General), Contacts

Unarmed +4 (+1 Damage, DC 16)
Initiative +3

Dodge +6 (DC 16), Parry +5 (DC 15), Toughness +2, Fortitude +3, Will +7

Enemy (The Hulk)- Ryker wishes to take the Hulk's DNA and Gamma Radiation for various
purposes, and is just plain vengeful after his wife dies.
Relationship (Wife)- Ryker's wife was dying of a cancer that he believed could be cured by
absorbing the Hulk's Gamma Radiation.

Total: Abilities: 54 / Skills: 38--19 / Advantages: 2 / Powers: 0 / Defenses: 8 (83)

-General Ryker is a pretty brilliant idea, actually- "Thunderbolt" Ross was a major antagonist
and a giant prick, but it was usually pretty clear that his intentions, while often self-serving,
were good and that he wasn't an EVIL man- just a vicious one. With Gen. Ryker, we had a
guy who perfectly symbolized that. He was also a Shadowy Government Figure- a man who
controlled things from behind the scenes. He set up a conspiracy-theory around the
assassination of JFK, and tried to replicate the original accident (which it turns out he'd
supervised) that created the Hulk. The only one that survived was Flux, whom Ryker broke
mentally, revealing that the depths of his evil went much further than Thunderbolt's did. To
the point that when the Hulk was finally captured, Ryker's torture of the monster caused
ROSS HIMSELF to turn on him, and he sprung his enemy and began helping him! Even the
fact that Ryker wanted the Hulk's gamma radiation to cure his wife's cancer didn't really
justify his actions- his wife left him, not wanting to be cured at the expense of others.

-Ryker later created the Gamma Corps to fight the Hulk, and sent another version against

-Ryker is no fighter; instead, he's a master manipulator and very good at staying behind the
scenes. However, like The Leader, his smarts still cannot get him to put one over on the Hulk.

General Wo

Post by Jabroniville » Fri Aug 25, 2017 1:24 am

Created By: Stan Lee & Jack Kirby
First Appearance: Tales of Suspense #61 (Jan. 1965)
Role: Forgotten Foe
Group Affiliations: Vietnam
PL 8 (71)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 2 (+10)
Expertise (Military Dictator) 6 (+7)
Intimidation 3 (+6)
Persuasion 1 (+4)

Fast Grab, Improved Grab, Improved Hold, Startle

"Fatty-Fatty Boombalatty" Features 1: Increased Mass 1 [1]

Unarmed +10 (+5 Damage, DC 20)
Initiative +0

Dodge +6 (DC 16), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +6, Fortitude +7, Will +4

Motivation (Power)- General Wo is a Dictator.
Vulnerable (Falling Damage)- Wo's sheer size means that a simple fall from more than six
feet is all that it would take to beat him, apparently.

Total: Abilities: 52 / Skills: 12--6 / Advantages: 4 / Powers: 1 / Defenses: 8 (71)

-General Wo is a strange one-shot Captain America foe, from WAY back in the mid-1960s,
created to be a guy who threatened Cap during a mission into Vietnam. Why a Vietnamese
General was as SUMO I couldn't tell you, but foreigners being taught the sport isn't unknown
(though would certainly have been very rare in the late 1960s). Wo utilizes near-superhuman
strength (throwing a stone statue), and threatens Cap adequately, but Cap beats him. Years
later, Gru (who else?) would use Wo as an opponent for Cap (disguised as Crossbones)- the
real Crossbones had made a deal with Batroc a year prior that he could beat "any five guys"
Batroc sent against him, leading Steve to have to deal with the mess- he beats Mad Dog,
Ramrod, General Wo, Razorfist (hilariously-quickly- simply dodging one shot and kicking
him) and Batroc himself, in one of Cap's better "Good Showings" as far as being an unarmed
fighter goes (he was sans Shield, naturally).

-So is an impressive specimen, but nothing a modern-day superhero can't really handle- he
specializes in grappling and bulk. Wo is a tremendous threat to a PL 10-ish Cap in the '60s,
but an unarmed Cap manages to defeat him in more-modern times ("modern" being more
than twenty years ago, because I am now old) by using some uncharacteristic Crossbones-like
tactics, clamping down with a vicious chokehold while the General squashes him through
sheer mass, then tossing his fat ass out of the ring.

General Wolfram

Post by Jabroniville » Sat Dec 10, 2022 6:33 am


Created By: Brian Reed & Chris Bachalo
First Appearance: Dark Reign- The Sinister Spider-Man #1 (Aug. 2008)
Role: Joke Villain
Group Affiliations: The Redeemers

-General Wolfram is yet another Nazi Scientist, initially showing up as one of the Joke
Villains in Dark Reign- he was beaten easily by Mac "Spider-Man" Gargan, who ate one of
his arms and stole his money after he robbed a bank. Recruited into the Redeemers, he attacks
Gargan, but is easily beaten again.

-Wolfram, shockingly, gets a MAJOR retcon- back during World War II, he was charged
with creating super-soldiers. He took a serum combining magic, science & wolf DNA, but
was defeated by Wolverine, the sole survivor of the "Devil's Brigade" unit. Wolfram is killed
by a medal made of silver, but Nick Fury stays Logan's hand from further ensuring he's dead.
It's explained that the world needs super-soldiers now that Captain America & Bucky are
missing, and that Wolfram is to be put in charge of the "Weapon Plus" program. Yes, so
THIS JOKE VILLAIN is now the origin story of Weapon X. Yeah. It's suggested in the
Marvel Wiki page that the guy Venom beat up "may be" imitating the original.
-General Wolfram appears to have no powers in Dark Reign, but seemed to be werewolf-
esque in the Wolverine story.


Post by Jabroniville » Fri Apr 14, 2017 3:17 am

Created By: xxxxxxxx
First Appearance: xxxxxxxxx
Role: Golden Age Hero
Group Affiliations: N/A
PL 7 (82)

Athletics 4 (+7)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 2 (+10)
Deception 2 (+5)
Investigation 3 (+6)
Perception 2 (+5)
Stealth 1 (+5)

Fast Grab, Improved Critical (Unarmed), Ranged Attack 2

Unarmed +10 (+3 Damage, DC 18)
Initiative +4

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +10 (DC 20), Toughness +4, Fortitude +5, Will +5

Enemy (Nazi Germany)

Total: Abilities: 60 / Skills: 14--7 / Advantages: 4 / Powers: 0 / Defenses: 11 (82)

-There were a million of these guys in comics around this time- generally speaking, if the
writer was lazy and did nothing to differentiate the character, the hero was this guy.

AMERICAN ACE (Perry Webb)- PL 7 (82)

Created By: Paul Lauretta
First Appearance: Motion Picture Funnies Weekly #1 (1939)
-American Ace was featured in only a single story, where he promised justice to the people of
a small nation being punished by "Attainia" and its Queen Ursula. The creator (drawing in a
crude, humorous style more similar to the Popeye comics than the more serious tale here)
took the book elsewhere, reprinting it as Lieutenant Lank and changing little else.

AMERICAN AVENGER (Don Caldwell)- PL 7 (82)

Created By: Unknown
First Appearance: USA Comics #5 (July 1942)
-Said to be the reincarnation of "el Gaucho", Caldwell fights using a lasso, and stopped a
Nazi action in Argentina (Nazis in Argentina? Who'd believe THAT?).
CAPTAIN DARING (Real Name Unknown)- PL 7 (82)
Created By: Joe Simon & Jack Kirby
First Appearance: Daring Mystery Comics #7 (April 1941)
-He engaged in heroism in the 3000s, as Adolf Hitler had been frozen and revived in this time
period. I would imagine this is non-canon (after all, we all know he became the Hate-Monger,
right?). Captain Daring only had a couple of appearances- there's even another Timely
character by that name- himself a fighter pilot.
Captain Daring II (Lee Bradford)
Created By: Alex Schomburg
First Appearance: U.S.A. Comics #7 (December, 1942)


Created By: Charles Nicholas
First Appearance: Mystic Comics #7 (Dec. 1941)

-Davey Drew was a foolish young boy who freed a creature called "The Demon" from
imprisonment- given a mystical cloak as a reward, Davey used the thing to stop the Demon's
subsequent rampage, and kept it in order to fight evil. He later appears in a modern comic,
which explains some of the past one as "in-universe comics" meant to keep up public morale.
THE DEFENDER (Don Stevens)- PL 7 (82)
Created By: Charles Nicholas
First Appearance: USA Comics #1 (Aug. 1941)
-A patriotically-themed guy with ugly white & red-barred tights, Dan Stevens is your typical
Golden Ager. The "Camp Mascot" became Rusty, his generic Boy Sidekick. He was depicted
as killed in a modern Daredevil story, as up & coming mobster Alexander Bont murdered
him to protect Lucky Luciano.

THE FALCON I (Carl Burgess)- PL 7 (91)

Created By: Maurice Gutworth
First Appearance: Daring Mystery Comics #7 (June 1940)
Stats: INT 2, Expertise (Law) 6 (+8), "Flying Costume" Flight 5 (Winged) [9]
-A District Attorney who wears a flying costume to fight crime. Unrelated to Sam Wilson.

FIGHTING YANK (Bill Price)- PL 7 (82)

Created By: Jimmy Thompson
First Appearance: Captain America Comics #17 (Aug. 1942)
-Looks pretty standard in his military uniform.
Created By: Unknown
First Appearance: Mystic Comics #1 (March 1940)
Stats: ST 8, No STA, FIGHTING 6, Flight 6, Immunity (Fort. Effects), Protection 8,
Elongation, Morph (Flaws: Simple Shapes) [45]
-Another "Robot Hero" character created by the Williams brothers to "right wrongs". He
didn't even seem to last until the War- only a couple stories have used him in modern times,
where he has learned to operate independently- before, he was simply controlled by one of
the Williams bros.
THE HUMAN TOP III (Bruce Bravelle, aka The Top)- PL 8 (126)
Created By: xxxxx
First Appearance: Red Raven Comics #1 (Aug. 1940)
Stats: Flight 7, AE: Swimming 8, "Spinning" Damage 8 (Multiattack), Immunity 5 (Bullets)
-The Human Top (sometimes just "The Top") was struck by lightning and gained Spinning-
based powers- he only appeared twice, oddly in issues spaced two years apart (was there
some kind of super-late letter-writing campaign to bring him back?).
Created By: xxxxxx
First Appearance: Red Raven Comics #1 (Aug. 1940)
Stats: Teleport 10 (Extended, Accurate), Speed 4, Force Field 5 [49]
-Magar was your typical Turban'd Magic Guy, having awoken from suspended animation in
Egypt in order to fight the Nazis. He summoned the spirits of great generals (like Napoleon &
Wellington) to fight for him.
MAJOR LIBERTY (John Liberty)- PL 7 (89)
Created By: xxxxxx
First Appearance: USA Comics #1 (Aug. 1941)
Stats: Comprehend 2 (Speak to & Understand Spirits), Expertise (Teacher) 6 (+7) [7]
-Summons the spirits of dead Americans (like Paul Revere) to help him. I don't know if they
could interact physically with the world, though. His costume is BEYOND terrible- mixing a
1700s-era top with starfield-designed gloves & boots.
Created By: xxxxxx
First Appearance: Mystic Comics #4 (Aug. 1940)
Stats: ST 2, Communication (Mental) 3, Mind-Reading 8, Pre & Postcognition [23]
-Merzah appeared in only one story in the '40s. He appears in a few modern stories, including
one where he is killed by David "Legion" Haller when Charles Xavier dies.
MISS FURY (Marla Drake, aka The Black Fury)- PL 7 (91)
Created By: Tarpe Mills
First Appearance: Sunday Newspaper Strips (April 1941)
Stats: Agile Feint, Attractive, Benefit 2 (Wealth), Equipment 4 (Car, Clawed Gloves- Wall-
Crawling, Handgun +4, Whip +0), Languages 1 (A Few) [9]
-Miss Fury wasn't really a Marvel character; they simply reprinted some of her appearances
between 1942 & '46. She appears in the background of one issue of The Twelve as well. She's
a wealthy socialite who fights crime in a skintight catsuit akin to what Catwoman would wear
much later, and would have a love triangle between her ex-fiancé and a Detective. Though
popular, its status as a "Good Girl" book (the character wore skimpy outfits) was
controversial, losing 37 newspapers as a result of a strip in which Marla appeared in a
BIKINI (!!).

-Greycrusader seems to think she earns a ton of extra stuff and was particularly notable,
which reminds me of that episode of Robot Chicken where that boy was obsessed with the
vast and mighty "world of the Gobots", but here we go : she's apparently wealthy and has
some extra junk on her. He says she has powers so long as she has some "Magic Leopard
Skin", but those apparently only got added to the character years later, in some other

MISS PATRIOT (Mary Morgan)- PL 7 (82)

Created By: Syd Shores
First Appearance: Human Torch #3 (Spring 1941)
-Mary Morgan was the Patriot's secretary, and fell in love with him. She disguised herself as
"Miss Patriot" to woo her man. Retcon Stories have apparently given her ESP.


Created By: xxxxxx
First Appearance: Daring Mystery Comics #1 (Jan. 1940)
Stats: ST 5, Mind Control 8, Illusions (Visual & Hearing) 8, Remote Sensing 8, Teleport 10
(Extended), Move Object 6, Blast 6, Shrinking 8 (Affects Others), Growth 8 [43]
-A boy who was raised by magicians in India after his parents died. He had Super-Strength
and other powers.

MOON-MAN- PL 7 (85)
Created By: xxxxxx
First Appearance: Mystic Comics #5 (March 1941)
Stats: Benefit 3 (Wealth) [3]
-A wealthy playboy who only had one appearance, in which he beat a guy who was...
committing charity fraud? Yeah, some guy was giving rancid meat to children and pocketing
the rest of the money himself, and Moon Man stopped him. A Retcon has him dying in
Germany in 1944.

THE PHANTOM BULLET (Allan Lewis)- PL 7 (85)

Created By: Joe Simon
First Appearance: Daring Mystery Comics #2 (1940)
Stats: Benefit 3 (Wealth) [3]
-A freelance Superhero who used a gun that fired specialized "ice bullets" that left no trace,
hence his name. A Retcon has him dying in 1939, with The Angel avenging his murder at the
hands of Germans spies.
THE PHANTOM OF THE UNDERWORLD (Doyle "Doc" Denton)- PL 7 (86)
Created By: Joe Simon
First Appearance: Daring Mystery Comics #1 (Jan. 1940)
Stats: Treatment 8 (+10) [4]
-Another one-shot, he used his medical skill to help in his career as a police detective.


Created By: xxxxxx
First Appearance: Mystic Comics #5 (March 1941)
Stats: Expertise (Geology) 6 (+8) [3]
-A geologist who engaged in some random adventure with some underworld people.
ROKO THE AMAZING (Lon Crag)- PL 9 (98)
Created By: xxxxxx
First Appearance: USA Comics #5 (Summer 1942)
Stats: INT 3, AWA 5, Expertise (Tactics) 8 (+11), Shield +2, Protection 4 [16]
-Lon Crag was an art student who drew a picture of Menelaos, the famous Greek hero-
Menelaos suddenly came to life and granted him a wish. Lon wished to be "like Captain
America!", and was given a great shield. The magic word "Ilium" turns him into a guy with
the Wisdom of Ulysses, battle-skill of Agamemnon, and invulnerability of Achilles. He only
appeared in one story before vanishing.
THE SECRET STAMP (Roddy Colt)- PL 7 (82)
Created By: xxxxx
First Appearance: Captain America Comics #13 (April 1942)
-This insane character was a teenage boy who put on a costume to get even with the mobsters
who ran him and his brother down while they were out collecting stamps.


Created By: Charles Nicholas
First Appearance: USA Comics #4 (May 1942)
-Jeff Dix starred in a military-themed comic, and lasted a couple of years.
Created By: xxxxx
First Appearance: Mystic Comics #5 (April 1940)
-... SUPER-Slave? This genie was summoned by a guy named "Cappy" in a one-off comedy
strip, helping the guy out when he grabbed a Magical Bracelet that could help him make
TAXI TAYLOR (Jim Taylor)- PL 7 (89)
Created By: xxxxx
First Appearance: Mystic Comics #2 (April 1940)
Stats: Technology 6 (+7), Equipment 4 (Wonder Cab) [7]
-Taxi Taylor built a "Wonder Cab" that could fly and float on the water.
THE TERROR (Laslo Pevely)- PL 7 (93)
Created By: xxxxx
First Appearance: Mystic Comics #5 (March 1941)
Stats: ST 5, STA 5, Intimidation 6 (+9), Startle, Features (Instant Change) [11]
-A guy who could transform into a much scarier, skull-faced form. He reappeared much later
in She-Hulk, but lost to Sitting Bullseye of the Band of the Bland. So I'd imagine he'd lost a
step since the War.


Created By: xxxxx
First Appearance: Marvel Mystery Comics #10 (Aug. 1940)
Stats: ST 1, STA 2, INT 5, Technology 4 (+9), Inventor, Sidekick 4- Monkey [10]
-A "Boy Detective" probably taking bits from the Hardy Boys and other acts at the time,
Terry was actually very popular, lasting for 40-odd issues. He had a Monkey Sidekick, and
was a brilliant inventor.


Created By: xxxxx
First Appearance: Young Allies #7 (April 1943)
Stats: "The Clock of Ages" Time Travel 2 [3]
-A Brooklyn youth who could travel through time. Naturally, this magic timepiece was given
to him by a magical genie while Tommy was busy playing hooky from school. And his
power was usually used to help him in his schoolwork (holy shit, did the Bill & Ted writers
read this comic or something?). He actually got a fair number of appearances, often getting
into life or death struggles against Genghis Khan or Antaeus the Giant or something.


Created By: xxxxx
First Appearance: Daring Mystery Comics #2 (Feb. 1940)
Stats: Athletics 6 (+9), Survival 8 (+11) [5]
-A generic Tarzan rip-off, created by a writer with presumably little skill in geography, as the
Tiger-Man with a Tiger sidekick was living in the AFRICAN JUNGLE.

THE VAGABOND I (Pat Murphy)- PL 7 (82)

Created By: xxxxx
First Appearance: USA Comics #2 (Nov. 1941)
-An unusual superhero who disguised himself as a big fat clown to fight criminals he couldn't
match as a police officer. Retcon has him dying via the Japanese Imperial Navy during the
THE YOUNG AVENGER (William Byron)- PL 7 (82)
Created By: xxxxx
First Appearance: USA Comics #1 (Aug. 1941)
-Wearing a generic green costume with an orange cape, this was a pretty half-assed design.
He only appeared once, after a "shadowy figure" conscripted him to fight Nazis.
Created By: xxxxx
First Appearance: Mystic Comics #2 (April 1940)
Stats: Athletics 6 (+9), Survival 8 (+11) [5]
-A generic "Jungle Girl" character from the company that already created Shanna the She-
Devil. The allure of skimpy, jungle-print outfits was too much for comic creators to resist,
and so you saw a lot of these ladies over the years. Eventually, they'd even outstrip (hee) their
male counterparts in popularity, if only in comics.
Created By: xxxxxx
First Appearance: Mystic Comics #5 (March 1941)
Stats: INT 5, Vehicles 8 (+12), Inventor [13]
-Zephyr Jones is an inventor/rocket pilot type. He tended to fight aliens in basically "Low-
Rate Buck Rogers" adventures, and seemed to last about two issues.


Post by Jabroniville » Tue Jun 13, 2017 8:30 pm

Role: Mook
PL 4 (35)

Athletics 1 (+2)
Deception 4 (+4)
Expertise (Terrorist) 5 (+5)
Intimidation 3 (+3)
Technology 1 (+1)

Equipment 3 (Laser Guns), Ranged Attack

"Laser Gun" Blast 5 (Extras: Multiattack) (15)

Unarmed +4 (+1 Damage, DC 16)
Laser Guns +3 (+5 Ranged Damage, DC 20)
Initiative +2

Dodge +4 (DC 14), Parry +4 (DC 14), Toughness +2, Fortitude +2, Will +0
Responsibility (Terrorist)

Total: Abilities: 22 / Skills: 14--7 / Advantages: 4 / Powers: 0 / Defenses: 2 (35)


Role: Mook
PL 3 (22)

Deception 2 (+2)
Expertise (Terrorist) 2 (+2)
Intimidation 1 (+1)
Technology 1 (+1)

Equipment 3 (Laser Guns)

"Laser Gun" Blast 5 (Extras: Multiattack) (15)

Unarmed +2 (+1 Damage, DC 16)
Laser Guns +1 (+5 Ranged Damage, DC 20)
Initiative +1

Dodge +2 (DC 12), Parry +2 (DC 12), Toughness +2, Fortitude +2, Will +0

Responsibility (Terrorist)

Total: Abilities: 14 / Skills: 6--3 / Advantages: 3 / Powers: 0 / Defenses: 2 (22)

-These Mook builds represent the lowest of the low- the Foot Soldiers of HYDRA, A.I.M.,
Black Spectre and countless others. The PL 4 version is as good as the rank & file get; for an
Elite Mook you'd have toWAHWAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH!!! Just kidding- there's
no such thing. Their accuracy is beyond terrible, which 100% fits their depictions in comics-
when have you EVER seen one of these guys land a hit on someone? Hell, even a MID-TIER
acrobat, much less someone like Spider-Man or Daredevil. Guys like that have ridiculous
enough Dodge ratings that a Mook would have only a 25% chance of hitting, and even THAT
is almost too high for what they've been seen doing in the comics!

Generic Super-Hero

Post by Jabroniville » Sun Aug 20, 2017 9:48 pm

GENERIC SUPER-HERO (Real Name Unknown)

Created By: Steve Skeates & Dave Morris
First Appearance: Generic Comic Book #1 (April 1984)
Role: Super-Hero Who Is Generic
PL 7 (76)

Expertise (Generic Office Job) 4 (+4)
Insight 2 (+2)
Perception 4 (+4)


"Generic Super-Powers"
Power-Lifting 2 (10 tons) [2]
"As Fast As A Bus" Speed 6 (120 mph) [6]
"Rooftop To Rooftop" Leaping 3 (60 feet) [3]
"Better Than Normal Vision" Senses 2 (Extended & Low-Light Vision) [2]

Unarmed +7 (+7 Damage, DC 22)
Initiative +2

Dodge +7 (DC 17), Parry +7 (DC 17), Toughness +7, Fortitude +7, Will +3

Relationship (Girlfriend)- She doesn't get a lot of lines, but she's well-endowed (it says so on
the cover!).
Enemy (Some Villain)
Relationship (Brother)- Like most Marvel characters, his family life is a shit-show. His
brother has been comatose for months.

Total: Abilities: 50 / Skills: 10--5 / Advantages: 0 / Powers: 13 / Defenses: 8 (76)

-The tongue-in-cheek Generic Comic Book was very much a gag on Marvel Comics- he has
personal problems, a weird family, a "well-endowed" girlfriend, gains super-powers (by
smashing a snow-globe on Three Mile Island), fights a bad guy, and then disappears forever.
It was kind of a play on how so many heroes come off as basically the same template. He's
never reappeared, but was given the name "Generic Super-Hero" in a Marvel Handbook. His
powers are... well, generic and low-level.


Post by Jabroniville » Wed Dec 28, 2016 4:59 am


GeNEXT was a group of future-kids of the X-Men created by Chris Claremont after his X-
Men: The End series (meant to wrap up some of his loose ends and finish the stories of some
of his characters. Sadly, despite the awesomeness of his early X-Men run, I've heard nothing
good about this one).

Tempest (Becca Munroe): Storm's daughter. Inherited the same weather powers, but
sometimes grows more savage, gaining clawed fingers and weird markings.

Fantastic Lad (“Rico” Richards): Grandson of Reed & Sue, probably the son of Franklin
Richards (though some think he might just be a younger kid of Reed & Sue). Low-level
elasticity, but his main ability is his genius and Invisibility powers like his grandmother.
Wildcard (Olivier Raven): Son of Rogue & Gambit (took Rogue's maiden name after an
estrangement from his dad). Absorbs powers like Rogue, and hooked up with Megan. He has
some Telepathy & Flight powers as residual effects from maintaining contact with others.
Ray (Rebecca “Becka” LeBeau): Daughter of Rogue & Gambit. Technically the same first
name as Becca. Has flight & low-level (Class 5) Super-Strength, and great skill with the Bo.

Colossus (Pavel Rasputin): The son of Colossus's son with that Savage Land girl he hooked
up with eons ago, and Polaris. Has the same powers as Colossus.

Mind Witch (Megan Summers): Cyclops & Emma Frost's eldest daughter. Looks pretty
much like an Emma Clone, and has the same generic Psionic power-set. Might have low-
level Flight.

No-Name: A new girl with mysterious powers and extreme fighting skills.

-Their allies are Beast, Cecilia Reyes (Claremont was oddly good with occasionally picking
up the side-characters created after his run had ended- many writers merely ignore characters
created in later eras), X-23, Emma Frost & Cyclops. They also befriend Skanda, an Indian
God of War with power levels equivalent to Thor. There's also an Indian girl named Kalima,
who has Supersonic Flight & Flying Brick powers.

Here's the new kids from Cyclops' team on Uncanny X-Men. Unlike most of the other new
mutants kicking around, these guys are your classic "we don't know how our powers work
yet" types, with mostly-unexplored abilities. By contrast, Wolverine & The X-Men focuses
more on interpersonal stuff and the teachers:
GOLDBALLS/EGG (Fabio Medina): Throws gold balls at random from his body (mostly
Uncontrolled). He quit the team after a horrifying incident in Limbo where Dormammu tried
to kill them (Cyke was actually understanding, correctly stating that their life wasn't for
everyone), but was immediately arrested along with his family by S.H.I.E.L.D., which might
just threw him back in with the team full-time. He's since become the "Iconic" member of
Cyke's squad.
MORPH (BENJAMIN DEEDS): Has the humorously-useless ability to transform into the
exact image of whomever is close to him. This of course turns out useful in a few stories, like
one where it's shown that his ability allows him to subtly "influence" whomever he's
mimicking, making him the perfect infiltrator- those he mimics innately trust him, and
believe anything he says.

TRIAGE (Christopher Muse): Healing powers (even curing death).

TEMPUS (Eva Bell): Exceptionally powerful Australian girl who EASILY froze the entire
Avengers roster in time, allowing the X-Men to escape. Borderline-uncontrolled, but hugely
effective. Can also Teleport others through time (last issue she accidentally buzzed Magik out
of time for a few seconds). She seemed to become a HUGE Bendis favorite, as he wrote a
monster story featuring her going into the future by accident, meeting a man, falling in love,
raising a child... then losing both of them as time restructured itself and she ended up back in
our time. She was also used as a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE Ass-Pull to cap off another
Bendis tale, featuring a Godlike Mutant who was able to end the world with his thoughts.
Though innocent, the young man couldn't control his powers, slew a ton of important
characters (Magneto, Cyclops)... and so Eva just flew into the past, did the "Kill Hitler As A
Baby" thing, and ended it. JUST LIKE THAT. This was like SIX MONTHS of story thrown
down the tubes by a half-assed "couple of pages' worth of stuff" ending. And the story wasn't
even BAD before that- which makes that Ass-Pull of an ending EVEN WORSE.

The Gentleman

Post by Jabroniville » Thu Jun 08, 2017 5:55 am

THE GENTLEMAN (Gustav Fiers)
Created By: Adam-Troy Castro
First Appearance: Spider-Man: The Gathering of the Sinister Six (1999 novel)
Role: Behind-The-Scenes Manipulator
Group Affiliations: None
PL 0 (63), PL 3 (63) Defenses, PL 5 (63) Skills

Deception 10 (+14)
Expertise (History) 7 (+12)
Expertise (Criminal) 10 (+15)
Expertise (Business) 5 (+10)
Insight 7 (+12)
Perception 1 (+6)

Benefit 6 (Wealth, Influence)

Unarmed +0 (+0 Damage, DC 17)
Initiative +0
Dodge +0 (DC 10), Parry +0 (DC 10), Toughness +0, Fortitude +0, Will +6

Motivation (Greed)
Enemy (Dr. George Williams- Treasury Agent)- The two have engaged in a cat & mouse
game for decades.

Total: Abilities: 36 / Skills: 40--20 / Advantages: 6 / Powers: 0 / Defenses: 1 (63)

-This mostly-unknown figure comes from a Spider-Man novel trilogy from the late '90s, but
has since appeared in both the 2012 Amazing Spider-Man film (!!), AND the mainstream
Marvel Universe. Now, the whole "Peter's father was murdered" thing was more of an
undercurrent to the films, so I didn't even really pick up on the guy (who was named Gustav
in the film itself, apparently), and since Disney owns the rights again, that whole thing's a
dead deal. So, uh... so much for this guy's importance.

-The Gentleman is the brother of The Finisher (the killer of Spider-Man's parents), and is
known in the underworld as an elaborate planner and wealthy sort of guy. He's said to be
behind the scenes in many important world events. He hated regular people, and visited poor
parts of the world just to solidify his belief in his own superiority. He allied with the Red
Skull himself during World War II, growing to respect the man, which pretty much proves
his evil right there (even THE JOKER didn't like the Red Skull).

-He worked with the replacement Skull and had Richard & Mary Parker killed, and later
discovered Spider-Man's secret identity owing to his continued interest in their son (whom he
wanted as a challenge). When his brother died because of Spidey, The Gentleman took it
personally. He hired the Sinister Six (now including his longtime ally, The Chameleon) to do
a bunch of stuff, but outsmarted himself- the Chameleon got greedy and shot him, leading
him to bleed to death penniless (he'd spent his fortune hiring the Six)- his old enemy Dr.
Williams taunted him, tossing a penny just out of reach, joking that the Gentleman might
reach it "before blood loss sends you to Hell"- he bleeds out and is buried in a pauper's grave.

-The character, whom I'd never heard of till checking Wikipedia for any last-minute Spidey
characters, appeared during the comics in Civil War II, as an associate of The Kingpin. All he
appears to do is agree to follow Janus, the Kingpin's successor.

-The version in the novel is a particularly dangerous kind of opponent- a master of plans and
plots, but not a combatant. Focusing on killing by proxy, he's particularly difficult for more
physical characters like Spider-Man to fight.

Gen X

Post by Jabroniville » Sun Jan 29, 2017 3:12 am

-I never read much Generation X. I had JUST gotten out of comics for reasons I can never
quite ascertain (since I still read ABOUT them in Wizard & such, and read some from the
racks like many kids my age- I just stopped buying them for a long time until I got TPBs of
the "classics"), pretty much during the few years after the X-Cutioner's Song. I think it was
about one year before Age of Apocalypse came out, so it predated the Gen-X stories by a few
months (Child's Play, which debuted Paige Guthrie, was months beforehand). What I DID
read never managed to impress me, however.

-I really disliked the whole "Generation X" team and concept, in all honesty. As someone
who's by this point read all of the New Mutants run, seeing Marvel copy the same idea felt
pretty good, as it was seemingly hard to fail with the "invent a whole new cast of characters
to add to the history of the X-Men" idea. But... it was just HANDLED all wrong. Half the
team was "potentially the most powerful mutant alive" (I've heard that used for Chamber,
Synch and frickin' JUBILEE of all people!), and most of them were pretty good with their
powers right away (compared to the Mutants, who had to struggle for MONTHS just so Sam
could change direction while flying and Dani didn't just rip people's fears out of their heads).
They fit together more as stereotypes from Teen Dramedy than as real people with actual
personalities. And most of them had generic, unoriginal powers (Synch was like Mimic,
Chamber like every other TK/TPer, M like a Flying Brick, a few Blasters, a Claw User, etc.). 

-It didn't help that the book was introduced with a SPECTACULARLY awful 1900s event-
The Phalanx Covenant. It turned Warlock's unique, interesting race of The Technarch into a
Borg rip-off, featured characters with wildly-diverging personalities (Cannonball became a
jerk who hated Douglock just because they needed an antagonist), and really exaggerated '90s
art. In addition, it went on for WAY too long, with like 12 parts to a basically boring story
that could've been done in five issues instead... something comics has not only failed to
correct, but has gotten worse at doing.

-In any case, the book started off with this crossover, as the Phalanx attempted to figure out
why their "assimilation" power does not work on Mutants, using these young mutants as
"practice"- they are defeated thanks to a coalition of X-teams, and the sacrifice of the young
teleporter named Blink. A book featuring most of these newbies begins- Banshee and The
White Queen show up as mentors & teachers- a nice use of past characters. Banshee had been
on the shelf for more than ten years by this point, and Emma had just undergone a more
selfless turn since coming out of her coma (which didn't last as long as I remembered, it turns
out). The most important character, however, was Jubilee- who'd gotten a major push in the
'90s, having joined the X-Men, shown up on Jim Lee's "I Like to Draw This Crowd" X-Men
spin-off, and become the central "Fan P.O.V." character on the popular X-Men Animated
Series. Moving on to Generation X combined with the other two was to give the book some
credibility & attention immediately, rather than be left entirely to newbies.

-Jubes was joined by M (Flying Brick/Telepath Rich Bitch), Skin (Mr. Fantastic Lite), Synch
(Power-Copier), Penance (Mute Claw Girl) and Husk (Absorbing Man Lite)- herself having
debuted as part of an X-Force/New Warriors crossover featuring the end of The Upstarts. I
get the impression that was gonna be a "sneak preview" for this book. The book was popular
right away, with Lobdell apparently doing some of his best work, while Chris Bachalo was
just getting noticed for his exaggerated, quirky physiques. The two would leave after three
years, leaving it in the hands of Larry Hama (the great G.I. Joe writer with questionable
credentials for superhero stuff) and Terry Dodson (who hadn't yet gotten noticed as Frank
Cho Lite... or Frank Cho Heavy, depending on your tastes). Hama kind of fumbled the ball,
ruining the M & Penance characters with a convoluted backstory/origin between #35-40.
Hama was gone ten issues after that, and Jay Faerber, his replacement, put Adrienne Frost in
charge of the school with the fiftieth issue.

-The second-tier X-Books were all revamped by Warren Ellis in 2000, but most of the X-
books were cancelled the next year by Joe Quesada, who felt that it was too redundant to
have that many mutant hero books (a problem he seems to have... gotten over. Never mind all
the Deadpool, Gwen Stacy & Avengers books out there). Generation X #75 was the final
issue, lasting just two years short of The New Mutants. And so the Third Great Teen Mutant
Surge was created, as Grant Morrison was allowed to revamp the entire X-line around his
own concept of Xavier forming a full-sized school for once, meaning that the "old" Teen
Mutants had to go by the wayside to make room for new kids. Some of the Gen-X kids found
new homes- Chamber was in one X-Men book for a bit, and M moved on to X-Factor
Investigations- in fact, they "graduated" to X-teams at a higher ratio than the New Mutants at
first! But for the most part, they kind of disappeared. Mondo, Synch & Skin are dead,
Penance is god knows what, Husk & Chamber are complete nothings now, and Jubilee has
kind of vanished here and there (plus is a vampire). Of their teachers, Emma remains
important (though arguably more dependent on Grant Morrison's characterization of her than
anything the Gen X writers did), but Banshee has been dead for years.

-Honestly, it's not a great thing to be a Teen Hero in comics at the best of times. Generation
X, however, has been shown to be a bit of a middle-road book, as the New Mutants kids have
retained importance for longer and are still showing up in books, while the Gen X kids got
replaced by Morrison's Mutants, then the New X-Men, which upgraded to The Young X-Men,
at which point THEY got dumped for Wolverine and the X-Men and Cyclops's team of
newbies... so when it comes to being Mutant Teens, you're better off being one of the first
group than any of the middle ones. This is especially obvious when you read the character
histories. I swear, every single one of their Wikipedia/ComicVine bios basically says at one
point "Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd this is the point where everyone at Marvel stopped giving
a shit about this character". Because sure enough, every one of these guys has a point where
they completely cease to matter to anything, and are essentially background filler.

Genesis (Tyler)

Post by Jabroniville » Mon Apr 10, 2017 5:47 pm

This is the most generic Super-Villain Concept ever. Just some big guy in Space Marine

GENESIS (Tyler Dayspring/Summers)

Created By: Fabian Nicieza & Rob Liefeld
First Appearance: X-Force #1 (Aug. 1991)
Role: The Failed Son, False Big Bad
Group Affiliations: Tolliver's Organization, The Dark Riders, The Askani Clan Chosen
PL 10 (211)

Acrobatics 4 (+8)
Athletics 4 (+7)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 1 (+11)
Deception 10 (+14)
Expertise (History) 4 (+8)
Expertise (Science) 4 (+8)
Expertise (Soldier) 5 (+9)
Expertise (Criminal) 7 (+11)
Insight 4 (+6)
Intimidation 3 (+7)
Investigation 2 (+4)
Perception 4 (+6)
Persuasion 4 (+8)
Stealth 2 (+6)
Technology 4 (+8)
Vehicles 4 (+6)

Accurate Attack, Benefit 4 (Wealth 3, Alternate Identity- Tolliver), Connected, Contacts,
Equipment 4, Improved Aim, Improved Critical (Firearms), Ranged Attack 9, Taunt, Well-

"Mutant Powers: Holographic Projections of Memories"
Mind-Reading 10 (Flaws: Limited to Memories) [10]
Summon Solid Holograms 5 (Extras: Horde, 8 Minions- Multiple Minions +6, Variable-
Memories) [50]

"Power Armour" (Flaws: Removable) [14]

Enhanced Strength 3 (6)
Protection 4 (Extras: Impervious 7) (11)
-- (17 points)

Unarmed +11 (+3 Damage, DC 18)
Armoured Strength +11 (+6 Damage, DC 21)
Firearms +11 (+5 Damage, DC 20)
Initiative +4

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +10 (DC 20), Toughness +4 (+8 Armour), Fortitude +7, Will +7
Motivation (Greed, Power)
Enemy (Cable)- Tyler has been brainwashed by Stryfe against his own father, Cable, and
seeks to destroy him.

Total: Abilities: 66 / Skills: 66--33 / Advantages: 24 / Powers: 74 / Defenses: 14 (211)

-Tyler Dayspring, the son of Cable, was just mishandled on every level. See, he was initially
just part of Cable's sad backstory (as they tried to fill in the character's blanks)- a young man
twisted by Stryfe into a mercenary, and put on a mission that killed him. THEN it was
revealed that C-League X-Force foe Mr. Tolliver, a generic crimeboss (and I mean
GENERIC- there was NOTHING interesting about this guy, other than him kidnapping
Domino for a year... when there was no reason to just not kill her- he was ALREADY using
her dupe Copycat on X-Force...), was actually Tyler in disguise! And so Tyler threatened
Cable for a bit... and then took over the Dark Riders, killed Cyber, and tried to put the
Adamantium from THAT failed '90s villain into Wolverine. The subsequent storyline saw the
writers do away with all these crap characters, and so Genesis was killed.

-His spirit would reappear, but this was just a terribly-done storyline. Instead of giving Cable
a new epic villain, they faltered with him and had him offed by a completely different guy.
OR they could have just left him in the "sad backstory" category.

-Genesis isn't that powerful- more like a PL 9 guy with a lot of Skills & smarts, but he's got
the ability to Summon Minions... I think. See, I'm going off of various bio-sites, and
ComicVine says he could make "Solid Holograms of Others' Memories", implying he's a
Minion Guy. Uh... he's a pricey guy, though, like most Master Villains tend to be, even if
they fail at being such.

Genesis (Evan)

Post by Jabroniville » Fri Dec 30, 2016 4:20 am

GENESIS II (Evan Sabahnur, aka Kid Apocalypse)
Created By: Rick Remender & Esad Ribic
First Appearance: Uncanny X-Force #7 (June 2011)
Group Affiliations: X-Students
Status: Alive
Role: Potentially-Evil Kid
PL 8 (123)

Expertise (Science) 4 (+6)
Expertise (Farming) 2 (+4)
Perception 2 (+2)
Technology 4 (+6)

Equipment (X-Student Uniform- Communications), Fast Grab, Ranged Attack 6

"Mutant Powers: Vast Shapeshifting Power (Augmented by Celestial Technology)"
Protection 1 (Extras: Impervious 7) [8]
Immunity 11 (Aging, Life Support) [11]
Regeneration 5 (Feats: Regrowth) [6]
"Mind Shield" Immunity 20 (Mental Effects) (Flaws: Limited to Half-Effect) [10]

"Dematerialization Beam" Blast 8 (Feats: Split) [17]

Shapeshift 4 [32]

(Common Powers: "Long Hammer Fists" Strength-Damage +2- Reach 6; "Armour"

Protection +2; "Stretching" Elongation 2; "Boot Jets" Flight 5)

Unarmed +7 (+4 Damage, DC 19)
Long Hammer Fists +7 (+6 Damage, DC 21)
Dematerialization Beams +8 (+8 Ranged Damage, DC 23)
Initiative +3

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +6 (+8 Armour), Fortitude +7, Will +4

Responsibility (The Child of Apocalypse)- Genesis' very appearance sets off others around
him, as he's the clone of one of the X-Men's most powerful foes.

Total: Abilities: 48 / Skills: 12--6 / Advantages: 8 / Powers: 84 / Defenses: 11 (157)

-Genesis is the clone of Apocalypse, created by the anti-hero Fantomex in order to show that
the right upbringing can turn En Sabah Nur into a hero. Raised by a VR program that gave
him Superman's Kansas upbringing, and he's since been taught by Deadpool, who was
growing attached to the lad until creative teams switched. Deadpool is an ideal character for
stuff like that, because his inherent silliness means that it MEANS MORE when he makes a
close connection. During the AXIS event, Evan was "converted" to evil, and immediately
became an adult-sized Apocalypse, and was the "Big Bad" of the Event, only failing to kill all
humanity thanks to the heroic sacrifice of CARNAGE (God that was a weird, if oddly fun in
some parts, storyline). He turns good in the end, convinced by Deadpool that "nobody liked
Apocalypse", while Evan could be a force for good in the world.

-Evan has gone on to become a member of the New X-Men team, joining Idie alongside the
"Original X-Men" team that was STILL stuck in the future from their original place in the
timeline. There, he's actually gotten a few issues of focus, such as going back in time and
meeting his original self, the teen En Sabah Nur, back when he was merely the wimpy son of
an evil Egyptian warlord. There's also little bits where he brings up that his "Sunny Side Up",
happy personality is a deliberate image thing on his part- because he knows that everyone,
even his friends, are waiting for the monster to return.

Next up is a whole GANG of losers- the members of "Genetix", a team created by Marvel UK in the
mid-90s. They're from six-issue run that introduced a bunch of stupidly-designed, silly-named, one-
note characters that were never seen again. They were mind-wiped creations of Dr. Oonaugh
Mullarkey, and sent after Killpower. They eventually learned the truth, and broke free, acting on
their own.


Post by Jabroniville » Wed Mar 22, 2017 4:50 pm


-I never read the X-Men during the late-80s period (I was too young to get to the comic store
on my own, and I was generally unfamiliar with comics in general until I was about eleven or
so), so I don't have a whole lot to go on regarding Genosha. My only link to the general era is
The X-Tinction Agenda. A cross-line mutant crossover (back when those were VERY rare), it
was done during the peak of Jim Lee & Rob Liefeld's run as X-Artists, and also had some
hideous, half-assed art by John Bogdanove, who is possibly the single worst artist in comic
book history at this point (seriously, the art on the X-Factor portions of the book are vomit-
inducing. Not a lot of things can make me go "God, I can't wait until we reach another Rob
Liefeld issue", but this is one of them- he later turned into a pretty good artist on Superman).

-Ultimately, Genosha is a pretty clear metaphor for what was going on in South Africa at the
time. South Africa, founded by Dutch-descended settlers, was based off of a system of
"Apartheid" that meant that whites counted more (in just about every respect) than blacks
(and blacks could even spend money to become "more white" under the law)- a system in
which a minority of whites ruled a majority of blacks. This system was notorious the world
over, with many countries openly being hostile to the South African government in Pretoria,
while others (like, controversially, Israel) were like "HEY, just give us monies! It's all cool!"
Now, as a kid reading the books at the time, I would have had NO IDEA that this was a thing,
so I was a bit weirded out that some country in Africa was ruled by white people. Also the
metaphor doesn't entirely work since clearly the "Mutates" (mind-wiped mutants) are
SLAVES, not a poor, oppressed minority that merely suffers inequality. I mean, it's unequal,
but Slavery and Economic Inequality are two different things.

-So Genosha was basically an island off the coast of Africa, ruled entirely by white people
and featuring an economy that's run off of Mutant slaves they call "Mutates"- mind-wiped
and loyal servants who never seemed to use any powers. Numbered and mindless, they were
seen as a shocking thing by most other nations, but nothing was done about it. And when
some Genoshan Mutants tried to ESCAPE the "Mutate" process (enacted by the ultra-smart
Genegineeer), the X-Men wound up involved, as the Genoshans sent out their "Press Gang"
to bring the runaways back.

-Things culminated when the Genoshan Magistrates invaded American soil in order to
capture several of the New Mutants- in the process, Wolfsbane was turned into a Mutate, and
Warlock was killed, drained of all life when Cameron Hodge, an X-Factor villain turned into
an immortal cyborg, tried to merge with Warlock's powerful alien physiology. Thus the X-
Men plotted a rescue mission, which generally went sideways and got the entire team
captured, as one of the Press Gang (named "Wipeout") could wipe out their powers with a
thought. In the end, after about nine-hundred escape attempts, fight scenes against an
unkillable Hodge, and more, the X-Men were victorious, burying Hodge under a mountain of
rubble while the Magistrates turned on their own President, staging a coup. Wolfsbane
transformed into a Giant Wolf-Form (which would later be ignored, revealing a "fuzzy
human" look she'd keep mostly for good after that), then join a restructured X-Factor, under
the leadership of Havok (who'd been a Magistrate in this story, having been brainwashed by
the Siege Perilous and become a loyal Genoshan).

-Honestly, the whole story was kind of a mess, and it goes on a bit too long. Even as a kid, I
never liked reading stories where the heroes are endlessly captured and recaptured, and all of
the villains are generally unlikeable and uninteresting. Cameron Hodge in particular is an
incredibly poorly-done villain, but The Press Gang are like a proto-version of all those
terrible early-90s Villain Teams that Marvel started churning out. Except these guys aren't
even visually interesting. Ultimately, it's also the finale of the New Mutants as a concept-
Magik & Moonstar, major characters in the old book, had been phased out. Rictor & Sunspot
were soon to follow. Warlock was killed, and Wolfsbane shifted to X-Factor. Cable had just
recently become the leader. Within a few issues, that book would be gone, and X-Force
would be in its stead.
-Genosha itself pretty much stopped being used as a big-time storytelling device in the '90s,
as Claremont's final years were the only time it was important. After that, I don't think
anyone saw it in any important context until Cassandra Nova had a bunch of Sentinels wipe
out SIXTEEN MILLION MUTANTS that had somehow come to live there. Selene made it
her homebase during Necrosha (a quick X-Event made to steal the thunder from DC's
Blackest Night, I guess), and another Claremont book would be devoted to Mutants helping to
remake it. Ultimately though, it seems like only Claremont ever cared.

These builds will include Hodge himself, plus the four members of the Press Gang,
Genosha's own mutant force. They've got some semi-unique powers in their group, but never
really mattered to the stories. For example, this twelve-part story arc features only a handful
of scenes featuring ANY of them- many members of the team don't appear in anything other
than a cameo. This was entirely the "Hodge Show" by the end.

Georgie Lawson

Post by Jabroniville » Tue Aug 30, 2022 8:23 pm


Created By: Al Jaffee & others
First Appearance: Teen Comics #21 (April 1947)
Role: Archie Knock-Off

-Most of Timely's Archie knock-off strips were about sexy girls, so Georgie stands out as
being a more standard-issue ripoff. He was a dark-haired clumsy boy whose girlfriend was
the raven-haired Judy. Georgie was eventually renamed Georgie and Judy, but switched back
two issues later, lasting until 1952 (when Hedy De Vine was also axed). Georgie appears to
be a bit of a flirt, either making time with Judy or some anonymous other girls on his covers.

Geoffrey Wilder

Post by Jabroniville » Wed Dec 01, 2021 4:55 am
Created By: Brian K. Vaughan & Adrian Alphona
First Appearance: The Runaways #1 (July 2003)
Role: Crime-Boss
Group Affiliations: The Pride
PL 5 (84)

Deception 6 (+10)
Expertise (Criminal Kingpin) 9 (+12)
Insight 2 (+6)
Intimidation 2 (+6)
Perception 1 (+5)
Persuasion 4 (+8)

Benefit 5 (Wealth & Status), Connected, Contacts, Leadership, Ranged Attack 4

Unarmed +6 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Initiative +2

Dodge +6 (DC 16), Parry +6 (DC 16), Toughness +4, Fortitude +4, Will +6

Motivation (Greed & Power)- The Wilders are willing to sacrifice nearly anything for power.
Relationship (Alex Wilder- Son)- Geoffrey is a very strict father, looking down on his son's
obsession with super-heroes.

Total: Abilities: 54 / Skills: 24--12 / Advantages: 12 / Powers: 0 / Defenses: 6 (84)

-Geoffrey Wilder and his wife Catherine are unusual in The Pride- being simple humans with
nothing special in terms of Powers (even Super-Genius). Initially, they were common
criminals, but with their having been recruited by the Gibborim, they are given enhanced
mental capabilities, becoming very shrewd crimelords. In effect, Geoffrey is the leader of The
Pride thanks to his numerous connections as The Kingpin of the East Coast, but he is not
respected by some of the super-powered members, who plan to betray him. At the end of the
first run, he discovers that his own son was a "Mole" in The Runaways, half of the Pride are
against him, and then... he dies. He and The Pride are killed by the collapsing of the Pride's
base, just after Geoffrey watches his son die.

-Geoffrey reappears in a different context later in the series, as Alex's old Online Gamer
buddies perform a ritual to resurrect their friend- they screw up, and instead GEOFFREY is
brought back from the dead... but decked out in '80s clothing, and at a much younger age!
"Geoff" has in fact been plucked from 1985, and has only been the The Pride for one year!
Upset over the general turn of events, he plans to gain favor with the Gibborim by sacrificing
one of the Runaways, forming a NEW Pride with Alex's friends. He impersonates Chamber
as part of "Excelsior!" (a team of former Teen Heroes out to stop The Runaways' vigilante
actions), and manages to actually impale and KILL Gertrude Yorkes. The Runaways choose
not to kill him (it would wreck the timeline), and instead erase his memory and send him
back to 1985.

-Geoffrey is powerless, but has great connections and a ton of PERSONAL power, which can
be a great deal more effective. He has numerous moles on the LAPD, vast personal wealth,
and is the Kingpin of the West Coast. His wife Catherine is basically a lesser version of him,
who really doesn't do or say much.

Gertrude Yorkes

Post by Jabroniville » Wed Dec 01, 2021 5:49 pm

Created By: Brian K. Vaughan & Adrian Alphona
First Appearance: The Runaways #1 (July 2003)
Role: The Daria, The Know-it-All
Horrible Fate I Wish Upon This Character: For the entirety of existence, every song she
ever hears will appear to be as played by Nickelback.
Group Affiliations: The Runaways
PL 3 (39)

Deception 4 (+3)
Expertise (Pop Culture) 4 (+8)
Expertise (Science) 2 (+6)
Stealth 2 (+3)

Set-Up, Teamwork

Senses 1 (Communication Link- Old Lace) [1]

Unarmed +2 (-1 Damage, DC 14)
Initiative +1

Dodge +4 (DC 14), Parry +4 (DC 14), Toughness +1, Fortitude +2, Will +5

Obsession (Being Snarky & Rude)
Relationship (Chase Stein)- Gert fell in love with Chase, despite their disparate attractiveness
levels and intellects.
Relationship (Nico Minoru)- Gert shares a sisterly-bond with Nico (they are the oldest friends
of the group).
Rivalry (Karolina Dean)- Gert doesn't care much for the flighty, skinny blonde.
Vulnerable (Mental Link With Old Lace)- Gert feels Old Lace's pain- if the dinosaur is
injured, then she is Stunned, if not Incapacitated.

Total: Abilities: 22 / Skills: 12--6 / Advantages: 2 / Powers: 1 / Defenses: 8 (39)

-Gertrude Yorkes is basically the Daria Morgendorfer of Runaways, but with the change
that... no, she's just Daria. Okay, more mouthy and snide than dryly-snarky (Daria rarely
insults people to their FACE; she just snarks to her friends. Unless it's Quinn). She's
introduced as that enormous rarity in comics- a major character who is both female and
overweight. Not like "Big Bertha" obese or nothin', just standard-issue-pudgy, but not so
much that she's porcine. This became a lot more common as Marvel changed its hiring
practice and target audience, but back in 2003 this was pretty rare, especially for major
characters and not "The Hero's Friend". "Gert" has one sole mission in the book: to snark
about everything and rip on everyone around her at all times. This is a pretty standard
character type in many books and things like it- I've previously gone into how a lot of
productions include these "cynics" in order to take the place of any cynics in the audience-
they both appeal to the cynics, and sort of show that the work isn't afraid to make fun of itself
(Grumpy in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is a great example- anyone in the audience
skeptical over the idea of a Feature Length CARTOON has a "voice" in this guy who's rolling
his eyes at Snow White's lovey-dovey singing, and more).

-HOWEVER... this kind of character can become INCREDIBLY-ANNOYING, to the point

where they become an insufferable bitch to anyone around them, often snarking at perfectly-
nice people for no reason. And they so very rarely seem to get smacked down for their
attitude. Gert shares this with Daria herself (who, despite ripping on everyone around her in a
trademark monotone, almost never seems to deal with anything I'd recognize as actual
bullying from her classmates, and only ever gets insulted by her sister and her dumbass
friends), as well as the infamous Danny Chase from The Teen Titans (who constantly ripped
on Changeling for no apparent reason, and very rarely had anyone just walk up and pop him
one). There's an important balance to strike with characters like this (Terra, who had the
"Snarker" role earlier in the Titans, had the same snide personality, but notably got it just as
badly from everyone else, especially Gar & Cyborg).

-So this kind of mouthy character REALLY needs a counterbalance, which is the issue with
Gert... because she just kind of lips everyone off. She calls Dagger's outfit "slutty" (granted,
you're not gonna find many better examples on the heroic side of things), makes fun of
Karolina for being skinny and pretty (and therefore stupid), etc. She's really rather hard to
tolerate, and it got to the point where I didn't feel anything when she died (sorry, SPOILER

-Gert, snarking all the way, reluctantly goes along with the Runaways when they discover
their parents' dark secret (though Gert has suspected her parents were evil ever since her pet
pig disappeared). Without powers, she nonetheless is given a telepathic link with a dinosaur
she calls Old Lace (as her would-be-superhero name was then "Arsenic"). Of the group, she's
the first to antagonize adult super-heroes, and refuses to trust anyone over sixteen. However,
she's given a relationship with the tall, striking bad-boy Chase, despite his lack of smarts and
her lack of looks- this seems largely to stem from him nearly dying and her saving him, plus
the old "Belligerent Sexual Tension" thing (she usually snarked at him, while he was kind of
dimwitted in return). Gert gets pissy at Nico & Chase for kissing (it was more Nico's doing),
but jumps in the way of a blade meant for Chase- she dies from her wounds, unable to finish
saying "I love you."

-Gert is later revived when Chase uses time travel to revisit her demise and arrange to have
various circumstances take place to enable her survival (such as summoning a doctor via
Nico's magic). Gert is stunned to see how badly the Runaways fell apart without her, and
rejoins them.
-A very Bystander-y... Bystander, Gert is not physically-capable in a fight, and her only real
advantage is that she can lead Old Lace around in battle. She's one of the smarter members of
the team, however, and is quick-witted enough to figure out how Cloak's powers work.

Post by Jabroniville » Thu Mar 02, 2017 1:17 am

GESTALT (Real Name Unknown)

Created By: Peter David & Dale Keown
First Appearance: The Incredible Hulk #385 (Sept. 1991)
Role: One-Off Villain
Group Affiliations: None
PL 11 (86)

Intimidation 3 (+4)
Persuasion 5 (+5)
Improved Critical (Club), Power Attack, Startle

"Fear & Hate-Boosted Strength"
Enhanced Strength 13 (Flaws: Source- Hatred & Fear in Others) [13]
Enhanced Stamina 11 (Flaws: Source- Hatred & Fear in Others) [11]
Regeneration 12 (Flaws: Source- Hatred & Fear in Others) [6]

"Manipulate Rioters" Affliction 6 (Will; Entranced/Compelled/Controlled) (Extras: Area-

Hearing Perception, Cumulative) (Flaws: Limited Degree, Limited to Already Angry Rioters)

"Spiked Club" (Flaws: Easily Removable) [3]

Strength-Damage +2 (Extras: Penetrating 3) (5 points)

Unarmed +7 (+0 Damage, DC 15)
Club +7 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Boosted Strength +7 (+13 Damage, DC 28)
Boosted Club +7 (+15 Damage, DC 30)
Initiative +0

Dodge +7 (DC 17), Parry +7 (DC 17), Toughness +2 (+13 Boosted), Fortitude +2 (+14
Boosted), Will +5

Motivation (Survival)

Total: Abilities: 24 / Skills: 8--4 / Advantages: 3 / Powers: 43 / Defenses: 12 (86)

-Gestalt is a little-seen character, showing up in a Hulk issue claiming to be the embodiment

of "mob mentality"- that unconscious force that can make large groups of people dangerous.
He appears when Thanos used the Infinity Gauntlet to wipe out half of all life in the universe-
taking advantage of rioting and panicked people to convince groups to commit murders, and
even crucify a priest. The Hulk came back to Earth, saved the priest, and when the lost lives
were returned, Gestalt lost all his power (since all the rioters started to calm themselves), and
the Hulk pulped him. He hasn't been seen since.

-Gestalt is a Limited Mind Controller (works best on mobs; not on guys like the Hulk), and
boosts himself to Powerhouse levels when the people around him are angry. Once they settle
down, however, he's screwed.


Post by Jabroniville » Sat Apr 08, 2017 12:55 am

G-FORCE (Professor Daniel Jones)

Created By: Liam Sharpe & John Royle
First Appearance: Die-Cut vs. G-Force #1 (Nov. 1993)
Role: Forgotten Character
Group Affiliations: None
PL 7 (110)

Expertise (Science) 7 (+10)
Perception 4 (+4)
Technology 5 (+8)

Ranged Attack 4

"Gravity Powers"
"Enhanced Gravity" Features 8: Increased Mass 8 (Extras: Affects Others, Ranged) (24) --

 AE: "Forceful Gravity" Affliction 8 (Strength; Hindered & Vulnerable/Prone &

Defenseless) (Extras: Ranged) (16)
 AE: Gravity Blast 8 (16)
 AE: "Attract & Repel" Move Object 8 (16)

Flight 6 (120 mph) [12]

Immunity 10 (Life Support) [10]

Unarmed +6 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Forceful Gravity +6 (+8 Ranged Affliction, DC 18)
Gravity Blast +6 (+8 Ranged Damage, DC 23)
Initiative +3

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +7 (DC 17), Toughness +3, Fortitude +4, Will +4

Responsibility (Erratic Powers)- G-Force's powers are tied to his emotional state- if he
becomes a bit agitated, he can lose control of his powers.

Total: Abilities: 38 / Skills: 16--8 / Advantages: 4 / Powers: 49 / Defenses: 11 (110)

-G-Force appeared in a two-part Limited Series, teaming up with Die-Cut. He gained his
powers after opening up a dimensional doorway and making a deal with the sentience of that
realm- giving it physical laws in return for super-powers. He later used his powers to ally
with Die-Cut and save his world from a bomb. The character was meant to recur, but the
cancellation of the Marvel UK line kiboshed that whole deal. As such, G-Force is just a low-
end "Gravity Controller" concept.


Post by Jabroniville » Tue Nov 14, 2017 12:07 am

Created By: Peter B. Gillis & Sal Buscema
First Appearance: Eternals #2 (Nov. 1985)
Role: Evil Schemer
Group Affiliations: The Deviants
PL 10 (167)

Deception 6 (+10)
Expertise (Magic) 5 (+10)
Expertise (Politics) 5 (+10)
Insight 4 (+8)
Intimidation 2 (+6)
Persuasion 2 (+6)

Benefit 4 (Deviant Ruler), Eidetic Memory, Ranged Attack 4, Ritualist, Well-Informed

"May Control Any Deviant"
Mind Control 12 (Flaws: Limited to Deviants) [36]

"Brain Mines" (Flaws: Easily Removable) [21]

Affliction 12 (Fort; Dazed/Stunned/Incapacitated) (Extras: Cumulative, Ranged) (Diminished
Range -2) (34 points)

"Deviant Physiology"
Immunity 3 (Drowning, Cold, Pressure) [3]
Swimming 3 (4 mph) [3]

Unarmed +6 (+6 Damage, DC 21)
Brain Mines +8 (+12 Ranged Affliction, DC 22)
Initiative +2

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +7 (DC 17), Toughness +6, Fortitude +7, Will +6

Motivation (Power)- Ghaur wishes to sacrifice Atlantis to allow the Serpent God Set to take
over the world.
Power Loss (Deviant Control)- Ghaur may control the minds of any Deviant whose genetic
code is known to him. Since he has an Eidetic Memory, this means every Deviant... except he
does not know the code of Warlord Kro. Who is the puppet ruler of the Deviants, and could
probably screw Ghaur over pretty good. Not good planning there.
Total: Abilities: 74 / Skills: 24--12 / Advantages: 8 / Powers: 63 / Defenses: 10 (167)

-Ghaur is/was the leader of The Deviants, the evil, deformed counterparts to the beautiful,
perfect Eternals of Earth- he ruled in the background while the more benevolent Kro was a
figurehead monarch, and schemed his way to further power. He tried to channel the power of
The Dreaming Celestial, and of course ended up discorporated for it, but somehow ended up
being used as the centrepiece for the Annual-wide crossover known as "Atlantis Attacks!", in
which every Annual that summer was used as a part of a massive multi-part story featuring
Ghaur and Llyra form The Serpent Crown, a mystical artifact to summon the Elder God Set,
who would of course be used to take over the world. Every major Atlantean character was
used (Namor was thought killed in the opening salvo, but Llyra, Attuma, Tyrannus and
Andromeda all made appearances, and Namor reappeared in the end to save the day along
with the Demogorge somehow), but reviews were... pretty much "meh". I have a few of the
issues, and they suffer from the problems a lot of Annuals have, such as Rookie Art Teams
(Annuals often get used for goofy try-out stories), and a plot that's INCREDIBLY
decompressed to fit into 20-something issues (actually even worse than today's "writing for
the trade").

-After that, Ghaur (who was really just a generic "I am an evil schemer!" villain, and looked
pretty lame to boot, which meant that few people ever used him) pretty much settled into a
mediocre existence, not really doing much. He's not much of a fighter (though can use any
Deviant weapon possible, which can involve the GM throwing ANYTHING at you), but still
has a strong Deviant Physiology, as well as the ability to control the mind of any Deviant but

Ahqlau: A spy for Ghaur, working against Kro.
Assorted Background Guys: Karygmax, Nuncio Klarheit, Lugner
Others: Spike, String

The Ghost

Post by Jabroniville » Sun Jul 24, 2022 2:09 am

THE GHOST (Real Name Unknown)
Created By: David Michelinie & Bob Layton
First Appearance: Iron Man #219 (June 1987)
Role: Industrial Saboteur
PL 10 (176)

Deception 5 (+5)
Expertise (Science) 9 (+14)
Expertise (Business) 4 (+9)
Intimidation 6 (+6)
Perception 8 (+10)
Stealth 2 (+5)
Technology 10 (+15)

Benefit (No Real Identity- Erased From Public Knowledge), Equipment 7, Hide In Plain
Sight, Ranged Attack 6

"Ghost Costume" (Flaws: Easily Removable) [56]
Insubstantial 4 (Feats: Subtle) (Extras: Affects Others, Affects Objects, Attack, Reaction)
(37) -- (38)

 AE: "Invisibility" Concealment 2 (Vision) (Extras: Affects Others, Affects Objects)


Enhanced Skills 10: Stealth 10 (+15) (5)

"Phasing Attack" Damage 10 (Feats: Penetrating 10) (Extras: Affects Corporeal) (Flaws:
Limited to Toughness & Size of Objects Phased) (20)
"Tamper With Electronics" Affliction 10 (Tech Skill of Creator;
Dazed/Stunned/Incapacitated) (Extras: Ranged) (Flaws: Limited to Electromagnetic Signals -
2) (5)
Flight 2 (8 mph) (Flaws: Low Ceiling) (2)
-- (70 points)

"Special Gun" (Flaws: Easily Removable) [11]

Blast 8 (Feats: Variable Descriptor- Laser or Electricity) (17 points)

"Spy Gear" (5)
"Grenades" Blast 8 (Feats: Ricochet 2, Homing 2) (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst) (28) -- (29)
AE: "Bombs" Damage 10 (Feats: Triggered- Sound) (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst) (21)

Unarmed +10 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Phasing Attack +10 (+10 Damage, DC 25)
Special Gun +10 (+8 Ranged Damage, DC 23)
Grenades +8 Area (+8 Ranged Damage, DC 23)
Initiative +3

Dodge +12 (DC 22), Parry +11 (DC 21), Toughness +3, Fortitude +5, Will +4

Motivation (Destroying Capitalism)- The Ghost is an anti-capitalist crusader who seeks to
destroy corporations. He will hire himself out as a saboteur, but often betrays his own
Responsibility (Weird)- The Ghost no longer deals with people on an emotional level, and
comes across as bizarre to others. He also stinks. Badly.

Total: Abilities: 58 / Skills: 44--22 / Advantages: 15 / Powers: 67 / Defenses: 14 (176)

The Ghost- Anti-Capitalist Saboteur:

-The Ghost is a lower-level Iron Man threat that showed up here and there throughout the
1980s as part of the Michelinie/Layton run on the book (which featured a lot of new
characters and old ones, since Iron Man's Rogues Gallery has always been a bit... lacking) as
an industrial saboteur, much like Spymaster, but a bit more focused around raw destruction.
In this, he sort of represents the kind of villain that can offer up another side of the hero, and
the world in which he inhabits- as Tony Stark represents Capitalism in its kindest form (he's
all about philanthropy and hiring on skilled people and treating them well, and such), a lot of
his enemies represent its dark side. The Ghost, however, makes no such distinctions, and will
destroy Stark Enterprises as well- even though some of his causes are just, and his victims
deserving, he takes it much too far. A weird sort of anti-hero/saboteur/assassin, he's actually
VERY unique, and was dreadfully under-utilized for years- he's actually been used MORE in
the past 15 years, and with more far-reaching effects, than ever before.

-The Ghost started off as an anti-capitalist saboteur, trying to destroy corporations- it would
be revealed much later that he was screwed-over by his old bosses, who desired only profit-
they'd hired a worker to seduce him to keep him tied to the business instead of going on
vacation, then murdered her when she blackmailed them for more money. Infuriated, the
introverted, socially-awkward man used his "Ghost Tech" processors that'd made his bosses
rich and became The Ghost using them to destroy corporations, which he now realized were
nothing but greed and evil metastasized. His first act was to murder the board of directors, his
"girlfriend's" killer, then erase all evidence of his past identity- he thus became a cipher- a
real "ghost". He then hired himself out as a mercenary industrial saboteur, theorizing that the
best way to destroy corporations was to get them to pay him to do it to others.

The Ghost Debuts:

-The Ghost debuted fighting Iron Man after Roxxon hired him to wipe out a company that
Tony Stark wished to buy. He went rogue and Roxxon turned on him, hiring the Spymaster to
kill him, but the Ghost killed his adversary in battle by making him materialized into a wall
(Spymaster later reappeared after more than two decades, having faked his death). Iron Man
managed to stop him by pumping radiation into a room to dampen his suit's intangibility, but
the psychotic villain kept coming- he ended up melting through the floor in the classic "He's
probably not dead" ending. The Ghost became a recurring foe who was often more of a
nuisance than a MAJOR threat, but tricky in that he's an Insubstantial sort who can easily
avoid capture. So he's also one of those "you have to THINK your way out" villains that you
can't just punch to death, which suits a high-powered, but still very intelligent, hero like Iron

-In his next appearance, the Ghost is set up by Justin Hammer AND Iron Man, but Hammer
has his supervillain agents try to kill both- the Ghost escapes. He is hired by the Kingpin to
steal Roxxon's synthetic vibranium, fighting Spider-Man and the Black Panther before being
beaten by Sunturion, then Ultron. Later, he is hired by A.I.M. to destroy many companies,
doing so but drawing in Iron Man- when he attempts to phase through Tony's heart, he is
shocked by the then-artificial device and beaten. He was FINALLY arrested after numerous
years of escaping, but again his identity was unknown. Later, he showed up in a streamlined
costume, hired by the third Spymaster to free the Living Laser, and escaped capture again.

Modern Ghost Stories:

-The Ghost becomes a different sort of character after the modern Dark Reign event,
becoming a reclusive, foul-smelling weirdo with obsessive tendencies. A pretty big shift,
making him more comedic in a sick sort of way. Norman Osborn used him as part of a black
ops team- The Ghost, being anti-corporate, nonetheless FREQUENTLY teams up with Evil
Businessmen that he should hate. And in any case, he fully-planned on betraying Osborn as
soon as he created an uber-corporation that controlled the world (that's actually kind of smart-
it's easier to break ALL corporations if there's only ONE of them, after all), got recruited into
the new Thunderbolts. He, Paladin & Headsman would turn on the T-Bolts to save Songbird's
life (Ghost admitted his mission as a "mole" to the Black Widow, who also wanted to spare
Songbird), making his allies forget via electro-convulsive shocks.
-The Ghost finally betrayed Osborn, revealing his deceptions during Siege. He was later hired
to kill a comatose Tony Stark by Madame Masque, but failed, being forcibly teleported away
when Tony hacked his own gear. Luke Cage later recruits the Ghost onto HIS version of the
Thunderbolts, but later tried to kill Tony Stark anyhow- Stark beat him by letting him know
that all Stark divisions were then shut down- the Ghost immediately gave up the fight, as
Stark was now no longer a business-owner and thus could be spared. It was only here that we
learned his origin story, told to Moonstone. Most recently, he was responsible for destroying
the Parker Industries building- the multi-million dollar company Otto Octavius built while in
Peter Parker's body. Though he was beaten and captured by Spider-Man, he blew up the
building with bombs.

The Ghost as a Whole:

-The Ghost is thus a kind of interesting foe- one you can't just punch to death, and also one
with a very specific motivation that might otherwise be sympathetic. He's both a mercenary
AND an idealist, and unlike a lot of super-villains (namely, nearly every one who's an
assassin, who are terribly-bad at assassinating named characters), he more often than not
SUCCEEDS as what he wants to accomplish! Numerous companies and buildings have been
destroyed by him, and he's even evaded capture more often than not. If his goals were more
murderous, he'd be an even more terrifying threat.

The Ghost's Powers:

-The Ghost's entire concept revolves around being hard to see and hard to hurt- he isn't a
horrific fighter, but is able to cause Iron Man trouble by virtue of his defensive capabilities
and his weaponry- that plus Affects Corporeal Phasing Attacks count for a lot. There simply
aren't a lot of ways for even SMART heroes to affect somebody who can't be touched- the
complexities of "Affects Insubstantial" are not easy to come by in actual comics, though a lot
of cheeseball players go for it, and overly-kind GMs might allow Power Stunts for it.

Ghost Girl

Post by Jabroniville » Sun Apr 16, 2017 6:38 pm

GHOST GIRL I (Wendy Hunt)
Created By: Roy Thomas & Jack Kirby
First Appearance: The Invaders #14 (March 1977)
Role: One-Shot Girl
Group Affiliations: The Crusaders
PL 6 (61)

Deception 2 (+4)
Perception 2 (+3)
Stealth 4 (+7)

Ranged Attack 2
"Light-Bending Belt" (Flaws: Removable) [5]
"Holographic Ghost" Concealment 2 (Vision) Linked to Illusion (Vision) 2 (Flaws: Limited
to Single Image Beside Her Actual Position) (6 points)

Unarmed +8 (+1 Damage, DC 16)
Initiative +3

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +3, Fortitude +4, Will +3

Motivation (Winning the War)
Power Loss (All Powers)- Alfie, actually a Nazi Agent, can turn off the Crusaders' powers at-

Total: Abilities: 42 / Skills: 8--4 / Advantages: 2 / Powers: 5 / Defenses: 8 (61)

-The Scottish Ghost Girl had the power to turn "Invisible" by bending light around her,
creating a holographic image of herself in a different position. This functions more or less
like normal Concealment, plus an Illusion. Like Phantom Lady, she's a pretty low-end Melee
Fighter Power Level-wise, but the fact that she's got permanent Concealment means that her
effective PL is higher- enemies that can't perceive her are at a huge disadvantage. Too bad
she never appeared again, because her costume, while monochromatic, is quite neat-looking.

Ghost Girl

Post by Jabroniville » Sun Jan 01, 2017 2:44 am

GHOST GIRL (Lilli Stephens)
Created By: Steven T. Seagle & Scott Clark
First Appearance: Alpha Flight (vol. 2) #2 (Sept. 1997)
Role: Non-Combat Girl
Group Affiliations: Alpha Flight, Beta Flight
PL 2 (48)

Close Combat (Unarmed) 3 (+5)
Insight 3 (+3)
Perception 2 (+2)
Persuasion 4 (+4)

Set-Up, Teamwork

"Mutant Powers: Phasing"
Insubstantial 4 (Feats: Increased Mass 2 on Affects Others) (Extras: Affects Others) [26]

Unarmed +5 (-1 Damage, DC 14)
Initiative +1
Dodge +4 (DC 14), Parry +4 (DC 14), Toughness +0, Fortitude +2, Will +3

Responsibility (Canadian Government)- Lilli was raised in "Hellhouse", an orphanage funded
and controlled by the Canadian government. Because of her powers, she has little difficulty
going on "excursions".

Total: Abilities: 4 / Skills: 12--6 / Advantages: 2 / Powers: 26 / Defenses: 10 (48)

-Ghost Girl showed up in the failed '90s run, doing a "Phasing" gimmick and not really
engaging the rest of the team too much. Pretty much vanished after a "reshuffle" in the ranks.
Between the name (even the Legion of Super-Heroes showed more originality than that with
Shadow Lass & Phantom Girl) and the rip-off of Shadowcat's powers, that's not very

-Hard to properly stat someone for whom very little information exists, but she's essentially a
Phaser who can create 'portals' in solid objects that others can use (basically Affects Others).
So she's kind of a handy teammate, but I can't imagine her beating anyone herself, so her PL
stays very low.


Post by Jabroniville » Fri Dec 08, 2017 12:22 am

GHOST-MAKER (Grigori Sovchenko)
Created By: Doug Moench & Gene Day
First Appearance: Master of Kung Fu #110 (March 1982)
Role: One-Shot Rival
Group Affiliations: None
PL 8 (97)

Acrobatics 7 (+12)
Athletics 6 (+9)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 2 (+12)
Deception 3 (+5)
Expertise (Mercenary) 6 (+6)
Insight 3 (+5)
Perception 3 (+5)
Stealth 2 (+7)

Accurate Attack, Agile Feint, Defensive Attack, Equipment 3 (Jetpack- Flight 6, Katana +3),
Fast Grab, Grab Finesse, Improved Critical (Unarmed), Improved Defense, Improved Hold,
Power Attack, Ranged Attack 2

Unarmed +12 (+3 Damage, DC 18)
Katana +10 (+6 Damage, DC 21)
Initiative +5

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +11 (DC 21), Toughness +4, Fortitude +5, Will +4

Enemy (Shang-Chi)

Total: Abilities: 58 / Skills: 32--16 / Advantages: 17 / Powers: 0 / Defenses: 9 (97)

-The Ghost-Maker is the "most deadly assassin in the U.S.S.R.", a Mongolian/Russian

martial artist with a katana and a jetpack. Appearing in a two-issue arc, he faced Shang-Chi,
but his "Death-Dust" (meant to kill the Queen of England) mixed with the rain, disintegrating
him. He reappeared in a Daredevil Annual, being resurrected by a ninja group called "The
Snakeroot", fighting DD, Shang-Chi and Elektra, being killed again by Elektra. He's
resurrected immediately thereafter, however, but doesn't show up again for a few more years,
showing up as a background villain in Heroes For Hire, then in the Negative Zone Prison
following Civil War.


Post by Jabroniville » Fri Dec 08, 2017 12:22 am

GHOST-MAKER (Grigori Sovchenko)
Created By: Doug Moench & Gene Day
First Appearance: Master of Kung Fu #110 (March 1982)
Role: One-Shot Rival
Group Affiliations: None
PL 8 (97)

Acrobatics 7 (+12)
Athletics 6 (+9)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 2 (+12)
Deception 3 (+5)
Expertise (Mercenary) 6 (+6)
Insight 3 (+5)
Perception 3 (+5)
Stealth 2 (+7)

Accurate Attack, Agile Feint, Defensive Attack, Equipment 3 (Jetpack- Flight 6, Katana +3),
Fast Grab, Grab Finesse, Improved Critical (Unarmed), Improved Defense, Improved Hold,
Power Attack, Ranged Attack 2

Unarmed +12 (+3 Damage, DC 18)
Katana +10 (+6 Damage, DC 21)
Initiative +5

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +11 (DC 21), Toughness +4, Fortitude +5, Will +4

Enemy (Shang-Chi)

Total: Abilities: 58 / Skills: 32--16 / Advantages: 17 / Powers: 0 / Defenses: 9 (97)

-The Ghost-Maker is the "most deadly assassin in the U.S.S.R.", a Mongolian/Russian

martial artist with a katana and a jetpack. Appearing in a two-issue arc, he faced Shang-Chi,
but his "Death-Dust" (meant to kill the Queen of England) mixed with the rain, disintegrating
him. He reappeared in a Daredevil Annual, being resurrected by a ninja group called "The
Snakeroot", fighting DD, Shang-Chi and Elektra, being killed again by Elektra. He's
resurrected immediately thereafter, however, but doesn't show up again for a few more years,
showing up as a background villain in Heroes For Hire, then in the Negative Zone Prison
following Civil War.

Ghost Rider (Ketch)

Post by Jabroniville » Thu Aug 03, 2017 10:50 pm

GHOST RIDER III (Daniel "Danny" Ketch)
Created By: Howard Mackie & Javier Saltares
First Appearance: Ghost Rider #1 (May 1990)
Role: Mystical Super-Hero
Group Affiliation: The Midnight Sons, The Secret Defenders, The New Fantastic Four
PL 12 (217)

Deception 3 (+4)
Expertise (Demonic Lore) 4 (+5)
Expertise (Streetwise) 1 (+2)
Insight 2 (+4)
Intimidation 11 (+12)
Investigation 2 (+4)
Perception 3 (+5)
Vehicles 8 (+13) -- Flaws: Limited to Ground Vehicles

All-Out Attack, Daze (Intimidation), Diehard, Equipment 2 (Motorbike), Improved Critical
(Chain), Improved Disarm, Improved Smash, Move-By Action, Power Attack, Ranged
Attack 5, Startle, Takedown

"The Penance Stare" Affliction 12 (Will; Dazed & Vulnerable/Stunned &
Defenseless/Incapacitated) (Feats: Incurable) (Extras: Perception Range +2, Extra Condition)
(Flaws: Visual Sense-Dependent) (Quirks: Limited to Amount of Pain Target Has Caused -1)
Linked to Blast 6 (Feats: Incurable) (Extras: Perception Range, Will Save) (Flaws: Visual
Sense-Dependent) (Quirks: Same as Affliction) (54) -- [60]

 AE: Soulfire Blast 8 (Extras: Will Save) (24)

 AE: Hellfire Blast 8 (Feats: Penetrating 8) (24)
 AE: "Chain" Blast 7 (Feats: Extended Reach, Accurate) (16)
 AE: "Moving Chain" Damage 7 (Extras: Area- 60ft. Shapeable +2) (21)
 AE: "Chain Snare" Snare 8 (Flaws: Limited to A Few Targets) (16)
 AE: "Shuriken Chain" Blast 5 (Feats: Accurate 2, Extended Reach) (Extras:
Multiattack) (20)

Regeneration 4 (Feats: Regrow Limbs) [5]

Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects) [30]
Protection 8 [8]

"Frickin' Sweet Ride"

Speed 8 (500 mph) (Flaws: Requires Bike) [4]
Movement 2 (Wall-Crawling, Water-Walking) (Flaws: Requires Bike) [2]
"Ride Through Flames" Damage 9 (Extras: Area- 60ft. Shapeable +2) (Flaws: Limited to
Movement Path, Requires Bike) [9]

Unarmed +11 (+8 Damage, DC 23)
Hellfire +10 (+8 Ranged Damage, DC 23)
Soulfire +10 (+8 Ranged Will Damage, DC 23)
Penance Stare -- (+12 Perception-Ranged Affliction & +6 Damage, DC 22 & 21)
Chain +12 (+7 Ranged Damage, DC 22)
Moving Chain +7 Area (+7 Damage, DC 22)
Chain Snare +10 (+8 Ranged Affliction, DC 18)
Ride Through Flames +9 Area (+9 Damage, DC 24)
Initiative +5

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +11 (DC 21), Toughness +8, Fortitude --, Will +7

Involuntary Transformation (Ghost Rider)- Danny Ketch will transform into Ghost Rider any
time he needs to punish the evil. Ketch's own stats are STR 1 & STA 3- the rest are the same.
Enemy (Deathwatch, Blackout)- Ghost Rider had a few recurring rogues- Blackout murdered
his comatose sister.
Relationship (Johnny Blaze)- Blaze and Ketch became great allies during their ride as "Spirts
of Vengeance", and later discovered they were long-lost brothers.
Power Loss (Penance Stare)- The Penance Stare, in addition to losing effect over innocent
beings guilty of no wrongdoing, will not affect those under the influence of drugs, or those
with more than two eyes (??). Nor will it work on soulless beings.

Total: Abilities: 56 / Skills: 30--15 / Advantages: 17 / Powers: 118 / Defenses: 11 (217)

-With the age of black leather, pockets, darkness and blood upon us, it was perhaps only a
matter of time before Ghost Rider made a comeback- with a flaming demonic head, gory
transformation sequences (his face MELTS, as Mark Texiera was only too happy to draw for
us), and leather 'n' spikes everywhere, he was a natural. Curiously, despite bringing back
dozens of old characters for a new '90s-style Marvel Universe (The New Warriors were
comprised of them, we also had Luke Cage), this Ghost Rider was a new legacy character
who got beaten up by Deathwatch and his gang, in an attack that put his sister into a coma.
He touched a motorcycle with demonic energy residing within, and was transformed into the
Spirit of Vengeance.

-Danny, as the new Ghost Rider, was no happy-go-lucky guy like Johnny Blaze was in most
of the stories I've read. No, this guy was something different- tortured. Inhuman. Vicious.
The Rider spoke entirely differently than Ketch did- he was a different person on every level.
Ketch was nearly killed by his predecessor, until Blaze realized that a different demon, not
Zarathos, was merged with Danny.

-Danny Ketch had numerous problems befall him- in addition to fighting Deathwatch's
goons, he faced Blackout (who murdered his comatose sister). He got his very own "Venom"
in Vengeance (you KNOW you're a big name when you get a Mirror Image Anti-Hero!). The
Spirits of Vengeance (as he & Blaze were called) joined the Midnight Suns and fought
various supernatural menaces, like Lilith and her spawn. 

Ghost Rider's Success:

-Ghost Rider was HUGE in the '90s. I remember every kid I knew going on about how
awesome he was- his impressive visual appearance, alongside Mark Texiera's muddy, ink-
stained art, was a hell of a sight. Howard Mackie, also on some of the Spider-Man books, did
the story chores. He not only had his own book, but the Spirits of Vengeance duo-title. He
was the centrepiece of the ENTIRE Midnight Sons line, expected to prop up a half-dozen
unproven titles (Nightstalkers, Morbius, The Darkhold Redeemers, even the old, faltering Dr.

-Alongside Wolverine and The Punisher, he represented the "New Age" of heroes- grim,
gritty, violent bad-asses who were unafraid to kill their foes, enacting dark vengeance. This
eventually was seen as a stain on comics- while Wolverine had the staying power to live past
this era, GR and Punny were not, and had their books canceled in the end- both guys were
seen as relics and troubled causes; bad apples who weren't to be replicated or copied any
longer. However, only Frank Castle really moved on from this to become a success, after a
"mourning period" of several years. GR faded away, and the entire line based around him
disappeared as well.

Later Ketch Stuff:

-Ketch went through the wringer later on- the relative success of Fox's Ghost Rider movies
meant the concept needed a comeback... but since the movies used JOHNNY BLAZE, we
had a weird case of Back-To-Basics Syndrome, as a minor act from the late '70s suddenly got
pushed anew. In the end of his series, Danny was merged with the demon Noble Kale, who
became the King of Hell after an agreement with Blackheart- this freed Danny to gain a
normal life. Later books would reveal that Danny's life had fallen apart- addicted to mayhem,
he fought guys in bars for kicks, and it was revealed that many old "Ghost Riders" went
crazy, too. He becomes a knight of the angel Zadkiel- out to absorb the powers of the other
Spirits of Vengeance, thus freeing them of the curse. He thus becomes an antagonist to Blaze,
but is eventually turned good again after Zadkiel is slain while storming the Gates of Heaven.
Ketch thinks himself free... but is forced to become the Ghost Rider again to fight a
murderous Highwayman. With no book, he is currently unseen, having last shown up
warning the Superior Spider-Man about Blackout's powers, and recommending he kill the
villain as soon as he gets the chance.

Ghostly Powers:
-Ghost Rider in the '90s is essentially a PL 10-ish fighter with a PL 12 Penance Stare attack,
losing a lot of power and versatility to Johnny Blaze (though more powerful than the '70s
Ghost Rider by a ways). He's strong and mean, but not staggeringly more powerful than a
number of his foes. I remember one of the first big "PL disagreements" in my thread actually
spawned from me writing GR down as a PL 9 when I did Return of the Sinister Six builds in
2006 .

Ghost Rider (Jones)

Post by Jabroniville » Mon Aug 07, 2017 11:48 pm

GHOST RIDER IV (Alejandra Jones)
Created By: Rob Williams & Matthew Clark
First Appearance: Ghost Rider #1 (Sept. 2011)
Role: Mystical Super-Hero, Affirmative Action Legacy Character
Group Affiliation: None
PL 10 (176)

Deception 3 (+4)
Expertise (Demonic Lore) 5 (+5)
Insight 2 (+3)
Intimidation 8 (+9)
Perception 4 (+5)
Vehicles 8 (+13) -- Flaws: Limited to Ground Vehicles

All-Out Attack, Daze (Intimidation), Diehard, Equipment 2 (Motorbike), Improved Critical
(Kama), Move-By Action, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 5, Startle, Takedown

Soulfire Blast 8 (Extras: Will Save) (Quirks: Limited to Amount of Pain Target Has Caused -
1) (24) -- [31]

 AE: Hellfire Blast 8 (Feats: Penetrating 8) (24)

 AE: "Hellfire Locusts" Summon 4 (Extras: Active) (12)
 AE: "Summon Kama/Scythe" Strength-Damage +2 (2)
 AE: "Chain" Blast 7 (Feats: Extended Reach, Accurate) (16)
 AE: "Moving Chain" Damage 7 (Extras: Area- 60ft. Shapeable +2) (21)
 AE: "Chain Snare" Snare 8 (Flaws: Limited to A Few Targets) (16)
 AE: "Shuriken Chain" Blast 5 (Feats: Accurate 2, Extended Reach) (Extras:
Multiattack) (20)

Regeneration 4 (Feats: Regrow Limbs) [5]

Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects) [30]
Protection 8 [8]

"Frickin' Sweet Ride"

Speed 8 (500 mph) (Flaws: Requires Bike) [4]
Movement 2 (Wall-Crawling, Water-Walking) (Flaws: Requires Bike) [2]
"Ride Through Flames" Damage 9 (Extras: Area- 60ft. Shapeable +2) (Flaws: Limited to
Movement Path, Requires Bike) [9]

Unarmed +10 (+8 Damage, DC 23)
Kama +10 (+10 Damage, DC 25)
Hellfire +10 (+8 Ranged Damage, DC 23)
Soulfire +10 (+8 Ranged Will Damage, DC 23)
Chain +12 (+7 Ranged Damage, DC 22)
Moving Chain +7 Area (+7 Damage, DC 22)
Chain Snare +10 (+8 Ranged Affliction, DC 18)
Ride Through Flames +9 Area (+9 Damage, DC 24)
Initiative +5

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +10 (DC 20), Toughness +8, Fortitude --, Will +5

Enemy (Adam)- The Biblical Adam raised Alejandra in a tomb until she was eighteen, and
wants her to wipe free will from the face of the Earth, so mankind can never again sin. She
has rejected this, and fights him repeatedly.
Power Loss (Soulfire)- The Penance Stare (and Alejandra's own, unique power), in addition
to losing effect over innocent beings guilty of no wrongdoing, will not affect those under the
influence of drugs, or those with more than two eyes (??). Nor will it work on soulless beings.

Total: Abilities: 50 / Skills: 26--13 / Advantages: 15 / Powers: 89 / Defenses: 9 (176)

-In a particularly bizarre instance, Marvel felt the need to make an All-New, All-Minority
Ghost Rider... right before going Back To Basics on it, then putting ANOTHER minority,
from the same ethnicity no less, into the role. GOD, comics are weird.

-So Alejandra Jones is a Nicaraguan girl raised by Adam (the Biblical one) in a tomb until
she was eighteen. Adam wanted to undo sin on Earth by removing thought from mankind.
She is empowered as the new Spirit of Vengeance, slaying both Blackout and Deathwatch,
but is defeated by Sin (the daughter of the Red Skull). She rejects Adam's attempts at wiping
out free will, and Johnny Blaze takes her on as a student. Soon, she kills Adam and goes off
on her own. She engages in a four-way-Crossover with Red Hulk, X-23 and Venom (Flash
Thompson), fights Adam in Hell, but when he's destroyed once more, she is transformed back
into a human after falling into a pit of Hell Lava- the curse transfering back to Johnny Blaze
because... I dunno, he shot her to save a box full of souls and magic happened. Her book
cancelled, the character effectively disappears, especially as Marvel's Agents of SHIELD TV
series creates a new Affirmative Action Ghost Rider. We'll probably see her again, but she's
probably done forever as an "important" character, as not only is the "Ghost Rider" concept
no longer a big deal, but she's been replaced by ANOTHER character, meaning she'll suffer
from "Crimson Dynamo Syndrome" of having too many successors diluting the concept.

-Alejandra is very much a low-rent Ghost Rider, lacking the Penance Stare but having a
similar "Soulfire" attack that does the same kind of thing, but as a Blast. She can also create a
Hellfire Kama, and summon a swarm of Hellfire Locusts.

PL 4 (46), Minion Rank 4

Intimidation 8 (+4)
Evasion, Improved Initiative

"Made of Bugs"
Senses 4 (Scent, Ultra-Vision, Radius Sight 2) [4]
Flight 2 [4]
Elongation 3 [3]

"Difficult to Destroy"
"Fluid" Insubstantial 1 (Feats: Innate, Selective) [7]
Immunity 30 (Bludgeoning, Slashing Damage) (Flaws: Limited to Half-Effect) [15]

Regeneration 6 (Flaws: Fades) [3]

"Consume Everything"
"Wave" Damage 5 (Extras: Area- 60ft. Burst +2) Linked to Weaken 4 (Extras: Area +2, Affects Objects) (31) --

 Dynamic AE: "Line" Damage 5 (Extras: Area- 60ft. Line) Linked to Weaken 4 (Extras: Area, Affects
Objects) (22)
 Dynamic AE: "Wave" Damage 5 (Extras: Area- 60ft. Cone) Linked to Weaken 4 (Extras: Area, Affects
Objects) (22)
 Dynamic AE: "Aura" Aura 4 Linked to Weaken Toughness Aura 3 (Extras: Affects Objects) (30)

Unarmed +2 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Areas +5 Area (+5 Damage & +4 Weaken, DC 20-14)
Aura +2 (+4 Damage & +3 Weaken, DC 19-13)
Initiative +4

Dodge +4 (DC 14), Parry +3 (DC 13), Toughness -5, Fortitude -4, Will --

Weakness- Being bugs, the swarms are easily dispersed by wind, fog, dust, fire, smoke and other things.
Obviously, insecticides and freezing will outright kill them.

Total: Abilities: -34 / Skills: 8--4 / Advantages: 1 / Powers: 70 / Defenses: 5 (46)

Ghost Rider (Reyes)

Post by Jabroniville » Tue Aug 08, 2017 3:18 am

GHOST RIDER V (Robbie Reyes)
Created By: Felipe Smith & Tradd Moore
First Appearance: All-New Ghost Rider #1 (May 2014)
Role: Mystical Super-Hero, Affirmative Action Legacy Character
Group Affiliation: None
PL 9 (146)

Deception 3 (+4)
Expertise (Streetwise) 5 (+6)
Insight 3 (+5)
Intimidation 6 (+8)
Perception 4 (+6)
Vehicles 8 (+13) -- Flaws: Limited to Ground Vehicles

All-Out Attack, Daze (Intimidation), Diehard, Equipment 3 (1969 Dodge Charger), Improved
Critical (Hellfire), Move-By Action, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 5, Startle, Takedown

Hellfire Blast 8 (Feats: Penetrating 8) (24) -- [28]

 AE: "Banish to Hell" Movement 1 (Dimensional Travel) (Extras: Attack 8, Ranged)

 AE: "Chain" Blast 7 (Feats: Extended Reach, Accurate) (16)
 AE: "Moving Chain" Damage 7 (Extras: Area- 60ft. Shapeable +2) (21)
 AE: "Chain Snare" Snare 8 (Flaws: Limited to A Few Targets) (16)

Unarmed +10 (+8 Damage, DC 23)
Hellfire +10 (+8 Ranged Damage, DC 23)
Chain +12 (+7 Ranged Damage, DC 22)
Moving Chain +7 Area (+7 Damage, DC 22)
Chain Snare +10 (+8 Ranged Affliction, DC 18)
Initiative +4

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +10 (DC 20), Toughness +8, Fortitude +8, Will +5

Relationship (Gabe, Brother)- Gabe is mentally handicapped, and Robbie wishes to keep him
away from gang violence.
Responsibility (Eli Morrow's Spirit)- Eli's spirit can fight for control of Robbie's body-
Robbie finally has to agree to kill on Eli's behalf, but will only do so against evil people.

Total: Abilities: 80 / Skills: 26--13 / Advantages: 16 / Powers: 28 / Defenses: 9 (146)

-So, because comics are weird, we have a NEW All-New, All-Diverse Ghost Rider- this one
ALSO Latino, but a male- one of a group of minority or female Legacy Characters over the
past couple years. The Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series features this one, which means he'll
probably stick around for at least a bit before Blaze makes another failed return. This is
bizarre on multiple levels, as he replaces a character only three years old in the role. He also
looks like a robot, and apparently drives a car. He was street-racing to help raise his
handicapped brother Gabe, but was shot because of some pills that were left in his car, and
was reborn as the new Ghost Rider. Turns out there's a spirit linked to the car- the ghost of a
man named Eli Morrow, who was slain by gang members. However, Eli is revealed to have
been Robbie's estranged uncle, and a serial killer (who caused Gabe's disabilities by pushing
Robbie's mom down the stairs when she was pregnant)- Johnny Blaze arrives on the scene,
and uses the Penance Stare on Eli.

-Robbie & Eli fight for dominance over Robbie's body while fighting Mr. Hyde (the source
for those pills in Robbie's car)- Robbie finally has to agree to bond with Eli, with the caveat
that he'll only satisfy Eli's bloodlust on evil souls. I'm not sure how much the character even
appears these days (only three years after his debut), but he's apparently "popular with Latino
readers", according to Wikipedia.

Ghost Rider 2099

Post by Jabroniville » Thu Apr 20, 2017 1:04 am

GHOST RIDER 2099 (Kenshiro "Zero" Cochrane)
Created By: Len Kaminski & Chris Bachalo
First Appearance: Ghost Rider 2099 #1 (1994)
Role: Legacy Character
Group Affiliations: None
PL 9 (182)

Deception 3 (+5)
Expertise (Computers) 10 (+14)
Insight 2 (+4)
Intimidation 6 (+8)
Perception 2 (+4)
Stealth 3 (+6)
Technology 4 (+8)

Equipment 3 (Motorcycle- Ford Velociraptor 900 w/ Thrusters & Antigravity Propulsion),
Ranged Attack 4, Startle, Ultimate Computers

"Cybertek 101 Robot"
Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects) [30]
Protection 8 [8]
"Self-Repair" Regeneration 4 [4]
"Net Denizen" Communication 3 (Computers) [12]

"Solidgram Camouflage System" Morph 3 (Any Person) (15) -- [16]

AE: "Stealth Systems" Concealment 5 (All Senses) (10)

"Transforming Hands"
"Right Hand- Blasting Chainsaw"
Blast 8 (Extras: Multiattack) (24) -- [26]

 AE: Strength-Damage +2 (Extras: Multiattack 10) (12)

 AE: "Left Hand- Polymimetic Nanomer Alloy Claw" Strength-Damage +2 (Extras:
Penetrating 8) (10)

Unarmed +9 (+7 Damage, DC 22)
Chainsaw/Claw +9 (+9 Damage, DC 24)
Blasters +8 (+8 Ranged Damage, DC 23)
Initiative +3

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +9 (DC 19), Toughness +8, Fortitude --, Will +5

Enemy (The D/Monix Corporation)- They had him killed after he stole information from
Power Loss (Recharging)- Ghost Rider needs to recharge fairly regularly, especially after
combat drains his power reserves. This is a major plot point several times, until he gains a
"Mr. Fusion" power generator in the final issues.

Total: Abilities: 52 / Skills: 30--15 / Advantages: 9 / Powers: 96 / Defenses: 10 (182)

-Marvel 2099 debuting in 1993, it was perhaps inevitable that it would be heavily inspired by
what was popular in the Iron Age. And so one of the first expansions of the line came to
include a legacy for GHOST RIDER, who was one of Marvel's biggest stars of the era,
believe it or not. Marvel's continued inability to make the concept succeed to that level before
or after the early '90s period (he had an eleven-year run from 1972, though) makes it rather
odd, when guys like the The Punisher & Wolverine have found success far beyond it- fads
are a bitch.

-Ghost Rider 2099 comes like something out of Ghost in the Shell- a cyberpunk story with a
main character of Japanese descent. Ghost in the Shell came out in 1989, and became pretty
popular in the west after the anime came out, and like that, this story involved dying
characters being placed into cybernetic bodies. Kenshiro Cochrane was a hacker who was
killed for stealing information from the D/Monix corporation- he downloaded his mind into
cyberspace, and is allowed to re-enter the physical world by a hidden artificial intelligence
called "Ghostworks"- his "mind" is downloaded into a robotic body, which takes the name
from a 20th century superhero he resembles- Ghost Rider. His book ran for twenty-four
issues, of which I know nothing, and his ending is left ambiguous- the book featuring him
(World of Tomorrow) was cancelled just when it showed his inert body.

-GR 2099 is basically a Robot-type character, but packs specialized hand-weapons (a Blaster,
a Claw and a Chainsaw), a futuristic motorcycle, and specialized stealth, communication &
morphing techniques. This adds up to make him a very expensive character for a PL 9.

Ghoul (Malloy)

Post by Jabroniville » Mon Aug 21, 2017 10:43 pm

THE GHOUL I (Dennis "The Menace" Malloy)
Created By: Peter David & Jeff Purves
First Appearance: The Incredible Hulk #357 (July 1989)
Role: One-Shot Foe
PL 9 (163)

Expertise (Mobster) 6 (+6)
Intimidation 6 (+6)
Perception 6 (+6)
Stealth 4 (+6)

Fast Grab, Improved Critical (Claws), Improved Hold, Ranged Attack 6

"Superhuman Tracker" Senses 9 (Mental Senses- Accurate, Acute & Extended 2, Direction
Sense, Distance Sense, Tracking 2) [9]
Flight 6 (120 mph) (Flaws: Winged) [6]
"Constant Agony" Immunity 2 (Mind-Reading) [2]
"Poisoned Claws" Strength-Damage +1 (Feats: Split) Linked to Affliction 8 (Fort;
Fatigued/Exhausted/Paralyzed) (Feats: Split) (Extras: Cumulative) [27]

"Empowered by Heat" (All Have Flaws: Limited to Within High Temperatures)

Enhanced Strength 2 [2]
Protection 2 [1]
Regeneration 6 [3]

Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects) [30]
Protection 8 [8]

Unarmed +8 (+7 Damage, DC 22)
Super-Heated Strength +8 (+9 Damage, DC 24)
Claws +8 (+8-10 Damage & +8 Affliction, DC 23-25 & 18)
Initiative +3

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +8 (+10 in Hot Environments), Fortitude
--, Will +3

Power Loss (Regeneration)- Cold environments turn off The Ghoul's regenerative powers.
Weakness (Cold Environments)- Ghoul will quickly slow down and weaken if kept too cold-
he slows down noticeably in a cold pool, and is incapacitated by being stuck in a freezer.
Enemy (Mr. Fixit)- Twisted by agents of Satannish into thinking The Hulk is responsible for
his deformities, Malloy now hunts Mr. Fixit.
Prejudice (Obvious Superhuman)- Ghoul is monstrous of visage, being a giant melty-looking
winged demon.

Total: Abilities: 44 / Skills: 22--11 / Advantages: 9 / Powers: 90 / Defenses: 9 (163)

-The first Ghoul hails from the Hulk comic- a demonic being named "Nick Cloot" (later
revealed to be Satannish) empowered the deceased mobster Dennis "The Menace" Malloy to
fight the "Mr. Fixit"-era Hulk, in order to reveal his murderous nature to the public. Freeing
Malloy from Hell and making him a ghoul outwardly as well as in nature (Malloy had also
been nicknamed "The Ghoul" for a series of grisly murders), Cloot convinced him that the
Hulk was responsible for his dilemma. They fought in a very graphic, bloody battle, but the
Hulk managed to weaken him with a stream of cool water, then impales him on a meat-hook
(Mr. Fixit was a pretty vicious character).

Heh- I did it again! I actually FORGOT I'd built somebody, and then re-built him all over
again, discovering my mistake only when I checked the archives! The first time, it was
because I'd called Black Brigade "Brigade Black" in the archives, but this time around, I'd
forgotten I'd statted both Ghouls, and then did them again! Oddly, my first build of Ghoul I
was far more in-depth, as I'd found his Marvunapp bio instead of his Wikipedia page (which
had less info). One of those moments where I'm like "damn- I wonder what ELSE I've been
missing over the years".

-The Ghoul has tremendous hitting power and lethal, venomous claws, but was just a one-off
foe for a weakened Mr. Fixit version of the Gray Hulk, meaning he's only a PL 9. He still has
some old Hitman skills with him, but they're mostly useless in his new form.

Ghoul (Serial Killer)

Post by Jabroniville » Tue Aug 22, 2017 12:27 am

GHOUL II (Real Name Unknown)
Created By: Ramon Bachs & Paul Jenkins
First Appearance: Generation M #5 (2006)
Role: Mutant Serial Killer (as in, a serial killer who is a mutant, not a serial killer OF
mutants), Mutant Serial Killer (as in, a serial killer OF mutants, not a serial killer who is one)
PL 8 (121)

Athletics 2 (+10)
Deception 2 (+4)
Intimidation 4 (+6)
Perception 4 (+6)
Ranged Combat (Fire) 2 (+8)

All-Out Attack, Ranged Attack 4

"Mutant Powers: ... Lotsa stuff, really"
Blast 8 (16) -- [17]

 AE: Teleport 4 (Flaws: Side-Effect; Pain -2) (1)

"Subconsciously Disrupt Telepathy" Weaken Powers 4 (Extras: Reaction +3, Area- 30ft.
Burst) (Flaws: Limited to Telepathy) [16]

Unarmed +10 (+12 Damage, DC 27)
Initiative +2

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +8, Fortitude +8, Will +4

Motivation (Killing the Impure)- Ghoul seeks to murder former mutants who have since lost
their powers.
Prejudice (Obvious Mutant)- Ghoul is clearly inhuman- he is lumpy and appears to be
covered in burns, and features a vestigial third arm on his chest.

Total: Abilities: 68 / Skills: 14--7 / Advantages: 5 / Powers: 33 / Defenses: 8 (121)

-This Ghoul is a mutant who debuted after M-Day (in which the Scarlet Witch depowered
most of Earth's non-interesting Mutants), and his M.O. was murdering those who'd lost their
mutations, because they weren't as "pure" as he was. Wanting to be known for the killings, he
contacted reporter Sally Floyd, who contacted Archangel, who lured Ghoul into the open by
posing as bait. He was apparently arrested or killed when Cyclops dropped a tower on him
with his Optic Blasts. As a fighter, he's strong enough to easily kidnap a non-combatant like
Floyd, and blasted Archangel once, but that was it.


Post by Jabroniville » Wed Mar 11, 2020 9:06 am

I mean, obviously this is his career peak, right here. Nothing says "Growth Powers Can Be
Awesome" than Alex Ross at full power.

GIANT-MAN (Henry "Hank" Pym, aka Ant-Man I, Goliath I, Yellowjacket I, The

Wasp II)
Created By: Stan Lee, Larry Lieber & Jack Kirby
First Appearance: Tales to Astonish #27 (Jan. 1962)
Role: The Failed Hero, Never Live It Down Guy (aka The Wifebeater), Growing Guy,
Shrinking Guy, Third-Place Scientist
Group Affiliations: The Avengers, The Defenders, Avengers Academy
Avengers Grade: B-Level
PL 11 (180)

Athletics 4 (+6) -- Flaws: Limited to Riding
Close Combat (Unarmed) 3 (+9)
Deception 4 (+5)
Expertise (Science) 9 (+17)
Insight 3 (+5)
Investigation 4 (+6)
Intimidation 2 (+3, +11 Full Size)
Perception 2 (+4)
Persuasion 3 (+4)
Sleight of Hand 2 (+6)
Stealth 2 (+5, -12 Huge, +21 Tiny)
Technology 7 (+15)
Treatment 3 (+5)

Equipment (Science Stuff), Fast Grab, Improved Grab, Improved Hold, Inventor, Power
Attack, Ranged Attack 4, Set-Up, Teamwork, Ultimate Skill 2 (Science, Technology)

"Pym Particles"
Small Size (45) -- [46]

 AE: Large Size (36)

"Large Size- Over 100 Feet Tall"

Growth 11 (Str & Sta +11, +11 Mass, +5 Intimidation, -5 Dodge/Parry) -- (48 feet) (22)
Growth +6 (+17 Mass, +8 Intimidation, -8 Dodge/Parry, +2 Speed, -17 Stealth) -- (120 feet)
(Flaws: Limited to Non-Str & Sta Increases) (6)
Speed 2 (30 mph) (2)
"Giant-Sized Fists & Feet" Strength-Damage +0 (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst on 11 Ranks) (11)
-- (12)

 AE: "Hitting Power" Strength-Damage +2 (2)

Close Combat -2 (-2)

Enhanced Dodge & Parry 2 (Flaws: Limited to Top Size) (2)

"Alternate Sizes"
Growth 4 (Str & Sta +4, +4 Mass, +2 Intimidation, -2 Dodge/Parry, -4 Stealth) -- (12 feet)
Growth 8 (Str & Sta +8, +8 Mass, +4 Intimidation, -4 Dodge/Parry, +1 Speed, -8 Stealth) --
(24 feet) (16)
Growth 10 (Str & Sta +10, +10 Mass, +5 Intimidation, -5 Dodge/Parry, +1 Speed, -10
Stealth) -- (36 feet) (20)
Growth 11 (Str & Sta +11, +11 Mass, +5 Intimidation, -5 Dodge/Parry, +1 Speed, -11
Stealth) -- (42 feet) (22)

"Small Size"
Shrinking 16 (+8 Dodge/Parry, +16 Stealth, -8 Intimidation) (Extras: Normal Strength) (32)
"Tiny Sized Fighting" Enhanced Advantages 2: Close Attack 2 (Flaws: Limited to Smaller
Sizes) (1)
"Insect Wings" Flight 5 (60 mph) (10)
Movement 1 (Dimensional Travel- Microverse) (2)

"Shrink Others" Shrinking 16 (Extras: Attack +0) [16]

"Ant-Man Helmet" (Flaws: Removable) [8]

Affliction 4 (Will; Dazed/Compelled/Controlled) (Extras: Cumulative, Area- 60ft. Burst +2)
(Flaws: Limited to Insects -2) (8)
Comprehend 2 (Speak to & Understand Animals) (Flaws: Limited to Insects) (2)
-- (10 points)
Unarmed +9 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Growth 8 +9 (+10 Damage, DC 25)
Growth 10 +9 (+12 Damage, DC 26)
Growth 11 +9 (+13 Damage, DC 28)
Full Size +7 (+15 Damage, DC 30)
Shrunken Unarmed +10 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Giant Fists & Feet +11 Area (+11 Damage, DC 26)
Initiative +3

Dodge +9 (DC 19), Parry +9 (DC 19), Toughness +2, Fortitude +5, Will +5
"Full Size" Dodge +3 (DC 13), Parry +3 (DC 13), Toughness +13, Fortitude +17, Will +5
"Smallest Size" Dodge +17 (DC 27), Parry +17 (DC 27), Toughness +2, Fortitude +5, Will

Relationship (Janet Van Dyne- Ex-Wife)- Pym & Janet were married for a time, but divorced
when he lost his mind. Eventually, they began dating casually once again, but never
remarried. Then she died.
Relationship (Tigra)- The two were together on the West Coast Avengers, and had a bit of a
thing in modern times, though that was mostly a Skrull copying him.
Reputation (Wifebeater)- He once smacked Jan while undergoing a mental breakdown. He
still hasn't lived it down.
Reputation (Pymsuck)- Pym is sometimes known as a possibly-deranged loser amongst the
super-community. He smacked his wife, lost to dozens of guys, and created The Avengers'
worst enemy.
Vulnerable (Small Size)- Despite his added defenses at small size, Pym is highly-vulnerable
to such comparatively-large targets. The smaller he gets, the more vulnerable he is- he treats
all attacks from human-sized targest as Area Attacks if he is Shrinking 12 or smaller.
Vulnerable (Easy to Hit)- When fighting against a Full-Sized Hank Pym, any character may
be treated as having the Power Attack Advantage, allowing them to go +5 to damage. He's
such an big target that all his vulnerable spots are enormous.

Total: Abilities: 58 / Skills: 46--23 / Advantages: 14 / Powers: 70 / Defenses: 15 (180)

-Hank Pym has spent most of his career as either the large Giant-Man or Goliath, having
dropped his Ant-Man gear by his second Avengers appearance in order to actually be useful.
He was in this state between 1963-65, and returned in 1966 as "Goliath" with the same
powers. At one point, he was restricted to being ten-ish feet tall. The '70s and '80s mostly saw
him as Yellowjacket, but save for his run as "The Wasp II", he's been like this ever since the
early 1990s.

-Hank Pym with his standard power-set is basically a highly-strong gigantic guy who can
alternatively become very, very small. Both of these are kind of annoying to deal with, as the
acceleration in Strength from growing gigantic is quite immense, and so I just kind of said
"meh, he's still PL 11, no matter his size" and stuck him at Growth 12, with some boosts to
showcase his greater size. See, Hank can do +15 Damage at top size, which would normally
make him a PL 12, but he's limited to being only +7 Unarmed in that case (and he's not as
strong as a Strength 15 guy either- it's just his huge fists doing the damage). He normally
sticks to Growth 8-11 (24-48 feet tall) for combat reasons (kinda hard to protect your
teammates when you could squish them accidentally) and logistics (his giant feet would
smash up everything around him). He can get bigger than 72 feet tall pretty easily. He can, of
course, push himself to higher heights with Extra Effort, based off of what the artist thinks he
should look like.

-Now, I was thinking of making Pym a PL 10 because frankly, he sucks, but what the hey- at
large enough sizes, he becomes a pretty good hero. He has to be Growth 12 at least to start
hitting his PL caps, and he NEVER hits them defensively- Growth is still fairly limiting
defense-wise unless you're absolutely tough as hell to start with, so ol' Hank is PL 9 at
maximum size that way (He isn't that tough either at max-size- I've seen him go down to a
single leg-pressure-point shot from The Taskmaster, who is NOT super-strong, and was KO'd
seconds later with a neck shot- Growth Guys are NOT that tough). Considering how easily he
goes down sometimes, it makes sense. He's also very, very smart, being below Reed but Tony
Stark's equal in the straight-up Ability Score, but lesser at Science & Technology in general
(he's the master of Pym Particles, but his other inventions consist of a robot that improved
itself only AFTER it broke free from his dumb ass, and a helmet that lets him talk to bugs).

-All of the various traits of large size & small size are separated into separate power-
groupings, one Alt-Effecting off the other. It's not a big points-cheat, saving only four points
(since the Shrink Others thing sits outside the array). Note another side thing I add to
Growth-guys at large enough size- Area-Effecting Damage, letting him stomp & squish
groups of people at once- but only 30-foot wide Bursts.

Giant-Man (Malhotra)

Post by Jabroniville » Fri Dec 09, 2022 7:48 pm

GIANT-MAN II (Raz Malhotra)
Created By: Nick Spencer & Brent Schoonover
First Appearance: Ant-Man Annual #1 (July 2015)
Role: Growing Hero, Legacy Hero
Group Affiliations: The Agents of Atlas
PL 9 (89)

Close Combat 1 (+7)
Deception 2 (+3)
Expertise (Science) 7 (+14)
Perception 2 (+3)
Technology 8 (+15)

Inventor, Ranged Attack 3

"Pym Particles"
"Large Size- Over 100 Feet Tall"
Growth 11 (Str & Sta +11, +11 Mass, +5 Intimidation, -5 Dodge/Parry) -- (48 feet) [22]
Growth +6 (+17 Mass, +8 Intimidation, +2 Speed, -17 Stealth) -- (120 feet) (Flaws: Limited
to Non-Str & Sta Increases) [6]
Speed 2 (30 mph) [2]
"Giant-Sized Fists & Feet" Strength-Damage +0 (Extras: Area- 15ft. Burst +1/2 on 9 Ranks)
(4.5) -- [6]

 AE: "Hitting Power" Strength-Damage +1 (1)

"Alternate Sizes"
Growth 8 (Str & Sta +8, +8 Mass, +4 Intimidation, -4 Dodge/Parry, +2 Speed) -- (24 feet)
Growth 9 (Str & Sta +9, +9 Mass, +4 Intimidation, -4 Dodge/Parry, +2 Speed) -- (30 feet)
Growth 10 (Str & Sta +10, +10 Mass, +5 Intimidation, -5 Dodge/Parry, +2 Speed) -- (36 feet)
Growth 11 (Str & Sta +11, +11 Mass, +5 Intimidation, -5 Dodge/Parry, +2 Speed) -- (42 feet)
Growth 12 (Str & Sta +12, +12 Mass, +6 Intimidation, -6 Dodge/Parry, +3 Speed) -- (48 feet)

Unarmed +7 (+0 Damage, DC 15)
"Large Size" Unarmed +6 (+12 Damage, DC 30)
Giant Fists & Feet +9 Area (+9 Damage, DC 24)
Initiative +3

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +1, Fortitude +4, Will +5
"Largest Size" Dodge +3 (DC 13), Parry +3 (DC 13), Toughness +13, Fortitude +5, Will +5
Prejudice (Homosexual)
Relationship (Isaac Ikeda)- Raz has a "friendly relationship" with this teammate Protector,
and were once photographed kissing.
Vulnerable (Easy to Hit)- When fighting against a Full-Sized Cassie Lang, any character may
be treated as having the Power Attack Advantage, allowing them to go +5 to damage. She's
such an big target that all her vulnerable spots are enormous.

Total: Abilities: 38 / Skills: 20--10 / Advantages: 4 / Powers: 36 / Defenses: 15 (89)

-Wait, there's an Indian Giant-Man now? Well I guess Hank Pym is dead or whatever. Raz
Malhotra was from Colorado and was born to Indian immigrants, and studies artificial
intelligence. His career was ruined when Pym decided that A.I. wasn't worth creating and
shut down many companies producing them- Raz was stuck doing tech support as a result.
However, the villain Egghead returned and kidnapped him, using his genius to create robot
duplicates of the Avengers. Pym & Scott Lang arrived, and Raz eventually regained his free
will and turned off his "A.I.vengers". Pym later died, and Lang, who'd inherited Pym's uber-
lab, decided to gift Raz with a present- the "Giant-Man" suit.

-So Raz became the new Giant-Man, but had some bad luck- the Unicorn trapped him within
the Golden Gate Bridge, and the new Blacklash escaped him & Lang. Lang offered to train
him while Raz took over the lab. He's since shown up a couple of times as a background
genius or aide to other heroes. He later helped fight HYDRA and joined the Agents of Atlas...
and kissed his teammate Protector. Ah, I was wondering which member/s of the team would
be the Mandatory Gay Ones.

-Raz is both a genius AND a giant, but is such a rookie hero he doesn't cost very many
powers, nor is he that effective.


Post by Jabroniville » Mon Dec 06, 2021 8:54 am

Created By: Rainbow Rowell & David Lafuente
First Appearance: The Runaways #13 (Sept. 2018)
Role: Heroic Son of Evil Beings
Group Affiliations: The Gibborim, The Runaways

-A brand-new character, Gib is one of the children of the "previous trinity" of Gibborim (his
siblings are Bo and Rim... yes, Gib, Bo, Rim)- he was meant to inherit the Earth after the
Pride cleansed the planet of all humanity, and would feed off of billions of sacrificed souls.
But since the Pride failed and fought their masters, dying in the process, the "Seeds" were
born human-sized and hungry. They demanded the Runaways make good on their parents'
promise, and Gib was chosen to watch over the kids while Alex Wilder stalled for time.
Naturally, the green, horn-headed being was touched by their humanity and compassion. He
implored his siblings to spare the kids, and watched as Gertrude used a portal to send them
999 years into the future. Still hungry and now missing his "nestmates", Gib is taken in by the
Runaways. When a false hero attempted to kill Karolina to raise his profile, he was killed by
Old Lace- the man's soul was then used to sustain Gib. This puts the Runaways in the weird
position of having to SUPPLY SOULS to their teammate, but I guess this only happened
once so far- the rest of the time he's been getting dead rats brought to him, which sustains him
a little bit. Gib later disguised himself as a human and became a high school football star.

-Gib is vaguely super-strong and can morph into human shapes.

The Gibbon

Post by Jabroniville » Fri Jun 02, 2017 10:46 pm

THE GIBBON (Martin Blank)
Created By: Stan Lee & John Romita
First Appearance: The Amazing Spider-Man #110 (July 1972)
Role: Joke Villain
Villain Ranking: E-List
Group Affiliations: The Legion of Losers
PL 7 (69)

Acrobatics 2 (+7)
Athletics 2 (+9)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 2 (+7)
Deception 2 (+1)
Expertise (Criminal) 2 (+1)
Intimidation 4 (+3)
Stealth 2 (+7)

Chokehold, Fast Grab, Great Endurance, Improved Grab, Improved Hold

"Mutant Powers: Ape-Like Nature"
Enhanced Skills 4: Athletics 4 (+13) (Flaws: Limited to Climbing) [1]
Leaping 2 (30 feet) [2]
"Animal Senses" Senses 3 (Acute & Extended Scent, Low-Light Vision) [3]
Speed 1 (2 mph) [1]

Unarmed +7 (+7 Damage, DC 22)
Initiative +5

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +6, Fortitude +7, Will +1

Motivation (Reputation)- The Gibbon is seen as a joke in the super-community, even by other
jokes, and he strives to correct this.
Enemy (Spider-Man)
Relationship (Princess Python)- A habitual loser-marrier, Python fell for the Gibbon, but soon
came down on him for being a lazy loser.

Total: Abilities: 40 / Skills: 16--8 / Advantages: 5 / Powers: 7 / Defenses: 9 (69)

-The Gibbon's another joke, and actually created by The Man himself- you'd think he'd be a
part of the "dying '70s" era of Marvel, but he's SUPPOSED to be lame, so it's okay. By this
point, goofy villains started getting called-out for being goofy more often, and a bunch of
guys were getting created solely to BE lame characters. Gibbon's a mutant who was
attempting to be Spider-Man's partner, but screwed everything up, and became a Legion of
Losers member. He eventually split from his buddies along with Grizzly once Spot &
Kangaroo started stealing again, but other writers forgot this, and he kinda vanished, losing
his powers (but not his appearance). He DID get to marry Princess Python, though, so that
was pretty cool... until she started cranking out on him and he was miserable. But the recent
Marvel Apes storyline actually had him as a feature player, going to the Simian World and
doing some stuff, which is FAR bigger than I ever imagined him getting. Of course, nothing
came AFTER that, but it was something. He's just one of many "lovable loser" characters in
the Marvel Universe.

-The Gibbon's not so different from The Grizzly, but is more accurate and much more
defensive, making a solid PL 7 Powerhouse-type character who can dish out some heavy hits,
and grapple REALLY well.

The Gibborim

Post by Jabroniville » Mon Dec 06, 2021 7:20 pm

lol- THESE DINKS are supposed to be these giant terrifying Elder Gods that can destroy a
world with multiple Gods, Hulks and super-geniuses on it.

Created By: Brian K. Vaughan & Adrian Alphona
First Appearance: The Runaways #13 (March 2004)
Role: Generic Elder Gods
Horrible Fate I Wish Upon This Character: Permanently take The Wrecking Crew's role
in comics.
Group Affiliations: The Gibborim (well, duh)
PL 17 (489)

Deception 9 (+15)
Expertise (History) 8 (+16)
Expertise (Magic) 16 (+24)
Expertise (God) 9 (+17)
Insight 6 (+11)
Intimidation 13 (+19)
Perception 5 (+10)
Persuasion 6 (+12)

All-Out Attack, Artificer, Daze (Intimidation), Diehard, Fearless, Improved Critical (Godly
Blasts) 2, Improved Hold, Last Stand, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 10, Ritualist, Startle,
Well-Informed, Withstand Damage

"Immortal God"
Immunity 16 (Aging, Life Support, Fatigue Effects) [16]
Speed 2 (8 mph) [2]
Senses 7 (Detect Magic- Ranged 3, Acute & Analytical, Tracking By Magic) [7]
"Elder Entity" Immunity 20 (Mental Effects) [20]
"Speaks All Languages" Comprehend 3 (Languages- Speak & Understand) [6]

Impervious Toughness 17 [17]
Regeneration 14 (Feats: Regrow Limbs) [15]

"Variable Size"
Features 5: Increased Mass 5 [5]
Elongation 1 [1]

"Elder God"
Variable 15 (105) -- [109]

 AE: "Godly Wave" Damage 16 (Extras: Area- 250ft. Cone +3) (64)
 AE: "Godly Beam" Damage 16 (Extras: Area- 120ft. Line +3) (64)
 AE: "Godly Storm" Damage 16 (Extras: Area- 120ft. Burst +3) (64)
 AE: "Godly Blast" Blast 24 (Feats: Extended Range 4, Penetrating 12) (64)

"Empower Others" Variable 8 (Feats: Reversible) (Extras: Affects Others Only, Continuous)

Unarmed +10 (+22 Damage, DC 37)
Blast +10 (+24 Ranged Damage, DC 39)
God Attack Area +16 (+16 Damage, DC 31)
Initiative +0

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +10 (DC 20), Toughness +22 (+11 Impervious), Fortitude +22,
Will +11

Motivation (Power)- The Gibborim wish to destroy all humanity, and alter the world to their
own liking. To do this, they need souls.
Power Loss (Outside of Our World)- The Gibborim cannot enter Earth's dimension for long
periods of time, and require human souls for sacrifices, lest they be banished for some time.

Total: Abilities: 150 / Skills: 72--36 / Advantages: 24 / Powers: 263 / Defenses: 16 (489)

-The Gibborim provide the backdrop to the entire Runaways series, so it's much the pity that
they're arguably the weakest aspect of the whole thing. Seriously, Marvel has about ten-
THOUSAND "Elder Gods" out there, and a handful of them have ALSO received the "they
used to run the planet, and want it back" thing. And fiction as a whole has used this trope a
million times, too! And in addition to that, they have a stupid name (I know it's Biblical and
all that but it sounds too much like both "gibberish" and "gibbon"- making them sound like
confusing, incomprehensible simians), and they look weirdly-malformed- like their hands and
heads were outsized, along with big honkin' noses and weird lips, like the Epic Derp class of
Hell-Lords. And obviously they were running the planet in between the times the Celestials
showed up, and when Set ruled things. And the Demogorge apparently never went after
them... see why this series should have been left out of continuity?

-The Gibborim (that's a hard name to type out- I always hit the "B" first) are a trio of ancient
giants that wish to destroy the world, and replace it with one of their own invention. To do
this, they recruit six couples and amplify their power, offering paradise to six individuals
(thus ensuring that they'll work hard and compete against each other to be the most-favored).
After twenty-five years of human sacrifices, they will take control of our world. However,
The Runaways screw up the deal by ruining a soul's containment unit, and so the beasts are
held back (but not before killing Alex Wilder, who takes responsibility, and the entirety of
the Pride).

-The Gibborim end up in a Limbo-like dimension, and try to make a deal with a time-
displaced young Geoffrey Wilder to bring back his wife & son- however, this fails. Chase
Stein offers himself as a sacrifice to them if they'll resurrect his girlfriend Gert, but again, this
didn't come to pass- the soul sacrifice needs to be unwilling. They are temporarily summoned
by Witchfire in her fight against Magik, but so far have not appeared in continuity for ages.

-The Gibborim are apparently very powerful, but not a lot is seen. So I took the "Elder God
Template" and made it wussier.


Post by Jabroniville » Fri Jul 16, 2021 6:10 pm

Created By: Rob Liefeld & Fabian Nicieza
First Appearance: The New Mutants #98 (Feb. 1991)
Role: Power-Copier, Rich Bastard, Behind-The-Scenes Manipulator
Group Affiliations: The Externals, Ophrah Enterprises
PL 10 (190)

Athletics 4 (+7)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 2 (+11)
Deception 7 (+12)
Expertise (Business) 10 (+14)
Expertise (History) 6 (+10)
Expertise (Sailor in Columbus' Voyage) 2 (+6)
Insight 5 (+8)
Perception 6 (+9)
Persuasion 4 (+9)
Stealth 4 (+7)
Benefit 5 (Wealth- Billionaire), Chokehold, Daze (Deception), Diehard, Fast Grab, Improved
Critical (Unarmed), Languages 2 (Many), Ranged Attack 8, Takedown, Taunt

"Mutant Powers: Copying Power Signatures"
Variable (Powers of Others) 8 (Quirks: Requires 2-5 Rounds to Activate -2) [56]

"Immortal High Lord External"

Immunity 1 (Aging) [1]
Regeneration 4 [4]

Unarmed +11 (+3 Damage, DC 18)
Stolen Strength +11 (+xx Damage, DC xx)
Stolen Powers +10 (+xx Ranged Damage, DC xx)
Initiative +3

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +10 (DC 20), Toughness +4, Fortitude +8, Will +7

Motivation (Wealth)- Gideon is greedy as sin.
Responsibility (The Externals)- As the head member of a secret enclave of Immortal Mutants,
Gideon has many responsibilities.
Obsession (Sam Guthrie)- The revelation of a new High Lord in Sam "Cannonball" Guthrie
filled Gideon with hope- he was prophesized as the one who could "save" the Externals from
an unknown future. His methods for gaining access to the boy would include kidnapping,
torture and manipulation. All the worse that he got the wrong guy originally.
Enemy (Sunspot)- Gideon manipulated Roberto da Costa as a young man, and eventually had
him trussed-up and tortured, all because he thought Bobby was the External (it was actually
teammate Cannonball). This made him a very angry, very powerful enemy in Sunspot.

Total: Abilities: 66 / Skills: 50--25 / Advantages: 22 / Powers: 61 / Defenses: 16 (190)

-Gideon is one of those guys set out right away in Liefeld's New Mutants run to be a Master
Villain/Big Bad to X-Force, leading Sunspot away to become a junior super-villain and feud
with his old teammates. He has Roberto's father poisoned to death, then gives 'Berto the "bad
news" and decides to become his mentor. Along the way, his casual, "Whoopdeedoo",
"Y'know" brand of speaking gives way to more "Fabian Nicieza Villain" dialogue, as he is
much more stoic and humorless thereafter, talking in a very pretentious manner. And so we
get a few X-Force issues where he trains Sunspot in the ways of business and war, and it
seems like things might lead to a head. Though one of the early issues of the book sees Black
Tom Cassidy humiliate Gideon by one-shotting him with his shillelaugh- it's weird to devalue
your new villain like that. Meanwhile, Nicieza also wrote him in The New Warriors, where
he WRECKS HOUSE over that team, using his Power-Copying abilities to beat the squad

-The "Gideon Story" gets super-weird as time goes on. It turns out he spent years befriending
Roberto and then training him because he thought Roberto was a "High Lord" like he was.
But then Cannonball is revealed to be the immortal one, and a furious Gideon has Bobby
imprisoned and tortured mercilessly, given solar powers until he nearly dies. And this
experimentation just powers Sunspot up, so he returns with all-new powesr. When Gideon
and his old friend Saul, who'd by then been introduced, were having chats, X-Force arrives
and wipes the floor with them, Gideon taken out too quickly to copy anyone's power-sets.
And after this humiliation, he never recovers.

-Gideon is next seen explaining his origins to Cannonball, pleading with him to help them
discover the cure for the Legacy Virus that can even kill them. Turns out he was on the Santa
Maria that sailed to the Americas all those years ago- getting scurvy on the ship, he was
tossed into the cargo hold with other dying men, and mysteriously arose the next morning,
none the worse for wear. He since went on to become a powerful businessman. But then the
next time we see him he's being sacrificed by Selene, who steals his life energy, and that's
that. The character doesn't appear again until VERY recent history, actually getting to
survive- he's convinced to turn on four of the little-used Externals by Apocalypse, and their
life energies are absorbed. He now stands as an ally to Apocalypse, Selene & Absalom.

-Gideon is more of a Mastermind than a Powerhouse, being a rich boy with a base and whole
industries working for him. His "Stealing Genetic Matrixes" power (that also worked on
robots, somehow) is a classic "Liefeld Power" (ie. he couldn't think of one easily, so he
designed a costume first and a power-set second- this happened with almost ALL of the
"Image Guys"), and isn't very tough anyways (40 pp of new powers is decent, but not much
compared to plenty of other similar characters), since X-Force easily routed him before he
could react. He's generally not much in a fight, and depends upon other beings' presence to do

Gideon Mace

Post by Jabroniville » Mon Jul 16, 2018 4:02 am

Created By: Archie Goodwin & George Tuska
First Appearance: Luke Cage, Hero For Hire #3 (Oct. 1972)
Role: Jobber Villain
PL 7 (108)

Athletics 4 (+7)
Deception 2 (+5)
Expertise (Soldier) 5 (+5)
Intimidation 3 (+6)
Perception 2 (+3)

Improved Aim, Ranged Attack 4, Startle

"Special Mace" (Flaws: Removable) [10]
"Fire as Projectile" Blast 5 (10) -- (12 points)

 AE: "Mace Smash" Strength-Damage +3 (Feats: Penetrating 3) (6)

 AE: "Mace Spray" Affliction 6 (Fort; Dazed & Visually Impaired/Stunned & Visually
Disabled/Visually Unaware) (Extras: Extra Condition, Ranged) (Flaws: Limited to
Visually Unaware) (Diminished Range -2) (10)

Unarmed +8 (+3 Damage, DC 18)
Mace Smash +8 (+6 Damage, DC 21)
Mace Spray +8 (+6 Ranged Affliction, DC 16)
Fire Mace +8 (+5 Ranged Damage, DC 20)
Initiative +3
Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +4, Fortitude +5, Will +3

Enemy (The American Government)- Gideon believes that he was unfairly discharged by the
army (he was not), and is attempting to form his own army to fight them.
Enemy (Luke Cage)

Total: Abilities: 52 / Skills: 16--8 / Advantages: 6 / Powers: 10 / Defenses: 8 (108)

-Gideon Mace was a nasty soldier leading his troops on unauthorized missions in Vietnam
when he lost his hand to a landmine. Feeling he was dishonorably discharged unjustly, he
attached a super-mace to his hand and started recruiting soldiers into his own personal army,
which he would lead against the U.S. Government. He attempted to seize control of New
York's ports, but one of his men discovered his real plan (use the men as "bait" for the police
while his associates robbed Wall Street), and brought Luke Cage into the conflict. A classic
anti-government loon, he later formed his own "planned community" called Security City,
but Cage and his buddy "DW" Griffith did the classic "turn on the live mic" trick, and Mace's
insane plans were revealed to the people of his town.

-Mace never really went anywhere as a villain, only dealing with Cage. Al Ewing used him in
Cage's Avengers book, however, trying to form a business out of murdering super-heroes. He
chose the original White Tiger as his first target, but failed thanks to Spider-Man and others.
He was shot by his own men while fighting, but was saved by the Beyond Corporation- his
mutated body was seen fighting the Mighty Avengers, but when his group was beaten, his
bodiless heart (the only thing left of his body) fell to the ground.

-Mace is a minor PL 7 threat who is mostly-forgotten, but had a few tricks- expect to fight
numerous disgruntled War Veterans alongside this little Vietnam Commentary.


Post by Jabroniville » Mon Aug 05, 2019 4:10 am

Created By: Steve Englehart & Al Milgrom
First Appearance: West Coast Avengers #17 (Feb. 1987)
Role: Jobber Villain
Group Affiliations: The Desert Dwellers
PL 6 (55)

Perception 8 (+8)
Stealth 2 (+4)

Fast Grab, Startle

"Animal Senses" Senses 2 (Low-Light Vision & Extended Scent) [2]
Immunity 2 (Heat, Thirst) (Flaws: Limited to Half-Effect) [1]
Movement 1 (Environmental Adaptation- Desert) [2]
"Tail" Extra Limb 1 [1]

Unarmed +6 (+6 Damage, DC 21)
Initiative +2

Dodge +6 (DC 16), Parry +6 (DC 16), Toughness +6, Fortitude +6, Will +3

Responsibility (Dominus's Will)
Vulnerable (Scent-Based Attacks)- Gila's enhanced senses render him vulnerable to scent-
based attacks.

Total: Abilities: 36 / Skills: 10--5 / Advantages: 1 / Powers: 6 / Defenses: 7 (55)

-Gila was an aggressive, more agile fighter than his allies, but even a dozen of him were
easily beaten by the Avengers.


Post by Jabroniville » Sun Nov 12, 2017 12:46 am

Well, at least he looks cool now.

GILGAMESH, THE FORGOTTEN ONE (Real Name Unknown, aka Hero)

Created By: Jack Kirby
First Appearance: The Eternals #13 (July 1977)
Role: Forgotten Avenger, Powerhouse, The Scrappy
Group Affiliations: The Avengers, The Eternals
Avengers Grade: D-Level
PL 12 (216)

Expertise (Eternal) 6 (+6)
Expertise (History) 6 (+6)
Expertise (Hunter/Tracker) 8 (+8)
Intimidation 6 (+8)
Perception 4 (+4)
Ranged Combat (Bow) 6 (+10)
Stealth 2 (+4)

Accurate Attack, All-Out Attack, Diehard, Extraordinary Effort, Fast Grab, Improved Grab,
Improved Hold, Power Attack, Precise Attack (Close/Concealment), Ranged Attack 4,
Tracking (Sight)

"Eternal Physiology- Far Beyond the Norm"
Power Lifting 5 (50,000 tons) [5]
Impervious Toughness 11 [11]
Regeneration 6 (Feats: Regrowth) [7]
Immunity 16 (Aging, Life Support, Fatigue Effects) [16]
Flight 6 (120 mph) [12]

"Matter Manipulation" Transform Anything to Anything 7 (100 lbs.) (35) -- [37]

 AE: "Eye & Hand Cosmic Blasts" Blast 10 (20)

 AE: "Super-Strength Feat" Groundstrike 12 (Dodge; Hindered/Prone) (Extras: Area-
30ft. Burst) (Flaws: Limited Degree, Instant Recovery, Limited to Grounded Targets)
Linked to Damage 12 (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst) (Flaws: Limited to Objects) (15)

Unarmed +8 (+15 Damage, DC 23)
Cosmic Blasts +4 (+10 Ranged Damage, DC 25)
Initiative +2

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +14 (+6 Impervious), Fortitude +14, Will
Responsibility (Eternals)
Responsibility (Loves Humanity)

Total: Abilities: 82 / Skills: 40--20 / Advantages: 14 / Powers: 88 / Defenses: 12 (216)

The Forgotten One- The Worst Avengers Ever?:

-If you took a poll to see who was the worst Avenger ever, people will either vote for Hank
Pym, as the part of a "wifebeater" meme going around the internet (though he really has as
many defenders as detractors sometimes, and many comic book writers appear to be fans of
the character); Deathcry, the losery uber-Iron Age death-dealing Shi'ar; or Gilgamesh- The
Forgotten One. His whole schtick is that he was an Eternal, one of Marvel's resident "Kirby
created us because he wanted to do a story about mythology, but Marvel cancelled it because
nobody bought the damn books, and then co-opted them into the main continuity" characters,
a representation of the Babylonian God-hero. Even though he was kind of redundant with
Thor around, the writer at the time likely thought he could maybe make a decent hero out of
the super-strong God character, but alas, it was not to be.

Gilgamesh's Heroic Turn:

-So the guy generally known as The Forgotten One is a wandering adventurer, generally
mistaken for other heroes like Hercules or Gilgamesh- figures from mythology (who were of
course real beings, once The Eternals was made canon). He was cast out from the other
Eternals when Zuras decreed that he was interfering in the mortal world too much, but
rejoined them when The Fourth Host of The Celestials arrived. He allied with his people a
few other times, and fought his "opposite number" heroes like Thor & Hercules, as they
generally filled the same niche in their respective "Pantheons".

-And then all of a sudden The Forgotten One got to join The Avengers in the late '80s,
renaming himself Gilgamesh, and went on a small handful of adventures on one of the "Filler
Teams" (This one even had MISTER FANTASTIC AND THE INVISIBLE WOMAN on it).
However, this was during Walt Simonson's run, and Walt was quickly run off the book after
disagreements with editorial- his replacement, John Byrne, hated the idea of Gilgamesh, Reed
& Sue being Avengers, and quickly dumped them from the book. Gilgamesh was quickly
injured quite severely, in a fight against The Lava Men, and left to go heal with The Eternals
(his essence was bound to Olympia). He returned to The Avengers during The Crossing (an
infamous storyline credited with nearly killing the Avengers concept forever), but was killed
by an agent of Immortus- a true loser death. Naturally, he reappeared with The Eternals in the
Gaiman series.

-This led to other strangeness, as the follow-up to that series had Gilgamesh acting as a
villain, working for the book's antagonist, and he was eventually killed once more. Then he
was resurrected and revamped AGAIN for Thor: The Deviants Saga, which featured him as a
battle-brother of Thor's. Apparently he has also recently appeared in the Hercules series.

Gilgamesh the Failure:

-So Gilgamesh is a failure as a character. It could've had to do with the stupid character
design, which was basically a guy in a loincloth, or dressed as an animal. Or the silly name
(Gilgamesh is much lamer a name than nearly every other Ancient Near Eastern name- even
their CITIES had badass titles- a fan once even wrote in asking them "is that REALLY the
best name you could come up with?"). Or the fact that he was basically a Thor without the
interesting powers. But no matter why he sucked, he was off the team pretty quickly, and in
the end he was casually offed. And so it stands that this uber-powerful Eternal super-hero
ended up becoming known as one of the lamest Avengers of all time.

Gilgamesh's Might:
-Despite his suckiness as a character, Gilgamesh is a BEAST. The nigh-innumerable powers
of The Eternals is enough to make him cost a bazillion points in the first place; the fact that
he's ALSO as strong as Hercules & Thor just adds to the cost. And yes, I figure they should
only be getting around +15 as a Damage Bonus for raw strength- far more than The Thing or
somebody on that level. I really, REALLY wanted him to be a PL 11, but he's as strong as
Thor, AND considered to be the greatest fighter of all the Eternals, so there's just no way to
justify that in my mind. But he's pretty sucky and ineffectual for his power level- he died to
some loser, and he couldn't beat Thor in a fight, so I threw him in at PL 11.5 on offense, PL
11 on defense. Despite being a "great combatant among the Eternals", I figured he'd get +8
Attack Bonus and like it, since that's still PRETTY good, and I'm kind of tired of
Powerhouses & Bricks who are ALSO world-class martial artists somehow. Instead, he just
gets a bunch of combat feats to modify his caps if he wants to.


Post by Jabroniville » Mon Mar 14, 2022 10:55 pm

Hellz yeah thicc Latina Gambit.

GIMMICK (Carmen Maria Cruz)

Created By: Vita Ayala & Bernard Chang
First Appearance: Children of the Atom #1 (March 2021)
Role: Forgotten Newbie Character, Actual Mutant

-Gimmick is dressed like Gambit, and is an Afro/Latina girl who is dating Cyclops-Lass. It
turns out that she's the only authentic mutant on the team- she apparently has a Reptilian
alternate form.


Post by Jabroniville » Sun Nov 27, 2016 8:10 am

Created By: Chris Claremont & Dave Cockrum
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men #107 (Oct. 1977)
Race: Strontian
Role: Supermanalogue
Legionnaire Basis: Superboy
Group Affiliations: The Shi'ar Imperial Guard, The Annihilators
PL 15 (269)

Close Attack (Unarmed) 2 (+12)
Deception 2 (+4)
Expertise (Space Hero) 9 (+10)
Insight 3 (+5)
Intimidation 10 (+12)
Investigation 3 (+5)
Perception 4 (+6)
Technology 4 (+5)
Vehicles 1 (+5)

All-Out Attack, Benefit 2 (Imperial Guard Praetor), Close Attack, Daze (Intimidation),
Diehard, Extraordinary Effort, Great Endurance, Fast Grab, Improved Critical (Unarmed) 2,
Improved Grab, Improved Hold, Last Stand, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 6, Startle,
Ultimate Strength Check, Withstand Damage

Immunity 11 (Aging, Life Support) [11]
Power-Lifting 4 (50,000 tons) [4]
Impervious Toughness 9 [9]
Flight 14 (32,000 mph) (Feats: Dynamic) (29) -- [31]

 Dynamic AE: Quickness 10 (Feats: Dynamic) (11)

Movement 1 (Space Travel 1) [2]

"Super-Vision" Senses 6 (Microvision 2- Cellular Sized, Vision Penetrates Concealment) [6]

"Heat Vision" Blast 14 (Feats: Penetrating 7) (35) -- [39]

 AE: "Groundstrike" Affliction 13 (Dodge; Hindered/Prone) (Extras: Area- 60ft.

Burst) (Flaws: Limited Degree, Instant Recovery, Limited to Ground) Linked to
Damage 13 (Extras: Area- 60ft. Burst) (Flaws: Limited to Objects) (17)
 AE: "Shockwave" Damage 12 (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst) (Flaws: Both Grounded)
 AE: "Super-Breath" Move Object 8 (Extras: Area- 60ft. Cone) (16)
 AE: "Freeze Breath" Snare 11 (33)
Unarmed +12 (+17 Damage, DC 32)
Shockwave +12 Area (+12 Damage, DC 27)
Heat Vision +10 (+14 Ranged Damage, DC 29)
Freeze Breath +10 (+11 Ranged Affliction, DC 21)
Initiative +3

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +9 (DC 19), Toughness +17, Fortitude +17, Will +9

Responsibility (The Shi'ar Imperial Guard)
Responsibility (Duty)- Gladiator is so obsessed with duty that he willingly murdered nearly
his entire race on the orders of the Emperor. He will immediately follow every single order
the Emperors make, no matter how crazy they are.
Relationship (Lilandra)- Gladiator eventually fell in love with the Majestrix, and one of his
only instances of disobeying the Emperor came when she was threatened. He even blew up
Smasher's head because of it.
Power Loss (All Powers)- Strontians will lose all power if their convictions or confidence
fails. Gladiator once had his ass whupped by Cannonball because of this.
Weakness (Rare Radiation Type)

Total: Abilities: 110 / Skills: 38--19 / Advantages: 24 / Powers: 102 / Defenses: 14 (269)

-Gladiator is obviously the most famous and powerful of the Imperial Guard. Basically an
homage of Superman, he's Marvel's most famous Supermanalogue, having been given nearly
all of his powers. He's been characterized as a flawed Yes-Man, basically following whatever
the Emperor demanded (even if it meant the extermination of his own, powerful race),
whether they were crazy, inbred, or what have you. This is kinda the flaw with Marvel's
Space Scene, as nearly every empire is ruled by monarchs who tend to go nuts, which Earth's
own history has proven is the least effective form of government. In any case, his power level
has made Gladiator famous, especially as fans got more and more "Power-focused" over
time, demanding bigger & better feats from guys. Funny, in that Marvel used to PRIDE
ITSELF on having a universe of more down-to-earth, less-powerful heroes more often than
not (Spidey, the FF, most Avengers), and yet now seems to have a higher power-balance than
DC does.

-Gladiator's been thrown in as the "major opponent" of a lot of powerful heroes because of
his aura of respect, especially for Thor, who's defeated him a couple times so far (Odinson
once, Masterson once). Even so, he's badass enough that nearly every encounter featuring
him has at least one "Holy Crap!" moment, with the heroes basing their entire strategy off of
defeating the Strontian powerhouse.

-Gladiator stats up like alot of my Supermanalogues, but costs much more than most of them,
given his Life Support, frequently-shown Super Speed and ultra-powerful Blast (capable of
decapitating teammate Smasher with ease). You could call him anywhere from PL 13 to PL
15, but I went with PL 15 with a few limitations (PL 14.5 melee, PL 13-13.5 defensively),
mainly because he's lost to Thor a few times when the big guy fully let loose, and I've
rendered Thor as a PL 14. Gladiator is just a smidge beyond him so Thor can still tangle, but
has to pull out all the stops to do it. This makes him more powerful than any single hero short
of the Silver Surfer.

-His "Loses Confidence" weakness comes up from time to time (it NEVER happens when
facing opponents of great might, but guys like Gambit and Cannonball have knocked him on
his ass because of it), so it's there as an uncommon thing. To set it off, you basically have to
do something REALLY unlikely (like take his mightiest blow), or just get a telepath to
directly screw with him. Neither is particularly easy.

Gladiator (Melvin Potter)

Post by Jabroniville » Wed Feb 16, 2022 10:45 pm

GLADIATOR II (Melvin Potter)
Created By: Stan Lee & Gene Colan
First Appearance: Daredevil #18 (July 1966)
Role: Crazy Villain, Sad Villain, 90s Guy Created Too Soon, Huge Scrapper
Group Affiliations: The Maggia, The Emissaries of Evil
PL 10 (111)

Acrobatics 2 (+6)
Athletics 6 (+10)
Deception 4 (+2)
Expertise (Criminal) 4 (+3)
Expertise (Costume Designer) 9 (+8)
Intimidation 9 (+8)
Investigation 4 (+3)
Perception 5 (+4)
Persuasion 3 (+1)
Stealth 2 (+6)
Vehicles 2 (+6)

All-Out Attack, Benefit (Ambidexterity), Assessment, Chokehold, Fast Grab, Fearless,
Improved Critical (Buzzsaw Blades), Improved Hold, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 2,

"Power Punch" Strength-Damage +1 [1]

"Gladiator Costume" (Flaws: Removable) [11]

Protection 1 (1)
"Buzzsaw Blades on Arms" Strength-Damage +3 (Feats: Improved Critical, Split, Penetrating
4) (Extras: Multiattack 5) (Flaws: Penetrating only if held against target -2) (12)
-- (13 points)

Unarmed +11 (+5 Damage, DC 20)
Buzzsaws +11 (+8 Damage, DC 21)
Initiative +4

Dodge +11 (DC 21), Parry +11 (DC 21), Toughness +5 (+6 Armour), Fortitude +7, Will +4

Motivation (Being Left Alone)- Potter doesn't want to be a criminal anymore, and just wants
to be left alone in his costume shop.
Reputation (Crazy)- Potter is nuts, prone to psychiatric problems. Some people know this,
and use it to their advantage- few are surprised when Potter goes on another rampage.
Relationship (Betsy Beatty, Li Ling, Daughter)- Melvin was married to his devoted therapist
for a while, but eventually divorced her and had a daughter with Li Ling.

Total: Abilities: 48 / Skills: 50--25 / Advantages: 12 / Powers: 12 / Defenses: 14 (111)

-Let me get this straight... this guy's a crazed, psychotic villain with a history of mental
problems and a costume with BUZZSAWS on the wrists... and he WASN'T created in the

-Gladiator's a weird little Daredevil D-League villain that gets brought back every once in a
while. Depicted as an unstable costume designer who occasionally regresses into a super-
villainous personality, he's had some dark tales told about him. At first, he foolishly puts on a
costume that he thinks makes him superior to any superhero, but loses to Daredevil on his
first outing. He became a recurring foe, often working for another mastermind, like the
Masked Marauder, and even joined Electro's group, the Emissaries of Evil, in a team attack
on DD. Later, he aids Whitney Forst in raiding Stark Enterprises, but is defeated by Iron
Man. Further team-ups with the Death-Stalker, Beetle & Purple Man ALSO met with failure,
but he ultimately decides to reform.

-Eventually, Melvin married his therapist Betsy (which I'm pretty sure goes against their rules
as Doctors and all), and even allied with DD & Elektra against The Hand. He was generally
seen as a positive character in Frank Miller's run- somewhat unwell, but fundamentally a
good man who deserved sympathy. However, he was manipulated by a crook into fighting on
behalf of his daughter- this is mysterious, given his relationship with Betsy, but many later
stories make his wife nameless- but Melvin went to jail. Ultimately, the current Mr. Fear
gives him chemicals that make him lose his mind- he attacks his wife and others and finally
ends up back in prison. He'd be more pathetic, but he's actually beaten DD in combat a few

-Gladiator's surprisingly a worth combatant at PL 9.5, able to beat down even DD thanks to
his VICIOUS costume- Buzzsaw Blades attached to his arms, on an already freakishly-strong
guy. He's tough as nails, but only PL 8.5 on Defenses, being his one weakness. He's a little
easier to hit, but still a frightening opponent to human-level guys (+8 damage to Daredevil is
actually pretty scary). And he's fairly low on Skills and Ability Scores, making him pretty
much a combatant and little else. But for a one-off threat that we don't see a lot of, he's pretty
scary. In the 1960s, his "Recurring Doofus" act probably made him barely a PL 7-8- he's a
rare '60s Jobber Villain that actually UPGRADED.


Post by Jabroniville » Wed Aug 23, 2017 8:21 am

GLADIATRIX (Robin Braxton)
Created By: Mike Carlin & Ron Wilson
First Appearance: The Thing #33 (March 1986)
Role: Jobber Villain, Powerhouse
Group Affiliations: The Grapplers, Power Broker Inc.
PL 8 (91)

Acrobatics 2 (+4)
Deception 3 (+3)
Expertise (Criminal) 4 (+4)
Intimidation 8 (+8)
Perception 1 (+1)

All-Out Attack, Chokehold, Daze (Intimidation), Fast Grab, Improved Critical (Unarmed),
Improved Grab, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 2, Seize Initiative, Startle,

Protection 1 (Extras: Impervious 3) [4]

Unarmed +6 (+10 Damage, DC 25)
Initiative +2

Dodge +6 (DC 16), Parry +6 (DC 16), Toughness +10, Fortitude +9, Will +3

Motivation (Greed)

Total: Abilities: 58 / Skills: 18--9 / Advantages: 13 / Powers: 4 / Defenses: 7 (91)

-Gladiatrix rounds out the ranks of The Grapplers- the WWF/GLOW-inspired lady wrestlers
that were background characters in The Thing's own book, way back in the '80s. She didn't
appear as much as the other Grapplers (she wasn't actually on the main team, as far as I can
tell- she's just a chick in the same company), and she's a mohawked 6'4" Powerhouse
(*ppffffftttt* what kind of weirdo would create a character like THAT?). She was last seen
during Civil War, ending up imprisoned in the Negative Zone after resisting Registration.

-The Grapplers tend to hover around the PL 8-9 area, but someone who's literally appeared in
about six individual comic books in her entire life (including the background of the Superia
Stratagem story) would be a PL 8 at-best. This makes her about equivalent to the Femme
Fatales' Knockout, but she's a better grappler, having been a wrestler and all.


Post by Jabroniville » Mon Aug 21, 2017 12:38 am
GLAMOR (Glynis Zarkov)
Created By: Steve Englehart & Richard Howell
First Appearance: The Vision & The Scarlet Witch #4 (Jan. 1986)
Role: Magician Heroine
PL 7 (91)

Deception 4 (+8)
Expertise (Stage Magic) 4 (+6)
Insight 2 (+4)
Perception 2 (+4)
Persuasion 1 (+5)
Sleight of Hand 3 (+8)


"Self-Molecular Control"
"Body Transforming" Variable 4 (Properties of Objects Touched) (28) -- [33]

 AE: Alternate Form (High Density) (25)

 AE: Alternate Form (Low Density) (24)
 AE: Insubstantial 2 (Liquid Form) (8)
 AE: "Separate Body Parts" Summon 1 (Body Parts) (Extras: Heroic, Horde, 8
Minions +6) (Flaws: Side Effect- Body is Gone) (18)
 AE: Elongation 3 (3)

"High Density Form" (25 points)

Enhanced Strength 7 (14)
Protection 6 (6)
Features 5: Increased Mass 5 (5)

"Low Density Form" (24 points)

Insubstantial 4 (20)
Flight 2 (4)

Unarmed +4 (+0 Damage, DC 15)
High Density +4 (+7 Damage, DC 22)
Initiative +3

Dodge +6 (DC 16), Parry +6 (DC 16), Toughness +1 (+7 High Density), Fortitude +3, Will

Relationship (Husband, Illusion)
Secret (Actual Magical Powers)- The Zarkovs are hiding their true magic powers from
ordinary human beings, pretending to be stage magicians.

Total: Abilities: 42 / Skills: 14--7 / Advantages: 0 / Powers: 33 / Defenses: 9 (91)

-Glamor is a Vision-esque Density Shifter, though she has the extra side-power of separating
her anatomy into various bits. This could be statted up in various ways- you could use
Features to copy 2e's "Anatomic Separation" Power, give her Elongation (to show the effects
of splitting her body up over a larger space), or what I used here- a low-level Summon (a
single hand isn't gonna pack much of a punch) that has a Flaw attached to it. Probably too
expensive, really- Features 8 could easily be "worth" splitting your body up into eight pieces-
but it's a funny thing to stat up in any case.

Glenn Talbot

Post by Jabroniville » Sat Feb 25, 2017 8:13 pm


Created By: Stan Lee & Steve Ditko
First Appearance: Tales to Astonish #61 (Nov. 1964)
Role: Rival Love Interest
PL 6 (85)

Expertise (Military) 10 (+12)
Insight 2 (+5)
Investigation 2 (+5)
Perception 2 (+5)
Persuasion 1 (+4)
Stealth 2 (+5)
Technology 3 (+5)
Vehicles 4 (+8)

Benefit 3 (General), Equipment 4 (Guns & Stuff), Ranged Attack 4

Unarmed +6 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Guns +8 (+4 Ranged Damage, DC 19)
Initiative +3

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +6 (DC 16), Toughness +3, Fortitude +4, Will +6

Responsibility (America)- Talbot is a born patriot.
Relationship (Betty Ross)- Talbot loved Betty desperately, and the two were even married for
a time.

Total: Abilities: 52 / Skills: 26--13 / Advantages: 11 / Powers: 0 / Defenses: 9 (85)

-Glenn Talbot is a guy I've pretty much never heard or nor seen until doing Hulk-related
builds, at which point he pops up a few times. He's as old-school as it gets, debuting in Stan
'n' Steve Hulk stories in the 1960s- he's a close compatriot to "Thunderbolt" Ross and a
potential love interest for Bruce Banner's girlfriend Betty (Ross of course supports this,
rejecting Banner). Talbot was the man who revealed Banner's transformations into the Hulk
to the army, and consistently attempted to kill the monster, but was always treated fairly by
the creators- he was brave, upstanding, loyal and patriotic. Eventually, Betty rejected Bruce,
and settled down and married Talbot. However, things would soon become strained- he
would be catatonic for a time, and Betty would later confess to always loving Bruce.

-Eventually, Glenn & Betty divorced- Talbot would then undergo some major-league
character assassination, as he would try to have Banner court-martialed, then was revealed to
have been the one who exiled the Hulk to the subatomic world where he met Jarella. Soon,
Congress cut support for Talbot's "Gamma Base", and he made the grudge personal, trying to
kill the Hulk directly- he was killed in the battle. He would never reappear- though a Life
Model Decoy was briefly seen in a modern Intelligencia plot to enact a coup d'etat in the
United States. It was also later revealed that Glenn used to beat his brother, who would
become a member of Gamma Corps. So Marvel REALLY did a number on this guy- he used
to seem like a Reasonable Love Interest- a well-rounded, somewhat sympathetic character
who was believably antagonistic towards the protagonist. A pretty unique concept, actually.
Only later writers turned him into an out-and-out jerk and villain, and now he exists as
"Betty's Evil Ex-Husband".

-Glenn is a reasonably skilled Army Man, but is not match for most costumed characters- his
threat to the Hulk is more personal.


Post by Jabroniville » Tue Mar 09, 2021 7:12 pm

GLITTER (Stephanie Harrington, aka Viva)

Created By: Mark Gruenwald & Paul Ryan
First Appearance: D.P. 7 #1 (Nov. 1986)
Role: Team Mom, Action MILF
PL 7 (84)

Athletics 4 (+11)
Expertise (Housewife) 4 (+5)
Perception 2 (+4)
Persuasion 2 (+5)

Equipment (Staff- Reach, Split)

"Energized Healing"
Regeneration 6 (Extras: Affects Others) (12) -- [13]

 AE: "Boost Powers" Variable 1 (Others' Powers) (Extras: Affects Others Only +0) (7)

Unarmed +7 (+7 Damage, DC 22)
Initiative +0

Dodge +5 (DC 15), Parry +6 (DC 16), Toughness +9, Fortitude +9, Will +4

Relationship (Husband, Children)- Stephanie was estranged from her husband, but
desperately wants to get back with her three children.

Total: Abilities: 66 / Skills: 12--6 / Advantages: 1 / Powers: 13 / Defenses: 9 (84)

-Stephanie's your everyday "Good Girl" helpful character, who-Oh wait she's a MILF- gotta
make this an essay topic, then:

-Another rarity, Stephanie was a HOUSEWIFE before she gained her superhuman powers-
for numerous reasons, in comics, superheroic women are almost universally non-maternal in
nature. From the '40s to the '60s, these "good women" were usually designed to be drool-
worthy to men, but non-sexual enough that young boys could theorize that the hero and his
"girl" were chaste- that's why heroes so rarely got married, and usually had "Kid Sidekicks"
or "Nephews" instead of actual children of their own. This is also why countless Comic Strip
& Cartoon characters had trios of nephews hanging around. Over time, creators continuously
refused to move the stories forward TOO much, meaning that women ended up unmarried,
and so you couldn't have THEM breed. Then there's the "sexuality" aspect of it- a lot of
writers are under some kind of weird impression that MILFs aren't a thing, and that a woman
would immediately become a potato-shaped matron as soon as she hatched a podling. This
kind of thing also led to a lot of female characters lacking sidekicks, and I've heard creators
moan about Donna Troy's existence "aging" Wonder Woman (who, notably, is probably
supposed to be immortal).

-So over the years, the vast number of super-heroines out there only managed a teensy
amount of children- The Invisible Woman (who notably, was treated as if she were still
attractive, proving the whole "Moms Ain't Hot" thing wrong), the second Spider-Woman
(Julia Carpenter), Donna Troy (who only had her son in the REALLY bad "Wolfman-Only
Years" of the Titans book), Saturn Girl, and a scant few others. Most were either extremely
minor characters (the Titans' Mirage), or mostly off-panel (Tigra had her child in the
background of The Initiative and Avengers Academy, and is a D-Tier character at best). In
fact, Jessica Drew is only the second MAJOR character to ever be given the role of
motherhood, and the first female solo star in a book. Barring Elseworlds, Earth-2s and stuff
like that.

-This brings us back to Glitter, who, like Twilight, was one of the "unique characters" the
D.P.7 creators wanted. She was estranged from her husband, and wanted to get back to her
three children, so she joined the break-out with the other six paranormals. She was distant to
the advances of her teammate Mastodon, and ended up with CIA training with the other
females (the men had to join the army)- it later turned out that her husband wanted to
reconcile with her... but only because he thought her powers could cure him of HIV! This
was back when that was a VERY rare thing for comics or other media to be talking about. By
the end of the series, she'd quit the CIA and formed a relationship with David/Mastodon.

-Glitter is both very strong (she apparently wrecks a house over the course of several
minutes) and can heal from many things- she survives a bullet wound, and can keep her
hands intact while holding a burning log. She can also extend this healing ability to others by
touch, making her probably the most useful member of the team. She can also enhanced the
powers of others, and fights wielding a staff- someone stronger than a friggin' grizzly isn't
gonna get much of a boost from that, but it improves her range.

Glob I & II

Post by Jabroniville » Sat Feb 25, 2017 4:14 am

GLOB I (Joseph Timms)
Created By: Roy Thomas & Herb Trimpe
First Appearance: The Incredible Hulk #121 (Nov. 1969)
Role: Giant Monster
Group Affiliations: S.H.I.E.L.D.
PL 9 (91)

Intimidation 10 (+8 Size)
Perception 4 (+2)

Fast Grab

"Natural Size" Growth 2 (Str & Sta +2, +2 Mass, +1 Intimidation, -1 Dodge/Parry, -2 Stealth)
-- (10 feet) (Feats: Innate) (Extras: Permanent +0) [5]
Immunity 40 (Bludgeoning, Piercing & Slashing Damage) (Flaws: Limited to 1/4 Effect) [30]
Immunity 4 (Aging, Drowning, Starvation & Thirst) [4]

Unarmed +6 (+12 Damage, DC 27)
Initiative +0

Dodge +6 (DC 16), Parry +6 (DC 16), Toughness +12, Fortitude +10, Will +2

Prejudice (Giant Monster)

Total: Abilities: 32 / Skills: 14--7 / Advantages: 1 / Powers: 39 / Defenses: 12 (91)

-Joe Timms was a small-time criminal who drowned in a swamp bog, and transformed by
radioactive waste into a shambling monster named Swamp Thi--- I mean Glob. Seriously,
this guy predates the similar Swamp Thing & Man-Thing by a couple of years- there must be
a mutual source somewhere in the Horror or Sci-Fi genres. As Glob, he fought the Hulk after
threatening his damsel in distress (Betty), but was destroyed by some anti-radiation fluid in
the swamp waters. He was resurrected shortly thereafter by The Leader, and sent against the
Hulk again- he was blown up by an explosion. His brain later reformed as "The Golden
Brain", and was used by a weird cult against the Man-Thing- it was then placed onto a blond-
haired man, who became a new version of Glob. Later, Hulk & Man-Thing freed Glob from
the Collector's collection. He was later recruited into S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Paranormal Containment
Unit in modern times, having been forgotten for ages.

-Glob isn't very accurate in combat, but is extremely hard to injure (particularly to a limited
attacker like the Hulk). His Immunities mean he can actually do a lot of damage just through
GLOB II (Sumner Samuel Beckwith)
Created By: Tom Field & Gary Barker
First Appearance: The Incredible Hulk #389 (Jan. 1992)
Role: Giant Monster
Group Affiliations: The Pantheon
PL 8 (87)

Intimidation 10 (+8 Size)
Perception 4 (+2)

Fast Grab

"Natural Size" Growth 2 (Str & Sta +2, +2 Mass, +1 Intimidation, -1 Dodge/Parry, -2 Stealth)
-- (10 feet) (Feats: Innate) (Extras: Permanent +0) [5]
Immunity 40 (Bludgeoning, Piercing & Slashing Damage) (Flaws: Limited to 1/4 Effect) [30]
Immunity 4 (Aging, Drowning, Starvation & Thirst) [4]

Unarmed +6 (+10 Damage, DC 25)
Initiative +0

Dodge +6 (DC 16), Parry +6 (DC 16), Toughness +10, Fortitude +10, Will +2

Prejudice (Giant Monster)

Total: Abilities: 28 / Skills: 14--7 / Advantages: 1 / Powers: 39 / Defenses: 12 (87)

-A second Glob was created when a Pantheon scientist injected himself with an experimental
Super-Soldier Serum (man, there's a LOT of origins out there like that), then naturally went
crazy and fought the Hulk. It was incinerated by the Man-Thing's fear-afflicting touch. He
appeared to be much weaker than the original, and was no physical threat to the Hulk. His
appearance in the middle of Peter David's run, by a different creator, makes me think he was
just part of a "Fill-In" issue.

Glob Herman

Post by Jabroniville » Tue Dec 27, 2016 9:50 pm

GLOB HERMAN (Herman Garner)

Created By: Grant Morrison & Ethan Van Sciver
First Appearance: New X-Men #117 (Oct. 2001)
Group Affiliations: X-Students, The Omega Gang, The Hellfire Academy
Status: Alive
Role: Dumb Muscle, Obvious Freak
PL 8 (97)

Deception 2 (+2)
Expertise (Pop Culture) 2 (+2)
Intimidation 6 (+6)
Equipment (X-Student Uniform- Communications), Fast Grab, Ranged Attack 2

"Mutant Powers: Bio-Parrafin Wax Skeleton Covering"
Power-Lifting 1 (25 tons) [1]
Protection 7 [7]
Features 1: Increased Mass 1 [1]
Speed 6 (120 mph) [6]
Immunity 2 (Poison, Disease) [2]
Immunity 10 (Heat/Fire Effects) (Extras: Affects Others) [20]
Blast 3 (Flaws: Source- Flame) [3]
Burning Aura 2 (Flaws: Source- Flame) [6]

Unarmed +5 (+9 Damage, DC 24)
Initiative +1

Dodge +4 (DC 14), Parry +5 (DC 15), Toughness +10, Fortitude +3, Will +3

Power Loss (Ablative Wax)- Glob Herman's bio-parrafin wax can be flecked off in small
amounts, reducing all of his powers with each strike. He can take a LOT of damage before
being reduced to nothing, though, so it's not a common occurence.

Total: Abilities: 36 / Skills: 10--5 / Advantages: 4 / Powers: 46 / Defenses: 6 (97)

-Glob Herman was the most recognizable of the Omega Gang, being a great example of the
"Gross Mutant" type that occasionally gets left off to the side with all the tights-wearing
hotties bulging out of their spandex & leather. He has a pretty cool appearance & power-set,
but had been completely ignored after Grant Morrison's run on the books until Jason Aaron's
run, which features him as a recurring background jerk who eventually quits Wolverine's
school to join The Hellfire Academy.

-Glob Herman is a Class 25, very durable kind of guy, but his powers may lose effectiveness
the more he's hit (best handled as a Complication, since it rarely seems to come up) until he's
left with a thin layer of wax over his skeleton. He's a PL 7.5-ish Powerhouse, which might
seem a bit high for a guy who features in only a handful of stories, but using the Power-
boosting drug Kick, he's able to handle Cyclops, Xorn & Beast single-handedly until they
wear him down.


Post by Jabroniville » Sun Nov 27, 2016 8:07 am

Created By: Mark Gruenwald & Greg Capullo
First Appearance: Quasar #32 (March 1992)
Race: Unknown (pink mouth with limbs)
Role: Big Eater
Legionnaire Basis: Matter-Eater Lad
Group Affiliations: The Shi'ar Imperial Guard
PL 8 (62)

Intimidation 4 (+2)
Perception 4 (+3)

All-Out Attack, Benefit (Imperial Guard), Equipment 4 (Anti-Gravity Device), Improved
Critical (Bite), Power Attack

"Giant Bite" Damage 10 (Drawbacks: Inaccurate) (9) -- [10]

 AE: "Matter-Eater" Damage 8 (Flaws: Limited to Objects) Linked to Weaken

Toughness 6 (Flaws: Affects Objects Only +0) (7)

Leaping 1 (15 feet) [1]

"Shi'ar Anti-Gravity Device"
Flight 5 (10)
Space Travel 1 (1)
Immunity 7 (Suffocation 2, Cold, Hot, Radiation, Vacuum, Pressure) (7)
Unarmed +8 (+1 Damage, DC 16)
Eating Matter +8 (+8 Damage & +6 Weaken, DC 23 & 16)
Giant Bite +6 (+10 Damage, DC 25)
Initiative +3

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +10 (DC 20), Toughness +3, Fortitude +5, Will +3

Responsibility (The Shi'ar Imperial Guard)

Total: Abilities: 24 / Skills: 8--4 / Advantages: 8 / Powers: 11 / Defenses: 15 (62)

-Heh, Glom is pretty funny. Taking the Legion's dumbest member (Matter-Eater Lad), and
making a simply CRAZY pink mouth with legs as a member of the Guard out of the deal is a
pretty smart move, and Mark Gruenwald used him a bit in his "Quasar" run. He vanished
after that, though, becoming one of those 'forgotten' Imperial Guardsmen (anyone created
after the debut of the team has pretty much been forgotten by the next writer, since no one
keeps track of that sort of thing at Marvel). Glom seemed kind of goofy and silly, but had a
dangerous side- he could EAT Quasar's Quantum Constructs, and actually BIT SOMEONE
IN HALF (Dr. Minerva, a Kree Captain Marvel-dressed super-powered woman) during a
What If? story arc. So he's a bit of a dunderheaded laughing matter (his team often had to yell
at him to stop eating things important to the mission), but he can be VERY dangerous if
necessary. He uses the simple Damage & Weaken Power in addition to the super-bite as a
general melee attack if he just needs to flat-out kill somebody.

Gentle & Gloom

Post by Jabroniville » Tue Dec 27, 2016 9:52 pm

GENTLE (Nezhno Abidemi)
Created By: Craig Kyle, Chris Yost & Mark Brooks
First Appearance: The New X-Men #23 (xxxxx)
Group Affiliations: X-Students
Status: Alive
Role: Growing Guy
PL 9 (85)

Expertise (History) 4 (+5)
Expertise (Science) 3 (+4)
Expertise (Survival) 5 (+7)
Insight 4 (+6)
Intimidation 4 (+4, +8 Size)
Perception 4 (+6)
Persuasion 4 (+4)

Equipment (X-Student Uniform- Communications), Fast Grab, Ranged Attack 2, Startle,

"Mutant Powers: Massive Muscle Growth"
Growth 10 (Str & Sta +10, +10 Mass, +5 Intimidation, -5 Dodge/Parry, +1 Speed, -10
Stealth) -- (36 feet) (Flaws: Side-Effect- Fatigue, Always Occurs at Half-Effect with
Vibranium Tattoos) [10]
Impervious Toughness 9 [9]

"Freakish Speed at Large Size" (Flaws: Limited to Large Size)

Enhanced Dodge 4 [2]
Enhanced Parry 4 [2]

Unarmed +6 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Massive Growth +6 (+12 Damage, DC 27)
Initiative +1

Dodge +6 (+5 Growth, DC 16-15), Parry +6 (+5 Growth, DC 16-15), Toughness +2 (+12
Growth, +5 Impervious), Fortitude +4 (+14 Growth), Will +5

Disabled (No Sense of Touch)
Responsibility (Fatal Powers)- Gentle's powers will likely kill him someday, so he uses them
sparingly. The elder X-Men will generally not even allow him to fight.
Prejudice (Half-Russian)- Gentle is not fully accepted by the xenophobic society of
Wakanda- despite being annoyed by his fellow students, he feels they are the only ones who
can accept him normally.

Total: Abilities: 32 / Skills: 28--14 / Advantages: 6 / Powers: 23 / Defenses: 10 (85)

-Gentle's kind of an off-and-on character. He's on the Junior X-Men teams, but runs off to
Wakanda and does stuff with Storm on his off-time, since he's not one of the CORE cast. So
yeah, he's a rare combo of a mutant & a Wakandan, and he's a Growing Guy hero. He
outright states that his powers will some day kill him, so he often doesn't get involved in
fights unless he really HAS TO (he's also a bit of a pacifist I think).

-There's not a WHOLE lot to go on here, but he's a PL 9 Growth-based guy, limited by a
Fatigue Side-Effect on his power (that's normally a -2 modifier, but goes to -1 since he's got
those special Vibranium Tattoos on him- they're pretty much fused to his skin, and they
reduce the normal Affliction's effect by half). This makes him KIND OF dangerous, but also
pretty useless in a long-running situation, as he's drop dead before you even got through a
few dozen fights.
GLOOM (Jordan Lewis)
Created By: Nunzio DeFilippis, Christina Weir & Keron Grant
First Appearance: New Mutants #3 (Sept. 2003)
Group Affiliations: The Hellions, X-Students, The Young X-Men
Status: De-Powered After M-Day, Unaccounted For
Role: One-Shot Character
PL 3 (30)

Deception 2 (+2)
Expertise (Pop Culture) 2 (+2)

Equipment (X-Student Uniform- Communications, Protection +1)

"Mutant Powers: Induce Blindness"
Concealment 2 (Visual Senses) (Extras: Attack, Area- 30ft. Cloud +2) [10]

Unarmed +9 (+3 Damage, DC 18)
Blades +9 (+7 Damage, DC 22)
Suffocation +7 (+8 Affliction, DC 18)
Initiative +4

Dodge +4 (DC 14), Parry +4 (DC 14), Toughness +1, Fortitude +1, Will +2

Prejudice (Obvious Mutant)

Total: Abilities: 12 / Skills: 4--2 / Advantages: 1 / Powers: 10 / Defenses: 5 (30)

-Gloom is a one-shot character that can disable someone's eyesight with a touch. He harassed
Bishop & Sage along with Tantra, and I don't think he ever got another appearance. He
probably died in the Bus Explosion of Character-Wiping, but we never got the info for sure.
Likely, someone at Marvel just forgot about the little Jawa-looking dude.
-All I have to go on is a picture and a mini-description- he looks like he might be short in the
pic, but I can't tell. Now THAT's a hard character to really define. Best just make him slightly
weak, and use the Template in it's basest form for this guy. He's as minor-league as it gets,
being able to blind people (best to use Dazzle Visuals) with a touch (a Flaw). Just a weakling,


Post by Jabroniville » Wed Mar 01, 2017 5:40 pm

GLORIAN (Thomas Gideon)

Created By: Stan Lee & Jack Kirby (Gideon); Gerry Conway & John Buscema (Glorian)
First Appearance: The Fantastic Four #34 (Jan. 1965- as Gideon), Incredible Hulk #190
(Aug 1975- as Glorian)
Role: Incompetent Cosmic Being
Group Affiliations: None
PL 12 (381)

Expertise (Cosmic Stuff) 4 (+5)
Insight 2 (+2)
Perception 6 (+6)
Ranged Combat (Tachyon Powers) 4 (+8)


"Rainbow Bands" Snare 16 (48) -- [52]

 AE: Tachyon Blast 16 (32)

 AE: "Tachyon Manipulation- Rainbow Bridges" Movement 3 (Space Travel 3)
(Extras: Portal +2, Instantaneous) (15)
 AE: Mind-Reading 14 (Flaws: Limited to Desires & Dreams) (14)
 AE: Enhanced Strength 10 (20)

"Restructure Reality" Transform Anything to Anything Else 15 (Extras: Area- 4 miles +11)

Unarmed +5 (+4 Damage, DC 19)
Tachyon Strength +5 (+14 Damage, DC 29)
Tachyon Blast +8 (+16 Ranged Damage, DC 31)
Tachyon Snare +8 (+16 Ranged Affliction, DC 26)
Initiative +3

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +6 (DC 16), Toughness +14, Fortitude +14, Will +5

Motivation (Helping Others)- Glorian attempts to be helpful- creating "Perfect Worlds" for
various sentient beings, especially his native Earthlings. Unfortunately, he is quite terrible at
his job, often giving people "False Paradises".

Total: Abilities: 66 / Skills: 16--12 / Advantages: 0 / Powers: 292 / Defenses: 11 (381)

-Easily the cosmic character with whom I am least familiar, Glorian is in only ONE comic
book I own. Glorian was Thomas Gideon, the son of a man who had twice attempted to kill
the Fantastic Four (once in order to save his and his son's lives from radiation poisoning).
Though the elder Gideon died, Thomas was taken away by the strange Shaper of Worlds,
who transformed him into "Glorian", his new assistant. It was at this point that the Fantastic
Four side-character suddenly became a Hulk character, and he fought ol' Jade Jaws, but was
seemingly killed. It was only LATER revealed that Glorian & Thomas were one and the

-Glorian would later go on to interfere in the lives of Hulk and other heroes, and needed to be
saved from the grasp of Satannish, who wanted his soul. His appearances were decades apart,
and he next popped up in Annihilation as a minor background character. He was last seen in
the Slott/Allred Silver Surfer book, attempting to remake the post-Secret Wars universe but
his misguided efforts were halted by the Surfer, Dawn Greenwood and the Shaper.
-Glorian is extremely powerful, but lacks control and focus- an experienced hero can usually
defeat him eventually, and he's way below the standards of a real Cosmic Being.

Glorianna O'Breen

Post by Jabroniville » Thu Feb 10, 2022 3:13 am

Created By: Denny O'Neil & William Johnson
First Appearance: Daredevil #205 (April 1984)
Role: Another Dead Matt Murdock Ex
Group Affiliations: None

-Glori O'Breen is a character I've never heard of, and is from the odd mid-80s period- she
appeared in 25 issues over about four years, which is a pretty solid run, but was ultimately
forgotten. Still dead, though! She was initially introduced as Debbie Harris's niece and came
to live with Foggy & Debbie, when her father, an IRA operative, was targetted by others.
Along the way, she grew increasingly closer to Matt Murdock. Her dad was eventually killed,
and Glori began working as "The Old Woman" resettling former IRA agents in the U.S.
(O'Neil would DEFINITELY be sympathetic to the IRA- a known terrorist organization,
mind you- in this situation). But her father's killer, the Gael, came for her, requiring
Daredevil to save her. However, as soon as Frank Miller came back on the book she ended up
falling for FOGGY (now the ex of her aunt) instead, the two kissing even after Foggy told
tales of Matt's heroism in college. A photographer by trade, she covers Nuke's rampage in
Manhattan but disappears from the book shortly, taking a couple years off before popping up
in the "Ann Nocenti Years", still Foggy's girlfriend. However, she was only there for a little
bit (hiding a photo she took of a case to protect Foggy, who was working for the company
involved) before completely disappearing. A full forty issues later, it's revealed off-panel that
she left Foggy for some reason.

-Aaaaaaaaaaand then in D.G. Chichester's run as "Alan Smithee" (using a pseudonym

because he was pissy about being taken off the book), he kills off Glorianna casually, as she
stumbles upon a crime scene of Kruel's- he throws her out of a skylight, and she falls to her
death, a fantasy of Daredevil rescuing her flashing before her eyes before she hits the
pavement. The Marvunapp writer is DISGUSTED by this, finding it another useless
"Violence against women" thing. As Glori was a developed, if discarded, character and Kruel
just some nobody, it felt especially pointless, and mostly served as some kind of "cleaning up
loose ends" and killing yet another DD ex. I mean, it seems like Ann was so bored by this
character (who, to be fair, has a weird history- seems like Miller & co. couldn't ignore the
IRA links fast enough) she just forgot about her entirely, but still.


Post by Jabroniville » Thu Jul 19, 2018 4:05 am

GLOWWORM (William Blake, aka Race Killer, White Devil)
Created By: Jim Owsley & Mark Bright
First Appearance: Power Man & Iron Fist #123 (May 1986)
Role: Jobber Villain, Super-Racist, Uncle Ruckus As Super-Villain

-One of a thousand guys who was victimized by the government's numerous attempts to
recreate the Super-Soldier Serum, Glowworm developed powers while in the Marine Corps.
Becoming a glowing white monster, he began shouting racial slurs and attacking black people
in Power Man's neighborhood, setting off a race riot. However, things ended when Cage
defeated the creature, revealing him to be a black man himself! It turned out that William
Blake had been raised in the Deep South, with an ingrained belief of the superiority of
whites- this self-hatred fueled his rampage. Well that makes perfect sense. The character has
never reappeared, despite his creator (Christopher Priest) working on many other books that
could have pieced him in somewhere.

-Glowworm was super-strong and super-durable, but that vague "low-level powerhouse"
thing where he has limits. Luke Cage managed to knock him out, while .44 magnum shots
could bring him down when .40 shots could not.

Go Go Tomago

Post by Jabroniville » Fri Dec 15, 2017 12:37 am

GO GO TOMAGO (Leiko Tanaka)
Created By: Steven T. Seagle & Duncan Rouleau
First Appearance: Sunfire & Big Hero 6 #1 (Sept. 1998)
Role: Bad Girl/Punker
Country of Origin: Japan
Group Affiliations: The Big Hero 6
PL 9 (125)

Acrobatics 3 (+7)
Deception 5 (+5)
Expertise (Street Tough) 5 (+5)
Intimidation 5 (+5)
Perception 3 (+4)
Technology 2 (+2)
Vehicles 9 (+9)

Contacts, Withstand Damage

"Tomago/Egg Form" (Alternate Form, Move Action -1) [-1]
"Egg Shield" Force Field 9 (Extras: Impervious) [18]
Flight 7 (240 mph) [14]
"Ricochet Attack" Damage 9 (Extras: Area- 30ft. Shapeable, Selective) (Quirks: Only at Max
Power After Hitting a Few Other Targets -2) [25]

Unarmed +6 (+1 Damage, DC 16)
Ricochet Attack +9 Area (+9 Damage, DC 24)
Initiative +4

Dodge +7 (DC 17), Parry +7 (DC 17), Toughness +2 (+11 Force Field), Fortitude +5, Will +3

Reputation (Thug)- Go Go was a member of a gang of hooligans with Yakuza ties, and
everyone knows it. She has a nasty attitude, and few really like her.
Rivalry (Honey Lemon)- Go Go thinks everyone treates Honey better than her, and she's
right. Go Go disliked the pretty & popular Honey Lemon, believing she used her looks to get
ahead. Eventually, however, the two became good friends.

Total: Abilities: 32 / Skills: 32--16 / Advantages: 1 / Powers: 66 / Defenses: 9 (125)

-Go Go is a high-impact, "mean" kind of character with a criminal past, making her sort of
the "Bad Girl" of her team. She turns into an Energy Ball thing that Ricochets all over the
place, doing mega-damage after a point, which makes her PL 9. She's high-damage and high-
defense for a jobber, but that's kind of how that sort of power-set would work out.

Goblin Nation

Post by Jabroniville » Wed May 17, 2017 5:42 am

Created By: Dan Slott & Humberto Ramos
Role: Mooks
PL 7 (48)

Athletics 2 (+4)
Deception 2 (+3)
Expertise (Criminal) 4 (+4)
Intimidation 4 (+5)
Perception 1 (+1)
Persuasion 2 (+3)
Stealth 3 (+4)

Equipment 8, Ranged Attack 1

"Goblin Glider"
(Medium; Strength 2, Defense 8, Toughness 6, Remote Control) (12)
Flight 6 (120 mph) (Flaws: Platform) (6)
"Bomb" "Pumpkin Bomb- Blast" Blast 7 (Feats: Triggered- 1 Round) (Extras: Area- 30ft.
Burst) (Diminished Range -1) (21) -- (22)
AE: "Pumpkin Bomb- Smoke" Concealment 4 (Feats: Triggered) (Extras: Area- 15ft. Cloud,
Attack) (13)
Unarmed +4 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Pumpkin Blast +7 Area (+7 Damage, DC 22)
Pumpkin KO +7 Area (+7 Affliction, DC 17)
Initiative +1

Dodge +4 (DC 14), Parry +4 (DC 14), Toughness +3, Fortitude +4, Will +0

Motivation (Greed)

Total: Abilities: 26 / Skills: 18--9 / Advantages: 9 / Powers: 0 / Defenses: 4 (48)

-The members of the Goblin Nation are generally minor Thugs, given Goblin-esque
Equipment consisting of bombs and presumably smoke-based stuff. This is now Equipment,
showing that they don't get the REALLY good stuff.

Phil Urich

Post by Jabroniville » Tue May 16, 2017 10:23 pm

PHIL URICH (aka The Green Goblin IV, The Hobgoblin VII, The Goblin Knight, The
Goblin King)
Created By: Terry Kavanah & Steven Butler
First Appearance: The Web of Spider-Man #125 (June 1995)
Role: Turncoat Friend, Legacy Villain, Wacky Buddy
Villain Ranking: D-List
Group Affiliations: The Loners/Excelsior, The Goblin Nation
PL 9 (155)

Close Combat (Unarmed) 2 (+8)
Deception 5 (+6)
Expertise (Science) 2 (+6)
Intimidation 5 (+6)
Perception 3 (+4)
Technology 2 (+6)
"Glider Pilot" Vehicles 6 (+10) (Flaws: Limited to Goblin Gliders)

Equipment 6 (Goblin Glider), Improved Initiative, Ranged Attack 4

"Goblin Costume" (Feats: Restricted) (Flaws: Removable) [66]
"Goblin Formula Catalyst" 
Enhanced Strength 7 (14)
Enhanced Stamina 5 (10)
Enhanced Agility 1 (2)
Enhanced Fighting 2 (4)
Enhanced Dexterity 2 (4)
Enhanced Intelligence 2 (4)

"Electro-Circuitry Gloves" Blast 8 (16)

"Lunatic Laugh" Affliction 5 (Fort; Entranced/Stunned/Incapacitated) (Extras: Reaction +3,
Area- Audio Perception) (25)

Protection 1 (1)
Immunity 2 (Chemicals) (2)
-- (82 points)

"Goblin Weapon Array" (Flaws: Easily Removable -2) [18]

"Pumpkin Bomb- Blast" Blast 9 (Feats: Triggered- 1 Round) (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst)
(Diminished Range -1) (27) -- (30 points)

 AE: "Pumpkin Bomb- Knock-Out Gas" Affliction 9 (Fort;

Fatigued/Exhausted/Asleep) (Feats: Triggered) (Extras: Ranged, Area- 30ft. Burst)
(Diminished Range -1) (27)
 AE: "Pumpkin Bomb- Smoke" Concealment 4 (Feats: Triggered) (Extras: Area- 15ft.
Cloud, Attack) (13)
 AE: "Razor-Bats" Blast 5 (Extras: Multiattack) (15)

"Goblin Glider"
(Medium; Strength 2, Defense 8, Toughness 6, Remote Control) (12)
Flight 6 (120 mph) (Flaws: Platform) (6)
"Heat-Seeking Missiles" Blast 9 (Feats: Homing 3) (21) -- (23)

 AE: "Machine Guns" Blast 7 (Extras: Multiattack) (21)

 AE: "Blades" Damage 8 (8)
-- (30 points)

Unarmed +8 (+8 Damage, DC 23)
Lunatic Laugh +5 Area (+5 Affliction, DC 15)
Missiles +8 (+9 Ranged Damage, DC 24)
Machine Guns +8 (+7 Ranged Damage, DC 22)
Electro-Gloves +8 (+8 Ranged Damage, DC 23)
Pumpkin Blast +9 Area (+9 Damage, DC 24)
Pumpkin KO Gas +9 Area (+9 Affliction, DC 19)
Razor-Bats +8 (+5 Ranged Damage, DC 20)
Initiative +7

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +10 (DC 20), Toughness +2 (+8 Costume), Fortitude +8, Will +5

Motivation (Heroism)- Phil thinks being a hero is pretty cool, and sought to fight crime as the
only heroic Green Goblin.

Total: Abilities: 30 / Skills: 22--11 / Advantages: 13 / Powers: 84 / Defenses: 16 (155)

-I actually liked Phil, having read some of his short-lived series in the mid-1990s. He's Ben
Urich's nephew, working at the Daily Bugle, and he uncovered ANOTHER secret Osborn
warehouse of gear (seriously, are there like fifty of those or something?). Using this, he
became the new Green Goblin, but in an aversion, he used to to FIGHT crime instead of
cause it! A good kid at heart (he's yet another Peter Parker-Like Hero), he tried to fend off the
evil legacy of the Goblins, using a new Goblin Formula with a catalyst in the mask. But alas,
it was the mid-'90s- a black hole for new comic book characters. He had no chance- when his
book was cancelled, he lost all his gear in a fight against a Sentinel, and that was it for him.

-Though his post-90s career has been rather odd- he became a member of "The Loners", a
group trying to get The Runaways to stop being super-heroes (seems like a straight rip-off of
Old Justice from Young Justice), but he later appears to freak out and attack the team when
the former Turbo hooks up with Darkhawk (he apparently had a thing for Turbo). AND he
got a variant in MC2, being a heroic Goblin that aids May "Spider-Girl" Parker when he can.

-Phil is a pretty good PL 9 guy, meeting most of his caps all-around- he'd be a fine starting
PC. He's got most of the standard Goblin powers, but in a different sort of way- he needs the
Mask to act as a catalyst, meaning all of that physicality is now under the Device instead of
baseline powers. Most of his equipment is a little bit weaker, though- as a minor-league hero,
he was nowhere near as destructive as the other Goblins, so the damage quotient on his stuff
is generally lower. He does have the "Lunatic Laugh", though- a sonic weapon that
disoriented people at Perception-Hearing range.
PHIL URICH (aka The Green Goblin IV, The Hobgoblin VII, The Goblin Knight, The
Goblin King)
Created By: Terry Kavanah & Steven Butler
First Appearance: The Web of Spider-Man #125 (June 1995)
Role: Turncoat Friend, Legacy Villain, Wacky Buddy
Villain Ranking: D-List
Group Affiliations: The Loners/Excelsior, The Goblin Nation
PL 9 (176)

Close Combat (Unarmed) 2 (+10)
Deception 5 (+6)
Expertise (Science) 2 (+4)
Intimidation 5 (+6)
Perception 3 (+4)
Technology 2 (+4)
"Glider Pilot" Vehicles 6 (+10) (Flaws: Limited to Goblin Gliders)

Equipment 6 (Goblin Glider), Improved Initiative, Ranged Attack 4

"Goblin Costume" (Feats: Restricted) (Flaws: Removable) [48]
"Electro-Circuitry Gloves" Blast 8 (16)
"Lunatic Laugh" Affliction 7 (Fort; Entranced/Stunned/Incapacitated) (Extras: Reaction +3,
Area- Audio Perception) (35)

"Wings on the Back" Flight 5 (60 mph) (Flaws: Winged) (5)

Protection 1 (1)
Immunity 2 (Chemicals) (2)
-- (59 points)

"Goblin Weapon Array" (Flaws: Easily Removable) [19]

"Pumpkin Bomb- Blast" Blast 9 (Feats: Triggered- 1 Round) (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst)
(Diminished Range -1) (27) -- (31 points)

 AE: "Pumpkin Bomb- Knock-Out Gas" Affliction 9 (Fort;

Fatigued/Exhausted/Asleep) (Feats: Triggered) (Extras: Ranged, Area- 30ft. Burst)
(Diminished Range -1) (27)
 AE: "Pumpkin Bomb- Smoke" Concealment 4 (Feats: Triggered) (Extras: Area- 15ft.
Cloud, Attack) (13)
 AE: "Razor-Bats" Blast 5 (Extras: Multiattack) (15)
 AE: "Flaming Sword" Strength-Damage +2 (Feats: Improved Critical) (Extras:
Penetrating 5) (8)

"Goblin Glider"
(Medium; Strength 2, Defense 8, Toughness 6, Remote Control) (12)
Flight 6 (120 mph) (Flaws: Platform) (6)
"Heat-Seeking Missiles" Blast 9 (Feats: Homing 3) (21) -- (23)

 AE: "Machine Guns" Blast 7 (Extras: Multiattack) (21)

 AE: "Blades" Damage 8 (8)

-- (30 points)

Unarmed +10 (+8 Damage, DC 23)
Flaming Sword +8 (+10 Damage, DC 25)
Lunatic Laugh +7 Area (+7 Affliction, DC 17)
Missiles +8 (+9 Ranged Damage, DC 24)
Machine Guns +8 (+7 Ranged Damage, DC 22)
Electro-Gloves +8 (+8 Ranged Damage, DC 23)
Pumpkin Blast +9 Area (+9 Damage, DC 24)
Pumpkin KO Gas +9 Area (+9 Affliction, DC 19)
Razor-Bats +8 (+5 Ranged Damage, DC 20)
Initiative +7

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +10 (DC 20), Toughness +2 (+8 Costume), Fortitude +8, Will +5

Responsibility (Insane)- Like most Goblins, Phil is now crazy.
Normal Identity- Without the Goblin Formula, Phil is ST 1, STA 2, AGI 2, FIGHTING 4 and
DEX 2.

Total: Abilities: 68 / Skills: 22--11 / Advantages: 13 / Powers: 67 / Defenses: 16 (176)

-He basically was a VERY minor character still when he all of a sudden popped up in modern
times, investigating the Goblins with his co-worker Norah Winters (upon whom he had a
crush) as part of the Front Line series. He ends up cornering Daniel Kingsley in the
Hobgoblin uniform, and kills him with a flaming sword. He becomes the SEVENTH
Hobgoblin, acting as The Kingpin's super-powered operative, but is soon defeated by
Roderick Kingsley, becoming indebted to him (he has to give Kingsley a cut of his profits).
When The Kingpin disappears into hiding (following Shadowland), Phil is outed by The
Superior Spider-Man, and is only rescued by Norman Osborn's operatives- Osborn, forming
his Goblin Nation, allows Phil to live so long as he dedicates himself to Osborn's mission as
his "Goblin Knight". When Norman is defeated, Urich assumes control of the Goblin Nation
as "The Goblin King". However, he's swiftly paired up with a bunch of jobbers and assorted
losers (including many nameless Legacy Villains copying other Jobbers' gimmicks), and is
beaten by a heroic AXIS-ified Roderick Kingsley Hobgoblin.

-As the seventh Hobgoblin, Goblin Knight or Goblin King, Phil is still PL 9 (he rarely beats
anyone), but his Lunatic Laugh is enhanced a bit, and he has a Flaming Sword.

Goblyn & Pathway

Post by Jabroniville » Thu Jan 05, 2017 5:53 am

GOBLYN (Goblyn Dean)
Created By: Bill Mantlo & Terry Shoemaker
First Appearance: Alpha Flight #48 (July 1987)
Role: Animalistic Creature, The Berserker, Background Character
Group Affiliations: Alpha Flight, Gamma Flight, The Derangers
PL 7 (79)

Acrobatics 5 (+10)
Athletics 5 (+9)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 2 (+10)
Close Combat (Natural Weapons) 2 (+10)
Expertise (Survival) 5 (+6)
Intimidation 9 (+6)
Perception 7 (+8)
Stealth 3 (+8)

All-Out Attack, Improved Critical (Claws & Teeth), Improved Initiative, Power Attack,

"Mutant Powers: Animalistic Form"
"Animal Senses" Senses 7 (Low-Light Vision, Acute & Extended Scent, Detect Magic-
Ranged, Radius & Acute, Detect Evil) [7]
"Claws & Teeth" Strength-Damage +1 (Feats: Split) [2]
Leaping 1 (15 feet) [1]
Speed 2 (8 mph) [2]

Unarmed +10 (+3 Damage, DC 18)
Claws +10 (+4 Damage, DC 19)
Initiative +9

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +10 (DC 20), Toughness +4, Fortitude +8, Will +4

Relationship (Laura Dean)- Goblyn's key goal in life is to protect her twin sister.
Disabled (Abandoned Child)- Goblyn has never learned to speak, otherwise she lacks the

Total: Abilities: 32 / Skills: 36--18 / Advantages: 5 / Powers: 12 / Defenses: 14 (79)

-Goblyn and her sister, Laura, have the interesting origin of having been fraternal twins-
separated in the womb. See, the Dean parents discovered that one of their daughters, in utero,
was a mishapen Mutant. Deciding to abort the fetus for its own good, the Deans had a doctor
fire radiation into the womb... but they stopped when they saw the other twin, Laura, protect
her. In actuality, Laura used her own mutant power to teleport her twin to the
otherdimensional Dreamworld. This resulted in a big story-arc in the Bill Mantlo/Jim Lee era
of Alpha Flight, as Laura & Goblyn could only switch places between Dreamworld and
Earth, and all of Alpha Flight had to combat the dream-realms and the Dreamqueen. The
sisters actually stuck around for a while on Beta Flight, but eventually quietly disappeared
from the book except for some sporadic appearances, and they've been in Marvel Limbo for
over a decade now.

-Goblyn's a little spitfire, being a PL 7 scrapper, but isn't much danger to any elite crowd.
She's little and pretty accurate and hard to hit, but her damage just can't keep up with her
skill. She also lacks a large portion of the other things that make animalistic-scrapper types,
like Regeneration. I didn't bother statting the "Switch with sister" thing, since that's Laura's
These pictures are MAYBE four or five years apart. I mean, OUR time- not Comic Book

PATHWAY (Laura Dean)

Created By: Bill Mantlo & Terry Shoemaker
First Appearance: Alpha Flight #48 (July 1987)
Role: Teleporter, Team Kid, Background Character
Group Affiliations: Alpha Flight, Gamma Flight, The Derangers
PL 7 (79)

Insight 5 (+4)
Ranged Combat (Teleport) 7 (+7)


"Mutant Powers: Opens Portals to Other Dimensions"
"Teleport Attack" Teleport 10 (Extras: Portal +2, Accurate, Extended, Ranged Attack for 7
Ranks +0) (67) -- [69]

 AE: Teleport 10 (Extras: Portal +2, Accurate, Extended) (60)

 AE: Movement 3 (Dimensional Travel 3) (Extras: Portal +2) (12)

"Not Quite So Weak" Power-Lifting 1 (25 lbs.) [1]

Unarmed +0 (-2 Damage, DC 13)
Initiative +0

Dodge +5 (DC 15), Parry +4 (DC 14), Toughness -1, Fortitude +1, Will +3

Relationship (Goblyn)- Laura strongly attempts to protect her sister, and even did so in the
Prejudice (Child)- Most adults will not take a child seriously.
Disabled (Autistic)- Laura suffers from autism, and as such occasionally withdraws into total

Total: Abilities: -12 / Skills: 12--6 / Advantages: 0 / Powers: 70 / Defenses: 15 (79)

-Pathway, usually just called "Laura", is the autistic twin sister of Goblyn, and is pretty much
a non-combatant with a mass Teleportation power. It's mighty, but the rest of her is just a kid,
completely unable to even fight properly, though she's PL 7 thanks to a Teleport Attack.

God Template

Post by Jabroniville » Wed Nov 01, 2017 7:31 am

PL 10 (133)

Close Combat (Unarmed) 2 (+10)
Expertise (God) 7 (+10)
Expertise (History) 2 (+5)
Insight 4 (+7)
Intimidation 4 (+8)
Perception 3 (+6)

Benefit (Status- God), Diehard, Great Endurance, Ranged Attack 6

"Immortal God"
Regeneration 2 (Feats: Regrowth) [3]
Immunity 9 (Aging, Drowning, Suffocation, Starvation & Thirst, Heat, Cold, Pressure,
Poison, Disease) [9]
Speed 2 (8 mph) [2]
Leaping 1 (15 feet) [1]

Unarmed +10 (+10 Damage, DC 25)
Initiative +3

Dodge +9 (DC 19), Parry +10 (DC 20), Toughness +10, Fortitude +10, Will +7

Responsibility (Respective Pantheons)

Total: Abilities: 86 / Skills: 22--11 / Advantages: 9 / Powers: 15 / Defenses: 12 (133)

-This is a baseline Template for the Gods of the Marvel Universe, accepting that they are all
high-powered PL 10-ish characters. More elite ones can be PL 11-12, whereas minor
Godlings tend to be PL 8-9 (not every Greek River God is that tough, for example. Nor is
Hebe- the Greek Goddess of Youth). Even so, Gods are highly-powerful beings, packing +10
Damage on their unarmed attacks at minimum (Male Gods- Females tend to be ten tons below
the males in strength across the board, giving most of them Strength 9), and have the ability
to Regenerate damage (curiously, the most commonly-seen Marvel Gods, Thor & Hercules,
barely showcase this ability at all, whereas I've seen minor Greek Gods do Wolvie-level
Healing at times). They have a bunch of Immunities and they're tough as Hell to boot. Some
Gods may possess an inherent Dimensional Travel ability to their particular plane (Olympus,
Asgard, The Dreamtime, etc.).

-Many of the Gods I won't be building (characters in minor Pantheons, as well as obscure
characters from major ones) have extra additions based off of their own Godly Domains. Use
the examples below to "Build Up" a God with specific powers at varying levels.

Various Additions:
Weather/Storms: Environment (Impede Movement, Cold, Visibility), Immunity (Weather
Effects), Senses (Precognition- Limited to Weather), Trips/Knockbacks
Sun: Dazzle Visuals, Environment (Light), Blast, Immunity (Heat/Fire)
Fire: Blast, Area Damage, Immunity (Heat/Fire), Aura
Thunder/Lightning: Blast, Area Damage, Immunity (Electricity), Nullify Electronics
Death: Summon (Undead), Weaken Stamina
War: Skills (Tactics)
Fertility: Healing (Limited to Childbirth), Features (Enable Pregnancy) or just a REALLY
slow-ass Summon (Affects Others).
Moon: Concealment, Low-Light Vision
Earth: Blast, Move Earth, Snare, Burrowing
Sea: Move Water, Immunity (Drowning, Pressure), Swimming, Area Damage, Blast
Agriculture/Plants: Move Plants, Snare, Summon Plants, Growth (Affects Plants)
Common Traits: Shapeshifting (Shapeshift or Morph)
Messengers: Speed, Teleport
Metal: Skills (Metalworking)
Animals: Animal Control, Summon
The Hunt: Animal Control, Skill (Hunting, Stealth)
Intellect/Wisdom: Enhanced Intellect/Awareness
Destruction: Blast, Weaken Toughness
Luck: Advantages (Luck), Probability Control, Indirect Blasts/Protection, Movement (Slow
Animal Gods: Animal-Based Powers (Senses, Natural Weapons, Speed & Size)
Change: Create, Transform (Stuff to Other Stuff)
Mischief/Trickery: Skill (Deception), Advantages (Daze & Fascinate- Deception)
Love: Affliction (Controlled), Attractive
Magic: Almost Any Power

The Goddess

Post by Jabroniville » Wed Aug 25, 2021 4:47 am

Created By: Jim Starlin & Ron Lim
First Appearance: The Infinity War #6 (Nov. 1992)
Role: Lady Jesus
PL 13 (276)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 2 (+10)
Deception 4 (+8)
Expertise (Arcane Lore) 6 (+13)
Expertise (Current Events) 2 (+9)
Expertise (Space Traveller) 6 (+13)
Expertise (Science) 2 (+9)
Expertise (Theology & Philosophy) 9 (+16)
Insight 4 (+9)
Investigation 4 (+9)
Perception 3 (+8)
Persuasion 6 (+12)
Technology 2 (+9)

Beginner's Luck, Fascinate (Persuasion), Jack-of-All-Trades, Power Attack, Ranged Attack
7, Trance, Well-Informed

Immunity 11 (Aging, Life Support) [11]

"Quantum Magic"
Mind Control 13 (Feats: Dynamic) (53) -- [66]

 Dynamic AE: "Group Mind Control" Mind Control 10 (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras:
Area- 60ft. Burst +2) (Flaws: Touch Range -2) (41)
 Dynamic AE: "Telepathy" Mind-Reading 13 Linked to Communication (Mental) 4
(Extras: Area, Selective) (Feats: Dynamic) (51)
 Dynamic AE: Cosmic Blast 13 (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Multiattack) (39)
 Dynamic AE: "Cosmic Burst" Damage 12 (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Area- 30ft.
Burst) (24)
 Dynamic AE: "Cosmic Wave" Damage 12 (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Area- 60ft.
Cone) (24)
 Dynamic AE: Force Field 5 (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Affects Others 12) (18)
 AE: Teleport 11 (Feats: Increased Mass 4) (Extras: Accurate) (37)

Senses 7 (Detect Energy- Ranged & Acute, Extended Vision 3, Darkvision) [7]
Flight 10 (2,000 mph) [20]
Movement 3 (Space Travel 2, Environmental Adaptation- Space) [6]
"Cocoon Resurrection" Immortality 1 (1 month) [2]

"Cosmic Awareness"
Features 1: Directed Inspiration- May ask the GM a Question With an HP [1]

Unarmed +10 (+9 Damage, DC 24)
Cosmic Blast +11 (+13 Ranged Damage, DC 28)
Cosmic Area Attacks +12 (+12 Damage, DC 27)
Mind Control -- (+13 Perception Affliction, DC 23)
Group Mind Control +10 Area (+10 Affliction, DC 20)
Initiative +3

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +10 (DC 20), Toughness +9 (+14 Force Field), Fortitude +12,
Will +14

Motivation (Creating Universal Peace)

Total: Abilities: 104 / Skills: 50--25 / Advantages: 13 / Powers: 113 / Defenses: 21 (276)

-The Goddess' story capped off "The Infinity Trilogy", this one being an even more ludicrous
crossover with many Marvel books (featuring religious heroes taking her side in her quest to
stamp out war and hatred... which necessitated Starlin writing in religions for tons of
characters who'd never shown any inclination that way before, as Marvel Comics was
REALLY careful not to have heroes showcase religious affiliation back in the day). She was
Warlock's Good Side personified, and her goodness was so great that it would allow her to
kill everyone in the world capable of sin... which wasn't really "good" by most people's
opinion, but that was kinda the point, I guess? That religious leaders were judgemental
assholes? Not sure why someone who was "Pure Good" would do that, but whatever. All I
remember is a bunch of mediocre stories (one Spidey tale featured him fighting his Rogues in
one "Mental Universe", and his Supporting Cast in another, with the same events occuring in
each (ie. he'd punch The Green Goblin, only for J. Jonah Jameson to feel it in the other 'verse,
for example).

-The one Infinity Crusade TPB I have is almost unreadable crap, featuring Warlock going on
some drug-addled vision-quest, tons of heroes being brainwashed into The Goddess' minions,
and another ton of heroes standing around being useless (and in a bizarre twist, ALPHA
FLIGHT ends up at the forefront of most of the scenes- likely due to the fact that they had a
weaker Editor, and thus Starlin could show them jobbing in great numbers). The whole
"hook" to the storyline seems to be having random "Hero (vs) Hero" brawls pop up all over
the place, generally ones in which Starlin's favorites get to win. In the end, the Goddess's
followers all learned what she was doing and broke free from her control, and she was sucked
into the Soul World of the Soul Gem, being trapped for an eternity alongside The Magus.

-A basic Goddess is sort of like Warlock & Magus, but with more Mind Control stuff. In The
Infinity War, she was able to create the Cosmic Egg from a series of THIRTY Cosmic Cubes,
effectively making her all-powerful like a Gauntlet wielder, except she couldn't affect souls
(which ended up becoming her undoing).


Post by Jabroniville » Thu May 18, 2017 6:45 pm

Created By: Roy Thomas & Gil Kane
First Appearance: The Amazing Spider-Man #103 (Dec. 1971)
Role: Giant Monster
Villain Ranking: E-List
Group Affiliations: The Sinister Six
PL 13 (153)

Expertise (Survival) 4 (+4)
Expertise (Science) 3 (+10)
Intimidation 10 (+9, +15 Size)
Technology 5 (+12)
Equipment (Translator), Inventor, Power Attack, Startle

"Giant Creature" Growth 13 (Str & Sta +13, +13 Mass, +6 Intimidation, -6 Dodge/Parry, +1
Speed, -13 Stealth) -- (75 feet) (Feats: Innate) (Extras: Permanent +0) [27]
Protection 2 (Extras: Impervious 15) [17]
"Giant Fists & Feet" Damage 13 (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst) [26]

"Teleportation Bracelets" (Flaws: Removable) (Feats: Restricted to Giant Creatures) [4]

Movement 2 (Dimensional Travel 2) (4 points)

Unarmed +8 (+18 Damage, DC 33)
Area Attack +13 (+13 Damage, DC 28)
Initiative +0

Dodge +6 (DC 16), Parry +6 (DC 16), Toughness +18 (+8 Impervious), Fortitude +16, Will

Enemy (Spider-Man)

Total: Abilities: 44 / Skills: 22--11 / Advantages: 4 / Powers: 74 / Defenses: 20 (153)

-Gog is more modern than the '50s class of Monster so common in Marvel's books, being
introduced as an alien who crashed in the Savage Land. Raised by Kraven the Hunter, he
grew to huge size in only a few days, and the two of them fight Spider-Man & Ka-Zar- Gog
sinks to the bottom of a pool of quicksand. Ka-Zar's brother The Plunderer would rescue him,
and Gog (revealed to be intelligent enough to create devices) would flee from the subsequent
battle using Interdimensional Teleportation Bracelets. In his final appearance, he showed up
OUT OF NOWHERE as an ally of The Sinister Six in Erik Larsen's Return of the Sinister Six
storyline. He shows an astonishing amount of power (one-shotting The Hulk & Ghost Rider
at the same time), but doesn't say a word, merely standing there and occasionally throwing
punches- he ends up being one-shotted himself, by Solo the Terrorist-Killer, who was
wielding a gigantic shoulder-mounted Cannon that fires Kirby Dots at things. In one of the
funnier bits of the storyline, Mr. Fantastic states that they'll teleport him back to where he
came from, "But we'll have to shrink him to a more manageable size first. Thankfully, that
will be relatively-simple.").

-Gog is a standard Giant Monster, showing an incredible amount of power, and way more
genius than you'd think (he designed his own Translator). 

Gog & Magog

Post by Jabroniville » Sun Feb 19, 2017 9:47 am

Created By: Bill Mantlo & Sal Buscema
First Appearance: The Incredible Hulk #257 (March 1981)
Role: Biblical Foes
PL 9 (87)

Intimidation 10(+9)

Chokehold, Great Endurance, Improved Critical (Unarmed), Improved Hold, Power Attack,
Immunity 11 (Aging, Life Support) [11]

Unarmed +8 (+10 Damage, DC 25)
Initiative +0

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +10, Fortitude +10, Will +3

Responsibility (Seth's Will)- Gog & Magog will do Seth's bidding.

Total: Abilities: 50 / Skills: 10--5 / Advantages: 6 / Powers: 11 / Defenses: 12 (84)

-Another of Marvel's Biblelicious stories from the "1970s-Early '80s" period sees the
Biblically-named Gog & Magog show up- the Pharaoh's High Priest pled to the God Seth for
power, and was transformed into a pair of monsters. The next Pharaoh immediately had them
entombed, and these tombs were accidentally opened by the Hulk. The Arabian Knight came
upon the resulting battle (this was, in fact, his debut story), and promptly buried all three
combatants- only the Hulk escaped. The two were revived by Seth against Thor, but were
pretty much just Mooks in the fight.

-Note: The actual Gog & Magog are unrelated characters in the Bible (sources differ upon
whom they're based), but two villains of the same names show up in ancient Celtic
Mythology. And their names are STUPID AS HELL, and I don't care how legendary they
are. I can't take anyone named "Magog" seriously.


Post by Jabroniville » Sun Sep 25, 2022 5:14 pm

GOG (Owen Llewellyn)
Created by: Michael W. Bennett, Lee Stevens & Andrew Currie
First Appearance: Super-Soldiers #1 (April 1993)
Group Affiliations: The Super-Soldiers
Role: Elite Soldier
PL 7 (85)

Athletics 5 (+7)
Expertise (Soldier) 6 (+8)
Expertise (Cooking) 4 (+5)
Insight 2 (+3)
Intimidation 3 (+4)
Investigation 3 (+4)
Perception 5 (+6)
Stealth 2 (+5)
Technology 2 (+4)
Equipment 4 (Guns +4-6- Multiattack, Military Gear), Improved Aim, Ranged Attack 4

Power-Lifting (12 tons) [1]

Unarmed +9 (+2 Damage, DC 17)Guns +8 (+4-6 Ranged Damage, DC 19-21)
Initiative +3

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +4, Fortitude +5, Will +5

Responsibility (The British Government)
Relatoinship (Daughters)- Owen's wife remarried to an unemployed man, and his daughters
are now wanted by the police for "Twocking" (Taking With Out Consent) cars and going

Total: Abilities: 66 / Skills: 32--16 / Advantages: 9 / Powers: 1 / Defenses: 12 (104)

-The huge Gog was a Welshman member of the "Squadies"- a new band formed by Childs to
replace the Super-Soldiers. However, while Hauer killed all the Squadies when they were
knocked out, Dalton chose to spare Gog, destroying what he assumed was a control unit. He
was correct, and Gog joined the Super-Soldiers. It turned out that he was injured during the
Falklands War, and his daughters grew up without him, turning into criminals. This is
actually kinda funny, since I've heard that in England, the Welsh are stereotyped as more or
less what "White Trash" are like in the States, living in depressive conditions and being
addicted to things and engaging in petty theft. So Gog's family life might be a reference to
that. He's generally nice and "neighborly", belying his odd appearance.

-Despite being much larger than the rest of the team, Gog is the same Strength as Dalton &
Hauer. He has red, bionic eyes but it's not clear if they can do anything special.


Post by Jabroniville » Sun Aug 27, 2017 7:33 am

GOLDBUG (Matthew Gilden)
Created By: Marv Wolfman & Lee Elias
First Appearance: Power Man #41 (March 1977)
Role: Jobber Villain
PL 8 (108)

Deception 2 (+3)
Expertise (Science) 7 (+12)
Technology 7 (+12)

Equipment 10 (Bugship, Aqua Regia Solution- Weakens Metals), Ranged Attack 4

"Goldbug Armour" (Flaws: Removable) [13]
Enhanced Strength 5 (10)
Protection 4 (4)
Features 1: Parachute (1)
Immunity 1 (Own Gold-Dust) (1)
-- (16 points)

"Gold-Gun" (Flaws: Easily Removable) [14]

"Gold-Dust" Snare 8 (Diminished Range -1) (23 points)

As Helicopter plus:
"Gold Plating" Toughness 11 (2)
"Titanium Grapplers" Snare 8 (Diminished Range -2) (22) -- (24)

 AE: Laser Blast 8 (16)

 AE: "Strength-Drainer" Weaken Strength 6 (Extras: Ranged) (Diminished Range -2)

"Radar Scanners" Senses 4 (Accurate Radius Radio Sense) (4)

Features 1: Suction Cups (1)
"Cloaking Device" Concealment 2 (Vision) (Flaws: Limited to Technology) (2)
-- (49 points)

Unarmed +7 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Armour Boost +7 (+7 Damage, DC 22)
Initiative +3

Dodge +7 (DC 17), Parry +7 (DC 17), Toughness +3 (+7 Armour), Fortitude +4, Will +3

Responsibility (Tyrannus)- Tyrannus is controlling Goldbug's fortunes, and forces him to do
his will.

Total: Abilities: 52 / Skills: 16--8 / Advantages: 14 / Powers: 27 / Defenses: 7 (108)

-Goldbug is a standard Jobber Villain, created to mess with Luke Cage before getting
involved in a scheme along with The Hulk and others, searching for The Lost City of El
Dorado. After that, he fought Spider-Man (contracting radiation poisoning because of some
irradiated gold), then Namor the Sub-Mariner. The guy gets around, being a true jobber. He
later showed up as an obscure villain in "Secret War", challenging Nick Fury's crew. After
that, he was captured by the Heroes For Hire as part of Civil War, but escaped to Captain
America's Secret Avengers, where he and The Plunderer were both shot dead by The
Punisher, setting off a fight between Frank & Cap. Quite the ignominious end for this loser.

-It was pointed out in my 2014 posting of this character that he's a pastiche of Charlton's Blue
Beetle, packing a similar logo, a Flying Ship, and a gun with non-lethal attacks. An
interesting choice by his creators, since Ted Kord wasn't a terribly big name at the time.
-Goldbug combines a strength-boosting piece of Armour with a Gold-Gun that can solify
targets using "Gold Dust", though it's not real gold.


Post by Jabroniville » Sat Aug 26, 2017 11:52 pm

"As you can see, Captain- my Shrinking Waist Disease is CONTAGIOUS!!


GOLDDIGGER (Angela Golden)

Created By: Mark Gruenwald & Rik Levins
First Appearance: Captain America #389 (Aug. 1981)
Role: Jobber Villain, Melee Fighter
Group Affiliations: None
PL 7 (95)

Acrobatics 5 (+9)
Athletics 4 (+5)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 1 (+11)
Deception 2 (+6, +8 Attractive)
Expertise (Criminal) 3 (+5)
Insight 3 (+6)
Investigation 2 (+5)
Perception 3 (+6)
Stealth 3 (+7)

Accurate Attack, Attractive, Daze (Deception), Fast Grab, Fascinate (Deception),
Improved Critical (Unarmed), Improved Trip, Power Attack, Ranged Attack

"Martial Arts Strike" Strength-Damage +1 [1]

Unarmed +11 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Initiative +4

Dodge +11 (DC 21), Parry +11 (DC 21), Toughness +2, Fortitude +5, Will +4

Motivation (Greed)

Total: Abilities: 60 / Skills: 26--13 / Advantages: 9 / Powers: 1 / Defenses: 12 (95)

-Golddigger's an alias The Scourge of the Underworld used to infiltrate The UCWF and
kill Titania I, but this version's a real character, basically with a pretty obvious
gimmick, given her name. She uses her looks and feminine wiles to get what she wants.
She basically did all of nothing, and was merely a background character in a couple of
Gruenwald's "Horde of Jobbers" scenes (working for Damon Dran), so she doesn't end
up very tough at all. Hell, she's only PL 6.5 offensively & defensively. Such is the price
for being a minor-league character who never did anything. She's actually better at
interpersonal skills than at anything else.

Golden Girl (Sabuki)

Post by Jabroniville » Tue Aug 29, 2017 12:57 am

GOLDEN GIRL I (Gwendolyne Lou Sabuki, aka Golden Woman)

Created By: Roy Thomas & Frank Robbins
First Appearance: The Invaders #26 (March 1978)
Role: Retcon Character
Group Affiliations: The Kid Commandos, V-Battalion, Penance Council
PL 7 (82)

Insight 2 (+4)
Investigation 2 (+4)
Perception 2 (+4)
Ranged Combat (Force Beams) 2 (+6)

Ranged Attack 1

"Force Beams" Blast 8 (Feats: Dynamic) (17) -- [18]

 AE: "Generate Light" Environment 5 (Light 2) (Feats: Dynamic) (11)

Unarmed +7 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Force Beams +6 (+8 Ranged Damage, DC 23)
Initiative +4

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +3, Fortitude +4, Will +5

Responsibility (The United States)- Gwenny Lou is a patriot, despite being the same race as
an American enemy.

Total: Abilities: 50 / Skills: 8--4 / Advantages: 1 / Powers: 18 / Defenses: 9 (82)

-In a weird move, Roy Thomas decided to place a new Retcon Character into his Invaders
book- a young Japanese-American girl who gains super-powers thanks to her scientist father.
She and her friend (who gained spinning powers as The Human Top) team up with Bucky &
Toro, forming The Kid Commandos against evil Axis Powers. 

-Gwenny Lou was later added into the history of the V-Battalion, a group of good guys based
around Citizen V (which became important in the Thunderbolts series), and it's been revealed
that she died in 1961. Her son became Golden Sun, and HIS daughter became Goldfire- I
have no idea if any of them were characters in any comics. Golden Sun died when Goldfire
was a little girl, and another of Gwenny Lou's grandchildren became the Japanese heroine
Radiance, and is a part of the current Invaders series by James Robinson.

-When I originally posted this character, I explained her thusly:

This strikes me as a pretty lame attempt at Political Correctness, glossing over the racist anti-
Japanese propaganda of 1940s comics with some happy U.S.-loyal Japanese superhero,
something that would have been EXTRAORDINARILY unlikely in the era of Internment
Camps. This was really a different era, and that stuff really wouldn't fly with America at the
Horsenhero responded thusly:
Actually, the 442 Regimental Combat Team and 100th Infantry Battalion were made up of
Japanese-American volunteers who fought heroicly in the european theatre, seeing some of
the most brutal action. Almost every soldier in these units was highly decorated and they
included at least one man who would go on to serve in the US congress.

In fact, by the end of WW2 the 442 had become the most highly decorated US infantry
command. They took over 800 casualties rescuing the "Lost Battalion" of the 36th Division
in France.

As a rather proud American, I make it a point to remember these people who served their
country well, even when their country treated them poorly.

So Golden Girl would be unusual, but not impossible.

And I really dug his explanation and rebuttal, as it taught me something I'd never known
before. However, upon re-reading my initial post, I realized how my wording came across- as
if there was no way a Japanese-American person could be a superhero during the War! What
I MEANT was that it would be unlikely the public would support such a character. However,
in either case, I could be wrong, judging by the above.

Golden Girl (Ross)

Post by Jabroniville » Mon Aug 28, 2017 9:47 pm

GOLDEN GIRL II (Elizabeth "Betsy" Ross)
Created By: Joe Simon & Jack Kirby
First Appearance: Captain America Comics #1 (March 1941)
Role: Girlfriend Character, Sidekick
Group Affiliations: The All-Winners Squad, Women's Auxiliary Army Corps.
PL 7 (78)

Acrobatics 1 (+5)
Athletics 4 (+6)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 2 (+10)
Expertise (Waitress) 2 (+3)
Expertise (FBI Agent) 6 (+7)
Investigation 4 (+7)
Perception 3 (+6)

Equipment (Bullet-Proof Cape- Defenses +2), Ranged Attack 5
Unarmed +10 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Initiative +4

Dodge +8 (+10 Cape, DC 18-20), Parry +8 (+10 Cape, DC 18-20), Toughness +3, Fortitude
+4, Will +5

Responsibility (The United States)- Betsy is a patriot, and defends the U.S. against her
enemies- Germany and Japan.

Total: Abilities: 54 / Skills: 22--11 / Advantages: 6 / Powers: 0 / Defenses: 7 (78)

-Betsy Ross is a curiously-unknown character, given her link to one of Marvel's top stars- she
was a secretary who was Steve Rogers' love interest WAY, WAY BACK in his debut issue,
but upgraded herself to a Sidekick in 1947, replacing an injured Bucky. As The Golden Girl,
she was basically the same type of character as Bucky (spunky sidekick, sometimes saves the
day, often gets captured). This was later retconned into her being the replacement partner for
the Jeffrey Mace Cap, having replaced Fred Davis, the second Bucky. She was also retconned
into being the Aunt of Thunderbolt Ross. She & Mace were married in 1953, and retired from
super-heroics for good.

-She's a mere PL 6 Unarmed, but hits PL 7 defensively with her Bullet-Proof Cape. And
despite being the first Golden Girl, she is retroactively the second, since Roy Thomas

Golem (Monster)

Post by Jabroniville » Sat Aug 26, 2017 7:04 pm

Created By: Len Wein & John Buscema
First Appearance: Strange Tales #174 (June 1974)
Group Affiliations: S.H.I.E.L.D.
Role: Monster
PL 8 (59)


Fast Grab, Startle

"Large Size" Reach [1]
Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects) [30]
Protection 8 [8]

Unarmed +8 (+8 Damage, DC 23)
Initiative +0

Dodge +6 (DC 16), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +8, Fortitude --, Will --

Responsibility (Controllers)- The Golem is usually controlled by others.
Weakness (Leaving the Earth)- The Golem retains power only so long as it is in contact with
the Earth.

Total: Abilities: 12 / Skills: 00--0 / Advantages: 2 / Powers: 39 / Defenses: 6 (59)

-The Golem is an obscure character who appeared briefly during the 1970s, then took a
massive break until 2012. He is an actual golem created by Judah Loew Ben Bezalel as part
of Hebrew mythology- protecting Jews from prosecution in Prague. Years later, another
Jewish man animated it using his own life force. The creature appears as part of
S.H.I.E.L.D.'s  Monster Force.

Golem (Goldstein)

Post by Jabroniville » Sat Aug 26, 2017 10:25 pm

THE GOLEM II (Jacob Goldstein)
Created By: Roy Thomas & Frank Robbins
First Appearance: The Invaders #12 (Jan. 1977)
Group Affiliations: None
Role: Hulk-Like Being
PL 8 (66)

Expertise (Survival) 4 (+6)
Intimidation 0 (+2, +4 Size)

Fast Grab, Startle

Growth 4 (Str & Sta +4, +4 Mass, +2 Intimidation, -2 Dodge/Parry, -4 Stealth) -- (15 feet)
(Feats: Innate) (Extras: Permanent +0) [9]

Unarmed +8 (+8 Damage, DC 23)
Initiative -1

Dodge +6 (DC 16), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +8, Fortitude +8, Will +4

Enemy (The Nazis)

Total: Abilities: 40 / Skills: 4--2 / Advantages: 2 / Powers: 9 / Defenses: 13 (66)

-This Golem was part of a ghetto (the original meaning of the term- "poor place where Jews
got shoved", essentially) in Warsaw, Poland during World War II. He was transformed (by
Cabalic magic) into a Golem in order to fight the Nazis. He appeared a couple of times in the
Invaders' book, then again in the 1992 edition of Invaders, but has not appeared elsewhere-
generally he just forms to righteously kick some Nazi ass, then disappears.

-A third Golem has appeared, but is a minor foe of The Hood who's just a normal gangster.


Post by Jabroniville » Fri Jun 05, 2020 12:24 am

GOLDEN-BLADE (Zacharaiah Seavey)

Created By: Chris Claremont & Jim Mooney
First Appearance: Ms. Marvel #13 (Jan. 1978)
Role: Random One-Off Threat, C-3PO Look-Alike
PL 8 (96)

Expertise (Fur-Trapping) 4 (+4)
Expertise (History) 4 (+4)
Insight 3 (+4)
Technology 3 (+3)

Ranged Attack 4

Protection 2 [2]
Flight 5 (60 mph) [10]
"Golden Blades" Blast 8 [16]

Unarmed +6 (+6 Damage, DC 21)
Golden Blades +8 (+8 Ranged Damage, DC 23)
Initiative +2

Dodge +6 (DC 16), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +8, Fortitude +6, Will +4

Relationship (Sapper)- Owing his life to Sapper, Golden-Blade works with him to gather
energy and destroy Ultimo.

Total: Abilities: 52 / Skills: 14--7 / Advantages: 4 / Powers: 28 / Defenses: 5 (96)

-Given an old-timey speaking voice, Golden-Blade was Sapper's polite co-worker in their
Ms. Marvel debut, exhibiting an arm that can be taken off with no harm coming to him. Kurt
Busiek would retcon him as an English fur trapper who was maimed when Sapper's ship
crashed 150 years prior- Sapper rebuilt the man into a cyborg, who became his partner.

-More or less a random one-off who is a mere pest to major-league super-heroes, Golden-
Blade can do minor damage to Ultimo, but Iron Man's Repulsor Field stopped him once.


Post by Jabroniville » Sun Jul 29, 2018 5:57 pm

GOLDENEYE (Real Name Unknown)
Created By: Dennis O'Neil & Denys Cowan
First Appearance: Power Man and Iron Fist #86 (Oct. 1982)
Role: Blaster, One-Off Villain

-Goldeneye (debuting more than ten years before the famous Bond movie) had a cybernetic
eye implant that fired a paralyzing Nerve Blast. He was hired by an evil crook to destroy a
train, but fought Luke Cage, who was able to tank the blast's effects, and one-shotted
Goldeneye down. He has never reappeared.


Post by Jabroniville » Sat Jan 28, 2017 12:00 am

GOMI (Alphonsus Lefszycic)
Created By: Jo Duffy & Kerry Gammill
First Appearance: Fallen Angels #2 (May 1987)
Role: Cyborg
Group Affiliation: The Fallen Angels
PL 7 (53)

Athletics 2 (+2)
Expertise (Street Rat) 2 (+3)

Ranged Attack 2

"Cyborg Enhancements"
"Telekinetic Force Pillar" Damage 6 (Extras: Area- 30ft. Line) [12]

Senses 1 (Communication Link- Bill & Don) [1]

Unarmed +6 (+0 Damage, DC 15)
TK Pillar +6 Area (+6 Damage, DC 21)
Initiative +1

Dodge +5 (DC 15), Parry +4 (DC 14), Toughness +2, Fortitude +3, Will +4

Relationship (Don & Bill)- Gomi is rather protective of his cybernetic lobster companions.
Quirk (Full Power)- Gomi cannot control the amount of power his TK Force Pillar uses.
Responsibility (Naive)- Gomi is often totally-unaware of just how poor others treat him, and
seems to cheerfully put up with any kind of rotten treatment.

Total: Abilities: 28 / Skills: 4--2 / Advantages: 2 / Powers: 13 / Defenses: 8 (53)

-Gomi is a cyborg, modified by two cruel, lazy douchebags (one of them was his cousin), and
named for the Japanese word for "garbage". His origin story takes several pages, and is
basically about how clueless and comically-naive he was about the cruelty of their behavior
(he describes them in glowing terms and talks about how good they were- their actual panels
depict them as unshaven, manipulative dicks). They end up giving him Telekinesis due to
their fanboy love of Marvel Girl- being horrified by her transformation into Phoenix, they
decide to make ANOTHER girl match "their beloved"- but not wanting to "waste a perfectly-
good girl", they experiment on Gomi instead.

-Eventually, their funding is revoked and they abandon shop, leaving Gomi to go off with
their only other cybernetic creations, Don & Bill the Lobsters. Alas, Don is squashed by
Devil Dinosaur by accident. He's still treated badly by the group, but the lobsters will
violently-snip anyone who mistreats him. Despite his stupidity, he is oddly-philosophical,
pointing out to the surviving Lobster that Don was always walking underfoot, and that
revenge is a pointless excercise. He has never been seen outside of Fallen Angels, as far as I
can tell, and honestly barely-mattered to the book. He gets this big debut in the second issue,
but after his origin is explained, he does almost nothing to effect the plot, and helps out only
in the last issue. Even his crush on Siryn is a one-off- he falls in love (sharing the family
passion for redheads) when she showers him with affection following Don's death (well, she's
a gorgeous Irish redhead, and he's a nerdy teenage boy- it was bound to happen), but this is
never mentioned later on. Given that they had SEVEN ISSUES to run some kind of subplot
like that, it's a bit silly.


Role: Semi-Sentient Lobsters
PL 5 (37)

Close Combat (Claws) 2 (+5)
Perception 4 (+3)
Stealth 0 (+8 Small Size)

Close Attack 3, Fast Grab, Improved Critical (Claws), Improved Hold

"Aquatic Mud-Spiders" Immunity 2 (Drowning, Pressure) [2]
"Claws" Strength-Damage +1 (Feats: Split) (Extras: Penetrating 3) [5]
Senses 1 (Communication Link- Gomi) [1]

"Natural Size" Shrinking 8 (Feats: Innate) (Flaws: Permanent +0) [17]

(-2 Strength, Speed -1, +4 Defenses, +8 Stealth, -4 Intimidation)

Unarmed +3 (+3 Damage, DC 18)
Claws +5 (+4 Damage, DC 19)
Initiative +0

Dodge +4 (DC 14), Parry +4 (DC 14), Toughness +1, Fortitude +3, Will +2

Disabled (Animal)- Bill & Don, despite having sentience, cannot speak, nor can they use
their claws to easily-manipulate objects.
Responsibility (Each Other, Gomi)- The Lobsters are devoted to each other and Gomi- either
will attack anyone who mistreats one of the others. Bill swears vengeance against a multi-ton
Dinosaur for accidentally crushing Don.
Reputation (Delicious)

Total: Abilities: -2 / Skills: 6--3 / Advantages: 6 / Powers: 25 / Defenses: 5 (37)

-Bill (green) and Don (blue) are a pair of cybernetically-enhanced Lobsters who are
intensely-loyal to Gomi. It's quite clear they're smarter than the average crustacean- when
Don is crushed accidentally by Devil Dinosaur, Bill is obsessed with revenge, and snaps
down on Moon-Boy's foot- he also helps his team escape, and is capable of communicating
with Gomi and understand the language of others. So probably a bit smarter than Rin-Tin-
Tin, and even possibly Canada's Littlest Hobo ("Maybe tomorrow, I'll wanna settle down...").
The Lobsters are strong enough to toss people around, trip them, and cause a great deal of
pain by clamping down (Moon-Boy is disabled by such an attack), but aren't super-elite, and
are notably vulnerable- Gomi is concerned by them walking underfoot of PEOPLE, much
less dinosaurs.[/SIZE]

Good Boy

Post by Jabroniville » Sat Aug 19, 2017 9:38 pm

The art in this series is pretty awesome- I'll give it that. Why stick such a good artist with
such a low-caliber book?

GOOD BOY (Goodness "Good" Silva)

Created By: Zac Gorman & Will Robson
First Appearance: Great Lakes Avengers #1 (Oct. 2016).
Role: Joke Hero, Werewolf
Group Affiliation: Great Lakes Avengers
PL 7 (115)
Athletics 3 (+5/+10)
Deception 2 (+4)
Expertise (Survival) 4 (+5)
Intimidation 5 (+7)
Perception 5 (+6)
Stealth 3 (+8)

Fast Grab, Ranged Attack 2, Startle

Enhanced Strength 5 [10]
Enhanced Stamina 4 [8]
Enhanced Agility 2 [4]
Enhanced Advantages 4: All-Out Attack, Great Endurance, Improved Critical (Natural
Weapons), Improved Trip [4]

"Animal Senses" Senses 8 (Acute & Extended Scent, Low-Light Vision, Scent-Tracking,
Ultra & Extended Hearing, Infra & Ultravision) [8]
"Detect Mental State" Mind-Reading 4 (Flaws: Limited to Emotions, Limited to Surface
Emotions) [2]
"Detect Physical State" Senses 2 (Detect Injuries/Health Problems, Acute) [2]
"Animal Physiology" Speed 3 (16 mph) [3]

"Nigh-Unkillable" Regeneration 8 (Feats: Regrow Limbs) [9]

Unarmed +7 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Werewolf +7 (+7 Damage, DC 22)
Initiative +3 (+5 By Night)

Dodge +7 (DC 17), Parry +7 (DC 17), Toughness +3 (+7 By Night), Fortitude +4 (+8 By
Night), Will +4

Prejudice (Werewolf)- Few people on either side of the law trust lycanthropes overly-much.
Power Loss (Regeneration)- Several objects can cause Werewolf regenerative power to not
work. Silver and Magical attacks are chief among them- both affect Good Boy normally.

Total: Abilities: 40 / Skills: 22--11 / Advantages: 8 / Powers: 50 / Defenses: 6 (115)

-"Good Boy" hails from the new Great Lakes Avengers book- she's an otaku living with her
brother Lucky- both are actually werewolves. When her brother is hurt by some supervillains
working for a guy named Dick Snerd, she assaults him and joins the GLA. She later comes
up with the plan to kill a bad guy, by having Mr. Immortal teleport himself inside the body of
Dr. Nod (thanks to Doorman's powers) and punch him in the heart.

Post by Jabroniville » Sun Jul 09, 2017 11:06 am

Created By: John Freeman & Brian Williamson
First Appearance: Shadow Riders #1 (June 1993)
Role: Techno-Biker
Group Affiliations: The Shadow Riders
PL 8 (159)

Expertise (Mercenary) 4 (+5)
Insight 4 (+7)
Intimidation 4 (+6)
Investigation 2 (+6)
Perception 3 (+6)
Technology 3 (+5)
Vehiciles 6 (+10)

Close Attack, Equipment 7 (Arsenal of Guns, Super-Bike- Motorcycle +2 Toughness &
Morph- Regular Bike), Ranged Attack 4, Teamwork

Immunity 1 (Sleep) [1]
Senses 1 (Communication Link- Vorin) [1]

"Reptilian Physiology"
Movement 1 (Slithering) [2]
"Tail" Extra Limb [1]
Immunity 1 (Poison) [1]
"Camouflage" Concealment 2 (Visuals) (Flaws: Blending) [2]

"Power Leech" Affliction 10 (Fort; Impaired/Disabled/Transformed to Powerless) (Extras:

Cumulative) (Inaccurate -1) [19]
Linked to
Variable 5 (Leeched Powers) (Extras: Ranged, Affects Others Only +0) (Flaws: Limited to
Powers Leeched By Affliction, Limited to Length of Affliction) [30]

Unarmed +8 (+3 Damage, DC 18)
Leech Powers +6 (+10 Affliction, DC 25)
Guns +8 (+4-6 Ranged Damage, DC 19-21)
Initiative +3

Dodge +7 (DC 17), Parry +7 (DC 17), Toughness +9, Fortitude +9, Will +5

Enemy (Mys-Tech)

Total: Abilities: 68 / Skills: 26--13 / Advantages: 13 / Powers: 57 / Defenses: 8 (159)

-Goodfellow acts as Vorin's familiar and chief aide- a large, slithering Reptile-Man, he is
smarter and wiser than the others, and packs the incredible power to "Leech" powers from
one person to another.

Gorgeous George

Post by Jabroniville » Wed Nov 18, 2020 12:31 am

Created By: Peter David & Larry Stroman
First Appearance: X-Factor #75 (Feb. 1992)
Role: Stretch-Guy
Group Affiliations: The Nasty Boys
PL 9 (136)

Athletics 4 (+8)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 2 (+10)
Close Combat (Tar) 2 (+10)
Deception 3 (+4)
Intimidation 6 (+7)
Perception 3 (+4)
Stealth 2 (+6)

Fast Grab, Improved Grab, Improved Hold, Improved Initiative, Power Attack

"Mutant Powers: Tar-Like Body"
Elongation 6 (500 feet) [6]
Immunity 10 (Falling Damage, Entrapment Effects) [10]

"Softened Form" Protection 2 (Extras: Impervious Toughness 8) (Flaws: Limited to Physical

Attacks) (5) -- [6]

 AE: "Hardened Form" Protection 4 (4)

"Sticky Skin"
Affliction 8 (Strength; Hindered & Vulnerable/Defenseless & Immobile) (Extras: Extra
Condition, Cumulative, Contagious) (Flaws: Limited Degree) [24]
Movement 1 (Wall-Crawling) [2]
Insubstantial 1 (Feats: Selective) [6]
Regeneration 10 (Feats: Regrowth) [11]

Unarmed +10 (+4 Damage, DC 19)
Sticky Skin +10 (+8 Affliction, DC 18)
Initiative +8

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +10 (DC 20), Toughness +4 (+8 Hardened, +6 Softened, +4
Impervious), Fortitude +7, Will +3

Motivation (Mr. Sinister's Orders)
Prejudice (Obvious Mutant)- A big purple bat-like dude, "Gorgeous" George is anything but,
and cannot pass for a normal human.

Total: Abilities: 44 / Skills: 20--10 / Advantages: 5 / Powers: 65 / Defenses: 12 (136)

-Gorgeous George (named after the fabled early-gimmick wrestler from the '50s and '60s)
was an ironically-named tar-like guy, basically taking the cool base powers of the Morlocks
side-character "Tar Baby" and turning it into a solid PL 9-level guy. He used his powers to
try and choke Strong Guy by entering his lungs, for example. And once got so drunk that he
forgot how long his arms were supposed to be, leaving them extra-long. He disappeared once
Peter David left X-Factor, even skipping out on the one-off appearances by his old
teammates, until randomly turning up running a drug lab with Hairbag & Slab. They were
creating and selling Mutant Growth Hormone out of a lab when Psylocke crashed it, swiftly
defeating all three villains. He was apparently killed at the hands of the reborn Upstarts in a
recent story.

-Gorgeous George did some Mr. Fantastic-type stuff in addition to being sticky, and it could
protect him from damage (in Soft Form he's Impervious, but in Hard Form he's tougher).
He'd have been a decent villain if they bothered to put some work into it, but even Peter
David wasn't up to the challenge.


Post by Jabroniville » Mon Jun 04, 2018 2:30 am

THE GORGON (Tomi Shishido)
Created By: Mark Millar & John Romita, Jr.
First Appearance: Wolverine #20 (2004)
Role: Evil Cult Leader
Group Affiliations: HYDRA, The Hand, Dawn of the White Light, H.A.M.M.E.R., The
Dark Avengers
PL 14 (253)

Acrobatics 6 (+11)
Athletics 6 (+12)
Deception 5 (+8)
Expertise (Art) 2 (+9)
Expertise (Criminal) 5 (+12)
Expertise (Science) 2 (+9)
Insight 2 (+5)
Intimidation 4 (+7)
Perception 2 (+5)
Stealth 2 (+7)
Technology 2 (+9)

Accurate Attack, Benefit 4 (Wealth/Position), Chokehold, Equipment 4 (Sword, Personal
Teleportation Device), Improved Critical (Sword), Improved Smash, Ranged Attack 3,
Startle, Takedown

"Gorgon's Gaze" Affliction 14 (Fort; Fatigued & Impaired/Defenseless &
Disabled/Transformed to Stone & Unaware) (Extras: Continuous +3, Extra Condition,
Perception Range +2) (Flaws: Sight-Dependent) [84]
"Healing Factor" Regeneration 8 (Feats: Regrow Limbs) [9]
"Blind-Fighting" Senses 3 (Accurate Psychic Sense) [3]

"Combat Telepathy"
Mind-Reading 5 [10]
Enhanced Fighting 2 [4]

Unarmed +12 (+6 Damage, DC 21)
Combat Telepathy +14 (+6 Damage, DC 21)
Katana +12 (+8 Damage, DC 23)
Combat Telepathy Katana +14 (+8 Damage, DC 23)
Gorgon's Gaze -- (+14 Perception-Ranged Affliction, DC 24)
Initiative +5

Dodge +12 (DC 22), Parry +12 (+14 Combat Telepathy, DC 22-24), Toughness +6, Fortitude
+8, Will +7

Drawbacks (Permanent Power)- The Gorgon cannot turn off his "Gorgon's Gaze" power, and
must always wear dark sunglasses or else freeze everyone around him in stone. He also must
be careful to avoid looking in a mirror, as his own gaze works on him.
Responsibility (Arrogant)- Tomi is conceited due to his own innate intelligence- he even has
trouble taking REED RICHARDS seriously as an intellect.

Total: Abilities: 94 / Skills: 38--19 / Advantages: 17 / Powers: 110 / Defenses: 13 (253)

-The Gorgon is/was a Wolverine foe created in 2004 as a new Elite Nemesis for Logan, who
often ran out of guys that weren't either Sabretooth or hyper-dated to the '90s. He's a mutant
who can turn people to stone, but is also a ruthless terrorist leader with ties to both HYDRA
AND The Hand, having impressed them all with his ruthlessness. He brainwashed Logan into
going on a murderous rampage (temporarily killing Northstar), but Logan managed to reflect
Gorgon's own gaze back at him using his Claws, then shattered his stone body. He was
quickly resurrected (well, he's related to The Hand, what'd you expect?) and killed Phobos-
the son of Ares, and stole the fabled sword "Grasscutter".

-He went on to be... well, pretty much just some background guy, dealing with the various
nefarious organizations in the Marvel Universe, and joining Norman Osborn's second Dark
Avengers as "Dark Wolverine". His group was beaten when Skaar revealed himself to be a
double agent, and summoned The Avengers for a smackdown. He later appears as a
backgrounder in Secret Empire, working under Captain America's HYDRA- he temporarily
disables Hercules, turning him to stone, but that's it.

-I personally just find it kinda weird they made a guy called "The Gorgon" when the semi-
prominent Inhumans have a "Gorgon" on the team as well. It got weirder when the Inhumans
got their huge "Screw the X-Men!" push.

-The Gorgon's weird grab-bag of powers makes him look like the kind of guy created in the
margins of a 13-year-old boy's school notes- he swipes Mister X's Combat Telepathy, plus
adds in a Medusa Stare, super-fighting skills and Blind-Senses. Oh yeah, and he's apparently
got Mutant Smartness, even though he doesn't actually build anything or do anything
scientific- he's just a Child Prodigy. He's PL 10-11 in close combat, but has a nasty PL 14
Affliction at Perception Range, making him positively LETHAL. However, he both has to
meet eyes with the enemy to use it, AND he can potentially be hit by it himself, so he doesn't
often use it (also, it would end every fight instantly, which is sort of why YOU DON'T GIVE


Post by Jabroniville » Tue Feb 16, 2021 10:47 pm

Who shifts from "Kinda-ugly bulky dude" to "Hot Guy" as often as Gorgon does?

Created By: Stan Lee & Jack Kirby
First Appearance: Fantastic Four #44 (Nov. 1965)
Role: Team Jobber, Angry Guy, Powerhouse, Sufferer of the Worf Effect (ie. supposed to be
bad-ass, but gets regular ass-kickings)
PL 11 (137)

Athletics 2 (+11)
Expertise (Animal Handling) 4 (+4)
Intimidation 8 (+8)
Expertise (Inhuman Soldier) 8 (+8)
Perception 4 (+5)
Vehicles 4 (+6)

All-Out Attack, Diehard, Equipment (Big Mace +1), Fast Grab, Great Endurance, Improved
Initiative, Power Attack, Precise Attack (Close/Concealment), Rallying Cry, Ranged Attack
8, Startle

"Terrigen Mist-Given Powers: Super-Powered Legs"
Immunity 5 (Falling Damage) (Flaws: Limited to Half-Effect) [3]
Senses 1 (Low-Light Vision) [1]
Leaping 6 (500 feet) [6]

"Seismic Stomp" Damage 11 (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst) (Flaws: Limited to Grounded
Targets) (11) -- [13]

 AE: "Massive Kick" Strength-Damage +3 (Feats: Improved Critical 3, Penetrating 5)

(Drawbacks: Inaccurate) (10)
 AE: "Seismic Trip" Affliction 11 (Dodge; Hindered/Prone) (Extras: Area- 60ft. Burst
+2) (Flaws: Limited Degree, Instant Recovery, Limited to Grounded Targets) Linked
to Damage 5 (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst) (Flaws: Limited to Objects) (11)

Unarmed +10 (+9 Damage, DC 24)
Massive Kick +8 (+12 Damage, DC 27)
Big Mace +10 (+10 Damage, DC 25)
Seismic Stomp +11 Area (+11 Damage, DC 26)
Seismic Trip +11 Area (+11 Affliction, DC 21)
Initiative +7

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +10 (DC 20), Toughness +9, Fortitude +9, Will +7

Responsibility (Protect the Royal Family of Attilan)
Weakness (Pollutants & Toxins)- Inhumans cannot survive for long in Earth's atmosphere
without regular applications of a Serum.
Responsibility (Temper)

Total: Abilities: 68 / Skills: 30--15 / Advantages: 18 / Powers: 23 / Defenses: 13 (137)

-Next up of The Inhuman Royal Family is Gorgon, who could politely be described as the
"Jobber" of the family. Despite looking pretty cool (mostly nowadays- his original Kirby
design is a little weak), he's usually the first guy in the family to take up arms against
somebody, and the first one to get knocked on his ass. He's TOUGH, don't get me wrong, but
he's a little out of his weight class going against Thing-types. This leads to him being "Just
Another Guy" most of the time, though the Paul Jenkins/Jae Lee Inhumans series showed him
as the official trainer of Royal Guards, and an effective one. Jae Lee's serious, dour look for
the character was a big improvement, too. There was a brief bit in the '80s where he
romanced Medusa's attendant Minxi (to the chagrin of Karnak, who liked her, too), but this
didn't go forward. He's so minor that he was mutated into a more Minotaur-like appearance
after being captured and re-exposed to the Terrigent Mists, but this is later dropped without
explanation! AND he gets a son or two introduced without any word of a mother, and they're
all ignored by other stories.

-Just look at War of Kings, where he's up there at the Royal Wedding of Crystal & Ronan the
Accuser (long story), fighting off the Shi'ar Imperial Guard, and he gets his leg blown clean
off by Smasher (or the Wildfire rip-off. I think it was Smasher, though), who then gets his
neck snapped by Karnak. So Gorgon spends the entire rest of the cross-over sitting on the
sidelines as his leg is reattached using space-tech. Other Inhumans stuff (involving them
ruling the Kree) simply has him kicking around, leading Inhuman War Parties against various
threats, and grunting along, but he never really gets to do anything important. It wasn't until
the modern Inhumans push that he got a bigger role, as his old job as "Trainer of New
Inhumans" suddenly becomes a LOT more relevant. However, he ends up crippled somehow
in the gap between Secret Wars and now (seriously- even Wikipedia was like "they don't
explain it" until he was shown being shot through the spine by Lineage), almost self-
consciously aping Professor Xavier to the new class of NuHumans. Finally, his spine is
healed by a new recruit named Panacea.

-So Gorgon stats up pretty nice, being a PL 10 most of the time- 9.5 on Defense and with his
somewhat-inaccurate Kick power. He uses that a lot, but can also alternate to a heavy-duty
powerful "Shockwave", capable of wiping out city streets and whoever's standing on them.
That Shockwave makes him a PL 11, but usually he's an under-pointed PL 9.5/10 guy.

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Joined: Fri Nov 04, 2016 8:05 pm

Gorilla Girl

Post by Jabroniville » Fri Sep 01, 2017 10:40 pm

"You're leaving?"
"Yeah. I'm young, I'm black, I'm a girl, no one has heard of me, and I turn into a gorilla. Of
course I'm leaving. Otherwise I'll be the first to die."

GORILLA GIRL (Fahnbullah Eddy, aka Gorilla Woman)

Created By: Steven Grant & Pat Broderick
First Appearance: Marvel Team-Up #91 (March 1980)
Role: Background Character
Group Affiliations: The Initiative, The Freaks
PL 7 (78)

Athletics 4 (+10)
Deception 2 (+3)
Expertise (Soldier) 2 (+3)
Intimidation 4 (+5)
Perception 3 (+4)
Stealth 1 (+5)

Fast Grab, Improved Critical (Unarmed), Improved Hold, Ranged Attack 2, Startle

"Animal Senses" Senses 3 (Acute & Extended Scent, Low-Light Vision) [3]
"Ape Strength & Long Arms" Strength-Damage +1 (Feats: Reach) [2]
Protection 1 [1]
Enhanced Strength 5 [10]
Enhanced Stamina 4 [8]

Unarmed +7 (+1 Damage, DC 16)
Gorilla Form +7 (+7 Damage, DC 22)
Initiative +4

Dodge +7 (DC 17), Parry +7 (DC 17), Toughness +2 (+7 Gorilla Form), Fortitude +2 (+6
Gorilla Form), Will +4

Responsibility (The Avengers Initiative)

Total: Abilities: 34 / Skills: 16--8 / Advantages: 6 / Powers: 24 / Defenses: 6 (78)

-Gorilla Girl started out as a member of a band of circus freaks controlled by a villain and
sent against Spider-Man (who must've been longing for the days of The Circus of Crime),
and literally spent more than twenty years on the shelf before being recruited to The Initiative
after Penance/Speedball beat the hell out of her. She got used afterwards during the goofy
Marvel Apes thing, and saved her entire team by setting time right in a sacrifice play in the
Marvel Zombies universe. She's hardly-impressive as a powerhouse, and is ludicrously-cheap
for a superhero, but a PL 7 Gorilla still can't be shaken off so easily.

Gorilla-Man (Hale)

Post by Jabroniville » Wed Dec 07, 2022 8:32 pm

GORILLA-MAN I (Kenneth Hale)
Created By: Robert Q. Sale
First Appearance: Men's Adventures #26 (March 1954)
Role: Talking Gorilla
Group Affiliations: The Agents of Atlas, The Avengers (1950s), The Howling Commandos
PL 9 (127)

Acrobatics 4 (+7)
Athletics 3 (+9)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 3 (+11)
Expertise (Survival) 6 (+9)
Insight 3 (+6)
Intimidation 6 (+8)
Investigation 3 (+6)
Perception 4 (+7)

Benefit (Ambidexterity), Diehard, Equipment 4 (Guns, Knives), Extraordinary Effort, Fast
Grab, Improved Critical (Guns), Improved Hold, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 6, Startle,
Ultimate Strength Check

Immunity 1 (Aging) [1]
"Animal Senses" Senses 3 (Acute & Extended Scent, Low-Light Vision) [3]
"Ape Strength & Long Arms" Strength-Damage +1 (Feats: Reach) [2]
Features 1: May Use Feet As Hands [1]
Protection 1 [1]

Unarmed +11 (+6 Damage, DC 21)
Guns +10 (+6 Ranged Damage, DC 21)
Initiative +10

Dodge +11 (DC 21), Parry +11 (DC 21), Toughness +7, Fortitude +8, Will +7

Prejudice (Talking Ape)- Kenneth is permanently-stuck in ape form.

Total: Abilities: 68 / Skills: 30--15 / Advantages: 19 / Powers: 8 / Defenses: 17 (127)

-Full confession time: I don't find the idea of talking apes to be nearly as funny as apparently
95% of the comic-book audience does. It's like... okay, it talks. That's unexpected and a bit
amusing. But THEN what? Just being a talking animal does not a great character make. It's
just the subject of a five-minute Saturday Night Live gag. Cripes, that's like the joke in

-The Gorilla-Man debuted in a 1950s "Adventure" story, back when comics like that were
popular and extremely-common (Martin Goodman's company, being a bunch of copycats
who would alter their entire line to suit the hot new gimmick, was of course on board). I
mean it was such an Adventure story it was literally in a book called Men's Adventure.
Kenneth Hale was a soldier of fortune who slew a Gorilla-Man, hearing that doing so would
make him immortal. It was apparently true... except he also BECAME a Gorilla-Man
himself! Retcons have placed him as a jungle guide to the original X-Men, and he rejoined
the Agents of Atlas in modern times after having teamed with them in the 1950s.

-Later stories saw him join Nick Fury's Howling Commandos (a Monster-based team in a
book that could not POSSIBLY have been intended to have a long, successful run- I refuse to
believe that anybody thought it would last). He's sort of an "Everyman/Snarker" guy, as I
recall, making snide remarks about stuff. He suddenly appeared in Jason Aaron's Avengers
story as one of many "Side" heroes who allied with the team in a support role- Blade and an
infant version of Man-Thing were a major element here, but Hale was a big part of the
background... and it was revealed somehow that he was actually loyal to DRACULA, who'd
formed a whole "Vampire Superteam"! But then the villains were beaten and Gorilla-Man's
stake in things was glossed over.

-Gorilla-Man is pretty capable in a fight, especially once he starts using machine guns with
various limbs. Still just a PL 9 Blaster with good physical stats and reliant on equipment,

Gorilla-Man (Nagan)

Post by Jabroniville » Mon Feb 20, 2017 11:12 pm

GORILLA-MAN II (Dr. Arthur Nagan)

Created By: Bob Powell
First Appearance: Mystery Tales #21 (Sept. 1954)
Role: Jobber Villain
Group Affiliations: The Headmen, The Lethal Legion
PL 7 (57)

Athletics 1 (+7)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 3 (+8)
Intimidation 6 (+6)
Perception 3 (+3)
Treatment 7 (+12)

Extraordinary Effort, Fast Grab, Improved Hold, Startle

"Animal Senses" Senses 3 (Acute & Extended Scent, Low-Light Vision) [3]
"Ape Strength & Long Arms" Strength-Damage +1 (Feats: Reach) [2]
Protection 1 [1]

Unarmed +8 (+6 Damage, DC 21)
Initiative +0

Dodge +7 (DC 17), Parry +7 (DC 17), Toughness +7, Fortitude +6, Will +3

Motivation (Greed)
Prejudice (Obvious Superhuman)- Dr. Nagan's head is permanently attached to the body of a

Total: Abilities: 26 / Skills: 20--10 / Advantages: 4 / Powers: 7 / Defenses: 10 (57)

-Dr. Nagan was an evil surgeon who transplanted organs from gorillas into human beings, but
in a twist that could only happen in a comic book, he was attacked by the gorillas, who
transplanted his head onto a gorilla's body in punishment. He appeared frequently with the
Headmen for a few years, and definitely gets used the most outside of the group, since he has
the iconic appearance of a dude's head on a gorilla's body- writers & artists kind of enjoy the
raw silliness of the character more than the others, so you'll see him in the Negative Zone
Prison 42, breaking out of The Raft during Fear Itself (losing to Justice), jobbing to Captain
Ultra during a hostage situation, and more. Despite that, he's mostly just a background guy,
often appearing in cameos, even while being defeated by heroes- practically a "Background
Villain" there to be an identifiable guy to get beaten by somebody. He shares the name with a
character that later became bigger thanks to Agents of Atlas.


Post by Jabroniville » Fri Aug 25, 2017 5:59 pm

Created By: John Byrne
First Appearance: The Fantastic Four #271 (Oct. 1984)
Role: Huge Monster, Wannabe Conqueror
PL 11 (144)

Expertise (Science) 4 (+6)
Intimidation 8 (+8, +12-18 Size)
Technology 2 (+6)

Power Attack, Withstand Damage

Growth 8 (Str & Sta +8, +8 Mass, +4 Intimidation, -4 Dodge/Parry, +1 Speed, -8 Stealth) --
(24 feet) (Feats: Innate) (Extras: Permanent +0) [17]
Growth +12 (Flaws: Limited to Sheer Size, Intimidation & Reach Only) [12]

"Supreme Durability"
Protection 2 (Extras: Impervious 19) [21]
Immunity 20 (Energy Damage) [20]
Regeneration 4 [4]

Unarmed +10 (+12 Damage, DC 27)
Initiative -1

Dodge +6 (DC 16), Parry +6 (DC 16), Toughness +16 (+10 Impervious), Fortitude +14, Will

Involuntary Transformation (Hugeness)- Gormuu grows whenever struck by energy, but does
not gain mass. This means that he does not gain the additional advantages of Growth, such as
higher stats. If hit with too much, he will disperse atomically.

Total: Abilities: 46 / Skills: 14--7 / Advantages: 2 / Powers: 74 / Defenses: 15 (144)

-Gormuu was retconned into the FF's history by John Byrne, who created him as a Kirby-
Monster-Homaging foe for a pre-Mr. Fantastic Reed Richards, who had to use his head to
overcome Gormuu's high resistance, which allowed him to be unaffected by every weapon
used against him. Gormuu flew in a spacecraft down to Earth (which, remember, had very
few superhuman defenders post-WWII and pre-FF), and decided that humanity would be
easy to conquer- Reed caused him to disperse across the universe. He's durable enough to
take almost any kind of damage used by Earth weapons (though a nuke would probably
work), and is smart enough to fly around the cosmos in a spaceship.

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Post by Jabroniville » Fri Oct 20, 2017 1:11 am

Created By: Jason Aaron & Esad Ribic
First Appearance: Thor- God of Thunder #2 (Jan. 2013)
Role: One-Shot Villain, God-Slayer
PL 16 (193)

Expertise (Science) 10 (+20)
Expertise (Theology) 10 (+20)
Intimidation 7 (+11)
Perception 5 (+10)
Technology 10 (+20)

Chokehold, Diehard, Fearless, Favored Foe (Gods), Improved Initiative 2, Power Attack,
Quick Draw, Ranged Attack 6, Seize Initiative, Startle

Senses 2 (Darkvision) [2]

"All-Black The Necrosword" (Flaws: Easily Removable) (Feats: Unbreakable) [32]

Flight 10 (2,000 mph) (Flaws: Winged) (10)
"Shroud of Darkness" Concealment (Vision) 2 (Extras: Attack, Area- 30ft. Burst) (8)

"Magical Weapons" Strength-Damage +10 (Feats: Improved Critical 4, Reach 5) (Extras:

Penetrating 14) (33)
-- (51 points)

Unarmed +12 (+10 Damage, DC 25)
Magical Weapons +12 (+20 Damage, DC 35)
Initiative +13

Dodge +12 (DC 22), Parry +12 (DC 22), Toughness +18, Fortitude +18, Will +8

Obsession (Killing Gods)- Blaming impartial Gods for the deaths of his family, Gorr is
devoted to exterminating all of them.

Total: Abilities: 112 / Skills: 42--21 / Advantages: 16 / Powers: 34 / Defenses: 10 (193)

-Gorr the God-Slayer (obviously unrelated to Gorr the Golden Gorilla) is another Jason
Aaron creation, and grew up on a barren faraway planet, having lost his mate and children.
Initially he'd thought that gods didn't exist, but when he found out that they DID, and that
they were of no help to his people, he became enraged. Gaining a deathweapon called All-
Black The Necrosword (which, naturally, is a construct from his dead son), he went on a
God-killing rampage, but was halted by a group of vikings when they came to the rescue of a
young Thor in medieval Iceland. Gorr retreats, but comes back with an army of "Shadow
Berserkers" and quietly kills off more gods across space. He teleports Thor into the future
(where an older Thor is the last remaining God against the Shadow Berserkers), but his son,
who despises what his father has turned into, allows Thor to absorb the Necrosword's blast.
Thor then uses two Mjolnirs to kill Gorr.

-All-Black The Necrosword apparently "carved the first dawn from the stone of the endless
night" and gives him a variety of powers that can even kill Gods. At PL 16, he's so tough that
Thor had to try ultra-hard to beat him (and need a cheat from Gorr's son), and he has an army
of Shadow Monsters that fight on his behalf, too. He's also apparently quite smart, as he
attempts to build a "Godbomb" that can kill all the world's Gods.


Post by Jabroniville » Sat Mar 04, 2017 8:23 pm


Created By: Roy Thomas & George Perez
First Appearance: The Fantastic Four #171 (1976)
Role: Powerhouse
PL 11 (119)
Athletics 2 (+11)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 3 (+11)
Expertise (Science) 8 (+14)
Intimidation 10 (+10, +16 Growth)
Perception 4 (+6)
Stealth 2 (+5)
Technology 8 (+14)
Vehicles 5 (+6)

All-Out Attack, Diehard, Extraordinary Effort, Fast Grab, Fearless, Improved Critical
(Unarmed), Improved Hold, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 4, Startle, Ultimate Strength

"Animal Senses" Senses 3 (Acute & Extended Scent, Low-Light Vision) [3]
"Ape Arms" Strength-Damage +0 (Feats: Reach) [1]

"Grows to Giant-Size on Earth that one time"

Growth 4 (Str & Sta +4, +4 Mass, +2 Intimidation, -2 Dodge/Parry, -4 Stealth) -- (12 feet) [9]
Growth +8 (+12 Mass, +6 Intimidation, -6 Dodge/Parry, +1 Speed, -12 Stealth) -- (48 feet)
(Flaws: Limited to Non-ST & STA Increases) [8]
Reduced Fighting -1 [-2]
Reduced Intelligence -6 [-12]

Unarmed +11 (+9 Damage, DC 24)
Full Size +9 (+13 Damage, DC 28)
Initiative +3

Dodge +9 (DC 19), Parry +10 (DC 20), Toughness +10, Fortitude +10, Will +4
"Full Size" Dodge +3 (DC 13), Parry +4 (DC 14), Toughness +14, Fortitude +14, Will +4

Prejudice (Freak)- The New Men are all animal-hybrids, and cannot pass for ordinary.
Vulnerable (Fire)

Total: Abilities: 82 / Skills: 30--15 / Advantages: 14 / Powers: 7 / Defenses: 10 (75)

-Gorr is an agent of the High Evolutionary on Counter-Earth, and pretty much just looks like
a golden gorilla, and skipped out on all that "Armour and Weapons" junk and grew super-
huge and kicked ass. It was claimed that his Growth power only came in to play because of
Earth's oxygen levels, though this makes little sense (Counter-Earth is basically just like
regular Earth), but since we haven't seen this guy in years, it doesn't really matter.


Post by Jabroniville » Mon Jan 23, 2017 11:45 pm

Created By: Louise Simonson & Bret Blevins
First Appearance: The New Mutants #66 (Aug. 1988)
Role: One-Off Character, Alien Jailbait
PL 7 (106)

Athletics 4 (+4)
Deception 4 (+8)
Insight 6 (+8)
Perception 2 (+4)


"Pheromones" Affliction 7 (Fort; Entranced/Compelled/Controlled Emotions) (Extras: Area-
30ft. Cloud +2, Cumulative, Sustained +2) [43]
"Wrapped in Invisible Wings" Concealment 2 (Visuals) [4]
"Wings" Flight 2 (8 mph) (Flaws: Gliding) [2]

Unarmed +4 (+0 Damage, DC 15)
Pheromones +7 Area (+7 Affliction, DC 17)
Initiative +3

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +6 (DC 16), Toughness +2, Fortitude +4, Will +4

Motivation (Sowing Discord & Gaining Dominance)- It's the nature of Gosamyr's species to
emotionally-manipulate everyone around them in order to establish dominance, eventually
taking over.

Total: Abilities: 34 / Skills: 24--12 / Advantages: 0 / Powers: 49 / Defenses: 11 (106)

-I have so little memory of this storyline it's crazy- I kinda glossed-over a lot of the Simonson
era of The New Mutants. All I remember is this cleavage-baring young faerie alien girl
showing up with the team, leading them on yet another Interdimensional New Mutants
Adventure, having Sam & Bobby lust over her, and then meeting her gigantic family
members. I felt a bit creeped-out by a Miss Fanservice character looking all of 14 years old
(Bret Blevins drew ALL the kids like they were pre-teen babies instead of 16-year-olds,
which made it disturbing if one of them got sexied-up). She's basically part of a race that
wishes to take over various worlds using their Empathic Pheromones, but her family was
forfeited to Spyder, an evil alien businessman. When Lila Cheney is kidnapped by Spyder as
well, in came the New Mutants, who ally with Gosamyr.

-Gosamyr then starts causing conflict amongst the group as a method of establishing
dominance (gee, I know ZERO women like that...), which soon causes Magik to go all
demonic and Rhane admit that she likes Cannonball, and soon the whole team is fighting-
Magik breaks the enchantment with her Soulsword (I guess it's Magical in nature), and they
now keep her as a prisoner. The kids are captured by Spyder, who unleashes Gosamyr's
parents- the adult stage of their species are titanic, Solar System-destroying worm-monsters,
and he wants to use their bodies as textiles (???)- Lila Cheney teleports them and herself into
the Sun, orphaning Gosamyr. However, the Mutants realized quickly that since Lila can only
'Port to places she's BEEN before, then she probably has a method of escape (or else how
would she have survived being to the Sun in the first place?). She helps out after Inferno, and
even brainwashes Power Pack's parents to convince the pair of nervous-breakdown victims
that their children are normal- this was criticized in the letters column. She's ready to stay
with the Mutants, but when X-Factor's Ship recognizes her species and tries to skoosh her, it's
mutually-agreed-upon that Gosamyr should leave Earth, and she's never seen again.

Gothic Lolita

Post by Jabroniville » Sun Dec 30, 2018 2:36 pm

Created By: Adam Warren & Rick Mays
First Appearance: Livewires #1 (April 2005)
Role: Android Super-Agent
Group Affiliations: The Livewires
PL 7 (123)

Acrobatics 3 (+6)
Athletics 7 (+12)
Deception 4 (+6)
Perception 4 (+5)
Stealth 4 (+7)
Technology 2 (+4)

All-Out Attack, Fast Grab, Improved Critical (Unarmed), Improved Smash, Improvised
Weapon, Ranged Attack 4, Takedown 2

"Life Model Decoy"
Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects) [30]
Protection 7 [7]
Speed 2 (8 mph) [2]
Leaping 2 (30 feet) [2]
"Quick Repair" Regeneration 2 [2]
"Team Link" Communication 2 (Mental) (Extras: Area) (Flaws: Limited to Other Livewires)

Unarmed +7 (+7 Damage, DC 22)
Initiative +3

Dodge +7 (DC 17), Parry +7 (DC 17), Toughness +7, Fortitude --, Will +4

Vulnerable (Electrical & Magnetic Attacks)- Life Model Decoys are constructed of metals,
leaving them more vulnerable to certain types of attack.

Total: Abilities: 42 / Skills: 24--12 / Advantages: 11 / Powers: 51 / Defenses: 7 (123)

-Gothic Lolita (named for a Japanese fashion subculture that focuses around dressing like a
little girl... combined with gothic fashion. It's pretty unspeakably creepy for grown men to be
fans of it and then draw it, but that's Japan for you) is the actual muscle of the team, despite
being fairly small. I went with a PL 7 Powerhouse set-up, as the whole team obviously isn't
that elite. In the end of the series, she was shredded by being thrown into an "electromagnetic
launcher"- her fused remains are found by Stem Cell, and brought back to HQ for fixing.

Master Man (Nacht)

Post by Jabroniville » Wed Oct 14, 2020 2:48 am
MASTER MAN II (Axl Nacht, aka Gotteskrieger)
Created By: John Byrne
First Appearance: Namor the Sub-Mariner #11 (Feb. 1991)
Role: Powerhouse, Super-Racist
Group Affiliations: The Axis Mundi
PL 9 (119)

Close Combat (Unarmed) 1 (+9)
Deception 4 (+7)
Expertise (History) 3 (+5)
Expertise (Business) 8 (+10)
Intimidation 3 (+6)
Perception 3 (+5)

All-Out Attack, Chokehold, Fast Grab, Improved Critical (Unarmed) 2, Improved Hold,
Power Attack, Ranged Attack 5, Takedown

"Flying Brick Power-Set"
Flight 6 (120 mph) [12]
Speed 3 (16 mph) [3]

Unarmed +9 (+9 Damage, DC 24)
Initiative +4

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +10, Fortitude +11, Will +4

Motivation (Nazism)- Axl has been twisted by lust for Warrior Woman and admiration for
the Nazis.

Total: Abilities: 80 / Skills: 22--11 / Advantages: 9 / Powers: 15 / Defenses: 8 (119)

-A second Master Man debuted in John Byrne's Namor run in 1991. It is determined that
Baron Strucker placed both Master Man & Warrior Woman in suspended animation,
preserving the "Nazi Dream" for the future. They are revived by Axl Nacht, an evil scientist,
but Nacht betrays Master Man, revealing that he's grown obsessed with Warrior Woman
(thanks to his father, who was originally in charge of preserving the two villains). Namor
attacks the laboratory and defeats Master Man, but Nacht somehow steals the abilities for
himself. A dazed Warrior Woman returns his affections (though her thoughts are still cloudy
and unstable)- the original Master Man destroys the lab, and no bodies are ever found. This
makes Nacht a one-off... until he reappeared in The New Invaders (the U.S. Agent one) as
part of the Axis Mundi. Since a new Master Man had showed up, he now has a new name and
an armored costume.

-I figure this Master Man for a PL 9 version of the elite Golden Age or modern versions, as
he's more of a two-off nobody. A good businessman, though.

1950s Cap

Post by Jabroniville » Sat Oct 10, 2020 4:40 am

CAPTAIN AMERICA IV (William Burnside, aka The Grand Director)
Created By: Steve Englehart & Sal Buscema
First Appearance: Captain America #153 (Sept. 1972)- First appeared in Young Men #24
(Dec. 1953) retroactively
Role: Retcon Hero, Crazy Mirror Image Villain
Group Affiliations: National Force
PL 12 (161)
Acrobatics 2 (+8)
Athletics 4 (+11)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 4 (+15)
Close Combat (Shield) 3 (+14)
Deception 4 (+7)
Expertise (Soldier) 3 (+5)
Expertise (Teacher) 2 (+4)
Intimidation 9 (+12)
Perception 4 (+4)
Ranged Combat (Shield) 4 (+12)
Vehicles 3 (+5)

All-Out Attack, Chokehold, Daze (Intimidation), Diehard, Equipment 3 (Assorted Gear,
Protection +1), Extraordinary Effort, Fast Grab, Great Endurance, Improved Aim, Improved
Critical 3 (Unarmed, Shield Bash, Shield Toss), Improved Defense, Improved Initiative,
Improved Trip, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 6, Startle, Takedown 2

"Super-Soldier Serum Enhancements"
Speed 3 (16 mph) [3]
Leaping 2 (30 feet) [2]
Immunity 2 (Poison, Disease) (Flaws: Limited to Half-Effect) [1]
Regeneration 2 [2]

"Rip-Off of Captain America's Mighty Shield" (Feats: Restricted to Those Trained) (Flaws:
Easily Removable) [14]
Enhanced Advantages 2: Evasion, Withstand Damage (2)
"Shield Toss" Strength-Damage +2 (Feats: Dynamic, Ricochet 3, Split 2) (Extras: Ranged 9)
(Diminished Range -1) (16) -- (19)

 Dynamic AE: "Shield Bash" Strength-Damage +3 (3)

 Dynamic AE: "Bouncing Shield" Strength-Damage +0 (Extras: Area- 30ft. Shapeable
7, Selective 7) (14)
 Dynamic AE: Enhanced Dodge 2 & Parry 2 (Extras: Sustained +0) Linked to
Enhanced Strength 2 (Flaws: Limited to Resisting Movement) (6)

-- (21 points)

Unarmed +15 (+7 Damage, DC 22)
Shield Bash +14 (+10 Damage, DC 25)
Shield Toss +12 (+9 Ranged Damage, DC 24)
Bouncing Shield +7 Area (+7 Damage, DC 22)
Initiative +10

Dodge +12 (+14 Shield, DC 24), Parry +11 (+13 Shield, DC 23), Toughness +7 (+8 Chain-
Mail), Fortitude +11, Will +5

Motivation (Patriotism)- Inspired by Captain America himself, William Burnside is devoted
to his country, though far more fanatical than the other Caps.
Responsibility/Involuntary Transformation (Insane)- The Super-Soldier Serum in his body
drove Burnside insane, and he frequently suffers from delusions or alternate personalities.

Total: Abilities: 76 / Skills: 42--21 / Advantages: 27 / Powers: 22 / Defenses: 15 (161)

The "1950s Cap":

-The "1950s Cap" as he was known for decades (nobody bothered to give him a real name
until recently) has an interesting story. See, Timely/Atlas Comics tried to renew their old
Captain America & Bucky characters in the 1950s alongside their other popular Golden Age
heroes, turning him into "Captain America- COMMIE SMASHER", but non-DC super-
heroes were kind of low-sellers compared to all the Westerns & Romance Comics of the age.
Thanks to low sales, despite scenes of Cap brutalizing Soviet agents and a Communist Red
Skull, the feature was cancelled. When Cap finally came back for real in the 1960s, it was
apparent that the "50s Cap" run never happened, as Steve was frozen in ice by the end of the
war- Stan Lee had effectively written out his own stories to tell a better one.

-Then, decades later, we got the TRUE story from Steve Englehart: those issues WERE
canon, but it wasn't Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes- just a new "Replacement Cap" who was
crazy into Rogers and decided to look and act just like him (even getting surgery for that
purpose). The government wanted to revive old heroes to fight the "Red Menace", and he &
his partner (Jack "Nomad" Monroe") went crazy thanks to some screwed-up versions of the
Super-Soldier Serum given to them- they become jingoistic racists who beat anyone simply
for having different opinions than themselves (the comparison to the political situation at the
time should be obvious). Their bosses put them in suspended animation for years- they are
thawed out by an unnamed agent who has them fight Captain America & the Falcon, but they
lose and are returned to their suspended state. Follow-up retcons explained away the two
"1945-49" Caps as well.

Racist, Crazy Cap:

-Later, writers Roger McKenzie & Jim Shooter revive the character, putting him under the
psychiatric care of the evil Dr. Faustus, who brainwashes him into becoming the white-clad
"Grand Director", leading of The National Force, a Neo-Nazi group. When the real Captain
America faces him, he undergoes a mental breakdown, realizing the perversion of the identity
of the man he respected so much- he curls into a fetal position and sets himself ablaze. And
thus, this Cap is done away with, never having gotten a real name.

-And then, with the real Steve Rogers dead in Ed Brubaker's run, the character RETURNS.
Now called William Burnside, he's been revived by Faustus & the Red Skull, healed of his
wounds, and send him against Bucky-Cap. He instead escapes and goes off on his own, but
grows disgusted with the current culture of the United States- becoming further twisted, he
joins the racist Watchdogs, and captures Bucky-Cap, forcing him to act as his Bucky,
complete with the old costume. He looks identical to Steve Rogers, but he's super-strong and
extremely aggressive, and usually more than poor Barnes can handle. He was believed dead
after Bucky shot him, but turned up as a crazed vigilante before Captain America himself
arranged for a faked-death and some mental help. Ultimately, the character was absolved of
some blame, and taken away for his own good. To probably be revived as a madman by some
OTHER writer.

-In short, the character's entire purpose is kind of to be a symbol of "Wow, the U.S. was
messed up in the '50s, huh?", as Anti-Communist fervor led to McCarthyism and other cases
of hysterical overreactions. This Cap is seen as a brutal politically-biased aggressor who
committed various horrible acts, then turned crazy to justify any kind of a story- twice now,
he's been shown to represent 1950s-style racism exaggerated into full-bore Nazi proportions,
wearing a white costume evoking the KKK.

The Super-Strong, Mega-Evil Cap:

-William Burnside is a monster- he's less well-trained than Steve Rogers, but as Bucky-Cap
himself notes: "He's stronger than Steve. And FASTER." This boosted speed allows '50s Cap
WAY more accuracy than he'd normally get (this is kind of weird for me, because I associate
"Fighting" stats with "Fighting Skill", but really, being able to hit someone before they can
hit you is the DEFINITION of a good fighter- in real life, speed and power are just as
important as technique, if not moreso), and he can bull-rush fighters on Bucky & The Black
Widow's level with ease, and does WAY more damage when he hits. He tends to go All-Out
with crushing punishment, and the PL 11 Bucky-Cap has his work cut out for him against this
PL 12 monster. I would imagine even actual Cap would have a hell of a challenge against this
guy. His only flaw is that he's "only" PL 10.5 to Parry, and PL 11 to Defense- he's a fast
fighter, but tends to walk into punches more than somebody his speed normally would.
Similarly, he needs the Shield to hit all his caps.

The Grandmaster

Post by Jabroniville » Mon Mar 07, 2022 9:33 pm

Created By: Roy Thomas & John Buscema
First Appearance: The Avengers #69 (Oct. 1969)
Role: Cosmic Gamesmaster
Group Affiliations: The Elders of the Universe
PL 17 (451)

Deception 11 (+16)
Expertise (Science) 12 (+28)
Expertise (Cosmic Lore) 9 (+25)
Expertise (Space Traveller) 6 (+22)
Expertise (Current Events) 8 (+24)
Expertise (History) 4 (+20)
Expertise (Games) 12 (+28)
Insight 6 (+12)
Intimidation 7 (+12)
Investigation 8 (+14)
Perception 10 (+16)
Persuasion 11 (+16)
Technology 12 (+28)
Vehicles 4 (+9)

Assessment, Beginner's Luck, Benefit (Elder of the Universe), Defensive Attack, Diehard,
Eidetic Memory, Equipment 20 (Space Fortress, Weird Weapons & Game Equipment), Great
Endurance, Improved Aim, Improved Critical (Cosmic Blast), Jack-of-All-Trades, Power
Attack, Ranged Attack 8, Ultimate Technology Skill, Ultimate Science Skill, Well-Informed
"The Power Primordial"
Immunity 11 (Aging, Life Support) [11]
Immortality 3 (1 week) [6]
Regeneration 6 (Feats: Regrow Limbs) [13]
Senses 1 (Communication Link- Other Elders) [1]
Force Field 14 (Extras: Impervious 13, Affects Others, Selective, Area- 30ft. Burst) [69]
Flight 10 (2,000 mph) [20]
Movement 1 (Space Travel 1) [2]

"Cosmic Mind"
Comprehend 4 (Languages 4) [8]
Movement 1 (Environmental Adaptation- Space) [2]
"Sense Energy" Senses 11 (Detect Energy- Ranged 6, Acute & Analytical, Tracking) [11]
Quickness 16 (Flaws: Limited to Mental Tasks) [8]

"Impressive Size" Growth 4 (Str & Sta +4, +4 Mass, +4 Intimidation, -2 Dodge/Parry, +1
Speed, -4 Stealth) -- (12 feet) [8]

"Restructure Matter" Transform 12 (Anything to Anything) (Feats: Increased Mass 5- 25

tons) (Extras: Continuous) (Flaws: Distracting) (65) -- [70]

 AE: Cosmic Blast 21 (Feats: Penetrating 10, Split) (53)

 AE: Movement 7 (Dimensional Travel 3, Space Travel +2, Time Travel 2) (Extras:
Portal +2) (28)
 AE: Healing 13 (Extras: Ranged, Resurrection) (52)
 AE: Teleport 15 (Extras: Extended, Accurate) (60)
 AE: "Will Death on Another" Weaken Stamina 15 (Extras: Perception Range +2) (45)

Unarmed +11 (+4 Damage, DC 19)
Growth +11 (+8 Damage, DC 23)
Cosmic Blast +13 (+21 Ranged Damage, DC 36)
Will Death -- (+15 Perception Ranged Weaken, DC 25)
Initiative +3

Dodge +12 (+10 Size, DC 22-20), Parry +12 (+10 Size, DC 22-20), Toughness +4 (+8 Size,
+22 Force Field), Fortitude +13 (+17 Size), Will +16

Obsession (Games)- The Grandmaster is pretty much straight-up obsessed with gaming-
ANY AND ALL GAMES are big things for him. He once risked (and lost) ultimate power
because Hawkeye wanted to play a game of "Draw Straws". He will generally only do things
if it involves a game of some kind.
Relationship (The Elders)- The Grandmaster takes the role of an Elder more seriously than
the others- he is a leader of sorts. He once sacrificed his life (though it was part of a plan) for
The Collector's.
Total: Abilities: 108 / Skills: 120--60 / Advantages: 42 / Powers: 232 / Defenses: 10 (451)

The Grandmaster- The Ultimate "Excuse Plot" Character:

-The Grandmaster is the most important of The Elders, and their leader as well. A big blue
man, he has one of the greatest concepts in comic book history- a Cosmic Gamesman,
devoted to perfecting and winning all the contests the world has to offer. This... is...
AMAZING- it offers up an infinite number of potential storylines, all with the easy
explanation of "It's the Grandmaster being an asshole again". Heck, it's like stories with
Arcade's Murderworld, but amplified to a cosmic scale. You can even get heroes fighting
each other, heroes fighting cosmic beings, and all sorts of manipulative nonsense, all at The
Grandmaster's hands.

-He debuted by creating the Squadron Sinister (an obvious riff on DC's Justice League- it
later inspired the Squadron Supreme in the actual comics, though the villains were said to be
"inspired" by the heroes), then moved on to the Defenders in their book. He was the central
character in Contest of Champions, this time the Excuse Plot being that EVERY HERO
EVER was assembled under one roof to play a game that may allow him to resurrect his
"brother" The Collector. The story, which was largely an excuse to showcase heroes of many
nations as part of a tie-in to the Olympics (true story: the U.S. boycotted the games and thus
the comic was cancelled... but nobody told the inker, a foreigner who'd finished all of his
work and showed up one day to hand it in! Editorial quickly scrambled and released it
anyways, albeit with some last-minute art changes because some people had switched
costumes! And then someone bungled the finish, but stating the wrong person won!). The
Grandmaster won (in actuality, he tied, but nobody caught the mistake at the time of printing)
and thus died to take his sibling's place (because Death pulled a secret end of the deal that
required a life force to be sacrificed to save his brother), but this played into his hands
anyhow, as he later took control of Death's Domain and forced both teams of Avengers to
fight for another chance at resurrection.

-The Grandmaster has a brilliant moment at the end, as he sends the Avengers after never-
ending hordes of their dead enemies and allies... but Hawkeye stones him with a request for a
simple game of chance: a game of "draw straws". Both Cap (the only other survivor on the
heroic side) and the Grandmaster are like "you ARE insane", but Hawk plays to the extremes
of the Grandmaster's obsessive personality- sure, he COULD easily defeat the heroes and
conquer the universe using his current plan... OR, he could risk everything on a single dealt
hand! What was the constant game-player to do? Well, he sweated, bit his lip... and
REACHED FOR IT!! And thus the universe was saved, if only because Hawkeye CHEATED
(also: Greatest Clint Moment Ever). And it all made perfect sense: he COULDN'T pass that
opportunity up! And it's not like he HAD to honor the deal- but the distraction his losing
caused allowed Death to break free and banish the Elders from her domain forever (which
was actually the Grandmaster's Plan B all along, so he STILL WINS).

The Grandmaster Faces Galactus & Kronus:

-Later, he leads the ten other Elders against Galactus, is eaten, then expelled- though beaten,
he retains the Mind Gem until later, when he's confronted by Thanos. The two agree upon a
game for the last Gem, but Thanos notes in his narration that the Grandmaster has wisely
cheated and made all of his "pretend" shots killing ones. But since Thanos had already
amassed the five OTHER Gems, he easily broke the rules of the game and wins.

-He gets another fine moment in JLA/Avengers- when the DC villain Krona comes calling
and nearly destroys the Marvel Universe, the Grandmaster realizes he has no chance against
this cosmic powerhouse, so stalls him by creating a "Cosmic Game" using their respective
universe's greatest heroes. A brilliant move, as it not only staves off oblivion, but puts the
heroes (ones who've repeatedly beaten him, mind you) on the case, so THEY can do it. He
and Galactus are annihilated by Krona's superior firepower, but the twelve items in the
"Scavenger Hunt" game allow him the power to trap and stall Krona AGAIN, which allows
the heroes to make a final charge that defeats him. In essence, En Dwi Gast has saved the
Omniverse, all without breaking character.

Later Grandmaster Tales:

-His later appearances are more-minor: creating a new Squadron Sinister to fight Baron
Zemo's Thunderbolts, but Zemo managed to kill him using the powers of the Universal
Wellspring. Naturally, he came back, this time playing against the Hulk- promising the
resurrection of his long-lost lady-love, Jarella. He creates the "Offenders", made up of the
enemies of Hulk's allies the original Defenders (Hulk, Dr. Strange, Namor & Silver Surfer's
enemies the Red Hulk, Baron Mordo, Tiger Shark & Terrax), but this series was largely part
of the early Wankfest that was Jeph Loeb's "Red Hulk Push". The Grandmaster is killed by
the Red Hulk, and Jarella remains dead- he of course later returns to bother Dazzler (acting
much-more immature and having a crush on her- it seems the writer wanted to make him out
to be more of a Geeky GM or something), and is still around in the post-Battleworld Earth. In
the Fraction/Allred Silver Surfer, he competes with the Surfer in poker- he proves nigh-
impossible to beat (given, you know, billions of years of experience) and things look hopeless
for our hero, but he finally raises the stakes too high- he bets the Grandmaster that he'll lose
the ability to play games if he loses... and the Grandmaster folds. It was just too much for him
to bet.

-Recently, all the Avengers teams engaged in ANOTHER game, as an old enemy arises- it
turns out that millennia ago, another Elder with a similar gimmick was around. The
Challenger was a friendly rival of his, until the Grandmaster connived to entrap him.
Angered, the Challenger returns and a massive multi-book arc of various Avengers teams
results during a huge game. A daughter is revealed- Voyager- who is set up as a fake
Avenger, rewriting their memories to make them act like she'd always been there. However,
when everything is revealed and things look hopeless, Voyager is so moved by the Avengers'
true heroism that she joins them FOR REAL, turning on her father. Apparently now it turns
out he ALSO has a sister- The Profiteer. This is a bunch of retcons all one after the other, but
to me seem fine- the guy is literally BILLIONS of years old, so has presumably gotten up to a
lot of antics we just never saw. And importantly, none of the Retcons chance who he is- the
ultimate gamer, schemer and "Excuse Plot" guy.

The Grandmaster as a Whole:

-But yeah, The Grandmaster is a fantastic character. The ultimate creator of Excuse Plots, and
he's been part of fairly-few BAD stories. He has the power to do almost anything he wants,
but almost never DOES, as he wants to watch the little people fight for him- a great concept
that keeps him fairly-consistent. And his obsession can be used AGAINST him (as Hawkeye
proved), and his by-the-book nature makes him relatively-easy to befuddle for such a
powerful being. Phenomenal Cosmic Power always works best if you have an "out".

The Grandmaster's Powers:

-The Grandmaster is also the highest-powered Elder, able to defeat guys like The Silver
Surfer by himself, and even cast a powerful enough something-or-other to hold DEATH at
bay until his concentration was broken. I have no idea what the hell THAT was, but it was
certainly impressive. He's a pretty good fighter (his own games require a lot of shooting &
fighting at times), and dishes out a hell of a lot of power with his Cosmic Energy- hitting PL
17 altogether. He can handily kill people at Perception Range, Heat them, transform stuff like
a Herald, think at astonishing speeds, grow a little, detect stuff, fly, and use super-powerful
Force Fields to make up for his own lower durability (and note he can still Regenerate).

The Grappler

Post by Jabroniville » Tue Feb 21, 2017 4:04 am

THE GRAPPLER (Real Name Unknown)

Created By: David Anthony Kraft & Michael Vosburgh
First Appearance: She-Hulk #18 (July 1981)
Role: Jobber Villain
Group Affiliations: None
PL 6 (79)

Deception 5 (+7)
Expertise (Stock Broker) 4 (+7)
Expertise (Criminal) 2 (+5)
Expertise (Leverage) 8 (+11)
Insight 3 (+4)
Perception 4 (+5)
Ranged Combat (Snare) 4 (+4)
Technology 2 (+5)

Equipment 4 (Remote-Controlled Plane), Fast Grab, Improved Hold, Prone Fighting

"Battle Staff" (Flaws: Easily Removable -2) [5]
"Cable Coil" Snare 6 (Feats: Tether) (Flaws: Limited to One Target -2) (Diminished Range -
1) (7 points)

 AE: "Blunt Impact" Strength-Damage +2 (2)

 AE: Movement 1 (Swinging) (2)
 AE: "Leverage" Power Lifting 7 (12 tons) (Flaws: Skill Required- Leverage) (3.5)

Unarmed +7 (+3 Damage, DC 18)
Staff Strike +7 (+5 Damage, DC 20)
Cable Coil +4 (+6 Ranged Affliction, DC 16)
Initiative +3

Dodge +6 (DC 16), Parry +7 (DC 17), Toughness +2, Fortitude +4, Will +1

Motivation (Greed)- The Grappler is a stock broker obsessed with gaining leverage over
others, and as such will use blackmail and other means to these means.

Total: Abilities: 44 / Skills: 32--16 / Advantages: 7 / Powers: 5 / Defenses: 7 (79)

-A two-time She-Hulk villain, The Grappler was never meant to be taken seriously- he's a
dumb-looking guy using a steel cable as a weapon. Despite this, he's apparently an Olympic-
class wrestler- this only merits a PL 6 guy, though. His Battle Staff has some typical tricks- a
VERY poor Snare (allowing a Tether but with less range than normal, and it can only Snare
one target), a Blunt Strike, Swinging, and a unique aspect- the ability to apply "Leverage" to
something- his mastery of it allows him to tip over or move things that should probably be
impossible. A minor trick, but a unique one. Pretty much the exact sort of guy Scourge
should be offing.

The Grapplers

Post by Jabroniville » Tue Aug 22, 2017 8:43 am

Still blows my mind that they made the early "Screaming Mimi" design look cool.

-The Grapplers were a group of female fighters inspired in part by the Gorgeous Ladies of
Wrestling, a fly-by-night promotion by a dirtbag promoter that became very famous and
highly-rated for a short period of time before flaming out- it's since been the source of a
Netflix TV series featuring a newly-scrawny Alison Brie, who whittled her once-magnificent
bustline down by several sizes in the 21st century's greatest tragedy. GLOW, along with the
WWF, were the source of a combination of derision and "how, this stuff is hilarious" back in
the day, with Vince McMahon's outlandish gimmicks and characters representing a very
"1980s" ideal (though flamboyant wrestlers had been a thing ever since Gorgeous George put
on his "fop" act to the shock and horror of homophobic 1950s audiences).

-The original four Grapplers were Titania (the original one, not the more famous one), Letha,
Screaming Mimi and Poundcakes- they were drafted by Roxxon Oil to invade Project:
Pegasus (Marvel's source of every boring 1980s storyline). Quasar & Giant-Man were able to
defeat the four, plus Thundra, who'd been cajoled into fighting by their side. They later
fought Dazzler in Ryker's Island in a "Women In Prison" story (ANOTHER classic of the
era), but Dazzler, near death, managed to take them out with a huge light blast.

-Their next appearance was alongside dozens of villains who were attempting to murder The
Thing when he was lying in a hospital bed, following his battle with The Champion of the
Universe. Hilariously, coincidence saw every group of villains encounter a different
superhero. In The Thing's own book, he encountered a series of OTHER Grapplers, as the
roster was joined by various one-note jokes. However, in this very comic, one was offered up
to the Scourge of the Underworld- a villain-killer who was slowly taking out Jobber Villains
in all the various Marvel books, culminating in a Captain America story-arc. Titania was
murdered by Scourge in the guise of "Golddigger", a female wrestler. When her teammate
Letha joined a group attempting to find the source of all of these murders, she herself was
killed by the villain-hunter.

-Subsequently, the group split up. Screaming Mimi became a Journeyman Villain, teaming
up with Angar the Screamer in a forgettable duo before she gained a new lease on life in
Thunderbolts, becoming a great success story. Poundcakes became a forgotten Backgrounder,
while the others just vanished. Very recently, the Scourge victims were all resurrected,
leading to Titania (now Lascivious) and Letha reforming The Grapplers with Poundcakes and
a new Screaming Mimi- they targeted Songbird (the former original Mimi), who beat them

Extra Grapplers

Post by Jabroniville » Wed Aug 23, 2017 12:10 am

-The rest of the squad of women from The Thing's own book, The Grapplers' secondary ranks
are made up of one-note gimmicks with super-strength, making them essentially powerful
Mooks- PL 6 Powerhouses (mostly Strength 8, though a couple are skinnier and faster),
lacking Power Attack (none of them seemed quite "up to" doing +13 damage), but attacking
en masse they're rather dangerous. But man... a hairy chick, a "fat" chick, a cowgirl, an Asian
stereotype and a hottie- they're just hilariously goofy. Sadly, after Ben Grimm's short stint in
the Unlimited Class Wrestling Federation, these characters were all dropped, and the main
Grapplers fell apart- Letha & Titania (the first one) were killed by The Scourge of the
Underworld for sucking, and Battleaxe & Poundcakes became generic Background Villains
for Hire, kinda disappearing for the entirety of the post-Gruenwald '90s (since WHO ELSE
would remember them?) until the modern era. 
BUTTERBALL (Vivian Dolan)
Created By: Mike Carlin & Ron Wilson
First Appearance: The Thing #33 (March 1986)
Role: Jobber Villain, Background Character, Powerhouse
Group Affiliations: The Grapplers, Power Broker Inc.
PL 6 (59)

Acrobatics 2 (+2)
Deception 3 (+3)
Expertise (Pro Wrestler) 3 (+3)
Intimidation 6 (+6)

Fast Grab, Improved Hold

Impervious Toughness +3 [3]
Features 1: Extra Mass [1]

Unarmed +4 (+8 Damage, DC 23)
Initiative +0

Dodge +4 (DC 14), Parry +4 (DC 14), Toughness +9 (+2 Impervious), Fortitude +8, Will +2

Motivation (Greed)
Total: Abilities: 40 / Skills: 14--7 / Advantages: 2 / Powers: 4 / Defenses: 6 (59)

-Butterball is supposedly "The Fat One", though she's really more "Plump" by my estimation,
and in one John Byrne pic, she has a perfectly normal face, which is weird. Her special move
is the Body Slam.

COWGIRL (Deb Lowry)

Created By: Mike Carlin & Ron Wilson
First Appearance: The Thing #33 (March 1986)
Role: Jobber Villain, Background Character, Powerhouse
Group Affiliations: The Grapplers, Power Broker Inc.
PL 7 (66)

Acrobatics 2 (+4)
Deception 3 (+3)
Expertise (Pro Wrestler) 3 (+3)
Intimidation 6 (+6)

Equipment 2 (Pistol +5), Fast Grab, Ranged Attack 3

Impervious Toughness +3 [3]

Unarmed +5 (+7 Damage, DC 22)
Pistol +5 (+5 Ranged Damage, DC 20)
Initiative +2

Dodge +4 (DC 14), Parry +5 (DC 15), Toughness +7 (+2 Impervious), Fortitude +8, Will +2

Motivation (Greed)

Total: Abilities: 46 / Skills: 14--7 / Advantages: 6 / Powers: 3 / Defenses: 4 (66)

-Cowgirl is pretty decent-looking for a character with zero personality- a cowgirl gimmick on
a giant female pro wrestler is pretty cool, but they never went anywhere with it. She's not as
good at Grappling as Butterball, but she's faster and has a gun (OK, a holster's a part of her
costume, but whatever, I figure she's got a gun).

MAGILLA (Sandy Stalmaster)

Created By: Mike Carlin & Ron Wilson
First Appearance: The Thing #33 (March 1986)
Role: Jobber Villain, Background Character, Powerhouse, The Ugly One
Group Affiliations: The Grapplers, Power Broker Inc.
PL 6 (65)

Acrobatics 2 (+4)
Deception 3 (+3)
Expertise (Pro Wrestler) 3 (+3)
Intimidation 6 (+6)

Fast Grab, Improved Hold

Impervious Toughness +3 [3]
"Super-Gross Body Hair" Immunity 1 (Cold) [1]

Unarmed +4 (+8 Damage, DC 23)
Initiative +2

Dodge +4 (DC 14), Parry +4 (DC 14), Toughness +8 (+2 Impervious), Fortitude +8, Will +2

Motivation (Greed)
Total: Abilities: 48 / Skills: 14--7 / Advantages: 2 / Powers: 4 / Defenses: 4 (65)

-Oh WOW were Carlin & Wilson on drugs when they made up this squad. Magilla's gimmick
is that she's bulky... and covered in hair.

See, you can tell she's a martial artist because she's holding her hands like that.

SUSHI (Susan Hayakawa)

Created By: Mike Carlin & Ron Wilson
First Appearance: The Thing #33 (March 1986)
Role: Jobber Villain, Background Character, Powerhouse, Melee Fighter
Group Affiliations: The Grapplers, Power Broker Inc.
PL 6 (60)

Acrobatics 3 (+6)
Deception 3 (+3)
Expertise (Pro Wrestler) 3 (+3)
Intimidation 5 (+5)

Accurate Attack, Improved Trip

Power-Lifting 1 (6 tons) [1]

Unarmed +7 (+7 Damage, DC 22)
Initiative +3

Dodge +5 (DC 15), Parry +6 (DC 16), Toughness +6, Fortitude +7, Will +2

Motivation (Greed)

Total: Abilities: 46 / Skills: 14--7 / Advantages: 2 / Powers: 1 / Defenses: 5 (60)

-This one just makes me uncomfortable... I mean, SUSHI is her name? Well it's not any more
weird than any of pro wrestling's ideas for Japanese wrestlers. She is (of course) a martial
artist who fights using Karate, and is a bit weaker than her teammates, but more accurate (a
full-on PL 6 with her Unarmed Damage & Parry Defense). Still, they missed the boat-
everyone knows Japanese professional wrestlers can spray Blinding Mist.

VAVAVOOM (Dawn Middlebury)

Created By: Mike Carlin & Ron Wilson
First Appearance: The Thing #33 (March 1986)
Role: Jobber Villain, Background Character, Powerhouse, The Hot One
Group Affiliations: The Grapplers, Power Broker Inc.
PL 6 (66)

Acrobatics 2 (+4)
Deception 2 (+4, +6 Attractive)
Expertise (Pro Wrestler) 3 (+3)
Persuasion 3 (+5, +7 Attractive)

Attractive, Fast Grab

Impervious Toughness +3 [3]

Unarmed +6 (+7 Damage, DC 22)
Initiative +2

Dodge +5 (DC 15), Parry +5 (DC 15), Toughness +7 (+2 Impervious), Fortitude +7, Will +2

Motivation (Greed)

Total: Abilities: 50 / Skills: 10--6 / Advantages: 2 / Powers: 3 / Defenses: 5 (66)

-Vavavoom is the petite, beautiful member of the team. Presumably she's a little bit weaker,
but a slightly better fighter without all the bulk.


Post by Jabroniville » Sat Aug 19, 2017 8:31 pm

Created By: Dan Slott & Paul Pelletier (Taggert), Dan Slott & Ty Templeton (Shelton)
First Appearance: GLA #1 (March 2005- Taggert), GLX-Mas Special #1 (Dec. 2005-
Role: Joke Hero, Recurring Dead Guy
Group Affiliation: Great Lakes Avengers
PL 6 (36)

Expertise (Pop Culture) 2 (+2)
Expertise (Roxxon Employee) 2 (+2)

Ranged Attack 2

"Grasshopper Power Armour" (Flaws: Removable) [18]
Leaping 13 (8 miles) (13)
"Extreme Kick" Damage 6 (6)
Protection 1 (1)
"Insectroid Sensors" Senses 2 (Extended Vision, Danger Sense) (2)
-- (22 points)

Unarmed +5 (+0 Damage, DC 15)
Extreme Kick +5 (+6 Damage, DC 21)
Initiative +1

Dodge +4 (DC 14), Parry +4 (DC 14), Toughness +0 (+1 Armour), Fortitude +0, Will +1

Relationship (Cindy Shelton)- Doug had a crush on Cindy, who only had a thing for the
Gregarious Grasshopper. Neil is actually her long-lost brother, and tried to avoid her

Total: Abilities: 10 / Skills: 4--2 / Advantages: 2 / Powers: 18 / Defenses: 4 (36)

-The Grasshopper was a recurring gag in the most recent Great Lakes series. The suit
belonged to a Roxxon employee (who basically stole it), undergoing a Peter
Parker/Superman-ish Love Triangle between a girl and his costumed identity, and he joined
the GL-ers to be a super-hero. Then he died in his first mission (5.8 seconds after being let
onto the GLA), being killed by a sai thrown by Zaran the Weaponmaster, as he chucked it
through Doorman. Yeah, ZARAN killed him. A second one joined the team, and used a
Maximum Jump on the legs... and ended up in the stratosphere, dying. A third appeared in
three panels, having his neck snapped by Deadpool in the third. A fourth was actually a
Skrull during Secret Invasion. You get the idea. Just a gag.
-The Grasshopper Armour is an incredibly crappy device (no Strength? No Armour beyond
+1?), meant to be used by jokes. The Kick is quite effective, but most every guy who's used
the armour is basically a PL 5.5 guy AT-BEST, so they don't get the most use out of it. It
leaps, and that's about it (one Leap propelled a suit into space, but that's a one-off kinda


Post by Jabroniville » Sun Aug 27, 2017 7:24 pm

GRAVITON (Franklin Hall)
Created By: Jim Shooter & Sal Buscema
First Appearance: The Avengers #158 (April 1977)
Role: Team Threat
Group Affiliations: The Unified Field Theory
PL 16 (310)

Deception 4 (+6)
Intimidation 8 (+11)
Expertise (Science) 6 (+12)
Expertise (Science) 4 (+16) -- Flaws: Limited to Physical Sciences
Technology 4 (+10)
Perception 4 (+6)
Ranged Combat (Gravitic Blasts) 4 (+10)

All-Out Attack, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 4, Startle, Taunt, Ultimate Effort (Gravity Lift)

"Mastery of Gravitons" 
"Gravity Manipulation" Move Object 16 (Feats: Increased Mass 8- 400,000 tons, Subtle,
Precise) (Extras: Perception Range, Continuous) [72]

"Gravity Control" Affliction 16 (Strength; Impaired, Hindered & Vulnerable/Disabled,

Restrained & Defenseless/Paralyzed) (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst, Ranged,
Selective, Extra Condition +2) (Flaws: Instant Recovery) (81) -- [99]

 Dynamic AE: "Gravity Control" Affliction 16 (Strength; Impaired, Hindered &

Vulnerable/Disabled, Restrained & Defenseless/Paralyzed) (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras:
Area- 30ft. Shapeable, Ranged, Selective, Extra Condition +2) (Flaws: Instant
Recovery) (81)
 Dynamic AE: "Gravity Control" Affliction 16 (Strength; Impaired, Hindered &
Vulnerable/Disabled, Restrained & Defenseless/Paralyzed) (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras:
Perception Range +2, Extra Condition +2) (Flaws: Instant Recovery) (65)
 Dynamic AE: Environment 8 (1 mile) (Impede Movement 2) (Feats: Dynamic) (17)
 Dynamic AE: Deflect 15 (Feats: Dynamic) (31)
 Dynamic AE: "Gravitic Force" Blast 20 (Feats: Dynamic, Penetrating 12) (53)
 Dynamic AE: "Gravity Beam" Damage 16 (Feats: Dynamic, Penetrating 8) (Extras:
Area- 120ft. Line +2) (72)
 Dynamic AE: "Gravity Wave" Damage 16 (Feats: Dynamic, Penetrating 8) (Extras:
Area- 250ft. Cone +3) (72)
 Dynamic AE: "Gravity Storm" Damage 16 (Feats: Dynamic, Penetrating 8) (Extras:
Area- 120ft. Burst +3) (72)
 Dynamic AE: "Full Force Field" Force Field 3 (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Impervious
12, Affects Others 12) (24)
Movement 2 (Environmental Adaptation- High & Low Gravity) [4]
"Manipulate Own Gravitons" Flight 7 (250 mph) [14]
"Gravitic Force Field" Force Field 9 (Extras: Impervious 13) [22]
"Gravitic Detection" Senses 4 (Detect Gravity- Acute & Accurate) [4]

Unarmed +6 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Gravity Control +15 (+15 Perception Affliction, DC 25)
Gravity Beam +16 Area (+16 Damage, DC 31)
Gravitic Force +10 (+20 Ranged Damage, DC 35)
Gravity Area Attacks +15 (+15 Damage, DC 30)
Gravity Area Holding +15 (+15 Affliction, DC 25)
Initiative +2

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +5 (+14 Force Field, +17 Full Field, +6-12
Impervious), Fortitude +7, Will +6

Motivation (Power)- A man of tremendous ego, Graviton is insistent that he must become a
God, and all people should worship him. This is such a part of him that he can easily be
provoked into bragging.
Secret (Self-Loathing)- Graviton's grasp of his self-esteem is nonetheless tenuous, and he's
more than once been convinced to flee or kill himself or something.

Total: Abilities: 56 / Skills: 32--16 / Advantages: 9 / Powers: 215 / Defenses: 14 (310)

-Graviton is a SERIOUS heavy-hitter and World-Threatening-Level villain, which kind of

seems funny when you consider that he's not that famous. Problem is, he's just some generic
Scientist Who Goes Crazy After An Accident, turns into Generic Megalomaniac, and brings
nothing else to the table. Too bad- Gravity Control is such a rarely-used power (Light Lass,
Star Boy, Gravity and only a handful of others, none famous) that I wish more of these guys
could get known, but he's just too dime-a-dozen in personality. His Power Levels are
ridiculous- he can lift ISLANDS, and entire buildings, thousands of miles into the
stratosphere while still doing other stuff- the guy's ridiculously strong. He shows up fairly
rarely, and usually gets stopped by his own flaws (he's crazy and easily convinced to kill
himself or run away). He's shown up from time-to-time, but is always stopped through
trickery or some cheap tactics.

-Graviton gains powers and goes nuts, taking over his facility in the Canadian Rockies. This
calls in The Avengers, who are swiftly defeated- The Black Panther summons Thor, who is
able to hold off the bad guy for a while before they convince him that someone he cares about
has committed suicide. A distracted Graviton collapses the entire facility upon himself and
vanishes. He reappears having mutated into a 50-foot tall being, but implodes while fighting
The Thing & Black Bolt. He then reappears fighting Thor, and is beaten and trapped in an
alternate dimension. It was after THIS that Englehart used him for the West Coast Avengers,
but he was beaten by his own mind again, and later beat up by Cosmic Spider-Man.

-All of this credibility-straining stuff left him off the shelf for a good while, until he showed
up in Thunderbolts with a much-better costume. This appearance humiliated him frequently-
Moonstone emasculates him and insults his lack of self-esteem, refusing to lower herself to
sexually-servicing him for mercy (she basically laughs at the very idea). He's beaten by
sticking Machine Man's gravity-canceling bands on his body (he collapses in on himself), but
eventually sacrifices himself to save the Earth from alien invasion. He appears on The Raft
with a bunch of other forgotten villains (others of whom were also supposed to be dead)- he
then became a bit of an Iron Man foe and suffered a de-powering. He was even casually-
defeated by a member of the Avengers' children from the future! He's arguably best-known
these days for being the first big villain faced by the heroes in Avengers: Earth's Mightiest
Heroes, which gave him a more generic "I am an evil hobo" look, but made BIG use of his
power, depicting him lifting Manhattan around and needing a whole team of Avengers to beat
him (in a fight scene the show never quite equalled, and one of the best cartoon fights ever

-Graviton occasionally boasts near-PL X level powers (firing a rock in China through
someone in Australia's head, WHILE IN LOS ANGELES), but I think PL 16 serves the
"usual" version well- he would BEAT THE CRAP out of an entire squad of Avengers, and
he's two full PLs higher than THOR. He's like Magneto on crack, using vast powers (Area
Line Damage +16 to make PL, the ability to lift over 50,000 tons with ease) to wipe out
entire teams of people. He has two separate Arrays, split so he can do both at once- he can
keep an entire facility (and the rock it's sitting on) aloft thousands of feet into the air, while
throwing helicopters, superheroes and rocks around, all while Flying and keeping up his
Force Field. He can use both Movement-based powers at Perception Range, and his Area
Effects have ranges into the hundreds of feet. To say he's a team effort is a drastic
understatement- the most-common way to win is to screw with his head- he's got a weak grip
on his own sanity, and will Will Save sucks.


Post by Jabroniville » Tue Aug 22, 2017 3:08 am

GRAVITY (Greg Willis)
Created By: Sean McKeever & Mike Norton
First Appearance: Gravity #1 (Aug. 2005)
Role: Minor New Millennium Hero, Yet Another Attempt at Recapturing Spidey
Group Affiliation: Great Lakes Avengers, The Heavy-Hitters (Initiative Team)
PL 9 (122)

Acrobatics 3 (+7)
Deception 2 (+4)
Expertise (Science) 4 (+6)
Expertise (Pop Culture) 2 (+4)
Perception 3 (+5)
Ranged Combat (Gravity Attacks) 2 (+8)
Technology 2 (+4)

Improved Critical (Gravity Punch), Improved Disarm, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 3,
Teamwork, Withstand Damage

"Gravity Control" Affliction 10 (Strength; Hindered & Vulnerable/Defenseless &
Prone/Paralyzed) (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Ranged, Concentration) (Flaws: Instant
Recovery) (21) -- [24]
 Dynamic AE: "Gravity Punch" Damage 8 (Feast: Dynamic) (9)
 Dynamic AE: "Gravity Beam" Blast 10 (Feast: Dynamic) (21)
 Dynamic AE: Move Object 8 (Feast: Dynamic) (17)

"Gravity Field" Force Field 7 (Extras: Impervious 7) [14]

Flight 5 (60 mph) [10]

Unarmed +7 (+1 Damage, DC 16)
Gravity Punch +7 (+8 Damage, DC 23)
Gravity Beam +8 (+10 Ranged Damage, DC 25)
Gravity Control +8 (+9 Ranged Affliction, DC 19)
Initiative +4

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +2 (+9 Force Field), Fortitude +4, Will +6

Relationship (Lauren Singh)

Total: Abilities: 46 / Skills: 18--9 / Advantages: 8 / Powers: 48 / Defenses: 11 (122)

-Gravity's kind of one of those attempts at creating a new potential solo hero, basically
copying Peter Parker ("everday kid with powers") every step of the way, but it never really
took. He's got some fans, and he's guest-shotted a few times, but he's mostly a minor hero
who looks a little too much like Invincible for his own good, and he doesn't show up too
often. Still, not a bad power-set- Gravity Control is quite unused in comics compared to
almost any other "Control" power.

-Gravity got his powers after getting sucked into a black hole while on his family's yacht,
then studies marketing in order to better advertise himself. His initial screw-ups eventually
lead to him becoming a better hero, and he beats some established bad guys (The Shocker;
The Rhino) before making an enemy out of a guy named "Black Death". Eventually, he
defeats the villain and is filled with confidence. He died a hero in the Beyond series (inspired
by Secret Wars, and featuring The Stranger), but got quickly resurrected, gained Cosmic
Power as Epoch's new protector... then gave it all up in order to save her from Galactus. He
later fulfils his "Cosmic Destiny" as the "scalpel" that Uatu uses to cut out the infected
portions of the universe. This pretty much ends his solo run.

-He was a temporary leader of The Heavy-Hitters, an Initiative team, but got demoted to the
Great Lakes Initiative by Norman Osborn (a douchey move, even for him). Later on, he joins
the Young Allies- a failed "Young Hero Team" book that filled a role already filled by a ton
of other teams at the time- its scattered roster (Firestar! Heroes Reborn Bucky! A Bull-Kid!)
was made up of very minor, do-little characters. After that book's cancellation, he joined a
NEW version of The Initiative (made up of volunteers), but this was entirely a Background
Squad of Nobodies, and was quickly swept under the rug and ignored- Gravity has since
kinda vanished.

-Another guy I'm really not familiar with, Gravity seems like a rookie who slowly developed
into a New Warriors-ish PL 9 type of hero. Mostly balanced evenly (with a bit more
Toughness via a Force Field), and packing a few powers in a Dynamic Array, alongside a
standard Force Field/Flight combo, he's pretty good, and a great starting point for a hero to
eventually become something. Keep in mind that someone with Gravity Powers has the
potential to pull off feats like Graviton does.

Graydon Creed

Post by Jabroniville » Wed Aug 30, 2017 3:55 am

GRAYDON CREED (aka "Tribune")
Created By: Scott Lobdell & Brandon Peterson
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men #299 (April 1993)
Role: Racist Bigot, Failed '90s Replacement Character (to Robert Kelly)
Group Affiliations: The Hellfire Club, Shaw Industries, The Upstarts
PL 3 (79)

Deception 8 (+12)
Expertise (Computers) 4 (+7)
Expertise (Business) 5 (+8)
Expertise (Oratory) 5 (+9)
Expertise (Politics) 10 (+13)
Insight 4 (+7)
Investigation 3 (+6)
Perception 5 (+8)
Persuasion 8 (+12)

Benefit 4 (Wealth 2, Friends of Humanity Leader), Connected (Politics), Ranged Attack 2

Unarmed +3 (+1 Damage, DC 16)
Initiative +1

Dodge +4 (DC 14), Parry +4 (DC 14), Toughness +2, Fortitude +4, Will +5

Motivation (Power)- Creed has tremendous political asperations, which will lead him to run
for the Presidency of the United States.
Hatred (Mutants)- The son of Victor Creed & Mystique (ew), Graydon obviously had few
mutant role models growing up. Turning out to be a pure, non-powered human, he soon came
to despise mutants, and he's devoted his life to a genocidal campaign of elimination.

Total: Abilities: 40 / Skills: 52--26 / Advantages: 5 / Powers: 0 / Defenses: 8 (79)

-Graydon Creed mainly goes down as a big, fat failure in '90s-era X-writing, mainly because
he was CLEARLY set up as a more villainous Senator Robert Kelly, ie. a mutant-opposing
politician, but instead of Kelly's calm, intelligent dissertations on mutants and their dangers to
society, Creed was of course a scheming, manipulative bastard who was funding the Friends
of Humanity, a terrorist organization which was designed to execute mutants (why they didn't
team up with the 18 other groups based on the same concept, I have no idea). Problem is,
Creed just wasn't that interesting a character- he was a standard Strawman Villain who was
evil, yet didn't even have that many great ideas.

-Even his lineage (the son of Mystique & Sabretooth) didn't help him become any better.
Having been given up for adoption by Mystique as soon as he popped out, he grew up
resentful of all mutants- his parents in particular. He used this hatred to justify his murder of
Birdy (Sabretooth's telepathic sidekick, and the only person who could keep his psychopathic
urges in check). Graydon was assassinated during his run for President of the United States,
and it was later revealed that his own mom (X-Treme X-Men revealed that it was a future
version of Mystique) did the deed, because he killed the grandson of Destiny or some crap.
Quite the pointless end for someone they tried decently hard with. His connection to the
Younghunt was pretty minor, as he merely gave up some information to the New Warriors
and that was about it. He was temporarily-resurrected by Bastion, using the Techno-Organic
Virus of Warlock's race, but he was quickly killed by Hope Summers. Creed never really got
much play in ANY cross-over, which is part of why he was such a bad villain.

-Nothing special stats-wise, he's dependant upon lots of goons and his political skills, being a
better "behind the scenes" type of villain than anyone who could actually fight or defend
himself, even though I statted him up as a guy in pretty good shape.


Post by Jabroniville » Wed Dec 28, 2016 10:02 pm

GRAYMALKIN (Jonas Graymalkin)

Created By: Mark Guggenheim & Yanick Paquette
First Appearance: Young X-Men #1 (xxxxxx)
Group Affiliations: The Young X-Men
Status: Alive
Role: One-Series Character
PL 8 (78)

Expertise (Farmhand) 3 (+3)
Expertise (History) 4 (+4)
Insight 2 (+3)
Perception 2 (+3)
Persuasion 3 (+4)

Fast Grab, Equipment (X-Student Uniform- Communications), Ranged Attack 2

"Mutant Powers: Nocturnal Super-Physiology" (All Have Flaws: Limited to Night)
Enhanced Strength 5 [5]
Enhanced Stamina 5 [5]
Impervious Toughness 6 [3]
Immunity 4 (Aging, Cold, Heat, Pressure) [2]
Senses 2 (Darkvision) [1]

Unarmed +8 (+3 Damage, DC 18)
At Night +8 (+8 Damage, DC 23)
Initiative +2

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +3 (+8 At Night), Fortitude +4 (+9 At
Night), Will +5

Prejudice (Obvious Mutant)- Graymalkin is all gray.
Prejudice (Homosexual)

Total: Abilities: 40 / Skills: 14--7 / Advantages: 4 / Powers: 16 / Defenses: 11 (78)

-Graymalkin's a very new character, showing up with the "Young X-Men" as a mutant who
was assaulted & buried alive by his father 200 years ago (for "experimenting" with a fellow
farmboy), going into suspended animation and coming out in the present day. He's got
powers that only work at night, which is a pretty big limitation considering he's not THAT
powerful at all, really. I don't know much more about him, but he doesn't really have much of
a look to him- he's probably most-notable for being the OTHER gay X-Student at the time,
but they actually decided NOT to hook him up with Anole (reminds me of when a co-worker
tried to set up two of the gay dudes, assuming that they had so much in common- one was
girlier than a Lisa Frank factory and about as giggly as you could imagine a human being,
and the other was more... not that way- this would not have worked). It also reminds me of
the time Bishop joined the X-Men and a fan wrote in immediately wondering if he was going
to hook up with Storm. Once Young X-Men was cancelled, Graymalkin pretty much vanished.

-I've never read this character, and he doesn't appear on the Think Tank anywhere else I can
see, but here's my best guest- a low-end Brick with a heavy limitation. I really don't see a lot
to him.

The Great Beasts

Post by Jabroniville » Mon Jan 09, 2017 10:21 pm


-The Great Beasts are a group of Alpha Flight baddies that are naturally trying to take over
the Earth- they're basically a collection of neat-looking John Byrne designs with little
personality other than "CONQUER/CRUSH/DESTROY!", and were basically the summation
of Byrne's run on the series- where he tried to more or less make something out of a bunch of
random character designs and give them something to do. It turns out that one of Alpha
Flight's own- Sasquatch- is actually a guy in possession of the BODY of one of The Great
Beasts, and that Snowbird is meant to be able to stop them. Conquering Elder Gods is always
an interesting thing in Marvel Comics, as there are basically HUNDREDS of beings JUST
LIKE THIS, which begs the question as to why there's so many, and how unstoppable they
truly are- I mean, it's pretty hard to believe that Thor & The Asgardian Pantheon couldn't
properly defend the Earth from these guys- they do that crap ALL THE TIME. Odin can fight
friggin' Galactus for a while, but Tundra and Kariooq are a bridge too far? But needless to
say, they'd probably demolish a good bit of land before being stopped, so it's probably a good
thing that these guys are kept behind a barrier in The Realm of the Beasts.


Created By: John Byrne
First Appearance: Alpha Flight #23 (June 1985)
Role: Evil Gods, Would-Be World-Conquerors
PL 12 (158)

Close Combat (Unarmed) 2 (+10)
Deception 2 (+4)
Expertise (History) 6 (+10)
Expertise (God) 7 (+11)
Expertise (Magic) 9 (+13)
Intimidation 4 (+6, +12 Size)
Perception 2 (+6)

All-Out Attack, Daze (Intimidation), Improved Critical (Godly Attack or Unarmed), Power
Attack, Startle

"Godly Size" Growth 12 (Str & Sta +12, +12 Mass, +6 Intimidation, -6 Dodge/Parry, +1
Speed, -12 Stealth) -- (48 feet) (Feats: Innate) (Extras: Permanent +0) [25]
Immunity 11 (Aging, Life Support) [11]
Impervious Toughness 15 [15]
Regeneration 10 (Feats: Regrow Limbs) [11]

Unarmed +10 (+14 Damage, DC 29)
Initiative -2

Dodge +6 (DC 16), Parry +7 (DC 17), Toughness +15 (+6 Impervious), Fortitude +15, Will

Motivation (Power & Destruction)

Total: Abilities: 52 / Skills: 32--16 / Advantages: 5 / Powers: 62 / Defenses: 23 (158)

-Quite the powerful Template, the Great Beasts are essentially PL 12 Giants with ludicrous
Toughness scores and knowledge of Myth & Magic.

KARIOOQ, THE CORRUPTOR- PL 12 (207): Transform 12 (Anything to Corrupted

Things) (Extras: Continuous), AE: Weaken Stamina 12 [49]
-Kariooq "Corrupts Matter" (whatever that means- he's just there in the backgrounds- he
probably either makes stuff into evil stuff or weakens people), but is vulnerable to ice. His
worst nemesis: Queen Elsa of Arendelle. Also what the Hell kind of Canadian supervillain is
vulnerable TO FREAKING ICE??? That's like a Floridian villain being vulnerable to old
people or a douchebag being vulnerable to Axe Body Spray!

TOLOMAQ, THE FIRE BEAST- PL 12 (263): Insubstantial 3 (Fire Energy), Flame Aura
12, Fire Blast 15 (Accurate 4, Penetrating 6), AE: Cone Damage 12, AE: Line Damage 12
-Tolomaq is a big fire creature.
KOLOMAQ, THE BEAST OF THE SNOWS- PL 12 (239): "Blinding Snowstorm"
Environment 10 (Cold 2, Visibility 2), Icicle Blast 12 (Accurate 4) (Multiattack), AE:
"Landslide" Earth Control 15 [81]
-Kolomaq is the mortal nemesis of Tundra (another Beast), and was tricked into sealing
himself in the Earth by Snowbird (the battle took place over three pure-white pages with
dialogue balloons being the only visible thing- Byrne noted that it was called an "artistic
decision" and he got paid in full of the three blank pages). He seems unaffiliated with the
others, returning separately and being sent back by Talisman. He is the most-savage of the
Great Beasts.
RANAQ, THE GREAT DEVOURER- PL 12 (198): "Floating" Flight 2 (8 mph),
"Possession" Mind Control 6 (Extras: Possesses Body, Continuous) [40]
-Ranaq is summoned in a storyline based in the past, and has to possess people to inhabit the
material world (and would be defeated if they were slain), making him "the weakest of the
Great Beasts", according to Shaman. He is killed by a "Magic Bullet" created by a talisman,
but is released when the grave of the man he'd possessed is disturbed 100 years later.
Created By: John Byrne
First Appearance: Alpha Flight #23 (June 1985)
Role: Evil God, Would-Be World-Conqueror
PL 12 (183)

Deception 8 (+12)
Expertise (History) 5 (+10)
Expertise (Magic) 10 (+15)
Expertise (God) 8 (+13)
Insight 2 (+7)
Intimidation 4 (+8)
Perception 2 (+7)

Artificer (well, it's there in his name), Equipment (Staff), Ranged Attack 2, Ritualist, Startle

"Astral Projection" Remote Sensing 10 (Visuals & Hearing) [30]
Shapeshifting 2 [16]
Illusion (Visuals & Hearing) 12 (36) -- [37]

 AE: "Astral Fingernails" Damage 10 (Extras: Perception Ranged +2) (30)

Unarmed +8 (+4 Damage, DC 19)
Staff +8 (+6 Damage, DC 21)
Astral Fingernails -- (+10 Perception-Ranged Damage, DC 25)
Illusion -- (+12 Illusion, DC 22)
Initiative +0

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +5, Fortitude +7, Will +8

Motivation (Power & Destruction)

Total: Abilities: 66 / Skills: 32--16 / Advantages: 5 / Powers: 83 / Defenses: 13 (183)

-Somon the Artificer is the master of The Great Beasts, and their most dangerous member,
despite being relatively frail himself (Snowbird delivered him a mortal wound, for instance).
He can kill people while on the Astral Plane, one of the nastier tricks involving a Perception-
Ranged Attack.
Created By: John Byrne
First Appearance: Alpha Flight #23 (June 1985)
Role: Evil Gods, Would-Be World-Conquerors
PL 13 (158)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 2 (+8)
Deception 2 (+4)
Expertise (History) 6 (+10)
Expertise (God) 7 (+11)
Expertise (Magic) 9 (+13)
Intimidation 4 (+6, +12 Size)
Perception 2 (+6)

All-Out Attack, Daze (Intimidation), Improved Critical (Unarmed, Boulders) 2, Power
Attack, Ranged Attack 4, Startle

"Godly Size" Growth 18 (Str & Toughness +18, +18 Mass, +9 Intimidation, -9 Dodge/Parry,
+2 Speed, -18 Stealth) -- (144 feet) (Feats: Innate) (Extras: Permanent +0) [37]
Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects) [30]
Protection 2 (Extras: Impervious 9) [11]
Regeneration 10 (Feats: Regrow Limbs) [11]

"Earthquake" Affliction 13 (Athletics; Dazed & Hindered/Stunned & Vulnerable) (Extras:

Area- 1,000ft Burst +6, Extra Condition, Reaction +3 on 6 Ranks) (Flaws: Limited Degree,
Limited to Grounded Targets) Linked to Damage 7 (Extras: Area- 250ft. Burst +4, Reaction
+3 on 4 Ranks) (Flaws: Limited to Grounded Targets) (136) -- [137]

 AE: "Earth Control" Move Object 18 (Extras: Perception Range) (Flaws: Limited to
Earth) (36)
 AE: "Giant Boulders" Blast 12 (Feats: Extended Range 2) (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst)
 AE: "Throw Boulders" Blast 15 (Feats: Accurate, Extended Range 2) (32)

Summon Insect Swarms 2 (Extras: 16 Minions +8, Active) [22]

Unarmed +8 (+18 Damage, DC 29)
Earthquake +13 Area (+13 Affliction & +7 Damage, DC 23 & 22)
Giant Boulders +12 Area (+12 Damage, DC 27)
Throw Boulders +6 (+15 Ranged Damage, DC 30)
Initiative -2

Dodge +6 (DC 16), Parry +5 (DC 15), Toughness +20 (+5 Impervious), Fortitude --, Will +8

Motivation (Power & Destruction)

Total: Abilities: 18 / Skills: 32--16 / Advantages: 10 / Powers: 238 / Defenses: 26 (274)

-Most iconic of The Great Beasts is Tundra, a gigantic walking landmass that makes the most
out of an early-80s' John Byrne's capabilities at harsh, dramatic shading (part of what makes
his X-Men run so much fun to look at). He's basically this big white monster with shading
everywhere but his outer edges, making him quite the eye-popping design. He's really no
different from the other Beasts in personality- he's a big Destroyer of Things- but he's a LOT
bigger and quite a bit more dangerous. Most-lethal is the fact that he can set off massive
tremors ANY TIME HE IS INJURED, and more powerful ones as a regular attack.


Post by Jabroniville » Fri Aug 18, 2017 3:57 am

These guys are the kind of sucky characters that suck ON PURPOSE (this is opposed to the
other kind that Rob Liefeld & Jeph Loeb normally produce). They're written as basically a set
of dumb heroes who do dumb things, but try hard and are heroic nonetheless. Hawkeye
generally gets wrapped up in their stories (he quit The Avengers to help them out), and they
appear infrequently over the years. Every once in a while, however, Marvel gets the idea that
these hilarious characters just absolutely need their own comic book series, and we find the
occasional GLA book out there.

In general, I find them a whole lot less amusing than say, The Tick's deliberately-goofy
comic book universe, and I think it's due to the fact that they're what I call "Saturday Night
Live Characters"- people who are fine as a one-note joke, but the gag gets old after a while.
It's not like "guy who dies a lot" has a great shelf-life as a gimmick, nor does "hero who is
actually a fat woman who is actually a supermodel". These jokes are insanely simple, and
once they wear off... you're left with nothing. The best jokes come from character and
situations, not just something being physically absurd. I mean, Big Bertha being fat is an
okay gag, but there's nothing else to it. Now, Deadpool being in love with her because she's
fat and he's a chubby chaser? THAT'S funny. Deadpool being unattracted to her supermodel
secret identity is a great gag, as is him unmasking after she does an "appearances don't
matter" rant, which causes her to vomit.
Also, I generally prefer Joke Characters that were either accidentally stupid (the Dark Rider
with no hands! Boomslang!) over "HUH-HUH, THIS GUY IS FLAT AND HIS NAME IS
FLATMAN!" It's... just a REALLY EASY joke to make, you know? It takes about five
seconds to create a character as good as any of these people. Plant Control... but only Leeks!
Someone with the power of a Nite-Light! A guy who can change himself to match any

The team's gone through a few name-changes, usually based off of whose book they're
appearing in these days- The Great Lakes Avengers/Defenders/X-Men/Champions/Initiative,
and they got called The Lightning Rods when Thunderbolts was around (Hawkeye did the
same "training" thing with the ex-villains, too).

The Group's Debut:

-The group forms when Mr. Immortal, upon realizing that he cannot be killed, decides to
become a costumed adventurer, putting out an ad in the local paper for teammates. This
group, The Great Lakes Avengers, features an assortment of goofy losers- Flatman,
Doorman, Dinah Soar & Big Bertha. Hawkeye & Mockingbird spot the team's heroics, and
though annoyed at their naivete and stealing of the "Avengers" name, agree to become their
mentors. They actually take part in some real superhero missions (fighting Terminus, among
others), being seen as guys who try hard, but are just a little too weak to be taken seriously.

Subsequent Appearances:
The group takes several large breaks over the years, as various writers don't feel the need to
deal with them (their status as Byrne originals wasn't particularly helpful once he bailed from
Marvel entirely). They show up fighting Maelstrom one time, and Dinah Soar is killed.
Joining the squad is Squirrel Girl, who was then going through her own resurgence as a
Comedy Character. Grasshopper also joins, but is killed, creating a running gag of newbies in
the suit also meeting quick demises. Upon receiving a subpoena from the Avengers (who
suddenly care about the name), and realizing that they're all mutants, they rename themselves
the Great Lakes X-Men for a time. When Marvel Girl demands they drop the name, they
switch to "The Great Lakes Champions".

During the post-Civil War era, they join up with the Superhuman Registration Act, forming
the Great Lakes Initiative, becoming Wisconsin's respresentative, in the two-year period
where they actually tried to actually go with the "each State gets their own superhero team"
thing. Here, they ally with Deadpool in his comedy series. The hero Gravity gets hooked up
with them by Norman Osborn, much to his dismay, and Squirrel Girl eventually leaves.

The Modern-Day Team:

-2016 saw a revamped Great Lakes Avengers book, which has one of those "Someone
spammed out the entire plot on Wikipedia" descriptions, and it sounds kinda dumb.

Great White

Post by Jabroniville » Wed Apr 17, 2019 11:42 pm

GREAT WHITE (Real Name Unknown)
Created By: Stuart Moore & Ariel Olivetti
First Appearance: Namor- The First Mutant #5 (Feb. 2011)
Role: Shark Trainer

-The remarkably awesome Great White is unfortunately a jobber, despite having the
GREATEST GIMMICK EVER- he's a professional shark trainer who uses an assortment of
sharks to carry out the domination of the Hawaiian island of Maui, instead of having every
little boy on Earth pay money to see his show. He attacked a professional surfer as a show of
power, but he was saved by the manifestation of the mutant powers of his daughter, Alani
Ryan, better known as Loa of the Young X-Men. She disinstegrated one of his sharks
instantly, and he was one-hit-KO'd by Namor while trying to attack her. He has never

Norman Osborn

Post by Jabroniville » Mon May 15, 2017 8:10 pm

"Alright class- now pay attention. Lesson One is on how to make your name as a villain

THE GREEN GOBLIN I (Norman Osborn)

Created By: Stan Lee & Steve Ditko
First Appearance: The Amazing Spider-Man #14 (July 1964)
Role: Master Villain, Big Bad, Joker/Lex Luthor Hybrid, Upgraded by History, Bridge-
Thrower-Offer, Mad Scientist
Villain Ranking: A-List (mostly B-List before 1976)
Group Affiliations: The Thunderbolts, The Sinister Twelve, The Cabal, H.A.M.M.E.R.
PL 11 (238)

Acrobatics 3 (+6)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 1 (+12)
Deception 9 (+14)
Expertise (Business) 8 (+16)
Expertise (Current Events) 3 (+11)
Expertise (Politics) 5 (+13)
Expertise (Science) 9 (+17)
Insight 6 (+10)
Intimidation 5 (+10)
Perception 4 (+8)
Persuasion 5 (+10)
Ranged Combat (Razor-Bats & Electro-Gloves) 2 (+14)
Technology 9 (+17)
Vehicles 4 (+8)
"Glider Pilot" Vehicles 6 (+14) (Flaws: Limited to Goblin Gliders)

Accurate Attack, All-Out Attack, Beginner's Luck, Benefit (Wealth) 4, Connected, Daze
(Intimidation), Diehard, Equipment 9 (Goblin Glider), Favored Environment (Airborne),
Fearless, Great Endurance, Improved Aim, Improved Initiative 2, Inventor, Jack-Of-All-
Trades, Last Stand (Ignores All Damage For 1 Round With HP Sepnt), Power Attack,
Ranged Attack 8, Skill Mastery (Deception), Startle, Taunt

"Altered Healing" Regeneration 2 (Feats: Regrowth) [3]

"Goblin Costume" (Flaws: Removable) [16]

"Electro-Circuitry Gloves" Blast 8 (16)
Protection 1 (1)
Immunity 2 (Chemicals) (2) -- (19 points)

"Goblin Weapon Array" (Flaws: Easily Removable) [21]

"Pumpkin Bomb- Blast" Blast 10 (Feats: Triggered- 1 Round) (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst)
(Diminished Range -1) (30) -- (35 points)

 AE: "Pumpkin Bomb- Knock-Out Gas" Affliction 10 (Fort;

Fatigued/Exhausted/Asleep) (Feats: Triggered) (Extras: Ranged, Area- 30ft. Burst)
(Diminished Range -1) (30)
 AE: "Pumpkin Bomb- Smoke" Concealment 4 (Feats: Triggered) (Extras: Area- 15ft.
Cloud, Attack) (13)
 AE: "Pumpkin Bomb- Hallucinogenic Gas" Affliction 10 (Fort;
Dazed/Stunned/Transformed) (Feats: Triggered) (Extras: Ranged, Area- 15ft. Cloud)
(Diminished Range -1) (30)
 AE: "Spider-Sense Neutralizer" Nullify Sensory Powers 10 (Extras: Fort.Resistance
+0, Continuous +3, Area- 15ft. Cloud) (Flaws: Fades, Limited to Spider-Sense) (30)
 AE: "Razor-Bats" Blast 5 (Extras: Multiattack) (15)

"Goblin Glider"
(Medium; Strength 2, Defense 8, Toughness 6, Remote Control) (12)
Flight 6 (120 mph) (Flaws: Platform) (6)
"Heat-Seeking Missiles" Blast 10 (Feats: Homing 3) (23) -- (24)
AE: "Machine Guns" Blast 7 (Extras: Multiattack) (21) 
AE: "Blades" Damage 8 (8) -- (32 points)

Unarmed +12 (+8 Damage, DC 23)
Missiles +12 (+10 Ranged Damage, DC 25)
Machine Guns +12 (+7 Ranged Damage, DC 22)
Electro-Gloves +14 (+8 Ranged Damage, DC 23)
Pumpkin Blast +10 Area (+10 Damage, DC 25)
Pumpkin KO Gas +10 Area (+10 Affliction, DC 20)
Pumpkin Hallucinogens +10 Area (+10 Affliction, DC 20)
Spidey-Neutralizier +10 Area (+10 Nullify, DC 20)
Razor-Bats +14 (+5 Ranged Damage, DC 20)
All Accuracy Boosted by +2 When Fighting Spider-Man (+13 Unarmed, +14 Ranged)
Initiative +11

Dodge +12 (DC 22), Parry +12 (DC 22), Toughness +7 (+8 Costume), Fortitude +10, Will +8

Motivation (Power)- Norman desperately seeks power in all its forms- wealth, women,
politics, etc. He's into the game for power for it's own sake. 
Enemy (Spider-Man)
Responsibility (Insane)- The Goblin Formula has driven an already-amoral monster insane-
despite his cravings for power, Norman has frequently risked it all out of sheer madness. At
various times, his personality is completely altered, and he becomes a maddened, raving
lunatic. He can be needlessly-sadistic, and is unbelievably arrogant. He has pretty much every
known mental illness combined, fighting for attention in his brain.
Obsession (Spider-Man)- Norman is obsessed with Spider-Man, at times wanting to groom
him as a successor, but also to kill him for his "misdeeds".
Responsibility (Sadist)- Norman is more than insane- he is truly sadistic, and enjoys torment.
When a friendly prison guard asked him to help his wife, Norman instead arranged for a
horrible death for the poor woman. He allows Bullseye to kill dozens of innocents. Pain gives
him joy.
Power Loss (Goblin Formula)- If the Goblin Formula is ever neutralized, Norman's stats
falter considerably, even his mental ones. His stats become: Strength 2, Stamina 2, Agility 0,
Fighting 4, Dexterity 2 & Intelligence 6.

Total: Abilities: 100 / Skills: 76--38 / Advantages: 40 / Powers: 40 / Defenses: 20 (238)

Norman Osborn- Peter Parker's Arch-Nemesis:

-Gotta love Norman Osborn, especially since he started out so small- "just another Spider-
Man villain" at first, he started picking up steam with the "Mystery Identity", and then he was
revealed as the father of Peter's brand-new friend! This is reputed to be the straw that broke
the camel's back between Stan Lee & Steve Ditko (the story goes that Ditko believed in the
realism of having Gobby be some new guy, but Stan insisted that it be a known-character or
the fans would feel ripped-off- Ditko has subsequently stated that he wanted to hold off on
the revelation until later)- but it didn't hurt the character at all. Recurring incidents made the
Goblin the #2 Spidey villain, perhaps even #1, not opposing Spidey physically like Doctor
Octopus did, but being a thinking-man's foe with schemes and plots. They did some silly
"Comic Book"-type stuff like having Norman learn Spidey's secret identity, but then forget it
with "Convenient Amnesia", resulting in a kinder, gentler Norman for a while (he actually
came out of the amnesia TWICE), but it was not to last....

The Night Gwen Stacy Died:

-Gerry Conway decided to off Gwen Stacy, Peter's "One True Love". And yeah, pulling a
trick like THAT, in the NINETEEN-SEVENTIES? That's about the biggest-possible career-
maker you could ever get. No Refrigerator-Stuffing here, this was out-and-out DRAMA, and
a shock from which no fan was expecting. It revealed the true depths of Norman's villainy,
the horror of what happens when a hero's ID is revealed, and more. It's only fitting that
Norman was killed-off in that same storyline- How could he POSSIBLY top doing what no
costumed super-villain had ever done before? And the death was magnificent- it left Spidey
innocent (even the angriest he's ever been wasn't enough to push him to murder), and caused
Norman to fail thanks to his own machinations- he defeated himself, impaled on his own

-Norman was dead for an astonishing twenty-some years, largley due to the "sacred" nature
of the storyline. This allowed for numerous new "Goblins" to show up- from a random dude
grabbing Osborn's gear, to Norman's own son Harry, who could never escape daddy's
shadow. There was also a string of Hobgoblins and a Demogoblin, because comics are like
that. Norman's spectre loomed a bit, but he was largely unmentioned in most books I had- as
a kid, I actually thought the Goblin was dumb, since he looked INCREDIBLY-stupid in most
pictures- big googly eyes, a purple cap, purple undies, and giant Dumbo ears? It took them
until the 1990s to make that outfit look actually dangerous and creepy/crazy, rather than
stupid- even Ditko, Romita & others couldn't save it.

The Return of Norman Osborn:

-But at the end of the Clone Saga, they brought Norman back, in a move many decried. But
honestly, it's COMICS- someone was gonna do it, and it was a last-ditch effort to save the
God-awful Clone Saga, by having him be behind the whole thing, just to make Spidey go
crazy. They were gonna go with Harry being behind it all, but new Editor-In-Chief Bob
Harras demanded it be Norman. At least they got some REALLY good stories out of him,
like the one where he tortures Peter by locking him up in the dark like Norman's own daddy
did to him as a kid. He vexes Peter a LOT over the next few years, doing increasingly-bizarre
things like replacing Aunt May by an actress (who later dies), telling The Scorpion Spidey's
secret identity, and joining a cult to perform a ritual that ends up turning him insane (well,
insane-ER). Oh, and he once had sex with GWEN STACY and fathered her twins. Because

Modern-Day Norman:
-Norman becoming head of The Thunderbolts post-Civil War was COMPLETELY INSANE,
but to writer Warren Ellis' credit, he went full-on with admitting just how insane that move
was, as Osborn goes power-hungry, and ends up becoming the director of H.A.M.M.E.R.,
and replacing a disgraced Tony Stark. Dark Reign was a GREAT idea, featuring the
enormously-dark period of SUPER-VILLAINS holding near-total power in America (insert
joke about American politics here), but ultimately the cap-off to the story, Siege, was a huge
failure. The return of Captain America felt like an afterthought, the dramatic "Cavalry
Charge" scene was mostly Cap plus the f*cking Young Avengers of all people, and Norman's
entire plot- the invasion of Asgard- was so insanely stupid & pointless that it completely
ruined the entire concept. It was just some pointless power-grab that made him look like an
idiot, and a huge waste of the entire story arc. He would be incarcerated, but break out of jail
and form a Goblin Army that would even ruin OTTO OCTAVIUS' attempts at being Peter
Parker, as Norman's chaos destroy Otto's order. Otto has to give up being Peter Parker in
order to save the woman he loves- only PARKER has the real ability to halt Norman's
rampage. His run as "The Goblin King" ends with him disguised as the new CEO of
Alchemax (the Evil Megacorp of the "2099" future, but the post-Secret Wars stories have him
as Norman once more.

Norman as a Whole:
-Truth be told, Norman is pretty awesome these days. He's always had this... weird mix of the
big two DC villains in him- Norman Osborn is Lex Luthor with the heart of The Joker- the
most brilliant, scheming, lying asshole businessman in the world... but he can't let go of this
part of him that's completely, obsessively bonkers. He WANTS to be Neutral/Selfish Evil...
but he's actually just Chaotic Evil.

-This dichotomy makes him fascinating, and truly pushes him to the upper-echelons of super-
villainy. I like him more than either DC guy, because he's got all the Billionaire Smart Guy
genius, yet he's pathetically nuts. It gives him this extra inch of tragedy, combined with an
interesting personal flaw that can be his undoing- Osborn falls way more frequently than does
the Teflon-coated Luthor. And his ability to survive stupid stories is almost as impressive as
Peter's- truly, they are two peas in a pod.

Norman's Stats:
-Norman's a complex little bastard to stat out, having high stats across the board, even
mentally, and with tons of Skills, Advantages and Powers. He's rather clunky as far as his
attack-methods go, though- his Gloves, his Glider and his Bombs all create Ranged Damage,
yet they're in three different categories and separate from each other. This makes him much
more expensive than he theoretically should be (though he's barely more costly than Spidey
himself), so it's a good thing he's a final-battle super-villain and not a Player Character. I was
gonna make all three Goblin Devices- the Glider, the Bomb Array and the Costume- be actual
Removable Devices, but I changed my mind after seeing how a few others statted their
Goblins. Thinking about it, the Glider IS an easily-replaced hunk of tin that gets damaged
alot, despite being core to his concept.

-I also stole the Triggered/Diminished Range idea for the Pumpkin Bombs from Taliesin
(whose current lack of building prevents me from cribbing more of his ideas ), as I forgot
the former Feat, and didn't remember that Range thing either- the DCA-book doesn't give it
to Grenades, and I totally didn't get that it left a 100-foot Long-Range on such Devices- far
too much distance. Norman's got a TON of Tricks- a Spider-Sense Nullifier (which,
remember, reduces Spidey's PL), Burst-Damage Bombs, Affliction-giving bombs
(Hallucinogens are kind of a Mental Transformation), enough Science & Tech-skills to create
a lot of stuff (+17 in both- higher than Spidey, but lower than Tony Stark, who states that
Osborn is "too dumb" to replicate the Iron Man Armor), expertise in Politics & Business,
REALLY good Deception, Persuasion & Intimidation (he covers all those bases extremely
well- just look at him in Dark Reign, schmoozing with reporters), and more. Norman can do
it all, and is a PL 11 accuracy-heavy Ranged Fighter who flies extremely well.
The Iron Patriot Armor
(Feats: Restricted 2- Only Osborn) (Flaws: Removable) [68]
Enhanced Strength 4 (8)
Protection 5 (Extras: Impervious 9) (14)
Immunity 6 (Cold, Heat, Radiation, Pressure, Suffocation 2) (6)
"Boot Rockets" Flight 9 (1,000 mph) (18)
"Armor Sensors" Senses 11 (Extended & Infravision, Extended Hearing, Radar 4, Detect
Energy- Ranged, Acute & Accurate) (11)

Magnetic Blast 11 (Feats: Split, Improved Critical) (24) -- (25)

 AE: "Uni-Beam" Damage 11 (Feats: Penetrating 5) (Extras: Area- 30ft. Line) (Flaws:
Distracting) (16)

-- (82 points)

-As The Iron Patriot, Osborn was packing an inferior version of the Iron Man armor, still
being PL 11 on offense, PL 12 on defense.

Harry Osborn

Post by Jabroniville » Tue May 16, 2017 5:48 am

Created By: Stan Lee & Steve Ditko
First Appearance: The Amazing Spider-Man #31 (Dec. 1965)
Role: Turncoat Friend, Legacy Villain, Wacky Buddy
Villain Ranking: B-List
Group Affiliations: N/A
PL 10 (181)

Acrobatics 3 (+6)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 3 (+10)
Deception 6 (+8)
Expertise (Business) 3 (+8)
Expertise (Science) 4 (+9)
Intimidation 6 (+8)
Perception 5 (+7)
Technology 4 (+9)
"Glider Pilot" Vehicles 8 (+12) (Flaws: Limited to Goblin Gliders)

All-Out Attack, Benefit (Wealth) 3, Diehard, Equipment 9 (Goblin Glider), Favored
Environment, Fearless, Great Endurance, Improved Aim, Improved Initiative, Power Attack,
Ranged Attack 6, Startle, Taunt

"Altered Healing" Regeneration 2 (Feats: Regrowth) [3]

"Goblin Costume" (Flaws: Removable) [16]

"Electro-Circuitry Gloves" Blast 8 (16)
Protection 1 (1)
Immunity 2 (Chemicals) (2) -- (19 points)

"Goblin Weapon Array" (Flaws: Easily Removable -2) [21]

"Pumpkin Bomb- Blast" Blast 10 (Feats: Triggered- 1 Round) (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst)
(Diminished Range -1) (30) -- (35 points)

 AE: "Pumpkin Bomb- Knock-Out Gas" Affliction 10 (Fort;

Fatigued/Exhausted/Asleep) (Feats: Triggered) (Extras: Ranged, Area- 30ft. Burst)
(Diminished Range -1) (30)
 AE: "Pumpkin Bomb- Smoke" Concealment 4 (Feats: Triggered) (Extras: Area- 15ft.
Cloud, Attack) (13)
 AE: "Pumpkin Bomb- Hallucinogenic Gas" Affliction 10 (Fort;
Dazed/Stunned/Transformed) (Feats: Triggered) (Extras: Ranged, Area- 15ft. Cloud)
(Diminished Range -1) (30)
 AE: "Spider-Sense Neutralizer" Nullify Sensory Powers 10 (Extras: Fort.Resistance
+0, Continuous +3, Area- 15ft. Cloud) (Flaws: Fades, Limited to Spider-Sense) (30)
 AE: "Razor-Bats" Blast 5 (Extras: Multiattack) (15)
"Goblin Glider"
(Medium; Strength 2, Defense 8, Toughness 6, Remote Control) (12)
Flight 6 (120 mph) (Flaws: Platform) (6)
"Heat-Seeking Missiles" Blast 10 (Feats: Homing 3) (23) -- (24)

 AE: "Machine Guns" Blast 7 (Extras: Multiattack) (21) 

 AE: "Blades" Damage 8 (8)

-- (32 points)

Unarmed +10 (+8 Damage, DC 23)
Missiles +10 (+10 Ranged Damage, DC 25)
Machine Guns +10 (+7 Ranged Damage, DC 22)
Electro-Gloves +10 (+8 Ranged Damage, DC 23)
Pumpkin Blast +10 Area (+10 Damage, DC 25)
Pumpkin KO Gas +10 Area (+10 Affliction, DC 20)
Pumpkin Hallucinogens +10 Area (+10 Affliction, DC 20)
Spidey-Neutralizier +10 Area (+10 Nullify, DC 20)
Razor-Bats +10 (+5 Ranged Damage, DC 20)
All Accuracy Boosted by +2 When Fighting Spider-Man (+12 Unarmed, +12 Ranged)
Initiative +7

Dodge +11 (+13 vs. Spidey, DC 21-23), Parry +10 (+12 vs. Spidey, DC 21-22), Toughness
+7 (+8 Costume), Fortitude +10, Will +6

Motivation (Father's Love)- Harry is desperate for attention from his vile father Norman
Osborn, and will do anything to gain acceptance with him.
Responsibility (Insane)- The Goblin Formula has driven a normal man insane- Harry is
normally a good, if flighty and undependable person, yet becomes a vindictive and evil
person when under the power of the Formula.
Power Loss (Goblin Formula)- If the Goblin Formula is ever neutralized, Harry's stats falter
considerably, even his mental ones. His stats become: Strength 1, Stamina 1, Agility 0,
Fighting 4, Dexterity 2 & Intelligence 3.
Relationship (Family)- Harry is the devoted father to young Normie, and loving husband to
wife Liz Allan, though these relationships become ruined by his association with his father.
Relationship (Peter Parker)- Harry is best buds with Peter, and owes his life to Pete several
times over.

Total: Abilities: 76 / Skills: 38--19 / Advantages: 28 / Powers: 41 / Defenses: 18 (181)

Harry- Unluckiest "Best Pal" Character Ever:

-Poor Harry. Poor, poor Harry. Initially being introduced as Pete's rich-kid college buddy
(they quickly become friends once Harry sees past Peter's stand-offishness and realizes he's
just worried about Aunt May, not being a snob), but his father is immediately introduced as
the Green Goblin. While in college, he & Pete get into some standard college party hijinx,
with some brain-achingly fuddy-duddy dialogue from Stan "The Man" Lee (who is
entertaining to read, but rarely gets anywhere close to how actual people talk- "What's up,
dad?" "What's crackin', pussycat?"- it's pretty much like "Totally Radical & Bodacious,
DUDE" talk was for the '90s). However, Harry was likeable in a weird sort of way, dating
Party Girl Mary Jane Watson while Pete went after Hot-Then-Cold Daddy's Girl Gwen Stacy.
However, Harry was troubled.

-His relationship with his father was strained, and his belief that Peter kept "bailing" on him
led him to seek solace with drugs, from cocaine to LSD. Yes, this was the famous "DRUGS!"
storyline in Marvel Comics, where they willingly gave up the Comics Code for a bit, making
their own Crowning Moment of Awesome, as comics finally started jumping into the modern
era of social-based storytelling in a big way. It wasn't as realistic (Harry did the old "nearly
jump off the roof" thing) or as gritty as Speedy getting hooked on smack over in Green
Arrow/Green Lantern, but it sure SOLD a hell of a lot better- DC's book would get cancelled
shortly afterwards.

-Harry would get better, then relapse, like a real drug addict would, MJ would dump him, and
things would get worse when his father died fighting Spider-Man (after a breakdown caused
by Harry's own self-destruction and overdosing). Hiding his dad's Goblin identity, Harry
became obsessed himself, then became the SECOND Green Goblin. But in this role he would
vanish and go into remission just like his daddy did- he'd get hypnotized or force himself to
forget or something, so he'd be back in Spidey's good graces eventually.

Harry in Modern Times:

-After a point, he even married Peter's old flame, Liz Allan, and have a son named after
Norman Osborn. Problem was, this was during the '90s era of Spidey, so all this craziness
was going on, with Harry often at the side or centre of it, so he was never really happy.
Finally, they just pulled the trigger and had Harry go nuts one last time and die after
poisoning himself with the new Goblin Formula he made. At least he went out like a hero,
snapping out of his insanity in time to save Peter, Mary Jane and little Normie, then
collapsing. A friend of mine LOVES Harry as the Goblin, and considers this one of the
absolute best Spider-Man stories.

-This was a pretty good story that gets much love today, but it had one REALLY bad side-
effect: It was a furthering of a concept that'd been used since the '80s ad nauseum- the pain &
agony inflicted upon Spider-Man's supporting cast that had eventually reached such a critical
mass that he was left with NOBODY in his cast that wasn't completely-damaged aside from
MJ, J. Jonah Jameson of all people, and Robbie Robertson. Liz Allan? Mentally destroyed by
Harry's death. Harry? Dead. Gwen? Dead. Captain Stacy? Dead. Aunt May? Dead (for a bit),
also frequently loses her loved ones. Jean DeWolff? Dead. Flash? Alcoholic. Betty Brant?
Widow. IT JUST WENT ON LIKE THIS. This is part of why the '90s sucked for Spidey
fans, especially after the Image Crew left him high and dry in the mid-90s, as he was now just
this miserable loner sitting around with Mary Jane and Aunt May, growing more and more
bitter, because he had no friends left. This assassination of his supporting cast (the best in all
of comics in my opinion), hurt him as a character, and hurt the books creatively, and I don't
think they've ever really recovered.

The Do-Nothing Return of Harry:

-Later on, after Mephisto steals Peter Parker's marriage, it turns out that Harry had his death
faked by Mysterio & Norman (who has since come back to life), and... sorta just shows up
again. He & Liz divorce (what'd SHE think of him disappearing for years?), then he ends up
in a series of short-lived marriages. He nearly marries a woman named Lily Hollister, but she
becomes Menace, a new, female Goblin. During Dark Reign, he becomes The American Son
briefly, and fights his dad after he finds out Norman knocked-up Lily (later, it turns out that
Harry IS the father). After some more nonsense (including fighting Gabriel, the son of Gwen
Stacy & Norman Osborn, because Marvel STILL hasn't just retconned that stupid story
away), Harry runs from New York to raise his son. So... even though he's not dead, Harry still
kinda just ends up being messed around with.

Squinty Harry:
-Harry in the movies is actually more important than he tends to be in the comics- he was a
huge force in the Raimi Trilogy, and featured in The Amazing Spider-Man 2. James Franco
actually made his star power based off of his portrayal (though I found him rather forgettable,
apparently he's quite the looker. Plus, he has friends in high places in Hollywood these days,
owing to his run on Freaks & Geeks, a Doom Patrol Fandom-inspiring cult TV show by Judd
Apatow), and was all set to make a big go of it... until his whole "Slacker Stoner"/"Modern-
Day Hipster" act REALLY rubbed some people the wrong way, and I haven't seen him in
anything for a while. Franco-Harry was one of numerous bad guys in the third of the Raimi
films, to the movie's detriment- him going evil/vengeful against Peter, then Amnesiac
(WHAT IS IT WITH GOBLINS AND THAT???), then apologetic, was a bit odd. Amazing-
Harry was a bit weird and foregettable, being more of a drooling weirdo with an odd "The
Osborn Family Dies Young" thing tossed in for no real reason, making the big Defining
Moment of him killing Gwen rather weak.

Harry's Stats:
-So on to Harry's stats. He's basically his father, minus a dozen steps in every category- he's
got nothing his father doesn't already have, but better. He's a worse melee fighter, ranged
fighter, etc., and has fewer Skills, Advantages and mental stats. He's still no slouch, of
course, almost matching Spidey's PL when they fight, AND he's really quite expensive thanks
to all those Goblin tools. The Goblin Formula makes him smarter, but he's never on Norman's
level- his best invention was the second Goblin Formula, which of course POISONED HIM
TO DEATH, so he's not exactly high-up on the Science scale, if you get my drift.

Green Goblin (Hamilton)

Post by Jabroniville » Tue May 16, 2017 10:17 pm

THE GREEN GOBLIN III (Doctor Bart Hamilton)
Created By: Len Wein & Ross Andru
First Appearance: The Amazing Spider-Man #167 (April 1977)
Role: One-Shot Villain
Villain Ranking: E-List (one-shot)
Group Affiliations: N/A
PL 10 (117)

Close Combat (Unarmed) 2 (+6)
Deception 6 (+10)
Expertise (Psychiatry) 8 (+12)
Intimidation 2 (+6)
Perception 2 (+5)
Technology 1 (+5)
"Glider Pilot" Vehicles 6 (+6) (Flaws: Limited to Goblin Gliders)

Equipment 9 (Goblin Glider), Ranged Attack 6
"Goblin Costume" (Flaws: Removable) [20]
"Electro-Circuitry Gloves" Blast 8 (16)
Protection 4 (4)
Immunity 2 (Chemicals) (2) -- (22 points)

"Goblin Weapon Array" (Flaws: Easily Removable -2) [21]

"Pumpkin Bomb- Blast" Blast 10 (Feats: Triggered- 1 Round) (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst)
(Diminished Range -1) (30) -- (35 points)

 AE: "Pumpkin Bomb- Knock-Out Gas" Affliction 10 (Fort;

Fatigued/Exhausted/Asleep) (Feats: Triggered) (Extras: Ranged, Area- 30ft. Burst)
(Diminished Range -1) (30)
 AE: "Pumpkin Bomb- Smoke" Concealment 4 (Feats: Triggered) (Extras: Area- 15ft.
Cloud, Attack) (13)
 AE: "Pumpkin Bomb- Hallucinogenic Gas" Affliction 10 (Fort;
Dazed/Stunned/Transformed) (Feats: Triggered) (Extras: Ranged, Area- 15ft. Cloud)
(Diminished Range -1) (30)
 AE: "Spider-Sense Neutralizer" Nullify Sensory Powers 10 (Extras: Fort.Resistance
+0, Continuous +3, Area- 15ft. Cloud) (Flaws: Fades, Limited to Spider-Sense) (30)
 AE: "Razor-Bats" Blast 5 (Extras: Multiattack) (15)

"Goblin Glider"
(Medium; Strength 2, Defense 8, Toughness 6, Remote Control) (12)
Flight 6 (120 mph) (Flaws: Platform) (6)
"Heat-Seeking Missiles" Blast 10 (Feats: Homing 3) (23) -- (24)

 AE: "Machine Guns" Blast 7 (Extras: Multiattack) (21) 

 AE: "Blades" Damage 8 (8)

-- (32 points)

Unarmed +6 (+1 Damage, DC 16)
Missiles +6 (+10 Ranged Damage, DC 25)
Machine Guns +6 (+7 Ranged Damage, DC 22)
Electro-Gloves +6 (+8 Ranged Damage, DC 23)
Pumpkin Blast +10 Area (+10 Damage, DC 25)
Pumpkin KO Gas +10 Area (+10 Affliction, DC 20)
Pumpkin Hallucinogens +10 Area (+10 Affliction, DC 20)
Spidey-Neutralizier +10 Area (+10 Nullify, DC 20)
Razor-Bats +6 (+5 Ranged Damage, DC 20)
Initiative +1

Dodge +6 (DC 16), Parry +6 (DC 16), Toughness +2 (+6 Costume), Fortitude +4, Will +5

Motivation (Greed)

Total: Abilities: 38 / Skills: 24--12 / Advantages: 15 / Powers: 41 / Defenses: 11 (117)

-Hamilton was a one-shot guy- a Psychiatrist who hypnotized Harry Osborn into forgetting
the Green Goblin identity, but decided to go into business for himself, and steal its secrets.
Finding Norman Osborn's lair, he grabbed all the Goblin's gear (but forgoed the Goblin
Formula), and went on a spree of his own. He was opposed by both Spider-Man AND Harry
(in the Goblin suit again), and was killed by his own Pumpkin Bomb, never anything more
than a footnote in Spider or Goblin History. He's still PL 10 thanks to all those Area Attacks,
but lacks accuracy at anything else- he's as weak as a normal guy (though his stats are a bit
inflated since he IS a super-villain, and he takes more protection than a super-tough man
would from the Goblin Costume), leaving him PL 7 at-best with his other Ranged Gear, and
even THAT may be pushing it for him.

The Green Knight

Post by Jabroniville » Wed Sep 21, 2022 12:18 pm

Created by: Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning & Gary Erskin
First Appearance: The Knights of Pendragon #5 (April 1990)
Role: English Planeteer
Group Affiliation: The Knights of Pendragon

-The Green Knight is part of the Arthurian mythos- that of an unkillable spirit of sorts, who
teaches Sir Gawain a lesson and spares his life. He appears in Marvel's Knights of Pendragon
series as one of the beings that empowers the group- he has been killing people for polluting
the environment, and faces the Red Lord, a corrupting force. He empowered Adam Crown in
particular, helping him defeat Skire of MyS-TECH at one point. He was killed by the Skrull
Invasion in Captain Britain & MI-13, but was resurrected by Pete Wisdom shortly thereafter.

Post by Jabroniville » Thu Jun 15, 2017 11:00 pm

THE GREEN LIBERATION FRONT (aka The Credit Card Soldiers)

Created By: Walter Simonson
First Appearance: Thor #354 (April 1985)
Role: Anti-Money Mooks
Group Affiliations: The KGB
PL 7 (85)

Expertise (Soldier) 4 (+5)
Intimidation 3 (+4)
Perception 2 (+3)
Technology 3 (+4)

Equipment 4 (Blasters +6- Multiattack), Ranged Attack 6
"Battle Armour" (Flaws: Removable) (Feats: Subtle- Credit Card-Sized) [33]
Enhanced Strength 6 (12)
Protection 6 (Extras: Impervious 5) (11)
Flight 6 (120 mph) (12)
"Sensors" Senses 2 (Infravision, Extended Hearing) (2)
Features 1: Increased Mass (1)
Reach 1 (1)
-- (39 points)

Unarmed +6 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Battle Armour +6 (+8 Damage, DC 23)
Blasters +6 (+6 Ranged Damage, DC 21)
Initiative +2

Dodge +6 (DC 16), Parry +6 (DC 16), Toughness +2 (+8 Armour, +3 Impervious), Fortitude
+3, Will +2

Motivation (Destroying the American Economy)

Total: Abilities: 30 / Skills: 12--6 / Advantages: 10 / Powers: 33 / Defenses: 6 (85)

-The Green Liberation Front (forming an acronym even funnier than the Mutant Liberation
Front these days) is an organization formed by The Titanium Man, a Russian agent, to help
destroy the American economy. HOW this was to be done I'm not sure about, but they
brawled with Thor for a while (and Beta-Ray Bill once), getting their asses handed to them
eventually (I mean, that's some great armour they have on- but this is THOR we're talking
about). The suits are actually REALLY BIG, but I didn't feel like adding Growth. In any
case, they're PL 7 unarmed, and PL 6 with their Lasers (which seem just like standard-issue
Useless Comic Lasers), which is enough to be a rough battle for a single PL 10 hero,
especially if you don't use the Minion Rules for them.

Titanium Man (Gremlin)

Post by Jabroniville » Sat May 23, 2020 11:04 pm

"I’ve always treated the entire run of a book, up to the point that I took it over, as worthy of
respect. So I was always interested in where series started out, and how they developed in
their early days. The Gargoyle had indeed been in Hulk #1, so I thought it would be fun to
connect to him—but I had to make something interesting for my time, not just wave at the
past. I thought, ‘Gargoyle + Kremlin = Gremlin’."[3]
-Steve Englehart

TITANIUM MAN II (Kondrati Yurivich Topolov, aka The Gremlin)

Created By: Len Wein & Herb Trimpe
First Appearance: The Incredible Hulk #163 (May 1973)
Role: Mirror Image Villain, Evil Genius, Freak
Country of Origin: The Soviet Union/Russia
Group Affiliations: The Soviet Super-Soldiers
PL 10 (163)

Close Combat (Unarmed) 2 (+6)
Deception 7 (+7)
Expertise (Science) 10 (+17)
Expertise (Current Events) 4 (+11)
Insight 3 (+5)
Intimidation 4 (+4)
Investigation 3 (+5)
Perception 5 (+7)
Technology 10 (+17)
Vehicles 6 (+6)

Inventor, Ranged Attack 9

"Mutant Powers: Size & Intelligence"
Enhanced Intelligence 4 [8]
"Titanium Man Power Armor" (Flaws: Removable) [100]
Enhanced Strength 15 (30)
Protection 13 (Extras: Impervious 7) (20)
Communications 2 (Electronic) 1 (8)
"Boot Jets" Flight 9 (1,000 mph) (18)
Immunity 8 (Visual Dazzles, Cold, Heat, Radiation, Vacuum, Pressure, Suffocation,
Drowning) (8)
"Sensory Array" Senses 4 ("Radar" Ranged Acurate Radius Radio Sense 4) (4)
Enhanced Defenses 4 (8)

"Force Rings" Snare 9 (27) -- (29)

 AE: "Hand Blasters" Blast 11 (Feats: Split) (23)

 AE: "Paralytic Electromagnetic Beam" Affliction 10 (Tech Skill of Creator;
Dazed/Stunned/Incapacitated) (Extras: Ranged, Cumulative) (Flaws: Limited to
Machines) (20)

-- (125 points)

Unarmed +6 (-2 Damage, DC 13)
Titanium Strength +6 (+13 Damage, DC 28)
Blasters +9 (+11 Ranged Damage, DC 26)
Force Rings +9 (+9 Ranged Affliction, DC 19)
EM Beam +9 (+10 Ranged Affliction, DC 20)
Initiative +0

Dodge +4 (+8 Suit, DC 18), Parry +4 (+8 Suit, DC 18), Toughness -1 (+12 Armor), Fortitude
+2, Will +5

Responsibility (Russian Agent)
Prejudice (Dwarf)- The Gremlin is hideously-deformed, and very small.
Enemy (Iron Man)

Total: Abilities: 12 / Skills: 46--23 / Advantages: 10 / Powers: 108 / Defenses: 10 (163)

-The Gremlin is a dwarfish mutant who was the son of the Hulk's first foe, the Gargoyle.
Sharing both his father's grotesque appearance and super-intellect, he was a shrivelled, ugly
kid with delusions of grandeur and a vendetta against the Hulk. Frequently attacking the Hulk
with various weapons, he was usually beaten (once by the Hulk & General Ross TEAMING
UP!). He created a sentient Triceratops Monster called Droog (betcha I know which novel
ENGELHART had just read!), but also allied with some heroes against the Dire Wraiths, thus
joining the Soviet Super-Soldiers.

-Sometime around when Boris Bullski disappeared, the Gremlin began using the Titanium
Man armor. In this form, he faced the X-Men and The Avengers in the fight over Magneto,
who was on trial at the time in X-Men vs. Avengers. He was also the Titanium Man who
appeared in Armor Wars, in one of the big moments of the story. Since his armor had been
created using Stark-Tech, Tony was attempting to de-power both him and the Crimson
Dynamo, who were teaming up for the first time in these incarnations. Despite using his
weaker Stealth Armor on this mission, Tony managed to beat the Crimson Dynamo, but the
Gremlin proved to be too strong. He was a braggart and very over-confident, and he
destroyed Iron Man's negator pack, but in the final moments, disaster struck- Tony attempted
to escape using his booster jets, but the heat from them caused the titanium armor to ignite,
having surpassed its heating point. The Titanium Man armor exploded, killing the Gremlin
and forcing Iron Man to flee. Horrified, Tony was forced to deal with another moral problem
on his journey (compounded when he had to beat Captain America in the same story arc,
while de-powering the Guardsmen). A couple years after this, the original Titanium Man
reappeared, so the Gremlin is likely finished.

-It's a bit odd, though- the guy was just a deformed Hulk foe, and then suddenly he's the new
Titanium Man and a superhero, but then the Iron Man guys are allowed to kill him?

-Gremlin is enhanced a bit by his suit (I'm ignoring his Small-ish size, as that kind of thing is
rather annoying and complex to stat out, and rather unnecessary in such small amounts).
Otherwise, it's the exact same suit. Gremlin's worse at hand-to-hand fighting, though, but
MUCH smarter.

Posts: 22074
Joined: Fri Nov 04, 2016 8:05 pm


Post by Jabroniville » Fri Mar 03, 2017 12:00 am

GREY (Lieutenant Brian Talbot)
Created By: Frank Tieri & Carlos Ferreira
First Appearance: World War Hulk: Gamma Corps #1 (July 2007)
Role: Sorta-Hulk
Group Affiliation: Gamma Corps
PL 8 (100)

Expertise (Military) 5 (+6)
Insight 1 (+2)
Intimidation 3 (+5)
Perception 4 (+5)
Stealth 2 (+4)
Technology 1 (+2)
Vehicles 2 (+6)

Benefit 2 (Rank), Fast Grab, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 2, Startle

Enhanced Strength 8 [16]
Enhanced Stamina 7 [14]
Leaping 2 (30 feet) [2]

Unarmed +6 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Hulked-Up +6 (+10 Damage, DC 25)
Initiative +2

Dodge +6 (DC 16), Parry +6 (DC 16), Toughness +5 (+10 Short-Haired), Fortitude +3 (+10
Boosted), Will +4

Enemy (The Hulk)

Total: Abilities: 46 / Skills: 18--9 / Advantages: 7 / Powers: 32 / Defenses: 6 (100)

-Lieutenant Brian Talbot is the younger brother of Glenn Talbot, Betty's ex-husband. He has
some of the Leader's DNA, but it seems to only keep his temper in check- he's a tactical
expert who was glad to hear of his brother's death, as Glenn was retconned into being a
violently abusive sibling. He joinedt he Gamma Corps specifically to show up his brother and
do what he couldn't- stop the Hulk. Grey goes on a rampage after being pissed off by the
Grey King

Post by Jabroniville » Wed Sep 06, 2017 9:08 pm

THE GREY KING (Addison Falk)

Created By: Steve Seagle & Carlos Pacheco
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men #360 (Oct. 1998)
Group Affiliations: Cerebro's X-Men
Role: One-Shot Character
PL 10 (135)

Deception 3 (+6)
Expertise (Art) 4 (+7)
Expertise (Current Events) 4 (+7)
Expertise (Chess Player) 8 (+11) -- Costs 1/2 points
Insight 4 (+7)
Perception 5 (+8)
Persuasion 4 (+7)

Ranged Attack 4

"Mutant Powers: Telekinesis & Psionic Power Nullification" 
"Power Nullification" Affliction 10 (Will; Impaired/Disabled/Transformed to Powerless)
(Extras: Perception-Range +2, Cumulative) (40) -- [48]
 Dynamic AE: Force Field 8 (Feats: Increased Mass 2, Dynamic) (Extras: Affects
Others, Area- 30ft. Shapeable) (27)
 Dynamic AE: "Telekinesis" Move Object 10 (Feats: Precise, Dynamic) (22)
 Dynamic AE: "TK Attack" Damage 10 (Extras: Area- 30ft. Shapeable) (Feats:
Dynamic) (21)
 Dynamic AE: Flight 4 (30 mph) (Feats: Dynamic) (9)

Unarmed +13 (+4 Damage, DC 16)
TK Attack +10 Area (+10 Damage, DC 25)
Nullification -- (+10 Perception-Ranged Affliction, DC 20)
Initiative +3

Dodge +9 (DC 19), Parry +9 (DC 19), Toughness +3 (+11 Force Field), Fortitude +5, Will +5

Motivation (Money)

Total: Abilities: 58 / Skills: 28--14 / Advantages: 4 / Powers: 48 / Defenses: 11 (135)

-The Grey King is the 'team leader'-type, a knock-off of Jean Grey with Sebastian Shaw's
code-name and Magneto's personality, with an extra Power Nullification power. He was
portrayed as a snobbish rich boy with a knack for intellectual games (like Chess), very much
like the old Hellfire Club enemies. He's a fairly ideal and nasty PL 10, but noticeably lacks
Combat Advantages when compared to your usual X-character, since his powers are ALL
that he is. That means he's good in a fight at first, but will quickly fall by the wayside if he
drops his Force Field too far, or gets caught up nullifying people.

The Grey Gargoyle

Post by Jabroniville » Tue Aug 29, 2017 5:58 am

THE GREY GARGOYLE (Paul Pierre Duval)
Created By: Stan Lee & Jack Kirby
First Appearance: Journey Into Mystery #107 (Aug. 1964)
Role: Unused '60s Villain
Group Affiliations: The Masters of Evil, A.I.M., The Lethal Legion
PL 12 (222)

Acrobatics 4 (+7)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 1 (+9)
Deception 3 (+4)
Expertise (Science) 4 (+9)
Expertise (Science) 4 (+13) -- Flaws: Limited to Chemistry
Insight 2 (+3)
Intimidation 4 (+5)
Perception 2 (+3)
Stealth 2 (+5)
Technology 2 (+7)

Chokehold, Fast Grab, Improved Hold, Power Attack

"Hand of Stone"

"Stone Body" (Alternate Form- Move Action) [-1]

Enhanced Strength 9 [18]
Protection 8 (Extras: Impervious 15) [23]
Immunity 10 (Life Support) [10]

"Petrification Touch" Affliction 16 (Fort; Impaired & Hindered/Immobile &

Defenseless/Transformed to Stone & Unaware) (Extras: Continuous +3, Extra Condition)
(Quirks: Lasts One Hour, Then Instantly Ends -2) [78]
Transform 6 (3,200 lbs.) (Objects into Stone) (Extras: Continuous) [30]

Unarmed +10 (+10 Damage, DC 25)
Hand of Stone +8 (+14 Affliction, DC 24)
Initiative +3

Dodge +7 (DC 17), Parry +9 (DC 19), Toughness +3 (+11 Stone Body, +8 Impervious),
Fortitude +7, Will +5

Power Loss (Stone Body)- Grey Gargoyle will lose his body alteration power after one hour.
He must also first tough his own body to enact the change. Touching magical items (such as
the Black Knight's Ebony Blade) has also reverted him to human form in the past. Similarly,
his Transformation power ends after one hour.

Total: Abilities: 44 / Skills: 26--13 / Advantages: 4 / Powers: 148 / Defenses: 13 (222)

-Grey Gargoyle's a classic '60s villain who never really went anywhere, being a goofy
gimmick on your everyday mad scientist, with classic Kirby & Lee tendencies like alliterative
names, booties, and undies. He's just recognizable enough to be visible in group shots of
villains, but otherwise, he pretty much never gets much focus. He debuted as an Evil Scientist
who gained powers in a chemical accident, and decided that he needed to steal Mjolnir to
become immortal. He fought Thor fairly often in the early days (his Stone Touch could
actually affect the Thunder God), but soon shifted to fighting lesser-powered guys like Iron
Man and Cap, becoming a Journeyman Villain (LOT of those in Marvel) who frequently tries
to steal other scientific devices for stuff. He'd get sent into space twice, but joined the
Masters of Evil during the Under Siege arc, and is defeated when The Black Knight's Ebony
Blade reverts him back to human form when he touches it.

-After this, it's just '90s stuff, and by that point the Gargoyle was very passe. He's embarassed
by The Hulk (who resists the Stone Touch and breaks Duvall's arm), temporarily gives Ben
Grimm the ability to become human at-will after freezing him, and then vanishes for almost
the entriety of the decade. He'd show up in minor roles on The Raft and during Civil War,
doing little. He joins The Lethal Legion to oppose Norman Osborn, but not much comes of it.
Oddly, he was chosen to become one of the weapon-wielders during Fear Itself, but I have no
recollection of that, having only read bits with Cain Marko, Absorbing Man, Titania and
others. He manages to turn the entire population of Paris to stone (!), then fights off Iron Man
and a bunch of his supporting cast- he is depowered at the end of the Event (which most
people didn't like).

-Grey Gargoyle's a very dangerous villain, since his power is very "all or nothing"- people he
touches tend to turn to stone, and that's that. It's a powerful Affliction effect (90% of the time,
it will work perfectly- this is hard to reflect in M&M terms without using a VERY high
effect, since anyone with half-decent Fortitude can resist the worst effect with even an
average roll of 10), going along the Transformed, Hindered & Defenseless lines, while also
being Continuous AND Progressive (since it appears to redouble on people). He can also
Transform everyday objects. He reverts to human form if he grasps and tries to transform a
magical object like Black Knight's sword, but otherwise has few weaknesses, being a quite
tough villain in combat- the guy used to slug it out with THOR. He's a solid PL 12 villain,
very dangerous to PCs, especially since he's not entirely inaccurate. Easier to hit, however,
being only PL 10 defensively.

THE GREY GOBLIN I (Gabriel Stacy)

Created By: J. Michael Straczynski & Mike Deodato
First Appearance: The Amazing Spider-Man #509 (Aug. 2004)
Role: Suddenly-Introduced Child
Villain Ranking: D-List
Group Affiliations: The Goblin Nation
PL 9 (124)

Deception 4 (+4)
Intimidation 7 (+7)
Perception 3 (+3)
Vehicles 4 (+8)

Equipment 8 (Goblin Glider), Ranged Attack 4

"Goblin Formula Enhancements"
Enhanced Strength 5 [10]
Enhanced Stamina 3 [6]
Enhanced Fighting 4 [8]

"Goblin Weapon Array" (Flaws: Easily Removable) [19]

"Pumpkin Bomb- Blast" Blast 9 (Feats: Triggered- 1 Round) (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst)
(Diminished Range -1) (27) -- (31 points)

 AE: "Pumpkin Bomb- Knock-Out Gas" Affliction 9 (Fort;

Fatigued/Exhausted/Asleep) (Feats: Triggered) (Extras: Ranged, Area- 30ft. Burst)
(Diminished Range -1) (27)
 AE: "Pumpkin Bomb- Smoke" Concealment 4 (Feats: Triggered) (Extras: Area- 15ft.
Cloud, Attack) (13)
 AE: "Razor-Bats" Blast 5 (Extras: Multiattack) (15)
 AE: "Flaming Sword" Strength-Damage +2 (Feats: Improved Critical) (Extras:
Penetrating 5) (8)

"Goblin Glider"
Features: Remote Control (1)
Flight 6 (Flaws: Platform) (6)
"Heat-Seeking Missiles" Blast 9 (Feats: Homing 3) (21) -- (23)

 AE: "Machine Guns" Blast 7 (Extras: Multiattack) (21)

 AE: "Blades" Damage 8 (8)

-- (30 points)

Unarmed +8 (+3 Damage, DC 18)
Goblin Enhancements +8 (+8 Damage, DC 23)
Missiles +8 (+9 Ranged Damage, DC 24)
Machine Guns +8 (+7 Ranged Damage, DC 22)
Pumpkin Blast +9 Area (+9 Damage, DC 24)
Pumpkin KO Gas +9 Area (+9 Affliction, DC 19)
Razor-Bats +8 (+5 Ranged Damage, DC 20)
Initiative +4

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +10 (DC 20), Toughness +5 (+8 Goblin), Fortitude +6 (+9
Goblin), Will +3

Enemy (Peter Parker)- Gabriel has been brainwashed by Norman Osborn to hate Peter.
Disabled (Super-Aging)- The Stacy Twins are aging at an enhanced rate, which gives them
splitting headaches, and will probably result in an early death.
Responsibility (Insane)- Like many Goblins, Gabriel is nuts.

Total: Abilities: 48 / Skills: 18--9 / Advantages: 12 / Powers: 43 / Defenses: 12 (124)

-Soooooo here's Gabriel Stacy, the son of Gwen Stacy and Norman Osborn. Because even
GOOD writers sometimes go absolutely brain-dead as to what kind of an awful Retcon Story
they're writing. The FULL story, in-comic, is that Gwen broke up with Peter and spent some
time in France. This was established in the old series. BUT, J. Michael Straczynski, the
Spidey-Savior, post-Clone Saga, introduced the tiny wrinkle that NORMAN OSBORN of all
people seduced and slept with Gwen, resulting in the birth of twins. And Gwen TOLD
MARY JANE about this. But of course, we know what happened next- Gwen returned, and
the insane Osborn murdered her- this is now Retconned as Osborn wanting to raise the heirs
by himself. And of course because this is comics, the twins age at a super-fast rate, meaning
they're basically adults when they debut in the modern era.

-Peter is able to convince Sarah Stacy that he's no enemy, but Gabriel has been brainwashed
by hatred, and attacks as The Grey Goblin- the Goblin Formula halts his aging process, but
renders him insane. Sarah is able to save the day, and Gabriel is rendered amnesiac (that's like
the FIFTH TIME THIS HAS HAPPENED TO A GOBLIN). JMS, to his credit, regretted
what was produced (though there is behind-the-scenes info that he wanted PETER to be the
biological father, but had this axed by Marvel's Editors), and tried to retcon it away in One
More Day, but for some insane reason was not allowed to. Gabriel returns wearing Harry
Osborn's "American Son" armor, and sufferent from split personalities, but Harry defeats his
half-brother, placing him in a psychiatric hospital, where he still resides.

HAPPEN? It's like everything stupid about comic books combined into one awful Retcon
story. At least it's relatively-easy to sweep under the rug. Fans FREAKED over this storyline,
and rightly so. It's a needless, overly-complex Retcon, and basically a big fat mess. I can see
that the Editors didn't want to piss off JMS by refusing him a story he clearly wanted to tell,
but man... there's a reason Editors have the veto power, you know?

-Gabriel is basically Just Another Goblin. No different from any other, really. These guys are
all rather same-y.


Post by Jabroniville » Thu Feb 08, 2018 5:58 am


GREYSTONE (Devlin Greystone)

Created By: Howard Mackie & Duncan Rouleau
First Appearance: X-Factor #140 (Dec. 1997)
Role: Futuristic Dystopian Military Girl
Group Affiliations: The X.S.E., X.U.E., X-Factor
PL 10 (147)

Athletics 3 (+5)
Deception 2 (+5)
Expertise (Police Officer) 6 (+8)
Insight 3 (+5)
Intimidation 3 (+6, +11 Size)
Stealth 2 (+6, -4 Full Size)
Technology 4 (+6)
Vehicles 1 (+5)

Equipment 4 (Laser Blasters- Multiattack Blast 6), Ranged Attack 6

"Mutant Powers: Growth"
Growth 10 (Str & Sta +10, +10 Mass, +5 Intimidation, -5 Dodge/Parry, +1 Speed, -10
Stealth) -- (42 feet) (Feats: Innate) (Extras: Permanent +0) [21]

Unarmed +6 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Full Size +6 (+12 Damage, DC 27)
Laser Blasters +8 (+6 Ranged Damage, DC 21)
Initiative +3

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +10 (DC 20), Toughness +4, Fortitude +5, Will +5
"Full Size" Dodge +5 (DC 15), Parry +5 (DC 15), Toughness +14, Fortitude +15, Will +5

Responsibility (The X.U.E.)- The Enforcers are there to ensure that all laws are followed, and
will kill transgressors.
Motivation (Killing Micah)- Greystone grew up in a Mutant Concentration Camp, and
watched the evil Micah kill his mother. His wish now is to kill Micah as a child.
Power Quirk- Greystone looks more malformed and horrific the larger he becomes.

Total: Abilities: 58 / Skills: 24--12 / Advantages: 10 / Powers: 21 / Defenses: 12 (147)

-Greystone is the Big Guy and can grow in size, but got a pretty ignominious end- he got
"temporal insanity" and tried to build a time machine to return to his home time. However, he
screwed it up, and it exploded- killing him, and throwing Havok into the Mutant X Parallel
Universe, which ended the X-Factor book, and led to a new status quo for Alex Summers that
lasted for years.

The Griffin

Post by Jabroniville » Sun Aug 20, 2017 12:54 am

For years, I wondered what the deal was with the monster on this card.

THE GRIFFIN (John "Johnny" Horton)

Created By: Steve Englehart & Tom Sutton
First Appearance: Amazing Adventures #15 (Nov. 1972)
Role: Jobber Villain, Powerhouse, Animalistic Villain
Group Affiliations: The U-Foes, The Thunderbolts
PL 10 (128)

Close Combat (Unarmed) 1 (+8)
Deception 4 (+4)
Expertise (Survival) 4 (+4)
Expertise (Thug) 4 (+4)
Intimidation 8 (+8, +10 Size)
Perception 6 (+6)
Stealth 4 (+7, +3 Size)
All-Out Attack, Benefit (Ambidexterity), Diehard, Fast Grab, Great Endurance, Improved
Critical (Natural Weapons), Improved Grab, Improved Hold, Power Attack, Startle,

"Griffin Physiology"
"Natural Size" Growth 4 (Str & Sta +4, +4 Mass, +2 Intimidation, -2 Dodge/Parry, -4 Stealth)
-- (12 feet) (Feats: Innate) (Extras: Permanent +0) [9]
Flight 6.5 (180 mph) (Flaws: Winged) [6.5]
"Animal Senses" Senses 5 (Low-Light Vision, Acute & Extended Scent, Extended & Ultra-
Hearing) [5]
Speed 3 (16 mph) [3]

"Natural Weapons- Claws & Teeth" Strength-Damage +1 (Feats: Split) [2]

"Lion's Mane" Features 2: +4 to Resist Choking Grapples or Neck-Bites [2]

"Spiked Tail"
Extra Limbs 1 [1]
Elongation 1 (Flaws: Limited to Tail) [0.5]

"Controls Birds"
Affliction 5 (Will; Dazed/Compelled/Controlled) (Feats: Communication Link) (Extras:
Area- 60ft. Burst +2, Cumulative) (Flaws: Limited to Birds) [16]

Unarmed +8 (+12 Damage, DC 27)
Natural Weapons +7 (+13 Damage, DC 28)
Initiative +3

Dodge +7 (DC 17), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +12, Fortitude +12, Will +4

Involuntary Transformation (Sanity)- The Griffin changes physically as the serum that
changed him mutates, and he frequently loses his intellect, becoming a simple beast.
Prejudice (Obvious Super-Villain)- The Griffin is friggin' huge, has giant wings, a big chalk-
white face, a man, etc. He's obviously a freak, and cannot pass for a normal human.

Total: Abilities: 52 / Skills: 22--11 / Advantages: 11 / Powers: 45 / Defenses: 9 (128)

The Griffin- The Iconic Background Villain:

-I feel like The Griffin has kinda come out of nowhere to become Marvel's most-iconic
Background Villain. While the Wrecking Crew occupy a similar spot, they at least get
characterization. Guys like Mr. Hyde and Chemistro are used too sparingly. But Griffin has
just become "that guy in the background" in SO MANY MODERN COMICS that I daresay
his position there now outstrips his actual usage anywhere else.

-He was just some two-bit hood who got some biological enhancements thanks to the Secret
Empire, turning him into a freak. As The Griffin, he was sent by his masters against The
Beast (in his solo run under Steve Englehart), himself having just become a furry monster. He
was beaten after a few fights against Beast & Angel (Beast grappled Griffin's wings, causing
him to fall thanks to that Flaw), and mutated further while in prison before losing to Spider-
Man and the Beast... this became a bit of a running thing with him, much like Tiger Shark in
the Namor-related books- he'd be normal-ish one minute, then a giant unthinking monster the
next. See, his eventual for came to be a mute, quadrupedal monster with animal intelligence.

-He joined a band of random villains to fight The Champions until his teammate Darkstar
turned on the baddies and joined the Champions. He faced Wonder Man in another book,
mutating further (see?) into a form with a leonine face and no speech. He was thought-dead,
but later turned up to fight the Avengers West Coast, where Tigra calmed him and sent him to
The Vault. Escaping, he was taken down by Falcon & Demolition Man in Captain America,
as we are clearly into a period where he takes several years between appearances.

The Griffin- Ridden Mount & Backgrounder:

-After a couple more background shots, he got a weird "upgrade" in importance, essentially
becoming the Riding Animal of Namor in the Avenging Son's own book. See, he'd lost all but
animal intelligence by this point, so Namor was just like "I can fly around on this thing"
(despite Namor... clearly having the power of flight. Unless this was when his foot-wings
were injured). Once his "Namor" phase was done, he regained some of his humanoid
appearance, but by the point he REALLY returned, he just became "One of The Hood's gang
of criminals". As in, literally a face in the background- however, unlike most of these goons,
his appearance REALLY stood out, so he frequently appeared front and centre, or in
prominent positions. Compare him to Deathwatch and Blackout, or Chemistro or somebody,
and you'll see the difference.

-He was revealed to have a daughter (Yo-Yo Rodriguez), who joined one of those one-off
Nick Fury teams, fought the Skrulls with the other "Hood Goons", and more. He is seen
failing the Camp H.A.M.M.E.R. training under Norman Osborn, jobs out to Spider-Man af
ew more times, and then regressed in intellect AGAIN after losing to Hercules in his short-
lived Herc book. At which point he became a mount AGAIN, as Herc just flew him around.
He eventually recovered and was sent on his way. He's last been seen in various background
shots, like being part of Max Fury's "Shadow Council" Masters of Evil and such.

The Griffin as a Whole:

-So overally, he's basically a powerful Backgrounder- formerly just a foe of The Beast, he
moved on considerably, to the point where he's fought Spider-Man more than any other hero.
He's been a stupid animal twice, a MOUNT twice, and nowadays doesn't even exhibit much
personality beyond "Bad Guy". A curious role for a guy with little personality- really, it
shows you what a distinctive, cool appearance can give you, even if no writer seems to really
like the GUY.

-A fairly powerful, under-pointed PL 10, The Griffin can brawl it out with just about anybody
for a while, can Fly, and even Control Birds a little bit. He's basically Thing-ish strong, as I
think Namor's stated they were physical equals (on-land), and should be at least Large in size,
since Namor used to have him as an animalistic mounted beast (in his more Leonine phase).
He changes forms quite a bit, but they've mostly settled on him looking very bestial and huge,
versus just an ugly guy with a mane. He's one of those guys who's jobbed to almost
EVERYONE down the line, yet has totally challenged Namor, and once took a whole
Avengers squad to bring down (which is why I keep almost all my PLs fairly close together-
guys vary so much that this allows most cases due to "luck of the dice" much more easily).

Griffin (Franklin)

Post by Jabroniville » Fri Mar 03, 2017 12:56 am

GRIFFIN II (Private First Class Eliot "Crafty" Franklin, aka The Clown)
Created By: Frank Tieri & Carlos Ferreira
First Appearance: World War Hulk: Gamma Corps #1 (July 2007)
Role: Upgraded Jobber
Group Affiliation: Gamma Corps, The Circus of Crime
PL 7 (134)

Acrobatics 3 (+7)
Deception 5 (+7)
Expertise (Circus Performer) 6 (+8)
Expertise (History) 2 (+3)
Insight 3 (+5)
Perception 4 (+6)
Persuasion 3 (+5)

Accurate Attack, Daze (Deception), Equipment 3 (Clown Gadgets), Improved Critical (Trick
Cane), Power Attack, Ranged Attack 3, Teamwork

"Clown Gadgets"
"Gas Cane" Affliction 6 (Fort; Fatigued/Exhausted/Asleep) (Extras: Area- 15ft. Cloud) (12)
-- (15)
 AE: "Magnum Pistol" Blast 5 (10)
 AE: "Juggling Balls" Strength-Damage +1 (Extras: Ranged 3, Multiattack 3) (7)
 AE: "Trick Cane" Strength-Damage +2 (Feats: Reach) (3)

Enhanced Strength 6 [12]
Enhanced Stamina 5 [10]
Enhanced Fighting 1 [2]
Flight 6 (120 mph) (Flaws: Winged) [6]
"Corrosive Spit" Blast 5 (Feats: Accurate) (Extras: Secondary Effect) Linked to Weaken
Toughness 6 (Extras: Ranged) (Diminished Range -1) [26]

Unarmed +6 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Harpy Strength +7 (+8 Damage, DC 23)
Trick Cane +6 (+4 Damage, DC 19)
Magnum Pistol +7 (+5 Ranged Damage, DC 20)
Juggling Balls +7 (+3 Ranged Damage, DC 18)
Gas Cane +6 Area (+6 Affliction, DC 16)
Corrosive Spit +9 (+5 Ranged Damage & +6 Ranged Weaken, DC 20 & 16)
Initiative +4

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +3, Fortitude +4, Will +3

Total: Abilities: 48 / Skills: 26--13 / Advantages: 11 / Powers: 57 / Defenses: 8 (137)

-Formerly Clown of the Circus of Crime (!!), gaining Harpy-like powers, plus Corrosive Spit.
He's somewhat mentally unstable, and joined because he just "wants someone to be mad at".
The lowest PL of his team, he's about PL 7.5, gaining decent villain powers on top of his
barely-Mook-level abilities.

-Eliot's actually been given some characterization after being a generic background Mook for
years, but it didn't really matter. Even splitting off from the Ringmaster and forming his own
Circus multiple times never gave him anything more than "Named Mook" status, and he still
goes down easy. 

Grigori the Gorilla

Post by Jabroniville » Sun Jan 31, 2021 8:23 am

Created By: Harrison Wilcox & Ryan Stegman
First Appearance: She-Hulks #2 (Feb. 2011)
Role: Powerhouse, Temporary Replacement Character (to Mikhlo)
Group Affiliations: The Super-Apes

-Grigori appears in She-Hulks (a book teaming up She-Hulk & Lyra, daughter of Hulk &
Thundra), replacing the deceased Mikhlo. He is an infant gorilla with a nasty smirk and a
pacifier in his mouth, and has the same powers as his predecessor- super-strength. It's
unknown how long he stuck around, as the Super-Apes were killed off twice over.


Post by Jabroniville » Mon Dec 11, 2017 9:22 pm

GRIP (Brandon Blake)
Created By: Xavier Marturet & Paco Diaz
First Appearance: Europa #0 (April 1996)
Role: Military Style Hero, Claw Guy
Group Affiliations: Gemini
PL 7 (94)

Acrobatics 5 (+10)
Deception 1 (+2)
Intimidation 5 (+6)
Perception 4 (+5)
Expertise (Soldier) 5 (+6)
Stealth 2 (+7)
Vehicles 2 (+6)

All-Out Attack, Equipment (Protection +2), Ranged Attack 2, Takedown, Teamwork,

"Energy Claws"
Blast 7 (14) -- [16]

 AE: Strength-Damage +3 (Feats: Improved Critical, Split) (Extras: Penetrating 5) (10)

 AE: "Mind Claw" Damage 6 (Extras: Will Damage) (12)

Unarmed +8 (+3 Damage, DC 18)
Mind Claw +8 (+6 Will-Based Damage, DC 21)
Claws +8 (+6 Damage, DC 21)
Blast +6 (+7 Ranged Damage, DC 22)
Initiative +5

Dodge +7 (DC 17), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +4 (+6 Costume), Fortitude +5, Will +3

Responsibility (Gemini)
Rivalry (Front)- Grip is a claw guy and Front is the by-the-book leader; it's inevitable.

Total: Abilities: 54 / Skills: 24--12 / Advantages: 7 / Powers: 16 / Defenses: 3 (94)

-Speaking of the worst crap that inundated the 1990s, here's CLAW GUY, who somehow
made his way onto nearly every team in some iteration in this most Claw-Happy of decades.
Wolverine got blamed for ALL of this crap, especially since half of them (including "Grip"
here, and damned if THAT isn't a horrible name for anyone. Masturbation jokes ASIDE,
even) also had covert agent training and were portrayed as loose cannons with anger issues.
He even has a goddamn rivalry with the team leader, Front! His only unique-ness comes from
throwing out energy claws at long range, and possessing a "Mind Claw" (though Woodclaw
notes that he never used it).

-A mini, untalented Wolverine, having some Skills & Advantages, but nowhere NEAR elite
level, and coming in under points. He's pretty good in all realms of combat, but lacks the
damage potential of anybody that's actually any good.

The Grim Hunter

Post by Jabroniville » Mon May 22, 2017 12:49 am

THE GRIM HUNTER (Vladimir Kravinoff)
Created By: Howard Mackie & Tom Lyle
First Appearance: Spider-Man #47 (June 1994)
Role: Failed Legacy Villain
Villain Ranking: E-List
Group Affiliations: The Kravinoffs
PL 8 (164)

Acrobatics 4 (+10)
Athletics 6 (+13)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 1 (+9)
Deception 2 (+3)
Expertise (Hunter) 8 (+8)
Intimidation 5 (+6)
Perception 9 (+11)
Ranged Combat (Guns) 2 (+10)
Sleight of Hand 4 (+8)
Stealth 5 (+11)

Animal Empathy, Chokehold, Equipment 6 (Gear), Fast Grab, Great Endurance, Improved
Critical (Unarmed), Power Attack, Ranged Attack 4, Tracking

"Permanent Herb-Given Super-Physiology"
Leaping 2 (30 feet) [2]
Speed 4 (30 mph) [4]
Immunity 2 (Aging, Poison) (Flaws: Limited to Half-Effect) [1]
"Animal-Like Senses" Senses 5 (Low-Light & Extended Vision, Extended Hearing & Scent,
Acute Scent) [5]
"Hunter Armor" (Flaws: Removable) [23]
"Spiked Cleats" Movement 2 (Wall-Crawling, Sure-Footed) (4)
"Dart-Launchers" Affliction 8 (Fort; Dazed/Stunned/Incapacitated) (Extras: Ranged,
Cumulative) (24)

 AE: "Electro-Shock Gauntlets" Damage 7 (7)

-- (28 points)

"Energy Spear" (Flaws: Easily Removable) [11]

Blast 8 (16) -- (17 points)

 AE: "Spear-Stab" Strength-Damage +1 (Feats: Reach 2) (3)

"Knife" Strength-Damage +1 (Feats: Improved Critical) (2)
"Rifle" Blast 6 (12)
"Pistol" Blast 5 (10)
"Shuriken" Blast 2 (Extras: Multiattack) (5)
"Blowgun" Affliction 8 (Fort; Dazed/Stunned/Incapacitated) (Extras: Ranged, Cumulative)
(Diminished Range -2) (22)

Unarmed +9 (+7 Damage, DC 22)
Knife/Spear +8 (+8 Damage, DC 23)
Pistol/Rifle +10 (+5-6 Ranged Damage, DC 20-21)
Shuriken +10 (+2 Ranged Damage, DC 17)
Blowgun/Dart-Launchers +8 (+8 Ranged Affliction, DC 18)
Initiative +6

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +10 (DC 20), Toughness +7, Fortitude +7, Will +4

Motivation (The Hunt)- Vladimir is like his father- an avid hunter.
Power Loss (Darts)- Darts can only injure someone if they can penetrate their hide. Someone
with any degree of Impervious Toughness, or even a hide/suit thick enough to stop a dart,
would be unaffected.

Total: Abilities: 70 / Skills: 46--23 / Advantages: 17 / Powers: 46 / Defenses: 7 (163)

-The first of many attempts to give Kraven a Legacy Character (second, if you include
Calypso), Vladimir is the son of The Hunter, and was raised with wealth and luxury in
Russia, trained personally by his father. Appearing as "The Grim Hunter", he decided to hunt
down Spider-Man and several of his foes, and even teamed up with Jason Macendale (giving
him Kraven's Super-Strength Formula). He only fights Spider-Man the one time- the next
time he appears, he is killed by Kaine, an insane clone of Peter Parker, and act that even the
Appendix to the Official Handbook states was a good move, as we'd seen all there was to see
with this new character after his first fight with Spider-Man. Howard Mackie was... NOT one
of the better Spider-writers.
-He is resurrected by his mother Sasha during the same storyline in which Kraven reappears-
Mattie Franklin (a garbage '90s character) is sacrificed to bring him back. He returns as a
humanoid Lion Monster because Mattie "was not pure spider", but teams up with his siblings
in attacking various Spider-people and abducting them. At the end of the storyline, Kraven
kills Sasha, and "euthanizes" Vladimir, out of "respect for the dead", finding no honor in
resurrection spells.

-Vladimir is basically a wussier version of Kraven, but packs a lot of extra gear, including
redundancies considering he has an Energy Spear, plus Knives, Guns, Dart-Launchers, a
Blowgun, Shuriken and more. He's only PL 8 as he was a one-off foe who never really ended
up anywhere. As a Lion-Man, he drops all the gear and carries around a big Stone Axe, but is
still PL 8.

The Grim Reaper

Post by Jabroniville » Fri May 29, 2020 9:13 pm

Okay, I had NO idea he used to look like that, lol.

THE GRIM REAPER (Eric Williams)

Created By: Roy Thomas & John Buscema
First Appearance: The Avengers #52 (May 1968)
Role: Wannabe Major Villain
Group Affiliations: The Maggia, The Legion of the Unliving, HYDRA, The Lethal Legion,
The Sinister Six
PL 10 (138)

Close Combat (Scythe) 2 (+12)
Deception 7 (+9)
Expertise (Arcane Lore) 8 (+10)
Expertise (Criminal) 6 (+8)
Insight 4 (+6)
Intimidation 5 (+7)
Perception 6 (+8)
Technology 4 (+6)
Vehicles 2 (+6)

Equipment 4, Improved Critical (Scythe), Improved Smash, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 4,

"Reaper Armour" (Flaws: Removable) [28]
"Stun" Affliction 10 (Fort; Dazed/Stunned/Paralyzed) (Feats: Reversible) (Extras:
Cumulative) (21) -- (26)

 AE: "Scythe Strike" Strength-Damage +4 (Feats: Improved Critical, Penetrating 8)

(Extras: Multiattack 7) (20)
 AE: "Shielding Blade" Enhanced Dodge & Parry 1 (2)
 AE: Electro-Magnetic Blast 10 (20)
 AE: "Knock-Out Gas Pellets" Affliction 7 (Fort; Fatigued/Exhausted/Asleep) (Extras:
Area-Cloud, Ranged) (Diminished Range -1) (20)
 AE: Weaken Strength 8 (8)

Protection 3 (Extras: Impervious 5) (8)

-- (34 points)

Unarmed +12 (+3 Damage, DC 18)
Scythe +12 (+7 Damage, DC 22)
Stun +10 (+9 Affliction, DC 19)
Blast +8 (+10 Ranged Damage, DC 23)
Knock-Out Gas +7 Area (+7 Ranged Affliction, DC 17)
Weaken Strength +10 (+8 Weaken, DC 18)
Initiative +4

Dodge +10 (+11 Scythe, DC 20-21), Parry +10 (+11, DC 20-21), Toughness +5 (+8
Armour), Fortitude +6, Will +6

Motivation (Revenge on The Avengers)- Eric blames The Avengers for his brother's Simon's
death as Wonder Man, and remains evil even after Simon is resurrected (initially refusing to
believe that Wonder Man was actually Simon).
Disabled (One Arm)- One of Eric's arms is a Scythe.
Relationship (Nekra)- They're often seen dating, especially back in the 1970s.
Reputation (Revolving Door To The Afterlife)- Seriously. Makes Jean Grey look like Uncle
Total: Abilities: 64 / Skills: 44--22 / Advantages: 12 / Powers: 28 / Defenses: 12 (138)

The Grim Reaper- The Ultimate Death Immunity:

-The Grim Reaper seemed like a decent villain at first, but just kinda crapped out over the
years. Problem was, despite his great villain name (I mean, it's hard to do better than GRIM
REAPER), he had little going for him other than that (with a whole "bad son" thing leading
him to a life of crime and that was it), and being the arch-villain of Thor-Lite and being
repeatedly resurrected didn't help matters. By the time the '80s rolled around, he was nowhere
near the level of a team threat, and so was easily brushed aside for whatever goofy storyline
Marvel felt like giving him. Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes made a solid attempt at
resurrecting his character (like they did with Hank Pym), except he was really just being used
as a Villainous Mook, and eventually he was getting SERIOUSLY trounced in mere seconds
by other guys, which was kind of a waste. Still better than the "Dies every other month" guy
from the comics, though.

The Reaper's History:

-The Reaper started off fighting the Avengers over a grudge- he blamed them for the death of
his brother, Simon "Wonder Man" Williams. He beat several members of the team, but the
Black Panther- a new member- defeated him in turn. His backstory was developed over time-
he was the sinister, animal-torturing "evil brother" to Simon, forming Maggia ties and
avoiding the family business- guilt and anger drove him to try and avenge the brother he'd
failed in life. Eric formed the Lethal Legion (a "Masters of Evil Lite" team with Man-Ape,
Living Laser, Power Man/Goliath & Swordsman) and tried again, but gave up when he
discovered that The Vision was based off of Simon's brainwaves. He then placed Vision in
Wonder Man's body, "resurrecting" his brother, then had him resurrected PROPERLY thanks
to The Black Talon.

-He was killed in the ultra-boring Vision & The Scarlet Witch Limited Series, having fallen
off a cliff while hunting the new Wonder Man, whom he believed to be a mere simulacrum of
his brother. When he realized that Nekra brought him back as a zombie, he dissolved. He got
resurrected by Immortus, then died again, and was resurrected AGAIN by his girlfriend
Nekra, as a zombie that had to drain life every 24 hours- he killed Nekra first, then joined up
with Ultron. He was finally fully restored by the Scarlet Witch, then kind of vanished into
minor stuff after that as a kind of Journeyman Villain, being a mere eyeblink in Ultron
Unlimited (despite saving the captive Avengers).

-The Grim Reaper showed up repeatedly in the years following this, but always in a minor
role somewhere, like being imprisoned with other villains on The Raft. He was killed for a
FIFTH TIME via a stabbing set up by Norman Osborn (for opposing him during Dark
Reign). This set up a SIXTH resurrection as a minion of Amatsu-Mikaboshi during Chaos
War, but he dies at the end, along with Nekra. Then we get what MUST be a record- a
SEVENTH FREAKING RESURRECTION, during The Uncanny Avengers, attacking the
Avengers Unity Squad (which featured Wonder Man) and their debut press conference-
Rogue seemingly kills him after absorbing too much of Simon's power. Oh, but don't worry-
the Celestial Death Seed resurrects him (EIGHT!) and he's recruited by the Apocalypse
Twins as the new Horseman of Death- he manages to survive the storyline, fleeing after the
Twins fail. He reappears in the Vision solo book, hunting down the family over a past grudge
with Vizh, but is accidentally killed by Vision's robo-wife Virginia, who hides his corpse in a
bit of black comedy. And then he's resurrected for a ninth time, reborn when Doctor Strange
uses his power to restore Las Vegas.

Eric Williams- Failed Journeyman Villain:

-So yes, Eric Williams has really been killed and resurrected NINE TIMES, though some of
those are within the same story arc and as a zombie at points. But still, that's like three times
what Jean Grey got. Though I suppose if you name a guy "Grim Reaper" he's gonna have
issues staying in the ground. The trouble with him is, despite that AWESOME name, and the
fairly-great visual of the Scythe-Arm, he's just some generic "Journeyman Villain" whose
reason for villainy is nothing more than "The Avengers got my brother killed", which ceased
being appealing once Simon came back for real. Then Eric just developed a brotherly grudge
and acted like a doofus, and writers stopped giving a crap about him- he sat out most of the
1990s, and the 2000s era used him as a filler, disposable douchebag. really, there's just
nothing to this guy.

The Grim Reaper's Powers:

-This is a generic Grim Reaper build, ignoring that weirdness where he became a zombie, and
his magical powers (if you REALLY want a magical Reaper, just toss Summon Minions 5
with Horde on him, or even give him the full zombie repertoire of Immunity 30). What you
get is basically an under-pointed, barely PL 10 villain (PL 9.5 overall), dependent on allies,
minions, planning and assorted extra stuff to make a difference. In full-on combat with the
entire Avengers, he's just a messy smear. Looking at his history, that makes a fair bit of
sense- he pretty much never wins a melee with the team, it's all plotting and trickery for him.
For his Scythe, I just tossed a whole bunch of Alt-Effects onto a nasty Multiattack,
Penetrating Strike (it works like a chainsaw, hitting multiple times per shot), from his Blast to
his Weaken Strength power, basically using everything he's ever done just to build his points
up. He still comes up short, though.

The Grinder

Post by Jabroniville » Mon Aug 28, 2017 7:19 am

THE GRINDER (Brute Bashby)
Created By: Michael Fleisher & Steve Leiahola
First Appearance: Spider-Woman #26 (May 1980)
Role: One-Shot Villain
Group Affiliations: None
PL 6 (67)

Deception 4 (+4)
Expertise (Criminal) 2 (+2)
Intimidation 4 (+4)

Equipment 2 (Throwing Blades- Blast 4- Diminished Range -1), Ranged Attack

"Grinder Suit" (Flaws: Removable) [20]
"Rotary Blade" Flight 5 (60 mph) (10)
"Blade Strike" Damage 7 (Extras: Multiattack) (14)
-- (24 points)

Unarmed +5 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Blade Strike +5 (+7 Damage, DC 22)
Throwing Blade +5 (+4 Ranged Damage, DC 19)
Initiative +4

Dodge +6 (DC 16), Parry +6 (DC 16), Toughness +3, Fortitude +4, Will +1

Motivation (Greed)

Total: Abilities: 32 / Skills: 10--5 / Advantages: 3 / Powers: 20 / Defenses: 7 (67)

-Bashby is a criminal-for-hire who's working for a newspaper publisher who wants Bashby,
as "Grinder", to commit pre-planned crimes and warn his paper beforehand so they can get
the "scoop". He robs a coin exhibit, but he's soon trapped by Spider-Woman, the plan a
failure. He gets out of prison and is then beaten by The Man Called Nova. He's strictly a
small-time loser (I mean, just look at him), though that Saw is pretty nasty.


Post by Jabroniville » Mon Dec 11, 2017 9:22 pm

GRIP (Brandon Blake)
Created By: Xavier Marturet & Paco Diaz
First Appearance: Europa #0 (April 1996)
Role: Military Style Hero, Claw Guy
Group Affiliations: Gemini
PL 7 (94)

Acrobatics 5 (+10)
Deception 1 (+2)
Intimidation 5 (+6)
Perception 4 (+5)
Expertise (Soldier) 5 (+6)
Stealth 2 (+7)
Vehicles 2 (+6)

All-Out Attack, Equipment (Protection +2), Ranged Attack 2, Takedown, Teamwork,

"Energy Claws"
Blast 7 (14) -- [16]

 AE: Strength-Damage +3 (Feats: Improved Critical, Split) (Extras: Penetrating 5) (10)

 AE: "Mind Claw" Damage 6 (Extras: Will Damage) (12)

Unarmed +8 (+3 Damage, DC 18)
Mind Claw +8 (+6 Will-Based Damage, DC 21)
Claws +8 (+6 Damage, DC 21)
Blast +6 (+7 Ranged Damage, DC 22)
Initiative +5

Dodge +7 (DC 17), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +4 (+6 Costume), Fortitude +5, Will +3

Responsibility (Gemini)
Rivalry (Front)- Grip is a claw guy and Front is the by-the-book leader; it's inevitable.

Total: Abilities: 54 / Skills: 24--12 / Advantages: 7 / Powers: 16 / Defenses: 3 (94)

-Speaking of the worst crap that inundated the 1990s, here's CLAW GUY, who somehow
made his way onto nearly every team in some iteration in this most Claw-Happy of decades.
Wolverine got blamed for ALL of this crap, especially since half of them (including "Grip"
here, and damned if THAT isn't a horrible name for anyone. Masturbation jokes ASIDE,
even) also had covert agent training and were portrayed as loose cannons with anger issues.
He even has a goddamn rivalry with the team leader, Front! His only unique-ness comes from
throwing out energy claws at long range, and possessing a "Mind Claw" (though Woodclaw
notes that he never used it).

-A mini, untalented Wolverine, having some Skills & Advantages, but nowhere NEAR elite
level, and coming in under points. He's pretty good in all realms of combat, but lacks the
damage potential of anybody that's actually any good.


Post by Jabroniville » Wed Aug 23, 2017 3:40 pm

Created By: Tom DeFalco & Ron Frenz
First Appearance: Thor #390 (April 1988)
Role: Godly Jobber
Group Affiliations: The Egyptian Pantheon
PL 10 (148)

Close Combat (Unarmed) 2 (+10)
Expertise (God) 6 (+8)
Expertise (History) 4 (+6)
Insight 4 (+6)
Intimidation 8 (+10)
Perception 2 (+4)

Benefit (Status- God), Diehard, Great Endurance, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 6, Startle

"Immortal God"
Regeneration 2 (Feats: Regrowth) [3]
Immunity 9 (Aging, Drowning, Suffocation, Starvation & Thirst, Heat, Cold, Pressure,
Poison, Disease) [9]
Speed 2 (8 mph) [2]
Leaping 1 (15 feet) [1]

"Power Lance" (Flaws: Easily Removable) [18]

Blast 14 (Feats: Improved Critical 2) (30 points)

Unarmed +10 (+10 Damage, DC 25)
Power Lance +8 (+14 Ranged Damage, DC 29)
Initiative +1

Dodge +9 (DC 19), Parry +9 (DC 19), Toughness +12, Fortitude +12, Will +6

Responsibility (Seth's Command)

Total: Abilities: 78 / Skills: 26--13 / Advantages: 11 / Powers: 33 / Defenses: 13 (148)

-Grog the God-Slayer (who has actually never slain any actual Gods) is a minion of Seth of
the Egyptian Pantheon, and an original creation to Marvel's books. He's essentially just an
Elite Minion type who can fight Thor for a bit before going down, but he hasn't had much
real success- only leading hordes of Minions against small groups of heroes. His powers are
pretty basic (PL 11 Blaster, PL 10 Fighter), meaning he's a bit plain altogether. He died as a
result of Surtur using a pyramid containing he & his buddies as a Thrown Weapon- Thor
smashed the pyramid, crushing Grog and his minions in the rubble.

-Honestly, the most notable thing about him is his name, which is evocative to Canadians of
my particular age, since YTV (our "Youth TV" station airing out of Ontario) regularly
featured puppets called "Grogs" on many of their programming blocks, including the after-
school block called "The Zone" (which featured such luminaries over the years as Power
Rangers, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Sailor Moon and Powerpuff Girls). At one point, the
big fat green one named Warren took over the station, necessitating a big "story arc" with
YTV's PJs ("Program Jockeys", of course) teaming up with the other Grogs to unseat him
from power. Unfortunately, the whole group was eventually dropped because YTV wanted
ownership of the idea over the puppeteers, and so they got replaced by Fuzzpaws, who were
much lamer and stupider. Of course, that was right when I got too old to watch lame puppet-
sketches on TV. But hey- PJ Fresh Phil, longtime host of The Zone, went on to be the co-
creator of The Anti-Gravity Room, an early "Sci-Fi Show" that reviewed video games,
comics, upcoming anime releases, and more.


Post by Jabroniville » Thu May 02, 2019 7:00 am

Created By: Mark Gruenwald, Ralph Macchio & Ron Wilson
First Appearance: Marvel Two-In-One #71 (Jan. 1981)
Role: Powerhouse
PL 9 (132)

Intimidation 8 (+8)

Improved Hold, Ranged Attack 2

"Terrigen Mist-Given Powers: Sticky Skin"
Snare 12 (Extras: Reaction +3) (Flaws: Touch Range) [60]

Unarmed +6 (+10 Damage, DC 25)
Sticky Skin +6 (+12 Affliction, DC 22)
Initiative +0

Dodge +6 (DC 16), Parry +6 (DC 16), Toughness +12, Fortitude +12, Will +3

Responsibility (Maelstrom's Will)

Total: Abilities: 56 / Skills: 8--4 / Advantages: 3 / Powers: 60 / Defenses: 9 (132)

-Gronk's schtick is sticking to people and being strong & tough, but he has the least effect on
any story, just being a big goon. Marvunapp theorizes that he is a Deviant, as apparently
ONE of the Minions had to have been, and his big, ugly mug fits the "type".


Post by Jabroniville » Sat Aug 26, 2017 4:49 pm


Created By: Sergio Aragones
First Appearance: Destroyer Duck #1 (May 1982)
Role: Conan Parody
Group Affiliations: Various Armies
PL 10 (84)

Athletics 6 (+10)
Intimidation 6 (+4)

All-Out Attack, Chokehold, Diehard, Equipment 2 (Twin Katanas +3- Split, Improved
Critical, Penetrating 5), Fast Grab, Great Endurance, Improved Critical (Unarmed), Improved
Critical (Sword) 2, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 5, Startle, Takedown 2
Unarmed +14 (+4 Damage, DC 19)
Twin Katanas +14 (+7 Damage, DC 22)
Initiative +7

Dodge +12 (DC 22), Parry +14 (DC 24), Toughness +5, Fortitude +7, Will +5

Motivation (Getting Into "Frays")- Groo loves nothing more than to wade into large groups of
men and kill everyone. He is so battle-hungry that he tends to jump into melee without
properly assessing who is fighting whom, why, and which side he's actually on.
Responsibility (Accident-Prone)- Merely stepping on a ship can cause it to sink.
Relationship (Chakaal)- Groo loves the beautiful swordswoman, though she finds him useful
only as a warrior, and detests him otherwise.
Relationship (Queen Grooella)- Grooella hates her boorish brother, in part because he
permanently ruined her hair.

Total: Abilities: 40 / Skills: 12--6 / Advantages: 20 / Powers: 0 / Defenses: 18 (84)

-Groo the Wanderer is something I've really more HEARD OF than actually SEEN- he's
mentioned a fair bit in that ancient Marvel: Five Fabulous Decades Bio-Book I own, and in
the Marvel Soapbox pages (which advertised other books comic out), to the point where I
assumed he was a bigger Marvel star than he really was. Groo himself is the Indie creation of
Sergio Aragones, the most-famous and influential of the MAD Magazine comic strip makers,
and is often written by Mark Evanier, Jack Kirby's old assistant and biographer (and well-
known writer in his own right).

-Groo is a parody of the Sword & Sorcery Heroes that were popular in the 1970s, particularly
Conan (then a Marvel license)- he's a giant idiot who's only good at swordfighting, and
engages in slapstick adventures all over the world, most of which involve him directly and
indirectly causing mayhem. His book has had a great deal of success- not really a mega-
seller, but it's the longest-running Humor Comic in American history except for the Archie
line (which has been running since the Golden Age), which is DEFINITELY saying
something. It's also been passed around a LOT by various comic book companies- it's an
original creation owned by Aragones, but Marvel licensed it out for a huge 120-issue run,
ending only in 1994 when the Dark Age of Comics hit and the company crashed hard. This
makes it one of VERY few Marvel titles featuring stars not directly owned by the company.
It has since moved to Image and then Dark Horse Comics, where it still resides (albeit in
sparse shots here and there, as Aragones is quite old).

-Groo is an absolute terror in a "fray", but is absolutely useless at everything else- a classic
bumbler who couldn't tie his own shoes (if he lived in a world where there were shoelaces to
be tied). He's PL 9.5, meaning that despite being a goof (only 84 points at HIS level??), he's
strong enough to be a REAL challenge for an established super-hero.


Post by Jabroniville » Thu Aug 26, 2021 10:51 pm

Created By: Stan Lee, Jack Kirby & Dick Ayers
First Appearance: Tales To Astonish #13 (Nov. 1960)
Role: Alien Monster, The One Who Is Groot
Group Affiliations: The Guardians of the Galaxy, S.H.I.E.L.D. Paranormal Investigations
PL 11 (178), PL 12 (178) Colossal Size

Intimidation 10 (+9, +12 Size, +17 Colossal)
Expertise (Science) 6 (+11)
Expertise (Space Traveller) 2 (+7)
Technology 2 (+7)
Perception 4 (+4)
Insight 4 (+4)
Beginner's Luck, Diehard, Great Endurance, Equipment (Translator), Fast Grab, Improved
Critical (Unarmed), Improved Grab, Improved Initiative, Improved Hold, Interpose, Jack-of-
All-Trades, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 2, Startle, Takedown

"Flora Colossi Physiology"
Growth 7 (Str & Sta +7, +7 Mass, +3 Intimidation, -3 Dodge/Parry, -7 Stealth) -- (21 feet)
(Feats: Innate) (Extras: Permanent +0) [15]
Power-Lifting 1 (400 tons) [1]
Impervious Toughness 7 [7]
Immunity 1 (Heat, Suffocation 2, Sleep, Vacuum) [5]
"Regrowth from Scraps" Immortality 4 (Flaws: Source- Requires Plants/Water) [4]
Regeneration 2 (Feats: Regrows Limbs) [3]

"Plant Control" Move Object 10 (Extras: Perception Range) (Flaws: Limited to Plants) (20) --

 AE: Summon 4 (Flaws: Source- Requiers Trees & Plants)

 AE: Growth 10 (Extras: Affects Others Only +0) (Flaws: Limited to Plants) (10)

"Colossal Growth"
Growth +4 (Str & Sta +4) (Flaws: Source- Requires Plants/Water) [4]
Growth +6 (+10 Mass, +8 Intimidation, -8 Dodge/Parry, +2 Speed, -17 Stealth) -- (120 feet)
(Flaws: Limited to Non-STR & STA Boosts, Source- Requires Plants/Water) [3]
"Massive Limbs" Damage +0 (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst 11) [11]
Reduced Close Combat -1 [-1]

Unarmed +8 (+13 Damage, DC 28)
Colossal Size +7 (+17 Damage, DC 32)
Area Attack at Colossal Size +11 (+11 Damage, DC 26)
Initiative +0

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +13 (+17 Growth), Fortitude +13 (+17
Growth), Will +8

Responsibility (He is Groot)
Power Loss (Size)- While regenerating due to his Immortality, Groot is reduced to tiny
stature, and can take a while to "grow" back to his ordinary, 21-foot height.
Vulnerable (Pesticides & Plant-Killers)
Disabled (Can Only Say "I am GROOT!")- Groot does not converse that much with his

Total: Abilities: 52 / Skills: 28--14 / Advantages: 16 / Powers: 74 / Defenses: 22 (178)

He is Groot. That's all you need to know:

-Groot is one of those weird old 1960s monsters created by Stan Lee & Jack Kirby, then
completely discarded... and then re-used because Abnett & Lanning pretty much started using
EVERYBODY, and thus there he was during Annihilation: Conquest & the Guardians of the
Galaxy reboot, only saying "I am Groot", and being comedic relief because of it. He does
have a few awesome moments- namely sacrificing his life (well, sorta) to save the day a
couple times. But for the most part, he hangs back and deals damage, leaving the
characterization to the others. And yet, instantaneously, a meme was born- comic timing and
the "never not funny" gag of him just saying "I am Groot" to EVERYTHING. It was so good
that it not only made him a recurring character in every GOTG book since, but he became a
huge star in the MOVIES, too.

Groot- The Beginnings:

-So yeah, Groot was one of a million giant monsters used in the "Monster Comic" days of
Stan & Jack- he was a big tree-man who invaded Earth hoping to find humans to capture and
study, and he was destroyed by friggin' termites sent after him by a normal human. Pretty
standard one-off stuff. The character was immediately forgotten, as most One-Off Monsters
were back then, but a duplicate was made by Xemnu in a later Hulk comic, being quickly
dispatched by ol' Jade Jaws. Many moons later, Groot was revealed to have survived the
termites, but was held captive in the Collector's zoo in Canada, being freed by the Mole Man-
he and other creatures went on the rampage, but were dumped into the Negative Zone. Then
when they re-did the "S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Howling Commandos" gimmick but with monsters,
there he was again, being captured by the monster-heroes. Though captured, he eventually
allied with the Commandos against the forces of Merlin. This is all much more recent than I
was expecting- I was thinking Abnett & Lanning had plucked him from total obscurity.

"I Am Groot":
-So suddenly the Groot that's in Annihilation: Conquest is a different guy entirely, I guess.
Speaking only "I am Groot" in response to anything, he joins up with Rocket Raccoon when
Star-Lord builds a squad out of people imprisoned by the Kree at the beginning of the story.
As Rocket can understand his language, the two become close. Groot sacrifices his life to
save everyone- however, a single sprig survives and he eventually regrows. At the story's
peak, he grows to colossal size and destroys the Phalanx's Babel Spire from within, then sets
himself on fire. Once more, he regrows from a sprig. This leads to Groot continuing on with
the Guardians of the Galaxy, now acting as Muscle/Comic Relief. Groot has continued on in
this form, usually being a side character. He was once destroyed by the Gardener, but
AGAIN a sprig was kept- this is pretty well a recurring thing by this point- an immortal
comic relief guy. Groot eventually rescued the Gardener after Groot-Clones ran roughshod
over his garden-planet, and was repaid by being grown to full size immediately, and he
gained the ability to speak in complete sentences.

-Groot ended up becoming one of the most-popular characters in the live-action GOTG film-
being endearing and even CUTE, despite his limited dialogue (portrayed by Vin Diesel, who
even played the character in multiple languages) and ability to kill a dozen Kree soldiers at
once. A character like this- so goofy and unusual- can be very tricky to pull off and not be
embarrassing, and the movie did it PERFECTLY- they played up just how goofy and unusual
he was, thus making him weird in-universe, then happily massacring tons of people on a
piercing branch and looking back with this "Hey, look what I did!" smile- off-putting but
hilarious at the same time. And of course, he had the greatest scene in the whole thing,
pulling his sacrificial act with a glorious "... WE are GROOT." And then the movie ends with
the super-toyetic Baby Tree dancing to the Jackson 5's ABC in a perfect cap-off. And so a
more universal meme was born.
-Baby Groot reappeared in the sequel, and was a grumpy teenager by the end of it. Here, he
was more used for "Cute Tree" sight-gags and slapstick, but retained his popularity. He was
"dusted" by Thanos along with many others, but this was kinda meaningless because, like in
the comics, if you die once and pop back near-instantaneously, your sacrifices matter less.

Groot's Power:
-Groot is one of those guys that ends up spending points all over the place because of a few
random snippets. Oh, it turns out his "I AM GROOT!" dialogue is actually translateable to a
various bunch of subjects, and he's a super-genius? Well, that one paragraph of dialogue
means he's INT 5 and has Beginner's Luck/Jack-of-All-Trades! And also he can control
plants like Minions! Stuff like that increases the cost of what is essentially a Super-Brick, a
slightly advanced Powerhouse who's a bit inaccurate, but hits harder than most. Groot's only
PL 9.5 really, because I don't really believe he can go one-on-one with Ben Grimm or
Colossus or anyone like that- he's just a Meat Shield/Back-Up for a relatively vulnerable-to-
damage crew of human-level guys in the Guardians of the Galaxy.

-Note some of the funny stats- he's mostly inaudible to sentient beings, as they can't
understand his words, and when he Resurrects, he ends up as just a little snippet of himself
for a week or so while he grows. I figure that's a decent Drawback to an already-Flawed
Regeneration set-up. He's got another unique trick in that he can grow SUPER-sized, enough
to fill up an entire building, but if he does so, he's essentially hobbled and near-useless, being
even easier to hit than MOST Growth 20 guys, so it's quite weak, and not very good in
combat. He's not normally vulnerable to fire (it took Mantis altering his body-chemistry to
make him thus), but I figure, as a giant Tree-Man, he WOULD be vulnerable to plant-killing
substances that most humans could just brush off.


Post by Jabroniville » Fri Aug 25, 2017 3:20 am

... okay, I guess he's gigantic, too. Might have to edit him.

GROTESK (Prince Gor-Tok II)

Created By: Roy Thomas & Don Heck
First Appearance: X-Men #41 (Feb. 1967)
Role: Unused '60s Villain
Group Affiliations: None
PL 10 (167)

Deception 3 (+5)
Expertise (Subterranean Royal) 3 (+10)
Expertise (Science) 5 (+12)
Perception 3 (+6)
Persuasion 4 (+7)
Technology 6 (+13)
Vehicles 4 (+4)

Chokehold, Fast Grab, Improved Hold, Power Attac, Ranged Attack 8

"Subterranean Physiology" Senses 1 (Infravision) [1]
"Messed-Up Brain" Immunity 20 (Mental Effects) [20]

"Friggin' Huge"
Reach 1 [1]
Features 1: Increased Mass [1]

"Costume's Metal Studs" (Flaws: Removable) [19]

"Stone-Hard Mist" Create 8 Linked to Concealment 2 (Visuals) (Extras: Area- 15ft. Cloud)
(22) -- (23 points)
"Energy Absorption" Deflect 10 (20)

Unarmed +8 (+12 Damage, DC 27)
Initiative +3

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +12, Fortitude +12, Will +5

Motivation (Destroying the Surface World)- His own race destroyed by human atomic
testing, Grotesk now hates the world.

Total: Abilities: 90 / Skills: 28--14 / Advantages: 12 / Powers: 40 / Defenses: 9 (167)

-Grotesk is one of those weird guys created back in a "Filler" issue of X-Men, back when Roy
Thomas was given this forgettable, cast-off book of unpopular characters. His origin's pretty
classic "Silver Age"- there's of COURSE an underground society of warlike humanoids.
Underground atomic explosions exterminated every member of his race except for him-
Prince Gor-Tok, mutated by the bombings himself, declared war on the human race. He finds
and fights the X-Men, doing the unthinkable by KILLING PROFESSOR XAVIER, changing
the book forever. Or until the writers got tired of the trick, and explained away his demise by
revealing that The Changeling had been mimicking Charles for months.

-Grotesk is thought-dead in the same explosion that killed Changeling, only to reappear ten
years later in Ms. Marvel. He fought her a few times, built some Death Weapon, and found
himself sucked inside a dimensional vortex. He returns in 1991, this time allied with
Tyrannus and the Mole Man in a coalition of Subterranean beings attacking the Deviants and
the surface world. His team falls apart, but he plans to destroy the ENTIRE EARTH, but is
stopped by Living Lightning. He later shows up fighting Thor, but is killed in the ensuing
battle. His last appearance was fighting Nightcrawler after his followers empowered his
spirit, but Kurt managed to get his spirit to dissipate.

-Grotesk is fairly powerful and incredibly deranged (his speech bubbles are oddly blocky and
yellow-coloured), and can even fight THOR for a time. The Metal Studs on his costume may
be Plot Device-centric (his Marvunapp biographer goes into great depths trying to figure out
that his "death-cheating" may be a part of his Studs).

Post by Jabroniville » Sun Jan 01, 2017 3:06 am

GROUNDHOG (Sean Bernard)

Created By: Bob Furman, Scott Lobdell & Pat Broderick
First Appearance: Alpha Flight Special #1 (June 1992)
Role: Retroactive Rookie
Group Affiliations: The Flight, The Royal Canadian Mounted Police
PL 7 (82)

Close Combat 1 (+5)
Deception 4 (+4)
Expertise (RCMP Officer) 5 (+7)
Insight 4 (+6)
Investigation 5 (+7)
Perception 4 (+6)
Persuasion 4 (+4)
Vehicles 5 (+6)

Equipment 2 (Pistol, +5), Ranged Attack 6

"Groundhog Terraforming Suit" (Flaws: Removable) [25]
Enhanced Strength 6 (12)
Protection 7 (Extras: Impervious 3) (10)

"Terraforming" Burrowing 8 (16 mph) (8) -- (9)

 AE: Flight 3 (16 mph) (6)

-- (31 points)

Unarmed +5 (+1 Damage, DC 16)
Suit Strength +5 (+7 Damage, DC 22)
Pistol +6 (+5 Ranged Damage, DC 20)
Initiative +1

Dodge +6 (DC 16), Parry +5 (DC 15), Toughness +1 (+8 Suit), Fortitude +4, Will +4

Responsibility (RCMP)- Sean is a cop on the run, after some people on his own force (whom
he had informed upon for drug-running) went after him.

Total: Abilities: 22 / Skills: 32--16 / Advantages: 8 / Powers: 25 / Defenses: 11 (82)

-Behold, it is here! The build of Groundhog, a guy who was a one-shot character introduced
in "The Flight", the pre-team to Alpha Flight (along with St. Elmo, Stitch & Smart Alec, all
retcon characters on the rookie squad). He threw a fit when his team met with disaster (he
was furious that a mentally ill woman and other lunatics were put on a squad in which life
was on the line), and quit in that issue, declaring that his terraforming suit was lame, and that
if Mac Hudson liked it so much, HE should wear it. Naturally, this would be the inspiration
for Mac to wear the Guardian armor.

-Groundhog's such a nobody, no site I could find for 2e had stats for him, but it looks like
Wikipedia, Alphanex (which has since gone offline during a server switch) and the Handbook
Appendix all got around to it by now. The terra-forming suit was later formed into what
became the Guardian costume. Sean Bernard was an RCMP officer investigating his partners
for drug trafficking, by the by. He hasn't appeared since his one appearance, but the armor
was used prominently in the Pak/Eaglesham Alpha Flight series, with the heroes training a
bunch of civilians to fight The Master of the World's forces. Mac pays the Taskmaster to train
this army, and they're instrumental to the gang ass-kicking suffered by the Master.

-Standard "Guy in Power Armour" build, minus anything that's reasonably decent or
effective. He's basically a brick who can dig (and fly, poorly). He's PL 6.5 on defense, PL 6
on offense, being really pathetic overall since he's basically an Advanced Cop build plus a

The Growing Man

Post by Jabroniville » Sun Aug 20, 2017 5:15 am


Created By: Stan Lee & Jack Kirby
First Appearance: Thor #140 (May 1967)
Role: Growing Character, High-End Jobber
PL 12 (139)



Growth 18 (Str & Toughness +18, +18 Mass, +9 Intimidation, -9 Dodge/Parry, +2 Speed, -18
Stealth) -- (144 feet) (Flaws: Requires Kinetic Impacts) [18]
"Giant Fists & Feet" Damage 12 (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst) [24]
"Absorbs Kinetic Impacts" Immunity 80 (Toughness Effects) (Flaws: Limited to Half-Effect)
"Android" Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects) [30]
Protection 2 [2]

Unarmed +6 (+18 Damage, DC 33)
Initiative -1

"Human Size" Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +10 (DC 20), Toughness +2, Fortitude --, Will +0
"Giant Size" Dodge +1 (DC 11), Parry +1 (DC 11), Toughness +20, Fortitude --, Will +0

Motivation (Kang's Will)- The Growing Man has no will of its own.
Normal Identity (Tiny Doll)- The Growing Man tends to start out as a tiny doll-sized
creature, and must be struck to gain size.

Total: Abilities: -14 / Skills: 00--0 / Advantages: 0 / Powers: 136 / Defenses: 17 (139)

-The Growing Man is an android minion in the service of Kang (created by an alien race he'd
enslaved), who first jobs to Thor, and then to Iron Man years later, and finally Hercules,
before Mr. Fantastic shrank it out of existence. It basically existed in complete obscurity until
it reappeared in Thunderbolts, being forced into action by Baron Strucker (surprisingly, this
Continuity Porn was NOT by Kurt Busiek, but by Fabian Nicieza). It's powerful enough to
fight Thor, Iron Man & Hercules, but even its ultra-durability (Half-Immunity AND high
Toughness) will not hold up forever, especially since its defenses are so bad at peak size.

The Grizzly (Markham)

Post by Jabroniville » Fri Jun 02, 2017 7:36 pm

THE GRIZZLY III (Maxwell Markham)
Created By: Gerry Conway & Ross Andrew
First Appearance: The Amazing Spider-Man #139 (Dec. 1974)
Role: Joke Villain
Villain Ranking: E-List
Group Affiliations: The Legion of Losers, The Thunderbolts
PL 7 (58)

Athletics 1 (+8)
Deception 3 (+3)
Expertise (Criminal) 3 (+2)
Expertise (Wrestler) 6 (+5)
Intimidation 5 (+5)

Fast Grab, Improved Hold, Power Attack

"Grizzly Exoskeleton" (Flaws: Removable) [12]
Enhanced Strength 3 (6)
"Razor-Sharp Claws" Strength-Damage +1 (1)
Protection 4 (8)
-- (15 points)

Unarmed +6 (+4 Damage, DC 19)
Unarmed Exoskeleton +6 (+7 Damage, DC 22)
Claws Exoskeleton +6 (+8 Damage, DC 23)
Initiative +2

Dodge +5 (DC 15), Parry +6 (DC 16), Toughness +4 (+8 Exoskeleton), Fortitude +5, Will +1

Motivation (Reputation)- The Grizzly is seen as a joke in the super-community, even by other
jokes, and he strives to correct this.
Enemy (Spider-Man)

Total: Abilities: 28 / Skills: 18--9 / Advantages: 3 / Powers: 12 / Defenses: 6 (58)

-The Grizzly is part of the proud team known as The Legion Of Losers. He's essentially your
generic one-shot villain, popping up to get revenge on J. Jonah Jameson for ruining his
wrestling career with some bad press years back, and Spidey defeated him without even the
usual "gets his ass kicked badly the first time" trope. He once got an upgrade and demanded a
rematch, Spidey faking defeat to allow the guy to save face in front of his peers. After that,
his ridiculous appearance put him with a whole GANG of similar-losers, and a recurring
Marvel Universe gag was born. However, he's not that bad of a guy, and both he & Gibbon
aid Spidey against the greedy Spot & Kangaroo. This naturally was forgotten, and he was
seen as a generic Background Supervillain, seen fighting various heroes and teaming up with
guys WAY worse than mere bankrobbers, but he also showed up in a recent Scott Lang Ant-
Man comic, joining his group of ex-cons on some more positive endeavors, such as rescuing
Cassie Lang.
-Grizzly's stats are those of a Big Dumb Joke, but a PL 7 is still surprisingly potent compared
to mooks or something, and all four of the Losers combined are actually a pretty serious
threat to a solo hero.

Grizzly (Winchester)

Post by Jabroniville » Wed Dec 13, 2017 11:54 pm

GRIZZLY IV (Theodore Winchester)
Created By: Fabian Nicieza & Rob Liefeld
First Appearance: X-Force #8 (March 1992)
Role: The Big Guy, '90s Ideal, Gun Guy, Powers Plus Guns
Group Affiliations: The Wild Pack/Six Pack, Weapon: P.R.I.M.E.
PL 9 (135)

Athletics 2 (+12)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 2 (+8)
Deception 3 (+5)
Expertise (Mercenary) 7 (+9)
Expertise (Current Events) 2 (+4)
Insight 4 (+7)
Intimidation 5 (+7/+9)
Investigation 4 (+6)
Perception 5 (+7)
Stealth 6 (+9, +5 Size)
Technology 2 (+4)
Vehicles 4 (+8)

Accurate Attack, Beginner's Luck, Equipment 6 (Arsenal), Improved Aim, Improved Critical
(Blasters), Jack-of-All-Trades, Power Attack, Precise Attack (Ranged/Cover), Ranged Attack
6, Teamwork

"Mutant Powers: Animal-Like Physiology"
"Animal Senses" Senses 2 (Low-Light Vision, Acute Scent) [2]
"Natural Size" Growth 4 (Str & Sta +4, +4 Mass, +2 Intimidation, -2 Dodge/Parry, -4 Stealth)
-- (12 feet) (Feats: Innate) (Extras: Permanent +0) [9]

"Grizzly's Arsenal"
Spy/Merc Gear (3)

"Twin Blasters" Blast 8 (Extras: Multiattack) (24) -- (27)

 AE: "Grenades" Blast 8 (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst) (Diminished Range) (20)
 AE: "Power Rifle" Blast 8 (Feats: Improved Critical, Increased Range) (18)

Unarmed +8 (+10 Damage, DC 25)
Guns +10 (+8 Ranged Damage, DC 23)
Grenades +8 Area (+8 Damage, DC 23)
Initiative +3

Dodge +7 (DC 17), Parry +9 (DC 19), Toughness +9, Fortitude +11, Will +5

Enemy (Cable)

Total: Abilities: 60 / Skills: 46--23 / Advantages: 20 / Powers: 11 / Defenses: 16 (135)

-Grizzly is a weird design, and it took them a while to nail down his character. A big, red-
skinned hairy guy with a big lion's mane of hair, he was a cold-hearted, hateful mercenary
who got burned by Cable, and egged on the X-Force kids to dump Cable before he did the
same to them. He ended up in the token "Team Strong Guy" with Warpath, but that really
didn't go his way, as James Proudstar did some of his classic Fabian Nicieza-written back-
talk he did so well ("You invade MY home, and tell me you don't have a problem with me?
Well TOUGH- howzabout *I* got a problem with *you*!"), out-muscled Griz, and knocked
his ass out cold. Despite talking tough here, he was more of a whiner and jokester (both in a
flashback earlier on, and later in a story with Domino), where he fought against the NEW
Weapon: P.R.I.M.E., talking about how he was never really close with the old group. And
that was his second-last appearance, as he showed up in Cable's own series, where he was
mind-controlled by Cable's son "Genesis", and had to be put down by his old pal Domino.
Not much of a run for the guy.

-Grizzly, to me, is very iconic to the 1990s- that decade was FULL of mutants like this! They
had standard power-sets, but ALSO carried vicious weapons, to the point where their baseline
powers were almost perfunctory "just to make them Mutants" bits, such as Shatterstar's Tiring
Energy Blasts or Domino's "Everything Falls Into Place" ability. Grizzly here was packing
huge high-powered guns in most of his appearances, shooting up people with huge blasts that
could blow through concrete, but his actual MUTANT powers are strength-related.

-Thus, Grizzly stats up as a quasi-Powerhouse and Gun Guy, but he's not quite super-elite at
either. An all-around PL 9, he only does +10 damage, but has Power Attack and can dish out
some major hits that way if he needs to, but he's never been truly elite- I can't name a single
character who he beat in a fight that wasn't a Mook- Warpath handily defeated him in a
strength-based contest, regular guns KILLED him (so he's not that durable), and he couldn't
even put down the jobbers of Weapon: P.R.I.M.E.

-So he's a PL 9 and should like it. His Growth was kind of hard to figure out, as almost
EVERY artist of the '90s drew the team's Powerhouses about twelve feet tall and with arms
larger than tree trunks, and Grizzly was depicted as no larger than Warpath during their fight
(and that was back when Warpath was only KINDA big), but I decided that he earned full-on
Large Size since Domino could easily hide completely behind just his lower body. Grizzly
adds some minor animal-type powers to a Powerhouse/Gun Guy build, so almost makes his
full PL 9's points-alottment. He's big and tough, but not enough to be overwhelming at any
one thing.

The Guardians of the Galaxy

Post by Jabroniville » Tue Aug 17, 2021 7:57 am

"Guardians of the Galaxy started out as an idea of mine: about super-guerrillas fighting
against Russians and Red Chinese who had taken over and divided the USA. I got a sort of
general approval out of [editor-in-chief] Stan [Lee] (I think), and gave the idea to Arnold
Drake, since I had not time to write and research it. Arnold went in for a conference with
Stan, and Stan (maybe Arnold, too) decided to change it to an interplanetary situation. All
the characters and situations in Guardians were created by Arnold and/or Stan"
-Roy Thomas


-The original GOTG are a team I've never really read in detail, and I never really had a desire
to. They were around for fifteen YEARS before they ever got their own solo series, which is
very strange- they debuted in a Marvel Super-Heroes title that was largely just for reprints,
starting in 1969. By this point, Arnold Drake had written the book set in the 30th Century,
where the Guardians are a squad of people from various homeworlds that were destroyed by
a reptilian alien race called The Badoon. They included a block-shaped big guy named
Charlie-27, a crystalline genius Martinex, a blue Native American stereotype named Yondu,
and a weird "Cosmic Being" flying blaster dude named Starhawk.

Despite "strong sales", the book was not picked up- Marvel wasn't doing hot business in the
1970s for the most part, and this probably affected things. But Steve Gerber liked them
enough to use them in Marvel Two-In-One in 1974, and they reappeared in next year's
Defenders stuff, which made the characters a lot more popular. Most of these stories involved
time travel- Captain America, The Thing & The Defenders had to pop into the future to help
them out- things like that. Marvel Presents finally gave them a headline run in 1976, with
Dave Cockrum redesigning the costumes so they looked a whole lot better (Cockrum may be
the best EVER at costume designs). A human named Vance Astro joins the team, travelling
from our time and being a Future Captain America, thus leading the team, and they're joined
by a fire-haired girl named Nikki.

However, Gerber soon left the book (which was reimagined to have the GOTG fighting in the
present) and was cancelled shortly thereafter due to low sales. They guest-starred in an
Avengers arc titled The Korvac Saga, but were mostly an accessory to the Avengers' fight
against Michael Korvac (a GOTG foe who had mutated from a cyborg into a cosmic being)-
they acted like a bland bunch of bozos, except for Starhawk, who had some very annoying
catchphrases, and acted like a tool- trust the word of ONE WHO KNOWS! Though that story
was more or less Jim Shooter telling his favourite kind of story- "The ultra-wise, noble and
mighty ruler who would have been GREAT... if ONLY the little people beneath him had
simply accepted him and his rule!". He did this with Korvac AND The Beyonder- the insight
into Jim Shooter's own personality here is priceless .

After a handful of reappearances (usually in at least one comic per year), the GOTG are
reimagined and their timeline is separated from the mainstream Marvel Earth's for good, and
the Guardians disappeared for ten straight years.

The Guardians Return:

-The Guardians returned out of nowhere, getting their own series in 1990. Y'know, that era
where EVERYTHING got its own series. You had Night Thrasher, Moon Knight, Darkhawk,
Sleepwalker, Hellstorm, The Darkhold Redeemers, the NightStalkers and even frickin'
TERROR INC. carrying their own books back then, so you know just about ANYTHING
would be produced back then. Apparently Tom DeFalco wanted to reboot the team to take
advantage of Star Trek: The Next Generation's popularity and do something like that, but Jim
Valentino had been working on his own outline using the original characters, and Tom went
with his idea instead. Jim apparently went for a "fun" book, contrary to the grim 'n' gritty
comics that typified the era, but eventually left after twenty-nine issues to help form Image
Comics as their resident "old man"- he had plotted another 21 issues, but was fired when it
was discovered he was working for Image. Michael Gallagher (whom I've never even heard
of) took over the remainder of the series. Gallagher & artist Kevin West did a long-running
"Marvel Method" series, even spinning it off with Galactic Guardians in 1994 (a four-issue
Limited Series featuring Martinex with some future versions of Marvel heroes).

So the book farted around for about five years, being cancelled with #61. I've yet to see ONE
online fan raise a stink over how the "Guardians got screwed!", and I've seen fans for every
possible kind of character! And yet... there's still a group that's CRAZY into them- fans who
were OUTRAGED that the Guardians of the Galaxy film featured none of them but Yondu
(who was himself greatly changed). Honestly, I couldn't possibly get into this group of
weirdos. They're a bizarre assortment of ridiculous designs (some of which look VERY
"Seventies" in origin) and even worse codenames (CHARLIE-27!?!?!), making for the
dumbest-sounding super-hero team in history. Seriously, I've read people saying that Marvel
Studios/Disney should have made the film based off of these douches! A movie featuring a
big blocky guy, a girl with fire hair and Martinex? Sounds like a perfect plan to lose all the
money ever. I know this triggers OG GOTG fans but I still say Charlie-27 would have killed
that movie dead, even when it featured a talking tree & raccoon in its debut trailer.

The team would be "resurrected" slightly in modern times, with the current GOTG series
featuring a modern-day cast of reasonably-cool characters that pays a bit of lip service to the
original by including the book's main hero, Major Victory, for a time. And occasionally some
guest appearances by the original team. ... .php?t=144 (There was a LONG set of posts

by series writer Jim Valentino about working on the book, which is considered a bit of a
forgotten classic by a few... but the link is now dead)


Post by Jabroniville » Sun Jul 09, 2017 10:58 am

This is still in the 99th percentile for well-proportioned Marvel UK art. Think about that.

GRUNT (Arnold Coltrane)

Created By: John Freeman & Brian Williamson
First Appearance: Shadow Riders #1 (June 1993)
Role: Techno-Biker
Group Affiliations: The Shadow Riders
PL 8 (102)

Expertise (Mercenary) 4 (+5)
Intimidation 2 (+4)
Investigation 2 (+4)
Perception 3 (+4)
Technology 3 (+4)
Vehiciles 6 (+10)

Equipment 7 (Arsenal of Guns- Heavy Weapons, Super-Bike- Motorcycle +2 Toughness &
Morph- Regular Bike), Ranged Attack 4, Teamwork

Immunity 1 (Sleep) [1]
Power-Lifting 1 (25 tons) [1]
Protection 1 [1]
Regeneration 2 [2]

Unarmed +6 (+9 Damage, DC 24)
Guns +8 (+4-6 Ranged Damage, DC 19-21)
Heavy Weapons +8 (+8 Ranged Damage, DC 23)
Initiative +3

Dodge +6 (DC 16), Parry +6 (DC 16), Toughness +10, Fortitude +9, Will +4

Enemy (Mys-Tech)

Total: Abilities: 68 / Skills: 20--10 / Advantages: 12 / Powers: 5 / Defenses: 7 (102)

-The simply-named Grunt also has the most generic power-set, being a Class 25 Strongman
with heavy weapons. He was a Mys-Tech employee killed by Boot, and resurrected by Vorin
into becoming a Shadow Rider. Freeman's notes state that he had a Hulk-like ability to gain
in strength (and similarly, lost it as he tired), but this was never observed in the series. His
Regeneration is implied on his Marvunapp bio due to a relatively-quick recover from some
bad injuries.


Post by Jabroniville » Sun Nov 27, 2016 8:11 am
Created By: Grant Morrison & Igor Kordey
First Appearance: X-Men #124 (May 2002)
Race: Hodinn
Role: Blaster, Trapped-In-Suit Guy
Legionnaire Basis: None (though he's basically like Wildfire)
Group Affiliations: The Shi'ar Imperial Guard
PL 10 (129)

Expertise (Space Hero) 4 (+5)
Intimidation 4 (+5)
Investigation 2 (+3)
Perception 3 (+4)
Technology 4 (+5)
Vehicles 1 (+5)

Benefit (Imperial Guard), Equipment 4 (Anti-Gravity Device), Power Attack, Ranged Attack

Plasma Aura 6 (Feats: Reach) (Flaws: Permanent) [9]
Plasma Blasts 10 (Feats: Split) [21]
Protection 6 [6]
"Living Energy" Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects) [30]

"G-Type Armour" (Flaws: Removable) [8]

Features 6: Buys Off Permanent Flaw (6)
Protection 4 (4)
-- (10 points)

"Shi'ar Anti-Gravity Device"
Flight 5 (10)
Space Travel 1 (1)
Immunity 7 (Suffocation 2, Cold, Hot, Radiation, Vacuum, Pressure) (7)

Unarmed +9 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Blast +8 (+10 Ranged Damage, DC 25)
Initiative +3

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +9 (DC 19), Toughness +6 (+10 Armour), Fortitude --, Will +4

Responsibility (The Shi'ar Imperial Guard)

Total: Abilities: 38 / Skills: 18--9 / Advantages: 10 / Powers: 74 / Defenses: 10 (129)

-A PL 9-10 guy, G-Type was one of the Superguardians who got controlled by Cassandra
Nova. Living energy, he was basically drained by Xorn and killed.


Post by Jabroniville » Sun Jan 01, 2017 6:36 pm

GUARDIAN (James MacDonald Hudson, aka "Mac", Vindicator)
Created By: John Byrne & Chris Claremont
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men #109 (Feb. 1978)
Role: Team Leader, Boring Leader Guy, Flying Blaster
Group Affiliations: Alpha Flight, Am-Can Corporation
PL 10 (167)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 2 (+8)
Deception 2 (+4)
Expertise (Science) 8 (+12)
Expertise (Government Agent) 2 (+6)
Insight 2 (+4)
Perception 4 (+6)
Ranged Combat (Energy Blasts) 3 (+10)
Technology 8 (+12)
Vehicles 5 (+5)

Accurate Attack, Defensive Attack, Improved Aim, Improved Initiative, Inspire, Leadership,
Power Attack, Ranged Attack 7, Teamwork

"Guardian Battlesuit" (Flaws: Removable) [76]
Enhanced Strength 5 (10)
Protection 5 (5)
Flight 8 (500 mph) (16)
"Cybernetic Link" Communication (Electronic) 2 (8)
"Computerized Senses" Sense (Infravision, Direction Sense, Radar- Accurate Radius, Sonar-
Ultrasonic Hearing- Accurate, Detect Energy- Acute) (11)

"Super-Powerful Energy Field"

Force Field 5 (Extras: Impervious 9) (14)
Enhanced Advantages 2: Withstand Damage, Ultimate Toughness Save (2)

"Energy Blasts- Ultrasonic, EM Pulse, Concussive" Blast 10 (Feats: Split, Variable- Multiple
Energy Types) (22) -- (28)

 AE: "Graviton Beam" Move Object 9 (18)

 AE: "Flare" Dazzle Visuals 8 (16)
 AE: "Ultrasound Beam" Dazzle Hearing 10 (20)
 AE: "Energy Absorber" Energy Absorption- Blast (20)
 AE: "Plasma Funnel" Snare 8 (Flaws: Limited to One Target) (16)
 AE: "Shunt- Suspend Position to the Earth's Rotation" Flight 6 (total 14: 32,000 mph)
(Flaws: Limited Uses) (6)

-- (94 points)

Unarmed +8 (+2 Damage, DC 16)
Unarmed Suit +8 (+7 Damage, DC 22)
Energy Blasts +10 (+10 Ranged Damage, DC 25)
Dazzles & Funnel +10 (+8-10 Ranged Affliction, DC 18-20)
Initiative +7

Dodge +7 (DC 17), Parry +7 (DC 17), Toughness +3 (+8 Suit, +13 Force Field), Fortitude
+7, Will +7

Relationship (Heather Hudson)- Mac & Heather have been married for years, despite the fact
that he keeps dying. They remain close, despite Wolverine's crush on Heather, and the fact
that Madison Jeffries was with her after Mac died the first time.
Responsibility (Constant Deaths)- He's "died" about four times by this point, beating Jean
Grey by two.
Responsibility (Department H, Canadian Government)- Mac gets stuck as a government
stooge a lot of the time, being the leader of the team.

Total: Abilities: 44 / Skills: 36--18 / Advantages: 15 / Powers: 76 / Defenses: 14 (167)

Mac The Leader:

-Starting off with the main character (sort of) of Alpha Flight, Guardian! James MacDonald
"Mac" Hudson. Of course, Heather Hudson (Vindicator) is really the main character of the
book, since Mac died really early on and came back years later, but he's the iconic hero of the
team, and is all that people usually remember, since most of the series has been forgotten
(just look at the line-up people remember- ONLY the crew Byrne invented for the X-Men

-That didn't stop Marvel from bringing him back Post-Byrne, in one of the most ludicrously
contrived return-from-death scenes EVER in comics (aliens teleported him to them and made
him up as an anti-Galactus weapon cyborg dude). Or making him younger. And then
revealing the younger self to be a clone, and bringing back the original guy. Then he was
killed again with the team against Weapon Omega. When you're a third-stringer team, stuff
happens to you alot in Marvel. You end up being everyone's favorite whipping boy. But
seriously, he's got the most amazingly-complicated history of any character in comics. I think
he even one-ups M & Penance. And hell, poor Jean Grey got stuck with the "died and gets
resurrected a lot" tag, but MAC has her beat by double at this point, I'd bet.

Mac's Debut, "Death" & Return:

-Mac debuted as "Weapon Alpha"- a guy in one of the most bitching superhero costumes in
HISTORY, and one which shames all future patriotic Canadian designs the way Captain
America does for Yankee heroes. He is shown aggressively attacking Wolverine, attempting
to force him back into the hands of the Canadian Government (Wolverine had abruptly quit,
taunting his superiors, in Giant-Size X-Men #1). It is revealed eventually that Mac & Logan
were old friends, working together on the "Flight" program that would give Canada its very
own super-team. His own superhero origin is that he was a Canadian inventor who stole his
prototype suit when he discovered that his bosses were going to sell it to the U.S. as a weapon
of war- his politically-savvy wife got him to agree to ally with the Canadian government as
an operative instead- using the suit himself.

-Mac shows up a couple more times in the X-Men book, until fan demand saw the creation of
an actual Alpha Flight series, at first headed by Mac himself. However, he is killed in one of
the early books- John Byrne, who created him, felt him to be a very "bland", forgettable
character, and figured that his wife Heather would be a better leader-character. This led to
some VERY convoluted storytelling- Mac's costume explodes while he's fighting an old ally
turned enemy (Jerry Jaxon, who leads Omega Flight's band of washouts against him), but it
turns out via Retcon that some aliens teleported him to Ganymede (Jupiter's moon) in order to
save their homeworld, fusing him with his own suit. He returns to Alpha Flight & his wife as
"Vindicator". He is again thought to be killed when saving the aliens from Galactus, but he
later reappears.

Later Mac Bits:

-In the second Alpha Flight series, Hudson is cloned, his memories stolen, and his younger-
looking clone is placed onto an Alpha Flight led by his wife. Mac escapes death at the hands
of Department H, while his clone ends up leading the new Beta Flight before he is killed
fighting AIM. Mac goes on the shelf again, dying alongside the rest of Alpha Flight when
assaulted by The Collective. Then he is resurrected (this is, for the record, the FOURTH time
I count this as happening, if you count the times he is THOUGHT to be killed), leading
Alpha Flight in their most recent series. Here, he is a bit grizzled, manic and intense, having
lost his country, his wife and his daughter at the hands of Gary Cody's "Unity" Party. Despite
these blows, he actually strategizes the revolution that unseats Cody (and Cody's puppeteer,
the Master of the World), in one of the more drawn-out attempts at a lead hero forming an
authentic strategy beyond "kicking ass". Dale Eaglesham's talents actually made Mac look
quite epic, as he's both muscular and a bit scarred thanks to prior battles- easily the best he's
looked since John Byrne drew him.

-That said... I'm no real fan of Mac. He's one of those guys who gets by more on the quality
of his costume and his status as an originator (sort of like Boba Fett, actually)- he's a very
generic hero, kind of doing a Tony Stark "Don't use my stuff as a weapon! Only *I* may do
that!" schtick. His wife is actually a much more interesting character.

Mac's Powers:
-Like a good (or decent) leader, Guardian is slightly over-costed by a ways. He's a bit short
on Advantages, but makes up for it with his super-powerful armor, which gives him a very
effective Force Field (it's shown as taking Wolverine's claws and Hulk's punches without
much effort, but I didn't want to go THAT nuts on it, so we'll presume that's him Hero
Pointing it to higher levels, or using lots of Withstand Damage, as in the regular book it's not
that great), Flight, a powerful Blast with multi-faceted attacks (thanks go out to the VERY
thorough Alpha Flight wiki for the full list of powers, though that part of the site no longer
works), and extremely good Senses. He's a Defensive and Offensive Powerhouse, perfect to
the lead the team, though I never saw him as powerful enough to go beyond PL 10.

Generic Guardsman

Post by Jabroniville » Sun Nov 27, 2016 2:46 am

Role: Background Guy
Group Affiliations: The Shi'ar Imperial Guard
PL ?? (64)

Expertise (Space Hero) 4 (+4)
Insight 2 (+2)
Intimidation 4 (+4)
Investigation 3 (+3)
Perception 3 (+3)
Technology 4 (+4)
Vehicles 2 (+4)

Benefit (Imperial Guard), Equipment 4 (Anti-Gravity Device), Ranged Attack 2

Unarmed +7 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Initiative +2

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +3, Fortitude +5, Will +4

Responsibility (The Shi'ar Imperial Guard)
Total: Abilities: 32 / Skills: 22--11 / Advantages: 7 / Powers: xx / Defenses: 13 (64)

-This fits those generic Background Guardsmen who show up from time-to-time. Various
writers and artists throw in random faces that rarely show up again, given the huge roster of
the team (and the fact that writers tend to bring the team back to it's founding roster as a

Arc- PL 9 (106): Bio-Electric Blast 10 (Feats: Accurate 2), Electric Aura 5 [42]
-A "New X-Men" introduced guy.

Chakar- PL 9 (104): Strength 5, Stamina 5, Fighting 10, Intelligence 2, Awareness 2,

Presence 3, Expertise (Space Soldier) 8 (+10), "Shi'ar Senses" Senses 4 (Extended & Low-
Light Vision, Extended Hearing, Acute Scent), Leaping 1 (15 feet), "Talons" Strength-
Damage +1 [40]
-Chakar led Voltor, Binder & Kwill on a mission into Galador, where they were all killed by
a treacherous ally.
Voltor- PL 8 (83): Bio-Electric Blast 8 (Feats: Accurate 2, Split) [19]
-A guy who showed up as a newbie Guardsman in "Rom: Spaceknight" and was killed by

Binder- PL 8 (82): Plasma Blast 8 (Feats: Accurate 2) [18]

-Voltor's partner, killed when a Shi'ar Dreadnought blew up.

Kwill- PL 8 (90): "Stun Quills" Affliction 8 (Fort; Impaired/Disabled/Unaware Senses)

(Extras: Ranged, Cumulative) (Feats: Accurate 2) [26]
-Voltor's partner, also killed when a Shi'ar Dreadnought blew up.

Voltar- PL 8 (83): Bio-Electric Blast 8 (Feats: Accurate 2, Split) [19]

-Introduced to die in a single story (Realm of Kings). Obviously a replacement for Voltor.

K'tor- PL 6 (86): Strength 4, Stamina 4, Fighting 4, Intelligence 4, Awareness 3, Expertise

(Politics) 4 (+8), "Shi'ar Senses" Senses 4 (Extended & Low-Light Vision, Extended Hearing,
Acute Scent), Leaping 1 (15 feet), "Talons" Strength-Damage +1 [22]
-A generic Evil Bureaucrat. – not a guardsman

Blackthorn- PL 8 (99): Stamina 7, "Plant Control" Snare 8, AE: Impede Movement 2,

Protection 2 [35]
-A one-shotter Plant-Man from the early '80s who was there for a single story. He had a
sword and shield at first, but it vanished by his second issue.

Moondancer- PL 6 (94): "Galactic Tracking" Senses 20 (Life Sense- Ranged 16, Tracking
2, Acute), Remote Vision 5 [30]
-Basically an obvious Dawnstar homage, right down to the buckskin outfit, this blue girl
showed up in "Quasar" a few times and that's it.

Monstra- PL 9 (96): Strength 10, Stamina 10, Extra Limbs 2 [32]

-A wild, ugly alien punker (I hate punkers), Monstra fought The Beast for a bit.

Fader- PL 7 (71): Equipment 3 ("Spazgun"- Blast 6 Multiattack, Armour +2), Ranged

Attack 4, Concealment 2 (Visuals) [7]
-Monstra's (apparent) boyfriend, who could hide in the Ultraviolet Spectrum. Of course, this
didn't help him against The Beast's Super-Senses, and so he got beaned by a statue and was
taken out of the fight.

Squorm- PL 6 (78): No Stamina, Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects) [14]

-Squorm is so utterly useless in a fight that I find it's inclusion on the "Superguardians"
weird. I mean, it's basically a bit liquid jelly thing that lost in seconds to an X-Man. Basically
just there as a joke, I guess.

Schism- PL 6 (88): Summon Duplicate 5 (Extras: Heroic +2), Flight 2 [24]

-Like Squorm, Schism (a Duplicator- a white female half and black male half formed an
androgynous character) was a useless fighter, simply having it's two heads bopped together
by The Beast.

Mammoth- PL 9 (95): Strength 10, Stamina 10, Extra Limbs 1 "Trunk" [31]
-Lilandra's bodyguard, he was killed by Cassandra Nova.

Immundra- PL 9 (109): Strength 10, Stamina 10, Flight 6, Will +7 [45]

-Immundra has a bit of a "Cornfed Flying Brick" look to him (with Frank Quitely on art, he
of course looks pudgy as hell and hideous), and was piloting the ship when Cassandra Nova
killed him with a psionic assault. His higher Telepathic Resistance (higher Will Save) failed
to help him.

White Noise- PL 9 (103): Strength 5, Stamina 5, "Sonic Scream" Dazzle 9 (Accurate 2), AE:
Dazzle Cone 9, AE: Dazzle Area Perception 9, AE: Nullify Sonic Effects 9 (Extras: Ranged),
"Shi'ar Senses" Senses 4 (Extended & Low-Light Vision, Extended Hearing, Acute Scent),
Leaping 1 (15 feet), "Talons" Strength-Damage +1 [39]
-Possibly Deathbird's daughter, White Noise was a Sonic Screamer who only featured in one
story, but has shown up in background scenes.
Black Light- PL 9 (101): Strength 5, Stamina 5, Black Blasts 9 (Accurate 2, Split), "Shi'ar
Senses" Senses 4 (Extended & Low-Light Vision, Extended Hearing, Acute Scent), Leaping
1 (15 feet), "Talons" Strength-Damage +1 [37]
-White Noise's brother, who has the age-old "Generic Blaster Guy" power-set. They have a
"Tomax & Xamot" thing that makes them feel the other's pain, which is a pretty bad
weakness to have (you kick two asses for the price of one). Black Light was killed along with
Neutron during the "War of Kings: Imperial Guard" mini-series.

Pn'zo- PL 10 (140): Strength 8, No Stamina, Protection 8, Extra Limbs 4, Snare 8, Ranged

Attack 6, Electrical Aura 10 [76]
-Pn'zo is a bank-robbing criminal who is freed by Emperor Vulcan after swearing loyalty to

Neosaurus- PL 6 (84): Immortality 20 (one round) (Flaws: Requires Housing Bodies) [20]
-Neosaurus is actually a "magnificent artificial brain" that merely controls these turquoise
reptilian creatures as housings for it's intelligence. It can presumably enter into other bodies,
but we only ever saw one on-panel at once, and Wolverine EASILY killed it and stole it's
Flight Patch, so they pretty well suck at fighting.

Blimp- PL 6 (66): Flight 2 (Flaws: Low Ceiling) [2]

-Blimp was basically a useless guy who got slashed by Wolverine and flew around the X-
Mansion like a balloon. He had no offensive capabilities to speak of, and had Involuntary
Transformation: Tears Open if Hit By Slashing Weapons.

The Guardsman (Kevin)

Post by Jabroniville » Sun Jul 17, 2022 7:48 am

Created By: Allyn Brodsky & Don Heck
First Appearance: Iron Man #31 (Nov. 1970)
Role: Side Character, D-Level Suit Guy/Inventor
Group Affiliations: Stark Industries
PL 8 (129)

Deception 3 (+5)
Expertise (Science) 4 (+10)
Insight 2 (+4)
Intimidation 4 (+6)
Investigation 2 (+4)
Perception 3 (+5)
Technology 6 (+12)
Vehicles 2 (+5)

Equipment (Radio), Improved Aim, Ranged Combat 5

"Guardsman Armor" (Flaws: Removable) [48]
Enhanced Strength 8 (16)
Power-Lifting 1 (40 tons) (1)
Protection 7 (7)
Flight 7 (250 mph) (14)
Immunity 5 (Radiation, Suffocation 2, Pressure, Vacuum) (5)
"Repulsor Rays" Blast 8 (Feats: Split) (17)
-- (60 points)

Unarmed +6 (+10 Damage, DC 25)
Repulsor Rays +8 (+8 Ranged Damage, DC 23)
Initiative +3

Dodge +6 (DC 16), Parry +6 (DC 16), Toughness +3 (+10 Armor), Fortitude +5, Will +4

Responsibility (Being Controlled by Armor)- The Guardsman Armors is slowly driving
O'Brien mad, causing him to hate his employer, Tony Stark, and covet Stark's girlfriend

Total: Abilities: 54 / Skills: 26--13 / Advantages: 7 / Powers: 48 / Defenses: 7 (129)

-Yeah, poor Guardsman here kinda got the shaft as far as character fates go. He was an Iron
Man supporting character- an inventive genius who designed his own Powersuit, and
eventually became one of those guys who knew Tony & Iron Man were one and the same.
Kevin O'Brien came to interest Tony when his stun-ray harmlessly dispersed a group of
violent protesters, and the two became friends, despite Kevin's accident-prone nature (and
what appears to be a horrendous Irish accent). When he saved Tony's life a few times, he was
told the secret identity of the "bodyguard" and given a second suit of armor- the "Guardsman"
suit. Unfortunately, the armor hadn't been fully tested before Kevin had to put it on (to save
Tony and his girlfriend from a mad supervillain Midas, apparently). A malfunction in the
suit's circuitry stimulated the regions of the brain where rage and jealousy came from,
causing Kevin to resent Tony's power, looks and wealth.

-Kevin overheard Tony's stockholders sharing concerns about getting out of munitions
manufacturing and offered his support. He grew increasingly unbalanced, even as he
occasionally became disgusted with himself. Tony ultimately had to suit up and fight the
Guardsman, defeating him. Kevin fled into an experimental tank- Tony tried to stop the tank
without hurting Kevin, but accidentally struck the fuel supply, killing Kevin in an explosion.
So he was only Guardsman for a very short time, having gained the suit on the tail end of a
two-year run in Iron Man (written by almost as many writers as there were issues- Allyn
Brodsy, Gerry Conway, Gary Friedrich & others all pop up during this run!). He ended up
giving his name to a whole LINE of Guardsmen, as well as his brother.

-The Guardsman I had a pretty good set of Armor, but only got a tiny bit of use out of it
before he died, so I decided to make him a PL 8- he's below most professional heroes (or
even PL 8.5 guys like Stingray, who is similarly not a regular-time super-hero), but he's very
much a "Solid NPC with a Kick-Ass Device" type of character who had more potential. With
some higher stats and fighting ability, he could be a major threat, but as a whole he was just a
Sidekick type to Tony.

Guardsman (Michael)

Post by Jabroniville » Sun Jul 17, 2022 7:13 pm

THE GUARDSMAN II (Michael O'Brien)
Created By: Len Wein & Herb Trimpe
First Appearance: Iron Man #82 (Jan. 1976)
Role: Side Character, D-Level Suit Guy
Group Affiliations: The Iron Legion, Project: Pegasus, The Vault
PL 8 (124)

Deception 2 (+5)
Expertise (Police Officer) 5 (+8)
Insight 2 (+4)
Intimidation 3 (+6)
Investigation 5 (+7)
Perception 3 (+5)
Technology 2 (+5)
Vehicles 2 (+5)

Equipment (Radio), Improved Aim, Ranged Combat 5

"Guardsman Armor" (Flaws: Removable) [48]
Enhanced Strength 8 (16)
Power-Lifting 1 (40 tons) (1)
Protection 7 (7)
Flight 7 (250 mph) (14)
Immunity 5 (Radiation, Suffocation 2, Pressure, Vacuum) (5)
"Repulsor Rays" Blast 8 (Feats: Split) (17)
-- (60 points)

Unarmed +6 (+10 Damage, DC 25)
Repulsor Rays +8 (+8 Ranged Damage, DC 23)
Initiative +3

Dodge +6 (DC 16), Parry +6 (DC 16), Toughness +3 (+10 Armor), Fortitude +5, Will +4

Responsibility (Being Controlled by Armor)- The Guardsman Armor can cause the user to go

Total: Abilities: 50 / Skills: 24--12 / Advantages: 7 / Powers: 48 / Defenses: 7 (124)

-So the deceased Kevin turned out to have a brother, Michael, who was a New York City
police officer who reopened the investigation into Kevin's death (this would be about four
years after the fact in our time), suspecting Stark was up to something. Using his connections,
Michael put on the Guardsman armor, and suffered from the same malady that Kevin had
when the circuitry drove him into a rage. He attempted to kill Iron Man in battle, but Tony
successfully convinced him that it was the armor that was at fault. Tony refused to have
Michael arrested and instead tried to make up for the past by fixing the armor and keeping
Michael on staff, even revealing his secret identity to the man.

-So Michael, the new Guardsman, thus became "The Hercules"- the guy who did the job to
the villain to make Tony look better for beating the guy (the same role Hercules used to play
in Thor comics, and Martian Manhunter typically plays to Superman)- the Guardsman would
get smacked around, and Iron Man would fly in to save the day. He lasts about two years in
Iron Man, similar to Kevin, with most appearances written by Bill Mantlo, not his creator,
Len Wein. Eventually, Michael became the head of Project: Pegasus (a research facility
constantly under attack by supervillains... I'm pretty sure their sole reason to exist was to be
an easily-escapable prison for Space Villains and a target for terrestrial villains), and
Avengers Security Chief, as Mark Gruenwald seems to find uses for this character after the
fact (a pretty big gap separates his appearances in Iron Man and The Avengers. He has a lot
of appearances in that role, but none that are terribly memorable- he's just some background
guy, and hasn't worn the suit since the 1970s, I think.

-Michael has mostly the same stats as Kevin, but replaces the Genius aspects with the
abilities of a Police Detective (Investigation & Expertise- Police Officer).
The Guardsmen

Post by Jabroniville » Mon Jul 18, 2022 12:30 am

THE GUARDSMEN (Standard Vault Guards)

Created By: Steve Englehart, Danny Fingeroth, Mark Gruenwald & Steve Ditko
First Appearance: Avengers Annual #15 (1986)
Role: Heroic Version of Mooks, Sacrifices for Villains
Group Affiliations: The Vault
PL 6 (83)

Expertise (Guard) 5 (+5)
Insight 1 (+1)
Intimidation 4 (+4)
Investigation 2 (+2)
Perception 3 (+3)
Technology 2 (+2)
Vehicles 5 (+5)
Equipment (Radio, Gear), Ranged Attack 5, Set-Up, Teamwork

"Guardsman Armor" (Flaws: Removable) [36]
Enhanced Strength 5 (10)
Power-Lifting 1 (6 tons) (1)
Protection 3 (3)
Immunity 5 (Radiation, Suffocation 2, Pressure, Vacuum) (5)
"Repulsor Rays" Blast 6 (Feats: Split) (13)
Flight 6 (120 mph) (12)
-- (44 points)

Unarmed +5 (+7 Damage, DC 22)
Repulsor Rays +5 (+6 Ranged Damage, DC 21)
Initiative +2

Dodge +5 (DC 15), Parry +5 (DC 15), Toughness +3 (+6 Armor), Fortitude +3, Will +1

Responsibility (The Vault)

Total: Abilities: 24 / Skills: 22--11 / Advantages: 8 / Powers: 36 / Defenses: 4 (83)

-The Guardsmen were a very big part of Marvel in the 1990s, essentially giving Marvel
Comics a legion of semi-super-powered HEROIC Mooks who came from The Vault, a prison
specifically for super-villains- like Arkham Asylum, but only for super-powered people. Still
just as easy to escape, and Guardsmen went down as easily as any Arkham guard. It was
effective because their facemasks made it so their deaths were a little less horrific than a
uniformed police officer, because we wouldn't have to see their expressions when they died,
and they became a little more "inhuman" (similar reasons were made for the Stormtroopers in
Star Wars or why most fantasy-themed enemies are inhuman Orcs & Goblins). They were
just powerful enough to be killed two or three at a time and make it look cool, and it gave alot
of stories some significance when Guardsmen showed up en masse to arrest the villain after
Spidey beat him up or something. The concept was eventually retired in the mid-90s, after the
guys and "The Vault" as a whole were devalued thanks to constant break-outs (the creators
more or less admit it was a bad idea to start with- the inevitable break-outs made it look
ridiculous immediately).

-This is the mass-marketed version of the PL 8 Guardsman Armor. They're not TOO
powerful, but have the standard "Iron Man Armor" in it's baby version, making your average
well-rounded supporting mook a PL 5.5-6 Fighter/Blaster. Iron Man (at his PL 11-ish 1980s
self) manhandled six or seven of them at once. Sure, he had a super-weapon that disabled any
of them with a touch, but he acted as if they stood absolutely no chance (their Repulsors
"can't hurt" him). They went down in droves to any villain with even the most remote level of
power (Hag and Troll? Seriously?), so they're still Mooks, no matter how powerful their
Armor is supposed to be.
Guiding Light

Post by Jabroniville » Wed Jul 12, 2017 9:06 pm

GUIDING LIGHT (Harley Cooper)

Created By: Jim McCann & Alex Chung
First Appearance: Civil War: Choosing Sides
Role: One-Off Character
PL 7 (79)


Ranged Attack 3

Electrical Blast 9 (Feats: Accurate) [19]
Flight 8 (500 mph) [16]
"Energy Form" Insubstantial 3 [15]

Unarmed +3 (+1 Damage, DC 16)
Electrical Blast +5 (+9 Ranged Damage, DC 24)
Initiative +0

Dodge +5 (DC 15), Parry +5 (DC 15), Toughness +2, Fortitude +3, Will +4

Power Loss (All Powers)- Guiding Light's powers tend to vanish frequently.
Total: Abilities: 16 / Skills: 00--0 / Advantages: 3 / Powers: 50 / Defenses: 10 (79)

-Guiding Light shows up in a one-off comic, gaining powers via electrocution from touching
a machine while she had soda on her hands. Really. Her powers are dormant for years until
reactivating during a blackout, at which point Spider-Man and the Sinister Six get involved,
because the Six are investigating her energy signature. She refuses to join the Six when
Sandman calls her "toots", and fights Hydro-Man for trying to drown her husband, but is
beaten. The Six are stopped by Spidey & Iron Man, and her powers vanish by story's end.

-Okay, so I was confused by the links I picked up when searching for this character, and I
discovered that this is a crossover with some Soap Opera I'm almost entirely unfamiliar with
(despite it lasting from 1952-2009) called Guiding Light- yes, a SOAP OPERA
CROSSOVER. Basically, one character gets super-powers and is de-powered, and the one-
off comic has a mini-story featuring her as well. The character lasted for one comic and five
episodes of the TV show before disappearing forever.

-Guiding Light's basically a jumped-up nobody, having good powers but so little experience
that she'd need help against professional super-villains.


Post by Jabroniville » Wed Dec 13, 2017 6:05 am

GUILLOTINE (Jeannine Sauvage)
Created By: Al Ewing & Paco Medina
First Appearance: Contest of Champions #1 (Dec. 2015)
Role: Foreign Hero
Group Affiliations: None

-Guillotine also appears in Contest of Champions, and is a French girl who managed to find
an evil, Magic Sword, which she uses for good. "La Fleur du Mal" is probably your everyday
"Cuts everything" blade. Nothing really to go on in terms of stats.


Post by Jabroniville » Wed Dec 13, 2017 6:03 am

Created By: Al Ewing & Paco Medina
First Appearance: Contest of Champions #1 (Dec. 2015)
Role: Foreign Hero, Android
Group Affiliations: None

-An android programmed to despise crime in all its forms, Gun-R was abducted for the
Contest of Champions, but killed off-panel by The Maestro before the story's start.

Gun Runner

Post by Jabroniville » Tue Sep 27, 2022 5:56 am

Created by: Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning
First Appearance: Gun Runner #1 (Oct. 1993)
Role: Super-Soldier
Group Affiliation: Vassrya
PL 8 (117)

Athletics 5 (+11)
Deception 2 (+3)
Expertise (Soldier) 7 (+8)
Insight 3 (+4)
Intimidation 5 (+6)
Investigation 2 (+3)
Perception 5 (+6)
Stealth 2 (+6)
Technology 3 (+4)
Treatment 2 (+3)

All-Out Attack, Equipment 6 (Gear- "Thermex" Blasters), Power Attack, Ranged Attack 3,

Senses 2 (Low-Light & Extended Vision) [2]
Speed 6 (120 mph) [6]

"Thermex Blasters" Blast 8 (16)
"Rapid-Fire" Blast 6 (Extras: Multiattack) (18)

Unarmed +11 (+3 Damage, DC 18)
Guns +8 (+6-8 Ranged Damage, DC 21-23)
Initiative +4

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +10 (DC 20), Toughness +6, Fortitude +7, Will +5

Responsibility (Soldier)
Enemy (The Cynnod)- Brell was specially bred to kill the Cynnod, and he personally slew
their leader Shakata. However, Shakata returned to hunt Brell on Earth.

Total: Abilities: 68 / Skills: 26--18 / Advantages: 12 / Powers: 8 / Defenses: 11 (117)

-Gun Runner was the last "Gene Pool" creation, lasting six issues. An alien, he was an athlete
turned into a super-soldier, but was put into suspended animation for centuries, popping up
on contemporary Earth. There, he was amnesiac and befriended a human woman and fought
Ghost Rider & Johnny Blaze, along with some mobsters, but teamed up with the heroes in the
end. His old enemy Shakata (whom he thought he'd killed) arrived in a cloned body and
caused another fight. Brell was captured, but escaped and re-formed his old crew- Shakata
nearly destroyed the Earth with a weapon that would force it into a blank, empty dimension
that'd make everyone comatose, but Brell ultimately killed him after most of his old team was
killed. Gun Runner was thus cancelled, with his human buddy Gale joining him on his further
space adventures. A little-seen character, he last appeared during Annihilation (written by his
creators), being subjected to the Annihilation Wave, albeit with green skin for some reason.
It's unknown whether or not he survived.

-Gun Runner is a basic, fairly-strong character with a lot of blasters and stuff.


Post by Jabroniville » Sun Sep 25, 2022 4:01 am

GUVNOR (Andy "Boy" Black)
Created by: Michael W. Bennett, Lee Stevens & Andrew Currie
First Appearance: Super-Soldiers #6 (Sept. 1993)
Group Affiliations: The Super-Soldiers
Role: Soccer Hooligan, Damage-Absorber, Strong Guy Lite
PL 8 (90)

Athletics 5 (+7)
Expertise (Criminal) 6 (+6)
Insight 2 (+3)
Intimidation 4 (+5)
Perception 3 (+3)
Stealth 2 (+5)

Equipment 4 (Guns +4-6- Multiattack, Military Gear), Ranged Attack 4

"Mutant Powers: Absorb Impacts & Translate Into Strength"
Enhanced Strength 7 (Flaws: Limited to Damage Taken) [7]
Protection 6 (Extras: Impervious 9) [19]

Unarmed +9 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Absorbed Strength +5 (+9 Damage, DC 24)
Guns +8 (+4-6 Ranged Damage, DC 19-21)
Initiative +3

Dodge +5 (DC 15), Parry +5 (DC 15), Toughness +4 (+10 Protection), Fortitude +5, Will +4

Responsibility (The British Government)
Addiction (Drugs)- When the team burn a field of "Super-Poppies" that give powers via
opium, Guvnor declares it "a waste".

Total: Abilities: 38 / Skills: 22--11 / Advantages: 8 / Powers: 26 / Defenses: 7 (90)

-Guvnor is a "rowdy mutant" (ie. a soccer hooligan type with a history of drug abuse and an
"All Coppers Are Bastards" tattoo on his arm) with little experience, but the handy power to
take all kinds of damage, and redirecting it as Strength. His backstory featured Professor
Xavier arriving at his home to recruit him to the X-Men, but his parents assumed that this
bald American wanting to bring their son to "boarding school" was a pervert and so they and
some townsfolk chased him away, jeering at him and throwing stones (hey, are we sure Ennis
didn't write this?). Guvnor instead became a generic lout, and used his powers to win fights
for money- he was recruited into The Warlord's fighting tournament, and was thus recruited
by the Super-Soldiers. Guvnor's known for being both violent, and a huge coward- he cares
for little but himself.

-Guvnor is essentially "Strong Guy Lite", absorbing machine gun fire and running into a
brick wall and converting it into super-strength. He has crappy Defenses thanks to this, but is
still PL 7.5-ish. Just dumb and kinda useless compared to his allies. We never even get to see
his limits- the very issue after he joins the team is the book's last.

G.W. Bridge

Post by Jabroniville » Wed Dec 13, 2017 9:37 pm
Created By: Fabian Nicieza & Rob Liefeld
First Appearance: X-Force #1 (Aug. 1991)
Role: Mirror-Image Villain (to Cable), Jobber Soldier
Group Affiliations: The Wild Pack/Six Pack, S.H.I.E.L.D., Weapon: P.R.I.M.E.
PL 9 (128)

Athletics 3 (+8)
Deception 3 (+6)
Expertise (Soldier) 11 (+14)
Expertise (Current Events) 6 (+9)
Insight 4 (+7)
Intimidation 5 (+8)
Investigation 5 (+8)
Perception 5 (+8)
Stealth 2 (+5)
Technology 4 (+7)
Vehicles 5 (+9)

Accurate Attack, Beginner's Luck, Benefit (S.H.I.E.L.D. Clearance), Contacts, Equipment 6
(Arsenal), Improved Aim, Improved Critical (Rifle), Jack-of-All-Trades, Power Attack,
Precise Attack 2 (Ranged/Cover & Concealment), Ranged Attack 6, Teamwork

"Bridge's Arsenal"
"Body Armour" Protection 3 (3)
Spy/Merc Gear (4)

"Blaster Rifle" Blast 7 (Extras: Multiattack) (21) -- (23)

 AE: "Grenades" Blast 7 (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst) (Diminished Range) (20)
 AE: "Knife" Strength-Damage +1 (1)

Unarmed +8 (+5 Damage, DC 20)
Knife +8 (+6 Damage, DC 21)
Blaster Rifle +10 (+7 Ranged Damage, DC 22)
Grenade +8 Area (+8 Damage, DC 23)
Initiative +3

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +4 (+7 Armour), Fortitude +8, Will +6

Obsession (Hunting Cable)
Responsibility (Family, S.H.I.E.L.D.)

Total: Abilities: 66 / Skills: 54--27 / Advantages: 23 / Powers: 0 / Defenses: 12 (128)

-A former merc turned into a government yes-man, G.W. Bridge is set up as a recurring
nemesis for Cable, with similar capabilities as far as military hardware goes, but it just never
panned out. Carrying a huge grudge for Cable abandoning the Six Pack years ago, and after a
year-long process setting up his crew, everything fell apart in a single issue, and he quit his
job immediately following. Bridge would barely show up in the X-Books at all until he
warmed to Cable over time, and around Operation: Zero Tolerance, he was actually giving
him assistance! Also the once-gigantic, muscular dude suddenly became super-old and fat,
quit, then rejoined S.H.I.E.L.D. He was sort of Marvel's go-to guy for mercenary/government
military-stuff if it doesn't directly involve Nick Fury and his cronies, but that didn't save him-
he was killed as part of a Punisher storyline by a revived (and evil) Microchip.

-Bridge is a good old-fashioned military man, packing PL 8.5 offense & PL 8 defense, so he's
no match for the PL 9-10 crew of X-Force, but still quite dangerous, able to go with Accurate
or Power Attack. He's built like a brick you-know-what (Cable's personal files describe him
as "about thirty-two feet tall"), so he's no slouch in melee either. He's a good example of a
high-level soldier/mercenary type of guy, packing a bit of power, but not TOO much. He's
also a moderate Skillmonkey and a capable Agent, but again, beneath the Fury & Silver Sable

Gwen Stacy

Post by Jabroniville » Tue May 23, 2017 7:46 am

Created By: Stan Lee & Steve Ditko
First Appearance: The Amazing Spider-Man #31 (Dec. 1965)
Role: The Girlfriend, The Betty, The Hot-Then-Cold Girl, The Victim, Daddy's Girl
Supporting Cast Ranking: A-Level
Group Affiliations: N/A
PL 2 (29)

Expertise (Pop Culture) 2 (+5)
Expertise (Science) 3 (+6)
Insight 4 (+4)
Persuasion 1 (+5, +7 Attractive)

Unarmed +1 (+0 Damage, DC 15)
Initiative +1

Dodge +1 (DC 11), Parry +2 (DC 12), Toughness +0, Fortitude +0, Will +2

Relationship (Peter Parker)- Gwen loves Peter despite his faults, and admires his intellect as
much as his looks.
Relationship (Father)- Gwen is a Daddy's Girl through and through, and his death devastates
her, and pushes her towards a tremendous hatred of Spider-Man, whose fight caused his

Total: Abilities: 22 / Skills: 10--5 / Advantages: 1 / Powers: 0 / Defenses: 1 (29)

Gwen- The Time-Lost Girlfriend:

-It's actually kinda hard for me to properly "judge" Gwen as a character, as like most Spidey
fans these days, I never grew up with her. All we have are the retroactive stories featuring
her, and the way all the other characters remember her and her death. In fact, it's long been
assumed that Gwen was just this sweet nice girl who got murdered, but she was actually
kinda bitchy and fly-off-the-handle anime-girl crazy at times, which makes her a lot more
interesting. A very archetypical "Hot-then-Cold" type of girl. And yeah, her death was one of
the biggest in all of comics- few have ever come close to the sheer dramatic impact of a
super-hero desperately trying to save the girl... and failing. Origin stories showcased hero's
failures, but THAT big a one? With arguably the biggest supporting character in the book?
Yeah, it was crazy- her death is pretty much the single most-obvious choice for the moment
that ended The Silver Age of Comics. And it was SO big that something of comparable note
is impossible today- comics has tried copying it so many times, and brought so many people
back from the dead, that it's lost the impact it might have once had.

-Her death is actually more famous than SHE is, and that's why she rarely showed up in the
Spidey-related media. She didn't appear in any of the Spidey cartoons until The Spectacular
Spider-Man came out a couple of years ago, and she only had a tiny role in Spider-Man 3. MJ
by that point had become THE girl in Peter's life, and all the media reflected that (Betty Brant
suffered an even worse fate, being barely an extra in the movies & cartoons). It wasn't until
the movies rebooted with The Amazing Spider-Man that she became the central female in a
major way... and of course because she's most famous for DYING, that's exactly what they
eventually had her do. And now that series has been axed, with the actress playing her
(Emma Stone) becoming the Next Big Actress as part of the Hype Machine.

-But the issue following Gwen's death is still one of the best in the series: one of the best
things about Peter is that he tends to react pretty realistically to harsh situations. If you do
something f*cked up to him, he's going to lose it and come at you with everything he has-
one of my favourite moments in comics is when he just charges the Green Goblin and
ANNIHILATES him. Gobby tries the old "Hee hee I'll sneak around and attack him from
behind!" trick and Spidey just DIVE-BOMBS him and pummels him within an inch of his
life. Moments like that make you realize just how scary someone that strong could be in a
real battle, as the only reason Osborn didn't get beaten to death is because Peter snapped out
of his psychosis before he became a murderer. And then, in one of those brilliant twists of
fate that comics can be SO good at, Osborn is killed by his own weapon- both giving him the
comeuppance he needed for such an act, and keeping Peter innocent of the death. Just perfect

Post-Death Gwen:
-The less said about her apparently birthing Norman Osborn's children during a brief period
when she left the Spidey books, the better. Seriously, that is one of the STUPIDEST ideas for
a story I've ever heard- it even combines most of my LEAST-favourite comic book troipes
into one giant pile of idiocy: Pointless Retroactive Continuity? Check. Character Derailment?
Check. Suddenly-Introduced Children? Yup. Those children actually being AGED-UP so that
they could be adults? God they even did THAT. And they even made MARY JANE look
awful in the storyline TOO, by having her reveal that she'd known ALL ALONG that Gwen
had given birth to Osborn's children, and had kept it hidden all this time! I still have trouble
belieing that J. Michael Straczynski, who'd been writing one of the best Spider-Mans in
AGES, was responsible for this piece of crap. He's since admitted he wanted to Retcon the
story out of continuity following One More Day, but wasn't allowed to- it's been scarcely
referenced since, so it's probably safe to say it's in that weird "Maybe Retconned Out" zone
where it'll never get referenced again... unless some writer randomly reintroduces the kids.

Gwen's Stats:
-Gwen's not a fighter at all, but she's pretty bright and of course totally hot.


Post by Jabroniville » Wed Aug 30, 2017 12:36 am

GWENPOOL (Gwendolyn Poole)
Created By: Chris Bachalo
First Appearance: Deadpool's Secret Wars #1 (Nov. 2015)
Role: Odd Rip-Off Character
Group Affiliations: Mercenary Organization Dedicated Only To Killing
PL 9 (137)

Acrobatics 9 (+14)
Athletics 10 (+12)
Deception 3 (+6)
Expertise (Mercenary) 8 (+8)
Intimidation 2 (+5)
Investigation 4 (+6)
Perception 6 (+8)
Stealth 7 (+12)

Benefit 4 (Reads Marvel Comics; Knows Everyone's Information), Equipment 4 (Arsenal-
Guns, Knives, Swords, etc.), Improved Critical 2 (Guns, Swords), Improved Initiative,
Ranged Attack 4, Startle, Takedown

"Survives Surely-Fatal Falls" Movement 1 (Safe Fall) [2]
"Heals Quickly" Regeneration 4 [4]

Unarmed +13 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Swords +13 (+5 Damage, DC 20)
Guns +11 (+4-6 Ranged Damage, DC 19-21)
Initiative +9

Dodge +14 (DC 24), Parry +14 (DC 24), Toughness +4, Fortitude +6, Will +5

Responsibility (Not Of This Reality)

Total: Abilities: 74 / Skills: 50--25 / Advantages: 17 / Powers: 6 / Defenses: 15 (137)

-Possibly the weirdest case of character spinoffs I've ever seen (knocking off both the concept
of "Spider-Gwen" and Deadpool), Gwenpool is at least deliberately tongue-in-cheek- a bit of
a piss-take on how these kinds of characters work. See, not only was Deadpool a hugely-
popular character at this point, but Gwen Stacy-as-Spider-Woman had become a big deal as
well, owing to a great costume design and Marvel attempting to "Batgirl" much of their line.
Marvel released a series of alternate covers featuring Gwen as all of their other characters,
but Chris Bachalo's "Gwenpool" proved especially popular. The character popped up in
cosplay and fanart like nuts (apparently) until Marvel took notice and hired Christopher
Hastings to based stories around the character, capitalizing on this success.

-Hastings decided that Gwenpool could break the fourth wall like Deadpool does, but only
because she's from a world where the comic books exist (the means by which she traveled
here are unknown), so she adopts a cavalier attitude because "there are no consequences".
Hastings describes it like she's basically playing Grand Theft Auto. And the character proved
popular enough to get her own ONGOING the following year, because comic are weird. Her
Wikipedia article is basically "The Entirety Of Her Existence" written in longform, so I'll just
sum up that she's killed a lot of random people and is generally pretty goofy.

Gypsy Moth

Post by Jabroniville » Wed Aug 30, 2017 7:59 am

GYPSY MOTH (Sybil Dvorak, aka Skein, Sybarite)
Created By: Mark Gruenwald & Carmine Infantino
First Appearance: Spider-Woman #10 (Jan. 1979)
Role: Jobber Villain, Odd Power Lady
Group Affiliations: The Masters of Evil, The Femizons, The Night Shift, The Woman
PL 8 (96)

Acrobatics 4 (+8)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 2 (+7)
Deception 5 (+9, +11 Attractive)
Expertise (Pop Culture) 4 (+5)
Perception 3 (+5)
Ranged Combat (Psychokinesis Attacks) 2 (+8)

Attractive, Defensive Roll, Daze (Deception), Fascinate (Deception), Ranged Attack 6

"Low-Level Psychokinesis"
Snare 8 (Quirks: Requires Fabrics -2) (22) -- [26]

 AE: "Disintegrate Materials" Blast 4 (Feats: Precise) (Extras: Penetrating 10) Linked
to Weaken Toughness 4 (Extras: Ranged, Affects Objects Only +0) (17)
 AE: "Close Off Windpipes" Affliction 6 (Fort; Dazed/Stunned/Incapacitated) (Extras:
Ranged, Cumulative) (18)
 AE: Move Object 2 (Feats: Precise) (5)
 AE: "Heart-Valve Destruction" Blast 5 (Extras: Penetrating, Fortitude Check) (20)

Flight 4 (30 mph) (Flaws: Limited to While Wearing Wings, Winged) [2]

Unarmed +7 (+0 Damage, DC 15)
Snare +8 (+8 Ranged Afflicton, DC 18)
Windpipe Squeez +8 (+6 Ranged Affliction, DC 16)
Heart-Valve Attack +8 (+5 Ranged Fortitude Damage, DC 20)
Initiative +4

Dodge +9 (DC 19), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +2 (+3 D.Roll), Fortitude +5, Will +3

Motivation (Hedonism)- Gypsy Moth is in it for kicks, money, and more kicks. She's formed
hedonistic cults, hung out with celebrities, and murdered her husband for his money. She's
also bisexual, and joined The Thunderbolts just to seduce Songbird (tragically, it didn't
Reputation (Sluuuuuuut)- Sybil hits on pretty much whomever, and wears one of the sluttier
costumes going.

Total: Abilities: 36 / Skills: 20--10 / Advantages: 10 / Powers: 28 / Defenses: 12 (96)

-Gypsy Moth is a VERY minor character, being a Spider-Woman villain who later came up
against Captain America in the Superia Stratagem storyline, and briefly joined The Crimson
Cowl's Masters of Evil. Her whole schtick was that she was a low-level telekinetic (able to
carry a maximum of 120 pounds) who specialized in manipulating the molecules of fabric.
This basically let her shred super-heroes' costumes, leaving them either half-nude or
otherwise tripping them up, but she had a few other unique tricks as well, like giving people
heart attacks by manipulating the smaller materials inside their bodies. She's actually
reappeared a few times as "Skein" or "Sybarite" ("Gypsy" is often considered an ethnic slur
by the Roma people, but at least a "Gypsy Moth" is an actual animal), but still gets written off
as a minor character. She briefly allied with Hawkeye's Thunderbolts after quitting the
Masters, mainly "for kicks" and to make an attempt at seducing Songbird (!!!).

-She pops up as a member of the Initiative team "The Women Warriors" of Nebraska, but
shows up as Gypsy Moth again during Spider-Island, using her powers to disguise a gagged
Spider-Woman as herself (so that The Thing will attack her). Her next appearance is of
course as Skein, as she joins The Menagerie (along with Hippo, White Rabbit & Panda-
Mania, whom I obviously must now stat)... but then she shows up allied with Baron Zemo in
Secret Empire, calling herself Gypsy Moth again. Oh, comics.

-Gypsy Moth has a very weird power-set that stats up rather oddly. She can unweave fabrics,
or even the inner-workings of the human body (!), giving her a low-level form of
Disintegration. She can also attack people's Fortitude directly (able to Penetrate inside human
bodies- such as her late husband, where it's implied he met his end via an obstructed blood
vessel). This matches with a low-level Move Object (only 120 lbs. maximum), the ability to
close off windpipes like a Force-User would, or simply ensnare people in their own clothing
(and unless she's fighting Iron Man, that's pretty much everybody).

-She's not overly powerful with most of her attacks- her Snare is by far the most effective,
and she's not even particularly fast for a Flier, but she's rather effective in a team situation-
Snares & distracting stuff like that are positively LETHAL when you can set up heroes for
other people to hammer on in combat. So she's a VERY low-pointed PL 8, but PL 8 all the
same. But it'll only take one shot from any half-decent hero to put this dame down for the


Post by Jabroniville » Mon Jan 20, 2020 6:48 pm

Created By: Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning & Andrea Di Vito
First Appearance: Nova #31 (Jan. 2010)
Role: Ancient Intergalactic Assassin

-Gyre is a Raptor that controls the body of a Kree archaeologist. He is found in a big
"Sphinx" story arc in Nova, and is chosen as one of the counterparts to Nova's team of allies-
he is meant to fight Darkhawk, another Raptor. Darkhawk finally succeeds by driving Gyre
out of his host, freeing the Kree and trapping the Gyre armor in Null Space with the other
Raptors. However, he is freed with the Raptors when they no longer need human forms to
possess, and he attacks, killing some pretenders- he teams up with Robbie "Talon-R" Rider in
their quest to bring order to the galaxy, but when Rider becomes "Dark Starhawk", he decides
he doesn't like being order around, and slaughters Gyre.

-Gyre has powers pretty equivalent to the later Darkhawk- he's a PL 10, fast-moving assassin.

The Great One

Post by Jabroniville » Mon Aug 21, 2017 8:10 pm


Created By: Jim Starlin & Bill Reinhold
First Appearance: Marvel Graphic Novel: Silver Surfer- Homecoming (1991)
Role: Giant Brain

-The Great One is a living brain, a half-mile in diameter, that floats about the cosmos,
seeking out doomed races and promising them eternal life as "living brainwaves" that live
within his mind. Eventually, he came upon Zenn-La- they unanimously agreed, feeling that
the Silver Surfer (their most famous son) couldn't protect them forever. Their Empress
Shalla-Bal sent a parting message to her love, the Surfer, who thought it was a distress call
and attacked the Great One. Forming an astral self thanks to Moondragon, he realized the
Zenn-Lavians were at peace within the mindscape of the being, and enjoyed happiness there
for a time- since he could "silver down" within the being (ie. he and Shalla-Bal could bone).
This was presumably before he could do this at-will, whenever.

-However, the Great One felt anger at the outsider's arrival, and attacked- the Surfer dealt him
a fatal blow (the only weakness of the Great One was "outsiders"). The Great One died, the
Zenn-Lavians were freed from doom, but the Surfer lost Shalla-Bal, who died within the
being (until she came back, of course). This was all in a single Marvel Graphic Novel by Jim
Starlin, and hasn't really factored into any later stories- it was a one-off that seemed to write
out Shalla-Bal for the Surfer's own solo book, but she's since returned.

The Gladiators

Post by Jabroniville » Thu Aug 24, 2017 8:23 pm

Created By: Ann Nocenti & Don Perlin
First Appearance: Beauty and the Beast #1 (December 1984)
Role: Mooks
Group Affiliations: The Gladiators
PL 6 (60)

Athletics 4 (+7)
Deception 2 (+3)
Expertise (Streetwise) 5 (+5)
Perception 3 (+4)

All-Out Attack, Defensive Attack, Ranged Attack 2


Unarmed +7 (+3 Damage, DC 18)
Initiative +4

Dodge +7 (DC 17), Parry +7 (DC 17), Toughness +4, Fortitude +5, Will +2

Enemy (Alexander Flynn, The Shadow King)- Both attempted to control the Gladiators for
their own ends.

Total: Abilities: 44 / Skills: 14--7 / Advantages: 4 / Powers: 0 / Defenses: 5 (60)

-The Gladiators showed up in Beauty and the Beast, a Limited Series featuring Dazzler and
Hank "The Beast" McCoy- they were guys who staged fights in a gladatorial arena in
Hollywood, California, for a guy named Hugo Longride, who was killed by his Mutant
partner Flynn, who mind-controlled several Mutant Gladiators to do away with the boss (who
turned out to be a Doombot). Flynn wanted to use the Gladiators to help him conquer the
nation of Latveria, ruled by the man he claimed to be his "father", Doctor Doom. However,
he lost command of the Gladiators to Max Rocker, one of the band. Later, the Shadow King
took control of the Gladiators while in the body of Xi'an Coy Manh of the New Mutants- here
was where the team found the Mind-Controlled Sunspot & Magik fighting.


THE HIGHTOWERS (Skottie, Terry & Buford Hightower)- PL 7 (64): ST 4, STA 5 [4]
-The Hightower brothers could let out a guttural roar (it was unclear if this was one of those
"Sibling-Required" powers or not), and were all pretty big guys. Terry, known as "Bouncer",
was particularly large- probably ST 5.

HORNS (Jon Morse)- PL 6 (62): Strength-Damage +1 (Improved Critical) [2]

-Jon had a rhino-like horn on his head, and was Dazzler's first opponent.
This is the same character, I guess. Bill Sienkeiwicz is WEIRD.

IVICH WILLIAMSON- PL 7 (65): Sword +3, Dodge +9, Parry +9 [5]

-So THAT's who this was! Ivich looked like Frankenstein's Monster, but as an ugly Punker (I
hate punkers) chick, because Claremont was involved somehow, I bet. Ivich was a good
swordswoman, and became good friends with Dazzler, worrying about the bosses' plans for
LEXI- PL 6 (65): Flight 5 (Winged) [5]
-Lexi appeared in New Mutants, helping Dazzler after Sunspot tossed her. He had wings and
looked rather demonic.

Holy shit, that BraveStar guy looks BADASS.

MAX ROCKER- PL 7 (64): ST 4, STA 5 [4]

-Max was a huge Horse-like dude who went along with Flynn at first, but realized the boss
was a little too much like Hitler in his idea to create a "master race" of Mutants to take over
Latveria, and helped spring Dazzler and The Beast.

SHOCKMAN (Shawn Key)- PL 6 (73): Blast 6 (Accurate) [13]

-Shockman had electrical powers, and used them to stun the Beast once.

SNAKETONGUE (Terra Poole)- PL 6 (62): Strength-Damage +2 [2]

-Terra's forked tongue could break solid objects.
RAY- PL 6 (69): ST 4, STA 5, FIGHTING 6, Movement 1 (Slithering), Senses 2
(Infravision, Scent), Chokehold, Fast Grab, Improved Hold [9]
-Ray could turn into an extremely-large, constricting snake with fangs. He was just a
backgrounder, appearing in New Mutants.

Ma Gnucci

Post by Jabroniville » Fri Aug 25, 2017 10:42 pm

MA GNUCCI (Isabella Carmela Magdalena Gnucci)
Created By: Garth Ennis & Steve Dillon
First Appearance: The Punisher #4 (July 2000)
Role: Evil Crimeboss
Group Affiliations: The Gnucci Crime Family, The Mafia
PL 2 (39)

Deception 4 (+8)
Expertise (Criminal) 8 (+11)
Insight 4 (+8)
Intimidation 2 (+6)
Perception 2 (+6)
Benefit 4 (Wealth & Status), Contacts

Unarmed +0 (-1 Damage, DC 14)
Initiative -1

Dodge +4 (DC 14), Parry +0 (DC 10), Toughness +0, Fortitude +0, Will +5

Motivation (Greed)
Enemy (Frank Castle- The Punisher)
Disabled (Old & Crippled)- Ma is quite elderly and in poor health- later on, she loses her
limbs and scalp, lowering her Agility even further.

Total: Abilities: 18 / Skills: 20--10 / Advantages: 5 / Powers: 0 / Defenses: 6 (39)

-So when Garth Ennis & Steven Dillon took over Marvel's flagging Punisher franchise, the
first thing they did... was to make it as similar to Preacher as humanly possible. Their
Vertigo series was at this point a critical darling with a lot of hype (it hasn't aged QUITE so
well, but I still dig it), and among the more well-thought-of parts was the bit with Jesse's
mother's family- in particular his vicious Gran'ma Marie. So of course Frank Castle's first Big
Bad in the new book would ALSO be a hideous, balding, gnarled-up old woman.

-The Punisher, upon returning to New York City from various dumb story-arcs (his "Angel"
phase and such), announces his comeback by executing the three sons of Ma Gnucci, the
head of the Gnucci Crime Family. She declares war on Frank, but he murders most of the
people sent against him, then arranges for the other Gnuccis to meet him in the Central Park
Zoo- Ma is scalped and has her limbs removed by a Polar Bear. Mauled, but alive, she
continues the fight, sending more and more people against Frank. Eventually, he burns her
house down, throwing her back into it to die after she leaps out and tries to gnaw on his leg...
which is quite similar to Gran'ma's death in Preacher, too. The character was memorable
enough to have a nephew try to kill Frank later, and for some doubles to mimic her in order to
vex the Punisher because of some guy named "The Elite".

-Ma Gnucci has little in the way of stats, but is quite clever and connected- a pretty good "Big
Bad", and proof the memorable ones don't always have to be giant bad-asses.

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