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9 12 Lom \ensny Gos Praewloura, WEARS JEN 3 2 nN ioe VIRB Aang 1, What can we learn from exploring outer space? Ot WY coun nang 2, Bethany Ehlmann points out that we're sendin missions to other worlds. One of them is our 2) Towne ache wre, om Ow Swoisan Vekereknedr neighboring planet Mars. What other worlds s! curtans we explore? Why? 3, What personality characteristics do you think need to participate in space exploratign’ Nam 1 ee arr “Jeast three. c eee Creo Pee © Learn new words. Listen and repeat. re: 72 © Work in pairs. Why is it important that i 4 scientists find proof of water on Mars? t / Do you think that they will find life on the Red Planet? Why or why not? ae Ce eae cose adies our solar system. She planetary geologist, Bethany Ehlmann st ae sn vy interacted xe formed and how the} leads to how the rocks on Mats we Seite 11d have been or could be pat life cou With water, She also islooking for degrees (ir60 eri ose SE oan Gye present on the Re Planet. She works closely with G € rover, Rovers can move around and explore. Curiosity travels through the plains and elle aspects on the surface of Mars. I uses scientific Bethany hopes that Curiosity’ work, combined with new technological advances, will one day provide the answer to the satellite question: Is there life beyond Earth? SPU acon ee RL to the definitions. Then listen and repeat. Gavanee)) — aS ~ Dee proiae eS progress, technology ral Q something that’s necessary ‘i ok @ aperson who studies the stars and planets nk that they ever fing ite on Mars? Most likely, scientists will research the toi fora long time. IW bet heve close toning if! f tet It's likely that they'll first find microbes. vot if selentst wnot i sslentists teally- do find evidence of its? ‘Tm pretty sure tht wil change. everstin 0 Listen. How do the speakers speculate? Write the phrases you hear. TR: 76 @ Read and complete the dialogue, Mia: Tjustread a really interesting article about the Curiosity rover on Mars. By exams the sol, ithelped scientists learn more about ancient Mars (T \ < tee: wert, Wt [TY they had to dig really deep to find s¢ and rocks from ancient times. Mia: That's not true, The article said that 50 percent of the rock on Mars’s surface is ft ancient times. Lee: sot WEN tha scientists can really learn much studying some old rocks? Mia: Well, yes. £1 9p ___ these rocks hold information ‘ the possibility oflife on Mars. The samples that Curiosity collected show that t chemicals needed to support life were present on the planet. ge Af ye discovers living creatures on Mi a Steuer eed that’s what you mean. SSS! AL if Curiosity can fir oflife, it will be microscopic organisms found in the icy regions. What if this is food growing on Mars? bet they'l try sending some back to Earth. +— © Work in pairs. Take a card and look at the photo from Mars. Speculate about what you see. Your partner will read the correct information. Then switch roles. Actually they mineral on Mars’ surface, tm p we won want to eat the ® Work in groups. Speculate about the near future. How well are you going to do on your next test? How well Is your favorite sports team snins ta do this year? How soon are a aspiring background chance leadership _ perseverance ©) White you read, think about the different categories that the information can be organized into. & After you read, work in pairs to answer the questions. 1. Whatis the main purpose of ghezead Be & 2, Whois Alyan canst hy isthe gh. he reading? Tyo cba domm RT aN aseeacing’ MORAG’ 3, What do you think happensatg Yo! spi pete era cod 4. do \ torte ronal €2) Watch scene 6.1 warm temperatures, Et)

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