Johanna Katrinna Weis Mantilla

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Have you ever experienced meeting another person and feeling a connection
between the two of you has existed for a long time? Do you believe in love at first
sight? Or should it be called “love at first recognition”? Is there such a thing as love
that survives several reincarnations and finds itself in different lives? What is it that
leaves you stuck with someone when you see them for the first time and feel that
you have loved that person for so long?
Some believe that there is a world beyond our perception, in which the bonds of
love are forever. In that world, it is believed that we are souls that repeat
reincarnations over and over again in a cycle called “The wheel of karma”. There,
we choose when, where, in which family and in whom we are going to reincarnate,
before being born. Thus, we move lovingly or familiarly with souls throughout
When we talk about soul mates, we think of people with whom we feel a great
affinity and who we feel we have known for a long time. According to experts on
the subject, there are no more than twelve soul mates in a person's life. There are
no karmic ties in this group, only joy, happiness, harmony and complicity are
shared. Being close to these souls is like a breath of fresh air. However, these soul
mates are not what we are looking for.
There is another type of soul that we already know from other lives and that
accompany us in different incarnations, they are known as “flame souls”. These
souls represent one of the strongest bonds of love that we can find.
The flame soul is a soul that has known each other for centuries and still has a
shared karma that needs to be cleared. It is with these souls that we learn to love
in all its magnitude. Its strength and attraction goes beyond sexual intercourse and
erotic passion.
When you find your flame soul, an extraordinary attraction is experienced from the
first moment; It is an unusual passion and an excessive love without any logic.
What is experienced when the encountertakes place can be manifested with
emotions such as feeling a frantic energy, that the heart stops beating, a sensation
that is transmitted all over the skin, and other emotional and physical
manifestations that represent the intensity of our inner desire to be with that person
No reincarnation, time, birth nor death can destroy the bonds of love of those souls
destined to transcend. The physical separation of lovers is temporary,
communication continues on other levels.
Some people who met and loved each other in the past may be reincarnated in the
future, and even if they do not remember events from their past lives or understand
why, they will still be strongly attracted to each other. This leads to the main link of
the story, the sense of all this reunion is that, in each new reincarnation, love would
deepen to be less and less selfish, more selfless and after many, many lives, it
would become perfect.
But there are times when the universe decides to take its own actions and one of
the two souls manifests visions, in order to put an end to that story and they can
clean up the karma they caused.
The history of each person would be their karma. Personal karmic history makes
us understand why we feel rejection or attraction to other individuals. Karmic
couple relationships are not easy. If we have a perfect relationship, What are we
going to learn? Couples have to learn to face situations together.
What we call love at first sight, that intense feeling of intimacy may indicate that we
have met someone we loved in a past life. An oath made in a past life strong
enough can carry over into subsequent lives. How do I know this?
I had to experience that karma in which somehow the universe intervened in order
to bury that story. Eventually, I understood that the legends my grandmother told
me are real and that the world is made of ways that we cannot understand.
It was manifested through a vision. I had come to this life with special gifts where I
could see the future and I was able to enter the exoteric world. Over time I was
given the opportunity to know about that life in such an incomprehensible way,
something I would have never believed.
He showed up at the door like any customer who wants to know something about
their life. I was without any excitement because I knew it would be like all the
readings that never surprise me and I thought he would not be the exception of all.
Most come to know about love, money and things like that, and as I imagined he
came for that. 
The world decided to teach me a lesson and from that moment that I shook hands
my world changed forever. That's why I'm writing this in case I can't find a solution
to the karma we carry.
At that moment I could understand, I saw something that I had never seen before,
the past, I was scared with fear of what could happen, but I was clear about what
would happen in this life. After finishing reading I didn't want to tell him a word
about what I saw about us, because I wasn't sure if it was him.
Time passed and I still felt that desire to know about him, to learn more about our
history. The universe later gave me answers to what was going through my head
on a daily basis. This time the demonstration was about what would happen and
how life brought us back together in a surprising way.
Over the years since we last met, I had developed a brain tumor that could not be
removed due to the risks of becoming disabled. One day of therapies and some
alternative solutions so that the spread of it could be slowed down, I found him
looking straight at me with that penetrating look, at that moment he approached me
and I could discover that he was a doctor.
After a long interrogation of him, he gave me hope for life because he was saying
that he could remove the cancer that was manifesting in my body. During that
conversation, he also informed me that his wife had died of cancer and that no
doctor wanted to take care of the case, so he wanted to specialize in that illness. It
was at that moment that I could understand that he would not only become my
savior and doctor but something so deeply loving that in the act where he wanted
to save me the karma that he was paying could be fulfilled. 
My way of paying for it was by giving order, life and love to his life, beliefs that he
ndidn’t have but over time it happened. Remembering everything I had realized
that I had blocked a very important memory in which not only this story had already
ended like this but also with his death.
I wanted to avoid that death in every way, but some events cannot be changed and
this was no exception. His death was announced by a curse from our past lives.
One person’s envy cursed us that every time we came together it would be the
death of one of us. 
I tried to break it, I did the unattainable thing that I even went crazy for trying. My
attempts were unsuccessful, his death occurred and I ended up locked up in this
psychiatric hospital. The saddest thing is that I never told him what I saw the day
we met and that he had already broken the karma we were carrying. Since neither
of us could ask for forgiveness and close this story, all I can do is hope that in the
next life, we will meet again.
That's why I am weiting this. With the intention that, if either of us is given the
opportunity to get to know each other’s lives, we can end this story and finally each
of us can go separate ways. 
Please understand that I was wrong and if you find this and you know it's you, look
for me because somehow we will be forced to find each other. Never make my
mistakes. I have always loved you and tried to break every curse that was placed
on us. As hard as the road may seem, you will be able to achieve it, our story and
its end remains in your hands. 
I'll wait for you. Will it be you? Did you see me? Will we meet again?

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