ASLSK01 (MMP) Errata

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ASL Starter Kit #1 Errata These will be fixed in the rulebook included with ASL Starter Kit #2. Please check out 2.0 34 3.3 2 2 3.3 3.6 for any updates. Rulebook Errata CX stands for Counter Exhaustion. The RPh example on page 4 incorrectly refers to the 5-2-7 in Q6 removing a DM counter; the unit is not DM, however. Being CX does not affect a unit's dice rolls for morale checks or PTC. Residual FP is decreased one column for each hindrance DRM and CX DRM that affects the initial attack. EX: A 4 FP attack that suffers a +1 orchard hindrance leaves only 1 Residual FP. If the attacker were also CX, no Residual FP would be left (even if being directed by a -2 leader). Residual FP cannot be left by a MG that keeps ROF (but a MG may decline ROF to leave Residual FP). A pinned leader cannot rout with a broken unit. QRDC Errata The IFT DRM chart on the QRDC should list: "Firer CX ... +1" The CX chart on the other side of the QRDC should have "CC" added to say: "-1 DRM to CC attack vs. CX unit".

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