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Mi vida en otra






Universidad del Comercio Emprendedor

Paseo de la Varsovia 3941, Col. Las Torres, Monterrey.

Tel. 2717 4766


UNIT 1 What are you d9lng?

SECTION 1 1 m planning a trip

Prescnt progresslve

AIII ,m atl .. .

Sub'Oc1 Be+ verb wlth ,liv=° Come!ement

am read,ng a book
Yc,u, we, !hey are rl!Jdlng a book
He lile � Is readi--
• book


SubJec! Be + not + vertl wi!h-lng or Contnu;Uon Complement

ro un+�
1 t no1 • � n �

an'I not relding

. --
l'm not readln,g

we. .

You, they are not readlng

YolireM'e're/They're no\ readmg

He, she, 11 Is not readlng

He's/She's/l\'1 nOI readl · ·

lntorro 1tlvo
,. Sub'ect Vert>w,th-< ComRlement

Am readlng • book?

A" Y
' ou we they readlr,g • book?
He she lt readl
. _,

Presont ere resslve ahort 1nawers '--H / no an1wer1

YH t.Jb ect • be No IU eet • be + not Contr&Ctlon noon + be' + not

Yes ! am. No 1 am not No t·m nol

Yes --;;-cu t ----::- are
we he No we th¡.-:- ara nol No "01J're wto're th9 r
e not

Yes he lhe lt la
No he itie lt 11 IIQt. No he'a ahe's lt's IIQt

Personal pronoun 1nd forms of !he verb to ba In presant

Personal pronoun Verb to ba In pre,ant

1 am





Rules t
o add -lng to a verb

When a vero ends In -e. you drop the -e before adding �ng· make - maklr>g

When a one sylli!�e verb ends in a vowel and consonan!, you

double !he consonan! bef

are add1ng �ng· run , runnlng

When a verb ends wrth -

y you ¡ust add --lng. lay- laying
When a vero ends ln --le. you change the-!e t
o -Y ¡¡r,d add �ng: die - dying
In ali olher cases you JUSI add �ng: wor1< • working

Wh- quesuons

Whe<e tnd,cates place \Nhere are you gotng? To the bbrary

When indicates bme. When ar

e you leaving? Tomorrow rnght
VVho indicates person Whoareyou? l'm aworker
• Why ,ndocates reaoon Wt,y are you sad? Because 1 can't find my pet
W'hat ind,ca•es thing or reason 'v' 1$ this? lt's a magazine

\Nhat are you doir,g? l'm studymg

How lndlcates way to do or stale of belng:

How can I help you? GIVing me a nde to my �se

How are you? · Fine. thank you

Wh- nuestlons interr· · atlve fonn

-00 A'"'•
- s, VO<b Corn

doo• ho ... most?

"" " Progresslve:


Past: "' . "" "'"''
,. ,,

Past Progresslve:

.. feeling

last week?


W rd ll t

�· '

- me?

Time and DatK n. e-. Accessories Celebrabons

- --


ice break




Fall doooy blue jeans scarf handbag oeremony

winter Monday

... ...

eamngs Chnstmas

Tuesday ttilnler.itorm bracelet Chnstmas EVf!

Wednesday ,
Thur5day Fnday


... eruption llood sunglasses

""' of Mexleo


Sunday January ..
'• avalanche

storm, �,

Oay of !he

-� droughts


�, •


April "" ,..,.,

""' high heeled shoes

low """"" -.

August September
OClobef Novembef """
bathing suit

5andals trousefs
º''""""" -

sweater eoat


SECTION 2 Whal did yoú do?

Auxilla do I does I did

Present Tense: Auxilia cor nces Pasl Tense: Auxilia

• Att,rmahve 1 open the door 1 opeoed lhe door º"'
He ccens uie ceer He o·· rll!d the door.

Negahve 1 donl open the door ! d1dnl open the door.

He doesn't ···n lhe door He dKln"t o·eo !

he door

lnterrogat111e Do 1 �n the door? D1d I open the door'I

Yes Ido. 1 No I don t. Yes I d1d I No. l d1dn't

Ooes he open the �oor? D1d he open the door?

Yes he does I No he doesn't Yes He did I No he didnl


N ativo

sulreet Auxilia ast didnl I did nol 11mole Verb IWllITTlul-edl e� ement

tt. we didnl or did not

' ""
•·· '
in the

lnterro atlve
1 1
Au,til1a Cid Sub·eet s,m�1e Verb 'without Com ement
Cid '1---::-ou he she lt we. t In thé , ark?

es I no answer.s

Yes I No Auxif,a d1d I dfdnl

Yo, ,,,
No d1dn1

Addln -ed endin to re ular verbs

When lhe 1;1m le form of !he verb ends in e

add -d. channe-dla ..
adchn ...
When the simple lorm of lhe ve,t, ends 1n •Y, you change ,t to I belore study. Studled.

VVhen a one-syllable ve,t, ends ,n one vowel + consonan!, you double the plan - planned

consonan! (excepting c,w,x or y) before adding -ed.

(E•cePJi?n: allow •


VVhen a vere of more than one syllable ends In vowel + consonan!, !he om,t - omitted (lhe last

consonan\ Is doubled before add1ng -ed ifthe last syllable is stressed. syllable soonds

stron· · •

11 the last syllable ,s unstre��<;d the consonan! Is not doubled (lhe last v,stt • vlsited

s lable doesn1 sound stron .

Verb be ·ast tense: was / were

Personal onouns Affirmatrve N abve was + not or contraction E>am

l. he, she. 11 was not I wasn'I '

=• 1 was hungry

1 was not hungry

; waeot hungry.

the s.ame f
or he she

We. you. they

- -.
.were not I wenml
. W

e were hungry.

e were not hungry

e weren1 hungry

the same l
or the ·
Past progresslve


Subject Be ♦ verb i
n -ing Complement

I, he, she ,
was reactmg a ooo<
• You we, they were reading


Subject Be+ not • verb i

n .,ng or cerwecuen (wasnt / werenl) + •lng Complement

l. he, she, lt was not re,1ding

wesnt reading

You, W<!, they were not readlng

weren't reedm

e, Sub)ect Verb -lng Complement
Wa, 1, he, she, lt readlng a book?

Were you we. they read1ng a book?

Pa11 progresslve 1hort answe,. (yes I no answ&r)

Yes. subject.+ be Yes, I / he I ahe 1 � was

Yes You I We / They were

No, sub)&ct • be + not No 11 he/ she 1 � wu not

No You / We I They were not

Subject + contractlon (wasn't / weren't) No 11 he/ she l lt wasn't

No, You / We I They weren't.

eonnec tora whll

o'" d wh'"
While gives more emphuls t
o !he time, the When rele<s to a lpeaflc or punctual actlon
pnt 11 or
duretion of t
he actlon, VVhlle Is used I
n lt
s meanlrig changes used I
n past past

progreHlve simple pest thet progressiva.

'"' " mlddle

::::::::ng el:pperied '


"" "
�11• 1 wu readlng. my mother came. When Tom arr1ved we had dinner. (PHI: Tom

arrived, then we had dlnner)

When Tom arrived, we were having�.

(Past Progr� �slve Tom arrived. we alr�dy

1tarted l
d nne r

Word 11st

PastimH e, esslons of time

l dice games Nalure a l the m oment e l ong tsne ago

Outdoor r wing
d a pa n l tlng every day yesterday

adventure golf pape, crafl

�" ast



and roo rappelling


t ennls
right now




ca�ng_ hillwalklng valley m orn1nglaflemoon/evenlng da y/week/monthlyear

jewelry ma klng Video gamo hls week
t day ane,tomon-ow

games jogglng water sports an hour ago I

n lhree days

climblng knlttmg zip-wire

mountain �k•


SECTION 3 We had funl

lrrenular verbs

Slmele pcrm Past Sim le Fcrm Past Simrle Form Past

be was I were ,,= grew �, �,

• s.,, eeat hung sh,ne shone

became """
hear shoo1 shot
beg,n have heard shnnk :;.t,rank


eet ""
hold "" ""'

bite "'" ""'

"" "º"
"º" '"
sleep slept

broke ko= ko=
''" slide slld
bnng brought ta,d speak spoke

build bu,lt lead

ltoy bought leave "''"
spnng ''""

�" ="
lend '"'
lent stand

caught stuck
�"" '"
hght '
st,ng stung
""� '"

�m, lose lost strike struck
eost =< reeve stnng strung

em make made sweep swept

dig mean mean! swim swam

'"' m- me< swing ,~,,,

dnnk '"
drank paid take <ook
dnve drove
'" "'
teach taught

quu quit tell

'" "'
fell read read thmk
'ª" throw >,=
reer "
lt "''
ring '"'' understand unders!ood

fight fought roo ""' wake woke

found say ...

~, wept

-, .





""" ""'
Sfmple,,- lnegular verbs


Subject Irregular Verb Complement

1, you, he, she. 11. we. they wrcte a letter.


Subject Auxlllary past dldn"I / dfd not Simple Verb Complement

1, you. he, she. ,t. we. lhey d1dni or did nol a letter

Au�iliary Dld SubJect Simple Verb Complement

Did 1, you, he. she, rt. we. lhey write a leller?

$t1T1ple past Irregular verbs short yes/ no answers

Yes/No Subjecl Au,:jl1ary dld I dldn"I

y,. 1, you, he. she it. we. they d1d.

A�º- 1, you, he. sffii. 1t. we. they didn"t I d1d r1-0

,, d r
Food drink and meals "'
HeaHh and We,I Be1 Ache$ and dlse;;ses

Eggs Grease R,ce good habots stomach ache

Beef gnlled Roast beef bad habrts headache

Bread meal salad exerc,se back ache

B1eakfast meat Sauce smokmg sore throat

calone m1lk Shrimp drink,ng rash

carrct mushrooms Snack earache

eerear water scea '""'

doo• cough
ch,cken ., Sugar dentist fever

eh1h omoo ��, balanced diet cold

cuentrc pasta .., sleepmg -

!ornato hygiene

Food "'ª"'
pepper vegeta ble energy

Fru1t p;zza yoghurt

ame tato

UNIT 2 1' didn't know about 1t1

SECTION 1 Talking about !he past

ccmcereuve and su· eríenve forms

Rule Ad•ective cemeareuve So rlatlve

When the adject,ve is one s)'11able, you Cheap Cheaper than The Cheapesl

Just add -er or-est

When the adJective end$ 1n -y, you Pra«y Pretlterthan The Prettiest

ehange ,
1 to-, before adding-er or -est.

When the adjective ends ,n vowel •

con,i.onant, you double the con$0nant Bigger !han Toe B,ggesl

befare add1ng -e.- or -est '•

When the adJective Is two or more

s)'11ables you use more l less or most / intelligent more mtellígent than The most mtelligent

least less mtelhnenl than The leas! +me11,ñent

Irregular adjectives

Irregular adjective comparativa superlatlve

Good better best

Bad worse­ worst

further lurthest

LJttle tess least

Re ular • lural fonm;

Rules Exam les

Add -s afler words ending m consonan! and --e nose- noses chee« --cheeks

Add -es aflerwords end,ng In -s,-ss,-x,- sh,- ch z and -o glass - glasses wish - wishes

tomato - tomatoes box - boxes

buzz - buzzes beach - beaches

bush - bushes

Change the -y to -l and add -es ,

1 there is a consonan! baby - babies

befare the-y

��� -s :�ª�r�f: ��i�v":.: �

� v_:;el before 11
toy- toys

catf • calves Wlf

e - w,ves

Irregular plural forms

Man mea ch1ld chrlcren

Woman women foot lee\

louse hce too1h t�lh

bactenum bacteria mouse m,�

goose geese louse

A!ways plural

Scissora, trousers, pants tongs, binoculars. ¡eans, shoes, eamngs glasses.

Deer, sheep and Iish are always the same in singular and plural form.

Forelgn plural forms

A few nouns ol Greek Of Latín origin retam thelr onglnal ph.xals.

analysis - anal y-se

s basls - bases, crisis - Clises, datum - data, currículum - curricula

Exhrottlons ol tima

Use AT with times and Use ON with daya and dates

Use I
N for m.
� ��s. �•rs.
and nme.

re1slon1 . senons ods of

at s o'dock, On March !
n Aprll I
n 2012

al lunch, On 12 December !
n winter

at lunch, On Saturday !
n lhe 201h cemury

al the age ol.... On Fr>day evenlng I

n a lf!TW minutes

al t
he same �me ... ,

at tne momen1

at Christmn I at Easter

at nlght

at the weekend

Word ll
l t

Faml Sta"" of Lile

great grandpar8f11s Baby

great grandmother Toddler

great grandfather CMd

grandparents Adolescent

grandmother Young Adult

grandlather Adult

parents mlddle ,ge

mother tenlor adult

father blrlh

unele chlldhood

aunt adole�nce

, ,_



SECTION 2 Let's talk about cele bratlons

Uncoun tabl e nouns

Rules Examole
_1.s a word or an abstract cea that YoU cant Money, a=, coffee, nformahon,
l water.

counl Knowlodge, otc.

Uncounta�e n ouns don� havo plural f

orm luggage - luggages {wrong)

are not preceded by a or an.

""'' Ana need� :�f�-�on. (correct} Ana needs an
mlormahon wro

Uncountable nouns use how mueh much. a lo! How ml.lCh 1nformation do you need? Ana oeees

of sorne or any. a l
ot of lntormat,on Ana needs · sorne
• lnformat,on Ana dC>esr>'t need any 1nfor¡nahon .

News. traffic, weather work lug¡iage chaos,

uocountable nouns used in ad\flce, be}1avior, trouble, bre¡¡d, perm,ss,on,

lnforma�oii fum,ture etc

Countable nouns

Ruin Exam"le
Is a wori;I that you can count and are preceded A newspaper, a car, an an,mal, an Idea

by a oran.

Countable nouns treve plural f

onn Trees, chlldren, women, boats. hh, shoes, etc

How many applas do you need? 1 need a lot i:>


Countable ru;i, use how many. many, a lot of

, a¡l,ples. 1 need sorne apples. 1 dont need any

soma oran··. 11 les.

Soma I an· 1 a lot of

Sorne Is used In afflnnatlve sentenees. 1nd mea ns a ntne. a ff!fN, 1 have some bread .

amall number or amount

Any Is"™ In negat!ve sentences or questioM 1md mean, one. 1ome 1 don'! h1v1t tny bread.

cr ,11.

A lot of me,ns man or much. t have, 101 ol bread.

Word Ust

Citlebr.Uons PartlH Hohda •

Cefebra!e Funeral 81rthday cake lnv1taUon1 8attle of Puebla

Firewor1\ bridal shower candles host Mexlcan

new year baby shower 8á!T"oons lndependence

baptism blrthday firewor1\s d rinks Mexican
Fin;\ commuruon annlversa,y guests muslc Revolutlon

conllrmation golden weddlng anniversa,y presents dance floor 19S5 earthquake

m1n1, e 11iv.r weddln annlveru-· hvemuslc

SECTION 3 Talklng about wortds

' events

W d II t
º' •
Discoverer■ and lnven1� WoMsevents lnventlons and discoverles

Thomas Alva Edison Olymplc Games car gasolme

Brathers Wright '"WortdCups l�ht bulb

Alexander Graham B&II World War 11 telephone

Alexander Flemlng poloo!um and rad1ation

John L. 8alrd cinematographlc projector

Kart 8enz televislon

Augusto and tece Lumiere relativity lheo,y

Albert Einstein penic.ll1n

J Samuel Morse ftighl In llrc..lfl

Charles Darwln t�legraph -. .

t of evolutioo

UNIT 3. What happened to you?

SECTION 1, Where did we buy a present?

• Subiect and ob lect crcneues

Smgular Plural Smgular Plural

su· ·
ect- ronoun Su'· ect onwn Ob'ect -;,1onoun Ob•ect onoun
We Me Us
'º" 'º"
He ''"
Hen Th=
Sho "'"'
" o "
w "
PubllC Places severeees Snacks Plastre

computer game stores Japanese restaurant Juice Popcorns d,sposal plates

computing store ice cream pa�or Tea peanuts d1sposal glas�s

coffee shop pet store sofl drinks fned potatoes plast,c cutlery

shoe store book store water cbeese trash bags

toy store ·

ltal,an restaurant

MeK1can restaurant
stancnery shop

muslc store

bank cmemas
barber shop hospital

restrooms t,brary

department sto,e museum

bus staucn

Supermarket post office

theater markets .

drugstore hotels

sports store landmarks

travel ane · -

SECTION 2 We had fun as tourlsts!

Adverbs of frequency

never Lelist Frequent



hardly ever










Future tense Ibe+uoina to+ veret short ves I no answers

Yes I No Subiect Verb / Contraction + not

Yes, 1 am
• l'm not.
'º we they A" ..•
'" 'º" you're not I you aren't ..

'º· {the same for we and they)

. ..
Yes. he, she, �
he's nol / he ,sn'I.
'º· the same for she and lt\

Future forms: wlll or golny to

You use will • verb wtien you decide 10 do �ethlng at thc tome of speakmg You have not

deaded belore Exampkt·

Yo" /cok sic/,;. 1 wlll cal/ /he ooao. (yov dedded ar thal momenrJ . .
You .,,e be • going to • vem when you have already dl!Clded to ao" komethlng. Example Tum on
rile TV. l'
m golng t
o w11rch the news. (
yoo alroadyd6'::,r;Jf10 r
o watch ti!& T
. V.)

Word 11,1

Expresalons In future

secn A week lrom now The day alter tomOfrow

Later Next month In two year,

Tomorrow I In two years Next year

Next week A yeer from now Al noon

In • f
cw minutes At lhree oclQCk In a wh1l111

SECTION 2 l'm looklng for a Job


Would Is the past of wil!. He w,11 go. He would go.

Would Is us&d t
o 1xpu1ss futura but In past He sald he would go 1omorrow

Would I
s used to express repeated or habitual When he was a kld. he would always go t
o the beaeh

acilons In the past. 1r he dldn't have • headaehe..he would be at the parfy.

Would Is used as I cond1tionaj form usln� if

W � ll t

Proresalon1 Trldes lnd Jobt

MathematiciM Plumb« pn,sldent asslstant

Vetefina�an poli011man balber waltreH

Lawyer palnle< 1etreu wa1ter

Areh1\eet earpenter clerk seeretary

Denlist fireman halrdresser steward

Arehaeologlst salesman President stewardess

Psyehologlst ,,- manager eashier

Journallst postrnan buslnessman

�'.?;oglst gardener
dl�ctor businesswoman

En ineer wa·ter actor

SECTION 3 My personal lile projeet

Word 11st

life projeet long term goals personal lile projeet college

professional lile prOJect eareer short term goals employee

m&dium term goals




INSTRUCCIONES: Lea detenidamente cada uno de los párrafos e Investigue por su

cuenta en. Internet los temas y conceptos más relevantes. Asimismo, puede

con!1,uttar con su aseecr l

o que no entienda.

1 • ceeeee a connector tor !he sentflr>ee

El,f!< "" º"""''º'para/afro,,.

"When I play�•. everybody shouts •

"Cuonfl<> i11<ga alfotbcl , t

o,k, el ,.,.,nd(, grl
w •

2 • Choose a Ct111nector f
or lhe senrenoe

Elip •n COM<C
to, ¡x,r., l

"He ,ir>gs ■long to thft muslc on tlle radio Whan he takes a shower •

"CántáJ•"'º a l
a mW'i<a ,n l
a ,-,,di
o C..a
,,Jo ,,,,.,,, "
"" duc"'1"

3•Cl>ooMt a v,m, for tt>e sentenu,

lp •w ..,
rlx, d, /
a /ron

"Susan and Peter wake up very earty •

S.....,,, y P,t,,
• JO IÚSp,<rfa muy l<"'f"'<NIO"

4.- lool< al 1h15 poS!er.

M,ro. ,s
t, cerl<I.

v.hlat is !he purpose of the p,cster?

¡CMdl u el ¡,rop6,im &ti p6,1<,?

Tha •to•t .. u. jewela •ta lower prlct thl! week,

la t
m ,
d ... ¡
ll .. .,,.,,, Q •n pr,do """"'" '"ª HMQIIQ.

S.-Choosa !he gramabeatty corred r,egative lorm ot the followvlg senteoc:e

E/yo lo/"'""' ,..ga1r,... gramancaitMld< co,ncta d, la sog,,1�1,t, f


·rm lélking ca,e of Mary'• pet •

•E.,toy =dmldo d, ¡,, "'°"'""' <k Maria. •

•rm no\ t¡lklng car• of Mary'a pel,"

"Na voy o ci.i,Ja,, dt la"'"'º""' dit Maria. •

¿Qu6 dlnémá aigt,es para ••ist.- • la asesorfa de Módulo 3 "Mi vida e<1 otra ler,gua· con respedo al uso de

a verbos .-rogulares?

LH Pwramas conforme a un plan dt ¡raba lo,

Com lot• wlth the Word nuntlon.

En• llsh . r,-oo1

Complllta lhe loHowing que11lon c_,,i.,, l
a "Pi••" p,-,11(1tla
"Whtn we"' yoo botnr �..«lml"

1 was born "' 1980

f;,x/ '" 1980 '

. .

Wh•t's the ¡¡ramahcally corrod 1nswa, to !ha ,:CW/ ,s l

a ,-,:ipuq,a ,:
,ma f"'""'lieal-•1� a fo

followtflll (l<Jett>on?
,;g ... ,.,. ''"*"''"' �
":'al ;•;�I'!,°" �o,!¡¡ yHlerday at 3 PMT • ¿Q,,1! .,.,,� /u<:i,ndo ,,,., a /
a, /J ()() • "

ro"'""" rríJba,¡tlMI) '" ¡ l'C

,.. .

The folowlng (l\lelbon, era grammatiatlly c0ff9CI, la, 1/p,._ �P"'4J ,.,., grohláf,ca/,.....,, "°""'"
1 Wbll do YOU do? W.óH4bo«1mrdZ
¡. What 11 Lo,.n¡9 playlng? 2 1<M u llft9• Loqnro7
�. l:'lbll lr
l n!Y l!o!mi:z i IC!rd ,,,41 Mf.< �

Wh&t do you wn1ióer Is !he be1t way t

o correct
;C•dl<r ro,,,,,.,.,, q•• ul
a ""}"' ""'"'"' dt co,,.g/,
1pe!l,119 on your wrillngs? l
a Orlop-o/1,, cw ,.,, &Jcntos?

�S!S!kln¡¡ u�
o lbl :t!:!!:rdl Y!i!I! •!!!i'I IU[!
1 %W�;!)'111 ""'"" r� � /J�OII III l!!.I l><liab¡¡¡,u!5
. "
Complete u,. �"11 ...,1ar\Ca with tha C01Tod Cr,,yJ,,. l
á J/1ulrot•fiw• º"" la/,,,_ ""'"1
a d,I
verbfom, ..,OQ.

"Y-lo pl8Ned an applo-tr" In u,, baci<yar<I

• Plama'""' "" árbol d. "'ª"'"""' •� •
1 p,,llo "'""°'
unlortunate� ,
t 1!1fi.. /Juaf.,,,,,,,,,J,,-MIO "'�rl6.

CtlooM tiw corr

t<;I form 01 !he ye,t¡ to be lof Ir.ti E/Va /ajo,_, "'"""' d,
I v,.-b<, ,., pa,a l
a ,.,,w,r:la
Mntanct1 ., Mure. ,n,

' l 1m g2lng 1!i1: HI hO! chips." "

M , � 1- pa,ar"' fr
w u &a11,,.,u •

Completa !he fcUowlng MO!IJnctl: a #gi,lfm• ¡,,.,.

c-,,1,,. l .-
The llmple p111 wilh regular o, lm1gular verb1 EJ pa.u,do 1/mp/1 � .,,i,,,, ,.p(art1 • 1,,.,.,lart1

lndlcete1 1n 11C11on; comptf!td o• !]nlthtd )n \ht 1"'1oca """ -t,,, «rrni�•do e «•ml8gff f
8 d
""' - -
Fltll In the bl1nke wlth tha corree! wo,dt: al, on In or 1tter

llffla m ,._io. ,. -.. con .len po/ob,<n a,,""º" o. ,oo

,._ ,,.,,
, ,. •DffP""­
The tolephone rang ,nu 1M c!or)rt)911.

In the nut Hnttnca. do you need eny ol lhHa prepa.ltlon1: "ln"-"on" o, "1!"? or nothlng?
AM 01,r rela�V<tl ceme f
o, 1 celebrabon _nothlng _ 11111 Chn1tma1 •

Compl1tt th• next Hntenc• wlth tht corrtet ob]Kt pronoun·

·1 io,,, Mary. l'vejusl bought • n,ce bunch ol llow9ra l

or bt•

Mar',; the fclowi Mntancet as hava

1. Marle Felilc WII ,n Klrfll. Eve nows eboul lhe E

2. Jane WII ...... th1t>I occurr-.d to him C

3 M brolh« alld ma left earlrl!f tr,an u1ual E

Why Is the followlng qUHUon lncorr.ct?

'Why do you dod that dunng lasldan?"

BecauH th• au�ll/ary In past 1• "dld", tha vert, ahould be In lnllnltl•• wlthout "to".


Change !he ne.<1 sentence to past COl'\1111'-'0lls au alP<>SQJo conHnuo

ÜJmbi, la ,igu,,� fr

Ali o/ lhe '9ÍOdeer are leaping aroond on the St'IOW

Toda, /
a, ''""" "'ª" ,altw,do •n la "''""
Ali of the rendeer wore leaplng amund ,n !he

• . .,,, T
tmJ /
o; "'""' ,at1ab<J� ,n l
a no,..,

F,! in !he blank• with a su�rla!lve OOjec:tM! fo
r , ••pa.,,os ,
ll<- fo ,. bla,.,a con "" "4i<1im n,pcrlaiivo para
thi! rl<!!d SM!ence. l
a ,ip«nl<fra.s,

"Ch,M. ?O!)vlatlon is were esena ol all !he ú, pob

" l<
x :i
l>II d, Chinos, «•lmMn dt 1odw ¡,,, fl<'U<J •

coontries •

F�I In the t>lank• wrth !he compa,ative and supenatM! 1.Jeno \Os Hpacios .. b!;)
ncc 0,00 ,:,S �

adeuves O(lmparall\lOI y �>Un or •vpen•t1 ..:T.rg0<, llltl largo•! Compora!lvo o superlaltYo: mh gtando, el ma,

a Whlct>otateis Chii'lual>Ja or; tecas? -·�

• LM ..tad<>n:roaw- C""""'1111ol8Gatecas?
b M IChoac:an is _ lh
• lorgeot !hin Hidalgo � Md>oaca.n es � mh grang9 _CllJO H,:jaigo
e:. lll'hlch cty l>aa lile tho largeal �-Gu�a,.,, e ¿Qúli dudad 11ene el l
a mtyo, polJl

Mexico c..,. or Monterrey¡ Gu.da'-la<a C!l><lad de Méxloo o MCl<IIM"ey?

d Me»co City ha. lorger tlon of llle C<>,mtry
poi:ula d CoJcladdeMblCOlll!<le po!,laoótl del ¡,als

The lolkr,,,ng aentences have thf! plural pronoun Les S>?J,entes 1-,nen � "'""ombr•
1 n, ... chlld,.n ara nlc• plur•I

2. l hav♦ •om• m1ce ln my house. 1. E•toa nlnoa •on 19,adablH.

2. Tengo al¡¡unos ratones en mi casa

Tu asesor de Módulo 3 "MI vida en o e da matenal de un tema nuevo para que lo estudies aobre
tra ler,gua·. t

"ej uso de los plurales .lff&gul•res• • pero no lo¡¡ras entenderlo. ¿qué haces?

Bu-seas m�� [!l•renc·as RUI entenderlo, •1 !• neceurlsi �!du ayuda 11 UHOr.

lnd1cate whK:h al !he foQowlog words is an uncountable Indique cuAI de las s>gulentes pt1lat,ras es un

noun: notae. street star. bollle sustantivo ,:,contable ru>do calle. estrella. botela


F1l1 In tite b!anke with the corree! wof'"da. Llene loa espacios tn blanco con In p,,lab<as


Someoranu Al�unoa o cual ular

a We"8"<!1°""Go; t,,o cats - _ Some _ lish. a Ttnem01 '-" J>Orn> dOo ',l"!oo y_ IUg<.>r<>s
_ P"Cff•
e are�- biscults ln 1he
b Ther b Hay _Ngunas_ galetas doll chooolate tn II ormano -
c. 1 ean't flncl _-,¡ _ booh at.:..11 M<!Xlcan mov\es c. t-10 puedo encontrar n,r,g,rns libros soor,, ane �

d My daugthe< doun'I ti- - .,,y -- -· ln Jalisco. d M l hija M - _ fW'll on _ 9'!'90 en Jll>loo

• Woulcl you ik,, _Sorne_ grapes? e. ¿QOM<e,_j>Jgunas_ wu?

ldsntlfy tha object prono uns (me, you, h!m, her, Jt, ut1 , you. them)

Whlch object torrn al lhe personal p,onoun can sub$1dvte the urderlined phrase In lhe sentence?
Toe boys are nd"'II )h!I• t¡lcy,;les .

Rud lhl• untence: Mary work•.

Chan¡¡e � to pre,sent progressNe i,, the ne>Cl rorm1:

1 AffümatNe ... . Ma,y II wotking

2. Negative ,... Mary is not working

3 lnte,rooathi..... Is Mary wo.1cng?

¿Q� ,,,.)todo ut,lizasp.ara emn como el us.o de los pronoml,res y adjetivos?
comprender t

Buscar datos que te ,.,mitan a la lnform•ción ,.,levante para aprenderla.

Complete the sefltences below with the appropria" word .

• A _ Did _ you 90 t
o Veracn.,i on Saturdá('

8 Ne,�_ d1dn't._ We went te A�l)Uk:O.

Class<fy lhe folbw,r,g senlef>C<!'S as true (T} or lal§O (F)

1 Negatrves 111 !he sniple past tense a'1l !ormed by a<ld,r,g 010 NOT t>efore !he •nipte

orm o( te.e verb.

2 The ver!) BE ,s notan exce VOO<JS sentence

3 YES I NO uesloons r1 the s 1,re NOT crealed u tt>e aux•l<a�D

4 OuestK>M WJth WH words "'smple Cfeated t,y using !he auxihary DIO befo<&

!he suto,ect.

. •"Complete,�,; followlng sentence In •Imple past ualng the correct verb form and au,lliary.

\/Vhet trne dld !he last train_ leave _?

Rewrite the untence uslng th• slmple lutu,., tense.

"The team hu a party"

The IU!!l will have a p111y

What does lhla Hntence e,prus?

·11 w,11 probably rain tomon-ow moming.'

A predlcllon abouj the futu¡e.

What does thls eontence upresa?

"l"m fine now. Wllen l get marrl&d. l"M hevea lol of tlabies •

S9mething the P!'!On be!lavH wlll happen ln the fu)Urt,

¿Q� debes�, si te enc...,ntras en medio de una p\111,ca en lng�s y al estar hablando de los plane,s que

tienes.para tu Muro. de p,onto ya ne &abea de que manera contw,uarla?

R•conocer que ya no sabes como Hgulr hablando del tema y solicitar le •yuda a alguien.

Completa the Hntence wrth th• corree! form of the verb "buy· and th• fo,rn of luture uting "golng


·, _ am gofng to buy _ a new car ne.<t year rm ,1ready &aving money."

Complete the Hntence using tdlomatlc futu,.,: •golng to·.

"Lupita and Lalo (ren1) _ ª"' golng to ,.,ni_ a car tctravel along lhe counl,y •

Si C0110C1era• a una persona de habla Inglesa a lravh 00 ur,a red soe111I ¿cómo inle«:amb<as información

con ella sobre tu proyect0 de �ida?

Exp,.,uriu de mane� autónoma tus ldeaa utllwondo las nociones gramatlcalu y vocabulario

propias para au formulación.

-. .

. .

What s 1h11 -.ght •tx>rt 11nswer fo< th,s?

"V,'oold yoo lil<e to 90 t

o the"'°"""s next weekend?"

• No, 1 wouldn't

Otde; the following words to meke a col>e,.nt sentence.

, "
' """"

' oo,
4. !he

5. or;ianiz,nll

7 elfldenoe

'' would he not lhe 9rganizlng b9 evldence?

AJ ,ev,,,a, la f
orma de lom,ular preguntas en futuro, observas que hay diSUntas maneras ¡:,ara hacerlo. ¿Qu6

opciones ll�S?

T9da¡ para tener d"fe¡enlH alternaJJv¡,e l!f'f preguntar,

Write the corriact connec!or for the nen aentei>ee:

1 wu st<Jdying _ whlle _ Mom was mak,ng dinner.

Rud \he nen sentenoe.

11 • not pollte to make 1 10! of noi111 bo,:1uH you know that others are alHplng.

Now compl•t• the ume klu !n • questlon of cause and effiact:

s rt pol�e to make e lot of no<
se _ when _ you know lhat other11 aru sleep,119?

Choo,oe a _..rb forlhe Hnlenca.

"Pele<_ watchn _ TV., the evening •

The next ■enlences ue In oImple P"'Hnt

Las s;¡¡uientes frnses estln "" P"'StJn/e simple

1. 1 otten writ• poem• to my wlfe.

A m&rnJdo .scri
bo poem9'1 a m, &,;posa

2, Th• sun bar&ly •hl"" wlth lhls wuther.

él sol apen9'l bnll

a i;c,n ,.m, ¡,.,,,po

lf I want to tell aom&thlng that h•ppen&d durlng the day and the pe,-on ln front of me doet not
und•,-t,,nd when I speak In Engllsh, what happent t
o me?

SI)') Q.-o contar aiJ,o Q<I"' � - el dt

a y la prsona d<llana do mi no ""'1flndíJ c,,,inoo l!al)lo en !nglt:,. ,qu,t
,,,. pu.1

1 f.el lrustrated,

th• lollowlng aent,inc& f

s g"'matlcally cor,-ct

La túguitmle amdótt &S g111ma1K:almen1& correda.

Why JI J�liet,, WOddng Ha h ospltol ad mlnlt!f¡ltor \hls yeu ?

¿Por QW u JulH!ta l111baj&ndo como admlnls!rador d6I hcsptta/ &si& a/lo?

Bued on the plctur•. answer 11
18 follow,ng qunt,on:

11gen, responder" l
a s/gl,ienle preguma

'Mlat are th!!y oo"'g?

Qu,! están ha<ando?

They ••• danc¡lng.

Ellos están badando

The exp...,,.slons and words below are In order. le the loglcal sequence In P""'""' progress1Ye.

Las e�preSJOt><ts y palabras de abaja esrán en omen E a �u,mc¡a lóg

s / ,c,o en &/presenta p,oflrfJS<VO

1. When yoo ere

2 kstening !o

3 the rad,o

4 y0<1 can

5.hea,his "°""'

R" When you ª"' 1/atenlng to !he radio you can hoar hl• voice

Cu;,ndo mted es" escuchando l

a red,o pued
e escuchar su voz

¿Qué e��l>llldad 11,

,r,e e ingll,s en tu vida cobd.ana7

Trat.os de aplicarlo en todu lu trtH de l

u entmno donde SH posible,

Write a verb with the com,ct fonn of the verb to be fortl>e sentence In p,lSl progresslve.

Escnt,,r un verbo con la forma com,c/a del verbo ,,,, para /

a frase en pasado progresivo

• lt - WH snowlng - Olst IWlll!<.

"Es1cl,c ,1 ""'''"" ¡,,,,otk> •

Complete !he nnt untence us,ng the cOrrKI tenn and form of !he verb:

a ,/pr,,u, fra,•
Co,,,pJ,1, l <"" lafo,,,.a d,/ h<"'P'J y�-<la dtl ..,,1><>:

'When you rang me yes!erday 1 tllklng, a &howe<."

aml, a
• Cwo.ndo m< ll y,r, yo �su,J,a ro,,,,,
,,J,,.. """ dw:
há •

Why do wo un th• verb In past torm only In afllrmatlva untencas?

¡_/'o, quó """""" <I ..,,t,,, ,nfa,""' pa,ada sNo ,n oracioncr afirman-, ?

In n&11aUve 1nd lnter"'9lllve Wt hava tha 1mr.lll1ry "dld"

En ,..gatl.,.,, • ;n,,,rogart,a, '"'"""' ti awc1/uu • lu

d m..,.s •

Ch1nge tha stntence to simple past tense:

Cambl• la""''""'ª a pa,ado simple .

"Paty Is golng to bakt cookln for tha gunts".

• l'a,y..., a,,_,,, ga/1.,a, ¡x,,r, lo, lt»úp,du".

Paty b.ak9<1 cookln for tha gunts.

Pal}' ltor o, �ultpu/u

n,a galle,a, para /

Choose a com.,arauve adjectlve lor th• senlence.

Ei,gi,"" a-4.,,.,., eompara,1v., pa,o la/mu

"Sar,dy's haor ,s _ longer than _ Nancy"s •

El p,la 1k Sa,.zy.,
" _ má, largo 9"'· �/ d, /{a,,q •

¿Sr descor,oces la manera en la que puftd<! ser uudo un c,:,mparati.o..., ,nglés. que opclOn te IX/- ayuda,

a e�m,,.,,, w duda?

Buscar en un docc1onarl0 y verlllc•r los uso, de la P"labra

Form the corr&Ct plu"'I form of the fol!owlng word: Ch!ld

Form,¡r el p/"1"<ll ,corr«io d, la >1g,<Knl< palabro. Ni




Rewrlte lhe sentence uaing plural nouns and change the number 1 lor 100.

""'1Q ,.,,.,b,,, p/
v.,¡.., a m:nb,r lafrru, .., ""'1<1 y cambiar el"""""' / paro 100
"There Is on• mouse In the k11chen".

"Hay w, ,at
,jn tn U, cocfoa"

The,. are one hundred mlce In the kitchen

ay c..n
lf r<
U OM.r ,n l
a coc,,,o

Determine whlch or lhe following sentencu use the corree! quantil1er.

• People llhoold dnnk e lot of water

• l h av e , io ! ol worl< 1 o clo

Desp!/n de leer un texto donde epe,ecen cuanld>eadorfl en una pregunta o in/OffllaC'6n ffl inglés, qc,6

heces =lmente7

verillcu haber entendido.

Choose the corr•ct p'9-lllon ¡ al, on, I

n or a�er) far the aentence:

Hrdalgowasbom __ ,. __�Guana¡uato, ln - 1?53

Choose the correct upresslon• "" t

o complete the seni.nces:

1 •My mothet's birthday ia _ tn _ A¡,ril.'

2. ·1 a!way• ge! up eariy _on_ Fnday momings·

3 •p¡.,ase rry to be home _,t_ lunch lime:

Complete the follO'w>ng S&!11e<1CII w1lh !he comt&ponding ?<Ol10lffl

Laura .aw _them_� (her fr,.,nds) las1 weet<

The next HntencH are lncorrect bnecl on th• grammarfor simple pHL

\ Where d,d you p;cke<J U? your Engl1sh?

2. When � the h&d the accident?

3. What time á
ld the match was atar!?

What's the correct quu�on to get thls �n•wu bHed on the g"'mmu f
o, simple past and the best

choice of a quesllon won:I?

"The concert began ªt si11 o'clocl(

Wllal timo clld lhe concert begln?

Complete the questlon: ·Will you please call me up when y()IJ _ "rrl�o _ there?"

Whal'• lhe corree! and IO{¡ocal quut.Lon for lhls answer1

"Seto ts p,....,m,ng hi, flf'ldngs to Andres·

• What ;, Beto doing?

VVhK:h ob¡ect pronoun can subsmute the Qué pronombre ob¡eto puede sustituir la frase

undertmed phrase in the sentence? subrayada en la orac.,ón?

¿PuedBs dec.rle a la gente el camino a la estacón

Can you tell !he people the way to !he tram

station? de tren?


wtich ob¡<lct pronoun can subst�ute \he und<!rlKled Qué prooomb<e objeto puede •u•Ltu� la r,a..,
phrase in 1he sentence? subrayada en la or&C>ón?

Can you help my alster and me to fHlish \he homework, lPuec!es ayudar a m, hermana ya mi pa,a terminar la

pleas.e? tarea, por favor?

Tum th,s stal&rne"1 into a qu..stion. Gire es
ta dedaraclOO an una p<egunta

"Molfy b<J
ys g�t oon<icales et lhe department st0<e". "Molty e<>m?fa certilicados de regak> "" la tienda por

Oid Carla �buy_ goft cerurocau,s at tM dep.artment de9artamentos"

1tore? Por l
avo, cert,f\cados de regalo Carie _comp,11_ �

los grandes almacenes?

Whafs !he cor,

ect question t
o get this underlined lCu41 es la pregunta conecta para oot
"""' esta
answer?· ,es¡x,esta subraya<la 7

1 went to ll>e mov- Fu, al Clfle ayer

Wllen dld Y2M 1121.2 !ht !!!2Y1H1 ¿!,ulim!2 te va. al cine?

The folow!ng phmses remembe< !he th,ng.s lhat you M?"'lflnced as a kld
1. On my flrst bh1hda,- t wn afraid ol c!owns.
2. Whn I sH plctures from my chlldhood I reel noatalg!c.

3. 1 st>II aue eome of my schoolmates f

rom elementar,- school.

Wha\ woold yo,., do 1f you·,e wa1ting f

or someone at !he airport anda fore.!gner approaches you and asks you

"De yoo know what trne the �r>k ope,,sr

rd tr,- t
o anaw., ualng my knowledge In Eng/iah.

Choo!II! a log,;al verb w;!h !he c:orrect r or !he aentence fil futura.
o be f
orm ol trlfl verb t

• 1 _ am golng t
o eat _ hot ctup•."

You're Invitad to a w&ddlng and the lnvlta!lon aaya. "Atter the caramony, thare"a a ,e,:aptlon wlth famlly

and frt.enda".

a y la r,vdac/ón db,. "Desp"'1sde l

UstlKl MI& invdl>do a una bod 11 cemmon/11, hay una (tlCe()QÓfl oo,, 8,rugo.s y


y.,.. unda111tand that:

Us/lKl e,,
!itmde que:

Thera wlll be a eseaasn after the en(I 21 tht eerem2ny

Ha� una de ll<i

s 00 l
1 f aJ de l
r, 1 cemmo,i;a

Match the coocepts m left cotumn W1th their correspond1ng examples on the nght cotumn.

Reladooa lo, concepto, de la columna i,qu.,rda oon '"' oorrt$p<.>nd,cnl,. e¡,mplos en la ool ..moa de la


.. . .

We use the present contmuous tense to Examples


Us,m,os el 1,em-- resenlc continuo
• "'
1.-Actions !hat are happemng right '
a. My cousin is burld1ng his new house neet
A� que esr&'I •- on e,r.o rn<Jffl9'1ro • month.
2. Future plans '
• M1pnmoCCl,'ls&-u,-J ..,,.,,.,.,.,ceuo/próc<mom.,J
Lo• Muro,, planes.
b. L1z 1s studying hard tnese days m Canada
3 Actions that are happening around now or
i.JZ ••" •� <lu
(tl eS/0$ d/
M "" C..,,
are temporary
c. Two pohcemen are foflowing the suspect
-.,,q,, ee'14n-elrédedor<lo-'>orao
watch them, right therel
""" lemporalt,$
- �po/N:IH es/In "',Jt,/Mdo of� mlnibo J<J

They are startmg samba lessons Itus evemng
,.. ,.,,..,,.. -•do:nmb•estellOCl'NO

1-c; 2-a,d, J·b

How do you orfer a drink !na pohte way7

, = om,c,t '"'ª a <lo ..,

bebid . """'"'" «>rl6•?
What w9uld VOU llke !O drink?

Oll<I le g1
11 e bebl>t1

What optlon complete th• up...,nlon l>elow

¿Qw opción de Ct>mp!erar 1< s,¡<lie,,M e,pre_,

"!'m a little wonifll. She'e 2 hou,- late.

'Eslcy '"'poco �ac!O a, u 2 l>oras mM ,__

Why WOl/ld fh• bf so late?"

,Fvqu11 onoa,,,., taniarde?"

Wrlte I lo¡¡lcar aentenca wlth the given worda:

Escribl, Ul'IB ornaón 16g,ca con l

as palabras dadas.

Told I he/ me/ 10:00/ wouldl afie,/ be/he/ here

Conrada lé/lM<Jl 10 00/,,,...¡dt,spu�sl ll(}r/é/l aqu/

He told me he would b• here att,, 1Q;QO,

é me jo que Iba• os/ar aqu/ da�s de los 10.00.


In th• """t sentence, ldentify u,. type ol vo>rb, ,oot tlle tense.

n laf,o
C u 1'g...,,
, �, <lf,c,,, <1 Upo ,h � no<I U,,,,
lt/M po "'

Tlle sl
rl llw, In Meoko.

u, - - .,,
Re¡ulu vo>rb
.,.,..,� ........

1111 po,slble to dlsllnl"!Sh 1rrqur., ond re¡ular ,,.,b, In • ..,,,tence In pr""nt1 Wl,y7

<Es posibk d<Jlil'lflutr los vtrbo< /rr,gu!ores � regularfi •

n una fr,,s• ..,, pr.,•nt•? (Por qu�l

N<> tres>use tht Yfrb jn l!'Ut"I l>u n<> ln<t•ntl91l el ltl conl11ntl"'l,

No, porq
ut, •I .,.,.., •n P•••••f• no llon• nlr,g,,na ..dlc,:,o6,, d• ,u <1>njugaci6n.

1, lt po,11ble to di>llngulsh In the thlrd perwn lf ti.. vorb 1, ro¡ula, or ltreJIAar7

ce, ,_¡
,w <11<,ng..,'" '""'"' Pfff«K1 JI ,1-., ,.,_,_ offl,;ularl
lt's lmP9ulblo t<> dl\llnoursh Jhtm, no mftlfr w,..t Jht form 11,
-<16 lmpo•ll
>i,, dl.,
l,,gwlo,. no "'1pa,tu lo º"' loforma n

. .•.

o do sorn
Mayra has 1 e homeWO<lc about "subje<:t ¡,ronouM" and "ob¡ect p,onouns" lnstead ol consulting•

boolc Mayra dec<!ed 1o check• forum on a wet><,1e called •Mrra,e,1. com• After aslúng her questK>ns she

got sa-,ernl •n-• she has 10 analy:ze befo,e she can lake one as corred
ThJs ,s u,., d<alogue


- -wiltll to IUl>S�lll!O a """" o, a $6'1

W.,, l
f lhe no..,:, Is tléfo-9 the ""'1l W<I UH 11-.

"ll..tijectpn'.lr\Ot.W1" �lhe r"l<llm IO ll'ter lhe -- UH tl>I "

obte<:I �
1 ed lhos an,,_

,.,._ lhe no..,:, has lhe IIJnc,,on ol o 1ubjecl and W9 don"! wanl 1o repeat JI. OXOJ<Q


_, ""' ....-.i to ,woituto • no.n � ""' no..,:, '" singular - use • "sut>¡ect prono,..n" t�
nooe lo pbal we u objecl prono,.,n
oe !he " • ol<?

Who gava the rigM answu?

¿ le dio l
a reSpUesta comlC/a?

R• Miguel

11 lhls senter><a«:><rect1 Why7

ll• <r>«
t<I<> '"ª �UPa,qun
"I don cet amoad at O.., of 111• Dutlo offt<liq¡,on -.mbef Znd •

"I,rO)' '°'"''' 0/XJ-<I °"' rJr lo

< 0/ttnd,
1 <i< '"""""' dd1 <i< -..b,. •

NO, be:s!U<c YPY qn use tl)c •y,•lla¡y kl i!UIIT!li!IY!, bu! "do" lffl with Jhf JUblesJ T,
No,,--,,,,._ IAll/zortl ou,Ulor..., ofitmot/,o. ,-,,U< "l,ou,-•,. '°" <I su}<ro •¡•

The sentt<l«I "Thtse dor, l'm stnpin¡ • lot.• ••presses•

to ¡,o
.,, "
f n .,.,. do<,,'"' n<O)' dom,,londo rn
udto. • b,,,.,,,_
Ifmpgfi!fY P<mnt """ Umuch 1!"1 not l,¡,""frli'll H Jfle mwr•t,
-·,.,._O p,10, <i< q... 00 .,,6 W«dlonóo <!1 <1111,,,,,,,,,"

lndkat• 11 !he foHowliq¡ ...,¡_ ue In l!mll!c i!!'.11!"1 m or P<D!�ilti-1 !�li

w" ,., ...... ,.,. , .... ""'.., .,..,.. • .,,,,.. ,,_ :
Ule reo<h the MW<p•per 01 mo,nlng-,

.., ,.
•l>"•l<i"I Engll>I> to
-.. you becau•• vou wanl lo ptactlce IL

te lloblo..,' .,., • """' wr<d�.i.,, '

3. n,� •l>"•k lt>llan and Ounese � doy

E...hoblo,, t _z cil!t>o ,
l _, lo> dkn

Rttad the followl"I sontence:

loo lo�lt fr

"lvery wo,d on that pap Is worldnc l\;ltd to hl&lu<Jht "(<>U• talen!< ..,,d ,ldlls.•

"Cada ¡,oloM! ffl <>0 .o<l9ino <>fÓ l }atH/0 ,,_p,,m ¡,ontt rh � "
tobo ' lolMt<>1 yh<}
' - •

NOw, cl\aiq¡e !t t
o 11,e 1ramatkally co,,.,ct lnle"',.-•tln farm astdrc "why1"

""°"'• combo< o lofom,o .,,.,_,,.. g,u�""'""'"" """""° Pftil'"'''" •¡,- q.,;r

WhY 1, IY111Y woal 90 tbit PiU wgcicl!)I bud 19 h;¡hllcl\J ygyr Jilonu jJ')d ¡kllll?

/Po, o<H coda polabro t• - � ll'Obajo,v/a duro""'° - 6, � '"' ""'""" • ,_,_,1

Relate 11,e tonoei en lho left to t�•" corrupondlnc q�•�anl on 1he rl1ht

"'1<><>00,01<11/fm Hltl'- ,,_.,, '"'"''°''�'"I¡,,..,"""''º"'�,,_

Ttn,n • a...11ons • ·

l Simple l'res""t b Whatdoyou do?--.

d. i, r oi>ter ot o<h<lol? _
l Proson! contlnuouo • W)>at ore you do,ln¡l

C. Whtrt 11 Mt,I,;,;, pla�nll

,.11 �afHI wotOlAO I

n lh
• offke now?

fl·� di !Z-1 e.t


0-... !"- o, tko ..

<Ottfft wrt, <onJucotlon l "'*""" In pa,t contlnuouo.

o,_, 111< """"' ..,i, «><>Jugo,.., fa<,,,.'""'""'".,"""-�"""""

• Thoy foctblll 11 l<hot>I."

• n,,¡,_ :tool
bof ., -•

Wt'I Dlll'IOI

OlooH I co,
tKt �"b conJucotlon lo
r t"- Nntonco I
n ""'' contlnll<Klt,

• W1
--1u11- rM ..,� "'''"'º fl'l"'"' - .,, ""'°"" cc,,lffl,o.
In 1 ...,,11 town."

Wtrt H:d!l«

tomploto \1
>1 followlt'II ..,,t,nc;o.


. llmplo """ wl\h ..... ,., o, INOJUIU •• ...,. lndlCO\H "" 1<110,,:

( _ lknpl<,.., ..
1 ,,,, . <Kriln
1 �""""-., ...

,oml"tltd PI' Unit!ltd ln !bt !Mil

comi,/f!odo o ,,,_do'" f/ ,,,.


Tu,n \l
>t nut MnlOOál lnto • q.,.,,1on.
e- 1o r/tl,ltlilf ,,_.,. .., ..,.. _..,,o.
""'"" w•• llttplfll �UH 11>1 Math don WH bo<lna.

pe ft
P, loba d"""-- lo do.. d< MO<-lffl tfO o

becauH tl>I Moth daH w•s borlnc1

l'o<'q... lo c1o.. d< ,..,,_,!<o, tu ·•-1

,,,. l',pedwm-

� IUvlfiH que pre<<ntar un , d• col� de lnJ11!$ en el lncr•so I la unl-1,ldad, t<uill u-.,, que tt tu

dnem�llo en el manejo ele lo, tiempos en paudo y p,nente?

BMtno, OOC91/1 �roa banaoto yo,;abM!ado conocu las 11tructur11 y man,111 IR< YUl>9s ,a ,u, g1ftrrn1e1

Whlt 1
1 U1
<t llnH l<>r toch "'ntenct?


1"< 8r<lhk T
l'ff'fN" /Jayl" ln•Hltd I
n 1996 a w,nd•Mp .-.,d
io. 1
1 dHSn'I nttd ,l«rrialf or IH,11,riu. y t N
..., wlnd l p �

hnd. 11
< 1« th< Idea f
<tr rh, radia .,kil< h '""' wqk:1,/"# Tl'

olco T
,- s,,¡,t
s ll'lwnt6.., 1996"..,. rr,d,o de ,wrdo No ncu>ko ,_ niloc>tffl>,. 1/st«I"•"""" ¡,,,,o arriba...,;,

-. {! lwolo Id,,, dt lo radio......,..,.,, ll nroloc> _., 1,!n

il Rl'.fflnt, Dffltol, Dast PUi Pf91ft<S!"I,

v,do. p,n�«, p,n<nto. po

Pv -io_ "°"'"" _,.,,.,.
we caN them regula, •t<b< becau,e the pa,t ten,e cf e•<h 1, formt<I by >dd1n1 "ed" to u,., end o! the verb

<» lomo=
L lo, ,.,M> ,,g<nOr,, po,,¡
w ,1 "'"'"° pruododt !»do""<' «fo,mo <>lad<•MO f'lf' o
" / (,M
I d,
/ ...-<to

Sut ,on,e ..,,i,. "-•• many dlffe,ent w•v• of fom,;n¡ the pHI te ...., beuu>e th- I< "" reJu(>r patt«n, the;.,

..,,1>< are kown a, meg,-o, Vérln. P,ro o/guM< wrl>o< ,.,,,.." "'"°"'' .,,,,..,a,.d,fr,<ttt(f dtfo,mo, ,1 '""'"° ""'°""• --, .·
no""•.., "'1
t fÓfl �. <>lo< ,,rt,m- '°" k""'1 CM10 _,,oo, l,,eg""'"'

Ch•"&• t >< followin¡ ..,b<: choo,e, w«p, !,ke, b<!o� d

o ¡,;,,t ton<e 11 rlw, fly

Co"'b., �
• <lffll1>1> l"'"'dcl<n <9_,,,,,. Vffbo> �- llo,or. "'
''"' botlt, <""dutl,, """''

cl>Q<e WtRI, hk,d, beU d•9'!o, llrw,

Jie/4 /lo,
a<Jo, m, �U!IÓ. r,o/
Oé, co'ldll/G, ""6

The followi"I kl'ltenn,.

<o >l,¡ol,ntt Ir,=

"M, automóvil C<Jrn, mi< rápido q"" el t"YO", would be t,an>la1ed t

o fnglosh ••

MI outom6w <o,rc M
" J, rdpódo Qw ,1 tuy0", ,. 1rodutNSo o »g/11> """º
Mx 11, ryn¡ fuser Jhan Yl1\IU

Mi«Id>< a,,
r, mó> rdp/do q.., <I,wa

Tu aasor de Modulo 3 "MI .,d¡i ..,, o!ra lengua", te di matetlal de un tema n� pira que lo es\udl .. SOb<o "el u>C do

k>I plurales �rqu1,,.,,• , p,ro no l<>sras ...,,..,,d,,to, lqUI! haces/ •

8Ul9i mb ioftf!n<lil oa•a "'ltondulo 11 n M<<:UrlP Pldtl fYUdi il uesor

o wmpleto 11•• followlnc ..ntenco

et.Do"' lhe <Qrrffl w0<d< t

E!toi< lo, -• cc«•<t•• "'"" c,,,,,pl,1Q, lo s,gv/«,

t< fra,s,c.

Jwle< hu books on h,s dosk, but Sand,a doe,n"t h•"" __ books on her desk

-- - �0,o, -· ... ·-- """' - "",,,,,, i/)"" ...,

,. "'·--
Sorne Y i!'IY
"' y cwJQ-,

Ct.>ose "'
" 'º"""' prepos,t;on f<>< o,., sentena,

tgi, lo,,,.__, «<•ttt• ""'° lo fra"'
••, ""- I
n or •ft"'
· ...,
,., .., • d<lf'IH,

Tho lolepho"" ond t

he dom be
U ,.
,., t
he Pme Ume

/ '"'f""". <onótl tlmlltt <Ir lo-= m/,n,Q...,,,,,,,

Anllyus tlffl<I oxprnsloru 011 t

Time e•presl!ons
he left wlth the r!¡l\t phtasn.

,<ttt" .. ,
do co,, t,
, ''""" d< lo duttlla

• They a,r!ved _ thrtt o'dodc In !he aft.,noon

' " d. l wentto S..l�no ••efive

b Maradona was born ___ the 3rd of February.

"" c. My a,;1d,..,, gol up ___ S.Unday mo,n;,g
d I wen110Sal!,llo -;,., f...,,

RHd tho lo,t and comphtto !t wlth tho <<HTKI pro,_,n, :

llo ,1 'ª"'. """''""-""' ... -· '-"''"''"'"
1 He e.amo t
o <hurch w;th __ (her/ohe), u __ (hlm/lle) always dld.

I'! rinoo lo J¡ilnla ""'--(,!$a/ tila), """'°-·- 1! /do/...,.,..,..

/ lo-.,.,
,. __ (her/she) took the Pf"""ullon to place __ (llim/heJ ne,t to her.

- (ti/o/ ...,"""º""' lo""°""""" d, �-(ti/ti/o! .... -

her ,. he ,. , l>t ,. h l m
• s,, ¡
) ,. ;¡ ,. ello ,. ,u (tk;/)

i :;,,,..., 1"' '° ..........,.,, t1u

, 1,""' r�., ,..,. lo , ,on,�tl

5ll>OOO nloy ""1 Otf\llO<tl / ..,

o « """'"" "'""'"' ..t ... .., """"""/
l M>t<o. �°" ..-• .i.-1-� """"tbcofrald. ,....... w,llnotl« ,t, "' do

Mat,o. •••Hds i..a.ndo mll)' t>i,,,

. ,., ,.,,,,..,""""' la�,..,, da,6 """'ª º"'- como ,o

3. "'"'"° __ (t ..../th4ffl) wlll <ltp o la!.

=<� __ ,..,.¡ ,11a,¡ dará,, mudl<>r op/ttufo,

O. O<._"'"-"'"'" Wotct, _ o ln<rodat.el

_ 1......,./th...,), th<y ot

��"""'"''�MI,. __ /-/ do>}. qw "'

" 1ncr-.1
! O<h« "-ht0<1. ,_,, o,k __ l......,./tl,om) to,_.,¡, !.,.1••11

°'""•""""'_.._ ,._, •-- (<11<,, l...<I""' •- a /-wo,/ ,.,,o,,o,/1

ll\ll,. lh«m .. thmi • WI

-· .. - .. ello, • ""'

¿Quf método ul•íl,., para ccmprendt< temas como el uso de los pronombres y >djetNOS?

Bu>Qt d•t<>S ª"" to ,omita,, • 1> lnlormxlón ••lo••nto Rf'i fRffndf!lf.

• fi
Tum ti m ,totement lnto a q'-"'>IIO,t.

,,,_ lo,,,,,,,.,. -- "" """"''9""'º

"My >lste, and 1 ....ded to g<t up ea,ly the t.11 manth, bac:,uw, wo dldn"I ha"" • cor" .

,,. 1
•,,., ...,,,,. ,o""""""' q¡¡, .,,_,,.,,_ "'"""'"° rl .m,,,,o mn - •""" oa '"""""' roctoo".
neod to •et up Hrly l;nt month?

--- _,_ -- rl_, ,,,,_,

Charco 11
• .,,,...,ent bok>w ta u,. ne¡,tlw lorm In p•st ,,.,...,,

Como/<" lo i.,,r""°'"' abojoparr, lofom,,, ....,,,,.,., .,, tl<m

po paw,!a.

-� m1 ..., ,.._ ,..,edlenu lo, tl

,o �nl<>&M"I stutflnc".

"fllo MmX lo< ln9rtdl<M< .. po,

a ,1 - d, - d,: Grodo>"

SM the ,..,.,diento !o, tite Thankqlvlnc ",,. thl> mornln1

lla lo< _,!l'_,,,.,_,,,1,_<1,A<ddtld, Grodo,.,<o�""-

dldn't ml ...d


Complete the •entenus below wlth the approprlate word:


k__ you go to Ve<ilUU! on Saturday?

"°' o V.roen,, rl:wl>odal

8. No, we We went to Atapuko.

Pld y didn"I,
Hj,q • ¡,q ki /l{lg.

1y ÚMI fo4lowlnc Hntences,.. lrw (1
1 or t,i.e (f).

lo, """''" ,.,..,...,,._,m, a """"{f

S<ntences • Trur

l n t
NegotM!> , "e simple past tenH ª"' formed b-,, �ddlng DID �Ol bef
are lh< s,mple '
formol lhé -.m

º"' i.entence.

. .•

3 YES/NO tiott< In th< ,

im e oast a,e NOT cr••t� .nint !h
e .,.,.,11. 010

4 au.-.toor,, with WH wo,ds ,n ;impl• P••I ""' cr,,ated bv .,.1r,¡ th< •u,il,ory oro '
befo.r• 11
•• ,...b..,_, ·

R•••mto th• ><ent•nce usln& t
h< ,lmpi• future tense

- o ncrl
b/, lo'"'"'""" ,rlf'JW•o ,imple
"Th<, 1..m t..,• puty".

I •Q•l¡>a ,,.,,, .,,. do Jo, po,ie,"

n,. tum wrn bt"« • Dortv,

fl "'"'
"" ,
_ """�··

Rewrll• ti•• sen••- u>!n1 O• olmpl• future tense

- o ncrl
blr Jo,.,,,. con el{t,t,m, ,;,,,pi.
"Juan Is an ex�l'l on uslr,¡ ,omputer,".

"/o,on., .., ,x¡,,no.,, ti""' de wmwtodoroi. •

Ju•n WIIJ be ... ''""' gn UJl"I Wll'Pul$fi,

Jua,, .., o..,..,,_,,• ..,"' •«<do•"""""··-·

Orde, !h
e numMn ol t"" follow<ns; wo,d, to m•k• a i<>glc.ol ...,tenc• In ,,,. condlt><>nal l
o, futute

¡ >loo,lt,,t<1 P<>io
OrdM 1"' "'""""' d, lo !uo, po<G f
orma, uno /f<
tU klrl/<» "" '"'"'°'""" 11</fQ el '"'"'º
1. ..,.,ryct•v

l re•d

5 t>,,tter



lf ygy N!>d eYl,Y du Y9MC bnin will WPrls i,,n,,,

SI U<tod ltt todo, lo, 6"'s ,
u wllKO,..,_,, mejo,

6 =t l - ➔ I -:t 2 -:t Z =t !l =t S

RHd ti•• sentenc• and choo,.e whlo:h anrw..- I

s tl>o COfTKI""" f
ar thh >l\.,.\10,,.

¡., Jo - ,.i,g, r,OJl rnp,,,110 .. Jo o:,,,orn,...,. "'º -

You •tr•ns:•d to pl
:ry tenni, today o
rr,vlo! 11</fQP}Or of ,,.1, My.

Now you deóde that you don"! want to play.

Moto .,,od - - .., Qule••MIO'-

"" "'
y Y

1 d00'1 !hlok rg P!n 110011 todn,

lio�q .. -•�o/teo,lr..,,.

o,dt, the wo"'• to mak• • ,oherent sent�nc•.

= lo<po'°1>rof """'fo,ma
Ord , """fra., COMttfltt

1. m<Mn

l. t""


6 ¡oina

1 •m 1°'"11 to th< mo.tH.


C,,,,,pJ,to "'1f,o,n u,_ o
l fomio o,,,tt,o d, •
¡, o"

Cl>oose >fo,matow, ,ntefloS>II..., O< ne1at1...,

u,., ofi,maow� llitmOQ,>tM/1, o 0c,¡o,,-,.,�

l P...tro'ssweate,1Sdlrty HejwHhf ,..

Z in de<lded 'º ¡,kk u¡, ,orne •w 1 (lf"/) � ,...

3.ll.<><>ne«isthot$0/o 5M(>ell) -------"·

4. My tooth is act-.n¡ a l
ot l {YISÍI) my dent,>t

, gol"I to wosh z. am C<>i"I !o f"I 3• lsn t colng to >ell •- >m 1<>1n1 I<> YJ<I!

J.,, 1/0. - z. ""Y. fr

,ir l·"" vo o -,d,, •...,.. de

SI conoc,era, a una perwna de habla Inglesa • \nve, de una ,ed sotlal ¿d,mo ln!<'fc.ambto, lnfonn,dón con ella sobre

tu p,oyecto de v,da?

[•PnHrtai dt man.e•• i\ll019rn1 tul ldeil \lllllHn.dP la, m,cionu 1r•ma11calr1 y l'IIGlbY:\i!IP PICoiu Pi•> w

Wh,t•, tho rlf;ht ll>ort onswu fo< thl,?

iCWI n b _,o <O<'to ¡,.,,_, po,o e>to?

"Would you l1ke to ¡o to tM fflOYI.. ne,t wMkond?"

•10,,,,,a wo1 cmr prd.m,o r

., de ...,,.,,.r
NA I WOuldn"t,
No, yoncJohorla.

O,de, the loftowlng words to m•k• • cohe,ent ...ntenc:e.

CJnún.r lo> ,¡¡,...,,,.,. po/obro, "°"' fa>,mo, """{ro;, ,.,..,.,,,,



4. t

5 organl,!ng

3 ..,ldence

WR""I Mi no¡ be ornnltlDllht CY!dt<!Cll


htho underlln...t part ,o,nctl Whyl

l& OOf"rfflO b r,o,1

• �dol l� qui?

•11n•do wanttd to lea•• oa,ly, but hl, bo>, wouldo"t ltt hlm,•

"1p>Odo qt/fflO foi/r'""""""' l'Cf0"1 ¡,fe"",,,. pc,rnJrld •

1"1 WO:rsl )g 1/U ".Yt:ovldn"t'" ,,,
, 1 n:fuHI I
n otu!lve I
n RU),

, COfl"ffla""" "rlo" i-o ...., ""11"™'.,, no¡pocn., m á,,,,,_


Cllooa• a "rb lor lh• untence:

� "' - ., cedll ,,,,,,,,.

"The Gomn lom!ly member• __ donner together every nlght.•
1.os- dela i\:lm/64 G&m,,, com,,,,¡u,,IOS rodM�noc.'IN·


The followlng�t ees ara In present progress,ve or afmple present lenu
"" - ·.

1fruu HIMI"" .,,n/e
1.Slmpfe p�sent ; 1 otfen wrote poems lo my wlle.

f�_.,._. • moes¡,C$ll
• ;

��:;�n b:;:z.;:•:: :SI!,:� -�--!her.

Z. PmHnl cont,nlH>U9 ;
My brother Is playlng the gurtar al the moment

- M, 1>e1mano esia roc.noc i. gc,om, en e,ie "'º"'""'"

Yo u, parents are talkrng now.
sus 1-.1 esran h/JDJan<Jo ehonl
Jose •• taklng h,s grandpa..,nts to h'" house In thls moment.

OOIJ es:, Mil/ando a /
a casa 11'1 11'1 '"" ,,_ e
n esie mo-ne,,t

Decide whlch sentences are true

- ,.
c,,a/M lr
lilSH so,, _,._.

We use the prnent conllnuous t

o talk about what"a happen,ng now


• '"Now", "at the m(lment"

--- -..... .,,, -- _, ··-· del

SM> etj
.-,do llotO/
.,,,.,. "" j:,

aro almple present time exprese lona.

In !he simple present tense we add "/ng· to all the verbs.

"""'PO,,,...,,,,., """"'°
- '"'

Énttl ttl a ..,,.,. . " a k>dOa l'.» -"""

We use the au�•llary verb '"to be" with the preHnl progresslv• tenu.

U.amo.el _..,,,//lar "lo�" <XI'! o/lfempo¡)l9MiWpro1¡r&SM> '"'

Choose !he correct verb conjugatton for \he unte ne e In pHI contlnuous.

C!lmll<I JI "°"""'""'°" C079CI a 1M tr

• del ve,t,o par ua ""paudo p,ogres/>'o
"Myparenta forme."

MIi -· PO' mi"
Wfrt walt1ng


Choose the correct verb conjugatlon for the untence In pul contlnuous.

C8lnb<a JI �ogón O<Otr«f

l del ve,t,o Plfl I ..,.. en pas
H Ir &do progn,
• w, __ ths tour o"clock bus."

__. el eulllbcl• • 181 c,,etn, ""P<Olto"

were taklng

Past progrnti•• tndicatff:


An !Ctfon In p,ogrpn In lhf PHI al I IDtClflC J!mt

/JntJ - ""¡:,,o,¡,em"" ,m />ernpO p!Jff<Jo •�

Complete th• conve,.atlon UA!ng !he corree! lorm of the v•rbs l

o, P••t progresslV<I. U.e !he verbs In


a JI �
Cotll¡)let la to,ma o::,,,w,;te"" bJ -..- ..., pasado _,,SM> Use bJ VOl'l>OI ..., p&'M/&IS.

Lupe: l'm afrald l'v• broken the pol for th• mole

"""' q
M<io ! a paro .,;m<>le
ue ,.,, ro&>¡¡, ol

Pedro: Oh nol Whal' (do)?

¡0/t r.ol qU(t esiabas haciendo (IIM:M)1

Lupe: t' (take) !t lnto the dlnnlng room.

yo u:r.>bl tomando /!MIO
/ en el.,.,,, __
1 bumped lnto Chayo Sh•' (come) out juat as

Me '
""' <XI'! Che]'(l EJa ,st¡,io. ¡allw,do lvamo•! ju!!lo �

' (go) In.

Yo ,sulMo !'Wlndu fit1 •

1- ,_
wereyoudo1ng 2- WH tal<Jng 3- WllS comlng 4-was golng

-- 28
�s/ab<I ..�. oc:lo e.</SN Mirando
Analyze � !he hignltghte<J !orms of present or pas1 prc,,,¡reHr;e are adeq<111!ely used 1n 1hls conte>:t l)y

choos,n¡¡ corr..:t {C), or lnco,,..ct ji) ;r s,mple presen! or srmple pasl shoulcl be uu,d Mari< !he M,Quern;e ot

the word•., the tell whe,, you answer.., the c/lart

'Now 1·m readlng" alx><Jt how 1Q be , lo! more ca,eful about the en.,mnmenl I m living In Me,,co C,1y IWld

Corncro /nco,,..:to

e 1
lhtf 1 lol o! �tio<, � _,,, lfNt .,..¡ bordo ..,
...,._• ., me paot, the ..., wn 1blnlng atld P'l<)Jllo


er,joyed the city • lo! mot9 Moreover. C\Jrrentty viokmce ar>d crone art 1ffJ$llng u1 very hard although

eve,ybody I
! flgh¡ing a,ga,nst them T
me I runnlng IHI end wa'rt ft9yirjng oome klrld ol �utoon

co,,..cto Cor,..-,o Co,rwero

Complete tha conve,.atlon wlth the con-1ct pul forma o! •erb

CMl�o ,. - con ,U lom,,.. .,.,,,,..,IN <»1- ffl p..-,1<,

"\o be"


Lo,. I���� In latanbul lut 1ummu.

Lo,, Yo � Ml;sro,m,¡,1e1..,.,.,puado

Roberto· RHlly? How long¡¡;¡¡¡¡¡¡.you tha,.?

RoW,to. En w,o1. CUMIC H/t/Y/1/! aquf1

Lora: For th, .. WHk■

L�· Por r
ru ....,,.,,.._

Roberto: you th,,. on butlnan or on vaculon?

fO Efl¡¡y/J[I -.wi 1111 MpOC/ol O 1111 VII<"-••
lo••· 1 tht,. lor !un,

1.0'e. Yo tll]¡rJ: 9q<J

/ POf �


Chooat lht COrrKI ,n1wer accord!ng to tht plctu,. ti.low.

Caml>ól lt ,-.,,.,.51, co-rwo/11111 ..,.._ • lll _,,

Wh!ch 1
1 tht n.. ,.,t malnland n•lghbor?

$Quth KQrH

Chooat th, corrtet lonn of lh 1 for each ol th• loltowlng unt,nctt.

n par•nth ..1
t 1dj.ctlw I

Ctml)/fl 11 1'twmt �- a,, /of � a,, /of pw,Mi91Ú � Cf<Jo ¡

i,,e de l
a �l
ff fr11.1<1J

\. "This 11 {d>eep cheaptr cheapes!) then 1h11 °'"'"· 111d U,e se!ler

ai. " �ro mh 11tmo, mu NillroJ ,,.,,, o/ otro", * 61 ,e.,ae,,b

2. Tod1y the<e ,,. (nk:e l!!ar, nicest) people !han yesterday

Hoy n,, (ll<wlo

. bqnhp1 �sJ-a - •rer

3. Sorry teacher, could l'O\J tell me who the (,marte,, 10mar!es\ mes\ smart) pup,I "'your class ,s?

Lo """
"'11w maell/0 a � q,.J>M
. ¿podrl es o/ ,.,�me m'• ln¡g1'qf!'.!Nr 'Ns .,/eli¡1el>le ¡ de lo.,
4 The<e is r,o doubl aboul � She ,s lhe (better bes\ e ¡¡ood)

ll<J h.Oyd<Jda <19 ello Eh es la (m,, . !!!1.12!, m
¡or & boltl

Cho01e the correct plural noun lor lh• lollowing nntence.

Elp o/ /l<JSl8n/JVQ p/rJral C'Off.cto ,,_,, la SNJ<Mr>/e fro


"A10 we 11et older, •o do our ,•

. A m&6da que�. r
" ..- loh_,,.,.sm,, I"


Decide whlch answer matches each questíon

-- ··- ·=·



Res uesta

1.How many servlngs of frult do you eat each day? Two or more.
eu,r11a. """'' d<> truta, com<1 cada rJle•

2. How much Junk food do you eat? Very little.

¿CuAnle """""13 ch"!em, come? Alotolil

3. How often do you exerdse or play a sport per day? Never.

tCcw> q,.,,I """"""""' llltC<ll � o 00 Pf1'CUcAT d,!J>ott;o al d/a?

Why 1s the following sentence incorrect?:

¿Por�..e ",.�,,. .. -. 1.

"Too much mouses threatens public health"

-v.m..- ,_,, """"'"'" 1111 - p(lb/fcll"

B..::auu the plural 9f "mgust" I• "mlce". The verb 11 not uud In )h• co•!'t�t form.

O<,bd<, • que ti� de "mooH" N .,..,.,,...••_ El - no.., ulil

,a .., 1111 f
onm cctrKf

w, don·t UH "mych" w"th sount�blf nount,

Ne usamoo ·-•""" .w.t� CMll>b/<,$

What Is the dlfference between countab1e and uncountable nouns?

<C,,1/ in 1111 d!lorot!cla Mini b! ,
, ws
t,nWO!< CMhlblu e h:ml-..?

Countable nouns have a plural fonn and the uncounlable nouns can't be used In

plural form.
&st""°"'5 cooroOles""""" ...,. fotma p/uto/ ylos sustM!M>S tlconlsbl<,$ nos,,� utilr.i:Bf"" rom,,, pl<x

lndicate whlch of the foUowing words in the sentence Is an uncountable noun:

tldiqw CVj/"" 1a.s -,t
f u pa/almJs .-, l
a 0111001! &S..-, .wst11116W> hcorll-

The school has 5 backyards, 3 slldes and 2 bookstores.

U &SCU!tl,O ..- """ 5 palios. 3 lllbogaM
s y 2 lilnt1


Check lf lhe prepositions "'in'", "et", are correct In the followlng the sentences.
ComP<IJObe 5' la.s � •.,,._ ••• .sM com,ct
u .,, 111• s,¡¡ul,,nte• fros,¡s

1 heard a terrible nolse /

n the mlddle of the nlght. l was awake because I usually

wor1t.fil nlght."

01 <A"1 l'IJlao ""'1t-ll, .-, el- de 1111 noá>fl Y obl de-10 _.

o &Sl )'O sue.10 tralnj.a,"" la - •

Both are correct because they are standard expresslons.

Ambas _, COffl!Ct
as porque _, expreSIOlles tlOiTffll

In whlch of these sentences are the prepositions used correctly?
,En ,:v as /ra.,,s IN
il/ de es/ u VOóz,>ncorrocl.,,.,,,le1

1.My_ daughter is coming home next Monda y. SI

• 1,1¡ "'
" "' • cu., el """ .......

2 . 1 am used to watching TV in the mornlng. SI

E «oot
� • _.11 tele'""""" 11 mM.,,,,

3. In Mexico everybody usual!y goes home at every No


En ,co lodo
Md.< ti mundo al •
• o ,;,,.,, on cor!a Noaja,:J

4.My ch!ldren always gel up tate on Sunday mornings. SI
� lo,.,.�.,,.
""" hon d,,/
... i,,,a,,1.,, • "' -

Match the correct grammar preposition of time. Prepositions may repeat.

. .
Rtil•oon• co, !a

arica/ CCV79Cl
a del"""'

"' p,. �- '

osition of Ume
1 .....Q!!..... February "
14th, Is Valentine's day. .

El 14 de fe!w,o H o/ 011 de S"" Va!elllk>. º"

2. _ji_ half past three, i'm going to the

La, � u m,ed¡a .., • • á/ .....
3. ...!!l... June, 1 wm do it. lo


Complete !he next paragraph with the correct time expresslons given in


C,;,mpJeti, o/ s,guiente p�m,fo con /ns e11pn,slM9s temporal<ts COITTICl

es riadas en psrén/es/$

wnte !he answer following the sequence of the numbers.

Escnbe !a n,spuests siguiendo l

a secvenoil de lo$ mi""'""'·

"We traveled ..J!.!!.... (on-it-at) Friday.

"viajamos el V,e
We gol to the airport' on (on-ln-at) time to have a coffee befare checking ln, _ji_


the airline's counter.

U!l¡¡amo.s • 11 Afpc,T • ""mpo par � ar,w, de n,g,wars,,,

o tomar"" e ami,, aa/,t,gWro del con,aoo, de ., _,,¡

Fortunately, the plan e took off• ....Q.rL (on-in-al) lime.

A/o,!IM>a<!....,,,,,M, ti ori<ln � o /1efflpO.

Choose the ccrrect words t

o complete !he next text In English.

B,ge la
s palabras corr&e/H para oomp/ellN el siguiente texto en lng!6s

lf il's necessary you can use a word more than once.

S, fuera noc,¡saric, pu,;d,,

s USllf un, palabra mds de uns vez
"Tell me, please. Why did you invite hlm when Mary did know he was the thlef?

"Dime, por favor. ¿Por ,¡mi Mari, le saben que �/ ere IJl larlrón?

What's the conlractlon of ''w1II not"?

¿Cu61 us l
e cot!t� de-,,.,·,

no/a hartl

Order 6 of the followlng numbers to make a coherent sentence.

Ordene los 6 númems S9Ul$n/es para hacer u,,. frasu coherent,,.

t. patato cilips

2 the saaest

3 why

4 are

5 snack
6 ,

3➔ 4➔ 1➔ 2➔ 5 -+ 6

Why are potato chips the saltiest snack?

¿Por q"6 son las papas fntas saladas?

Is thls quest,on corree! orno!? Why?

¿EsU! pregunta es conoda o na? �Por qui,?

"Did she tell you what time did the last traln leave?"

"¿Le drJO •qué�= de

fd o/ último lrnn1"

lt's incorrect because ln an embedded qucstion alter the Wh word we can't use

another auxlliary before the subject, the second scntcncc has to be affirmative or

E oo on una pregunta ;r,cn,s/ltda despu6s de l
s WICOmleta po,q a palabra V;1, no pode
mo,¡ urdizsr airo au,illlf

a s,,gu/lruJ frase r;,,m, qoo ser afirmat,va o negaWa

ames al tema, l

Order the next words t

o make a meaningful sentence.
� las slg-res palabras para harer (JII
Onl<t B frlilsu con sentido

1. you

2. last

3 ?

5. week

6. dtd

7. where

7 -+ 6 ➔ 1 ➔ 4 ➔ 2 -+ 5 -+ 3

Where did you go last week?

a semana pasada?
¿A dónde fuiste l

Rowrito tho sontence uslng the slmple future tense

VUONa • escntw la frase ,;oo t>I futuro simple

"I a m a teacher''.

o soy unpmle,_.

1 will be a tcachcr.
oy e ser un maeslm

What does this sentence express?

¿Ou� e,proSJJ esta frase?

"1'11 take a seat, look cver there, ther&'s an empty c!,air."

• 'Voy a tonMr IJr1 -lo M,ra hac,a ell,I hay una s•ia vacla •

A decision made at the moment of speaklng.

Una decu;,
ón tomada en el mom&r1to de hablar

Order the following words t

o make a coherent sentence.

Ott/e/lfl las s,gu,,mtes pa/abtas pa

ra formar una frase coherente

1 be

2 wrll

3 Christmas

4. where

5. Eve

6. you . .
.. .
7. on

8 ?

4 ➔ 2➔6➔1 ➔7➔ 3➔ 5➔ 8

Where will you be on Christmas ove ?

¿Dónde vas a estar en /a víspera de Navid1Jd?

Complete the conversation uslng the modal auxlllary would.

Complete kl =...,� utilizando el awdhar modal harta.

You are on a bus. You have a seat but an elderly man 1s standing. You offer him


Us/9d está en ut1 avtob<is. Usted tieoo un as,ento pero 1111 enci8no esM de p,e T<i l r,J(;{Ul /tJ u,e,,to
e of



Man: Oh, that's very klnd of you. Thank �u very much.

Hombn!. Ofl. e$0 es muy 11mable de su parte Muchas Q�.

Would you llke to sil down?

¿Quieres untarte?

1f we are plannlng to buy a new book In preparatlon for an exam, lt Is best to use:

S, estamos penSIJ/ldo 6tl comprar un nuevo libro 6tl pn,pa/"8CIÓII 1111 examen. lo me¡or es

goíng to buy

j,- • oompnlrlo



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