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Des Moines Area Community College

INTASC Standards
Artifact Reflection Form

Teaching Standard/Competency/Outcome Addressed:

InTASC Standard #10: Professional Learning and Collaboration

Course Competency: EDU 218 Demonstrate an understanding of the duties and responsibilities
for teachers both in and out of the classroom.

Essential Learning Outcome: Communication skills

Course: EDU 218 Field Experience and WBL100 Exploring Career

Date of Implementation: December 2022

Title of Artifact: Class newsletter
● How this example is a good example of professional learning and collaboration.
This is a good example of professional learning and collaboration because it
reaches all audiences in the classroom. It collaborates with kids and parents
weekly to make sure they understand what is going on in the classroom. It
demonstrates professional learning by letting teachers develop. It helps them
learn what works in the classroom and what doesn’t. It also helps them learn
the best way to get through to parents.
● How does this assignment show an understanding of duties and responsibilities
of teachers?
This shows an understanding of something that I as a teacher would have to do
every week in school. Making sure that parents and guardians understand what
is happening in the classroom is important and it is one of your duties as a
teacher. Keeping this communication up is important to keeping parents and
students involved in the learning process.
● How does this assignment demonstrate communication skills?
This demonstrates communication skills because it lets parents know what is
happening in the classroom. This lets parents know and be involved in students'
learning, and possibly even build on it in their own time. This also gives parents
the opportunity to reach out to the teacher and ask questions and give feedback
about what happened this week in class.
Explain what you gained from completing this assignment/artifact. How will you use
this information in the future?

Something I gained from the completion of this assignment was learning how to
communicate to parents outside of the classroom. This helped me learn how to clearly
discuss what happened this week and to let parents know of any important dates in the
school. I will use this information in the future to make sure I am clearly communicating
to parents with a newsletter and even without. Keeping up information to parents and
other involved family members with all forms of communication like email, phone calls
and newsletters can highly improve your classroom flow.

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