Listening-Acompañamiento 2 Parcial 10th

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AÑO LECTIVO 2022-2023


Listening Activity
Student’s name: _______________________
Class: Tenth “____”
1.1 Listen to the audio (1). Match the problems on the left with the possible treatment on
the right

1.2 Listen again to the audio and write TRUE or FALSE next to each statement.

1.3 Listen to the audio (2) and match the people with their names.
1.4 Listen to the audio (3) and write the complete questions.

1.5 Listen to the audio (4) and complete the sentences with the missing verbs

1.6 Listen to the audio (5) and fill the chart out with the correct information.

1.7 Listen to someone calling a radio station (6). Thick the things he talks about.
1.8 Listen again and choose the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence.

1.9 Listen to the audio (7) and circle the correct option.

1.10 Listen to the conversations (8) and questions. Check the chores each person does.
1.11 Listen to four short conversations (9). Which animals are the children looking at in
each conversation, choose the correct answer.

1.12 Listen to the audio (10). Complete the chart with Mariana’s daily routine activities

1.13 Listen again to the audio and choose TRUE or FALSE.

1.14 Listen to some teenagers talking on a radio program about their friends. Write the
letters in order you hear them. (11)

1. 15 Listen to a game show called “His job”. A team of three people ask Wayne
questions about his job. Circle the right answers. (12)

Does he work in an office? YES / NO / IT DEPENDS

Does he work in the evening? YES / NO / IT DEPENDS
Does he make things? YES / NO / IT DEPENDS
Does he wear a uniform? YES / NO / IT DEPENDS
Does he drive? YES / NO / IT DEPENDS
Does he have special qualifications? YES / NO / IT DEPENDS
Does he speak foreign languages? YES / NO / IT DEPENDS
Does he earn a lot of money? YES / NO / IT DEPENDS
Does he work with other people? YES / NO / IT DEPENDS

1.16 Listen to the audio (13) about Tanya’s job. Circle the right answers

Does she work outside? YES / NO / IT DEPENDS

Does she work at the weekends? YES / NO / IT DEPENDS
Does she work with computers? YES / NO / IT DEPENDS
Does she wear a uniform? YES / NO / IT DEPENDS
Does she travel? YES / NO / IT DEPENDS
Does she earn a lot of money? YES / NO / IT DEPENDS

1.17 Listen to the audio (14) and answer the questions.

a. What is Johanna’s job? ________________________________________________

b. What is Philip’s job? ___________________________________________________
c. How many children does Philip have? _____________________________________
d. Where is George from? _______________________________________________
e. What is George’s occupation? ___________________________________________
f. Why does George need to use his imagination at work? ________________________
g. Where does Mary Anne work? __________________________________________
h. Does Mary Anne work indoors? _________________________________________
i. Who is Sergeant Brown? ________________________________________________
j. Does Julie recommend her job? ___________________________________________
k. What is Sam’s profession? ____________________________________________
l. Who takes a shower twice a day? _________________________________________
m. Who loves fresh air and the smell of wood? _______________________________
n. Who works in a small town in Wisconsin? _________________________________
1.18 Listen to Keila’s routine (15) and check the activities for each day.

1.19 Listen to the audio (16) and circle the correct name.

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